path: root/src/gui/dialogs/EventEditDialog.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/dialogs/EventEditDialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 528 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/dialogs/EventEditDialog.cpp b/src/gui/dialogs/EventEditDialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9991f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/dialogs/EventEditDialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
+ Rosegarden
+ A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
+ This program is Copyright 2000-2008
+ Guillaume Laurent <[email protected]>,
+ Chris Cannam <[email protected]>,
+ Richard Bown <[email protected]>
+ The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard
+ Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted.
+ Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please
+ see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
+ COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
+#include "EventEditDialog.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include "misc/Strings.h"
+#include "base/Event.h"
+#include "base/MidiTypes.h"
+#include "base/NotationTypes.h"
+#include "base/PropertyName.h"
+#include "base/RealTime.h"
+#include "gui/editors/notation/NotePixmapFactory.h"
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qfont.h>
+#include <qgrid.h>
+#include <qgroupbox.h>
+#include <qhbox.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qobjectlist.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qscrollview.h>
+#include <qsize.h>
+#include <qspinbox.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qwidget.h>
+namespace Rosegarden
+EventEditDialog::EventEditDialog(QWidget *parent,
+ const Event &event,
+ bool editable) :
+ KDialogBase(parent, 0, true, i18n(editable ? "Advanced Event Edit" : "Advanced Event Viewer"),
+ (editable ? (Ok | Cancel) : Ok)),
+ m_durationDisplay(0),
+ m_durationDisplayAux(0),
+ m_persistentGrid(0),
+ m_nonPersistentGrid(0),
+ m_nonPersistentView(0),
+ m_originalEvent(event),
+ m_event(event),
+ m_type(event.getType()),
+ m_absoluteTime(event.getAbsoluteTime()),
+ m_duration(event.getDuration()),
+ m_subOrdering(event.getSubOrdering()),
+ m_modified(false)
+ QVBox *vbox = makeVBoxMainWidget();
+ QGroupBox *intrinsicBox = new QGroupBox
+ (1, Horizontal, i18n("Intrinsics"), vbox);
+ QGrid *intrinsicGrid = new QGrid(4, QGrid::Horizontal, intrinsicBox);
+ new QLabel(i18n("Event type: "), intrinsicGrid);
+ new QLabel("", intrinsicGrid);
+ new QLabel("", intrinsicGrid);
+ QLineEdit *lineEdit = new QLineEdit(intrinsicGrid);
+ lineEdit->setText(strtoqstr(event.getType()));
+ new QLabel(i18n("Absolute time: "), intrinsicGrid);
+ new QLabel("", intrinsicGrid);
+ new QLabel("", intrinsicGrid);
+ QSpinBox *absoluteTime = new QSpinBox
+ (INT_MIN, INT_MAX, Note(Note::Shortest).getDuration(), intrinsicGrid);
+ absoluteTime->setValue(event.getAbsoluteTime());
+ QObject::connect(absoluteTime, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
+ this, SLOT(slotAbsoluteTimeChanged(int)));
+ slotAbsoluteTimeChanged(event.getAbsoluteTime());
+ new QLabel(i18n("Duration: "), intrinsicGrid);
+ m_durationDisplay = new QLabel("(note)", intrinsicGrid);
+ m_durationDisplay->setMinimumWidth(20);
+ m_durationDisplayAux = new QLabel("(note)", intrinsicGrid);
+ m_durationDisplayAux->setMinimumWidth(20);
+ QSpinBox *duration = new QSpinBox
+ (0, INT_MAX, Note(Note::Shortest).getDuration(), intrinsicGrid);
+ duration->setValue(event.getDuration());
+ QObject::connect(duration, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
+ this, SLOT(slotDurationChanged(int)));
+ slotDurationChanged(event.getDuration());
+ new QLabel(i18n("Sub-ordering: "), intrinsicGrid);
+ new QLabel("", intrinsicGrid);
+ new QLabel("", intrinsicGrid);
+ QSpinBox *subOrdering = new QSpinBox( -100, 100, 1, intrinsicGrid);
+ subOrdering->setValue(event.getSubOrdering());
+ QObject::connect(subOrdering, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
+ this, SLOT(slotSubOrderingChanged(int)));
+ slotSubOrderingChanged(event.getSubOrdering());
+ QGroupBox *persistentBox = new QGroupBox
+ (1, Horizontal, i18n("Persistent properties"), vbox);
+ m_persistentGrid = new QGrid(4, QGrid::Horizontal, persistentBox);
+ QLabel *label = new QLabel(i18n("Name"), m_persistentGrid);
+ QFont font(label->font());
+ font.setItalic(true);
+ label->setFont(font);
+ label = new QLabel(i18n("Type"), m_persistentGrid);
+ label->setFont(font);
+ label = new QLabel(i18n("Value"), m_persistentGrid);
+ label->setFont(font);
+ label = new QLabel("", m_persistentGrid);
+ label->setFont(font);
+ Event::PropertyNames p = event.getPersistentPropertyNames();
+ for (Event::PropertyNames::iterator i = p.begin();
+ i != p.end(); ++i) {
+ addPersistentProperty(*i);
+ }
+ p = event.getNonPersistentPropertyNames();
+ if (p.begin() == p.end()) {
+ m_nonPersistentView = 0;
+ m_nonPersistentGrid = 0;
+ } else {
+ QGroupBox *nonPersistentBox = new QGroupBox
+ (1, Horizontal, i18n("Non-persistent properties"), vbox);
+ new QLabel(i18n("These are cached values, lost if the event is modified."),
+ nonPersistentBox);
+ m_nonPersistentView = new QScrollView(nonPersistentBox);
+ //m_nonPersistentView->setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff);
+ m_nonPersistentView->setResizePolicy(QScrollView::AutoOneFit);
+ m_nonPersistentGrid = new QGrid
+ (4, QGrid::Horizontal, m_nonPersistentView->viewport());
+ m_nonPersistentView->addChild(m_nonPersistentGrid);
+ m_nonPersistentGrid->setSpacing(4);
+ m_nonPersistentGrid->setMargin(5);
+ label = new QLabel(i18n("Name "), m_nonPersistentGrid);
+ label->setFont(font);
+ label = new QLabel(i18n("Type "), m_nonPersistentGrid);
+ label->setFont(font);
+ label = new QLabel(i18n("Value "), m_nonPersistentGrid);
+ label->setFont(font);
+ label = new QLabel("", m_nonPersistentGrid);
+ label->setFont(font);
+ for (Event::PropertyNames::iterator i = p.begin();
+ i != p.end(); ++i) {
+ new QLabel(strtoqstr(*i), m_nonPersistentGrid, strtoqstr(*i));
+ new QLabel(strtoqstr(event.getPropertyTypeAsString(*i)), m_nonPersistentGrid, strtoqstr(*i));
+ new QLabel(strtoqstr(event.getAsString(*i)), m_nonPersistentGrid, strtoqstr(*i));
+ QPushButton *button = new QPushButton("P", m_nonPersistentGrid, strtoqstr(*i));
+ button->setFixedSize(QSize(24, 24));
+ QToolTip::add
+ (button, i18n("Make persistent"));
+ QObject::connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, SLOT(slotPropertyMadePersistent()));
+ }
+ }
+EventEditDialog::addPersistentProperty(const PropertyName &name)
+ QLabel *label = new QLabel(strtoqstr(name), m_persistentGrid, strtoqstr(name));
+ label->show();
+ label = new QLabel(strtoqstr(m_originalEvent.getPropertyTypeAsString(name)),
+ m_persistentGrid, strtoqstr(name));
+ label->show();
+ PropertyType type(m_originalEvent.getPropertyType(name));
+ switch (type) {
+ case Int: {
+ int min = INT_MIN, max = INT_MAX;
+ // DMM - constrain program changes to a useful range of values
+ // Might other types have a similar need for such limits?
+ if (m_originalEvent.isa(ProgramChange::EventType)) {
+ min = 0;
+ max = 127;
+ }
+ QSpinBox *spinBox = new QSpinBox
+ (min, max, 1, m_persistentGrid, strtoqstr(name));
+ spinBox->setValue(m_originalEvent.get<Int>(name));
+ QObject::connect(spinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
+ this, SLOT(slotIntPropertyChanged(int)));
+ spinBox->show();
+ break;
+ }
+case UInt: {
+ int min = 0;
+ int max = UINT_MAX;
+ if (m_originalEvent.isa(ProgramChange::EventType)) {
+ min = 0;
+ max = 65535;
+ }
+ QSpinBox *spinBox = new QSpinBox
+ (min, max, 1, m_persistentGrid, strtoqstr(name));
+ spinBox->setValue(m_originalEvent.get<UInt>(name));
+ QObject::connect(spinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
+ this, SLOT(slotIntPropertyChanged(int)));
+ spinBox->show();
+ break;
+ }
+ case RealTimeT: {
+ RealTime realTime = m_originalEvent.get<RealTimeT>(name);
+ QHBox* hbox = new QHBox(m_persistentGrid);
+ // seconds
+ //
+ QSpinBox *spinBox = new QSpinBox
+ hbox, strtoqstr(name) + "%sec");
+ spinBox->setValue(realTime.sec);
+ QObject::connect(spinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
+ this, SLOT(slotRealTimePropertyChanged(int)));
+ // nseconds
+ //
+ spinBox = new QSpinBox
+ hbox, strtoqstr(name) + "%nsec");
+ spinBox->setValue(realTime.nsec);
+ QObject::connect(spinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
+ this, SLOT(slotRealTimePropertyChanged(int)));
+ spinBox->show();
+ break;
+ }
+ case Bool: {
+ QCheckBox *checkBox = new QCheckBox
+ ("", m_persistentGrid, strtoqstr(name));
+ checkBox->setChecked(m_originalEvent.get<Bool>(name));
+ QObject::connect(checkBox, SIGNAL(activated()),
+ this, SLOT(slotBoolPropertyChanged()));
+ checkBox->show();
+ break;
+ }
+ case String: {
+ QLineEdit *lineEdit = new QLineEdit
+ (strtoqstr(m_originalEvent.get<String>(name)),
+ m_persistentGrid,
+ strtoqstr(name));
+ QObject::connect(lineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
+ this, SLOT(slotStringPropertyChanged(const QString &)));
+ lineEdit->show();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ QPushButton *button = new QPushButton("X", m_persistentGrid,
+ strtoqstr(name));
+ button->setFixedSize(QSize(24, 24));
+ QToolTip::add
+ (button, i18n("Delete this property"));
+ QObject::connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, SLOT(slotPropertyDeleted()));
+ button->show();
+EventEditDialog::getEvent() const
+ return Event(m_event, m_absoluteTime, m_duration, m_subOrdering);
+EventEditDialog::slotEventTypeChanged(const QString &type)
+ std::string t(qstrtostr(type));
+ if (t != m_type) {
+ m_modified = true;
+ m_type = t;
+ }
+EventEditDialog::slotAbsoluteTimeChanged(int value)
+ if (value == m_absoluteTime)
+ return ;
+ m_modified = true;
+ m_absoluteTime = value;
+EventEditDialog::slotDurationChanged(int value)
+ timeT error = 0;
+ m_durationDisplay->setPixmap
+ (NotePixmapFactory::toQPixmap(m_notePixmapFactory.makeNoteMenuPixmap(timeT(value), error)));
+ if (error >= value / 2) {
+ m_durationDisplayAux->setText("++ ");
+ } else if (error > 0) {
+ m_durationDisplayAux->setText("+ ");
+ } else if (error < 0) {
+ m_durationDisplayAux->setText("- ");
+ } else {
+ m_durationDisplayAux->setText(" ");
+ }
+ if (timeT(value) == m_duration)
+ return ;
+ m_modified = true;
+ m_duration = value;
+EventEditDialog::slotSubOrderingChanged(int value)
+ if (value == m_subOrdering)
+ return ;
+ m_modified = true;
+ m_subOrdering = value;
+EventEditDialog::slotIntPropertyChanged(int value)
+ const QObject *s = sender();
+ const QSpinBox *spinBox = dynamic_cast<const QSpinBox *>(s);
+ if (!spinBox)
+ return ;
+ m_modified = true;
+ QString propertyName = spinBox->name();
+ m_event.set<Int>(qstrtostr(propertyName), value);
+EventEditDialog::slotRealTimePropertyChanged(int value)
+ const QObject *s = sender();
+ const QSpinBox *spinBox = dynamic_cast<const QSpinBox *>(s);
+ if (!spinBox)
+ return ;
+ m_modified = true;
+ QString propertyFullName = spinBox->name();
+ QString propertyName = propertyFullName.section('%', 0, 0),
+ nsecOrSec = propertyFullName.section('%', 1, 1);
+ RealTime realTime = m_event.get<RealTimeT>(qstrtostr(propertyName));
+ if (nsecOrSec == "sec")
+ realTime.sec = value;
+ else
+ realTime.nsec = value;
+ m_event.set<Int>(qstrtostr(propertyName), value);
+ const QObject *s = sender();
+ const QCheckBox *checkBox = dynamic_cast<const QCheckBox *>(s);
+ if (!checkBox)
+ return ;
+ m_modified = true;
+ QString propertyName = checkBox->name();
+ bool checked = checkBox->isChecked();
+ m_event.set<Bool>(qstrtostr(propertyName), checked);
+EventEditDialog::slotStringPropertyChanged(const QString &value)
+ const QObject *s = sender();
+ const QLineEdit *lineEdit = dynamic_cast<const QLineEdit *>(s);
+ if (!lineEdit)
+ return ;
+ m_modified = true;
+ QString propertyName = lineEdit->name();
+ m_event.set<String>(qstrtostr(propertyName), qstrtostr(value));
+ const QObject *s = sender();
+ const QPushButton *pushButton = dynamic_cast<const QPushButton *>(s);
+ if (!pushButton)
+ return ;
+ QString propertyName = pushButton->name();
+ if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel
+ (this,
+ i18n("Are you sure you want to delete the \"%1\" property?\n\n"
+ "Removing necessary properties may cause unexpected behavior.").
+ arg(propertyName),
+ i18n("Edit Event"),
+ i18n("&Delete")) != KMessageBox::Continue)
+ return ;
+ m_modified = true;
+ QObjectList *list = m_persistentGrid->queryList(0, propertyName, false);
+ QObjectListIt i(*list);
+ QObject *obj;
+ while ((obj = i.current()) != 0) {
+ ++i;
+ delete obj;
+ }
+ delete list;
+ m_event.unset(qstrtostr(propertyName));
+ const QObject *s = sender();
+ const QPushButton *pushButton = dynamic_cast<const QPushButton *>(s);
+ if (!pushButton)
+ return ;
+ QString propertyName = pushButton->name();
+ if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel
+ (this,
+ i18n("Are you sure you want to make the \"%1\" property persistent?\n\n"
+ "This could cause problems if it overrides a different "
+ "computed value later on.").
+ arg(propertyName),
+ i18n("Edit Event"),
+ i18n("Make &Persistent")) != KMessageBox::Continue)
+ return ;
+ QObjectList *list = m_nonPersistentGrid->queryList(0, propertyName, false);
+ QObjectListIt i(*list);
+ QObject *obj;
+ while ((obj = i.current()) != 0) {
+ ++i;
+ delete obj;
+ }
+ delete list;
+ m_modified = true;
+ addPersistentProperty(qstrtostr(propertyName));
+ PropertyType type =
+ m_originalEvent.getPropertyType(qstrtostr(propertyName));
+ switch (type) {
+ case Int:
+ m_event.set<Int>
+ (qstrtostr(propertyName),
+ m_originalEvent.get<Int>
+ (qstrtostr(propertyName)));
+ break;
+ case UInt:
+ m_event.set<UInt>
+ (qstrtostr(propertyName),
+ m_originalEvent.get<UInt>
+ (qstrtostr(propertyName)));
+ break;
+ case RealTimeT:
+ m_event.set<RealTimeT>
+ (qstrtostr(propertyName),
+ m_originalEvent.get<RealTimeT>
+ (qstrtostr(propertyName)));
+ break;
+ case Bool:
+ m_event.set<Bool>
+ (qstrtostr(propertyName),
+ m_originalEvent.get<Bool>
+ (qstrtostr(propertyName)));
+ break;
+ case String:
+ m_event.set<String>
+ (qstrtostr(propertyName),
+ m_originalEvent.get<String>
+ (qstrtostr(propertyName)));
+ break;
+ }
+#include "EventEditDialog.moc"