path: root/src/gui/general/LinedStaff.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/general/LinedStaff.cpp')
1 files changed, 1217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/general/LinedStaff.cpp b/src/gui/general/LinedStaff.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2e5d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/general/LinedStaff.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1217 @@
+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
+ Rosegarden
+ A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
+ This program is Copyright 2000-2008
+ Guillaume Laurent <[email protected]>,
+ Chris Cannam <[email protected]>,
+ Richard Bown <[email protected]>
+ The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard
+ Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted.
+ Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please
+ see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
+ COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
+#include "LinedStaff.h"
+#include "misc/Debug.h"
+#include "base/Event.h"
+#include "base/LayoutEngine.h"
+#include "base/NotationTypes.h"
+#include "base/Profiler.h"
+#include "base/Segment.h"
+#include "base/SnapGrid.h"
+#include "base/Staff.h"
+#include "base/ViewElement.h"
+#include "GUIPalette.h"
+#include "BarLine.h"
+#include <qcanvas.h>
+#include <qcolor.h>
+#include <qfont.h>
+#include <qfontmetrics.h>
+#include <qpen.h>
+#include <qrect.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace Rosegarden
+// width of pointer
+const int pointerWidth = 3;
+LinedStaff::LinedStaff(QCanvas *canvas, Segment *segment,
+ SnapGrid *snapGrid, int id,
+ int resolution, int lineThickness) :
+ Staff(*segment),
+ m_canvas(canvas),
+ m_snapGrid(snapGrid),
+ m_id(id),
+ m_x(0.0),
+ m_y(0),
+ m_margin(0.0),
+ m_titleHeight(0),
+ m_resolution(resolution),
+ m_lineThickness(lineThickness),
+ m_pageMode(LinearMode),
+ m_pageWidth(2000.0), // fairly arbitrary, but we need something non-zero
+ m_rowsPerPage(0),
+ m_rowSpacing(0),
+ m_connectingLineLength(0),
+ m_startLayoutX(0),
+ m_endLayoutX(0),
+ m_current(false),
+ m_pointer(new QCanvasLine(canvas)),
+ m_insertCursor(new QCanvasLine(canvas)),
+ m_insertCursorTime(segment->getStartTime()),
+ m_insertCursorTimeValid(false)
+ initCursors();
+LinedStaff::LinedStaff(QCanvas *canvas, Segment *segment,
+ SnapGrid *snapGrid,
+ int id, int resolution, int lineThickness,
+ double pageWidth, int rowsPerPage, int rowSpacing) :
+ Staff(*segment),
+ m_canvas(canvas),
+ m_snapGrid(snapGrid),
+ m_id(id),
+ m_x(0.0),
+ m_y(0),
+ m_margin(0.0),
+ m_titleHeight(0),
+ m_resolution(resolution),
+ m_lineThickness(lineThickness),
+ m_pageMode(rowsPerPage ? MultiPageMode : ContinuousPageMode),
+ m_pageWidth(pageWidth),
+ m_rowsPerPage(rowsPerPage),
+ m_rowSpacing(rowSpacing),
+ m_connectingLineLength(0),
+ m_startLayoutX(0),
+ m_endLayoutX(0),
+ m_current(false),
+ m_pointer(new QCanvasLine(canvas)),
+ m_insertCursor(new QCanvasLine(canvas)),
+ m_insertCursorTime(segment->getStartTime()),
+ m_insertCursorTimeValid(false)
+ initCursors();
+LinedStaff::LinedStaff(QCanvas *canvas, Segment *segment,
+ SnapGrid *snapGrid,
+ int id, int resolution, int lineThickness,
+ PageMode pageMode, double pageWidth, int rowsPerPage,
+ int rowSpacing) :
+ Staff(*segment),
+ m_canvas(canvas),
+ m_snapGrid(snapGrid),
+ m_id(id),
+ m_x(0.0),
+ m_y(0),
+ m_margin(0.0),
+ m_titleHeight(0),
+ m_resolution(resolution),
+ m_lineThickness(lineThickness),
+ m_pageMode(pageMode),
+ m_pageWidth(pageWidth),
+ m_rowsPerPage(rowsPerPage),
+ m_rowSpacing(rowSpacing),
+ m_connectingLineLength(0),
+ m_startLayoutX(0),
+ m_endLayoutX(0),
+ m_current(false),
+ m_pointer(new QCanvasLine(canvas)),
+ m_insertCursor(new QCanvasLine(canvas)),
+ m_insertCursorTime(segment->getStartTime()),
+ m_insertCursorTimeValid(false)
+ initCursors();
+ /*!!! No, the canvas items are all deleted by the canvas on destruction.
+ deleteBars();
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_staffLines.size(); ++i) clearStaffLineRow(i);
+ */
+ QPen pen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::Pointer));
+ pen.setWidth(pointerWidth);
+ m_pointer->setPen(pen);
+ m_pointer->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::Pointer));
+ pen.setColor(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::InsertCursor));
+ m_insertCursor->setPen(pen);
+ m_insertCursor->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::InsertCursor));
+LinedStaff::setResolution(int resolution)
+ m_resolution = resolution;
+LinedStaff::setLineThickness(int lineThickness)
+ m_lineThickness = lineThickness;
+LinedStaff::setPageMode(PageMode pageMode)
+ m_pageMode = pageMode;
+LinedStaff::setPageWidth(double pageWidth)
+ m_pageWidth = pageWidth;
+LinedStaff::setRowsPerPage(int rowsPerPage)
+ m_rowsPerPage = rowsPerPage;
+LinedStaff::setRowSpacing(int rowSpacing)
+ m_rowSpacing = rowSpacing;
+LinedStaff::setConnectingLineLength(int connectingLineLength)
+ m_connectingLineLength = connectingLineLength;
+LinedStaff::getId() const
+ return m_id;
+LinedStaff::setX(double x)
+ m_x = x;
+LinedStaff::getX() const
+ return m_x;
+LinedStaff::setY(int y)
+ m_y = y;
+LinedStaff::getY() const
+ return m_y;
+LinedStaff::setMargin(double margin)
+ m_margin = margin;
+LinedStaff::getMargin() const
+ if (m_pageMode != MultiPageMode)
+ return 0;
+ return m_margin;
+LinedStaff::setTitleHeight(int titleHeight)
+ m_titleHeight = titleHeight;
+LinedStaff::getTitleHeight() const
+ return m_titleHeight;
+LinedStaff::getTotalWidth() const
+ switch (m_pageMode) {
+ case ContinuousPageMode:
+ return getCanvasXForRightOfRow(getRowForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX)) - m_x;
+ case MultiPageMode:
+ return getCanvasXForRightOfRow(getRowForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX)) + m_margin - m_x;
+ case LinearMode:
+ default:
+ return getCanvasXForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX) - m_x;
+ }
+LinedStaff::getTotalHeight() const
+ switch (m_pageMode) {
+ case ContinuousPageMode:
+ return getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(getRowForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX)) +
+ getHeightOfRow() - m_y;
+ case MultiPageMode:
+ return getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(m_rowsPerPage - 1) +
+ getHeightOfRow() - m_y;
+ case LinearMode:
+ default:
+ return getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(0) + getHeightOfRow() - m_y;
+ }
+LinedStaff::getHeightOfRow() const
+ return getTopLineOffset() + getLegerLineCount() * getLineSpacing()
+ + getBarLineHeight() + m_lineThickness;
+LinedStaff::containsCanvasCoords(double x, int y) const
+ switch (m_pageMode) {
+ case ContinuousPageMode:
+ for (int row = getRowForLayoutX(m_startLayoutX);
+ row <= getRowForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX); ++row) {
+ if (y >= getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(row) &&
+ y < getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(row) + getHeightOfRow()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ case MultiPageMode:
+ for (int row = getRowForLayoutX(m_startLayoutX);
+ row <= getRowForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX); ++row) {
+ if (y >= getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(row) &&
+ y < getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(row) + getHeightOfRow() &&
+ x >= getCanvasXForLeftOfRow(row) &&
+ x <= getCanvasXForRightOfRow(row)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ case LinearMode:
+ default:
+ return (y >= getCanvasYForTopOfStaff() &&
+ y < getCanvasYForTopOfStaff() + getHeightOfRow());
+ }
+LinedStaff::getCanvasYForHeight(int h, double baseX, int baseY) const
+ int y;
+ // NOTATION_DEBUG << "LinedStaff::getCanvasYForHeight(" << h << "," << baseY
+ // << ")" << endl;
+ if (baseX < 0)
+ baseX = getX() + getMargin();
+ if (baseY >= 0) {
+ y = getCanvasYForTopLine(getRowForCanvasCoords(baseX, baseY));
+ } else {
+ y = getCanvasYForTopLine();
+ }
+ y += getLayoutYForHeight(h);
+ return y;
+LinedStaff::getLayoutYForHeight(int h) const
+ int y = ((getTopLineHeight() - h) * getLineSpacing()) / getHeightPerLine();
+ if (h < getTopLineHeight() && (h % getHeightPerLine() != 0))
+ ++y;
+ return y;
+LinedStaff::getHeightAtCanvasCoords(double x, int y) const
+ //!!! the lazy route: approximate, then get the right value
+ // by calling getCanvasYForHeight a few times... ugh
+ // RG_DEBUG << "\nNotationStaff::heightOfYCoord: y = " << y
+ // << ", getTopLineOffset() = " << getTopLineOffset()
+ // << ", getLineSpacing() = " << m_npf->getLineSpacing()
+ // << endl;
+ if (x < 0)
+ x = getX() + getMargin();
+ int row = getRowForCanvasCoords(x, y);
+ int ph = (y - getCanvasYForTopLine(row)) * getHeightPerLine() /
+ getLineSpacing();
+ ph = getTopLineHeight() - ph;
+ int i;
+ int mi = -2;
+ int md = getLineSpacing() * 2;
+ int testi = -2;
+ int testMd = 1000;
+ for (i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) {
+ int d = y - getCanvasYForHeight(ph + i, x, y);
+ if (d < 0)
+ d = -d;
+ if (d < md) {
+ md = d;
+ mi = i;
+ }
+ if (d < testMd) {
+ testMd = d;
+ testi = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mi > -2) {
+ // RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff::getHeightAtCanvasCoords: " << y
+ // << " -> " << (ph + mi) << " (mi is " << mi << ", distance "
+ // << md << ")" << endl;
+ // if (mi == 0) {
+ // } else {
+ // }
+ return ph + mi;
+ } else {
+ RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff::getHeightAtCanvasCoords: heuristic got " << ph << ", nothing within range (closest was " << (ph + testi) << " which is " << testMd << " away)" << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+LinedStaff::getBarExtents(double x, int y) const
+ int row = getRowForCanvasCoords(x, y);
+ for (int i = 1; i < m_barLines.size(); ++i) {
+ double layoutX = m_barLines[i]->getLayoutX();
+ int barRow = getRowForLayoutX(layoutX);
+ if (m_pageMode != LinearMode && (barRow < row))
+ continue;
+ BarLine *line = m_barLines[i];
+ if (line) {
+ if (line->x() <= x)
+ continue;
+ return QRect(int(m_barLines[i -1]->x()),
+ getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(barRow),
+ int(line->x() - m_barLines[i - 1]->x()),
+ getHeightOfRow());
+ }
+ }
+ // failure
+ return QRect(int(getX() + getMargin()), getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(), 4, getHeightOfRow());
+LinedStaff::getCanvasXForLayoutX(double x) const
+ switch (m_pageMode) {
+ case ContinuousPageMode:
+ return m_x + x - (m_pageWidth * getRowForLayoutX(x));
+ case MultiPageMode: {
+ int pageNo = getRowForLayoutX(x) / getRowsPerPage();
+ double cx = m_x + x - (m_pageWidth * getRowForLayoutX(x));
+ cx += m_margin + (m_margin * 2 + m_pageWidth) * pageNo;
+ return cx;
+ }
+ case LinearMode:
+ default:
+ return m_x + x;
+ }
+LinedStaff::getLayoutCoordsForCanvasCoords(double x, int y) const
+ int row = getRowForCanvasCoords(x, y);
+ return LinedStaffCoords
+ ((row * m_pageWidth) + x - getCanvasXForLeftOfRow(row),
+ y - getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(row));
+LinedStaff::getCanvasCoordsForLayoutCoords(double x, int y) const
+ int row = getRowForLayoutX(x);
+ return LinedStaffCoords
+ (getCanvasXForLayoutX(x), getCanvasYForTopLine(row) + y);
+LinedStaff::getRowForCanvasCoords(double x, int y) const
+ switch (m_pageMode) {
+ case ContinuousPageMode:
+ return ((y - m_y) / m_rowSpacing);
+ case MultiPageMode: {
+ int px = int(x - m_x - m_margin);
+ int pw = int(m_margin * 2 + m_pageWidth);
+ if (px < pw)
+ y -= m_titleHeight;
+ return (getRowsPerPage() * (px / pw)) + ((y - m_y) / m_rowSpacing);
+ }
+ case LinearMode:
+ default:
+ return (int)((x - m_x) / m_pageWidth);
+ }
+LinedStaff::getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(int row) const
+ switch (m_pageMode) {
+ case ContinuousPageMode:
+ if (row <= 0)
+ return m_y;
+ else
+ return m_y + (row * m_rowSpacing);
+ case MultiPageMode:
+ if (row <= 0)
+ return m_y + m_titleHeight;
+ else if (row < getRowsPerPage())
+ return m_y + ((row % getRowsPerPage()) * m_rowSpacing) + m_titleHeight;
+ else
+ return m_y + ((row % getRowsPerPage()) * m_rowSpacing);
+ case LinearMode:
+ default:
+ return m_y;
+ }
+LinedStaff::getCanvasXForLeftOfRow(int row) const
+ switch (m_pageMode) {
+ case ContinuousPageMode:
+ return m_x;
+ case MultiPageMode:
+ return m_x + m_margin +
+ (m_margin*2 + m_pageWidth) * (row / getRowsPerPage());
+ case LinearMode:
+ default:
+ return m_x + (row * m_pageWidth);
+ }
+LinedStaff::sizeStaff(HorizontalLayoutEngine &layout)
+ Profiler profiler("LinedStaff::sizeStaff", true);
+ deleteBars();
+ deleteRepeatedClefsAndKeys();
+ deleteTimeSignatures();
+ // RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff::sizeStaff" << endl;
+ int lastBar = layout.getLastVisibleBarOnStaff(*this);
+ double xleft = 0, xright = 0;
+ bool haveXLeft = false;
+ xright = layout.getBarPosition(lastBar) - 1;
+ TimeSignature currentTimeSignature;
+ for (int barNo = layout.getFirstVisibleBarOnStaff(*this);
+ barNo <= lastBar; ++barNo) {
+ double x = layout.getBarPosition(barNo);
+ if (!haveXLeft) {
+ xleft = x;
+ haveXLeft = true;
+ }
+ double timeSigX = 0;
+ TimeSignature timeSig;
+ bool isNew = layout.getTimeSignaturePosition(*this, barNo, timeSig, timeSigX);
+ if (isNew && barNo < lastBar) {
+ currentTimeSignature = timeSig;
+ insertTimeSignature(timeSigX, currentTimeSignature);
+ RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff[" << this << "]::sizeStaff: bar no " << barNo << " has time signature at " << timeSigX << endl;
+ }
+ RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff::sizeStaff: inserting bar at " << x << " on staff " << this << " (isNew " << isNew << ", timeSigX " << timeSigX << ")" << endl;
+ bool showBarNo =
+ (showBarNumbersEvery() > 0 &&
+ ((barNo + 1) % showBarNumbersEvery()) == 0);
+ insertBar(x,
+ ((barNo == lastBar) ? 0 :
+ (layout.getBarPosition(barNo + 1) - x)),
+ layout.isBarCorrectOnStaff(*this, barNo - 1),
+ currentTimeSignature,
+ barNo,
+ showBarNo);
+ }
+ m_startLayoutX = xleft;
+ m_endLayoutX = xright;
+ drawStaffName();
+ resizeStaffLines();
+ for (BarLineList::iterator i = m_barLines.begin();
+ i != m_barLines.end(); ++i) {
+ (*i)->hide();
+ delete *i;
+ }
+ for (LineRecList::iterator i = m_beatLines.begin();
+ i != m_beatLines.end(); ++i) {
+ i->second->hide();
+ delete i->second;
+ }
+ for (LineRecList::iterator i = m_barConnectingLines.begin();
+ i != m_barConnectingLines.end(); ++i) {
+ i->second->hide();
+ delete i->second;
+ }
+ for (ItemList::iterator i = m_barNumbers.begin();
+ i != m_barNumbers.end(); ++i) {
+ (*i)->hide();
+ delete *i;
+ }
+ m_barLines.clear();
+ m_beatLines.clear();
+ m_barConnectingLines.clear();
+ m_barNumbers.clear();
+LinedStaff::insertBar(double layoutX, double width, bool isCorrect,
+ const TimeSignature &timeSig,
+ int barNo, bool showBarNo)
+ // RG_DEBUG << "insertBar: " << layoutX << ", " << width
+ // << ", " << isCorrect << endl;
+ int barThickness = m_lineThickness * 5 / 4;
+ // hack to ensure the bar line appears on the correct row in
+ // notation page layouts, with a conditional to prevent us from
+ // moving the bar and beat lines in the matrix
+ if (!showBeatLines()) {
+ if (width > 0.01) { // not final bar in staff
+ layoutX += 1;
+ } else {
+ layoutX -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ int row = getRowForLayoutX(layoutX);
+ double x = getCanvasXForLayoutX(layoutX);
+ int y = getCanvasYForTopLine(row);
+ bool firstBarInRow = false, lastBarInRow = false;
+ if (m_pageMode != LinearMode &&
+ (getRowForLayoutX(layoutX) >
+ getRowForLayoutX(layoutX - getMargin() - 2)))
+ firstBarInRow = true;
+ if (m_pageMode != LinearMode &&
+ width > 0.01 && // width == 0 for final bar in staff
+ (getRowForLayoutX(layoutX) <
+ getRowForLayoutX(layoutX + width + getMargin() + 2)))
+ lastBarInRow = true;
+ BarStyle style = getBarStyle(barNo);
+ if (style == RepeatBothBar && firstBarInRow)
+ style = RepeatStartBar;
+ if (firstBarInRow)
+ insertRepeatedClefAndKey(layoutX, barNo);
+ // If we're supposed to be hiding bar lines, we do just that --
+ // create them as normal, then hide them. We can't simply not
+ // create them because we rely on this to find bar extents for
+ // things like double-click selection in notation.
+ bool hidden = false;
+ if (style == PlainBar && timeSig.hasHiddenBars())
+ hidden = true;
+ double inset = 0.0;
+ if (style == RepeatStartBar || style == RepeatBothBar) {
+ inset = getBarInset(barNo, firstBarInRow);
+ }
+ BarLine *line = new BarLine(m_canvas, layoutX,
+ getBarLineHeight(), barThickness, getLineSpacing(),
+ (int)inset, style);
+ line->moveBy(x, y);
+ if (isCorrect) {
+ line->setPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BarLine));
+ line->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BarLine));
+ } else {
+ line->setPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BarLineIncorrect));
+ line->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BarLineIncorrect));
+ }
+ line->setZ( -1);
+ if (hidden)
+ line->hide();
+ else
+ line->show();
+ // The bar lines have to be in order of layout-x (there's no
+ // such interesting stipulation for beat or connecting lines)
+ BarLineList::iterator insertPoint = lower_bound
+ (m_barLines.begin(), m_barLines.end(), line, compareBars);
+ m_barLines.insert(insertPoint, line);
+ if (lastBarInRow) {
+ double xe = x + width - barThickness;
+ style = getBarStyle(barNo + 1);
+ if (style == RepeatBothBar)
+ style = RepeatEndBar;
+ BarLine *eline = new BarLine(m_canvas, layoutX,
+ getBarLineHeight(), barThickness, getLineSpacing(),
+ 0, style);
+ eline->moveBy(xe, y);
+ eline->setPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BarLine));
+ eline->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BarLine));
+ eline->setZ( -1);
+ if (hidden)
+ eline->hide();
+ else
+ eline->show();
+ BarLineList::iterator insertPoint = lower_bound
+ (m_barLines.begin(), m_barLines.end(), eline, compareBars);
+ m_barLines.insert(insertPoint, eline);
+ }
+ if (showBarNo) {
+ QFont font;
+ font.setPixelSize(m_resolution * 3 / 2);
+ QFontMetrics metrics(font);
+ QString text = QString("%1").arg(barNo + 1);
+ QCanvasItem *barNoText = new QCanvasText(text, font, m_canvas);
+ barNoText->setX(x);
+ barNoText->setY(y - metrics.height() - m_resolution * 2);
+ barNoText->setZ( -1);
+ if (hidden)
+ barNoText->hide();
+ else
+ barNoText->show();
+ m_barNumbers.push_back(barNoText);
+ }
+ QCanvasRectangle *rect = 0;
+ if (showBeatLines()) {
+ double gridLines; // number of grid lines per bar may be fractional
+ // If the snap time is zero we default to beat markers
+ //
+ if (m_snapGrid && m_snapGrid->getSnapTime(x))
+ gridLines = double(timeSig.getBarDuration()) /
+ double(m_snapGrid->getSnapTime(x));
+ else
+ gridLines = timeSig.getBeatsPerBar();
+ double dx = width / gridLines;
+ for (int gridLine = hidden ? 0 : 1; gridLine < gridLines; ++gridLine) {
+ rect = new QCanvasRectangle
+ (0, 0, barThickness, getBarLineHeight(), m_canvas);
+ rect->moveBy(x + gridLine * dx, y);
+ double currentGrid = gridLines / double(timeSig.getBeatsPerBar());
+ rect->setPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BeatLine));
+ rect->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::BeatLine));
+ // Reset to SubBeatLine colour if we're not a beat line - avoid div by zero!
+ //
+ if (currentGrid > 1.0 && double(gridLine) / currentGrid != gridLine / int(currentGrid)) {
+ rect->setPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::SubBeatLine));
+ rect->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::SubBeatLine));
+ }
+ rect->setZ( -1);
+ rect->show(); // show beat lines even if the bar lines are hidden
+ LineRec beatLine(layoutX + gridLine * dx, rect);
+ m_beatLines.push_back(beatLine);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_connectingLineLength > 0) {
+ rect = new QCanvasRectangle
+ (0, 0, barThickness, m_connectingLineLength, m_canvas);
+ rect->moveBy(x, y);
+ rect->setPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::StaffConnectingLine));
+ rect->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::StaffConnectingLine));
+ rect->setZ( -3);
+ if (hidden)
+ rect->hide();
+ else
+ rect->show();
+ LineRec connectingLine(layoutX, rect);
+ m_barConnectingLines.push_back(connectingLine);
+ }
+LinedStaff::compareBars(const BarLine *barLine1, const BarLine *barLine2)
+ return (barLine1->getLayoutX() < barLine2->getLayoutX());
+LinedStaff::compareBarToLayoutX(const BarLine *barLine1, int x)
+ return (barLine1->getLayoutX() < x);
+ // default implementation is empty
+LinedStaff::insertTimeSignature(double, const TimeSignature &)
+ // default implementation is empty
+ // default implementation is empty
+LinedStaff::insertRepeatedClefAndKey(double, int)
+ // default implementation is empty
+ // default implementation is empty
+ int firstRow = getRowForLayoutX(m_startLayoutX);
+ int lastRow = getRowForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX);
+ RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff::resizeStaffLines: firstRow "
+ << firstRow << ", lastRow " << lastRow
+ << " (startLayoutX " << m_startLayoutX
+ << ", endLayoutX " << m_endLayoutX << ")" << endl;
+ assert(lastRow >= firstRow);
+ int i;
+ while ((int)m_staffLines.size() <= lastRow) {
+ m_staffLines.push_back(ItemList());
+ m_staffConnectingLines.push_back(0);
+ }
+ // Remove all the staff lines that precede the start of the staff
+ for (i = 0; i < firstRow; ++i)
+ clearStaffLineRow(i);
+ // now i == firstRow
+ while (i <= lastRow) {
+ double x0;
+ double x1;
+ if (i == firstRow) {
+ x0 = getCanvasXForLayoutX(m_startLayoutX);
+ } else {
+ x0 = getCanvasXForLeftOfRow(i);
+ }
+ if (i == lastRow) {
+ x1 = getCanvasXForLayoutX(m_endLayoutX);
+ } else {
+ x1 = getCanvasXForRightOfRow(i);
+ }
+ resizeStaffLineRow(i, x0, x1 - x0);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // now i == lastRow + 1
+ while (i < (int)m_staffLines.size())
+ clearStaffLineRow(i++);
+LinedStaff::clearStaffLineRow(int row)
+ for (int h = 0; h < (int)m_staffLines[row].size(); ++h) {
+ delete m_staffLines[row][h];
+ }
+ m_staffLines[row].clear();
+ delete m_staffConnectingLines[row];
+ m_staffConnectingLines[row] = 0;
+LinedStaff::resizeStaffLineRow(int row, double x, double length)
+ // RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff::resizeStaffLineRow: row "
+ // << row << ", x " << x << ", length "
+ // << length << endl;
+ // If the resolution is 8 or less, we want to reduce the blackness
+ // of the staff lines somewhat to make them less intrusive
+ int level = 0;
+ int z = 2;
+ if (m_resolution < 6) {
+ z = -1;
+ level = (9 - m_resolution) * 32;
+ if (level > 200)
+ level = 200;
+ }
+ QColor lineColour(level, level, level);
+ int h;
+ /*!!! No longer really good enough. But we could potentially use the
+ bar positions to sort this out
+ if (m_pageMode && row > 0 && offset == 0.0) {
+ offset = (double)m_npf->getBarMargin() / 2;
+ length -= offset;
+ }
+ */
+ int y;
+ delete m_staffConnectingLines[row];
+ if (m_pageMode != LinearMode && m_connectingLineLength > 0.1) {
+ // rather arbitrary (dup in insertBar)
+ int barThickness = m_resolution / 12 + 1;
+ y = getCanvasYForTopLine(row);
+ QCanvasRectangle *line = new QCanvasRectangle
+ (int(x + length), y, barThickness, m_connectingLineLength, m_canvas);
+ line->setPen(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::StaffConnectingTerminatingLine));
+ line->setBrush(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::StaffConnectingTerminatingLine));
+ line->setZ( -2);
+ line->show();
+ m_staffConnectingLines[row] = line;
+ } else {
+ m_staffConnectingLines[row] = 0;
+ }
+ while ((int)m_staffLines[row].size() <= getLineCount() * m_lineThickness) {
+ m_staffLines[row].push_back(0);
+ }
+ int lineIndex = 0;
+ for (h = 0; h < getLineCount(); ++h) {
+ y = getCanvasYForHeight
+ (getBottomLineHeight() + getHeightPerLine() * h,
+ x, getCanvasYForTopLine(row));
+ if (elementsInSpaces()) {
+ y -= getLineSpacing() / 2 + 1;
+ }
+ // RG_DEBUG << "LinedStaff: drawing line from ("
+ // << x << "," << y << ") to (" << (x+length-1)
+ // << "," << y << ")" << endl;
+ QCanvasItem *line;
+ delete m_staffLines[row][lineIndex];
+ m_staffLines[row][lineIndex] = 0;
+ if (m_lineThickness > 1) {
+ QCanvasRectangle *rline = new QCanvasRectangle
+ (int(x), y, int(length), m_lineThickness, m_canvas);
+ rline->setPen(lineColour);
+ rline->setBrush(lineColour);
+ line = rline;
+ } else {
+ QCanvasLine *lline = new QCanvasLine(m_canvas);
+ lline->setPoints(int(x), y, int(x + length), y);
+ lline->setPen(lineColour);
+ line = lline;
+ }
+ // if (j > 0) line->setSignificant(false);
+ line->setZ(z);
+ m_staffLines[row][lineIndex] = line;
+ line->show();
+ ++lineIndex;
+ }
+ while (lineIndex < (int)m_staffLines[row].size()) {
+ delete m_staffLines[row][lineIndex];
+ m_staffLines[row][lineIndex] = 0;
+ ++lineIndex;
+ }
+LinedStaff::setCurrent(bool current)
+ m_current = current;
+ if (m_current) {
+ m_insertCursor->show();
+ } else {
+ m_insertCursor->hide();
+ }
+LinedStaff::getLayoutXOfPointer() const
+ double x = m_pointer->x();
+ int row = getRowForCanvasCoords(x, int(m_pointer->y()));
+ return getLayoutCoordsForCanvasCoords(x, getCanvasYForTopLine(row)).first;
+LinedStaff::getPointerPosition(double &cx, int &cy) const
+ cx = m_pointer->x();
+ cy = getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(getRowForCanvasCoords(cx, int(m_pointer->y())));
+LinedStaff::getLayoutXOfInsertCursor() const
+ if (!m_current) return -1;
+ double x = m_insertCursor->x();
+ int row = getRowForCanvasCoords(x, int(m_insertCursor->y()));
+ return getLayoutCoordsForCanvasCoords(x, getCanvasYForTopLine(row)).first;
+LinedStaff::getInsertCursorTime(HorizontalLayoutEngine &layout) const
+ if (m_insertCursorTimeValid) return m_insertCursorTime;
+ return layout.getTimeForX(getLayoutXOfInsertCursor());
+LinedStaff::getInsertCursorPosition(double &cx, int &cy) const
+ if (!m_current) {
+ cx = -1;
+ cy = -1;
+ return ;
+ }
+ cx = m_insertCursor->x();
+ cy = getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(getRowForCanvasCoords(cx, int(m_insertCursor->y())));
+LinedStaff::setPointerPosition(double canvasX, int canvasY)
+ int row = getRowForCanvasCoords(canvasX, canvasY);
+ canvasY = getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(row);
+ m_pointer->setX(int(canvasX));
+ m_pointer->setY(int(canvasY));
+ m_pointer->setZ( -30); // behind everything else
+ m_pointer->setPoints(0, 0, 0, getHeightOfRow() /* - 1 */);
+ m_pointer->show();
+LinedStaff::setPointerPosition(HorizontalLayoutEngine &layout,
+ timeT time)
+ setPointerPosition(layout.getXForTime(time));
+LinedStaff::setPointerPosition(double layoutX)
+ LinedStaffCoords coords = getCanvasCoordsForLayoutCoords(layoutX, 0);
+ setPointerPosition(coords.first, coords.second);
+ m_pointer->hide();
+LinedStaff::setInsertCursorPosition(double canvasX, int canvasY)
+ if (!m_current) return;
+ int row = getRowForCanvasCoords(canvasX, canvasY);
+ canvasY = getCanvasYForTopOfStaff(row);
+ m_insertCursor->setX(canvasX);
+ m_insertCursor->setY(canvasY);
+ m_insertCursor->setZ( -28); // behind everything else except playback pointer
+ m_insertCursor->setPoints(0, 0, 0, getHeightOfRow() - 1);
+ m_insertCursor->show();
+ m_insertCursorTimeValid = false;
+LinedStaff::setInsertCursorPosition(HorizontalLayoutEngine &layout,
+ timeT time)
+ double x = layout.getXForTime(time);
+ LinedStaffCoords coords = getCanvasCoordsForLayoutCoords(x, 0);
+ setInsertCursorPosition(coords.first, coords.second);
+ m_insertCursorTime = time;
+ m_insertCursorTimeValid = true;
+ m_insertCursor->hide();
+ ViewElementList::iterator)
+ // nothing -- we assume rendering will be done by the implementation
+ // of positionElements
+ renderElements(getViewElementList()->begin(),
+ getViewElementList()->end());
+ positionElements(getSegment().getStartTime(),
+ getSegment().getEndTime());