path: root/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/kdebase/kcontrol/crypto/index.docbook
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Diffstat (limited to 'tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/kdebase/kcontrol/crypto/index.docbook')
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-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
-"dtd/kdex.dtd" [
-<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
-<!ENTITY % British-English "INCLUDE"
-> <!-- change language only here -->
-<article lang="&language;">
->&Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail;</author>
-<othercredit role="translator"
->Conversion to British English</contrib
-<sect1 id="crypto">
->Encryption Configuration</title>
-<sect2 id="crypto-intro">
->Many applications within &kde; are capable of exchanging information using encrypted files and/or network transmissions.</para>
-<sect2 id="crypto-use">
->All encryption schemes are only as strong as their weakest link. In general, unless you have some previous training/knowledge, it is better to leave this module unchanged.</para
->The options within this module can be divided into two groups:</para>
->Two options along the bottom of the module, <guilabel
->Warn on entering SSL Mode</guilabel
-> and <guilabel
->Warn on leaving SSL mode</guilabel
->, allow you to determine if &kde; should inform you when you enter or leave SSL encryption.</para
->The remainder of the options are about determining which encryption methods to use, and which should not be used. Once you have selected the appropriate encryption protocols, simply click <guibutton
-> to commit your changes.</para>
->Only make changes to this module if specific information about the strength or weakness of a particular encryption method is given to you from <emphasis
->a reliable source</emphasis
-<!-- Ugh.. write a bunch of stuff about the rest of it -->
-<sect2 id="ssl_tab">
->The <guilabel
-> Tab</title>
->The first option is <guilabel
->Enable TLS support if supported by the server</guilabel
->. <acronym
-> is Transport Layer Security, and is the newest version of <acronym
->. It integrates better than <acronym
-> with other protocols, and it has replaced <acronym
-> in protocols such as POP3 and <acronym
->Then next options are <guilabel
->Enable SSL v2</guilabel
-> and <guilabel
->Enable SSL v3</guilabel
->. These are the second and third revision of the <acronym
-> protocol, and it is normal to enable both.</para>
->There are several different <firstterm
-> available, and you can enable these separately in the lists labelled <guilabel
->SSL v2 Ciphers to Use</guilabel
-> and <guilabel
->SSL v3 Ciphers to Use</guilabel
->. The actual protocol to use is negotiated by the application and the server when the connection is created.</para>
->There are several <guilabel
->Cipher Wizards</guilabel
-> to help you choose a set that is suitable for your use.</para>
->Most Compatible</guibutton
->Select the settings found to be most compatible with the most servers.</para>
->US Ciphers Only</guibutton
->Select only the US <quote
-> (128 bit or greater) ciphers.</para>
->Export Ciphers Only</guibutton
->Select only the weak (56 bit or less) ciphers.</para>
->Enable All</guibutton
->Select all ciphers and methods.</para>
->Finally, there are some general <acronym
-> settings.</para>
->Use EGD</guilabel
->If selected, <application
-> will be asked to use the entropy gathering daemon (<acronym
->) for initialising the pseudo-random number generator.</para>
->Use entropy file</guilabel
->If selected, <application
-> will be asked to use the given file as entropy for initialising the pseudo-random number generator.</para>
->Warn on entering SSL mode</guilabel
->If selected, you will be notified when entering an <acronym
-> enabled site.</para>
->Warn on leaving SSL mode</guilabel
->If selected, you will be notified when leaving an <acronym
-> based site.</para>
->Warn on sending unencrypted data</guilabel
->If selected, you will be notified before sending unencrypted data via a web browser.</para>
-<sect2 id="openssl">
->The <guilabel
-> Tab</title>
->Here you can test if your <application
-> libraries have been detected correctly by &kde;, with the <guibutton
-> button.</para>
->If the test is unsuccessful, you can specify a path to the libraries in the field labelled <guilabel
->Path to OpenSSL Shared Libraries</guilabel
-<sect2 id="your-certificates">
->The <guilabel
->Your Certificates</guilabel
-> Tab</title>
->The list shows which certificates of yours &kde; knows about. You can easily manage them from here.</para>
-<sect2 id="authentication">
->The <guilabel
-> Tab</title>
->Not yet documented </para>
-<sect2 id="peer-ssl-certificates">
->The <guilabel
->Peer SSL Certificates</guilabel
-> Tab</title>
->The list box shows which site and personal certificates &kde; knows about. You can easily manage them from here.</para>