path: root/redhat/applications/kbarcode/trinity-kbarcode.spec
diff options
authorFrancois Andriot <[email protected]>2011-12-02 10:14:03 +0100
committerFrancois Andriot <[email protected]>2011-12-02 10:14:03 +0100
commit77dd839aeb09c8d534ff0fb0d2303bac6deb3f92 (patch)
treea53e151aa5c06beba4a100a6ce2eb26e919c9844 /redhat/applications/kbarcode/trinity-kbarcode.spec
parent267590eeb90558ec6ed5f3c800fd7c0016eb0a28 (diff)
RHEL/Fedora: add kbarcode, kdesvn, kgtk-qt3, kpicosim, kima
Diffstat (limited to 'redhat/applications/kbarcode/trinity-kbarcode.spec')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/redhat/applications/kbarcode/trinity-kbarcode.spec b/redhat/applications/kbarcode/trinity-kbarcode.spec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4af036bb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redhat/applications/kbarcode/trinity-kbarcode.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Default version for this component
+%define kdecomp kbarcode
+%define version 2.0.6
+%define release 1
+# If TDE is built in a specific prefix (e.g. /opt/trinity), the release will be suffixed with ".opt".
+%if "%{?_prefix}" != "/usr"
+%define _variant .opt
+%define _docdir %{_prefix}/share/doc
+# TDE 3.5.13 specific building variables
+BuildRequires: autoconf automake libtool m4
+%define tde_docdir %{_docdir}/kde
+%define tde_includedir %{_includedir}/kde
+%define tde_libdir %{_libdir}/trinity
+Name: trinity-%{kdecomp}
+Summary: barcode and label printing application for Trinity
+Version: %{?version}
+Release: %{?release}%{?dist}%{?_variant}
+License: GPLv2+
+Group: Applications/Utilities
+Vendor: Trinity Project
+Packager: Francois Andriot <[email protected]>
+Prefix: %{_prefix}
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
+Source0: %{kdecomp}-3.5.13.tar.gz
+BuildRequires: tqtinterface-devel
+BuildRequires: trinity-kdelibs-devel
+BuildRequires: trinity-kdebase-devel
+BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
+BuildRequires: gettext
+KBarcode is a barcode and label printing application for Trinity. It can be used
+to print everything from simple business cards up to complex labels with
+several barcodes (e.g. article descriptions).
+KBarcode comes with an easy to use WYSIWYG label designer, a setup wizard,
+batch import of data for batch printing labels (directly from the delivery
+note), thousands of predefined labels, database management tools and
+translations in many languages. Even printing more than 10.000 labels in one
+go is no problem for KBarcode. Data for printing can be imported from several
+different data sources, including SQL databases, CSV files and the KDE address
+Additionally it is a simple barcode generator (similar to the old xbarcode you
+might know). All major types of barcodes like EAN, UPC, CODE39 and ISBN are
+supported. Even complex 2D barcodes are supported using third party tools. The
+generated barcodes can be directly printed or you can export them into images
+to use them in another application.
+%setup -q -n applications/%{kdecomp}
+# Ugly hack to modify TQT include directory inside autoconf files.
+# If TQT detection fails, it fallbacks to TQT4 instead of TQT3 !
+%__sed -i admin/ \
+ -e "s,/usr/include/tqt,%{_includedir}/tqt,g" \
+ -e "s,kde_htmldir='.*',kde_htmldir='%{tde_docdir}/HTML',g"
+%__cp -f "/usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4" "admin/"
+%__cp -f "/usr/share/libtool/config/" "admin/"
+%__make -f "admin/Makefile.common"
+export PATH="%{_bindir}:${PATH}"
+export LDFLAGS="-L%{_libdir} -I%{_includedir}"
+%configure \
+ --disable-rpath \
+ --with-extra-includes=%{_includedir}/tqt:%{tde_includedir}
+# SMP safe !
+%__make %{?_smp_mflags}
+export PATH="%{_bindir}:${PATH}"
+%__rm -rf %{buildroot}
+%__make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
+%find_lang %{kdecomp} || touch %{kdecomp}.lang
+%__rm -rf %{buildroot}
+touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
+gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
+/sbin/ldconfig || :
+touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
+gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
+/sbin/ldconfig || :
+%files -f %{kdecomp}.lang
+* Wed Nov 30 2011 Francois Andriot <[email protected]> - 2.0.6-1
+- Initial build for RHEL 5, RHEL 6, Fedora 15, Fedora 16