path: root/src/document/RoseXmlHandler.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/document/RoseXmlHandler.cpp')
1 files changed, 2368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/document/RoseXmlHandler.cpp b/src/document/RoseXmlHandler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..028c89a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/document/RoseXmlHandler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2368 @@
+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
+ Rosegarden
+ A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
+ This program is Copyright 2000-2008
+ Guillaume Laurent <[email protected]>,
+ Chris Cannam <[email protected]>,
+ Richard Bown <[email protected]>
+ The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard
+ Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted.
+ Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please
+ see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
+ COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
+#include "RoseXmlHandler.h"
+#include "sound/Midi.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include "misc/Debug.h"
+#include "misc/Strings.h"
+#include "base/AudioLevel.h"
+#include "base/AudioPluginInstance.h"
+#include "base/BaseProperties.h"
+#include "base/Colour.h"
+#include "base/ColourMap.h"
+#include "base/Composition.h"
+#include "base/ControlParameter.h"
+#include "base/Device.h"
+#include "base/Instrument.h"
+#include "base/Marker.h"
+#include "base/MidiDevice.h"
+#include "base/MidiProgram.h"
+#include "base/MidiTypes.h"
+#include "base/NotationTypes.h"
+#include "base/RealTime.h"
+#include "base/Segment.h"
+#include "base/Studio.h"
+#include "base/Track.h"
+#include "base/TriggerSegment.h"
+#include "gui/application/RosegardenGUIApp.h"
+#include "gui/application/RosegardenApplication.h"
+#include "gui/dialogs/FileLocateDialog.h"
+#include "gui/general/ProgressReporter.h"
+#include "gui/kdeext/KStartupLogo.h"
+#include "gui/studio/AudioPlugin.h"
+#include "gui/studio/AudioPluginManager.h"
+#include "gui/widgets/CurrentProgressDialog.h"
+#include "gui/widgets/ProgressDialog.h"
+#include "RosegardenGUIDoc.h"
+#include "sound/AudioFileManager.h"
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <qcstring.h>
+#include <qdatastream.h>
+#include <qdialog.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include "XmlStorableEvent.h"
+#include "XmlSubHandler.h"
+namespace Rosegarden
+using namespace BaseProperties;
+class ConfigurationXmlSubHandler : public XmlSubHandler
+ ConfigurationXmlSubHandler(const QString &elementName,
+ Rosegarden::Configuration *configuration);
+ virtual bool startElement(const QString& namespaceURI,
+ const QString& localName,
+ const QString& qName,
+ const QXmlAttributes& atts);
+ virtual bool endElement(const QString& namespaceURI,
+ const QString& localName,
+ const QString& qName,
+ bool& finished);
+ virtual bool characters(const QString& ch);
+ //--------------- Data members ---------------------------------
+ Rosegarden::Configuration *m_configuration;
+ QString m_elementName;
+ QString m_propertyName;
+ QString m_propertyType;
+ConfigurationXmlSubHandler::ConfigurationXmlSubHandler(const QString &elementName,
+ Rosegarden::Configuration *configuration)
+ : m_configuration(configuration),
+ m_elementName(elementName)
+bool ConfigurationXmlSubHandler::startElement(const QString&, const QString&,
+ const QString& lcName,
+ const QXmlAttributes& atts)
+ m_propertyName = lcName;
+ m_propertyType = atts.value("type");
+ if (m_propertyName == "property") {
+ // handle alternative encoding for properties with arbitrary names
+ m_propertyName = atts.value("name");
+ QString value = atts.value("value");
+ if (value) {
+ m_propertyType = "String";
+ m_configuration->set<String>(qstrtostr(m_propertyName),
+ qstrtostr(value));
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool ConfigurationXmlSubHandler::characters(const QString& chars)
+ QString ch = chars.stripWhiteSpace();
+ // this method is also called on newlines - skip these cases
+ if (ch.isEmpty()) return true;
+ if (m_propertyType == "Int") {
+ long i = ch.toInt();
+ RG_DEBUG << "\"" << m_propertyName << "\" "
+ << "value = " << i << endl;
+ m_configuration->set<Int>(qstrtostr(m_propertyName), i);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (m_propertyType == "RealTime") {
+ Rosegarden::RealTime rt;
+ int sepIdx = ch.find(',');
+ rt.sec = ch.left(sepIdx).toInt();
+ rt.nsec = ch.mid(sepIdx + 1).toInt();
+ RG_DEBUG << "\"" << m_propertyName << "\" "
+ << "sec = " << rt.sec << ", nsec = " << rt.nsec << endl;
+ m_configuration->set<Rosegarden::RealTimeT>(qstrtostr(m_propertyName), rt);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (m_propertyType == "Bool") {
+ QString chLc = ch.lower();
+ bool b = (chLc == "true" ||
+ chLc == "1" ||
+ chLc == "on");
+ m_configuration->set<Rosegarden::Bool>(qstrtostr(m_propertyName), b);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!m_propertyType ||
+ m_propertyType == "String") {
+ m_configuration->set<Rosegarden::String>(qstrtostr(m_propertyName),
+ qstrtostr(ch));
+ return true;
+ }
+ return true;
+ConfigurationXmlSubHandler::endElement(const QString&,
+ const QString&,
+ const QString& lcName,
+ bool& finished)
+ m_propertyName = "";
+ m_propertyType = "";
+ finished = (lcName == m_elementName);
+ return true;
+RoseXmlHandler::RoseXmlHandler(RosegardenGUIDoc *doc,
+ unsigned int elementCount,
+ bool createNewDevicesWhenNeeded)
+ : ProgressReporter(0),
+ m_doc(doc),
+ m_currentSegment(0),
+ m_currentEvent(0),
+ m_currentTime(0),
+ m_chordDuration(0),
+ m_segmentEndMarkerTime(0),
+ m_inChord(false),
+ m_inGroup(false),
+ m_inComposition(false),
+ m_groupId(0),
+ m_foundTempo(false),
+ m_section(NoSection),
+ m_device(0),
+ m_deviceRunningId(Device::NO_DEVICE),
+ m_msb(0),
+ m_lsb(0),
+ m_instrument(0),
+ m_plugin(0),
+ m_pluginInBuss(false),
+ m_colourMap(0),
+ m_keyMapping(0),
+ m_pluginId(0),
+ m_totalElements(elementCount),
+ m_elementsSoFar(0),
+ m_subHandler(0),
+ m_deprecation(false),
+ m_createDevices(createNewDevicesWhenNeeded),
+ m_haveControls(false),
+ m_cancelled(false),
+ m_skipAllAudio(false),
+ m_hasActiveAudio(false)
+ delete m_subHandler;
+Composition &
+ return m_doc->getComposition();
+Studio &
+ return m_doc->getStudio();
+AudioFileManager &
+ return m_doc->getAudioFileManager();
+AudioPluginManager *
+ return m_doc->getPluginManager();
+ // Clear tracks
+ //
+ getComposition().clearTracks();
+ // And the loop
+ //
+ getComposition().setLoopStart(0);
+ getComposition().setLoopEnd(0);
+ // All plugins
+ //
+ m_doc->clearAllPlugins();
+ // reset state
+ return true;
+RoseXmlHandler::startElement(const QString& namespaceURI,
+ const QString& localName,
+ const QString& qName, const QXmlAttributes& atts)
+ // First check if user pressed cancel button on the progress
+ // dialog
+ //
+ if (isOperationCancelled()) {
+ // Ideally, we'd throw here, but at this point Qt is in the stack
+ // and Qt is very often compiled without exception support.
+ //
+ m_cancelled = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString lcName = qName.lower();
+ if (getSubHandler()) {
+ return getSubHandler()->startElement(namespaceURI, localName, lcName, atts);
+ }
+ if (lcName == "event") {
+ // RG_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::startElement: found event, current time is " << m_currentTime << endl;
+ if (m_currentEvent) {
+ RG_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::startElement: Warning: new event found at time " << m_currentTime << " before previous event has ended; previous event will be lost" << endl;
+ delete m_currentEvent;
+ }
+ m_currentEvent = new XmlStorableEvent(atts, m_currentTime);
+ if (m_currentEvent->has(BEAMED_GROUP_ID)) {
+ // remap -- we want to ensure that the segment's nextId
+ // is always used (and incremented) in preference to the
+ // stored id
+ if (!m_currentSegment) {
+ m_errorString = "Got grouped event outside of a segment";
+ return false;
+ }
+ long storedId = m_currentEvent->get
+ if (m_groupIdMap.find(storedId) == m_groupIdMap.end()) {
+ m_groupIdMap[storedId] = m_currentSegment->getNextId();
+ }
+ m_currentEvent->set
+ <Int>(BEAMED_GROUP_ID, m_groupIdMap[storedId]);
+ } else if (m_inGroup) {
+ m_currentEvent->set
+ <Int>(BEAMED_GROUP_ID, m_groupId);
+ m_currentEvent->set
+ <String>(BEAMED_GROUP_TYPE, m_groupType);
+ if (m_groupType == GROUP_TYPE_TUPLED) {
+ m_currentEvent->set
+ <Int>
+ (BEAMED_GROUP_TUPLET_BASE, m_groupTupletBase);
+ m_currentEvent->set
+ <Int>
+ (BEAMED_GROUP_TUPLED_COUNT, m_groupTupledCount);
+ m_currentEvent->set
+ <Int>
+ (BEAMED_GROUP_UNTUPLED_COUNT, m_groupUntupledCount);
+ }
+ }
+ timeT duration = m_currentEvent->getDuration();
+ if (!m_inChord) {
+ m_currentTime = m_currentEvent->getAbsoluteTime() + duration;
+ // RG_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::startElement: (we're not in a chord) " << endl;
+ } else if (duration != 0) {
+ // set chord duration to the duration of the shortest
+ // element with a non-null duration (if no such elements,
+ // leave it as 0).
+ if (m_chordDuration == 0 || duration < m_chordDuration) {
+ m_chordDuration = duration;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "property") {
+ if (!m_currentEvent) {
+ RG_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::startElement: Warning: Found property outside of event at time " << m_currentTime << ", ignoring" << endl;
+ } else {
+ m_currentEvent->setPropertyFromAttributes(atts, true);
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "nproperty") {
+ if (!m_currentEvent) {
+ RG_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::startElement: Warning: Found nproperty outside of event at time " << m_currentTime << ", ignoring" << endl;
+ } else {
+ m_currentEvent->setPropertyFromAttributes(atts, false);
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "chord") {
+ m_inChord = true;
+ } else if (lcName == "group") {
+ if (!m_currentSegment) {
+ m_errorString = "Got group outside of a segment";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!m_deprecation)
+ std::cerr << "WARNING: This Rosegarden file uses the deprecated element \"group\". We recommend re-saving the file from this version of Rosegarden to assure your ability to re-load it in future versions" << std::endl;
+ m_deprecation = true;
+ m_inGroup = true;
+ m_groupId = m_currentSegment->getNextId();
+ m_groupType = qstrtostr(atts.value("type"));
+ if (m_groupType == GROUP_TYPE_TUPLED) {
+ m_groupTupletBase = atts.value("base").toInt();
+ m_groupTupledCount = atts.value("tupled").toInt();
+ m_groupUntupledCount = atts.value("untupled").toInt();
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "rosegarden-data") {
+ // FILE FORMAT VERSIONING -- see comments in
+ // rosegardenguidoc.cpp. We only care about major and minor
+ // here, not point.
+ QString version = atts.value("version");
+ QString smajor = atts.value("format-version-major");
+ QString sminor = atts.value("format-version-minor");
+// std::cerr << "\n\n\nRosegarden file version = \"" << version << "\"\n\n\n" << std::endl;
+ if (smajor) {
+ int major = smajor.toInt();
+ int minor = sminor.toInt();
+ if (major > RosegardenGUIDoc::FILE_FORMAT_VERSION_MAJOR) {
+ m_errorString = i18n("This file was written by Rosegarden %1, and it uses\na different file format that cannot be read by this version.").arg(version);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (major == RosegardenGUIDoc::FILE_FORMAT_VERSION_MAJOR &&
+ minor > RosegardenGUIDoc::FILE_FORMAT_VERSION_MINOR) {
+ CurrentProgressDialog::freeze();
+ KStartupLogo::hideIfStillThere();
+ KMessageBox::information(0, i18n("This file was written by Rosegarden %1, which is more recent than this version.\nThere may be some incompatibilities with the file format.").arg(version));
+ CurrentProgressDialog::thaw();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "studio") {
+ if (m_section != NoSection) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Studio in another section";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // In the Studio we clear down everything apart from Devices and
+ // Instruments before we reload. Instruments are derived from
+ // the Sequencer, the bank/program information is loaded from
+ // the file we're currently examining.
+ //
+ getStudio().clearMidiBanksAndPrograms();
+ getStudio().clearBusses();
+ getStudio().clearRecordIns();
+ m_section = InStudio; // set top level section
+ // Get and set MIDI filters
+ //
+ QString thruStr = atts.value("thrufilter");
+ if (thruStr)
+ getStudio().setMIDIThruFilter(thruStr.toInt());
+ QString recordStr = atts.value("recordfilter");
+ if (recordStr)
+ getStudio().setMIDIRecordFilter(recordStr.toInt());
+ QString inputStr = atts.value("audioinputpairs");
+ if (inputStr) {
+ int inputs = inputStr.toInt();
+ if (inputs < 1)
+ inputs = 1; // we simply don't permit no inputs
+ while (int(getStudio().getRecordIns().size()) < inputs) {
+ getStudio().addRecordIn(new RecordIn());
+ }
+ }
+ QString mixerStr = atts.value("mixerdisplayoptions");
+ if (mixerStr) {
+ unsigned int mixer = mixerStr.toUInt();
+ getStudio().setMixerDisplayOptions(mixer);
+ }
+ QString metronomeStr = atts.value("metronomedevice");
+ if (metronomeStr) {
+ DeviceId metronome = metronomeStr.toUInt();
+ getStudio().setMetronomeDevice(metronome);
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "timesignature") {
+ if (m_inComposition == false) {
+ m_errorString = "TimeSignature object found outside Composition";
+ return false;
+ }
+ timeT t = 0;
+ QString timeStr = atts.value("time");
+ if (timeStr)
+ t = timeStr.toInt();
+ int num = 4;
+ QString numStr = atts.value("numerator");
+ if (numStr)
+ num = numStr.toInt();
+ int denom = 4;
+ QString denomStr = atts.value("denominator");
+ if (denomStr)
+ denom = denomStr.toInt();
+ bool common = false;
+ QString commonStr = atts.value("common");
+ if (commonStr)
+ common = (commonStr == "true");
+ bool hidden = false;
+ QString hiddenStr = atts.value("hidden");
+ if (hiddenStr)
+ hidden = (hiddenStr == "true");
+ bool hiddenBars = false;
+ QString hiddenBarsStr = atts.value("hiddenbars");
+ if (hiddenBarsStr)
+ hiddenBars = (hiddenBarsStr == "true");
+ getComposition().addTimeSignature
+ (t, TimeSignature(num, denom, common, hidden, hiddenBars));
+ } else if (lcName == "tempo") {
+ timeT t = 0;
+ QString timeStr = atts.value("time");
+ if (timeStr)
+ t = timeStr.toInt();
+ tempoT tempo = Composition::getTempoForQpm(120.0);
+ QString tempoStr = atts.value("tempo");
+ QString targetStr = atts.value("target");
+ QString bphStr = atts.value("bph");
+ if (tempoStr) {
+ tempo = tempoStr.toInt();
+ } else if (bphStr) {
+ tempo = Composition::getTempoForQpm
+ (double(bphStr.toInt()) / 60.0);
+ }
+ if (targetStr) {
+ getComposition().addTempoAtTime(t, tempo, targetStr.toInt());
+ } else {
+ getComposition().addTempoAtTime(t, tempo);
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "composition") {
+ if (m_section != NoSection) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Composition in another section";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // set Segment
+ m_section = InComposition;
+ // Get and set the record track
+ //
+ QString recordStr = atts.value("recordtrack");
+ if (recordStr) {
+ getComposition().setTrackRecording(recordStr.toInt(), true);
+ }
+ QString recordPlStr = atts.value("recordtracks");
+ if (recordPlStr) {
+ RG_DEBUG << "Record tracks: " << recordPlStr << endl;
+ QStringList recordList = QStringList::split(',', recordPlStr);
+ for (QStringList::iterator i = recordList.begin();
+ i != recordList.end(); ++i) {
+ RG_DEBUG << "Record track: " << (*i).toInt() << endl;
+ getComposition().setTrackRecording((*i).toInt(), true);
+ }
+ }
+ // Get and set the position pointer
+ //
+ int position = 0;
+ QString positionStr = atts.value("pointer");
+ if (positionStr) {
+ position = positionStr.toInt();
+ }
+ getComposition().setPosition(position);
+ // Get and (eventually) set the default tempo.
+ // We prefer the new compositionDefaultTempo over the
+ // older defaultTempo.
+ //
+ QString tempoStr = atts.value("compositionDefaultTempo");
+ if (tempoStr) {
+ tempoT tempo = tempoT(tempoStr.toInt());
+ getComposition().setCompositionDefaultTempo(tempo);
+ } else {
+ tempoStr = atts.value("defaultTempo");
+ if (tempoStr) {
+ double tempo = qstrtodouble(tempoStr);
+ getComposition().setCompositionDefaultTempo
+ (Composition::getTempoForQpm(tempo));
+ }
+ }
+ // set the composition flag
+ m_inComposition = true;
+ // Set the loop
+ //
+ QString loopStartStr = atts.value("loopstart");
+ QString loopEndStr = atts.value("loopend");
+ if (loopStartStr && loopEndStr) {
+ int loopStart = loopStartStr.toInt();
+ int loopEnd = loopEndStr.toInt();
+ getComposition().setLoopStart(loopStart);
+ getComposition().setLoopEnd(loopEnd);
+ }
+ QString selectedTrackStr = atts.value("selected");
+ if (selectedTrackStr) {
+ TrackId selectedTrack =
+ (TrackId)selectedTrackStr.toInt();
+ getComposition().setSelectedTrack(selectedTrack);
+ }
+ QString soloTrackStr = atts.value("solo");
+ if (soloTrackStr) {
+ if (soloTrackStr.toInt() == 1)
+ getComposition().setSolo(true);
+ else
+ getComposition().setSolo(false);
+ }
+ QString playMetStr = atts.value("playmetronome");
+ if (playMetStr) {
+ if (playMetStr.toInt())
+ getComposition().setPlayMetronome(true);
+ else
+ getComposition().setPlayMetronome(false);
+ }
+ QString recMetStr = atts.value("recordmetronome");
+ if (recMetStr) {
+ if (recMetStr.toInt())
+ getComposition().setRecordMetronome(true);
+ else
+ getComposition().setRecordMetronome(false);
+ }
+ QString nextTriggerIdStr = atts.value("nexttriggerid");
+ if (nextTriggerIdStr) {
+ getComposition().setNextTriggerSegmentId(nextTriggerIdStr.toInt());
+ }
+ QString copyrightStr = atts.value("copyright");
+ if (copyrightStr) {
+ getComposition().setCopyrightNote(qstrtostr(copyrightStr));
+ }
+ QString startMarkerStr = atts.value("startMarker");
+ QString endMarkerStr = atts.value("endMarker");
+ if (startMarkerStr) {
+ getComposition().setStartMarker(startMarkerStr.toInt());
+ }
+ if (endMarkerStr) {
+ getComposition().setEndMarker(endMarkerStr.toInt());
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "track") {
+ if (m_section != InComposition) {
+ m_errorString = "Track object found outside Composition";
+ return false;
+ }
+ int id = -1;
+ int position = -1;
+ int instrument = -1;
+ std::string label;
+ bool muted = false;
+ QString trackNbStr = atts.value("id");
+ if (trackNbStr) {
+ id = trackNbStr.toInt();
+ }
+ QString labelStr = atts.value("label");
+ if (labelStr) {
+ label = qstrtostr(labelStr);
+ }
+ QString mutedStr = atts.value("muted");
+ if (mutedStr) {
+ if (mutedStr == "true")
+ muted = true;
+ else
+ muted = false;
+ }
+ QString positionStr = atts.value("position");
+ if (positionStr) {
+ position = positionStr.toInt();
+ }
+ QString instrumentStr = atts.value("instrument");
+ if (instrumentStr) {
+ instrument = instrumentStr.toInt();
+ }
+ Track *track = new Track(id,
+ instrument,
+ position,
+ label,
+ muted);
+ // track properties affecting newly created segments are initialized
+ // to default values in the ctor, so they don't need to be initialized
+ // here
+ QString presetLabelStr = atts.value("defaultLabel");
+ if (labelStr) {
+ track->setPresetLabel(presetLabelStr);
+ }
+ QString clefStr = atts.value("defaultClef");
+ if (clefStr) {
+ track->setClef(clefStr.toInt());
+ }
+ QString transposeStr = atts.value("defaultTranspose");
+ if (transposeStr) {
+ track->setTranspose(transposeStr.toInt());
+ }
+ QString colorStr = atts.value("defaultColour");
+ if (colorStr) {
+ track->setColor(colorStr.toInt());
+ }
+ QString highplayStr = atts.value("defaultHighestPlayable");
+ if (highplayStr) {
+ track->setHighestPlayable(highplayStr.toInt());
+ }
+ QString lowplayStr = atts.value("defaultLowestPlayable");
+ if (lowplayStr) {
+ track->setLowestPlayable(lowplayStr.toInt());
+ }
+ QString staffSizeStr = atts.value("staffSize");
+ if (staffSizeStr) {
+ track->setStaffSize(staffSizeStr.toInt());
+ }
+ QString staffBracketStr = atts.value("staffBracket");
+ if (staffBracketStr) {
+ track->setStaffBracket(staffBracketStr.toInt());
+ }
+ getComposition().addTrack(track);
+ } else if (lcName == "segment") {
+ if (m_section != NoSection) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Segment in another section";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // set Segment
+ m_section = InSegment;
+ int track = -1, startTime = 0;
+ unsigned int colourindex = 0;
+ QString trackNbStr = atts.value("track");
+ if (trackNbStr) {
+ track = trackNbStr.toInt();
+ }
+ QString startIdxStr = atts.value("start");
+ if (startIdxStr) {
+ startTime = startIdxStr.toInt();
+ }
+ QString segmentType = (atts.value("type")).lower();
+ if (segmentType) {
+ if (segmentType == "audio") {
+ int audioFileId = atts.value("file").toInt();
+ // check this file id exists on the AudioFileManager
+ if (getAudioFileManager().fileExists(audioFileId) == false) {
+ // We don't report an error as this audio file might've
+ // been excluded deliberately as we could't actually
+ // find the audio file itself.
+ //
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Create an Audio segment and add its reference
+ //
+ m_currentSegment = new Segment(Segment::Audio);
+ m_currentSegment->setAudioFileId(audioFileId);
+ m_currentSegment->setStartTime(startTime);
+ } else {
+ // Create a (normal) internal Segment
+ m_currentSegment = new Segment(Segment::Internal);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // for the moment we default
+ m_currentSegment = new Segment(Segment::Internal);
+ }
+ QString repeatStr = atts.value("repeat");
+ if (repeatStr.lower() == "true") {
+ m_currentSegment->setRepeating(true);
+ }
+ QString delayStr = atts.value("delay");
+ if (delayStr) {
+ RG_DEBUG << "Delay string is \"" << delayStr << "\"" << endl;
+ long delay = delayStr.toLong();
+ RG_DEBUG << "Delay is " << delay << endl;
+ m_currentSegment->setDelay(delay);
+ }
+ QString rtDelaynSec = atts.value("rtdelaynsec");
+ QString rtDelayuSec = atts.value("rtdelayusec");
+ QString rtDelaySec = atts.value("rtdelaysec");
+ if (rtDelaySec && (rtDelaynSec || rtDelayuSec)) {
+ if (rtDelaynSec) {
+ m_currentSegment->setRealTimeDelay
+ (RealTime(rtDelaySec.toInt(),
+ rtDelaynSec.toInt()));
+ } else {
+ m_currentSegment->setRealTimeDelay
+ (RealTime(rtDelaySec.toInt(),
+ rtDelayuSec.toInt() * 1000));
+ }
+ }
+ QString transposeStr = atts.value("transpose");
+ if (transposeStr)
+ m_currentSegment->setTranspose(transposeStr.toInt());
+ // fill in the label
+ QString labelStr = atts.value("label");
+ if (labelStr)
+ m_currentSegment->setLabel(qstrtostr(labelStr));
+ m_currentSegment->setTrack(track);
+ //m_currentSegment->setStartTime(startTime);
+ QString colourIndStr = atts.value("colourindex");
+ if (colourIndStr) {
+ colourindex = colourIndStr.toInt();
+ }
+ m_currentSegment->setColourIndex(colourindex);
+ QString snapGridSizeStr = atts.value("snapgridsize");
+ if (snapGridSizeStr) {
+ m_currentSegment->setSnapGridSize(snapGridSizeStr.toInt());
+ }
+ QString viewFeaturesStr = atts.value("viewfeatures");
+ if (viewFeaturesStr) {
+ m_currentSegment->setViewFeatures(viewFeaturesStr.toInt());
+ }
+ m_currentTime = startTime;
+ QString triggerIdStr = atts.value("triggerid");
+ QString triggerPitchStr = atts.value("triggerbasepitch");
+ QString triggerVelocityStr = atts.value("triggerbasevelocity");
+ QString triggerRetuneStr = atts.value("triggerretune");
+ QString triggerAdjustTimeStr = atts.value("triggeradjusttimes");
+ if (triggerIdStr) {
+ int pitch = -1;
+ if (triggerPitchStr)
+ pitch = triggerPitchStr.toInt();
+ int velocity = -1;
+ if (triggerVelocityStr)
+ velocity = triggerVelocityStr.toInt();
+ TriggerSegmentRec *rec =
+ getComposition().addTriggerSegment(m_currentSegment,
+ triggerIdStr.toInt(),
+ pitch, velocity);
+ if (rec) {
+ if (triggerRetuneStr)
+ rec->setDefaultRetune(triggerRetuneStr.lower() == "true");
+ if (triggerAdjustTimeStr)
+ rec->setDefaultTimeAdjust(qstrtostr(triggerAdjustTimeStr));
+ }
+ m_currentSegment->setStartTimeDataMember(startTime);
+ } else {
+ getComposition().addSegment(m_currentSegment);
+ getComposition().setSegmentStartTime(m_currentSegment, startTime);
+ }
+ QString endMarkerStr = atts.value("endmarker");
+ if (endMarkerStr) {
+ delete m_segmentEndMarkerTime;
+ m_segmentEndMarkerTime = new timeT(endMarkerStr.toInt());
+ }
+ m_groupIdMap.clear();
+ } else if (lcName == "gui") {
+ if (m_section != InSegment) {
+ m_errorString = "Found GUI element outside Segment";
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "controller") {
+ if (m_section != InSegment) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Controller element outside Segment";
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString type = atts.value("type");
+ //RG_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::startElement - controller type = " << type << endl;
+ if (type == strtoqstr(PitchBend::EventType))
+ m_currentSegment->addEventRuler(PitchBend::EventType);
+ else if (type == strtoqstr(Controller::EventType)) {
+ QString value = atts.value("value");
+ if (value != "")
+ m_currentSegment->addEventRuler(Controller::EventType, value.toInt());
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "resync") {
+ if (!m_deprecation)
+ std::cerr << "WARNING: This Rosegarden file uses the deprecated element \"resync\". We recommend re-saving the file from this version of Rosegarden to assure your ability to re-load it in future versions" << std::endl;
+ m_deprecation = true;
+ QString time(atts.value("time"));
+ bool isNumeric;
+ int numTime = time.toInt(&isNumeric);
+ if (isNumeric)
+ m_currentTime = numTime;
+ } else if (lcName == "audio") {
+ if (m_section != InAudioFiles) {
+ m_errorString = "Audio object found outside Audio section";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (m_skipAllAudio) {
+ std::cout << "SKIPPING audio file" << std::endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ QString id(atts.value("id"));
+ QString file(atts.value("file"));
+ QString label(atts.value("label"));
+ if (id.isEmpty() || file.isEmpty() || label.isEmpty()) {
+ m_errorString = "Audio object has empty parameters";
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_hasActiveAudio = true;
+ // attempt to insert file into AudioFileManager
+ // (this checks the integrity of the file at the
+ // same time)
+ //
+ if (getAudioFileManager().insertFile(qstrtostr(label),
+ qstrtostr(file),
+ id.toInt()) == false) {
+ // Ok, now attempt to use the KFileDialog saved default
+ // value for the AudioPath.
+ //
+ QString thing;
+ KURL url = KFileDialog::getStartURL(QString(":WAVS"), thing);
+ getAudioFileManager().setAudioPath(url.path().latin1());
+ /*
+ << url.path() << endl;
+ */
+ if (getAudioFileManager().
+ insertFile(qstrtostr(label),
+ qstrtostr(file), id.toInt()) == false) {
+ // Freeze the progress dialog
+ CurrentProgressDialog::freeze();
+ // Hide splash screen if present on startup
+ KStartupLogo::hideIfStillThere();
+ // Create a locate file dialog - give it the file name
+ // and the AudioFileManager path that we've already
+ // tried. If we manually locate the file then we reset
+ // the audiofilepath to the new value and see if this
+ // helps us locate the rest of the files.
+ //
+ QString newFilename = "";
+ QString newPath = "";
+ do {
+ FileLocateDialog fL((RosegardenGUIApp *)m_doc->parent(),
+ file,
+ QString(getAudioFileManager().getAudioPath().c_str()));
+ int result = fL.exec();
+ if (result == QDialog::Accepted) {
+ newFilename = fL.getFilename();
+ newPath = fL.getDirectory();
+ } else if (result == QDialog::Rejected) {
+ // just skip the file
+ break;
+ } else {
+ // don't process any more audio files
+ m_skipAllAudio = true;
+ CurrentProgressDialog::thaw();
+ return true;
+ }
+ } while (getAudioFileManager().insertFile(qstrtostr(label),
+ qstrtostr(newFilename),
+ id.toInt()) == false);
+ if (newPath != "") {
+ getAudioFileManager().setAudioPath(qstrtostr(newPath));
+ // Set a document post-modify flag
+ //m_doc->setModified(true);
+ }
+ getAudioFileManager().print();
+ // Restore progress dialog's normal state
+ CurrentProgressDialog::thaw();
+ } else {
+ // AudioPath is modified so set a document post modify flag
+ //
+ //m_doc->setModified(true);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "audiopath") {
+ if (m_section != InAudioFiles) {
+ m_errorString = "Audiopath object found outside AudioFiles section";
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString search(atts.value("value"));
+ if (search.isEmpty()) {
+ m_errorString = "Audiopath has no value";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!search.startsWith("/") && !search.startsWith("~")) {
+ QString docPath = m_doc->getAbsFilePath();
+ QString dirPath = QFileInfo(docPath).dirPath();
+ if (QFileInfo(dirPath).exists()) {
+ search = dirPath + "/" + search;
+ }
+ }
+ getAudioFileManager().setAudioPath(qstrtostr(search));
+ } else if (lcName == "begin") {
+ double marker = qstrtodouble(atts.value("index"));
+ if (!m_currentSegment) {
+ // Don't fail - as this segment could be defunct if we
+ // skipped loading the audio file
+ //
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (m_currentSegment->getType() != Segment::Audio) {
+ m_errorString = "Found audio begin index in non audio segment";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // convert to RealTime from float
+ int sec = (int)marker;
+ int usec = (int)((marker - ((double)sec)) * 1000000.0);
+ m_currentSegment->setAudioStartTime(RealTime(sec, usec * 1000));
+ } else if (lcName == "end") {
+ double marker = qstrtodouble(atts.value("index"));
+ if (!m_currentSegment) {
+ // Don't fail - as this segment could be defunct if we
+ // skipped loading the audio file
+ //
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (m_currentSegment->getType() != Segment::Audio) {
+ m_errorString = "found audio end index in non audio segment";
+ return false;
+ }
+ int sec = (int)marker;
+ int usec = (int)((marker - ((double)sec)) * 1000000.0);
+ RealTime markerTime(sec, usec * 1000);
+ if (markerTime < m_currentSegment->getAudioStartTime()) {
+ m_errorString = "Audio end index before audio start marker";
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_currentSegment->setAudioEndTime(markerTime);
+ // Ensure we set end time according to correct RealTime end of Segment
+ //
+ RealTime realEndTime = getComposition().
+ getElapsedRealTime(m_currentSegment->getStartTime()) +
+ m_currentSegment->getAudioEndTime() -
+ m_currentSegment->getAudioStartTime();
+ timeT absEnd = getComposition().getElapsedTimeForRealTime(realEndTime);
+ m_currentSegment->setEndTime(absEnd);
+ } else if (lcName == "fadein") {
+ if (!m_currentSegment) {
+ // Don't fail - as this segment could be defunct if we
+ // skipped loading the audio file
+ //
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (m_currentSegment->getType() != Segment::Audio) {
+ m_errorString = "found fade in time in non audio segment";
+ return false;
+ }
+ double marker = qstrtodouble(atts.value("time"));
+ int sec = (int)marker;
+ int usec = (int)((marker - ((double)sec)) * 1000000.0);
+ RealTime markerTime(sec, usec * 1000);
+ m_currentSegment->setFadeInTime(markerTime);
+ m_currentSegment->setAutoFade(true);
+ } else if (lcName == "fadeout") {
+ if (!m_currentSegment) {
+ // Don't fail - as this segment could be defunct if we
+ // skipped loading the audio file
+ //
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (m_currentSegment->getType() != Segment::Audio) {
+ m_errorString = "found fade out time in non audio segment";
+ return false;
+ }
+ double marker = qstrtodouble(atts.value("time"));
+ int sec = (int)marker;
+ int usec = (int)((marker - ((double)sec)) * 1000000.0);
+ RealTime markerTime(sec, usec * 1000);
+ m_currentSegment->setFadeOutTime(markerTime);
+ m_currentSegment->setAutoFade(true);
+ } else if (lcName == "device") {
+ if (m_section != InStudio) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Device outside Studio";
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_haveControls = false;
+ QString type = (atts.value("type")).lower();
+ QString idString = atts.value("id");
+ QString nameStr = atts.value("name");
+ if (idString.isNull()) {
+ m_errorString = "No ID on Device tag";
+ return false;
+ }
+ int id = idString.toInt();
+ if (type == "midi") {
+ QString direction = atts.value("direction").lower();
+ if (direction.isNull() ||
+ direction == "" ||
+ direction == "play") { // ignore inputs
+ // This will leave m_device set only if there is a
+ // valid play midi device to modify:
+ skipToNextPlayDevice();
+ if (m_device) {
+ if (nameStr && nameStr != "") {
+ m_device->setName(qstrtostr(nameStr));
+ }
+ } else if (nameStr && nameStr != "") {
+ addMIDIDevice(nameStr, m_createDevices); // also sets m_device
+ }
+ }
+ QString connection = atts.value("connection");
+ if (m_createDevices && m_device &&
+ !connection.isNull() && connection != "") {
+ setMIDIDeviceConnection(connection);
+ }
+ setMIDIDeviceName(nameStr);
+ QString vstr = atts.value("variation").lower();
+ MidiDevice::VariationType variation =
+ MidiDevice::NoVariations;
+ if (!vstr.isNull()) {
+ if (vstr == "lsb") {
+ variation = MidiDevice::VariationFromLSB;
+ } else if (vstr == "msb") {
+ variation = MidiDevice::VariationFromMSB;
+ } else if (vstr == "") {
+ variation = MidiDevice::NoVariations;
+ }
+ }
+ MidiDevice *md = dynamic_cast<MidiDevice *>
+ (m_device);
+ if (md) {
+ md->setVariationType(variation);
+ }
+ } else if (type == "softsynth") {
+ m_device = getStudio().getDevice(id);
+ if (m_device && m_device->getType() == Device::SoftSynth)
+ m_device->setName(qstrtostr(nameStr));
+ } else if (type == "audio") {
+ m_device = getStudio().getDevice(id);
+ if (m_device && m_device->getType() == Device::Audio)
+ m_device->setName(qstrtostr(nameStr));
+ } else {
+ m_errorString = "Found unknown Device type";
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "librarian") {
+ // The contact details for the maintainer of the banks/programs
+ // information.
+ //
+ if (m_device && m_device->getType() == Device::Midi) {
+ QString name = atts.value("name");
+ QString email = atts.value("email");
+ dynamic_cast<MidiDevice*>(m_device)->
+ setLibrarian(qstrtostr(name), qstrtostr(email));
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "bank") {
+ if (m_device) // only if we have a device
+ {
+ if (m_section != InStudio && m_section != InInstrument)
+ {
+ m_errorString = "Found Bank outside Studio or Instrument";
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString nameStr = atts.value("name");
+ m_percussion = (atts.value("percussion").lower() == "true");
+ m_msb = (atts.value("msb")).toInt();
+ m_lsb = (atts.value("lsb")).toInt();
+ // To actually create a bank
+ //
+ if (m_section == InStudio)
+ {
+ // Create a new bank
+ MidiBank bank(m_percussion,
+ m_msb,
+ m_lsb,
+ qstrtostr(nameStr));
+ if (m_device->getType() == Device::Midi) {
+ // Insert the bank
+ //
+ dynamic_cast<MidiDevice*>(m_device)->addBank(bank);
+ }
+ } else // otherwise we're referencing it in an instrument
+ if (m_section == InInstrument)
+ {
+ if (m_instrument) {
+ m_instrument->setPercussion(m_percussion);
+ m_instrument->setMSB(m_msb);
+ m_instrument->setLSB(m_lsb);
+ m_instrument->setSendBankSelect(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "program") {
+ if (m_device) // only if we have a device
+ {
+ if (m_section == InStudio)
+ {
+ QString nameStr = (atts.value("name"));
+ MidiByte pc = atts.value("id").toInt();
+ QString keyMappingStr = (atts.value("keymapping"));
+ // Create a new program
+ MidiProgram program
+ (MidiBank(m_percussion,
+ m_msb,
+ m_lsb),
+ pc,
+ qstrtostr(nameStr),
+ keyMappingStr ? qstrtostr(keyMappingStr) : "");
+ if (m_device->getType() == Device::Midi) {
+ // Insert the program
+ //
+ dynamic_cast<MidiDevice*>(m_device)->
+ addProgram(program);
+ }
+ } else if (m_section == InInstrument)
+ {
+ if (m_instrument) {
+ MidiByte id = atts.value("id").toInt();
+ m_instrument->setProgramChange(id);
+ m_instrument->setSendProgramChange(true);
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ m_errorString = "Found Program outside Studio and Instrument";
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "keymapping") {
+ if (m_section == InInstrument) {
+ RG_DEBUG << "Old-style keymapping in instrument found, ignoring" << endl;
+ } else {
+ if (m_section != InStudio) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Keymapping outside Studio";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (m_device && (m_device->getType() == Device::Midi)) {
+ QString name = atts.value("name");
+ m_keyMapping = new MidiKeyMapping(qstrtostr(name));
+ m_keyNameMap.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "key") {
+ if (m_keyMapping) {
+ QString numStr = atts.value("number");
+ QString namStr = atts.value("name");
+ if (numStr && namStr) {
+ m_keyNameMap[numStr.toInt()] = qstrtostr(namStr);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "controls") {
+ // Only clear down the controllers list if we have found some controllers in the RG file
+ //
+ if (m_device) {
+ dynamic_cast<MidiDevice*>(m_device)->clearControlList();
+ }
+ m_haveControls = true;
+ } else if (lcName == "control") {
+ if (m_section != InStudio) {
+ m_errorString = "Found ControlParameter outside Studio";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!m_device) {
+ //!!! ach no, we can't give this warning -- we might be in a <device> elt
+ // but have no sequencer support, for example. we need a separate m_inDevice
+ // flag
+ // m_deprecation = true;
+ // std::cerr << "WARNING: This Rosegarden file uses a deprecated control parameter structure. We recommend re-saving the file from this version of Rosegarden to assure your ability to re-load it in future versions" << std::endl;
+ } else if (m_device->getType() == Device::Midi) {
+ if (!m_haveControls) {
+ m_errorString = "Found ControlParameter outside Controls block";
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString name = atts.value("name");
+ QString type = atts.value("type");
+ QString descr = atts.value("description");
+ QString min = atts.value("min");
+ QString max = atts.value("max");
+ QString def = atts.value("default");
+ QString conVal = atts.value("controllervalue");
+ QString colour = atts.value("colourindex");
+ QString ipbPosition = atts.value("ipbposition");
+ ControlParameter con(qstrtostr(name),
+ qstrtostr(type),
+ qstrtostr(descr),
+ min.toInt(),
+ max.toInt(),
+ def.toInt(),
+ MidiByte(conVal.toInt()),
+ colour.toInt(),
+ ipbPosition.toInt());
+ dynamic_cast<MidiDevice*>(m_device)->
+ addControlParameter(con);
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "reverb") { // deprecated but we still read 'em
+ if (!m_deprecation)
+ std::cerr << "WARNING: This Rosegarden file uses the deprecated element \"reverb\" (now replaced by a control parameter). We recommend re-saving the file from this version of Rosegarden to assure your ability to re-load it in future versions" << std::endl;
+ m_deprecation = true;
+ if (m_section != InInstrument) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Reverb outside Instrument";
+ return false;
+ }
+ MidiByte value = atts.value("value").toInt();
+ if (m_instrument)
+ m_instrument->setControllerValue(MIDI_CONTROLLER_REVERB, value);
+ } else if (lcName == "chorus") { // deprecated but we still read 'em
+ if (!m_deprecation)
+ std::cerr << "WARNING: This Rosegarden file uses the deprecated element \"chorus\" (now replaced by a control parameter). We recommend re-saving the file from this version of Rosegarden to assure your ability to re-load it in future versions" << std::endl;
+ m_deprecation = true;
+ if (m_section != InInstrument) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Chorus outside Instrument";
+ return false;
+ }
+ MidiByte value = atts.value("value").toInt();
+ if (m_instrument)
+ m_instrument->setControllerValue(MIDI_CONTROLLER_CHORUS, value);
+ } else if (lcName == "filter") { // deprecated but we still read 'em
+ if (!m_deprecation)
+ std::cerr << "WARNING: This Rosegarden file uses the deprecated element \"filter\" (now replaced by a control parameter). We recommend re-saving the file from this version of Rosegarden to assure your ability to re-load it in future versions" << std::endl;
+ m_deprecation = true;
+ if (m_section != InInstrument) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Filter outside Instrument";
+ return false;
+ }
+ MidiByte value = atts.value("value").toInt();
+ if (m_instrument)
+ m_instrument->setControllerValue(MIDI_CONTROLLER_FILTER, value);
+ } else if (lcName == "resonance") { // deprecated but we still read 'em
+ if (!m_deprecation)
+ std::cerr << "WARNING: This Rosegarden file uses the deprecated element \"resonance\" (now replaced by a control parameter). We recommend re-saving the file from this version of Rosegarden to assure your ability to re-load it in future versions" << std::endl;
+ m_deprecation = true;
+ if (m_section != InInstrument) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Resonance outside Instrument";
+ return false;
+ }
+ MidiByte value = atts.value("value").toInt();
+ if (m_instrument)
+ m_instrument->setControllerValue(MIDI_CONTROLLER_RESONANCE, value);
+ } else if (lcName == "attack") { // deprecated but we still read 'em
+ if (!m_deprecation)
+ std::cerr << "WARNING: This Rosegarden file uses the deprecated element \"attack\" (now replaced by a control parameter). We recommend re-saving the file from this version of Rosegarden to assure your ability to re-load it in future versions" << std::endl;
+ m_deprecation = true;
+ if (m_section != InInstrument) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Attack outside Instrument";
+ return false;
+ }
+ MidiByte value = atts.value("value").toInt();
+ if (m_instrument)
+ m_instrument->setControllerValue(MIDI_CONTROLLER_ATTACK, value);
+ } else if (lcName == "release") { // deprecated but we still read 'em
+ if (!m_deprecation)
+ std::cerr << "WARNING: This Rosegarden file uses the deprecated element \"release\" (now replaced by a control parameter). We recommend re-saving the file from this version of Rosegarden to assure your ability to re-load it in future versions" << std::endl;
+ m_deprecation = true;
+ if (m_section != InInstrument) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Release outside Instrument";
+ return false;
+ }
+ MidiByte value = atts.value("value").toInt();
+ if (m_instrument)
+ m_instrument->setControllerValue(MIDI_CONTROLLER_RELEASE, value);
+ } else if (lcName == "pan") {
+ if (m_section != InInstrument && m_section != InBuss) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Pan outside Instrument or Buss";
+ return false;
+ }
+ MidiByte value = atts.value("value").toInt();
+ if (m_section == InInstrument) {
+ if (m_instrument) {
+ m_instrument->setPan(value);
+ m_instrument->setSendPan(true);
+ }
+ } else if (m_section == InBuss) {
+ if (m_buss) {
+ m_buss->setPan(value);
+ }
+ }
+ // keep "velocity" so we're backwards compatible
+ } else if (lcName == "velocity" || lcName == "volume") {
+ if (lcName == "velocity") {
+ if (!m_deprecation)
+ std::cerr << "WARNING: This Rosegarden file uses the deprecated element \"velocity\" for an overall MIDI instrument level (now replaced by \"volume\"). We recommend re-saving the file from this version of Rosegarden to assure your ability to re-load it in future versions" << std::endl;
+ m_deprecation = true;
+ }
+ if (m_section != InInstrument) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Volume outside Instrument";
+ return false;
+ }
+ MidiByte value = atts.value("value").toInt();
+ if (m_instrument) {
+ if (m_instrument->getType() == Instrument::Audio ||
+ m_instrument->getType() == Instrument::SoftSynth) {
+ // Backward compatibility: "volume" was in a 0-127
+ // range and we now store "level" (float dB) instead.
+ // Note that we have no such compatibility for
+ // "recordLevel", whose range has changed silently.
+ if (!m_deprecation)
+ std::cerr << "WARNING: This Rosegarden file uses the deprecated element \"volume\" for an audio instrument (now replaced by \"level\"). We recommend re-saving the file from this version of Rosegarden to assure your ability to re-load it in future versions" << std::endl;
+ m_deprecation = true;
+ m_instrument->setLevel
+ (AudioLevel::multiplier_to_dB(float(value) / 100.0));
+ } else {
+ m_instrument->setVolume(value);
+ m_instrument->setSendVolume(true);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "level") {
+ if (m_section != InBuss &&
+ (m_section != InInstrument ||
+ (m_instrument &&
+ m_instrument->getType() != Instrument::Audio &&
+ m_instrument->getType() != Instrument::SoftSynth))) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Level outside (audio) Instrument or Buss";
+ return false;
+ }
+ double value = qstrtodouble(atts.value("value"));
+ if (m_section == InBuss) {
+ if (m_buss)
+ m_buss->setLevel(value);
+ } else {
+ if (m_instrument)
+ m_instrument->setLevel(value);
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "controlchange") {
+ if (m_section != InInstrument) {
+ m_errorString = "Found ControlChange outside Instrument";
+ return false;
+ }
+ MidiByte type = atts.value("type").toInt();
+ MidiByte value = atts.value("value").toInt();
+ if (m_instrument) {
+ m_instrument->setControllerValue(type, value);
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "plugin" || lcName == "synth") {
+ PluginContainer *container = 0;
+ if (m_section == InInstrument) {
+// std::cerr << "Found plugin in instrument" << std::endl;
+ container = m_instrument;
+ m_pluginInBuss = false;
+ } else if (m_section == InBuss) {
+// std::cerr << "Found plugin in buss" << std::endl;
+ container = m_buss;
+ m_pluginInBuss = true;
+ } else {
+ m_errorString = "Found Plugin outside Instrument or Buss";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Despite being InInstrument or InBuss we might not actually
+ // have a valid one.
+ //
+ if (container) {
+// std::cerr << "Have container" << std::endl;
+ emit setOperationName(i18n("Loading plugins..."));
+ ProgressDialog::processEvents();
+ // Get the details
+ int position;
+ if (lcName == "synth") {
+ position = Instrument::SYNTH_PLUGIN_POSITION;
+ } else {
+ position = atts.value("position").toInt();
+ }
+ bool bypassed = false;
+ QString bpStr = atts.value("bypassed");
+ if (bpStr.lower() == "true")
+ bypassed = true;
+ std::string program = "";
+ QString progStr = atts.value("program");
+ if (progStr) {
+ program = qstrtostr(progStr);
+ }
+ // Plugins are identified by a structured identifier
+ // string, but we will accept a LADSPA UniqueId if there's
+ // no identifier, for backward compatibility
+ QString identifier = atts.value("identifier");
+ AudioPlugin *plugin = 0;
+ AudioPluginManager *apm = getAudioPluginManager();
+ if (!identifier) {
+ if (atts.value("id")) {
+ unsigned long id = atts.value("id").toULong();
+ if (apm)
+ plugin = apm->getPluginByUniqueId(id);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (apm)
+ plugin = apm->getPluginByIdentifier(identifier);
+ }
+// std::cerr << "Plugin identifier " << identifier << " -> plugin " << plugin << std::endl;
+ // If we find the plugin all is well and good but if
+ // we don't we just skip it.
+ //
+ if (plugin) {
+ m_plugin = container->getPlugin(position);
+ if (!m_plugin) {
+ RG_DEBUG << "WARNING: RoseXmlHandler: instrument/buss "
+ << container->getId() << " has no plugin position "
+ << position << endl;
+ } else {
+ m_plugin->setAssigned(true);
+ m_plugin->setBypass(bypassed);
+ m_plugin->setIdentifier(plugin->getIdentifier().data());
+// std::cerr << "set identifier to plugin at position " << position << std::endl;
+ if (program != "") {
+ m_plugin->setProgram(program);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // we shouldn't be halting import of the RG file just because
+ // we can't match a plugin
+ //
+ if (identifier) {
+ RG_DEBUG << "WARNING: RoseXmlHandler: plugin " << identifier << " not found" << endl;
+ m_pluginsNotFound.insert(identifier);
+ } else if (atts.value("id")) {
+ RG_DEBUG << "WARNING: RoseXmlHandler: plugin uid " << atts.value("id") << " not found" << endl;
+ } else {
+ m_errorString = "No plugin identifier or uid specified";
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // no instrument
+ if (lcName == "synth") {
+ QString identifier = atts.value("identifier");
+ if (identifier) {
+ RG_DEBUG << "WARNING: RoseXmlHandler: no instrument for plugin " << identifier << endl;
+ m_pluginsNotFound.insert(identifier);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m_section = InPlugin;
+ } else if (lcName == "port") {
+ if (m_section != InPlugin) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Port outside Plugin";
+ return false;
+ }
+ unsigned long portId = atts.value("id").toULong();
+ double value = qstrtodouble(atts.value("value"));
+ QString changed = atts.value("changed");
+ bool changedSinceProgram = (changed == "true");
+ if (m_plugin) {
+ m_plugin->addPort(portId, value);
+ if (changedSinceProgram) {
+ PluginPortInstance *ppi = m_plugin->getPort(portId);
+ if (ppi)
+ ppi->changedSinceProgramChange = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "configure") {
+ if (m_section != InPlugin) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Configure outside Plugin";
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString key = atts.value("key");
+ QString value = atts.value("value");
+ if (m_plugin) {
+ m_plugin->setConfigurationValue(qstrtostr(key), qstrtostr(value));
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "metronome") {
+ if (m_section != InStudio) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Metronome outside Studio";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Only create if we have a device
+ //
+ if (m_device && m_device->getType() == Device::Midi) {
+ InstrumentId instrument =
+ atts.value("instrument").toInt();
+ MidiMetronome metronome(instrument);
+ if (atts.value("barpitch"))
+ metronome.setBarPitch(atts.value("barpitch").toInt());
+ if (atts.value("beatpitch"))
+ metronome.setBeatPitch(atts.value("beatpitch").toInt());
+ if (atts.value("subbeatpitch"))
+ metronome.setSubBeatPitch(atts.value("subbeatpitch").toInt());
+ if (atts.value("depth"))
+ metronome.setDepth(atts.value("depth").toInt());
+ if (atts.value("barvelocity"))
+ metronome.setBarVelocity(atts.value("barvelocity").toInt());
+ if (atts.value("beatvelocity"))
+ metronome.setBeatVelocity(atts.value("beatvelocity").toInt());
+ if (atts.value("subbeatvelocity"))
+ metronome.setSubBeatVelocity(atts.value("subbeatvelocity").toInt());
+ dynamic_cast<MidiDevice*>(m_device)->
+ setMetronome(metronome);
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "instrument") {
+ if (m_section != InStudio) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Instrument outside Studio";
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_section = InInstrument;
+ InstrumentId id = atts.value("id").toInt();
+ std::string stringType = qstrtostr(atts.value("type"));
+ Instrument::InstrumentType type;
+ if (stringType == "midi")
+ type = Instrument::Midi;
+ else if (stringType == "audio")
+ type = Instrument::Audio;
+ else if (stringType == "softsynth")
+ type = Instrument::SoftSynth;
+ else {
+ m_errorString = "Found unknown Instrument type";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Try and match an Instrument in the file with one in
+ // our studio
+ //
+ Instrument *instrument = getStudio().getInstrumentById(id);
+ // If we've got an instrument and the types match then
+ // we use it from now on.
+ //
+ if (instrument && instrument->getType() == type) {
+ m_instrument = instrument;
+ // We can also get the channel from this tag
+ //
+ MidiByte channel =
+ (MidiByte)atts.value("channel").toInt();
+ m_instrument->setMidiChannel(channel);
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "buss") {
+ if (m_section != InStudio) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Buss outside Studio";
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_section = InBuss;
+ BussId id = atts.value("id").toInt();
+ Buss *buss = getStudio().getBussById(id);
+ // If we've got a buss then we use it from now on.
+ //
+ if (buss) {
+ m_buss = buss;
+ } else {
+ m_buss = new Buss(id);
+ getStudio().addBuss(m_buss);
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "audiofiles") {
+ if (m_section != NoSection) {
+ m_errorString = "Found AudioFiles inside another section";
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_section = InAudioFiles;
+ int rate = atts.value("expectedRate").toInt();
+ if (rate) {
+ getAudioFileManager().setExpectedSampleRate(rate);
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "configuration") {
+ setSubHandler(new ConfigurationXmlSubHandler
+ (lcName, &m_doc->getConfiguration()));
+ } else if (lcName == "metadata") {
+ if (m_section != InComposition) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Metadata outside Composition";
+ return false;
+ }
+ setSubHandler(new ConfigurationXmlSubHandler
+ (lcName, &getComposition().getMetadata()));
+ } else if (lcName == "recordlevel") {
+ if (m_section != InInstrument) {
+ m_errorString = "Found recordLevel outside Instrument";
+ return false;
+ }
+ double value = qstrtodouble(atts.value("value"));
+ // if the value retrieved is greater than (say) 15 then we
+ // must have an old-style 0-127 value instead of a shiny new
+ // dB value, so convert it
+ if (value > 15.0) {
+ value = AudioLevel::multiplier_to_dB(value / 100);
+ }
+ if (m_instrument)
+ m_instrument->setRecordLevel(value);
+ } else if (lcName == "audioinput") {
+ if (m_section != InInstrument) {
+ m_errorString = "Found audioInput outside Instrument";
+ return false;
+ }
+ int value = atts.value("value").toInt();
+ int channel = atts.value("channel").toInt();
+ QString type = atts.value("type");
+ if (type) {
+ if (type.lower() == "buss") {
+ if (m_instrument)
+ m_instrument->setAudioInputToBuss(value, channel);
+ } else if (type.lower() == "record") {
+ if (m_instrument)
+ m_instrument->setAudioInputToRecord(value, channel);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "audiooutput") {
+ if (m_section != InInstrument) {
+ m_errorString = "Found audioOutput outside Instrument";
+ return false;
+ }
+ int value = atts.value("value").toInt();
+ if (m_instrument)
+ m_instrument->setAudioOutput(value);
+ } else if (lcName == "appearance") {
+ m_section = InAppearance;
+ } else if (lcName == "colourmap") {
+ if (m_section == InAppearance) {
+ QString mapName = atts.value("name");
+ m_inColourMap = true;
+ if (mapName == "segmentmap") {
+ m_colourMap = &m_doc->getComposition().getSegmentColourMap();
+ } else
+ if (mapName == "generalmap") {
+ m_colourMap = &m_doc->getComposition().getGeneralColourMap();
+ } else { // This will change later once we get more of the Appearance code sorted out
+ RG_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::startElement : Found colourmap with unknown name\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ m_errorString = "Found colourmap outside Appearance";
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "colourpair") {
+ if (m_inColourMap && m_colourMap) {
+ unsigned int id = atts.value("id").toInt();
+ QString name = atts.value("name");
+ unsigned int red = atts.value("red").toInt();
+ unsigned int blue = atts.value("blue").toInt();
+ unsigned int green = atts.value("green").toInt();
+ Colour colour(red, green, blue);
+ m_colourMap->addItem(colour, qstrtostr(name), id);
+ } else {
+ m_errorString = "Found colourpair outside ColourMap";
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "markers") {
+ if (!m_inComposition) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Markers outside Composition";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // clear down any markers
+ getComposition().clearMarkers();
+ } else if (lcName == "marker") {
+ if (!m_inComposition) {
+ m_errorString = "Found Marker outside Composition";
+ return false;
+ }
+ int time = atts.value("time").toInt();
+ QString name = atts.value("name");
+ QString descr = atts.value("description");
+ Marker *marker =
+ new Marker(time,
+ qstrtostr(name),
+ qstrtostr(descr));
+ getComposition().addMarker(marker);
+ } else {
+ RG_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::startElement : Don't know how to parse this : " << qName << endl;
+ }
+ return true;
+RoseXmlHandler::endElement(const QString& namespaceURI,
+ const QString& localName,
+ const QString& qName)
+ if (getSubHandler()) {
+ bool finished;
+ bool res = getSubHandler()->endElement(namespaceURI, localName, qName.lower(), finished);
+ if (finished)
+ setSubHandler(0);
+ return res;
+ }
+ // Set percentage done
+ //
+ if ((m_totalElements > m_elementsSoFar) &&
+ (++m_elementsSoFar % 300 == 0)) {
+ emit setProgress(int(double(m_elementsSoFar) / double(m_totalElements) * 100.0));
+ ProgressDialog::processEvents();
+ }
+ QString lcName = qName.lower();
+ if (lcName == "rosegarden-data") {
+ getComposition().updateTriggerSegmentReferences();
+ } else if (lcName == "event") {
+ if (m_currentSegment && m_currentEvent) {
+ m_currentSegment->insert(m_currentEvent);
+ m_currentEvent = 0;
+ } else if (!m_currentSegment && m_currentEvent) {
+ m_errorString = "Got event outside of a Segment";
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "chord") {
+ m_currentTime += m_chordDuration;
+ m_inChord = false;
+ m_chordDuration = 0;
+ } else if (lcName == "group") {
+ m_inGroup = false;
+ } else if (lcName == "segment") {
+ if (m_currentSegment && m_segmentEndMarkerTime) {
+ m_currentSegment->setEndMarkerTime(*m_segmentEndMarkerTime);
+ delete m_segmentEndMarkerTime;
+ m_segmentEndMarkerTime = 0;
+ }
+ m_currentSegment = 0;
+ m_section = NoSection;
+ } else if (lcName == "bar-segment" || lcName == "tempo-segment") {
+ m_currentSegment = 0;
+ } else if (lcName == "composition") {
+ m_inComposition = false;
+ m_section = NoSection;
+ } else if (lcName == "studio") {
+ m_section = NoSection;
+ } else if (lcName == "buss") {
+ m_section = InStudio;
+ m_buss = 0;
+ } else if (lcName == "instrument") {
+ m_section = InStudio;
+ m_instrument = 0;
+ } else if (lcName == "plugin") {
+ if (m_pluginInBuss) {
+ m_section = InBuss;
+ } else {
+ m_section = InInstrument;
+ }
+ m_plugin = 0;
+ m_pluginId = 0;
+ } else if (lcName == "device") {
+ m_device = 0;
+ } else if (lcName == "keymapping") {
+ if (m_section == InStudio) {
+ if (m_keyMapping) {
+ if (!m_keyNameMap.empty()) {
+ MidiDevice *md = dynamic_cast<MidiDevice *>
+ (m_device);
+ if (md) {
+ m_keyMapping->setMap(m_keyNameMap);
+ md->addKeyMapping(*m_keyMapping);
+ }
+ }
+ m_keyMapping = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (lcName == "audiofiles") {
+ m_section = NoSection;
+ } else if (lcName == "appearance") {
+ m_section = NoSection;
+ } else if (lcName == "colourmap") {
+ m_inColourMap = false;
+ m_colourMap = 0;
+ }
+ return true;
+RoseXmlHandler::characters(const QString& s)
+ if (m_subHandler)
+ return m_subHandler->characters(s);
+ return true;
+ return m_errorString;
+RoseXmlHandler::error(const QXmlParseException& exception)
+ m_errorString = QString("%1 at line %2, column %3")
+ .arg(exception.message())
+ .arg(exception.lineNumber())
+ .arg(exception.columnNumber());
+ return QXmlDefaultHandler::error( exception );
+RoseXmlHandler::fatalError(const QXmlParseException& exception)
+ m_errorString = QString("%1 at line %2, column %3")
+ .arg(exception.message())
+ .arg(exception.lineNumber())
+ .arg(exception.columnNumber());
+ return QXmlDefaultHandler::fatalError( exception );
+ if (m_foundTempo == false) {
+ getComposition().setCompositionDefaultTempo
+ (Composition::getTempoForQpm(120.0));
+ }
+ return true;
+RoseXmlHandler::setSubHandler(XmlSubHandler* sh)
+ delete m_subHandler;
+ m_subHandler = sh;
+RoseXmlHandler::addMIDIDevice(QString name, bool createAtSequencer)
+ unsigned int deviceId = 0;
+ if (createAtSequencer) {
+ QByteArray data;
+ QByteArray replyData;
+ QCString replyType;
+ QDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly);
+ arg << (int)Device::Midi;
+ arg << (unsigned int)MidiDevice::Play;
+ if (!rgapp->sequencerCall("addDevice(int, unsigned int)", replyType, replyData, data)) {
+ SEQMAN_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::addMIDIDevice - "
+ << "can't call sequencer addDevice" << endl;
+ return ;
+ }
+ if (replyType == "unsigned int") {
+ QDataStream reply(replyData, IO_ReadOnly);
+ reply >> deviceId;
+ } else {
+ SEQMAN_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::addMIDIDevice - "
+ << "got unknown returntype from addDevice()" << endl;
+ return ;
+ }
+ if (deviceId == Device::NO_DEVICE) {
+ SEQMAN_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::addMIDIDevice - "
+ << "sequencer addDevice failed" << endl;
+ return ;
+ }
+ SEQMAN_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::addMIDIDevice - "
+ << " added device " << deviceId << endl;
+ } else {
+ // Generate a new device id at the base Studio side only.
+ // This may not correspond to any given device id at the
+ // sequencer side. We should _never_ do this in a document
+ // that's actually intended to be retained for use, only
+ // in temporary documents for device import etc.
+ int tempId = -1;
+ for (DeviceListIterator i = getStudio().getDevices()->begin();
+ i != getStudio().getDevices()->end(); ++i) {
+ if (int((*i)->getId()) > tempId)
+ tempId = int((*i)->getId());
+ }
+ deviceId = tempId + 1;
+ }
+ // add the device, so we can name it and set our pointer to it --
+ // instruments will be sync'd later in the natural course of things
+ getStudio().addDevice(qstrtostr(name), deviceId, Device::Midi);
+ m_device = getStudio().getDevice(deviceId);
+ m_deviceRunningId = deviceId;
+ SEQMAN_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::skipToNextPlayDevice; m_deviceRunningId is " << m_deviceRunningId << endl;
+ for (DeviceList::iterator i = getStudio().getDevices()->begin();
+ i != getStudio().getDevices()->end(); ++i) {
+ MidiDevice *md =
+ dynamic_cast<MidiDevice *>(*i);
+ if (md && md->getDirection() == MidiDevice::Play) {
+ if (m_deviceRunningId == Device::NO_DEVICE ||
+ md->getId() > m_deviceRunningId) {
+ SEQMAN_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::skipToNextPlayDevice: found next device: id " << md->getId() << endl;
+ m_device = md;
+ m_deviceRunningId = md->getId();
+ return ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SEQMAN_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::skipToNextPlayDevice: fresh out of devices" << endl;
+ m_device = 0;
+RoseXmlHandler::setMIDIDeviceConnection(QString connection)
+ SEQMAN_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::setMIDIDeviceConnection(" << connection << ")" << endl;
+ MidiDevice *md = dynamic_cast<MidiDevice *>(m_device);
+ if (!md)
+ return ;
+ QByteArray data;
+ QDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly);
+ arg << (unsigned int)md->getId();
+ arg << connection;
+ rgapp->sequencerSend("setPlausibleConnection(unsigned int, QString)",
+ data);
+ // connection should be sync'd later in the natural course of things
+RoseXmlHandler::setMIDIDeviceName(QString name)
+ SEQMAN_DEBUG << "RoseXmlHandler::setMIDIDeviceName(" << name << ")" << endl;
+ MidiDevice *md = dynamic_cast<MidiDevice *>(m_device);
+ if (!md)
+ return ;
+ QByteArray data;
+ QDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly);
+ arg << (unsigned int)md->getId();
+ arg << name;
+ std::cerr << "Renaming device " << md->getId() << " to " << name << std::endl;
+ rgapp->sequencerSend("renameDevice(unsigned int, QString)",
+ data);