path: root/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter/faq/desktop.docbook
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authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-12-03 11:05:10 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-12-03 11:05:10 -0600
commitf7e7a923aca8be643f9ae6f7252f9fb27b3d2c3b (patch)
tree1f78ef53b206c6b4e4efc88c4849aa9f686a094d /tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter/faq/desktop.docbook
parent85ca18776aa487b06b9d5ab7459b8f837ba637f3 (diff)
Second part of prior commit
Diffstat (limited to 'tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter/faq/desktop.docbook')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter/faq/desktop.docbook b/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter/faq/desktop.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
index b95a8a96dbc..00000000000
--- a/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/kdebase/khelpcenter/faq/desktop.docbook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
- "dtd/kdex.dtd">
-<chapter id="desktop">
->The desktop</title>
->How do I add an application to the desktop?</para>
->Just choose the desired application from the <guimenu
-> menu and drag and drop it to the Desktop. </para
->For applications not listed in the <guimenu
-> menu, use the &RMB; on the desktop and choose <menuchoice
->Create New</guimenuitem
-> <guimenuitem
->Link to Application...</guimenuitem
-> and fill in the configuration for the application you want to link to. </para>
->How do I mount/unmount a device from the desktop?</para>
->First, make sure you are allowed to <command
-> the relevant device as a user. </para>
->Then you can add any device via &RMB; on the desktop and then choosing <guimenuitem
->Create New</guimenuitem
->. </para>
->Where are the icons kept?</para>
->The icons can be found only in <filename class="directory"
-> or <filename class="directory"
-> or <filename class="directory"
->. To use icons stored in other locations, you must either copy them into one of the above-mentioned fixed &kde; locations or make symlinks.</para>
->How do I use the mouse scroll wheel in &kde;?</para>
->Mouse wheel support comes with &Qt; 2.0 and above, so &kde; based on that will automatically support the use of the mouse scroll wheel.</para>
->Why can't I get system sound to work, like for opening windows?</para>
->System sound currently does not work on non-FreeBSD and non-&Linux; systems. This is being worked on. If you use FreeBSD or &Linux;, you have found a bug, so please report it.</para>
->How do I launch applications in a particular desktop?</para>
->&kde; comes with a program called &kstart;. To start an <application
-> on the second desktop and then activate it use: <userinput
-> <option
->--desktop 2 --activate --window "xterm" </option
->Note that the <option
-> option is important. It takes an argument which is a regular expression matching the title of the window to apply the settings to.</para>
->Please read <command
-> <option
-> for more magic available with &kstart; (and there is an abundance). </para>
->Where do I save my files if I want them to appear directly on the desktop?</para>
-><filename class="directory"
->. You might need to refresh your desktop after you have saved your files.</para>