path: root/src/gui/editors/segment/segmentcanvas/CompositionView.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/editors/segment/segmentcanvas/CompositionView.h')
1 files changed, 366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/editors/segment/segmentcanvas/CompositionView.h b/src/gui/editors/segment/segmentcanvas/CompositionView.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff0d440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/editors/segment/segmentcanvas/CompositionView.h
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
+ Rosegarden
+ A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
+ This program is Copyright 2000-2008
+ Guillaume Laurent <[email protected]>,
+ Chris Cannam <[email protected]>,
+ Richard Bown <[email protected]>
+ The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard
+ Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted.
+ Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please
+ see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
+ COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
+#include "base/Selection.h"
+#include "CompositionModel.h"
+#include "CompositionItem.h"
+#include "gui/general/RosegardenScrollView.h"
+#include <qbrush.h>
+#include <qcolor.h>
+#include <qpen.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <qpoint.h>
+#include <qrect.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include "base/Event.h"
+class QWidget;
+class QWheelEvent;
+class QResizeEvent;
+class QPaintEvent;
+class QPainter;
+class QMouseEvent;
+class QEvent;
+namespace Rosegarden
+class SnapGrid;
+class SegmentToolBox;
+class SegmentTool;
+class SegmentSelector;
+class Segment;
+class RosegardenGUIDoc;
+class CompositionRect;
+class CompositionView : public RosegardenScrollView
+ CompositionView(RosegardenGUIDoc*, CompositionModel*,
+ QWidget * parent=0, const char* name=0, WFlags f=0);
+ void setPointerPos(int pos);
+ int getPointerPos() { return m_pointerPos; }
+ void setGuidesPos(int x, int y);
+ void setGuidesPos(const QPoint& p);
+ void setDrawGuides(bool d);
+ QRect getSelectionRect() const { return m_selectionRect; }
+ void setSelectionRectPos(const QPoint& pos);
+ void setSelectionRectSize(int w, int h);
+ void setDrawSelectionRect(bool d);
+ SnapGrid& grid() { return m_model->grid(); }
+ CompositionItem getFirstItemAt(QPoint pos);
+ SegmentToolBox* getToolBox() { return m_toolBox; }
+ CompositionModel* getModel() { return m_model; }
+ void setTmpRect(const QRect& r);
+ void setTmpRect(const QRect& r, const QColor &c);
+ const QRect& getTmpRect() const { return m_tmpRect; }
+ /**
+ * Set the snap resolution of the grid to something suitable.
+ *
+ * fineTool indicates whether the current tool is a fine-grain sort
+ * (such as the resize or move tools) or a coarse one (such as the
+ * segment creation pencil). If the user is requesting extra-fine
+ * resolution (through the setFineGrain method) that will also be
+ * taken into account.
+ */
+ void setSnapGrain(bool fine);
+ /**
+ * Find out whether the user is requesting extra-fine resolution
+ * (e.g. by holding Shift key). This is seldom necessary -- most
+ * client code will only need to query the snap grid that is
+ * adjusted appropriately by the view when interactions take
+ * place.
+ */
+ bool isFineGrain() const { return m_fineGrain; }
+ /**
+ * Find out whether the user is requesting to draw over an existing segment
+ * with the pencil, by holding the Ctrl key. This is used by the segment
+ * pencil to decide whether to abort or not if a user attempts to draw over
+ * an existing segment, and this is all necessary in order to avoid breaking
+ * the double-click-to-open behavior.
+ */
+ bool pencilOverExisting() const { return m_pencilOverExisting; }
+ /**
+ * Set whether the segment items contain previews or not
+ */
+ void setShowPreviews(bool previews) { m_showPreviews = previews; }
+ /**
+ * Return whether the segment items contain previews or not
+ */
+ bool isShowingPreviews() { return m_showPreviews; }
+ /**
+ * clear all seg rect cache
+ */
+ void clearSegmentRectsCache(bool clearPreviews = false);
+ /// Return the selected Segments if we're currently using a "Selector"
+ SegmentSelection getSelectedSegments();
+ bool haveSelection() const { return m_model->haveSelection(); }
+ void updateSelectionContents();
+ /**
+ * Set and hide a text float on this canvas - it can contain
+ * anything and can be left to timeout or you can hide it
+ * explicitly.
+ *
+ */
+ void setTextFloat(int x, int y, const QString &text);
+ void hideTextFloat() { m_drawTextFloat = false; }
+ void setShowSegmentLabels(bool b) { m_showSegmentLabels = b; }
+ void setBackgroundPixmap(const QPixmap &m);
+ void endAudioPreviewGeneration();
+public slots:
+ void scrollRight();
+ void scrollLeft();
+ void slotContentsMoving(int x, int y);
+ /// Set the current segment editing tool
+ void slotSetTool(const QString& toolName);
+ // This method only operates if we're of the "Selector"
+ // tool type - it's called from the View to enable it
+ // to automatically set the selection of Segments (say
+ // by Track).
+ //
+ void slotSelectSegments(const SegmentSelection &segment);
+ // These are sent from the top level app when it gets key
+ // depresses relating to selection add (usually SHIFT) and
+ // selection copy (usually CONTROL)
+ //
+ void slotSetSelectAdd(bool value);
+ void slotSetSelectCopy(bool value);
+ void slotSetFineGrain(bool value);
+ void slotSetPencilOverExisting(bool value);
+ // Show and hige the splitting line on a Segment
+ //
+ void slotShowSplitLine(int x, int y);
+ void slotHideSplitLine();
+ void slotExternalWheelEvent(QWheelEvent*);
+ // TextFloat timer
+ void slotTextFloatTimeout();
+ void slotUpdateSegmentsDrawBuffer();
+ void slotUpdateSegmentsDrawBuffer(const QRect&);
+ void slotRefreshColourCache();
+ void slotNewMIDIRecordingSegment(Segment*);
+ void slotNewAudioRecordingSegment(Segment*);
+ // no longer used, see RosegardenGUIDoc::insertRecordedMidi
+// void slotRecordMIDISegmentUpdated(Segment*, timeT updatedFrom);
+ void slotStoppedRecording();
+ void slotUpdateSize();
+ void editSegment(Segment*); // use default editor
+ void editSegmentNotation(Segment*);
+ void editSegmentMatrix(Segment*);
+ void editSegmentAudio(Segment*);
+ void editSegmentEventList(Segment*);
+ void audioSegmentAutoSplit(Segment*);
+ void editRepeat(Segment*, timeT);
+ void setPointerPosition(timeT);
+ void showContextHelp(const QString &);
+ virtual bool event(QEvent *);
+ virtual void contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*);
+ virtual void contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*);
+ virtual void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent*);
+ virtual void contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*);
+ virtual void viewportPaintEvent(QPaintEvent*);
+ virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*);
+ virtual void enterEvent(QEvent *);
+ virtual void leaveEvent(QEvent *);
+ virtual void viewportPaintRect(QRect);
+ /**
+ * if something changed, returns true and sets rect accordingly
+ * sets 'scroll' if some scrolling occurred
+ */
+ bool checkScrollAndRefreshDrawBuffer(QRect &, bool& scroll);
+ void refreshSegmentsDrawBuffer(const QRect&);
+ void refreshArtifactsDrawBuffer(const QRect&);
+ void drawArea(QPainter * p, const QRect& rect);
+ void drawAreaAudioPreviews(QPainter * p, const QRect& rect);
+ void drawAreaArtifacts(QPainter * p, const QRect& rect);
+ void drawRect(const QRect& rect, QPainter * p, const QRect& clipRect,
+ bool isSelected = false, int intersectLvl = 0, bool fill = true);
+ void drawCompRect(const CompositionRect& r, QPainter *p, const QRect& clipRect,
+ int intersectLvl = 0, bool fill = true);
+ void drawCompRectLabel(const CompositionRect& r, QPainter *p, const QRect& clipRect);
+ void drawIntersections(const CompositionModel::rectcontainer&, QPainter * p, const QRect& clipRect);
+ void drawPointer(QPainter * p, const QRect& clipRect);
+ void drawGuides(QPainter * p, const QRect& clipRect);
+ void drawTextFloat(QPainter * p, const QRect& clipRect);
+ void initStepSize();
+ void releaseCurrentItem();
+ static QColor mixBrushes(QBrush a, QBrush b);
+ SegmentSelector* getSegmentSelectorTool();
+protected slots:
+ void slotSegmentsDrawBufferNeedsRefresh() {
+ m_segmentsDrawBufferRefresh =
+ QRect(contentsX(), contentsY(), visibleWidth(), visibleHeight());
+ }
+ void slotSegmentsDrawBufferNeedsRefresh(QRect r) {
+ m_segmentsDrawBufferRefresh |=
+ (QRect(contentsX(), contentsY(), visibleWidth(), visibleHeight())
+ & r);
+ }
+ void slotArtifactsDrawBufferNeedsRefresh() {
+ m_artifactsDrawBufferRefresh =
+ QRect(contentsX(), contentsY(), visibleWidth(), visibleHeight());
+ updateContents();
+ }
+ void slotArtifactsDrawBufferNeedsRefresh(QRect r) {
+ m_artifactsDrawBufferRefresh |=
+ (QRect(contentsX(), contentsY(), visibleWidth(), visibleHeight())
+ & r);
+ updateContents(r);
+ }
+ void slotAllDrawBuffersNeedRefresh() {
+ slotSegmentsDrawBufferNeedsRefresh();
+ slotArtifactsDrawBufferNeedsRefresh();
+ }
+ void slotAllDrawBuffersNeedRefresh(QRect r) {
+ slotSegmentsDrawBufferNeedsRefresh(r);
+ slotArtifactsDrawBufferNeedsRefresh(r);
+ }
+ void slotToolHelpChanged(const QString &);
+ //--------------- Data members ---------------------------------
+ CompositionModel* m_model;
+ CompositionItem m_currentItem;
+ SegmentTool* m_tool;
+ SegmentToolBox* m_toolBox;
+ bool m_showPreviews;
+ bool m_showSegmentLabels;
+ bool m_fineGrain;
+ bool m_pencilOverExisting;
+ int m_minWidth;
+ int m_stepSize;
+ QColor m_rectFill;
+ QColor m_selectedRectFill;
+ int m_pointerPos;
+ QColor m_pointerColor;
+ int m_pointerWidth;
+ QPen m_pointerPen;
+ QRect m_tmpRect;
+ QColor m_tmpRectFill;
+ QPoint m_splitLinePos;
+ QColor m_trackDividerColor;
+ bool m_drawGuides;
+ QColor m_guideColor;
+ int m_topGuidePos;
+ int m_foreGuidePos;
+ bool m_drawSelectionRect;
+ QRect m_selectionRect;
+ bool m_drawTextFloat;
+ QString m_textFloatText;
+ QPoint m_textFloatPos;
+ QPixmap m_segmentsDrawBuffer;
+ QPixmap m_artifactsDrawBuffer;
+ QRect m_segmentsDrawBufferRefresh;
+ QRect m_artifactsDrawBufferRefresh;
+ int m_lastBufferRefreshX;
+ int m_lastBufferRefreshY;
+ int m_lastPointerRefreshX;
+ QPixmap m_backgroundPixmap;
+ QString m_toolContextHelp;
+ bool m_contextHelpShown;
+ mutable CompositionModel::AudioPreviewDrawData m_audioPreviewRects;
+ mutable CompositionModel::RectRanges m_notationPreviewRects;