path: root/src/gui/widgets/VUMeter.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/widgets/VUMeter.cpp')
1 files changed, 694 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/VUMeter.cpp b/src/gui/widgets/VUMeter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae9fe84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/VUMeter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,694 @@
+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
+ Rosegarden
+ A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
+ This program is Copyright 2000-2008
+ Guillaume Laurent <[email protected]>,
+ Chris Cannam <[email protected]>,
+ Richard Bown <[email protected]>
+ The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard
+ Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted.
+ Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please
+ see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
+ COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
+#include "VUMeter.h"
+#include "misc/Debug.h"
+#include "base/AudioLevel.h"
+#include "gui/general/GUIPalette.h"
+#include "gui/rulers/VelocityColour.h"
+#include <qbrush.h>
+#include <qcolor.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qwidget.h>
+namespace Rosegarden
+VUMeter::VUMeter(QWidget *parent,
+ VUMeterType type,
+ bool stereo,
+ bool hasRecord,
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ VUAlignment alignment,
+ const char *name):
+ QLabel(parent, name),
+ m_originalHeight(height),
+ m_active(true),
+ m_type(type),
+ m_alignment(alignment),
+ m_levelLeft(0),
+ m_recordLevelLeft(0),
+ m_peakLevelLeft(0),
+ m_levelStepLeft(m_baseLevelStep),
+ m_recordLevelStepLeft(m_baseLevelStep),
+ m_fallTimerLeft(0),
+ m_peakTimerLeft(0),
+ m_levelRight(0),
+ m_recordLevelRight(0),
+ m_peakLevelRight(0),
+ m_levelStepRight(0),
+ m_recordLevelStepRight(0),
+ m_fallTimerRight(0),
+ m_peakTimerRight(0),
+ m_showPeakLevel(true),
+ m_baseLevelStep(3),
+ m_stereo(stereo),
+ m_hasRecord(hasRecord)
+ // Work out if we need peak hold first
+ //
+ switch (m_type) {
+ case PeakHold:
+ case AudioPeakHoldShort:
+ case AudioPeakHoldLong:
+ case AudioPeakHoldIEC:
+ case AudioPeakHoldIECLong:
+ case FixedHeightVisiblePeakHold:
+ m_showPeakLevel = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ case Plain:
+ m_showPeakLevel = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Always init the left fall timer
+ //
+ m_fallTimerLeft = new QTimer();
+ connect(m_fallTimerLeft, SIGNAL(timeout()),
+ this, SLOT(slotReduceLevelLeft()));
+ if (m_showPeakLevel) {
+ m_peakTimerLeft = new QTimer();
+ connect(m_peakTimerLeft, SIGNAL(timeout()),
+ this, SLOT(slotStopShowingPeakLeft()));
+ }
+ if (stereo) {
+ m_fallTimerRight = new QTimer();
+ connect(m_fallTimerRight, SIGNAL(timeout()),
+ this, SLOT(slotReduceLevelRight()));
+ if (m_showPeakLevel) {
+ m_peakTimerRight = new QTimer();
+ connect(m_peakTimerRight, SIGNAL(timeout()),
+ this, SLOT(slotStopShowingPeakRight()));
+ }
+ }
+ setMinimumSize(width, m_originalHeight);
+ setMaximumSize(width, m_originalHeight);
+ if (m_alignment == Vertical)
+ m_maxLevel = height;
+ else
+ m_maxLevel = width;
+ int max = m_maxLevel;
+ int red, orange, green;
+ if (m_type == AudioPeakHoldShort) {
+ red = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader( 0.0, max, AudioLevel::ShortFader);
+ orange = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader( -2.0, max, AudioLevel::ShortFader);
+ green = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader( -10.0, max, AudioLevel::ShortFader);
+ m_background = QColor(50, 50, 50);
+ } else if (m_type == AudioPeakHoldLong) {
+ red = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader( 0.0, max, AudioLevel::LongFader);
+ orange = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader( -2.0, max, AudioLevel::LongFader);
+ green = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader( -10.0, max, AudioLevel::LongFader);
+ m_background = QColor(50, 50, 50);
+ } else if (m_type == AudioPeakHoldIEC) {
+ red = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader( -0.1, max, AudioLevel::IEC268Meter);
+ orange = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader( -6.0, max, AudioLevel::IEC268Meter);
+ green = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader( -10.0, max, AudioLevel::IEC268Meter);
+ m_background = QColor(50, 50, 50);
+ } else if (m_type == AudioPeakHoldIECLong) {
+ red = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader( 0.0, max, AudioLevel::IEC268LongMeter);
+ orange = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader( -6.0, max, AudioLevel::IEC268LongMeter);
+ green = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader( -10.0, max, AudioLevel::IEC268LongMeter);
+ m_background = QColor(50, 50, 50);
+ } else {
+ red = max * 92 / 100;
+ orange = max * 60 / 100;
+ green = max * 10 / 100;
+ m_background = Qt::black;
+ }
+ if (m_type == AudioPeakHoldLong ||
+ m_type == AudioPeakHoldShort ||
+ m_type == AudioPeakHoldIEC ||
+ m_type == AudioPeakHoldIECLong) {
+ m_velocityColour =
+ new VelocityColour(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::LevelMeterSolidRed),
+ GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::LevelMeterSolidOrange),
+ GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::LevelMeterSolidGreen),
+ max, red, orange, green);
+ } else {
+ m_velocityColour =
+ new VelocityColour(GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::LevelMeterRed),
+ GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::LevelMeterOrange),
+ GUIPalette::getColour(GUIPalette::LevelMeterGreen),
+ max, red, orange, green);
+ }
+ delete m_velocityColour;
+ delete m_peakTimerRight;
+ delete m_peakTimerLeft;
+ delete m_fallTimerRight;
+ delete m_fallTimerLeft;
+VUMeter::setLevel(double level)
+ setLevel(level, level, false);
+VUMeter::setLevel(double leftLevel, double rightLevel)
+ setLevel(leftLevel, rightLevel, false);
+VUMeter::setRecordLevel(double level)
+ setLevel(level, level, true);
+VUMeter::setRecordLevel(double leftLevel, double rightLevel)
+ setLevel(leftLevel, rightLevel, true);
+VUMeter::setLevel(double leftLevel, double rightLevel, bool record)
+ if (!isVisible())
+ return ;
+ // RG_DEBUG << "setLevel(" << (void *)this << "): record=" << record << ", leftLevel=" << leftLevel << ", hasRecord=" << m_hasRecord << endl;
+ if (record && !m_hasRecord)
+ return ;
+ short &ll = (record ? m_recordLevelLeft : m_levelLeft);
+ short &lr = (record ? m_recordLevelRight : m_levelRight);
+ switch (m_type) {
+ case AudioPeakHoldShort:
+ ll = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader
+ (leftLevel, m_maxLevel, AudioLevel::ShortFader);
+ lr = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader
+ (rightLevel, m_maxLevel, AudioLevel::ShortFader);
+ break;
+ case AudioPeakHoldLong:
+ ll = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader
+ (leftLevel, m_maxLevel, AudioLevel::LongFader);
+ lr = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader
+ (rightLevel, m_maxLevel, AudioLevel::LongFader);
+ break;
+ case AudioPeakHoldIEC:
+ ll = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader
+ (leftLevel, m_maxLevel, AudioLevel::IEC268Meter);
+ lr = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader
+ (rightLevel, m_maxLevel, AudioLevel::IEC268Meter);
+ break;
+ case AudioPeakHoldIECLong:
+ ll = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader
+ (leftLevel, m_maxLevel, AudioLevel::IEC268LongMeter);
+ lr = AudioLevel::dB_to_fader
+ (rightLevel, m_maxLevel, AudioLevel::IEC268LongMeter);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ll = (int)(double(m_maxLevel) * leftLevel);
+ lr = (int)(double(m_maxLevel) * rightLevel);
+ };
+ if (ll < 0)
+ ll = 0;
+ if (ll > m_maxLevel)
+ ll = m_maxLevel;
+ if (lr < 0)
+ lr = 0;
+ if (lr > m_maxLevel)
+ lr = m_maxLevel;
+ if (record) {
+ m_recordLevelStepLeft = m_baseLevelStep;
+ m_recordLevelStepRight = m_baseLevelStep;
+ } else {
+ m_levelStepLeft = m_baseLevelStep;
+ m_levelStepRight = m_baseLevelStep;
+ }
+ // Only start the timer when we need it
+ if (ll > 0) {
+ if (m_fallTimerLeft->isActive() == false) {
+ m_fallTimerLeft->start(40); // 40 ms per level fall iteration
+ meterStart();
+ }
+ }
+ if (lr > 0) {
+ if (m_fallTimerRight && m_fallTimerRight->isActive() == false) {
+ m_fallTimerRight->start(40); // 40 ms per level fall iteration
+ meterStart();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!record) {
+ // Reset level and reset timer if we're exceeding the
+ // current peak
+ //
+ if (ll >= m_peakLevelLeft && m_showPeakLevel) {
+ m_peakLevelLeft = ll;
+ if (m_peakTimerLeft->isActive())
+ m_peakTimerLeft->stop();
+ m_peakTimerLeft->start(1000); // milliseconds of peak hold
+ }
+ if (lr >= m_peakLevelRight && m_showPeakLevel) {
+ m_peakLevelRight = lr;
+ if (m_peakTimerRight) {
+ if (m_peakTimerRight->isActive())
+ m_peakTimerRight->stop();
+ m_peakTimerRight->start(1000); // milliseconds of peak hold
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_active) {
+ QPainter paint(this);
+ drawMeterLevel(&paint);
+ }
+VUMeter::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
+ // RG_DEBUG << "VUMeter::paintEvent - height = " << height() << endl;
+ QPainter paint(this);
+ if (m_type == VUMeter::AudioPeakHoldShort ||
+ m_type == VUMeter::AudioPeakHoldLong ||
+ m_type == VUMeter::AudioPeakHoldIEC ||
+ m_type == VUMeter::AudioPeakHoldIECLong) {
+ paint.setPen(m_background);
+ paint.setBrush(m_background);
+ paint.drawRect(0, 0, width(), height());
+ drawMeterLevel(&paint);
+ paint.setPen(colorGroup().background());
+ paint.drawPoint(0, 0);
+ paint.drawPoint(width() - 1, 0);
+ paint.drawPoint(0, height() - 1);
+ paint.drawPoint(width() - 1, height() - 1);
+ } else if (m_type == VUMeter::FixedHeightVisiblePeakHold) {
+ paint.setPen(m_background);
+ paint.setBrush(m_background);
+ paint.drawRect(0, 0, width(), height());
+ if (m_fallTimerLeft->isActive())
+ drawMeterLevel(&paint);
+ else {
+ meterStop();
+ drawFrame(&paint);
+ drawContents(&paint);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (m_fallTimerLeft->isActive()) {
+ paint.setPen(m_background);
+ paint.setBrush(m_background);
+ paint.drawRect(0, 0, width(), height());
+ drawMeterLevel(&paint);
+ } else {
+ meterStop();
+ drawFrame(&paint);
+ drawContents(&paint);
+ }
+ }
+VUMeter::drawColouredBar(QPainter *paint, int channel,
+ int x, int y, int w, int h)
+ if (m_type == AudioPeakHoldLong ||
+ m_type == AudioPeakHoldShort ||
+ m_type == AudioPeakHoldIEC ||
+ m_type == AudioPeakHoldIECLong) {
+ Qt::BrushStyle style = Qt::SolidPattern;
+ int medium = m_velocityColour->getMediumKnee(),
+ loud = m_velocityColour->getLoudKnee();
+ if (m_alignment == Vertical) {
+ if (h > loud) {
+ paint->setPen(m_velocityColour->getLoudColour());
+ paint->setBrush(QBrush(m_velocityColour->getLoudColour(),
+ style));
+ paint->drawRect(x, y, w, h - loud);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (w > loud) {
+ paint->setPen(m_velocityColour->getLoudColour());
+ paint->setBrush(QBrush(m_velocityColour->getLoudColour(),
+ style));
+ paint->drawRect(x + loud, y, w - loud, h);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_alignment == Vertical) {
+ if (h > medium) {
+ paint->setPen(m_velocityColour->getMediumColour());
+ paint->setBrush(QBrush(m_velocityColour->getMediumColour(),
+ style));
+ paint->drawRect(x, y + (h > loud ? (h - loud) : 0),
+ w, std::min(h - medium, loud - medium));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (w > medium) {
+ paint->setPen(m_velocityColour->getMediumColour());
+ paint->setBrush(QBrush(m_velocityColour->getMediumColour(),
+ style));
+ paint->drawRect(x + medium, y,
+ std::min(w - medium, loud - medium), h);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_alignment == Vertical) {
+ paint->setPen(m_velocityColour->getQuietColour());
+ paint->setBrush(QBrush(m_velocityColour->getQuietColour(),
+ style));
+ paint->drawRect(x, y + (h > medium ? (h - medium) : 0),
+ w, std::min(h, medium));
+ } else {
+ paint->setPen(m_velocityColour->getQuietColour());
+ paint->setBrush(QBrush(m_velocityColour->getQuietColour(),
+ style));
+ paint->drawRect(x, y, std::min(w, medium), h);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (channel == 0) {
+ QColor mixedColour = m_velocityColour->getColour(m_levelLeft);
+ paint->setPen(mixedColour);
+ paint->setBrush(mixedColour);
+ } else {
+ QColor mixedColour = m_velocityColour->getColour(m_levelRight);
+ paint->setPen(mixedColour);
+ paint->setBrush(mixedColour);
+ }
+ // RG_DEBUG << "VUMeter::drawColouredBar - level = " << m_levelLeft << endl;
+ paint->drawRect(x, y, w, h);
+ }
+VUMeter::drawMeterLevel(QPainter* paint)
+ int medium = m_velocityColour->getMediumKnee(),
+ loud = m_velocityColour->getLoudKnee();
+ if (m_stereo) {
+ if (m_alignment == VUMeter::Vertical) {
+ int hW = width() / 2;
+ int midWidth = 1;
+ if (m_hasRecord) {
+ if (width() > 10) {
+ midWidth = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ // Draw the left bar
+ //
+ int y = height() - (m_levelLeft * height()) / m_maxLevel;
+ int ry = height() - (m_recordLevelLeft * height()) / m_maxLevel;
+ drawColouredBar(paint, 0, 0, y, hW - midWidth, height() - y);
+ if (m_hasRecord) {
+ drawColouredBar(paint, 0, hW - midWidth, ry, midWidth + 1, height() - ry);
+ }
+ paint->setPen(m_background);
+ paint->setBrush(m_background);
+ paint->drawRect(0, 0, hW - midWidth, y);
+ if (m_hasRecord) {
+ paint->drawRect(hW - midWidth, 0, midWidth + 1, ry);
+ }
+ if (m_showPeakLevel) {
+ int h = (m_peakLevelLeft * height()) / m_maxLevel;
+ y = height() - h;
+ if (h > loud) {
+ paint->setPen(Qt::red); // brighter than the red meter bar
+ paint->drawLine(0, y - 1, hW - midWidth - 1, y - 1);
+ paint->drawLine(0, y + 1, hW - midWidth - 1, y + 1);
+ }
+ paint->setPen(Qt::white);
+ paint->drawLine(0, y, hW - midWidth - 1, y);
+ }
+ // Draw the right bar
+ //
+ y = height() - (m_levelRight * height()) / m_maxLevel;
+ ry = height() - (m_recordLevelRight * height()) / m_maxLevel;
+ drawColouredBar(paint, 1, hW + midWidth, y, hW - midWidth, height() - y);
+ if (m_hasRecord) {
+ drawColouredBar(paint, 1, hW, ry, midWidth + 1, height() - ry);
+ }
+ paint->setPen(m_background);
+ paint->setBrush(m_background);
+ paint->drawRect(hW + midWidth, 0, hW - midWidth + 1, y);
+ if (m_hasRecord) {
+ paint->drawRect(hW, 0, midWidth, ry);
+ }
+ if (m_showPeakLevel) {
+ int h = (m_peakLevelRight * height()) / m_maxLevel;
+ y = height() - h;
+ if (h > loud) {
+ paint->setPen(Qt::red); // brighter than the red meter bar
+ paint->drawLine(hW + midWidth, y - 1, width(), y - 1);
+ paint->drawLine(hW + midWidth, y + 1, width(), y + 1);
+ }
+ paint->setPen(Qt::white);
+ paint->setBrush(Qt::white);
+ paint->drawLine(hW + midWidth, y, width(), y);
+ }
+ } else // horizontal
+ {
+ paint->setPen(m_background);
+ paint->setBrush(m_background);
+ paint->drawRect(0, 0, width(), height());
+ int x = (m_levelLeft * width()) / m_maxLevel;
+ if (x > 0)
+ paint->drawRect(0, 0, x, height());
+ if (m_showPeakLevel) {
+ paint->setPen(Qt::white);
+ paint->setBrush(Qt::white);
+ // show peak level
+ x = m_peakLevelLeft * width() / m_maxLevel;
+ if (x < (width() - 1))
+ x++;
+ else
+ x = width() - 1;
+ paint->drawLine(x, 0, x, height());
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Paint a vertical meter according to type
+ //
+ if (m_alignment == VUMeter::Vertical) {
+ int y = height() - (m_levelLeft * height()) / m_maxLevel;
+ drawColouredBar(paint, 0, 0, y, width(), height());
+ paint->setPen(m_background);
+ paint->setBrush(m_background);
+ paint->drawRect(0, 0, width(), y);
+ /*
+ RG_DEBUG << "VUMeter::drawMeterLevel - height = " << height()
+ << ", vertical rect height = " << y << endl;
+ */
+ if (m_showPeakLevel) {
+ paint->setPen(Qt::white);
+ paint->setBrush(Qt::white);
+ y = height() - (m_peakLevelLeft * height()) / m_maxLevel;
+ paint->drawLine(0, y, width(), y);
+ }
+ } else {
+ int x = (m_levelLeft * width()) / m_maxLevel;
+ if (x > 0)
+ drawColouredBar(paint, 0, 0, 0, x, height());
+ paint->setPen(m_background);
+ paint->setBrush(m_background);
+ paint->drawRect(x, 0, width() - x, height());
+ if (m_showPeakLevel) {
+ paint->setPen(Qt::white);
+ paint->setBrush(Qt::white);
+ // show peak level
+ x = (m_peakLevelLeft * width()) / m_maxLevel;
+ if (x < (width() - 1))
+ x++;
+ else
+ x = width() - 1;
+ paint->drawLine(x, 0, x, height());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m_levelStepRight = int(m_levelRight) * m_baseLevelStep / 100 + 1;
+ if (m_levelStepRight < 1)
+ m_levelStepRight = 1;
+ m_recordLevelStepRight = int(m_recordLevelRight) * m_baseLevelStep / 100 + 1;
+ if (m_recordLevelStepRight < 1)
+ m_recordLevelStepRight = 1;
+ if (m_levelRight > 0)
+ m_levelRight -= m_levelStepRight;
+ if (m_recordLevelRight > 0)
+ m_recordLevelRight -= m_recordLevelStepRight;
+ if (m_levelRight <= 0) {
+ m_levelRight = 0;
+ m_peakLevelRight = 0;
+ }
+ if (m_recordLevelRight <= 0)
+ m_recordLevelRight = 0;
+ if (m_levelRight == 0 && m_recordLevelRight == 0) {
+ // Always stop the timer when we don't need it
+ if (m_fallTimerRight)
+ m_fallTimerRight->stop();
+ meterStop();
+ }
+ QPainter paint(this);
+ drawMeterLevel(&paint);
+ m_levelStepLeft = int(m_levelLeft) * m_baseLevelStep / 100 + 1;
+ if (m_levelStepLeft < 1)
+ m_levelStepLeft = 1;
+ m_recordLevelStepLeft = int(m_recordLevelLeft) * m_baseLevelStep / 100 + 1;
+ if (m_recordLevelStepLeft < 1)
+ m_recordLevelStepLeft = 1;
+ if (m_levelLeft > 0)
+ m_levelLeft -= m_levelStepLeft;
+ if (m_recordLevelLeft > 0)
+ m_recordLevelLeft -= m_recordLevelStepLeft;
+ if (m_levelLeft <= 0) {
+ m_levelLeft = 0;
+ m_peakLevelLeft = 0;
+ }
+ if (m_recordLevelLeft <= 0)
+ m_recordLevelLeft = 0;
+ if (m_levelLeft == 0 && m_recordLevelLeft == 0) {
+ // Always stop the timer when we don't need it
+ if (m_fallTimerLeft)
+ m_fallTimerLeft->stop();
+ meterStop();
+ }
+ QPainter paint(this);
+ drawMeterLevel(&paint);
+ m_peakLevelRight = 0;
+ m_peakLevelLeft = 0;
+#include "VUMeter.moc"