path: root/src/gui/editors/notation/NotationHLayout.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/editors/notation/NotationHLayout.cpp')
1 files changed, 2110 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/editors/notation/NotationHLayout.cpp b/src/gui/editors/notation/NotationHLayout.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b13765
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+++ b/src/gui/editors/notation/NotationHLayout.cpp
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+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
+ Rosegarden
+ A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
+ This program is Copyright 2000-2008
+ Guillaume Laurent <[email protected]>,
+ Chris Cannam <[email protected]>,
+ Richard Bown <[email protected]>
+ The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard
+ Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted.
+ Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please
+ see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
+ COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
+#include "NotationHLayout.h"
+#include "misc/Debug.h"
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include "base/Composition.h"
+#include "base/LayoutEngine.h"
+#include "base/NotationTypes.h"
+#include "base/Profiler.h"
+#include "base/NotationQuantizer.h"
+#include "base/RulerScale.h"
+#include "base/Segment.h"
+#include "base/SegmentNotationHelper.h"
+#include "base/Staff.h"
+#include "base/ViewElement.h"
+#include "gui/editors/guitar/Chord.h"
+#include "gui/general/ProgressReporter.h"
+#include "gui/widgets/ProgressDialog.h"
+#include "NotationChord.h"
+#include "NotationElement.h"
+#include "NotationGroup.h"
+#include "NotationProperties.h"
+#include "NotationStaff.h"
+#include "NotePixmapFactory.h"
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <cmath>
+namespace Rosegarden
+using namespace BaseProperties;
+NotationHLayout::NotationHLayout(Composition *c, NotePixmapFactory *npf,
+ const NotationProperties &properties,
+ QObject* parent, const char* name) :
+ ProgressReporter(parent, name),
+ HorizontalLayoutEngine(c),
+ m_totalWidth(0.),
+ m_pageMode(false),
+ m_pageWidth(0.),
+ m_spacing(100),
+ m_proportion(60),
+ m_keySigCancelMode(1),
+ m_npf(npf),
+ m_notationQuantizer(c->getNotationQuantizer()),
+ m_properties(properties),
+ m_timePerProgressIncrement(0),
+ m_staffCount(0)
+ // NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::NotationHLayout()" << endl;
+ KConfig *config = kapp->config();
+ config->setGroup("Notation Options");
+ m_keySigCancelMode = config->readNumEntry("keysigcancelmode", 1);
+ // empty
+ if (m_availableSpacings.size() == 0) {
+ m_availableSpacings.push_back(30);
+ m_availableSpacings.push_back(60);
+ m_availableSpacings.push_back(85);
+ m_availableSpacings.push_back(100);
+ m_availableSpacings.push_back(130);
+ m_availableSpacings.push_back(170);
+ m_availableSpacings.push_back(220);
+ }
+ return m_availableSpacings;
+ if (m_availableProportions.size() == 0) {
+ m_availableProportions.push_back(0);
+ m_availableProportions.push_back(20);
+ m_availableProportions.push_back(40);
+ m_availableProportions.push_back(60);
+ m_availableProportions.push_back(80);
+ m_availableProportions.push_back(100);
+ }
+ return m_availableProportions;
+NotationHLayout::BarDataList &
+NotationHLayout::getBarData(Staff &staff)
+ BarDataMap::iterator i = m_barData.find(&staff);
+ if (i == m_barData.end()) {
+ m_barData[&staff] = BarDataList();
+ }
+ return m_barData[&staff];
+const NotationHLayout::BarDataList &
+NotationHLayout::getBarData(Staff &staff) const
+ return ((NotationHLayout *)this)->getBarData(staff);
+NotationHLayout::getStartOfQuantizedSlice(NotationElementList *notes,
+ timeT t)
+ NotationElementList::iterator i = notes->findTime(t);
+ NotationElementList::iterator j(i);
+ while (true) {
+ if (i == notes->begin())
+ return i;
+ --j;
+ if ((*j)->getViewAbsoluteTime() < t)
+ return i;
+ i = j;
+ }
+NotePixmapFactory *
+NotationHLayout::getNotePixmapFactory(Staff &staff)
+ NotationStaff *ns = dynamic_cast<NotationStaff *>(&staff);
+ if (ns) return &ns->getNotePixmapFactory(false);
+ else return 0;
+NotePixmapFactory *
+NotationHLayout::getGraceNotePixmapFactory(Staff &staff)
+ NotationStaff *ns = dynamic_cast<NotationStaff *>(&staff);
+ if (ns) return &ns->getNotePixmapFactory(true);
+ else return 0;
+NotationHLayout::scanStaff(Staff &staff, timeT startTime, timeT endTime)
+ throwIfCancelled();
+ Profiler profiler("NotationHLayout::scanStaff");
+ Segment &segment(staff.getSegment());
+ bool isFullScan = (startTime == endTime);
+ int startBarOfStaff = getComposition()->getBarNumber(segment.getStartTime());
+ if (isFullScan) {
+ clearBarList(staff);
+ startTime = segment.getStartTime();
+ endTime = segment.getEndMarkerTime();
+ } else {
+ startTime = getComposition()->getBarStartForTime(startTime);
+ endTime = getComposition()->getBarEndForTime(endTime);
+ }
+ NotationElementList *notes = staff.getViewElementList();
+ BarDataList &barList(getBarData(staff));
+ NotePixmapFactory *npf = getNotePixmapFactory(staff);
+ int startBarNo = getComposition()->getBarNumber(startTime);
+ int endBarNo = getComposition()->getBarNumber(endTime);
+ /*
+ if (endBarNo > startBarNo &&
+ getComposition()->getBarStart(endBarNo) == segment.getEndMarkerTime()) {
+ --endBarNo;
+ }
+ */
+ std::string name =
+ segment.getComposition()->
+ getTrackById(segment.getTrack())->getLabel();
+ m_staffNameWidths[&staff] =
+ npf->getNoteBodyWidth() * 2 +
+ npf->getTextWidth(Text(name, Text::StaffName));
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::scanStaff: full scan " << isFullScan << ", times " << startTime << "->" << endTime << ", bars " << startBarNo << "->" << endBarNo << ", staff name \"" << segment.getLabel() << "\", width " << m_staffNameWidths[&staff] << endl;
+ SegmentNotationHelper helper(segment);
+ if (isFullScan) {
+ helper.setNotationProperties();
+ } else {
+ helper.setNotationProperties(startTime, endTime);
+ }
+ ::Rosegarden::Key key = segment.getKeyAtTime(startTime);
+ Clef clef = segment.getClefAtTime(startTime);
+ TimeSignature timeSignature =
+ segment.getComposition()->getTimeSignatureAt(startTime);
+ bool barCorrect = true;
+ int ottavaShift = 0;
+ timeT ottavaEnd = segment.getEndMarkerTime();
+ if (isFullScan) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "full scan: setting haveOttava false" << endl;
+ m_haveOttavaSomewhere[&staff] = false;
+ } else if (m_haveOttavaSomewhere[&staff]) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "not full scan but ottava is listed" << endl;
+ Segment::iterator i = segment.findTime(startTime);
+ while (1) {
+ if ((*i)->isa(Indication::EventType)) {
+ try {
+ Indication indication(**i);
+ if (indication.isOttavaType()) {
+ ottavaShift = indication.getOttavaShift();
+ ottavaEnd = (*i)->getAbsoluteTime() +
+ indication.getIndicationDuration();
+ break;
+ }
+ } catch (...) { }
+ }
+ if (i == segment.begin())
+ break;
+ --i;
+ }
+ }
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "ottava shift at start:" << ottavaShift << ", ottavaEnd " << ottavaEnd << endl;
+ KConfig *config = kapp->config();
+ config->setGroup("Notation Options");
+ int accOctaveMode = config->readNumEntry("accidentaloctavemode", 1);
+ AccidentalTable::OctaveType octaveType =
+ (accOctaveMode == 0 ? AccidentalTable::OctavesIndependent :
+ accOctaveMode == 1 ? AccidentalTable::OctavesCautionary :
+ AccidentalTable::OctavesEquivalent);
+ int accBarMode = config->readNumEntry("accidentalbarmode", 0);
+ AccidentalTable::BarResetType barResetType =
+ (accBarMode == 0 ? AccidentalTable::BarResetNone :
+ accBarMode == 1 ? AccidentalTable::BarResetCautionary :
+ AccidentalTable::BarResetExplicit);
+ bool showInvisibles = config->readBoolEntry("showinvisibles", true);
+ if (barResetType != AccidentalTable::BarResetNone) {
+ //!!! very crude and expensive way of making sure we see the
+ // accidentals from previous bar:
+ if (startBarNo > segment.getComposition()->getBarNumber(segment.getStartTime())) {
+ --startBarNo;
+ }
+ }
+ AccidentalTable accTable(key, clef, octaveType, barResetType);
+ for (int barNo = startBarNo; barNo <= endBarNo; ++barNo) {
+ std::pair<timeT, timeT> barTimes =
+ getComposition()->getBarRange(barNo);
+ if (barTimes.first >= segment.getEndMarkerTime()) {
+ // clear data if we have any old stuff
+ BarDataList::iterator i(barList.find(barNo));
+ if (i != barList.end()) {
+ barList.erase(i);
+ }
+ continue; // so as to erase any further bars next time around
+ }
+ NotationElementList::iterator from =
+ getStartOfQuantizedSlice(notes, barTimes.first);
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "getStartOfQuantizedSlice returned " <<
+ (from != notes->end() ? (*from)->getViewAbsoluteTime() : -1)
+ << " from " << barTimes.first << endl;
+ NotationElementList::iterator to =
+ getStartOfQuantizedSlice(notes, barTimes.second);
+ if (barTimes.second >= segment.getEndMarkerTime()) {
+ to = notes->end();
+ }
+ bool newTimeSig = false;
+ timeSignature = getComposition()->getTimeSignatureInBar
+ (barNo, newTimeSig);
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "bar " << barNo << ", startBarOfStaff " << startBarOfStaff
+ << ", newTimeSig " << newTimeSig << endl;
+ float fixedWidth = 0.0;
+ if (newTimeSig && !timeSignature.isHidden()) {
+ fixedWidth += npf->getNoteBodyWidth() +
+ npf->getTimeSigWidth(timeSignature);
+ }
+ setBarBasicData(staff, barNo, from, barCorrect, timeSignature, newTimeSig);
+ BarDataList::iterator bdli(barList.find(barNo));
+ bdli->second.layoutData.needsLayout = true;
+ ChunkList &chunks = bdli->second.chunks;
+ chunks.clear();
+ float lyricWidth = 0;
+ int graceCount = 0;
+ typedef std::set
+ <long> GroupIdSet;
+ GroupIdSet groupIds;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::scanStaff: bar " << barNo << ", from " << barTimes.first << ", to " << barTimes.second << " (end " << segment.getEndMarkerTime() << "); from is at " << (from == notes->end() ? -1 : (*from)->getViewAbsoluteTime()) << ", to is at " << (to == notes->end() ? -1 : (*to)->getViewAbsoluteTime()) << endl;
+ timeT actualBarEnd = barTimes.first;
+ accTable.newBar();
+ for (NotationElementList::iterator itr = from; itr != to; ++itr) {
+ NotationElement *el = static_cast<NotationElement*>((*itr));
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "element is a " << el->event()->getType() << endl;
+ if (ottavaShift != 0) {
+ if (el->event()->getAbsoluteTime() >= ottavaEnd) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "reached end of ottava" << endl;
+ ottavaShift = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ bool invisible = false;
+ if (el->event()->get<Bool>(INVISIBLE, invisible) && invisible) {
+ if (!showInvisibles)
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (el->event()->has(BEAMED_GROUP_ID)) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "element is beamed" << endl;
+ long groupId = el->event()->get<Int>(BEAMED_GROUP_ID);
+ if (groupIds.find(groupId) == groupIds.end()) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "it's a new beamed group, applying stem properties" << endl;
+ NotationGroup group(*staff.getViewElementList(),
+ itr,
+ m_notationQuantizer,
+ barTimes,
+ m_properties,
+ clef, key);
+ group.applyStemProperties();
+ groupIds.insert(groupId);
+ }
+ }
+ if (el->event()->isa(Clef::EventType)) {
+ // NOTATION_DEBUG << "Found clef" << endl;
+ chunks.push_back(Chunk(el->event()->getSubOrdering(),
+ getLayoutWidth(*el, npf, key)));
+ clef = Clef(*el->event());
+ accTable.newClef(clef);
+ } else if (el->event()->isa(::Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) {
+ // NOTATION_DEBUG << "Found key" << endl;
+ chunks.push_back(Chunk(el->event()->getSubOrdering(),
+ getLayoutWidth(*el, npf, key)));
+ key = ::Rosegarden::Key(*el->event());
+ accTable = AccidentalTable
+ (key, clef, octaveType, barResetType);
+ } else if (el->event()->isa(Text::EventType)) {
+ // the only text events of interest are lyrics, which
+ // contribute to a fixed area following the next chord
+ if (el->event()->has(Text::TextTypePropertyName) &&
+ el->event()->get<String>(Text::TextTypePropertyName) ==
+ Text::Lyric) {
+ lyricWidth = std::max
+ (lyricWidth, float(npf->getTextWidth(Text(*el->event()))));
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "Setting lyric width to " << lyricWidth
+ << " for text " << el->event()->get<String>(Text::TextPropertyName) << endl;
+ }
+ chunks.push_back(Chunk(el->event()->getSubOrdering(), 0));
+ } else if (el->isNote()) {
+ NotePixmapFactory *cnpf = npf;
+ if (el->isGrace()) cnpf = getGraceNotePixmapFactory(staff);
+ scanChord(notes, itr, clef, key, accTable,
+ lyricWidth, chunks, cnpf, ottavaShift, to);
+ } else if (el->isRest()) {
+ chunks.push_back(Chunk(el->getViewDuration(),
+ el->event()->getSubOrdering(),
+ 0,
+ getLayoutWidth(*el, npf, key)));
+ } else if (el->event()->isa(Indication::EventType)) {
+ // NOTATION_DEBUG << "Found indication" << endl;
+ chunks.push_back(Chunk(el->event()->getSubOrdering(), 0));
+ try {
+ Indication indication(*el->event());
+ if (indication.isOttavaType()) {
+ ottavaShift = indication.getOttavaShift();
+ ottavaEnd = el->event()->getAbsoluteTime() +
+ indication.getIndicationDuration();
+ m_haveOttavaSomewhere[&staff] = true;
+ }
+ } catch (...) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "Bad indication!" << endl;
+ }
+ } else {
+// NOTATION_DEBUG << "Found something I don't know about (type is " << el->event()->getType() << ")" << endl;
+ chunks.push_back(Chunk(el->event()->getSubOrdering(),
+ getLayoutWidth(*el, npf, key)));
+ }
+ actualBarEnd = el->getViewAbsoluteTime() + el->getViewDuration();
+ }
+ if (actualBarEnd == barTimes.first)
+ actualBarEnd = barTimes.second;
+ barCorrect = (actualBarEnd == barTimes.second);
+ setBarSizeData(staff, barNo, fixedWidth,
+ actualBarEnd - barTimes.first);
+ if ((endTime > startTime) && (barNo % 20 == 0)) {
+ emit setProgress((barTimes.second - startTime) * 95 /
+ (endTime - startTime));
+ ProgressDialog::processEvents();
+ }
+ throwIfCancelled();
+ }
+ /*
+ BarDataList::iterator ei(barList.end());
+ while (ei != barList.begin() && (--ei)->first > endBarNo) {
+ barList.erase(ei);
+ ei = barList.end();
+ }
+ */
+NotationHLayout::clearBarList(Staff &staff)
+ BarDataList &bdl = m_barData[&staff];
+ bdl.clear();
+NotationHLayout::setBarBasicData(Staff &staff,
+ int barNo,
+ NotationElementList::iterator start,
+ bool correct,
+ TimeSignature timeSig,
+ bool newTimeSig)
+ // NOTATION_DEBUG << "setBarBasicData for " << barNo << endl;
+ BarDataList &bdl(m_barData[&staff]);
+ BarDataList::iterator i(bdl.find(barNo));
+ if (i == bdl.end()) {
+ NotationElementList::iterator endi = staff.getViewElementList()->end();
+ bdl.insert(BarDataPair(barNo, BarData(endi, true,
+ TimeSignature(), false)));
+ i = bdl.find(barNo);
+ }
+ i->second.basicData.start = start;
+ i->second.basicData.correct = correct;
+ i->second.basicData.timeSignature = timeSig;
+ i->second.basicData.newTimeSig = newTimeSig;
+NotationHLayout::setBarSizeData(Staff &staff,
+ int barNo,
+ float fixedWidth,
+ timeT actualDuration)
+ // NOTATION_DEBUG << "setBarSizeData for " << barNo << endl;
+ BarDataList &bdl(m_barData[&staff]);
+ BarDataList::iterator i(bdl.find(barNo));
+ if (i == bdl.end()) {
+ NotationElementList::iterator endi = staff.getViewElementList()->end();
+ bdl.insert(BarDataPair(barNo, BarData(endi, true,
+ TimeSignature(), false)));
+ i = bdl.find(barNo);
+ }
+ i->second.sizeData.actualDuration = actualDuration;
+ i->second.sizeData.idealWidth = 0.0;
+ i->second.sizeData.reconciledWidth = 0.0;
+ i->second.sizeData.clefKeyWidth = 0;
+ i->second.sizeData.fixedWidth = fixedWidth;
+NotationHLayout::scanChord(NotationElementList *notes,
+ NotationElementList::iterator &itr,
+ const Clef &clef,
+ const ::Rosegarden::Key &key,
+ AccidentalTable &accTable,
+ float &lyricWidth,
+ ChunkList &chunks,
+ NotePixmapFactory *npf,
+ int ottavaShift,
+ NotationElementList::iterator &to)
+ NotationChord chord(*notes, itr, m_notationQuantizer, m_properties);
+ Accidental someAccidental = Accidentals::NoAccidental;
+ bool someCautionary = false;
+ bool barEndsInChord = false;
+ bool grace = false;
+// std::cerr << "NotationHLayout::scanChord: "
+// << chord.size() << "-voice chord at "
+// << (*itr)->event()->getAbsoluteTime()
+// << " unquantized, "
+// << (*itr)->getViewAbsoluteTime()
+// << " quantized" << std::endl;
+// NOTATION_DEBUG << "Contents:" << endl;
+ /*
+ for (NotationElementList::iterator i = chord.getInitialElement();
+ i != notes->end(); ++i) {
+ (*i)->event()->dump(std::cerr);
+ if (i == chord.getFinalElement()) break;
+ }
+ */
+ // We don't need to get the chord's notes in pitch order here,
+ // but we do need to ensure we see any random non-note events
+ // that may crop up in the middle of it.
+ for (NotationElementList::iterator i = chord.getInitialElement();
+ i != notes->end(); ++i) {
+ NotationElement *el = static_cast<NotationElement*>(*i);
+ if (el->isRest()) {
+ el->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(m_properties.REST_TOO_SHORT, true);
+ if (i == chord.getFinalElement())
+ break;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (el->isGrace()) {
+ grace = true;
+ }
+ long pitch = 64;
+ if (!el->event()->get<Int>(PITCH, pitch)) {
+ "WARNING: NotationHLayout::scanChord: couldn't get pitch for element, using default pitch of " << pitch << endl;
+ }
+ Accidental explicitAccidental = Accidentals::NoAccidental;
+ (void)el->event()->get<String>(ACCIDENTAL, explicitAccidental);
+ Pitch p(pitch, explicitAccidental);
+ int h = p.getHeightOnStaff(clef, key);
+ Accidental acc = p.getDisplayAccidental(key);
+ h -= 7 * ottavaShift;
+ el->event()->setMaybe<Int>(NotationProperties::OTTAVA_SHIFT, ottavaShift);
+ el->event()->setMaybe<Int>(NotationProperties::HEIGHT_ON_STAFF, h);
+ el->event()->setMaybe<String>(m_properties.CALCULATED_ACCIDENTAL, acc);
+ // update display acc for note according to the accTable
+ // (accidentals in force when the last chord ended) and tell
+ // accTable about accidentals from this note.
+ bool cautionary = false;
+ if (el->event()->has(m_properties.USE_CAUTIONARY_ACCIDENTAL)) {
+ cautionary = el->event()->get<Bool>(m_properties.USE_CAUTIONARY_ACCIDENTAL);
+ }
+ Accidental dacc = accTable.processDisplayAccidental(acc, h, cautionary);
+ el->event()->setMaybe<String>(m_properties.DISPLAY_ACCIDENTAL, dacc);
+ el->event()->setMaybe<Bool>(m_properties.DISPLAY_ACCIDENTAL_IS_CAUTIONARY,
+ cautionary);
+ if (cautionary) {
+ someCautionary = true;
+ }
+ if (someAccidental == Accidentals::NoAccidental)
+ someAccidental = dacc;
+ if (i == to)
+ barEndsInChord = true;
+ if (i == chord.getFinalElement())
+ break;
+ }
+ // tell accTable the chord has ended, so to bring its accidentals
+ // into force for future chords
+ accTable.update();
+ chord.applyAccidentalShiftProperties();
+ float extraWidth = 0;
+ if (someAccidental != Accidentals::NoAccidental) {
+ bool extraShift = false;
+ int shift = chord.getMaxAccidentalShift(extraShift);
+ int e = npf->getAccidentalWidth(someAccidental, shift, extraShift);
+ if (someAccidental != Accidentals::Sharp) {
+ e = std::max(e, npf->getAccidentalWidth(Accidentals::Sharp, shift, extraShift));
+ }
+ if (someCautionary) {
+ e += npf->getNoteBodyWidth();
+ }
+ extraWidth += e;
+ }
+ float layoutExtra = 0;
+ if (chord.hasNoteHeadShifted()) {
+ if (chord.hasStemUp()) {
+ layoutExtra += npf->getNoteBodyWidth();
+ } else {
+ extraWidth = std::max(extraWidth, float(npf->getNoteBodyWidth()));
+ }
+ }
+ if (grace) {
+ std::cerr << "Grace note: subordering " << chord.getSubOrdering() << std::endl;
+ chunks.push_back(Chunk(-10 + graceCount,
+ extraWidth + npf->getNoteBodyWidth()));
+ if (graceCount < 9) ++graceCount;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ std::cerr << "Non-grace note (grace count was " << graceCount << ")" << std::endl;
+ graceCount = 0;
+ }
+ NotationElementList::iterator myLongest = chord.getLongestElement();
+ if (myLongest == notes->end()) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "WARNING: NotationHLayout::scanChord: No longest element in chord!" << endl;
+ }
+ timeT d = (*myLongest)->getViewDuration();
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "Lyric width is " << lyricWidth << endl;
+ if (grace) {
+ chunks.push_back(Chunk(d, chord.getSubOrdering(),
+ extraWidth + layoutExtra
+ + getLayoutWidth(**myLongest, npf, key)
+ - npf->getNoteBodyWidth(), // tighten up
+ 0));
+ } else {
+ chunks.push_back(Chunk(d, 0, extraWidth,
+ std::max(layoutExtra +
+ getLayoutWidth(**myLongest, npf, key),
+ lyricWidth)));
+ lyricWidth = 0;
+ }
+ itr = chord.getFinalElement();
+ if (barEndsInChord) {
+ to = itr;
+ ++to;
+ }
+struct ChunkLocation {
+ timeT time;
+ short subordering;
+ ChunkLocation(timeT t, short s) : time(t), subordering(s) { }
+bool operator<(const ChunkLocation &l0, const ChunkLocation &l1) {
+ return ((l0.time < l1.time) ||
+ ((l0.time == l1.time) && (l0.subordering < l1.subordering)));
+NotationHLayout::preSquishBar(int barNo)
+ typedef std::vector<Chunk *> ChunkRefList;
+ typedef std::map<ChunkLocation, ChunkRefList> ColumnMap;
+ static ColumnMap columns;
+ bool haveSomething = false;
+ columns.clear();
+ for (BarDataMap::iterator mi = m_barData.begin();
+ mi != m_barData.end(); ++mi) {
+ BarDataList &bdl = mi->second;
+ BarDataList::iterator bdli = bdl.find(barNo);
+ if (bdli != bdl.end()) {
+ haveSomething = true;
+ ChunkList &cl(bdli->second.chunks);
+ timeT aggregateTime = 0;
+ for (ChunkList::iterator cli = cl.begin(); cli != cl.end(); ++cli) {
+ // Subordering is typically zero for notes, positive
+ // for rests and negative for other stuff. We want to
+ // handle notes and rests together, but not the others.
+ int subordering = cli->subordering;
+ if (subordering > 0)
+ subordering = 0;
+ columns[ChunkLocation(aggregateTime, subordering)].push_back(&(*cli));
+ aggregateTime += cli->duration;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!haveSomething)
+ return ;
+ // now modify chunks in-place
+ // What we want to do here is idle along the whole set of chunk
+ // lists, inspecting all the chunks that occur at each moment in
+ // turn and choosing a "rate" from the "slowest" of these
+ // (i.e. most space per time)
+ float x = 0.0;
+ timeT prevTime = 0;
+ double prevRate = 0.0;
+ float maxStretchy = 0.0;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::preSquishBar(" << barNo << "): have "
+ << columns.size() << " columns" << endl;
+ for (ColumnMap::iterator i = columns.begin(); i != columns.end(); ++i) {
+ timeT time = i->first.time;
+ ChunkRefList &list = i->second;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::preSquishBar: "
+ << "column at " << time << " : " << i->first.subordering << endl;
+ double minRate = -1.0;
+ float totalFixed = 0.0;
+ maxStretchy = 0.0;
+ for (ChunkRefList::iterator j = list.begin(); j != list.end(); ++j) {
+ if ((*j)->stretchy > 0.0) {
+ double rate = (*j)->duration / (*j)->stretchy; // time per px
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::preSquishBar: rate " << rate << endl;
+ if (minRate < 0.0 || rate < minRate)
+ minRate = rate;
+ } else {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::preSquishBar: not stretchy" << endl;
+ }
+ maxStretchy = std::max(maxStretchy, (*j)->stretchy);
+ totalFixed = std::max(totalFixed, (*j)->fixed);
+ }
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::preSquishBar: minRate " << minRate << ", maxStretchy " << maxStretchy << ", totalFixed " << totalFixed << endl;
+ // we have the rate from this point, but we want to assign
+ // these elements an x coord based on the rate and distance
+ // from the previous point, plus fixed space for this point
+ // if it's a note (otherwise fixed space goes afterwards)
+ if (i->first.subordering == 0)
+ x += totalFixed;
+ if (prevRate > 0.0)
+ x += (time - prevTime) / prevRate;
+ for (ChunkRefList::iterator j = list.begin(); j != list.end(); ++j) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "Setting x for time " << time << " to " << x << " in chunk at " << *j << endl;
+ (*j)->x = x;
+ }
+ if (i->first.subordering != 0)
+ x += totalFixed;
+ prevTime = time;
+ prevRate = minRate;
+ }
+ x += maxStretchy;
+ for (BarDataMap::iterator mi = m_barData.begin();
+ mi != m_barData.end(); ++mi) {
+ BarDataList &bdl = mi->second;
+ BarDataList::iterator bdli = bdl.find(barNo);
+ if (bdli != bdl.end()) {
+ bdli->second.sizeData.idealWidth =
+ bdli->second.sizeData.fixedWidth + x;
+ if (!bdli->second.basicData.timeSignature.hasHiddenBars()) {
+ bdli->second.sizeData.idealWidth += getBarMargin();
+ } else if (bdli->second.basicData.newTimeSig) {
+ bdli->second.sizeData.idealWidth += getPostBarMargin();
+ }
+ bdli->second.sizeData.reconciledWidth =
+ bdli->second.sizeData.idealWidth;
+ bdli->second.layoutData.needsLayout = true;
+ }
+ }
+Staff *
+NotationHLayout::getStaffWithWidestBar(int barNo)
+ float maxWidth = -1;
+ Staff *widest = 0;
+ for (BarDataMap::iterator mi = m_barData.begin();
+ mi != m_barData.end(); ++mi) {
+ BarDataList &list = mi->second;
+ BarDataList::iterator li = list.find(barNo);
+ if (li != list.end()) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "getStaffWithWidestBar: idealWidth is " << li->second.sizeData.idealWidth << endl;
+ if (li->second.sizeData.idealWidth == 0.0) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "getStaffWithWidestBar(" << barNo << "): found idealWidth of zero, presquishing" << endl;
+ preSquishBar(barNo);
+ }
+ if (li->second.sizeData.idealWidth > maxWidth) {
+ maxWidth = li->second.sizeData.idealWidth;
+ widest = mi->first;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return widest;
+NotationHLayout::getMaxRepeatedClefAndKeyWidth(int barNo)
+ int max = 0;
+ timeT barStart = 0;
+ for (BarDataMap::iterator mi = m_barData.begin();
+ mi != m_barData.end(); ++mi) {
+ Staff *staff = mi->first;
+ if (mi == m_barData.begin()) {
+ barStart = staff->getSegment().getComposition()->getBarStart(barNo);
+ }
+ timeT t;
+ int w = 0;
+ Clef clef = staff->getSegment().getClefAtTime(barStart, t);
+ if (t < barStart)
+ w += m_npf->getClefWidth(clef);
+ ::Rosegarden::Key key = staff->getSegment().getKeyAtTime(barStart, t);
+ if (t < barStart)
+ w += m_npf->getKeyWidth(key);
+ if (w > max)
+ max = w;
+ }
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "getMaxRepeatedClefAndKeyWidth(" << barNo << "): " << max
+ << endl;
+ if (max > 0)
+ return max + getFixedItemSpacing() * 2;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ Profiler profiler("NotationHLayout::reconcileBarsLinear");
+ // Ensure that concurrent bars on all staffs have the same width,
+ // which for now we make the maximum width required for this bar
+ // on any staff. These days getStaffWithWidestBar actually does
+ // most of the work in its call to preSquishBar, but this function
+ // still sets the bar line positions etc.
+ int barNo = getFirstVisibleBar();
+ m_totalWidth = 0.0;
+ for (StaffIntMap::iterator i = m_staffNameWidths.begin();
+ i != m_staffNameWidths.end(); ++i) {
+ if (i->second > m_totalWidth)
+ m_totalWidth = double(i->second);
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ Staff *widest = getStaffWithWidestBar(barNo);
+ if (!widest) {
+ // have we reached the end of the piece?
+ if (barNo >= getLastVisibleBar()) { // yes
+ break;
+ } else {
+ m_totalWidth += m_spacing / 3;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "Setting bar position for degenerate bar "
+ << barNo << " to " << m_totalWidth << endl;
+ m_barPositions[barNo] = m_totalWidth;
+ ++barNo;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ float maxWidth = m_barData[widest].find(barNo)->second.sizeData.idealWidth;
+ if (m_pageWidth > 0.1 && maxWidth > m_pageWidth) {
+ maxWidth = m_pageWidth;
+ }
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "Setting bar position for bar " << barNo
+ << " to " << m_totalWidth << endl;
+ m_barPositions[barNo] = m_totalWidth;
+ m_totalWidth += maxWidth;
+ // Now apply width to this bar on all staffs
+ for (BarDataMap::iterator i = m_barData.begin();
+ i != m_barData.end(); ++i) {
+ BarDataList &list = i->second;
+ BarDataList::iterator bdli = list.find(barNo);
+ if (bdli != list.end()) {
+ BarData::SizeData &bd(bdli->second.sizeData);
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "Changing width from " << bd.reconciledWidth << " to " << maxWidth << endl;
+ double diff = maxWidth - bd.reconciledWidth;
+ if (diff < -0.1 || diff > 0.1) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "(So needsLayout becomes true)" << endl;
+ bdli->second.layoutData.needsLayout = true;
+ }
+ bd.reconciledWidth = maxWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ ++barNo;
+ }
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "Setting bar position for bar " << barNo
+ << " to " << m_totalWidth << endl;
+ m_barPositions[barNo] = m_totalWidth;
+ Profiler profiler("NotationHLayout::reconcileBarsPage");
+ int barNo = getFirstVisibleBar();
+ int barNoThisRow = 0;
+ // pair of the recommended number of bars with those bars'
+ // original total width, for each row
+ std::vector<std::pair<int, double> > rowData;
+ double stretchFactor = 10.0;
+ double maxStaffNameWidth = 0.0;
+ for (StaffIntMap::iterator i = m_staffNameWidths.begin();
+ i != m_staffNameWidths.end(); ++i) {
+ if (i->second > maxStaffNameWidth) {
+ maxStaffNameWidth = double(i->second);
+ }
+ }
+ double pageWidthSoFar = maxStaffNameWidth;
+ m_totalWidth = maxStaffNameWidth + getPreBarMargin();
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::reconcileBarsPage: pageWidthSoFar is " << pageWidthSoFar << endl;
+ for (;;) {
+ Staff *widest = getStaffWithWidestBar(barNo);
+ double maxWidth = m_spacing / 3;
+ if (!widest) {
+ // have we reached the end of the piece?
+ if (barNo >= getLastVisibleBar())
+ break; // yes
+ } else {
+ maxWidth =
+ m_barData[widest].find(barNo)->second.sizeData.idealWidth;
+ }
+ // Work on the assumption that this bar is the last in the
+ // row. How would that make things look?
+ double nextPageWidth = pageWidthSoFar + maxWidth;
+ double nextStretchFactor = m_pageWidth / nextPageWidth;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "barNo is " << barNo << ", maxWidth " << maxWidth << ", nextPageWidth " << nextPageWidth << ", nextStretchFactor " << nextStretchFactor << ", m_pageWidth " << m_pageWidth << endl;
+ // We have to have at least one bar per row
+ bool tooFar = false;
+ if (barNoThisRow >= 1) {
+ // If this stretch factor is "worse" than the previous
+ // one, we've come too far and have too many bars
+ if (fabs(1.0 - nextStretchFactor) > fabs(1.0 - stretchFactor)) {
+ tooFar = true;
+ }
+ // If the next stretch factor is less than 1 and would
+ // make this bar on any of the staffs narrower than it can
+ // afford to be, then we've got too many bars
+ //!!! rework this -- we have no concept of "too narrow"
+ // any more but we can declare we don't want it any
+ // narrower than e.g. 90% or something based on the spacing
+ /*!!!
+ if (!tooFar && (nextStretchFactor < 1.0)) {
+ for (BarDataMap::iterator i = m_barData.begin();
+ i != m_barData.end(); ++i) {
+ BarDataList &list = i->second;
+ BarDataList::iterator bdli = list.find(barNo);
+ if (bdli != list.end()) {
+ BarData::SizeData &bd(bdli->second.sizeData);
+ if ((nextStretchFactor * bd.idealWidth) <
+ (double)(bd.fixedWidth + bd.baseWidth)) {
+ tooFar = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ if (tooFar) {
+ rowData.push_back(std::pair<int, double>(barNoThisRow,
+ pageWidthSoFar));
+ barNoThisRow = 1;
+ // When we start a new row, we always need to allow for the
+ // repeated clef and key at the start of it.
+ int maxClefKeyWidth = getMaxRepeatedClefAndKeyWidth(barNo);
+ for (BarDataMap::iterator i = m_barData.begin();
+ i != m_barData.end(); ++i) {
+ BarDataList &list = i->second;
+ BarDataList::iterator bdli = list.find(barNo);
+ if (bdli != list.end()) {
+ bdli->second.sizeData.clefKeyWidth = maxClefKeyWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ pageWidthSoFar = maxWidth + maxClefKeyWidth;
+ stretchFactor = m_pageWidth / pageWidthSoFar;
+ } else {
+ ++barNoThisRow;
+ pageWidthSoFar = nextPageWidth;
+ stretchFactor = nextStretchFactor;
+ }
+ ++barNo;
+ }
+ if (barNoThisRow > 0) {
+ rowData.push_back(std::pair<int, double>(barNoThisRow,
+ pageWidthSoFar));
+ }
+ // Now we need to actually apply the widths
+ barNo = getFirstVisibleBar();
+ for (unsigned int row = 0; row < rowData.size(); ++row) {
+ barNoThisRow = barNo;
+ int finalBarThisRow = barNo + rowData[row].first - 1;
+ pageWidthSoFar = (row > 0 ? 0 : maxStaffNameWidth + getPreBarMargin());
+ stretchFactor = m_pageWidth / rowData[row].second;
+ for (; barNoThisRow <= finalBarThisRow; ++barNoThisRow, ++barNo) {
+ bool finalRow = (row == rowData.size() - 1);
+ Staff *widest = getStaffWithWidestBar(barNo);
+ if (finalRow && (stretchFactor > 1.0))
+ stretchFactor = 1.0;
+ double maxWidth = 0.0;
+ if (!widest) {
+ // have we reached the end of the piece? (shouldn't happen)
+ if (barNo >= getLastVisibleBar())
+ break; // yes
+ else
+ maxWidth = stretchFactor * (m_spacing / 3);
+ } else {
+ BarData &bd = m_barData[widest].find(barNo)->second;
+ maxWidth = (stretchFactor * bd.sizeData.idealWidth) +
+ bd.sizeData.clefKeyWidth;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "setting maxWidth to " << (stretchFactor * bd.sizeData.idealWidth) << " + " << bd.sizeData.clefKeyWidth << " = " << maxWidth << endl;
+ }
+ if (barNoThisRow == finalBarThisRow) {
+ if (!finalRow ||
+ (maxWidth > (m_pageWidth - pageWidthSoFar))) {
+ maxWidth = m_pageWidth - pageWidthSoFar;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "reset maxWidth to " << m_pageWidth << " - " << pageWidthSoFar << " = " << maxWidth << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ m_barPositions[barNo] = m_totalWidth;
+ m_totalWidth += maxWidth;
+ for (BarDataMap::iterator i = m_barData.begin();
+ i != m_barData.end(); ++i) {
+ BarDataList &list = i->second;
+ BarDataList::iterator bdli = list.find(barNo);
+ if (bdli != list.end()) {
+ BarData::SizeData &bd(bdli->second.sizeData);
+ double diff = maxWidth - bd.reconciledWidth;
+ if (diff < -0.1 || diff > 0.1) {
+ bdli->second.layoutData.needsLayout = true;
+ }
+ bd.reconciledWidth = maxWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ pageWidthSoFar += maxWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ m_barPositions[barNo] = m_totalWidth;
+NotationHLayout::finishLayout(timeT startTime, timeT endTime)
+ Profiler profiler("NotationHLayout::finishLayout");
+ m_barPositions.clear();
+ bool isFullLayout = (startTime == endTime);
+ if (m_pageMode && (m_pageWidth > 0.1))
+ reconcileBarsPage();
+ else
+ reconcileBarsLinear();
+ int staffNo = 0;
+ for (BarDataMap::iterator i(m_barData.begin());
+ i != m_barData.end(); ++i) {
+ emit setProgress(100 * staffNo / m_barData.size());
+ ProgressDialog::processEvents();
+ throwIfCancelled();
+ timeT timeCovered = endTime - startTime;
+ if (isFullLayout) {
+ NotationElementList *notes = i->first->getViewElementList();
+ if (notes->begin() != notes->end()) {
+ NotationElementList::iterator j(notes->end());
+ timeCovered =
+ (*--j)->getViewAbsoluteTime() -
+ (*notes->begin())->getViewAbsoluteTime();
+ }
+ }
+ m_timePerProgressIncrement = timeCovered / (100 / m_barData.size());
+ layout(i, startTime, endTime);
+ ++staffNo;
+ }
+NotationHLayout::layout(BarDataMap::iterator i, timeT startTime, timeT endTime)
+ Profiler profiler("NotationHLayout::layout");
+ Staff &staff = *(i->first);
+ NotationElementList *notes = staff.getViewElementList();
+ BarDataList &barList(getBarData(staff));
+ NotationStaff &notationStaff = dynamic_cast<NotationStaff &>(staff);
+ bool isFullLayout = (startTime == endTime);
+ // these two are for partial layouts:
+ // bool haveSimpleOffset = false;
+ // double simpleOffset = 0;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::layout: full layout " << isFullLayout << ", times " << startTime << "->" << endTime << endl;
+ double x = 0, barX = 0;
+ TieMap tieMap;
+ timeT lastIncrement =
+ (isFullLayout && (notes->begin() != notes->end())) ?
+ (*notes->begin())->getViewAbsoluteTime() : startTime;
+ ::Rosegarden::Key key = notationStaff.getSegment().getKeyAtTime(lastIncrement);
+ Clef clef = notationStaff.getSegment().getClefAtTime(lastIncrement);
+ TimeSignature timeSignature;
+ int startBar = getComposition()->getBarNumber(startTime);
+ KConfig *config = kapp->config();
+ config->setGroup("Notation Options");
+ bool showInvisibles = config->readBoolEntry("showinvisibles", true);
+ for (BarPositionList::iterator bpi = m_barPositions.begin();
+ bpi != m_barPositions.end(); ++bpi) {
+ int barNo = bpi->first;
+ if (!isFullLayout && barNo < startBar)
+ continue;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::looking for bar "
+ << bpi->first << endl;
+ BarDataList::iterator bdi = barList.find(barNo);
+ if (bdi == barList.end())
+ continue;
+ barX = bpi->second;
+ NotationElementList::iterator from = bdi->second.basicData.start;
+ NotationElementList::iterator to;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::layout(): starting bar " << barNo << ", x = " << barX << ", width = " << bdi->second.sizeData.idealWidth << ", time = " << (from == notes->end() ? -1 : (*from)->getViewAbsoluteTime()) << endl;
+ BarDataList::iterator nbdi(bdi);
+ if (++nbdi == barList.end()) {
+ to = notes->end();
+ } else {
+ to = nbdi->second.basicData.start;
+ }
+ if (from == notes->end()) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "Start is end" << endl;
+ }
+ if (from == to) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "Start is to" << endl;
+ }
+ if (!bdi->second.layoutData.needsLayout) {
+ double offset = barX - bdi->second.layoutData.x;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::layout(): bar " << barNo << " has needsLayout false and offset of " << offset << endl;
+ if (offset > -0.1 && offset < 0.1) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::layout(): no offset, ignoring" << endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ bdi->second.layoutData.x += offset;
+ if (bdi->second.basicData.newTimeSig)
+ bdi->second.layoutData.timeSigX += (int)offset;
+ for (NotationElementList::iterator it = from;
+ it != to && it != notes->end(); ++it) {
+ NotationElement* nel = static_cast<NotationElement*>(*it);
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::layout(): shifting element's x to " << ((*it)->getLayoutX() + offset) << " (was " << (*it)->getLayoutX() << ")" << endl;
+ nel->setLayoutX((*it)->getLayoutX() + offset);
+ double airX, airWidth;
+ nel->getLayoutAirspace(airX, airWidth);
+ nel->setLayoutAirspace(airX + offset, airWidth);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ bdi->second.layoutData.x = barX;
+ // x = barX + getPostBarMargin();
+ bool timeSigToPlace = false;
+ if (bdi->second.basicData.newTimeSig) {
+ timeSignature = bdi->second.basicData.timeSignature;
+ timeSigToPlace = !bdi->second.basicData.timeSignature.isHidden();
+ }
+ if (timeSigToPlace) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::layout(): there's a time sig in this bar" << endl;
+ }
+ bool repeatClefAndKey = false;
+ if (bdi->second.sizeData.clefKeyWidth > 0) {
+ repeatClefAndKey = true;
+ }
+ if (repeatClefAndKey) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::layout(): need to repeat clef & key in this bar" << endl;
+ }
+ double barInset = notationStaff.getBarInset(barNo, repeatClefAndKey);
+ NotationElement *lastDynamicText = 0;
+ int fretboardCount = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ double offset = 0.0;
+ double reconciledWidth = bdi->second.sizeData.reconciledWidth;
+ if (repeatClefAndKey) {
+ offset = bdi->second.sizeData.clefKeyWidth;
+ reconciledWidth -= offset;
+ }
+ if (bdi->second.basicData.newTimeSig ||
+ !bdi->second.basicData.timeSignature.hasHiddenBars()) {
+ offset += getPostBarMargin();
+ }
+ ChunkList &chunks = bdi->second.chunks;
+ ChunkList::iterator chunkitr = chunks.begin();
+ double reconcileRatio = 1.0;
+ if (bdi->second.sizeData.idealWidth > 0.0) {
+ reconcileRatio = reconciledWidth / bdi->second.sizeData.idealWidth;
+ }
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "have " << chunks.size() << " chunks, reconciledWidth " << bdi->second.sizeData.reconciledWidth << ", idealWidth " << bdi->second.sizeData.idealWidth << ", ratio " << reconcileRatio << endl;
+ double delta = 0;
+ float sigx = 0.f;
+ for (NotationElementList::iterator it = from; it != to; ++it) {
+ NotationElement *el = static_cast<NotationElement*>(*it);
+ delta = 0;
+ float fixed = 0;
+ if (el->event()->isa(Note::EventType)) {
+ long pitch = 0;
+ el->event()->get<Int>(PITCH, pitch);
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "element is a " << el->event()->getType() << " (pitch " << pitch << ")" << endl;
+ } else {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "element is a " << el->event()->getType() << endl;
+ }
+ bool invisible = false;
+ if (el->event()->get<Bool>(INVISIBLE, invisible) && invisible) {
+ if (!showInvisibles)
+ continue;
+ }
+// float sigx = 0;
+ if (chunkitr != chunks.end()) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "new chunk: addr " << &(*chunkitr) << " duration=" << (*chunkitr).duration << " subordering=" << (*chunkitr).subordering << " fixed=" << (*chunkitr).fixed << " stretchy=" << (*chunkitr).stretchy << " x=" << (*chunkitr).x << endl;
+ x = barX + offset + reconcileRatio * (*chunkitr).x;
+ fixed = (*chunkitr).fixed;
+// sigx = barX + offset - fixed;
+// sigx = x - fixed;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "adjusted x is " << x << ", fixed is " << fixed << endl;
+ if (timeSigToPlace) {
+ if (el->event()->isa(Clef::EventType) ||
+ el->event()->isa(Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) {
+ sigx = x + (*chunkitr).fixed + (*chunkitr).stretchy;
+ }
+ }
+ ChunkList::iterator chunkscooter(chunkitr);
+ if (++chunkscooter != chunks.end()) {
+ delta = (*chunkscooter).x - (*chunkitr).x;
+ } else {
+ delta = reconciledWidth -
+ bdi->second.sizeData.fixedWidth - (*chunkitr).x;
+ }
+ delta *= reconcileRatio;
+ ++chunkitr;
+ } else {
+ x = barX + reconciledWidth - getPreBarMargin();
+// sigx = x;
+ delta = 0;
+ }
+ if (timeSigToPlace &&
+ !el->event()->isa(Clef::EventType) &&
+ !el->event()->isa(::Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) {
+ if (sigx == 0.f) {
+ sigx = barX + offset;
+ }
+// NOTATION_DEBUG << "Placing timesig at " << (x - fixed) << endl;
+// bdi->second.layoutData.timeSigX = (int)(x - fixed);
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "Placing timesig at " << sigx << " (would previously have been " << int(x-fixed) << "?)" << endl;
+ bdi->second.layoutData.timeSigX = (int)sigx;
+ double shift = getFixedItemSpacing() +
+ m_npf->getTimeSigWidth(timeSignature);
+ offset += shift;
+ x += shift;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "and moving next elt to " << x << endl;
+ timeSigToPlace = false;
+ }
+ if (barInset >= 1.0) {
+ if (el->event()->isa(Clef::EventType) ||
+ el->event()->isa(::Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "Pulling clef/key back by " << getPreBarMargin() << endl;
+ x -= getPostBarMargin() * 2 / 3;
+ } else {
+ barInset = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::layout(): setting element's x to " << x << " (was " << el->getLayoutX() << ")" << endl;
+ double displacedX = 0.0;
+ long dxRaw = 0;
+ el->event()->get<Int>(DISPLACED_X, dxRaw);
+ displacedX = double(dxRaw * m_npf->getNoteBodyWidth()) / 1000.0;
+ el->setLayoutX(x + displacedX);
+ el->setLayoutAirspace(x, int(delta));
+ // #704958 (multiple tuplet spanners created when entering
+ // triplet chord) -- only do this here for non-notes,
+ // notes get it from positionChord
+ if (!el->isNote()) {
+ sampleGroupElement(staff, clef, key, it);
+ }
+ if (el->isNote()) {
+ // This modifies "it" and "tieMap"
+ positionChord(staff, it, clef, key, tieMap, to);
+ } else if (el->isRest()) {
+ // nothing to do
+ } else if (el->event()->isa(Clef::EventType)) {
+ clef = Clef(*el->event());
+ } else if (el->event()->isa(::Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) {
+ key = ::Rosegarden::Key(*el->event());
+ } else if (el->event()->isa(Text::EventType)) {
+ // if it's a dynamic, make a note of it in case a
+ // hairpin immediately follows it
+ if (el->event()->has(Text::TextTypePropertyName) &&
+ el->event()->get<String>(Text::TextTypePropertyName) ==
+ Text::Dynamic) {
+ lastDynamicText = el;
+ }
+ } else if (el->event()->isa(Indication::EventType)) {
+ std::string type;
+ double ix = x;
+ // Check for a dynamic text at the same time as the
+ // indication and if found, move the indication to the
+ // right to make room. We know the text should have
+ // preceded the indication in the staff because it has
+ // a smaller subordering
+ if (el->event()->get<String>
+ (Indication::IndicationTypePropertyName, type) &&
+ (type == Indication::Crescendo ||
+ type == Indication::Decrescendo) &&
+ lastDynamicText &&
+ lastDynamicText->getViewAbsoluteTime() ==
+ el->getViewAbsoluteTime()) {
+ ix = x + m_npf->getTextWidth
+ (Text(*lastDynamicText->event())) +
+ m_npf->getNoteBodyWidth() / 4;
+ }
+ el->setLayoutX(ix + displacedX);
+ el->setLayoutAirspace(ix, delta - (ix - x));
+ } else if (el->event()->isa(Guitar::Chord::EventType)) {
+ int guitarChordWidth = m_npf->getLineSpacing() * 6;
+ el->setLayoutX(x - (guitarChordWidth / 2)
+ + fretboardCount * (guitarChordWidth +
+ m_npf->getNoteBodyWidth()/2)
+ + displacedX);
+ ++fretboardCount;
+ } else {
+ // nothing else
+ }
+ if (m_timePerProgressIncrement > 0 && (++count == 100)) {
+ count = 0;
+ timeT sinceIncrement = el->getViewAbsoluteTime() - lastIncrement;
+ if (sinceIncrement > m_timePerProgressIncrement) {
+ emit incrementProgress
+ (sinceIncrement / m_timePerProgressIncrement);
+ lastIncrement +=
+ (sinceIncrement / m_timePerProgressIncrement)
+ * m_timePerProgressIncrement;
+ throwIfCancelled();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (timeSigToPlace) {
+ // no other events in this bar, so we never managed to place it
+ x = barX + offset;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "Placing timesig reluctantly at " << x << endl;
+ bdi->second.layoutData.timeSigX = (int)(x);
+ timeSigToPlace = false;
+ }
+ for (NotationGroupMap::iterator mi = m_groupsExtant.begin();
+ mi != m_groupsExtant.end(); ++mi) {
+ mi->second->applyBeam(notationStaff);
+ mi->second->applyTuplingLine(notationStaff);
+ delete mi->second;
+ }
+ m_groupsExtant.clear();
+ bdi->second.layoutData.needsLayout = false;
+ }
+NotationHLayout::sampleGroupElement(Staff &staff,
+ const Clef &clef,
+ const ::Rosegarden::Key &key,
+ const NotationElementList::iterator &itr)
+ NotationElement *el = static_cast<NotationElement *>(*itr);
+ if (el->event()->has(BEAMED_GROUP_ID)) {
+ //!!! Gosh. We need some clever logic to establish whether
+ // one group is happening while another has not yet ended --
+ // perhaps we decide one has ended if we see another, and then
+ // re-open the case of the first if we meet another note that
+ // claims to be in it. Then we need to hint to both of the
+ // groups that they should choose appropriate stem directions
+ // -- we could just use HEIGHT_ON_STAFF of their first notes
+ // to determine this, as if that doesn't work, nothing will
+ long groupId = el->event()->get<Int>(BEAMED_GROUP_ID);
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "group id: " << groupId << endl;
+ if (m_groupsExtant.find(groupId) == m_groupsExtant.end()) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "(new group)" << endl;
+ m_groupsExtant[groupId] =
+ new NotationGroup(*staff.getViewElementList(),
+ m_notationQuantizer,
+ m_properties, clef, key);
+ }
+ m_groupsExtant[groupId]->sample(itr, true);
+ }
+NotationHLayout::getSpacingDuration(Staff &staff,
+ const NotationElementList::iterator &i)
+ SegmentNotationHelper helper(staff.getSegment());
+ timeT t((*i)->getViewAbsoluteTime());
+ timeT d((*i)->getViewDuration());
+ if (d > 0 && (*i)->event()->getDuration() == 0) return d; // grace note
+ NotationElementList::iterator j(i), e(staff.getViewElementList()->end());
+ while (j != e && ((*j)->getViewAbsoluteTime() == t ||
+ (*j)->getViewDuration() == 0)) {
+ ++j;
+ }
+ if (j == e) {
+ return d;
+ } else {
+ return (*j)->getViewAbsoluteTime() - (*i)->getViewAbsoluteTime();
+ }
+NotationHLayout::getSpacingDuration(Staff &staff,
+ const NotationChord &chord)
+ SegmentNotationHelper helper(staff.getSegment());
+ NotationElementList::iterator i = chord.getShortestElement();
+ timeT d((*i)->getViewDuration());
+ if (d > 0 && (*i)->event()->getDuration() == 0) return d; // grace note
+ NotationElementList::iterator j(i), e(staff.getViewElementList()->end());
+ while (j != e && (chord.contains(j) || (*j)->getViewDuration() == 0))
+ ++j;
+ if (j != e) {
+ d = (*j)->getViewAbsoluteTime() - (*i)->getViewAbsoluteTime();
+ }
+ return d;
+NotationHLayout::positionChord(Staff &staff,
+ NotationElementList::iterator &itr,
+ const Clef &clef, const ::Rosegarden::Key &key,
+ TieMap &tieMap,
+ NotationElementList::iterator &to)
+ NotationChord chord(*staff.getViewElementList(), itr, m_notationQuantizer,
+ m_properties, clef, key);
+ double baseX, delta;
+ (static_cast<NotationElement *>(*itr))->getLayoutAirspace(baseX, delta);
+ bool barEndsInChord = false;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::positionChord: x = " << baseX << endl;
+ // #938545 (Broken notation: Duplicated note can float outside
+ // stave) -- We need to iterate over all elements in the chord
+ // range here, not just the ordered set of notes actually in the
+ // chord. They all have the same x-coord, so there's no
+ // particular complication here.
+ for (NotationElementList::iterator citr = chord.getInitialElement();
+ citr != staff.getViewElementList()->end(); ++citr) {
+ if (citr == to)
+ barEndsInChord = true;
+ // #704958 (multiple tuplet spanners created when entering
+ // triplet chord) -- layout() updates the beamed group data
+ // for non-notes, but we have to do it for notes so as to
+ // ensure every note in the chord is accounted for
+ sampleGroupElement(staff, clef, key, citr);
+ NotationElement *elt = static_cast<NotationElement*>(*citr);
+ double displacedX = 0.0;
+ long dxRaw = 0;
+ elt->event()->get<Int>(DISPLACED_X, dxRaw);
+ displacedX = double(dxRaw * m_npf->getNoteBodyWidth()) / 1000.0;
+ elt->setLayoutX(baseX + displacedX);
+ elt->setLayoutAirspace(baseX, delta);
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::positionChord: assigned x to elt at " << elt->getViewAbsoluteTime() << endl;
+ if (citr == chord.getFinalElement())
+ break;
+ }
+ // Check for any ties going back, and if so work out how long they
+ // must have been and assign accordingly.
+ for (NotationElementList::iterator citr = chord.getInitialElement();
+ citr != staff.getViewElementList()->end(); ++citr) {
+ NotationElement *note = static_cast<NotationElement*>(*citr);
+ if (!note->isNote()) {
+ if (citr == chord.getFinalElement())
+ break;
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool tiedForwards = false;
+ bool tiedBack = false;
+ note->event()->get<Bool>(TIED_FORWARD, tiedForwards);
+ note->event()->get<Bool>(TIED_BACKWARD, tiedBack);
+ if (!note->event()->has(PITCH))
+ continue;
+ int pitch = note->event()->get<Int>(PITCH);
+ if (tiedBack) {
+ TieMap::iterator ti(tieMap.find(pitch));
+ if (ti != tieMap.end()) {
+ NotationElementList::iterator otherItr(ti->second);
+ if ((*otherItr)->getViewAbsoluteTime() +
+ (*otherItr)->getViewDuration() ==
+ note->getViewAbsoluteTime()) {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "Second note in tie at " << note->getViewAbsoluteTime() << ": found first note, it matches" << endl;
+ (*otherItr)->event()->setMaybe<Int>
+ (m_properties.TIE_LENGTH,
+ (int)(baseX - (*otherItr)->getLayoutX()));
+ } else {
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "Second note in tie at " << note->getViewAbsoluteTime() << ": found first note but it ends at " << ((*otherItr)->getViewAbsoluteTime() + (*otherItr)->getViewDuration()) << endl;
+ tieMap.erase(pitch);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (tiedForwards) {
+ note->event()->setMaybe<Int>(m_properties.TIE_LENGTH, 0);
+ tieMap[pitch] = citr;
+ } else {
+ note->event()->unset(m_properties.TIE_LENGTH);
+ }
+ if (citr == chord.getFinalElement())
+ break;
+ }
+ itr = chord.getFinalElement();
+ if (barEndsInChord) {
+ to = itr;
+ ++to;
+ }
+NotationHLayout::getLayoutWidth(ViewElement &ve,
+ NotePixmapFactory *npf,
+ const ::Rosegarden::Key &previousKey) const
+ NotationElement& e = static_cast<NotationElement&>(ve);
+ if ((e.isNote() || e.isRest()) && e.event()->has(NOTE_TYPE)) {
+ long noteType = e.event()->get<Int>(NOTE_TYPE);
+ long dots = 0;
+ (void)e.event()->get<Int>(NOTE_DOTS, dots);
+ double bw = 0;
+ if (e.isNote()) {
+ bw = m_npf->getNoteBodyWidth(noteType)
+ + m_npf->getDotWidth() * dots;
+ } else {
+ bw = m_npf->getRestWidth(Note(noteType, dots));
+ }
+ double multiplier = double(Note(noteType, dots).getDuration()) /
+ double(Note(Note::Quaver).getDuration());
+ multiplier -= 1.0;
+ multiplier *= m_proportion / 100.0;
+ multiplier += 1.0;
+ double gap = m_npf->getNoteBodyWidth(noteType) * multiplier;
+ NOTATION_DEBUG << "note type " << noteType << ", isNote " << e.isNote() << ", dots " << dots << ", multiplier " << multiplier << ", gap " << gap << ", result " << (bw + gap * m_spacing / 100.0) << endl;
+ gap = gap * m_spacing / 100.0;
+ return bw + gap;
+ } else {
+ double w = getFixedItemSpacing();
+ if (e.event()->isa(Clef::EventType)) {
+ w += m_npf->getClefWidth(Clef(*e.event()));
+ } else if (e.event()->isa(::Rosegarden::Key::EventType)) {
+ ::Rosegarden::Key key(*e.event());
+ ::Rosegarden::Key cancelKey = previousKey;
+ if (m_keySigCancelMode == 0) { // only when entering C maj / A min
+ if (key.getAccidentalCount() != 0)
+ cancelKey = ::Rosegarden::Key();
+ } else if (m_keySigCancelMode == 1) { // only when reducing acc count
+ if (!(key.isSharp() == cancelKey.isSharp() &&
+ key.getAccidentalCount() < cancelKey.getAccidentalCount())) {
+ cancelKey = ::Rosegarden::Key();
+ }
+ }
+ w += m_npf->getKeyWidth(key, cancelKey);
+ } else if (e.event()->isa(Indication::EventType) ||
+ e.event()->isa(Text::EventType)) {
+ w = 0;
+ } else {
+ // NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::getLayoutWidth(): no case for event type " << e.event()->getType() << endl;
+ // w += 24;
+ w = 0;
+ }
+ return w;
+ }
+int NotationHLayout::getBarMargin() const
+ return (int)(m_npf->getBarMargin() * m_spacing / 100.0);
+int NotationHLayout::getPreBarMargin() const
+ return getBarMargin() / 3;
+int NotationHLayout::getPostBarMargin() const
+ return getBarMargin() - getPreBarMargin();
+int NotationHLayout::getFixedItemSpacing() const
+ return (int)((m_npf->getNoteBodyWidth() * 2.0 / 3.0) * m_spacing / 100.0);
+ for (BarDataMap::iterator i = m_barData.begin();
+ i != m_barData.end(); ++i) {
+ clearBarList(*i->first);
+ }
+ m_barData.clear();
+ m_barPositions.clear();
+ m_totalWidth = 0;
+NotationHLayout::resetStaff(Staff &staff, timeT startTime, timeT endTime)
+ if (startTime == endTime) {
+ getBarData(staff).clear();
+ m_totalWidth = 0;
+ }
+NotationHLayout::getFirstVisibleBar() const
+ int bar = 0;
+ bool haveBar = false;
+ for (BarDataMap::const_iterator i = m_barData.begin(); i != m_barData.end(); ++i) {
+ if (i->second.begin() == i->second.end())
+ continue;
+ int barHere = i->second.begin()->first;
+ if (barHere < bar || !haveBar) {
+ bar = barHere;
+ haveBar = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::getFirstVisibleBar: returning " << bar << endl;
+ return bar;
+NotationHLayout::getFirstVisibleBarOnStaff(Staff &staff)
+ BarDataList &bdl(getBarData(staff));
+ int bar = 0;
+ if (bdl.begin() != bdl.end())
+ bar = bdl.begin()->first;
+ // NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::getFirstVisibleBarOnStaff: returning " << bar << endl;
+ return bar;
+NotationHLayout::getLastVisibleBar() const
+ int bar = 0;
+ bool haveBar = false;
+ for (BarDataMap::const_iterator i = m_barData.begin();
+ i != m_barData.end(); ++i) {
+ if (i->second.begin() == i->second.end())
+ continue;
+ int barHere = getLastVisibleBarOnStaff(*i->first);
+ if (barHere > bar || !haveBar) {
+ bar = barHere;
+ haveBar = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::getLastVisibleBar: returning " << bar << endl;
+ return bar;
+NotationHLayout::getLastVisibleBarOnStaff(Staff &staff) const
+ const BarDataList &bdl(getBarData(staff));
+ int bar = 0;
+ if (bdl.begin() != bdl.end()) {
+ BarDataList::const_iterator i = bdl.end();
+ bar = ((--i)->first) + 1; // last visible bar_line_
+ }
+ // NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::getLastVisibleBarOnStaff: returning " << bar << endl;
+ return bar;
+NotationHLayout::getBarPosition(int bar) const
+ double position = 0.0;
+ BarPositionList::const_iterator i = m_barPositions.find(bar);
+ if (i != m_barPositions.end()) {
+ position = i->second;
+ } else {
+ i = m_barPositions.begin();
+ if (i != m_barPositions.end()) {
+ if (bar < i->first)
+ position = i->second;
+ else {
+ i = m_barPositions.end();
+ --i;
+ if (bar > i->first)
+ position = i->second;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::getBarPosition: returning " << position << " for bar " << bar << endl;
+ return position;
+NotationHLayout::isBarCorrectOnStaff(Staff &staff, int i)
+ BarDataList &bdl(getBarData(staff));
+ ++i;
+ BarDataList::iterator bdli(bdl.find(i));
+ if (bdli != bdl.end())
+ return bdli->second.basicData.correct;
+ else
+ return true;
+bool NotationHLayout::getTimeSignaturePosition(Staff &staff,
+ int i,
+ TimeSignature &timeSig,
+ double &timeSigX)
+ BarDataList &bdl(getBarData(staff));
+ BarDataList::iterator bdli(bdl.find(i));
+ if (bdli != bdl.end()) {
+ timeSig = bdli->second.basicData.timeSignature;
+ timeSigX = (double)(bdli->second.layoutData.timeSigX);
+ return bdli->second.basicData.newTimeSig;
+ } else
+ return 0;
+NotationHLayout::getTimeForX(double x) const
+ return RulerScale::getTimeForX(x);
+NotationHLayout::getXForTime(timeT t) const
+ return RulerScale::getXForTime(t);
+NotationHLayout::getXForTimeByEvent(timeT time) const
+ // NOTATION_DEBUG << "NotationHLayout::getXForTime(" << time << ")" << endl;
+ for (BarDataMap::const_iterator i = m_barData.begin(); i != m_barData.end(); ++i) {
+ Staff *staff = i->first;
+ if (staff->getSegment().getStartTime() <= time &&
+ staff->getSegment().getEndMarkerTime() > time) {
+ ViewElementList::iterator vli =
+ staff->getViewElementList()->findNearestTime(time);
+ bool found = false;
+ double x = 0.0, dx = 0.0;
+ timeT t = 0, dt = 0;
+ while (!found) {
+ if (vli == staff->getViewElementList()->end())
+ break;
+ NotationElement *element = static_cast<NotationElement *>(*vli);
+ if (element->getCanvasItem()) {
+ x = element->getLayoutX();
+ double temp;
+ element->getLayoutAirspace(temp, dx);
+ t = element->event()->getNotationAbsoluteTime();
+ dt = element->event()->getNotationDuration();
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ ++vli;
+ }
+ if (found) {
+ if (time > t) {
+ while (vli != staff->getViewElementList()->end() &&
+ ((*vli)->event()->getNotationAbsoluteTime() < time ||
+ !((static_cast<NotationElement *>(*vli))->getCanvasItem())))
+ ++vli;
+ if (vli != staff->getViewElementList()->end()) {
+ NotationElement *element = static_cast<NotationElement *>(*vli);
+ dx = element->getLayoutX() - x;
+ dt = element->event()->getNotationAbsoluteTime() - t;
+ }
+ if (dt > 0 && dx > 0) {
+ return x + dx * (time - t) / dt;
+ }
+ }
+ return x - 3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return RulerScale::getXForTime(time);
+std::vector<int> NotationHLayout::m_availableSpacings;
+std::vector<int> NotationHLayout::m_availableProportions;