path: root/modules/TDEMacros.cmake
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2012-02-25 16:41:07 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2012-02-25 16:41:07 -0600
commit975cc10f8bfcab94ff4e641775473095af0e778a (patch)
tree1d7e1e100ab31d9c6be4325842d119b4a64fb252 /modules/TDEMacros.cmake
parent8e6f203f9221d336edfa84b2e3eba6205a30c816 (diff)
Fix vague build errors due to blind execution in CMake
This closes Bug 874 Thanks to Aleksey Midenkov for the patch!
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/TDEMacros.cmake')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/modules/TDEMacros.cmake b/modules/TDEMacros.cmake
index bcc0c64..a710f43 100644
--- a/modules/TDEMacros.cmake
+++ b/modules/TDEMacros.cmake
@@ -29,38 +29,76 @@ endmacro( tde_message_fatal )
+##### tde_get_arg( <ARG_NAME> <COUNT> <RETURN> <REST> <ARGS...> )
+##### ARG_NAME(string): name of an argument to find in ARGS
+##### COUNT(number): argument dimension, a number of items returned in RETURN
+##### RETURN(list ref): items returned for argument as they found in ARGS
+##### REST(list ref): rest of items except argument name and items returned in RETURN
+##### ARGS(list): source list of arguments
+macro( tde_get_arg ARG_NAME COUNT RETURN REST )
+ unset( ${RETURN} )
+ unset( ${REST} )
+ list( APPEND ${REST} ${ARGN} )
+ list( FIND ${REST} ${ARG_NAME} _arg_idx)
+ if( NOT ${_arg_idx} EQUAL -1 )
+ list( APPEND ${REST} ___ensure_list___ )
+ list( REMOVE_AT ${REST} ${_arg_idx} )
+ list( REMOVE_ITEM ${REST} ___ensure_list___ )
+ set( _i 0 )
+ while( ${_i} LESS ${COUNT} )
+ list( GET ${REST} ${_arg_idx} _arg )
+ list( REMOVE_AT ${REST} ${_arg_idx} )
+ list( APPEND ${RETURN} ${_arg} )
+ math( EXPR _i "${_i} + 1" )
+ endwhile()
+ endif()
+endmacro( tde_get_arg )
+##### tde_execute_process( <ARGS...> [MESSAGE <MSG>] )
+##### MSG: fatal error message (standard message will be written if not supplied)
+##### ARGS: execute_process arguments
+macro( tde_execute_process )
+ tde_get_arg( MESSAGE 1 _message _rest_args ${ARGV} )
+ tde_get_arg( RESULT_VARIABLE 1 _result_variable _tmp ${_rest_args} )
+ tde_get_arg( COMMAND 1 _command _tmp ${_rest_args} )
+ if( NOT DEFINED _result_variable )
+ list( APPEND _rest_args RESULT_VARIABLE _exec_result )
+ set( _result_variable _exec_result )
+ endif()
+ execute_process( ${_rest_args} )
+ if( ${_result_variable} )
+ if( DEFINED _message )
+ message( FATAL_ERROR ${_message} )
+ else()
+ if( ${${_result_variable}} MATCHES "^[0-9]+$" )
+ set( ${_result_variable} "status ${${_result_variable}} returned!" )
+ endif()
+ message( FATAL_ERROR "Error executing '${_command}': ${${_result_variable}}" )
+ endif()
+ endif()
+endmacro( tde_execute_process )
+ return( )
+endif( )
+########### slave part ends here ###############
##### tde_install_icons( <icons...> THEME <svgicons> DESTINATION <destdir> )
##### default theme: hicolor
##### default destination: ${SHARE_INSTALL_DIR}/icons
macro( tde_install_icons )
- # clearing
- unset( _dest )
- unset( _req_theme )
- unset( _icons )
- set( _var _icons )
- # parse all arguments
- foreach( _arg ${ARGV} )
- # directive DESTINATION
- set( _var _dest )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( _arg STREQUAL "DESTINATION" )
- # directive THEME
- if( _arg STREQUAL "THEME" )
- set( _var _req_theme )
- set( _directive 1 )
- endif( _arg STREQUAL "THEME" )
- # collect data
- if( _directive )
- unset( _directive )
- else( _directive )
- set( ${_var} ${${_var}} ${_arg} )
- set( _var _icons )
- endif( _directive )
- endforeach( _arg )
+ tde_get_arg( DESTINATION 1 _dest _args ${ARGV} )
+ tde_get_arg( THEME 1 _req_theme _icons ${_args} )
if( NOT _icons )
@@ -232,6 +270,8 @@ macro( tde_add_ui_files _sources )
-P ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/tde_uic.cmake
COMMAND ${MOC_EXECUTABLE} ${_ui_basename}.h >> ${_ui_basename}.cpp
DEPENDS ${_ui_absolute_path} )
@@ -702,7 +742,7 @@ endmacro( tde_add_kpart )
##### tde_curdatetime
macro( tde_curdatetime result )
- execute_process( COMMAND "date" "+%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${result} )
+ tde_execute_process( COMMAND "date" "+%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${result} )
string( REGEX REPLACE "(..)/(..)/(....) (........).*" "\\1/\\2/\\3 \\4" ${result} ${${result}} )
endmacro( tde_curdatetime )