path: root/displayconfig/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'displayconfig/')
1 files changed, 1756 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/displayconfig/ b/displayconfig/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b4535d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/displayconfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,1756 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# - description #
+# ------------------------------ #
+# begin : Fri Mar 26 2004 #
+# copyright : (C) 2004-2006 by Simon Edwards #
+# email : [email protected] #
+# #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+from qt import *
+from kdecore import *
+from kdeui import *
+import xorgconfig
+import xf86misc
+import string
+import os
+import select
+import sys
+import csv
+import time
+import signal
+import shutil
+from ktimerdialog import *
+from displayconfigwidgets import *
+from displayconfigabstraction import *
+from execwithcapture import *
+programname = "Display and Graphics Configuration"
+version = "0.8.0"
+# Are we running as a separate standalone application or in KControl?
+standalone = __name__=='__main__'
+# Running as the root user or not?
+isroot = os.getuid()==0
+class GfxCardDialog(KDialogBase):
+ video_ram_list = [256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768,65536]
+ def __init__(self,parent):
+ KDialogBase.__init__(self,parent,None,True,"Choose Graphics Card",
+ KDialogBase.Ok|KDialogBase.Cancel, KDialogBase.Cancel)
+ self.gfxcarddb = None
+ self.updatingGUI = True
+ self.card2listitem = {}
+ topbox = QVBox(self)
+ topbox.setSpacing(KDialog.spacingHint())
+ self.setMainWidget(topbox)
+ label = QLabel(topbox)
+ label.setText(i18n("Select Graphics Card:"))
+ self.listview = KListView(topbox)
+ self.listview.addColumn("")
+ self.listview.header().hide()
+ self.listview.setRootIsDecorated(True)
+ self.connect(self.listview,SIGNAL("selectionChanged(QListViewItem *)"),self.slotListClicked)
+ topbox.setStretchFactor(self.listview,1)
+ self.driver = KListViewItem(self.listview)
+ self.driver.setText(0,i18n("Drivers"))
+ self.driver.setSelectable(False)
+ self.manufacturer = KListViewItem(self.listview)
+ self.manufacturer.setText(0,i18n("Manufacturers"))
+ self.manufacturer.setSelectable(False)
+ hbox = QHBox(topbox)
+ topbox.setStretchFactor(hbox,0)
+ vbox = QVBox(hbox)
+ self.detected_label = QLabel("",vbox)
+ self.detected_button = KPushButton(vbox)
+ self.detected_button.setText(i18n("Select"))
+ self.connect(self.detected_button,SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.slotSelectDetectedClicked)
+ spacer = QWidget(vbox)
+ vbox.setStretchFactor(self.detected_button,0)
+ vbox.setStretchFactor(spacer,1)
+ hbox.setStretchFactor(vbox,0)
+ spacer = QWidget(hbox)
+ hbox.setStretchFactor(spacer,1)
+ drivergrid = QGrid(2,hbox)
+ drivergrid.setSpacing(KDialog.spacingHint())
+ QLabel(i18n("Driver:"),drivergrid)
+ self.standarddriverradio = QRadioButton(i18n("Standard"),drivergrid)
+ self.connect(self.standarddriverradio,SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.slotStandardDriverClicked)
+ QWidget(drivergrid)
+ self.proprietarydriverradio = QRadioButton(i18n("Proprietary"),drivergrid)
+ self.connect(self.proprietarydriverradio,SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.slotProprietaryDriverClicked)
+ QLabel(i18n("Video RAM:"),drivergrid)
+ self.videoramcombo = QComboBox(drivergrid)
+ for s in [i18n("256 kB"),
+ i18n("512 kB"),
+ i18n("1 MB"),
+ i18n("2 MB"),
+ i18n("4 MB"),
+ i18n("8 MB"),
+ i18n("16 MB"),
+ i18n("32 MB"),
+ i18n("64 MB or more")]:
+ self.videoramcombo.insertItem(s)
+ self.updatingGUI = False
+ self._setGfxCardDB(GetGfxCardModelDB())
+ def _setGfxCardDB(self,gfxcarddb):
+ self.updatingGUI = True
+ self.gfxcarddb = gfxcarddb
+ # Add the GfxCards under the Manufacturer item.
+ keys = gfxcarddb.vendordb.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ for key in keys:
+ cardkeys = self.gfxcarddb.vendordb[key].keys()
+ vendoritem = KListViewItem(self.manufacturer)
+ vendoritem.setText(0,key)
+ vendoritem.setSelectable(False)
+ for cardkey in cardkeys:
+ item = KListViewItem(vendoritem)
+ item.setText(0,cardkey)
+ self.card2listitem[self.gfxcarddb.vendordb[key][cardkey]] = item
+ # Add the GfxCard _drivers_ under the Drivers item
+ drivers = gfxcarddb.driverdb.keys()
+ drivers.sort()
+ for driver in drivers:
+ driveritem = KListViewItem(self.driver)
+ driveritem.setText(0,driver)
+ self.card2listitem[gfxcarddb.driverdb[driver]] = driveritem
+ self.updatingGUI = False
+ def do(self,card,proprietarydriver,detected_card,video_ram):
+ self.updatingGUI = True
+ item = self.card2listitem[card]
+ self.listview.setSelected(item,True)
+ self.listview.ensureItemVisible(item)
+ self.selected_video_ram = video_ram
+ if detected_card is None:
+ self.detected_button.setEnabled(False)
+ self.detected_label.setText(i18n("Detected graphics card:\n(unknown)"))
+ else:
+ self.detected_button.setEnabled(True)
+ self.detected_label.setText(i18n("Detected graphics card:\n'%1'.").arg(detected_card.getName()))
+ self.__syncDriver(card,proprietarydriver,video_ram)
+ self.detected_card = detected_card
+ self.selected_card = card
+ self.updatingGUI = False
+ if self.exec_loop()==QDialog.Accepted:
+ return (self.selected_card,
+ self.proprietarydriverradio.isChecked() and (self.selected_card is not None),
+ self.video_ram_list[self.videoramcombo.currentItem()])
+ else:
+ return (card, proprietarydriver,video_ram)
+ def __syncDriver(self,card,proprietarydriver,videoram):
+ if card.getProprietaryDriver() is None:
+ self.standarddriverradio.setChecked(True)
+ self.standarddriverradio.setEnabled(False)
+ self.proprietarydriverradio.setEnabled(False)
+ else:
+ self.standarddriverradio.setEnabled(True)
+ self.proprietarydriverradio.setEnabled(True)
+ self.standarddriverradio.setChecked(not proprietarydriver)
+ self.proprietarydriverradio.setChecked(proprietarydriver)
+ self.videoramcombo.setEnabled(card.getNeedVideoRam())
+ if card.getNeedVideoRam():
+ self.videoramcombo.setCurrentItem(self.video_ram_list.index(videoram))
+ def slotSelectDetectedClicked(self):
+ self.updatingGUI = True
+ item = self.card2listitem[self.detected_card]
+ self.listview.setSelected(item,True)
+ self.listview.ensureItemVisible(item)
+ self.selected_card = self.detected_card
+ self.__syncDriver(self.selected_card, self.proprietarydriverradio.isChecked(), self.selected_video_ram)
+ self.updatingGUI = False
+ def slotListClicked(self,item):
+ if self.updatingGUI:
+ return
+ for key in self.card2listitem:
+ value = self.card2listitem[key]
+ if value is item:
+ self.selected_card = key
+ self.__syncDriver(self.selected_card, self.proprietarydriverradio.isChecked(), self.selected_video_ram)
+ def slotStandardDriverClicked(self):
+ self.proprietarydriverradio.setChecked(False)
+ self.standarddriverradio.setChecked(True)
+ def slotProprietaryDriverClicked(self):
+ self.standarddriverradio.setChecked(False)
+ self.proprietarydriverradio.setChecked(True)
+class MonitorDialog(KDialogBase):
+ def __init__(self,parent):
+ KDialogBase.__init__(self,parent,None,True,"Choose Monitor",
+ KDialogBase.Ok|KDialogBase.Cancel, KDialogBase.Cancel)
+ self.monitordb = None
+ self.selectedmonitor = None
+ self.aspect = ModeLine.ASPECT_4_3
+ self.monitor2listitem = {}
+ self.updatingGUI = True
+ topbox = QVBox(self)
+ topbox.setSpacing(KDialog.spacingHint())
+ self.setMainWidget(topbox)
+ label = QLabel(topbox)
+ label.setText(i18n("Select Monitor:"))
+ self.listview = KListView(topbox)
+ self.listview.addColumn("")
+ self.listview.header().hide()
+ self.listview.setRootIsDecorated(True)
+ self.connect(self.listview,SIGNAL("selectionChanged(QListViewItem *)"),self.slotListClicked)
+ self.generic = KListViewItem(self.listview)
+ self.generic.setText(0,i18n("Generic"))
+ self.generic.setSelectable(False)
+ self.manufacturer = KListViewItem(self.listview)
+ self.manufacturer.setText(0,i18n("Manufacturers"))
+ self.manufacturer.setSelectable(False)
+ grid = QGroupBox(4,QGroupBox.Horizontal,topbox)
+ grid.setTitle(i18n("Details"))
+ label = QLabel(grid)
+ label.setText(i18n("Horizontal Range:"))
+ self.horizrange = KLineEdit(grid)
+ self.horizrange.setReadOnly(True)
+ label = QLabel(grid)
+ label.setText(i18n("Vertical Refresh:"))
+ self.vertrange = KLineEdit(grid)
+ self.vertrange.setReadOnly(True)
+ hbox = QHBox(topbox)
+ self.detectbutton = KPushButton(hbox)
+ self.detectbutton.setText(i18n("Detect Monitor")) # FIXME better label/text?
+ self.connect(self.detectbutton,SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.slotDetectClicked)
+ spacer = QWidget(hbox)
+ hbox.setStretchFactor(self.detectbutton,0)
+ hbox.setStretchFactor(spacer,1)
+ label = QLabel(hbox)
+ label.setText(i18n("Image format:"))
+ hbox.setStretchFactor(label,0)
+ self.aspectcombobox = KComboBox(hbox)
+ self.aspectcombobox.insertItem(i18n("Standard 4:3"))
+ self.aspectcombobox.insertItem(i18n("Widescreen 16:9"))
+ hbox.setStretchFactor(self.aspectcombobox,0)
+ self.updatingGUI = False
+ def setMonitorDB(self,monitordb):
+ self.monitordb = monitordb
+ # Add the Monitors
+ vendors = monitordb.vendordb.keys()
+ vendors.sort()
+ for vendor in vendors:
+ monitorkeys = self.monitordb.vendordb[vendor].keys()
+ vendoritem = KListViewItem(self.manufacturer)
+ vendoritem.setText(0,vendor)
+ vendoritem.setSelectable(False)
+ for monitorkey in monitorkeys:
+ item = KListViewItem(vendoritem)
+ item.setText(0,monitorkey)
+ self.monitor2listitem[self.monitordb.vendordb[vendor][monitorkey]] = item
+ generics = monitordb.genericdb.keys()
+ generics.sort()
+ for generic in generics:
+ genericitem = KListViewItem(self.generic)
+ genericitem.setText(0,generic)
+ self.monitor2listitem[monitordb.genericdb[generic]] = genericitem
+ customs = monitordb.getCustomMonitors().keys()
+ customs.sort()
+ for custom in customs:
+ customitem = KListViewItem(self.listview)
+ customitem.setText(0,custom)
+ self.monitor2listitem[monitordb.getCustomMonitors()[custom]] = customitem
+ def do(self,monitor,aspect,is_primary_monitor=True):
+ """Run the monitor selection dialog.
+ Parameters:
+ monitor - Currently selected 'Monitor' object.
+ Returns the newly selected monitor object and aspect ratio as a tuple.
+ """
+ if monitor is not None:
+ self.selectedmonitor = monitor
+ item = self.monitor2listitem[monitor]
+ self.listview.setSelected(item,True)
+ self.listview.ensureItemVisible(item)
+ else:
+ self.selectedmonitor = None
+ self.listview.clearSelection()
+ self.aspect = aspect
+ # Only the first/primary monitor can be detected. :-/
+ self.detectbutton.setEnabled(is_primary_monitor)
+ self.updatingGUI = True
+ self._syncGUI()
+ self.updatingGUI = False
+ if self.exec_loop()!=QDialog.Accepted:
+ # Dialog was cancelled. Return the original monitor.
+ self.selectedmonitor = monitor
+ else:
+ self.aspect = [ModeLine.ASPECT_4_3,ModeLine.ASPECT_16_9][self.aspectcombobox.currentItem()]
+ return (self.selectedmonitor,self.aspect)
+ def slotDetectClicked(self):
+ detectedmonitor = self.monitordb.detect()
+ if detectedmonitor is not None:
+ self.selectedmonitor = detectedmonitor
+ self._syncGUI()
+ else:
+ KMessageBox.error(self, i18n("Sorry, the model and capabilities of your\nmonitor couldn't be detected."),
+ i18n("Monitor detection failed"))
+ def slotListClicked(self,item):
+ if self.updatingGUI:
+ return
+ self.updatingGUI = True
+ for key in self.monitor2listitem:
+ value = self.monitor2listitem[key]
+ if value is item:
+ self.selectedmonitor = key
+ break
+ self._syncGUI()
+ self.updatingGUI = False
+ def _syncGUI(self):
+ if self.selectedmonitor is not None:
+ item = self.monitor2listitem[self.selectedmonitor]
+ self.listview.setSelected(item,True)
+ self.listview.ensureItemVisible(item)
+ self.vertrange.setText(self.selectedmonitor.getVerticalSync())
+ self.horizrange.setText(self.selectedmonitor.getHorizontalSync())
+ else:
+ self.vertrange.setText("-")
+ self.horizrange.setText("-")
+ self.aspectcombobox.setCurrentItem({ModeLine.ASPECT_4_3:0,ModeLine.ASPECT_16_9:1}[self.aspect])
+if standalone:
+ programbase = KDialogBase
+ programbase = KCModule
+class DisplayApp(programbase):
+ ########################################################################
+ def __init__(self,parent=None,name=None):
+ global standalone,isroot,kapp
+ KGlobal.locale().insertCatalogue("guidance")
+ if standalone:
+ KDialogBase.__init__(self,KJanusWidget.Tabbed,"Display Configuration",\
+ KDialogBase.Apply|KDialogBase.User1|KDialogBase.User2|KDialogBase.Close, KDialogBase.Close)
+ self.setButtonText(KDialogBase.User1,i18n("Reset"))
+ self.setButtonText(KDialogBase.User2,i18n("About"))
+ else:
+ KCModule.__init__(self,parent,name)
+ self.setButtons(KCModule.Apply|KCModule.Reset)
+ self.aboutdata = MakeAboutData()
+ # This line has the effect of hiding the "Admin only" message and also forcing
+ # the Apply/Reset buttons to be shown. Yippie! Only had to read the source
+ # to work that out.
+ self.setUseRootOnlyMsg(False)
+ # Create a configuration object.
+ self.config = KConfig("displayconfigrc")
+ # Compact mode means that we have to make the GUI
+ # much smaller to fit on low resolution screens.
+ self.compact_mode = kapp.desktop().height()<=600
+ KGlobal.iconLoader().addAppDir("guidance")
+ global imagedir
+ imagedir = unicode(KGlobal.dirs().findDirs("data","guidance/pics/displayconfig")[0])
+ self.imagedir = imagedir
+ self.xconfigchanged = False
+ self.xconfigtested = True
+ self.availabletargetgammas = [unicode(i18n('1.4')),unicode(i18n('1.6')),unicode(i18n('1.8')),unicode(i18n('2.0')),unicode(i18n('2.2')),unicode(i18n('2.4'))]
+ self.lightimages = []
+ self.mediumimages = []
+ self.darkimages = []
+ # X Server stuff
+ self.xf86server = xf86misc.XF86Server()
+ self.xconfigpath = self._findXorgConfig()
+ SetDataFileDir(unicode(KGlobal.dirs().findResourceDir("data","guidance/pcitable")) + "guidance/")
+ self.xsetup = XSetup(self.xconfigpath)
+ self.updatingGUI = True
+ self.gfxcarddb = GfxCardModelDB()
+ self.monitordb = GetMonitorModelDB()
+ self.monitormodedb = GetMonitorModeDB()
+ self._buildGUI()
+ # Work out if the currently running Gfxdriver is safe enough that we
+ # can test other drivers at the same time.
+ self.badfbrestore = self._badFbRestore()
+ self.testbutton.setEnabled(isroot and not self._badFbRestore())
+ if isroot and not self._badFbRestore():
+ self.testunavailablelabel.hide()
+ else:
+ # Load up some of our databases, and initialise our state variables.
+ if len(self.xsetup.getUsedScreens()):
+ self.currentsizescreen = self.xsetup.getUsedScreens()[0]
+ self.currentgammascreen = self.xsetup.getUsedScreens()[0]
+ else:
+ print "Houston, we have a problem: No screens found in configuration file, exiting. :("
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self.monitordialog.setMonitorDB(self.monitordb)
+ self.aboutus = KAboutApplication(self)
+ # For centering the timed Apply dialog.
+ self.applytimerdialog = None
+ self.connect(kapp.desktop(), SIGNAL("resized(int)"), self.slotDesktopResized)
+ self.applydialogscreenindex = 0
+ self.__loadImages()
+ self._loadConfig()
+ self._syncGUI()
+ if standalone:
+ self.enableButton(KDialogBase.User1,False) # Reset button
+ self.enableButtonApply(False) # Apply button
+ self.updatingGUI = False
+ def _findXorgConfig(self):
+ # Lookup location of X configfile
+ for line in ExecWithCapture("xset", ["xset","q"],True).split('\n'):
+ if line.strip().startswith("Config file"):
+ return line.split(":")[1].strip()
+ # Sometimes, xset doesn't know about the configfile location, hence ...
+ if os.path.isfile("/etc/X11/xorg.conf"):
+ return "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
+ return None
+ def _buildGUI(self):
+ global standalone
+ if not standalone:
+ toplayout = QVBoxLayout( self, 0, KDialog.spacingHint() )
+ tabcontrol = QTabWidget(self)
+ toplayout.addWidget(tabcontrol)
+ toplayout.setStretchFactor(tabcontrol,1)
+ #--- Size, Orientation and Positioning ---
+ tabname = i18n("Size, Orientation && Positioning")
+ if standalone:
+ sopage = self.addGridPage(1,QGrid.Horizontal,tabname)
+ sopage.setSpacing(0)
+ self.SizePage = SizeOrientationPage(sopage,self.xsetup,self.compact_mode)
+ else:
+ self.SizePage = SizeOrientationPage(tabcontrol,self.xsetup,self.compact_mode)
+ self.SizePage.setMargin(KDialog.marginHint())
+ # Connect all PYSIGNALs from SizeOrientationPage Widget to appropriate actions.
+ self.connect(self.SizePage,PYSIGNAL("changedSignal()"),self._sendChangedSignal)
+ self.connect(self.SizePage,PYSIGNAL("resolutionChange(int)"),self.slotResolutionChange)
+ if not standalone:
+ tabcontrol.addTab(self.SizePage,tabname)
+ #--- Color & Gamma tab ---
+ tabname = i18n("Color && Gamma")
+ if standalone:
+ gammapage = self.addVBoxPage(tabname)
+ vbox = QVBox(gammapage)
+ else:
+ vbox = QVBox(tabcontrol)
+ vbox.setMargin(KDialog.marginHint())
+ vbox.setSpacing(KDialog.spacingHint())
+ hbox = QHBox(vbox)
+ hbox.setSpacing(KDialog.spacingHint())
+ vbox.setStretchFactor(hbox,0)
+ label = QLabel(hbox,"textLabel1")
+ label.setText(i18n("Screen:"))
+ hbox.setStretchFactor(label,0)
+ self.gammadisplaycombobox = QComboBox(0,hbox,"comboBox11")
+ hbox.setStretchFactor(self.gammadisplaycombobox,0)
+ spacer = QWidget(hbox)
+ hbox.setStretchFactor(spacer,1)
+ self.connect(self.gammadisplaycombobox,SIGNAL("activated(int)"),self.slotGammaScreenCombobox)
+ # fill the combobox.
+ for screen in self.xsetup.getUsedScreens():
+ self.gammadisplaycombobox.insertItem(screen.getName())
+ if not self.compact_mode:
+ # Create the colour matching pics
+ label = QLabel(vbox)
+ label.setText(i18n("Color calibration image:"))
+ vbox.setStretchFactor(label,0)
+ hbox = QWidget(vbox)
+ hboxlayout = QHBoxLayout(hbox)
+ hboxlayout.setSpacing(KDialog.spacingHint())
+ self.mediumpic = QLabel(hbox)
+ self.mediumpic.setFixedSize(305,105)
+ hboxlayout.addWidget(self.mediumpic,0,Qt.AlignTop)
+ label = QLabel(hbox)
+ label.setPixmap(SmallIcon('info'))
+ hboxlayout.addWidget(label,0,Qt.AlignTop)
+ label = QLabel(i18n("<qt><p>Gamma controls how your monitor displays colors.</p><p>For accurate color reproduction, adjust the gamma correction sliders until the squares blend into the background as much as possible.</p></qt>"),hbox)
+ label.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText)
+ hboxlayout.addWidget(label,1,Qt.AlignTop)
+ sliderspace = QWidget(vbox)
+ grid = QGridLayout(sliderspace, 9, 4, 0, KDialog.spacingHint())
+ grid.setSpacing(KDialog.spacingHint())
+ grid.setColStretch(0,0)
+ grid.setColStretch(1,0)
+ grid.setColStretch(2,0)
+ grid.setColStretch(3,1)
+ label = QLabel(i18n("Gamma correction:"),sliderspace)
+ grid.addWidget(label, 0, 0)
+ self.gammaradiogroup = QButtonGroup()
+ self.gammaradiogroup.setRadioButtonExclusive(True)
+ self.connect(self.gammaradiogroup,SIGNAL("clicked(int)"),self.slotGammaRadioClicked)
+ self.allradio = QRadioButton(sliderspace)
+ grid.addWidget(self.allradio, 0, 1, Qt.AlignTop)
+ label = QLabel(i18n("All:"),sliderspace)
+ grid.addWidget(label, 0, 2)
+ self.gammaslider = KDoubleNumInput(0.4, 3.5, 2.0, 0.05, 2, sliderspace, 'gammaslider')
+ grid.addMultiCellWidget(self.gammaslider,0,1,3,3)
+ self.gammaslider.setRange(0.5, 2.5, 0.05, True)
+ self.connect(self.gammaslider, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.slotGammaChanged)
+ self.componentradio = QRadioButton(sliderspace)
+ grid.addWidget(self.componentradio, 2, 1, Qt.AlignTop)
+ label = QLabel(i18n("Red:"),sliderspace)
+ grid.addWidget(label, 2, 2)
+ self.redslider = KDoubleNumInput(self.gammaslider,0.4, 3.5, 2.0, 0.05, 2, sliderspace, 'redslider')
+ grid.addMultiCellWidget(self.redslider,2,3,3,3)
+ self.redslider.setRange(0.5, 2.5, 0.05, True)
+ self.connect(self.redslider, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.slotRedChanged)
+ label = QLabel(i18n("Green:"),sliderspace)
+ grid.addWidget(label, 4, 2)
+ self.greenslider = KDoubleNumInput(self.redslider,0.4, 3.5, 2.0, 0.05, 2, sliderspace, 'greenslider')
+ grid.addMultiCellWidget(self.greenslider,4,5,3,3)
+ self.greenslider.setRange(0.5, 2.5, 0.05, True)
+ self.connect(self.greenslider, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.slotGreenChanged)
+ label = QLabel(i18n("Blue:"),sliderspace)
+ grid.addWidget(label, 6, 2)
+ self.blueslider = KDoubleNumInput(self.greenslider,0.4, 3.5, 2.0, 0.05, 2, sliderspace, 'blueslider')
+ grid.addMultiCellWidget(self.blueslider,6,7,3,3)
+ self.blueslider.setRange(0.5, 2.5, 0.05, True)
+ self.connect(self.blueslider, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.slotBlueChanged)
+ self.gammaradiogroup.insert(self.allradio,0)
+ self.gammaradiogroup.insert(self.componentradio,1)
+ if not self.compact_mode:
+ label = QLabel(i18n("Target gamma:"),sliderspace)
+ grid.addWidget(label, 8, 0)
+ hbox = QHBox(sliderspace)
+ self.targetgammacombo = KComboBox(False,hbox)
+ self.targetgammacombo.insertItem(i18n('1.4'))
+ self.targetgammacombo.insertItem(i18n('1.6'))
+ self.targetgammacombo.insertItem(i18n('1.8 Apple Macintosh standard'))
+ self.targetgammacombo.insertItem(i18n('2.0 Recommend'))
+ self.targetgammacombo.insertItem(i18n('2.2 PC standard, sRGB'))
+ self.targetgammacombo.insertItem(i18n('2.4'))
+ hbox.setStretchFactor(self.targetgammacombo,0)
+ spacer = QWidget(hbox)
+ hbox.setStretchFactor(spacer,1)
+ grid.addMultiCellWidget(hbox, 8, 8, 1, 3)
+ self.connect(self.targetgammacombo,SIGNAL("activated(int)"),self.slotTargetGammaChanged)
+ spacer = QWidget(vbox)
+ vbox.setStretchFactor(spacer,1)
+ if not standalone:
+ tabcontrol.addTab(vbox,tabname)
+ #--- Hardware tab ---
+ if standalone:
+ hardwarepage = self.addVBoxPage(i18n("Hardware"))
+ vbox = QVBox(hardwarepage)
+ else:
+ vbox = QVBox(tabcontrol)
+ vbox.setMargin(KDialog.marginHint())
+ self.gfxcarddialog = GfxCardDialog(None)
+ self.monitordialog = MonitorDialog(None)
+ self.xscreenwidgets = []
+ for gfxcard in self.xsetup.getGfxCards():
+ w = GfxCardWidget(vbox,self.xsetup, gfxcard, self.gfxcarddialog, self.monitordialog)
+ self.xscreenwidgets.append(w)
+ self.connect(w,PYSIGNAL("configChanged"),self.slotConfigChanged)
+ spacer = QWidget(vbox)
+ vbox.setStretchFactor(spacer,1)
+ if not self.xsetup.mayModifyXorgConfig():
+ QLabel(i18n("Changes on this tab require 'root' access."),vbox)
+ if not standalone:
+ QLabel(i18n("Click the \"Administrator Mode\" button to allow modifications on this tab."),vbox)
+ hbox = QHBox(vbox)
+ hbox.setSpacing(KDialog.spacingHint())
+ self.testbutton = KPushButton(i18n("Test"),hbox)
+ self.connect(self.testbutton,SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.slotTestClicked)
+ hbox.setStretchFactor(self.testbutton,0)
+ self.testunavailablelabel = QHBox(hbox)
+ self.testunavailablelabel.setSpacing(KDialog.spacingHint())
+ tmplabel = QLabel(self.testunavailablelabel)
+ self.testunavailablelabel.setStretchFactor(tmplabel,0)
+ tmplabel.setPixmap(SmallIcon('info'))
+ label = QLabel(i18n("This configuration cannot be safely tested."),self.testunavailablelabel)
+ self.testunavailablelabel.setStretchFactor(label,1)
+ self.testunavailablelabel.hide()
+ spacer = QWidget(hbox)
+ hbox.setStretchFactor(spacer,1)
+ vbox.setStretchFactor(hbox,0)
+ if not standalone:
+ tabcontrol.addTab(vbox,i18n("Hardware"))
+ #--- Display Power Saving ---
+ tabname = i18n("Power saving")
+ if standalone:
+ powerpage = self.addGridPage(1,QGrid.Horizontal,tabname)
+ self.dpmspage = DpmsPage(powerpage)
+ else:
+ self.dpmspage = DpmsPage(tabcontrol)
+ self.dpmspage.setMargin(KDialog.marginHint())
+ #self.SizePage.setScreens(self.xsetup.getScreens())
+ # Connect all PYSIGNALs from SizeOrientationPage Widget to appropriate actions.
+ #self.connect(self.SizePage,PYSIGNAL("dualheadEnabled(bool)"),self.slotDualheadEnabled)
+ self.connect(self.dpmspage,PYSIGNAL("changedSignal()"),self._sendChangedSignal)
+ if not standalone:
+ tabcontrol.addTab(self.dpmspage,tabname)
+ def save(self): # KCModule
+ xorg_config_changed = self.xsetup.isXorgConfigChanged()
+ restart_recommended = self.xsetup.getRestartHint()
+ # Check the Size & Orientation tab.
+ if self.applytimerdialog is None:
+ self.applytimerdialog = KTimerDialog(15000, KTimerDialog.CountDown, self, "mainKTimerDialog",
+ True, i18n("Confirm Display Setting Change"), KTimerDialog.Ok | KTimerDialog.Cancel, \
+ KTimerDialog.Cancel)
+ self.applytimerdialog.setButtonOK(KGuiItem(i18n("&Keep"), "button_ok"))
+ self.applytimerdialog.setButtonCancel(KGuiItem(i18n("&Cancel"), "button_cancel"))
+ label = KActiveLabel(i18n("Trying new screen settings. Keep these new settings? (Automatically cancelling in 15 seconds.)"),
+ self.applytimerdialog, "userSpecifiedLabel")
+ self.applytimerdialog.setMainWidget(label)
+ if self.xsetup.isLiveResolutionConfigChanged():
+ if self.xsetup.applyLiveResolutionChanges():
+ # running X server config has changed. Ask the user.
+ KDialog.centerOnScreen(self.applytimerdialog, 0)
+ if self.applytimerdialog.exec_loop():
+ self.xsetup.acceptLiveResolutionChanges()
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.xsetup.rejectLiveResolutionChanges()
+ except:
+ """Workaround! FIXME: Use isGammaLive function in displayconfigabstraction when this is implemented"""
+ print "Live gamma change not supported"
+ return
+ else:
+ # Nothing really changed, just accept the changes.
+ self.xsetup.acceptLiveResolutionChanges()
+ self.xsetup.acceptLiveGammaChanges()
+ self.dpmspage.apply()
+ # Save the X server config.
+ if isroot and xorg_config_changed:
+ if not self.xconfigtested:
+ if self.badfbrestore or self._badFbRestore():
+ if KMessageBox.warningContinueCancel(self, \
+ i18n("The selected driver and monitor configuration can not be safely tested on this computer.\nContinue with this configuration?"),
+ i18n("Configuration not tested"))!=KMessageBox.Continue:
+ return
+ else:
+ if KMessageBox.warningContinueCancel(self,
+ i18n("The selected driver and monitor configuration has not been successfully tested on this computer.\nContinue with this configuration?"),
+ i18n("Configuration not tested"))!=KMessageBox.Continue:
+ return
+ try:
+ # Backup up the current config file.
+ i = 1
+ while os.path.exists("%s.%i" % (self.xconfigpath,i)):
+ i += 1
+ try:
+ shutil.copyfile(self.xconfigpath,"%s.%i" % (self.xconfigpath,i))
+ except IOError, errmsg:
+ print "IOError", errmsg, " - while trying to save new xorg.conf - trying to fix"
+ self.xconfigpath = "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
+ xorgfile = open(self.xconfigpath, 'a')
+ xorgfile.close()
+ shutil.copyfile(self.xconfigpath,"%s.%i" % (self.xconfigpath,i))
+ # Write out the new config
+ tmpfilename = self.xconfigpath + ".tmp"
+ self.xsetup.writeXorgConfig(tmpfilename)
+ os.rename(tmpfilename,self.xconfigpath)
+ except (IOError,TypeError):
+ print "******* Bang"
+ raise
+ return
+ # FIXME error
+ # FIXME the instructions in these messages are probably not quite right.
+ if restart_recommended==XSetup.RESTART_X:
+ KMessageBox.information(self,
+ i18n("Some changes require that the X server be restarted before they take effect. Log out and select \"Restart X server\" from the menu button."),
+ i18n("X Server restart recommend"))
+ if restart_recommended==XSetup.RESTART_SYSTEM:
+ KMessageBox.information(self,
+ i18n("Some changes require that the entire system be restarted before they take effect. Log out and select \"Restart computer\" from the log in screen."),
+ i18n("System restart recommend"))
+ self._saveConfig()
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ # Called when the desktop is resized. Just center the confirm dialog.
+ def slotDesktopResized(self):
+ if self.applytimerdialog is not None:
+ KDialog.centerOnScreen(self.applytimerdialog, self.applydialogscreenindex)
+ def slotApply(self): # KDialogBase
+ def slotClose(self): # KDialogBase
+ try:
+ self.xsetup.rejectLiveGammaChanges()
+ except:
+ """Workaround! FIXME: Use isGammaLive function in displayconfigabstraction when this is implemented"""
+ print "Live gamma change not supported"
+ KDialogBase.slotClose(self)
+ def load(self): # KCModule
+ self.__reset()
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotUser1(self): # Reset button, KDialogBase
+ self.load()
+ def slotUser2(self): # About button, KDialogBase
+ def slotResolutionChange(self,i):
+ self.currentsizescreen.setResolutionIndex(i)
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotTargetGammaChanged(self,i):
+ self.targetgamma = i
+ self._selectGamma(self.targetgamma)
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotGammaRadioClicked(self,i):
+ self.settingall = i==0
+ self.gammaslider.setDisabled(not self.settingall)
+ self.redslider.setDisabled(self.settingall)
+ self.greenslider.setDisabled(self.settingall)
+ self.blueslider.setDisabled(self.settingall)
+ try:
+ if self.settingall:
+ self.currentgammascreen.setAllGamma(self.currentgammascreen.getAllGamma())
+ else:
+ self.currentgammascreen.setRedGamma(self.currentgammascreen.getRedGamma())
+ self.currentgammascreen.setGreenGamma(self.currentgammascreen.getGreenGamma())
+ self.currentgammascreen.setBlueGamma(self.currentgammascreen.getBlueGamma())
+ except:
+ """Workaround! FIXME: Use isGammaLive function in displayconfigabstraction when this is implemented"""
+ print "Live gamma change not supported"
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotGammaChanged(self,value):
+ if self.updatingGUI:
+ return
+ try:
+ self.currentgammascreen.setAllGamma(value)
+ except:
+ """Workaround! FIXME: Use isGammaLive function in displayconfigabstraction when this is implemented"""
+ print "Live gamma change not supported"
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotRedChanged(self,value):
+ if self.updatingGUI:
+ return
+ try:
+ self.currentgammascreen.setRedGamma(value)
+ except:
+ """Workaround! FIXME: Use isGammaLive function in displayconfigabstraction when this is implemented"""
+ print "Live gamma change not supported"
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotGreenChanged(self,value):
+ if self.updatingGUI:
+ return
+ try:
+ self.currentgammascreen.setGreenGamma(value)
+ except:
+ """Workaround! FIXME: Use isGammaLive function in displayconfigabstraction when this is implemented"""
+ print "Live gamma change not supported"
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotBlueChanged(self,value):
+ if self.updatingGUI:
+ return
+ try:
+ self.currentgammascreen.setBlueGamma(value)
+ except:
+ """Workaround! FIXME: Use isGammaLive function in displayconfigabstraction when this is implemented"""
+ print "Live gamma change not supported"
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotGammaScreenCombobox(self,i):
+ self.currentgammascreen = self.xsetup.getUsedScreens()[i]
+ self._syncGUI()
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotConfigChanged(self):
+ self.xconfigchanged = True
+ self.xconfigtested = False
+ # Check if the current X config can be tested.
+ self.SizePage._syncGUI()
+ for widget in self.xscreenwidgets:
+ widget.syncConfig()
+ self._syncTestButton()
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotTestClicked(self):
+ self.xconfigtested = self.testX()
+ def testX(self):
+ self.xserverbin = "/usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86"
+ if not os.path.isfile(self.xserverbin):
+ self.xserverbin = "/usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg"
+ rc = False
+ # Remove an stale X server lock
+ try: os.remove("/tmp/.X9-lock")
+ except OSError: pass
+ # Try to find a safe tmp dir.
+ tmp_dir = None
+ if os.environ.get("TMPDIR") is not None:
+ tmp_dir = os.environ.get("TMPDIR")
+ if tmp_dir is None or not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):
+ tmp_dir = os.path.join(os.environ.get("HOME"),"tmp")
+ if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):
+ tmp_dir = "/tmp"
+ working_tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir,"guidance."+str(os.getpid()))
+ error_filename = os.path.join(working_tmp_dir,"testserver.xoutput")
+ config_filename = os.path.join(working_tmp_dir,"testserver.config")
+ auth_filename = os.path.join(working_tmp_dir,"xauthority")
+ # Start the Xserver up with the new config file.
+ try:
+ # Create our private dir.
+ os.mkdir(working_tmp_dir,0700)
+ # Backup the XAUTHORITY environment variable.
+ old_xauthority = os.environ.get("XAUTHORITY",None)
+ # Write out the new config file.
+ self.xsetup.writeXorgConfig(config_filename)
+ os.system("xauth -f %s add :9 . `mcookie`" % (auth_filename,) )
+ # FIXME:: -xf86config is nowhere in man X ??
+ pid = os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT,"/bin/bash",\
+ ["bash","-c","exec %s :9 -xf86config %s -auth %s &> %s" % \
+ (self.xserverbin, config_filename, auth_filename, error_filename)])
+ print "Got pid",pid
+ # Wait for the server to show up.
+ print str(os.waitpid(pid,os.WNOHANG))
+ # Use our private xauthority file.
+ os.environ["XAUTHORITY"] = auth_filename
+ time.sleep(1) # Wait a sec.
+ testserver = None
+ while True:
+ # Try connecting to the server.
+ try:
+ testserver = xf86misc.XF86Server(":9")
+ break
+ except xf86misc.XF86Error:
+ testserver = None
+ # Check if the server process is still alive.
+ if os.waitpid(pid,os.WNOHANG) != (0,0):
+ break
+ time.sleep(1) # Give the server some more time.
+ print "checkpoint 1"
+ print str(testserver)
+ if testserver is not None:
+ # Start the timed popup on the :9 display.
+ #servertestpy = str(KGlobal.dirs().findResource("data","guidance/"))
+ servertestpy = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])),"")
+ pythonexe = unicode(KStandardDirs.findExe("python"))
+ testrc = os.system(pythonexe + " " + servertestpy + " '" + auth_filename+"' ")
+ rc = (rc >> 8) == 0 # Test is good if the return code was 0.
+ testserver = None
+ os.kill(pid,signal.SIGINT)
+ else:
+ # Server failed, read the error info.
+ msg = ""
+ try:
+ fhandle = open(error_filename,'r')
+ for line in fhandle.readlines():
+ if (line.startswith("(EE)") and ("Disabling" not in line)) or line.startswith("Fatal"):
+ msg += line
+ msg = unicode(i18n("Messages from the X server:\n")) + msg
+ except IOError:
+ msg += unicode(i18n("Sorry, unable to capture the error messages from the X server."))
+ KMessageBox.detailedSorry(self,i18n("Sorry, this configuration video card driver\nand monitor doesn't appear to work."),msg)
+ finally:
+ # Attempt some cleanup before we go.
+ try: os.remove(error_filename)
+ except OSError: pass
+ try: os.remove(config_filename)
+ except OSError: pass
+ try: os.remove(auth_filename)
+ except OSError: pass
+ try: os.rmdir(working_tmp_dir)
+ except OSError: pass
+ if old_xauthority is None:
+ del os.environ["XAUTHORITY"]
+ else:
+ os.environ["XAUTHORITY"] = old_xauthority
+ return rc
+ def _syncGUI(self):
+ self.SizePage._syncGUI()
+ for gfxcard_widget in self.xscreenwidgets:
+ gfxcard_widget.syncConfig()
+ # Sync the gamma tab.
+ if not self.compact_mode:
+ self.targetgammacombo.setCurrentItem(self.targetgamma)
+ self._selectGamma(self.targetgamma)
+ if self.currentgammascreen.isGammaEqual():
+ self.gammaradiogroup.setButton(0)
+ else:
+ self.gammaradiogroup.setButton(1)
+ self.gammaslider.setValue(self.currentgammascreen.getAllGamma())
+ self.redslider.setValue(self.currentgammascreen.getRedGamma())
+ self.greenslider.setValue(self.currentgammascreen.getGreenGamma())
+ self.blueslider.setValue(self.currentgammascreen.getBlueGamma())
+ self.settingall = self.currentgammascreen.isGammaEqual()
+ self.gammaslider.setDisabled(not self.settingall)
+ self.redslider.setDisabled(self.settingall)
+ self.greenslider.setDisabled(self.settingall)
+ self.blueslider.setDisabled(self.settingall)
+ self._syncTestButton()
+ def _syncTestButton(self):
+ currentbadfbrestore = self._badFbRestore()
+ self.testbutton.setEnabled(self.xsetup.mayModifyXorgConfig() and not (self.badfbrestore or currentbadfbrestore))
+ if not isroot or (self.xsetup.mayModifyXorgConfig() and not (self.badfbrestore or currentbadfbrestore)):
+ self.testunavailablelabel.hide()
+ else:
+ def _loadConfig(self):
+ self.config.setGroup("General")
+ t = self.config.readEntry("targetgamma",unicode(i18n("2.0")))
+ if t in self.availabletargetgammas:
+ t = unicode(i18n('2.0'))
+ self.targetgamma = self.availabletargetgammas.index(t)
+ def _saveConfig(self):
+ global isroot
+ if isroot:
+ return
+ self.config.setGroup("General")
+ self.config.writeEntry("targetgamma",self.availabletargetgammas[self.targetgamma])
+ for s in self.xsetup.getUsedScreens():
+ self.config.setGroup("Screen"+str(s.getScreenIndex()))
+ self._saveRandRConfig(s)
+ # Write out the gamma values.
+ if self.settingall:
+ self.config.writeEntry("redgamma", str(s.getAllGamma()))
+ self.config.writeEntry("greengamma", str(s.getAllGamma()))
+ self.config.writeEntry("bluegamma", str(s.getAllGamma()))
+ else:
+ self.config.writeEntry("redgamma", str(s.getRedGamma()))
+ self.config.writeEntry("greengamma", str(s.getGreenGamma()))
+ self.config.writeEntry("bluegamma", str(s.getBlueGamma()))
+ self.config.writeEntry("dpmsSeconds", self.dpmspage.seconds)
+ self.config.writeEntry("dpmsEnabled", ("off","on")[self.dpmspage.enabled])
+ self.config.sync()
+ def _saveRandRConfig(self,screen):
+ w,h = screen.getAvailableResolutions()[screen.getResolutionIndex()]
+ self.config.writeEntry("width",w)
+ self.config.writeEntry("height",h)
+ self.config.writeEntry("reflectX", int( (screen.getReflection() & screen.RR_Reflect_X)!=0) )
+ self.config.writeEntry("reflectY", int((screen.getReflection() & screen.RR_Reflect_Y)!=0) )
+ self.config.writeEntry("refresh", screen.getAvailableRefreshRates()[screen.getRefreshRateIndex()])
+ rotationmap = {screen.RR_Rotate_0: "0", screen.RR_Rotate_90: "90",
+ screen.RR_Rotate_180:"180", screen.RR_Rotate_270: "270"}
+ self.config.writeEntry("rotate", rotationmap[screen.getRotation()])
+ def _selectGamma(self,i):
+ self.mediumpic.setPixmap(self.mediumimages[i])
+ def __loadImages(self):
+ if not self.compact_mode:
+ for g in ['14','16','18','20','22','24']:
+ self.mediumimages.append( QPixmap(self.imagedir+'gammapics/MGam'+g+'.png') )
+ self.previewscreen = QPixmap(self.imagedir+'monitor_screen_1280x1024.png')
+ self.previewscreenportrait = QPixmap(self.imagedir+'monitor_screen_1024x1280.png')
+ def __reset(self):
+ # Reset the screen settings.
+ self.xsetup.reset()
+ self.dpmspage.reset()
+ self._syncGUI()
+ # Kcontrol expects updates about whether the contents have changed.
+ # Also we fake the Apply and Reset buttons here when running outside kcontrol.
+ def _sendChangedSignal(self):
+ global standalone
+ changed = False
+ for s in self.xsetup.getUsedScreens():
+ changed = changed or s.isResolutionSettingsChanged()
+ changed = changed or self.xsetup.isXorgConfigChanged()
+ changed = changed or self.dpmspage.isChanged()
+ if standalone:
+ self.enableButton(KDialogBase.User1,changed) # Reset button
+ self.enableButtonApply(changed) # Apply button
+ else:
+ self.emit(SIGNAL("changed(bool)"), (changed,) )
+ def _badFbRestore(self):
+ bad_fb_restore = False
+ for card in self.xsetup.getGfxCards():
+ bad_fb_restore = bad_fb_restore or \
+ ((card.getGfxCardModel() is not None) and card.getGfxCardModel().getBadFbRestore(card.isProprietaryDriver()))
+ return bad_fb_restore
+class SizeOrientationPage(QWidget):
+ """
+ A TabPage with all the settings for Size and Orientation of the screens,
+ also features Refreshrates and Dualheadsettings.
+ Emits the following signals:
+ changeSignal()
+ ...
+ * Update __doc__ with emitted signals, connect these.
+ * Choose screen (more than one preview)
+ * Relative positioning.
+ * Call setRefreshCombo after switching screens.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,parent,xsetup,compact):
+ QWidget.__init__(self,parent)
+ global imagedir
+ self.xsetup = xsetup
+ self.imagedir = imagedir
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.current_screen = self.xsetup.getPrimaryScreen()
+ self.current_is_primary = True
+ self.compact_mode = compact
+ self._buildGUI()
+ self._syncGUI()
+ def _syncGUI(self):
+ if self.current_is_primary:
+ self.current_screen = self.xsetup.getPrimaryScreen()
+ else:
+ self.current_screen = self.xsetup.getSecondaryScreen()
+ self._syncGUILayout()
+ self._syncGUIScreen()
+ def _syncGUILayout(self):
+ # Secondary monitor radios.
+ available_layouts = self.xsetup.getAvailableLayouts()
+ may = self.xsetup.mayModifyLayout()
+ self.secondary_clone_radio.setEnabled(may and available_layouts & self.xsetup.LAYOUT_CLONE)
+ self.secondary_clone_radio.setShown(available_layouts & self.xsetup.LAYOUT_CLONE)
+ self.secondary_dual_radio.setEnabled(may and available_layouts & self.xsetup.LAYOUT_DUAL)
+ self.secondary_dual_radio.setShown(available_layouts & self.xsetup.LAYOUT_DUAL)
+ self.secondary_position_combo.setEnabled(may and self.xsetup.getLayout()==self.xsetup.LAYOUT_DUAL)
+ self.secondary_position_combo.setShown(available_layouts & self.xsetup.LAYOUT_DUAL)
+ self.secondary_groupbox.setEnabled(may and available_layouts != self.xsetup.LAYOUT_SINGLE)
+ # If only the single layout is available, then we just hide the whole radio group
+ self.secondary_groupbox.setShown(available_layouts!=self.xsetup.LAYOUT_SINGLE)
+ if self.xsetup.getLayout()!=self.xsetup.LAYOUT_SINGLE:
+ self.secondary_radios.setButton(self.secondary_option_ids[self.xsetup.getLayout()])
+ else:
+ if available_layouts & XSetup.LAYOUT_CLONE:
+ self.secondary_radios.setButton(self.secondary_option_ids[XSetup.LAYOUT_CLONE])
+ else:
+ self.secondary_radios.setButton(self.secondary_option_ids[XSetup.LAYOUT_DUAL])
+ self.secondary_groupbox.setChecked(self.xsetup.getLayout() != self.xsetup.LAYOUT_SINGLE)
+ def _syncGUIScreen(self):
+ # Sync the size tab.
+ self.resize_slider.setScreen(self.current_screen)
+ if self.xsetup.getLayout()!=self.xsetup.LAYOUT_DUAL:
+ self.resize_slider.setTitle(i18n("Screen size"))
+ else:
+ self.resize_slider.setTitle(i18n("Screen size #%1").arg(self.xsetup.getUsedScreens().index(self.current_screen)+1))
+ if self.xsetup.getLayout()==self.xsetup.LAYOUT_DUAL:
+ if not self.compact_mode:
+ self.monitor_preview_stack.raiseWidget(self.dual_monitor_preview)
+ else:
+ if not self.compact_mode:
+ self.monitor_preview_stack.raiseWidget(self.monitor_preview)
+ # Sync the screen orientation.
+ width,height = self.current_screen.getAvailableResolutions()[self.current_screen.getResolutionIndex()]
+ if not self.compact_mode:
+ self.monitor_preview.setResolution(width,height)
+ if self.current_screen.getRotation()==Screen.RR_Rotate_0:
+ self.monitor_preview.setRotation(MonitorPreview.ROTATE_0)
+ elif self.current_screen.getRotation()==Screen.RR_Rotate_90:
+ self.monitor_preview.setRotation(MonitorPreview.ROTATE_90)
+ elif self.current_screen.getRotation()==Screen.RR_Rotate_270:
+ self.monitor_preview.setRotation(MonitorPreview.ROTATE_270)
+ else:
+ self.monitor_preview.setRotation(MonitorPreview.ROTATE_180)
+ self.monitor_preview.setReflectX(self.current_screen.getReflection() & Screen.RR_Reflect_X)
+ self.monitor_preview.setReflectY(self.current_screen.getReflection() & Screen.RR_Reflect_Y)
+ # Set the resolutions for the dual screen preview.
+ if self.xsetup.getAvailableLayouts() & XSetup.LAYOUT_DUAL:
+ for i in [0,1]:
+ screen = [self.xsetup.getPrimaryScreen(), self.xsetup.getSecondaryScreen()][i]
+ width,height = screen.getAvailableResolutions()[screen.getResolutionIndex()]
+ self.dual_monitor_preview.setScreenResolution(i,width,height)
+ self.dual_monitor_preview.setPosition(self.xsetup.getDualheadOrientation())
+ self._fillRefreshCombo()
+ self.orientation_radio_group.setButton( \
+ [Screen.RR_Rotate_0, Screen.RR_Rotate_90, Screen.RR_Rotate_270,
+ Screen.RR_Rotate_180].index(self.current_screen.getRotation()))
+ # This construct above just maps an rotation to a radiobutton index.
+ self.mirror_horizontal_checkbox.setChecked(self.current_screen.getReflection() & Screen.RR_Reflect_X)
+ self.mirror_vertical_checkbox.setChecked(self.current_screen.getReflection() & Screen.RR_Reflect_Y)
+ width,height = self.current_screen.getAvailableResolutions()[self.current_screen.getResolutionIndex()]
+ if not self.compact_mode:
+ self.monitor_preview.setResolution(width,height)
+ # Enable/disable the resolution/rotation/reflection widgets.
+ may_edit = self.xsetup.mayModifyResolution()
+ self.normal_orientation_radio.setEnabled(may_edit)
+ available_rotations = self.current_screen.getAvailableRotations()
+ # Hide the whole group box if there is only one boring option.
+ self.orientation_group_box.setShown(available_rotations!=Screen.RR_Rotate_0)
+ self.left_orientation_radio.setEnabled(available_rotations & Screen.RR_Rotate_90 and may_edit)
+ self.left_orientation_radio.setShown(available_rotations & Screen.RR_Rotate_90)
+ self.right_orientation_radio.setEnabled(available_rotations & Screen.RR_Rotate_270 and may_edit)
+ self.right_orientation_radio.setShown(available_rotations & Screen.RR_Rotate_270)
+ self.upside_orientation_radio.setEnabled(available_rotations & Screen.RR_Rotate_180 and may_edit)
+ self.upside_orientation_radio.setShown(available_rotations & Screen.RR_Rotate_180)
+ self.mirror_horizontal_checkbox.setEnabled(available_rotations & Screen.RR_Reflect_X and may_edit)
+ self.mirror_horizontal_checkbox.setShown(available_rotations & Screen.RR_Reflect_X)
+ self.mirror_vertical_checkbox.setEnabled(available_rotations & Screen.RR_Reflect_Y and may_edit)
+ self.mirror_vertical_checkbox.setShown(available_rotations & Screen.RR_Reflect_Y)
+ self.resize_slider.setEnabled(may_edit)
+ self.size_refresh_combo.setEnabled(may_edit)
+ # Set the dual orientation combo.
+ self.secondary_position_combo.setCurrentItem(
+ XSetup.POSITION_BELOW].index(self.xsetup.getDualheadOrientation()))
+ def _fillRefreshCombo(self):
+ # Update refresh combobox
+ self.size_refresh_combo.clear()
+ for rate in self.current_screen.getAvailableRefreshRates():
+ self.size_refresh_combo.insertItem(i18n("%1 Hz").arg(rate))
+ self.size_refresh_combo.setCurrentItem(self.current_screen.getRefreshRateIndex())
+ self.current_screen.setRefreshRateIndex(self.size_refresh_combo.currentItem())
+ def slotMonitorFocussed(self,currentMonitor):
+ if currentMonitor==0:
+ self.current_screen = self.xsetup.getPrimaryScreen()
+ self.current_is_primary = True
+ else:
+ self.current_screen = self.xsetup.getSecondaryScreen()
+ self.current_is_primary = False
+ self._syncGUIScreen()
+ def _sendChangedSignal(self):
+ self.emit(PYSIGNAL("changedSignal()"),())
+ def _buildGUI(self):
+ """ Assemble all GUI elements """
+ # Layout stuff.
+ top_layout = QHBoxLayout(self,0,KDialog.spacingHint())
+ self.top_layout = top_layout
+ # -- Left column with orientation and dualhead box.
+ vbox = QVBox(self)
+ top_layout.addWidget(vbox,0)
+ # -- Orientation group
+ self.orientation_group_box = QVGroupBox(vbox)
+ self.orientation_group_box.setTitle(i18n("Monitor Orientation"))
+ self.orientation_group_box.setInsideSpacing(KDialog.spacingHint())
+ self.orientation_group_box.setInsideMargin(KDialog.marginHint())
+ self.orientation_radio_group = QButtonGroup()
+ self.orientation_radio_group.setRadioButtonExclusive(True)
+ self.normal_orientation_radio = QRadioButton(self.orientation_group_box)
+ self.normal_orientation_radio.setText(i18n("Normal"))
+ self.left_orientation_radio = QRadioButton(self.orientation_group_box)
+ self.left_orientation_radio .setText(i18n("Left edge on top"))
+ self.right_orientation_radio = QRadioButton(self.orientation_group_box)
+ self.right_orientation_radio.setText(i18n("Right edge on top"))
+ self.upside_orientation_radio = QRadioButton(self.orientation_group_box)
+ self.upside_orientation_radio.setText(i18n("Upsidedown"))
+ self.mirror_horizontal_checkbox = QCheckBox(self.orientation_group_box)
+ self.mirror_horizontal_checkbox.setText(i18n("Mirror horizontally"))
+ self.connect(self.mirror_horizontal_checkbox,SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"),self.slotMirrorHorizontallyToggled)
+ self.mirror_vertical_checkbox = QCheckBox(self.orientation_group_box)
+ self.mirror_vertical_checkbox.setText(i18n("Mirror vertically"))
+ self.connect(self.mirror_vertical_checkbox,SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"),self.slotMirrorVerticallyToggled)
+ self.orientation_radio_group.insert(self.normal_orientation_radio,0)
+ self.orientation_radio_group.insert(self.left_orientation_radio,1)
+ self.orientation_radio_group.insert(self.right_orientation_radio,2)
+ self.orientation_radio_group.insert(self.upside_orientation_radio,3)
+ self.connect(self.orientation_radio_group,SIGNAL("clicked(int)"),self.slotOrientationRadioClicked)
+ # -- Dualhead Box.
+ self.secondary_groupbox = QVGroupBox(vbox)
+ self.secondary_groupbox.setCheckable(True)
+ self.secondary_groupbox.setTitle(i18n("Second screen"))
+ self.connect(self.secondary_groupbox,SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"),self.slotSecondMonitorToggled)
+ self.secondary_radios = QVButtonGroup(None) # Invisible
+ self.connect(self.secondary_radios,SIGNAL("pressed(int)"),self.slotSecondMonitorRadioPressed)
+ self.secondary_options = {}
+ self.secondary_option_ids = {}
+ # Clone radio
+ self.secondary_clone_radio = QRadioButton(i18n("Clone primary screen"),self.secondary_groupbox)
+ radio_id = self.secondary_radios.insert(self.secondary_clone_radio)
+ self.secondary_options[radio_id] = self.xsetup.LAYOUT_CLONE
+ self.secondary_option_ids[self.xsetup.LAYOUT_CLONE] = radio_id
+ # Dual radio
+ self.secondary_dual_radio = QRadioButton(i18n("Dual screen"),self.secondary_groupbox)
+ radio_id = self.secondary_radios.insert(self.secondary_dual_radio)
+ self.secondary_options[radio_id] = self.xsetup.LAYOUT_DUAL
+ self.secondary_option_ids[self.xsetup.LAYOUT_DUAL] = radio_id
+ self.secondary_radios.setButton(radio_id)
+ hbox = QHBox(self.secondary_groupbox)
+ spacer = QWidget(hbox)
+ spacer.setFixedSize(20,1)
+ hbox.setStretchFactor(spacer,0)
+ self.secondary_position_combo = QComboBox(0,hbox,"")
+ self.secondary_position_combo.insertItem(i18n("1 left of 2"))
+ self.secondary_position_combo.insertItem(i18n("1 right of 2"))
+ self.secondary_position_combo.insertItem(i18n("1 above 2"))
+ self.secondary_position_combo.insertItem(i18n("1 below 2"))
+ self.connect(self.secondary_position_combo,SIGNAL("activated(int)"),self.slotSecondaryPositionChange)
+ spacer = QWidget(vbox)
+ vbox.setStretchFactor(spacer,1)
+ vbox = QVBox(self)
+ top_layout.addWidget(vbox,1)
+ if not self.compact_mode:
+ # -- Right columns with preview, size and refresh widgets.
+ # -- Preview Box.
+ self.monitor_preview_stack = QWidgetStack(vbox)
+ self.monitor_preview = MonitorPreview(self.monitor_preview_stack,self.imagedir)
+ self.monitor_preview_stack.addWidget(self.monitor_preview)
+ self.connect(self.monitor_preview,PYSIGNAL("focussed()"),self.slotMonitorFocussed)
+ self.dual_monitor_preview = DualMonitorPreview(self.monitor_preview_stack, DUAL_PREVIEW_SIZE, self.imagedir)
+ self.monitor_preview_stack.addWidget(self.dual_monitor_preview)
+ self.connect(self.dual_monitor_preview,PYSIGNAL("pressed()"),self.slotMonitorFocussed)
+ self.connect(self.dual_monitor_preview,PYSIGNAL("positionChanged()"),self.slotDualheadPreviewPositionChanged)
+ # -- Size & Refresh Box.
+ if not self.compact_mode:
+ hbox = QHBox(vbox)
+ else:
+ hbox = QVBox(vbox)
+ hbox.setSpacing(KDialog.spacingHint())
+ self.resize_slider = ResizeSlider(hbox)
+ self.connect(self.resize_slider,PYSIGNAL("resolutionChange(int)"),self.slotResolutionChange)
+ hbox2 = QHBox(hbox)
+ self.refresh_label = QLabel(hbox2,"RefreshLabel")
+ self.refresh_label.setText(i18n("Refresh:"))
+ self.size_refresh_combo = QComboBox(0,hbox2,"comboBox1") # gets filled in setRefreshRates()
+ self.connect(self.size_refresh_combo,SIGNAL("activated(int)"),self.slotRefreshRateChange)
+ if self.compact_mode:
+ spacer = QWidget(hbox2)
+ hbox2.setStretchFactor(spacer,1)
+ spacer = QWidget(vbox)
+ vbox.setStretchFactor(spacer,1)
+ self.clearWState(Qt.WState_Polished)
+ def setNotification(self,text):
+ self.notify.setText(text)
+ def slotOrientationRadioClicked(self,i):
+ self.current_screen.setRotation(
+ [Screen.RR_Rotate_0, Screen.RR_Rotate_90,Screen.RR_Rotate_270, Screen.RR_Rotate_180][i])
+ if self.current_screen.getRotation()==Screen.RR_Rotate_0:
+ self.monitor_preview.setRotation(MonitorPreview.ROTATE_0)
+ elif self.current_screen.getRotation()==Screen.RR_Rotate_90:
+ self.monitor_preview.setRotation(MonitorPreview.ROTATE_90)
+ elif self.current_screen.getRotation()==Screen.RR_Rotate_270:
+ self.monitor_preview.setRotation(MonitorPreview.ROTATE_270)
+ else:
+ self.monitor_preview.setRotation(MonitorPreview.ROTATE_180)
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotMirrorHorizontallyToggled(self,flag):
+ # Bit flippin'
+ if flag:
+ self.current_screen.setReflection(self.current_screen.getReflection() | Screen.RR_Reflect_X)
+ else:
+ self.current_screen.setReflection(self.current_screen.getReflection() & ~Screen.RR_Reflect_X)
+ self.monitor_preview.setReflectX(flag)
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotMirrorVerticallyToggled(self,flag):
+ # Bit flippin'
+ if flag:
+ self.current_screen.setReflection(self.current_screen.getReflection() | Screen.RR_Reflect_Y)
+ else:
+ self.current_screen.setReflection(self.current_screen.getReflection() & ~Screen.RR_Reflect_Y)
+ self.monitor_preview.setReflectY(flag)
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotResolutionChange(self,i):
+ self.current_screen.setResolutionIndex(i)
+ width,height = self.current_screen.getAvailableResolutions()[i]
+ if not self.compact_mode:
+ self.monitor_preview.setResolution(width,height)
+ self.dual_monitor_preview.setScreenResolution(
+ self.xsetup.getUsedScreens().index(self.current_screen),
+ width,height)
+ self._fillRefreshCombo()
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotRefreshRateChange(self,index):
+ self.current_screen.setRefreshRateIndex(index)
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def setScreen(self,screen):
+ self.current_screen = screen
+ self._syncGUI()
+ def slotSecondMonitorToggled(self,enabled):
+ if enabled:
+ pressed_id = self.secondary_radios.selectedId()
+ self.xsetup.setLayout(self.secondary_options[pressed_id])
+ else:
+ self.xsetup.setLayout(self.xsetup.LAYOUT_SINGLE)
+ if self.xsetup.getLayout()!=self.xsetup.LAYOUT_DUAL:
+ self.current_screen = self.xsetup.getUsedScreens()[0]
+ self.secondary_position_combo.setEnabled(self.xsetup.getLayout()==XSetup.LAYOUT_DUAL)
+ self._syncGUIScreen()
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotSecondMonitorRadioPressed(self,pressedId):
+ self.xsetup.setLayout(self.secondary_options[pressedId])
+ if self.xsetup.getLayout()!=XSetup.LAYOUT_DUAL:
+ self.current_screen = self.xsetup.getUsedScreens()[0]
+ self.secondary_position_combo.setEnabled(self.xsetup.getLayout()==XSetup.LAYOUT_DUAL)
+ if self.xsetup.getLayout()==XSetup.LAYOUT_DUAL:
+ if not self.compact_mode:
+ self.monitor_preview_stack.raiseWidget(self.dual_monitor_preview)
+ else:
+ if not self.compact_mode:
+ self.monitor_preview_stack.raiseWidget(self.monitor_preview)
+ self._syncGUIScreen()
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotSecondaryPositionChange(self,index):
+ self.xsetup.setDualheadOrientation(position)
+ self.dual_monitor_preview.setPosition(position)
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def slotDualheadPreviewPositionChanged(self,position):
+ self.xsetup.setDualheadOrientation(position)
+ index = {
+ }[position]
+ self.secondary_position_combo.setCurrentItem(index)
+ self._sendChangedSignal()
+ def setMargin(self,margin):
+ self.top_layout.setMargin(margin)
+ def setSpacing(self,spacing):
+ self.top_layout.setSpacing(spacing)
+class DpmsPage(QWidget):
+ # Mapping values in seconds to human-readable labels.
+ intervals = (
+ (60,i18n("1 minute")),
+ (120,i18n("2 minutes")),
+ (180,i18n("3 minutes")),
+ (300,i18n("5 minutes")),
+ (600,i18n("10 minutes")),
+ (900,i18n("15 minutes")),
+ (1200,i18n("20 minutes")),
+ (1500,i18n("25 minutes")),
+ (1800,i18n("30 minutes")),
+ (2700,i18n("45 minutes")),
+ (3600,i18n("1 hour")),
+ (7200,i18n("2 hours")),
+ (10800,i18n("3 hours")),
+ (14400,i18n("4 hours")),
+ (18000,i18n("5 hours")))
+ def __init__(self,parent = None,name = None,modal = 0,fl = 0):
+ global imagedir
+ QWidget.__init__(self,parent)
+ # Where to find xset.
+ self.xset_bin = os.popen('which xset').read()[:-1]
+ if not name:
+ self.setName("DPMSTab")
+ dpms_tab_layout = QVBoxLayout(self,0,0,"DPMSTabLayout")
+ self.top_layout = dpms_tab_layout
+ hbox = QHBox(self)
+ hbox.setSpacing(KDialog.spacingHint())
+ dpms_tab_layout.addWidget(hbox)
+ self.dpmsgroup = QHGroupBox(hbox,"dpmsgroup")
+ self.dpmsgroup.setInsideSpacing(KDialog.spacingHint())
+ self.dpmsgroup.setInsideMargin(KDialog.marginHint())
+ self.dpmsgroup.setTitle(i18n("Enable power saving"))
+ self.dpmsgroup.setCheckable(1)
+ self.connect(self.dpmsgroup,SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"),self.slotDpmsToggled)
+ hbox2 = QHBox(self.dpmsgroup)
+ hbox2.setSpacing(KDialog.spacingHint())
+ dpmstext = QLabel(hbox2,"dpmstext")
+ dpmstext.setText(i18n("Switch off monitor after:"))
+ self.dpmscombo = QComboBox(0,hbox2,"dpmscombo")
+ self.fillCombo(self.dpmscombo)
+ self.connect(self.dpmscombo,SIGNAL("activated(int)"),self.slotDpmsActivated)
+ spacer = QWidget(hbox2)
+ hbox2.setStretchFactor(spacer,1)
+ self.energystarpix = QLabel(hbox,"energystarpix")
+ self.energystarpix.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed,QSizePolicy.Fixed,0,0,self.energystarpix.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()))
+ self.energystarpix.setMinimumSize(QSize(150,77))
+ self.energystarpix.setPixmap(QPixmap(imagedir+"../energystar.png"))
+ self.energystarpix.setScaledContents(1)
+ bottomspacer = QSpacerItem(51,160,QSizePolicy.Minimum,QSizePolicy.Expanding)
+ dpms_tab_layout.addItem(bottomspacer)
+ self.clearWState(Qt.WState_Polished)
+ self.readDpms()
+ def fillCombo(self,combo):
+ """ Fill the combobox with the values from our list """
+ for interval in self.intervals:
+ combo.insertItem(interval[1])
+ def slotDpmsActivated(self,index):
+ """ Another dpms value has been chosen, update buttons at bottom. """
+ self.emit(PYSIGNAL("changedSignal()"), ())
+ def slotDpmsToggled(self,bool):
+ """ Dpms checkbox has been toggled, update buttons at bottom. """
+ self.emit(PYSIGNAL("changedSignal()"), ())
+ def readDpms(self):
+ # FIXME it is not the widget's job to read or change the values, just to present the GUI.
+ """ Read output from xset -q and parse DPMS settings from it. """
+ # FIXME: localisation problem running this command.
+ lines = ExecWithCapture(self.xset_bin,[self.xset_bin,'-q']).split('\n')
+ self.dpms_min = 1800
+ self.dpms_enabled = False
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.strip().startswith("Standby"):
+ self.dpms_min = int(line.strip().split()[5]) # TODO: More subtle exception handling. ;)
+ if line.strip().startswith("DPMS is"):
+ self.dpms_enabled = line.strip().split()[2]=="Enabled"
+ if self.dpms_min==0: # 0 also means don't use Standby mode.
+ self.dpms_enabled = False
+ self.dpms_min = 1800
+ self.dpmsgroup.setChecked(self.dpms_enabled)
+ for i in range(len(self.intervals)):
+ diff = abs(self.intervals[i][0] - self.dpms_min)
+ if i==0:
+ last_diff = diff
+ if (last_diff <= diff and i!=0) or (last_diff < diff):
+ i = i-1
+ break
+ last_diff = diff
+ self.dpmscombo.setCurrentItem(i)
+ def isChanged(self):
+ """ Check if something has changed since startup or last apply(). """
+ if self.dpmsgroup.isChecked():
+ if self.intervals[self.dpmscombo.currentItem()][0] != self.dpms_min:
+ return True
+ if self.dpmsgroup.isChecked() != self.dpms_enabled:
+ return True
+ return False
+ else:
+ # self.dpmsgroup.isChecked() is False
+ return self.dpms_enabled # self.dpms_enabled != False
+ def applyDpms(self):
+ """ Use xset to apply new dpms settings. """
+ self.enabled = self.dpmsgroup.isChecked()
+ self.seconds = self.intervals[self.dpmscombo.currentItem()][0]
+ if self.enabled:
+ # Switch dpms on and set timeout interval.
+ cmd_on = "%s +dpms" % self.xset_bin
+ cmd_set = "%s dpms %i %i %i" % (self.xset_bin, self.seconds,self.seconds,self.seconds)
+ print cmd_set
+ if os.system(cmd_set) != 0:
+ print "DPMS command failed: ", cmd_set
+ else:
+ # Switch dpms off.
+ cmd_on = "%s -dpms" % self.xset_bin
+ if os.system(cmd_on) != 0:
+ print "DPMS command failed: ", cmd_on
+ self.readDpms()
+ self.emit(PYSIGNAL("changedSignal()"), ())
+ def apply(self):
+ self.applyDpms()
+ def reset(self):
+ for i in range(len(self.intervals)):
+ if self.intervals[i][0] == self.dpms_min:
+ self.dpmscombo.setCurrentItem(i)
+ break
+ self.dpmsgroup.setChecked(self.dpms_enabled)
+ def setMargin(self,margin):
+ self.top_layout.setMargin(margin)
+ def setSpacing(self,spacing):
+ self.top_layout.setSpacing(spacing)
+def create_displayconfig(parent,name):
+ """ Factory function for KControl """
+ global kapp
+ kapp = KApplication.kApplication()
+ return DisplayApp(parent, name)
+def MakeAboutData():
+ aboutdata = KAboutData("guidance",programname,version, \
+ "Display and Graphics Configuration Tool", KAboutData.License_GPL, \
+ "Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Simon Edwards", \
+ "Thanks go to Phil Thompson, Jim Bublitz and David Boddie.")
+ aboutdata.addAuthor("Simon Edwards","Developer","[email protected]", \
+ "")
+ aboutdata.addAuthor("Sebastian Kügler","Developer","[email protected]", \
+ "");
+ aboutdata.addCredit("Pete Andrews","Gamma calibration pictures/system",None, \
+ "")
+ return aboutdata
+if standalone:
+ aboutdata = MakeAboutData()
+ KCmdLineArgs.init(sys.argv,aboutdata)
+ kapp = KApplication()
+ displayapp = DisplayApp()
+ displayapp.exec_loop()