path: root/src/sequencer/RosegardenSequencerApp.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/sequencer/RosegardenSequencerApp.h')
1 files changed, 531 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/sequencer/RosegardenSequencerApp.h b/src/sequencer/RosegardenSequencerApp.h
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index 0000000..bb72547
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+++ b/src/sequencer/RosegardenSequencerApp.h
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+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
+ Rosegarden
+ A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
+ This program is Copyright 2000-2008
+ Guillaume Laurent <[email protected]>,
+ Chris Cannam <[email protected]>,
+ Richard Bown <[email protected]>
+ The moral rights of Guillaume Laurent, Chris Cannam, and Richard
+ Bown to claim authorship of this work have been asserted.
+ Other copyrights also apply to some parts of this work. Please
+ see the AUTHORS file and individual file headers for details.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
+ COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
+// RosegardenSequencerApp is the sequencer application for Rosegarden.
+// It owns a Sequencer object which wraps the ALSA
+// and JACK funtionality. At this level we deal with comms with
+// the Rosegarden GUI application, the high level marshalling of data
+// and main event loop of the sequencer. [rwb]
+// include files for Qt
+#include <qstrlist.h>
+// include files for KDE
+#include <kapp.h>
+#include <kmainwindow.h>
+#include <kaccel.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include "base/Composition.h"
+#include "gui/application/RosegardenDCOP.h"
+#include "RosegardenSequencerIface.h"
+#include "sound/MappedComposition.h"
+#include "base/Event.h"
+#include "sound/MappedStudio.h"
+#include "sound/ExternalTransport.h"
+#include "MmappedSegment.h"
+#include "SequencerMmapper.h"
+#include <deque>
+class KURL;
+class KRecentFilesAction;
+namespace Rosegarden {
+// forward declaration of the RosegardenGUI classes
+class RosegardenGUIDoc;
+class RosegardenGUIView;
+class ControlBlockMmapper;
+class MappedInstrument;
+class SoundDriver;
+ * The sequencer application
+ */
+class RosegardenSequencerApp : public KMainWindow,
+ virtual public RosegardenSequencerIface,
+ public ExternalTransport
+ RosegardenSequencerApp();
+ ~RosegardenSequencerApp();
+ // -------- START OF DCOP INTERFACE METHODS --------
+ //
+ //
+ // Quit
+ virtual void quit();
+ // Based on RealTime timestamps
+ //
+ int play(const RealTime &position,
+ const RealTime &readAhead,
+ const RealTime &audioMix,
+ const RealTime &audioRead,
+ const RealTime &audioWrite,
+ long smallFileSize);
+ // recording
+ int record(const RealTime &position,
+ const RealTime &readAhead,
+ const RealTime &audioMix,
+ const RealTime &audioRead,
+ const RealTime &audioWrite,
+ long smallFileSize,
+ long recordMode);
+ virtual int punchOut();
+ // looping
+ void setLoop(const RealTime &loopStart,
+ const RealTime &loopEnd);
+ // Play wrapper for DCOP
+ //
+ virtual int play(long timeSec,
+ long timeNsec,
+ long readAheadSec,
+ long readAheadNsec,
+ long audioMixSec,
+ long audioMixNsec,
+ long audioReadSec,
+ long audioReadNsec,
+ long audioWriteSec,
+ long audioWriteNsec,
+ long smallFileSize);
+ // Record wrapper for DCOP
+ //
+ virtual int record(long timeSec,
+ long timeNsec,
+ long readAheadSec,
+ long readAheadNsec,
+ long audioMixSec,
+ long audioMixNsec,
+ long audioReadSec,
+ long audioReadNsec,
+ long audioWriteSec,
+ long audioWriteNsec,
+ long smallFileSize,
+ long recordMode);
+ // Jump to a pointer in the playback (uses longs instead
+ // of RealTime for DCOP)
+ //
+ //
+ virtual void jumpTo(long posSec, long posNsec);
+ // Set a loop on the Sequencer
+ //
+ virtual void setLoop(long loopStartSec, long loopStartNsec,
+ long loopEndSec, long loopEndNsec);
+ // Return the Sound system status (audio/MIDI)
+ //
+ virtual unsigned int getSoundDriverStatus(const QString &guiVersion);
+ // Add and remove Audio files on the sequencer
+ //
+ virtual int addAudioFile(const QString &fileName, int id);
+ virtual int removeAudioFile(int id);
+ // Deletes all the audio files and clears down any flapping i/o handles
+ //
+ virtual void clearAllAudioFiles();
+ // stops the sequencer
+ //
+ virtual void stop();
+ // Set a MappedInstrument at the Sequencer
+ //
+ virtual void setMappedInstrument(int type, unsigned char channel,
+ unsigned int id);
+ // The sequencer will process the MappedComposition as soon as it
+ // gets the chance.
+ //
+ virtual void processSequencerSlice(MappedComposition mC);
+ // Yeuch!
+ //
+ virtual void processMappedEvent(unsigned int id,
+ int type,
+ unsigned char pitch,
+ unsigned char velocity,
+ long absTimeSec,
+ long absTimeNsec,
+ long durationSec,
+ long durationNsec,
+ long audioStartMarkerSec,
+ long audioStartMarkerNsec);
+ // And now do it properly
+ //
+ virtual void processMappedEvent(MappedEvent mE);
+ virtual unsigned int getDevices();
+ virtual MappedDevice getMappedDevice(unsigned int id);
+ virtual int canReconnect(int deviceType);
+ virtual unsigned int addDevice(int type, unsigned int direction);
+ virtual void removeDevice(unsigned int id);
+ virtual void renameDevice(unsigned int id, QString name);
+ virtual unsigned int getConnections(int type, unsigned int direction);
+ virtual QString getConnection(int type, unsigned int direction,
+ unsigned int connectionNo);
+ virtual void setConnection(unsigned int deviceId, QString connection);
+ virtual void setPlausibleConnection(unsigned int deviceId,
+ QString idealConnection);
+ virtual unsigned int getTimers();
+ virtual QString getTimer(unsigned int n);
+ virtual QString getCurrentTimer();
+ virtual void setCurrentTimer(QString timer);
+ virtual void setLowLatencyMode(bool);
+ // Audio latencies
+ //
+ virtual MappedRealTime getAudioPlayLatency();
+ virtual MappedRealTime getAudioRecordLatency();
+ // Set a MappedObject
+ //
+ virtual void setMappedProperty(int id,
+ const QString &property,
+ float value);
+ // Set many properties on many MappedObjects
+ //
+ virtual void setMappedProperties(const MappedObjectIdList &ids,
+ const MappedObjectPropertyList &properties,
+ const MappedObjectValueList &values);
+ // Set a MappedObject to a string
+ //
+ virtual void setMappedProperty(int id,
+ const QString &property,
+ const QString &value);
+ // Set a MappedObject to a property list
+ //
+ virtual void setMappedPropertyList(int id,
+ const QString &property,
+ const MappedObjectPropertyList &values);
+ // Get a MappedObject for a type
+ //
+ virtual int getMappedObjectId(int type);
+ // Get a Property list from an Object
+ //
+ virtual std::vector<QString> getPropertyList(int id,
+ const QString &property);
+ virtual std::vector<QString> getPluginInformation();
+ virtual QString getPluginProgram(int id, int bank, int program);
+ virtual unsigned long getPluginProgram(int id, const QString &name);
+ // Set a plugin port
+ //
+ virtual void setMappedPort(int pluginId,
+ unsigned long portId,
+ float value);
+ virtual float getMappedPort(int pluginId,
+ unsigned long portId);
+ // Create a MappedObject
+ virtual int createMappedObject(int type);
+ // Destroy an object
+ //
+ virtual int destroyMappedObject(int id);
+ // Connect two objects
+ //
+ virtual void connectMappedObjects(int id1, int id2);
+ // Disconnect two objects
+ //
+ virtual void disconnectMappedObjects(int id1, int id2);
+ // Disconnect an object from everything
+ //
+ virtual void disconnectMappedObject(int id);
+ // Sample rate
+ //
+ virtual unsigned int getSampleRate() const;
+ // Clear the studio
+ //
+ virtual void clearStudio();
+ // Debug stuff, to check MmappedSegment::iterator
+ virtual void dumpFirstSegment();
+ virtual void remapSegment(const QString& filename, size_t newSize);
+ virtual void addSegment(const QString& filename);
+ virtual void deleteSegment(const QString& filename);
+ virtual void closeAllSegments();
+ virtual void remapTracks();
+ // Set Quarter note length
+ //
+ virtual void setQuarterNoteLength(long timeSec, long timeNsec);
+ // Get a status report
+ //
+ virtual QString getStatusLog();
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ // -------- END OF DCOP INTERFACE --------
+ void setStatus(TransportStatus status)
+ { m_transportStatus = status; }
+ TransportStatus getStatus() { return m_transportStatus; }
+ // Process the first chunk of Sequencer events
+ bool startPlaying();
+ // Process all subsequent events
+ bool keepPlaying();
+ // Update internal clock and send GUI position pointer movement
+ void updateClocks();
+ bool checkExternalTransport();
+ // Sends status changes up to GUI
+ void notifySequencerStatus();
+ // Send latest slice information back to GUI for display
+ void notifyVisuals(MappedComposition *mC);
+ // These two methods process any pending MIDI or audio
+ // and send them up to the gui for storage and display
+ //
+ void processRecordedMidi();
+ void processRecordedAudio();
+ // Called during stopped or playing operation to process
+ // any pending incoming MIDI events that aren't being
+ // recorded (i.e. for display in Transport or on Mixer)
+ //
+ void processAsynchronousEvents();
+ // Sleep for the given time, approximately. Called from the main
+ // loop in order to lighten CPU load (i.e. the timing quality of
+ // the sequencer does not depend on this being accurate). A good
+ // implementation of this call would return right away when an
+ // incoming MIDI event needed to be handled.
+ //
+ void sleep(const RealTime &rt);
+ // Removes from a MappedComposition the events not matching
+ // the supplied filer.
+ //
+ void applyFiltering(MappedComposition *mC,
+ MidiFilter filter,
+ bool filterControlDevice);
+ // This method assigns an Instrument to each MappedEvent
+ // belongin to the MappedComposition, and sends the
+ // transformed events to the driver to be played.
+ //
+ void routeEvents(MappedComposition *mC, bool useSelectedTrack);
+ // Are we looping?
+ //
+ bool isLooping() const { return !(m_loopStart == m_loopEnd); }
+ // the call itself
+ void sequencerAlive();
+ /*
+ // Audio latencies
+ //
+ RealTime getAudioPlaybackLatency()
+ { return m_audioPlayLatency; }
+ void setAudioPlaybackLatency(const RealTime &latency)
+ { m_audioPlayLatency = latency; }
+ RealTime getAudioRecordLatency()
+ { return m_audioRecordLatency; }
+ void setAudioRecordLatency(const RealTime &latency)
+ { m_audioRecordLatency = latency; }
+ */
+ // Initialise the virtual studio at this end of the link
+ //
+ void initialiseStudio();
+ //
+ // Whereas the DCOP interface (above) is for the GUI to call to
+ // make the sequencer follow its wishes, this interface is for
+ // external clients to call (via some low-level audio callback)
+ // and requires sychronising with the GUI.
+ TransportToken transportChange(TransportRequest);
+ TransportToken transportJump(TransportRequest, RealTime);
+ bool isTransportSyncComplete(TransportToken token);
+ TransportToken getInvalidTransportToken() const { return 0; }
+public slots:
+ // Check for new clients - on timeout
+ //
+ void slotCheckForNewClients();
+ // get events whilst handling loop
+ //
+ void fetchEvents(MappedComposition &,
+ const RealTime &start,
+ const RealTime &end,
+ bool firstFetch);
+ // just get a slice of events between markers
+ //
+ void getSlice(MappedComposition &,
+ const RealTime &start,
+ const RealTime &end,
+ bool firstFetch);
+ // adjust event times according to relative instrument latencies
+ //
+ void applyLatencyCompensation(MappedComposition &);
+ // mmap-related stuff
+ MmappedSegment* mmapSegment(const QString&);
+ void cleanupMmapData();
+ void initMetaIterator();
+ void rationalisePlayingAudio();
+ void setEndOfCompReached(bool e) { m_isEndOfCompReached = e; }
+ bool isEndOfCompReached() { return m_isEndOfCompReached; }
+ void incrementTransportToken();
+ //--------------- Data members ---------------------------------
+ SoundDriver *m_driver;
+ TransportStatus m_transportStatus;
+ // Position pointer
+ RealTime m_songPosition;
+ RealTime m_lastFetchSongPosition;
+ RealTime m_readAhead;
+ RealTime m_audioMix;
+ RealTime m_audioRead;
+ RealTime m_audioWrite;
+ int m_smallFileSize;
+ /*
+ // Not required at the sequencer
+ // Two more latencies for audio play and record - when we
+ // use an unsynchronised audio and MIDI system such as
+ // ALSA and JACK we need to use these additional values
+ // to help time-keeping.
+ //
+ RealTime m_audioPlayLatency;
+ RealTime m_audioRecordLatency;
+ */
+ RealTime m_loopStart;
+ RealTime m_loopEnd;
+ std::vector<MappedInstrument*> m_instruments;
+ // MappedStudio holds all of our session-persistent information -
+ // sliders and what have you. It's also streamable over DCOP
+ // so you can reconstruct it at either end of the link for
+ // presentation, storage etc.
+ //
+ MappedStudio *m_studio;
+ // Slice revert storage
+ //
+ RealTime m_oldSliceSize;
+ QTimer *m_sliceTimer;
+ // Timer to check for new clients
+ //
+ QTimer *m_newClientTimer;
+ // mmap segments
+ //
+ QString m_segmentFilesPath;
+ MmappedSegmentsMetaIterator::mmappedsegments m_mmappedSegments;
+ MmappedSegmentsMetaIterator* m_metaIterator;
+ RealTime m_lastStartTime;
+ MappedComposition m_mC;
+ ControlBlockMmapper *m_controlBlockMmapper;
+ SequencerMmapper m_sequencerMapper;
+ typedef std::pair<TransportRequest, RealTime> TransportPair;
+ std::deque<TransportPair> m_transportRequests;
+ TransportToken m_transportToken;
+ bool m_isEndOfCompReached;