path: root/tde-i18n-ja/docs/tdebase/faq/configtde.docbook
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authorSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2020-11-17 23:50:55 +0100
committerSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2020-11-17 23:50:55 +0100
commitdc7d2fcb9b6d044fd9bc1bdc5d077ed11c0686b1 (patch)
treeeb6b216344555e136ff38747f5f3462377c2eacf /tde-i18n-ja/docs/tdebase/faq/configtde.docbook
parentfff371d8d9ed1ea3b1c771fbc07f95a12658e723 (diff)
Move the khelpcenter guides to the directory level in which they are installed.
Signed-off-by: Slávek Banko <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'tde-i18n-ja/docs/tdebase/faq/configtde.docbook')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/tde-i18n-ja/docs/tdebase/faq/configtde.docbook b/tde-i18n-ja/docs/tdebase/faq/configtde.docbook
deleted file mode 100644
index d4e1f8b9e76..00000000000
--- a/tde-i18n-ja/docs/tdebase/faq/configtde.docbook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
- "dtd/kdex.dtd">
-<chapter id="configure">
-<variablelist> <varlistentry><term><application>&kde;コントロールセンター</application>の使い方</term> <listitem><para></para> <note><para></para></note></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry><term></term> <listitem><para></para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist>
-<para> </para>
-<para> <note><para></para></note></para>
-<para> <caution><para></para></caution></para>
-<!-- Not KDE -->
-<para>How do I use the three extra keys on my &Windows; keyboard in
-<para>You may have to configure your X server via
-<command>xmodmap</command> to bind the keycodes of the &Windows; keys
-to useful X key symbols (<command>xev</command> is your friend!).</para>
-<para>First, create a file <filename>$<envar>HOME</envar>/.Xmodmap</filename>
-containing the entries:</para>
-keycode 115=F13
-keycode 117=F15
-<para>Then run <command>xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap</command>. This sets
-the <keycap>Start</keycap> key to emit <keysym>F13</keysym> and the
-<keycap>Windows</keycap> key to emit <keysym>F15</keysym>. Next, fire
-up the <application>&kde; Control Center</application> and select <menuchoice><guimenu>Shortcut
-Keys</guimenu><guimenuitem>Global Shortcut</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
-Set <guilabel>Pop-up system menu</guilabel> to <keysym>F13</keysym>
-and <guilabel>Window operations menu</guilabel> to
-<keysym>F15</keysym>. That is it.
-<note><para>The numbers 115 and 117 may depend on the keyboard. If
-you are not sure, please check using <command>xev</command>. In
-addition, the above procedure requires &kde; 1.1 and above.</para>
-<para>&kikbd; is able to do this too, but keymaps have to be edited.
-The advantage of &kikbd; is that one can choose whether to use these
-mappings on several custom keymaps and have them hotswappable.</para>
-<para>It would be interesting to make a little script that will
-automatically do the keymap modifications on demand. &kikbd; should
-be able to read/understand user-side keymap files.</para></note></para>