path: root/arch/calvin/trinity-qt3/PKGBUILD-old
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'arch/calvin/trinity-qt3/PKGBUILD-old')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/arch/calvin/trinity-qt3/PKGBUILD-old b/arch/calvin/trinity-qt3/PKGBUILD-old
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a38195e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/calvin/trinity-qt3/PKGBUILD-old
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: David C. Rankin <[email protected]>
+# All modifications and uses of this file are licensed under
+# the software for which this file was made for, should the software
+# be under an Open Source License, at least version 1.9, defined
+# by the Open Source Initiative. In other cases, this file is automatically
+# released to the Public Domain.
+pkgdesc="The Qt3 gui toolkit - with Trinity patch."
+arch=(i686 x86_64)
+# install=qt.install
+ 'libmng'
+ 'libmysqlclient'
+ 'libpng'
+ 'libxmu'
+ 'libxcursor'
+ 'libxinerama'
+ 'libxft'
+ 'libxrandr'
+ 'mesa'
+ 'postgresql-libs'
+ 'unixodbc')
+makedepends=('cups' 'libxi' 'mysql' 'postgresql' 'unixodbc' 'sqlite3')
+# optdepends=('libmysqlclient' 'postgresql-libs' 'unixodbc')
+provides=('trinity-qt3' 'qt3')
+conflicts=('qt3' 'qt3-enhanced')
+# '${pkgfqn}.tar.gz'
+ qt3-png14.patch
+ qt-patches.tar.bz2
+ qt3-png14.patch
+ eastern_asian_languagues.diff
+ qt-odbc.patch
+ gcc46-arch.diff
+ qt3_3.3.8c.arch.diff)
+# 'qt.profile'
+# 'qt-copy-kde-patches.tar.bz2'
+# 'utf8-bug-qt3.diff'
+# 'mysql.patch'
+# 'qt-font-default-subst.diff'
+ '1dc671df42b9030dbdf68bb61cd3375e'
+ '2f00e5c0c1e2c2a23dddc982cd79f3e0'
+ '1dc671df42b9030dbdf68bb61cd3375e'
+ '616f1f3029cf8375256ad6a406de3549'
+ '2178ca88dfd75a230918593b30eb0dbe'
+ '445d6937ad197fa31e1a8e4668d3caa6'
+ 'd763bdc087786a45e5e5eec84f5c9896')
+# gcc46.diff
+# 'e77192301879b05a4b8ebc35d5c5702b'
+# qt-copy-kde-patches come from
+# other qt-patches come from fedora and gentoo
+build() {
+ export QTDIR=${srcdir}/$pkgfqn
+ export PATH=${QTDIR}/bin:${PATH}
+ export QMAKESPEC=$QTDIR/mkspecs/linux-g++
+ export CPATH=/usr/include/postgresql/server:/usr/include/mysql
+ cd ${QTDIR}
+# cd ${srcdir}/$pkgfqn
+ # apply other qt patches and one security fix from debian/gentoo
+ for i in ../qt-patches/*; do
+ patch -Np1 -i $i || return 1
+ done
+ # fix CJK font/chars select error (FS#11245)
+ patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/eastern_asian_languagues.diff || return 1
+ # fix build problem against new unixODBC
+ patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/qt-odbc.patch || return 1
+ patch -p0 -i ${srcdir}/qt3-png14.patch || return 1
+ # patch for gcc 4.6
+ patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/gcc46-arch.diff || return 1
+ # patch for qt3_3.3.8c
+ patch -p0 -i ${srcdir}/qt3_3.3.8c.arch.diff || return 1
+ # start compiling qt
+ # baho additions
+# # remove runtime library search not needed when installed into /usr
+# sed -i '/QMAKE_RPATH/d' mkspecs/linux*/qmake.conf
+ sed -i 's|-cp -P -f|-cp -L -f|' qmake/Makefile.unix
+ rm -rf doc/html examples tutorial
+ sed -i "s|sub-tutorial sub-examples||" Makefile
+ sed -i "s|-O2|$CXXFLAGS|" mkspecs/linux-g++/qmake.conf
+ sed -i "s|-O2|$CXXFLAGS|" mkspecs/linux-g++-32/qmake.conf
+ sed -i "s|-O2|$CXXFLAGS|" mkspecs/linux-g++-64/qmake.conf
+ sed -i "s|-I. |$CXXFLAGS -I. |" qmake/Makefile.unix
+ sed -i "s|read acceptance|acceptance=yes|" configure
+ # remove unwanted mkspecs
+ rm -rf mkspecs/{*aix*,*bsd*,cygwin*,dgux*,darwin*,hpux*,hurd*,irix*,lynxos*,macx*,qnx*,reliant*,sco*,solaris*,tru64*,unixware*,win32*}
+ # set arch if x86_64 build
+ if [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then
+ export ARCH="-64"
+ else unset ARCH
+ fi
+# ./configure -prefix /opt/qt -platform linux-g++$ARCH \
+# -system-zlib -qt-gif -release -shared -sm -nis -thread -stl \
+# -system-lib{png,jpeg,mng} \
+# -no-g++-exceptions -plugin-sql-{mysql,psql,sqlite,odbc}
+ msg "Starting configure..."
+ ./configure -prefix ${_prefix} \
+ -sysconfdir /etc/qt \
+ -qt-gif \
+ -system-zlib \
+ -system-libjpeg \
+ -plugin-imgfmt-jpeg \
+ -system-libmng \
+ -plugin-imgfmt-mng \
+ -system-libpng \
+ -plugin-imgfmt-png \
+ -plugin-sql-mysql \
+ -plugin-sql-psql \
+ -plugin-sql-sqlite \
+ -plugin-sql-odbc \
+ -no-exceptions \
+ -thread \
+ -no-tablet
+ #-platform linux-g++ \
+## remove custom locations from Baho's /usr install experiment
+# -docdir ${_prefix}/share/doc/qt \
+# -headerdir ${_prefix}/include/qt \
+# -plugindir ${_prefix}/lib/qt/plugins \
+# -datadir ${_prefix}/share/qt \
+# -translationdir ${_prefix}/share/qt/translations \
+ # fix /opt/qt/lib path
+ [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && sed -i "s|/opt/qt/lib64|/opt/qt/lib|g" ${QTDIR}/src/Makefile
+ [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && sed -i "s|/opt/qt/lib64|/opt/qt/lib|g" ${QTDIR}/tools/designer/designer/Makefile
+ [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && sed -i "s|/opt/qt/lib64|/opt/qt/lib|g" ${QTDIR}/tools/designer/editor/Makefile
+ [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && sed -i "s|/opt/qt/lib64|/opt/qt/lib|g" ${QTDIR}/tools/assistant/lib/Makefile
+ [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && sed -i "s|/opt/qt/lib64|/opt/qt/lib|g" ${QTDIR}/tools/designer/uilib/Makefile
+# bahoo make
+# make sub-tools
+ cd ${QTDIR}
+ make -C qmake || return 1
+ cd ${QTDIR}/plugins/src/sqldrivers/mysql
+ ${QTDIR}/bin/qmake -o Makefile "INCPATH+=/usr/include/mysql" "LIBS+=-L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient"
+ cd ${QTDIR}/plugins/src/sqldrivers/psql
+ ${QTDIR}/bin/qmake -o Makefile "INCPATH+=/usr/src/include /usr/include/postgresql/server" "LIBS+=-L/usr/lib -lpq"
+ cd ${QTDIR}
+ # fix the broken makefiles
+ #sed -i 's|[[:space:]]*strip.*doc/html.*$|#|g' src/Makefile
+ make || return 1
+package() {
+ msg "Packaging - $pkgname-$pkgver"
+ cd ${QTDIR}
+ pkgver=${_patchver}
+ make INSTALL_ROOT=${pkgdir} install
+ ## Original Qt Build
+ rm -rf ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/{phrasebooks,templates,translations}
+ sed -i "s|-L${QTDIR}/lib ||g" ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/lib/*.prl
+ install -D -m755 qmake/qmake ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/bin/qmake
+ # Build and install qt.profile
+ echo "export QTDIR=${_prefix}" > ${srcdir}/qt.profile
+ echo "export QT_XFT=true" >> ${srcdir}/qt.profile
+ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$QTDIR/bin' >> ${srcdir}/qt.profile
+ echo 'export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$QTDIR/pkgconfig' >> ${srcdir}/qt.profile
+ install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/qt.profile ${pkgdir}/etc/profile.d/
+ ln -sf ${_prefix}/bin/qtconfig ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/bin/qt3config
+ rm -f ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/mkspecs/linux-g++$ARCH/linux-g++$ARCH
+ # install man pages
+ mkdir -p ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/man
+ cp -r ${QTDIR}/doc/man/{man1,man3} ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/man/
+ # Uncomment to install examples
+# cp -v -r ${QTDIR}/examples ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/doc/qt
+ install -d -m755 ${pkgdir}/etc/
+ echo "${_prefix}/lib" > ${pkgdir}/etc/
+ ## Baho Additions
+# ln -v -sf ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/lib/
+# ln -v -snf ../../bin ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/qt/bin
+# ln -v -snf ../../include/qt ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/qt/include
+# ln -v -snf ../../lib ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/qt/lib
+# rm ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/qt/mkspecs/linux-g++/linux-g++
+# ln -v -snf ../linux-g++ ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/qt/mkspecs/linux-g++/linux-g++
+# cp -v -r doc/man ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share
+# # Don't do examples
+# cp -v -r examples ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/doc/qt
+# # Build qt.profile
+# echo "export QTDIR=${_prefix}" > ${srcdir}/qt.profile
+# echo "export QT_XFT=true" >> ${srcdir}/qt.profile
+# echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$QTDIR/bin' >> ${srcdir}/qt.profile
+# echo 'export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$QTDIR/pkgconfig' >> ${srcdir}/qt.profile
+# install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/qt.profile ${pkgdir}/etc/profile.d/
+# ln -sf ${_prefix}/bin/qtconfig ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/bin/qt3config
+## scraps
+ # apply qt patches from
+# for i in ../qt-copy-kde-patches/*; do
+# patch -Np0 -i $i || return 1
+# done
+ # fix utf8 bug
+# patch -Np0 -i ../utf8-bug-qt3.diff || return 1
+ # fix asia fonts
+# patch -Np0 -i ../qt-font-default-subst.diff || return 1
+ # fix segfaults on exit when using mysql DB driver
+# patch -Np0 -i ../mysql.patch || return 1
+# # fix /opt/qt/lib path
+# [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && sed -i "s|/opt/qt/lib64|/opt/qt/lib|g" ${srcdir}/$pkgfqn/src/Makefile
+# [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && sed -i "s|/opt/qt/lib64|/opt/qt/lib|g" ${srcdir}/$pkgfqn/tools/designer/designer/Makefile
+# [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && sed -i "s|/opt/qt/lib64|/opt/qt/lib|g" ${srcdir}/$pkgfqn/tools/designer/editor/Makefile
+# [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && sed -i "s|/opt/qt/lib64|/opt/qt/lib|g" ${srcdir}/$pkgfqn/tools/assistant/lib/Makefile
+# [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && sed -i "s|/opt/qt/lib64|/opt/qt/lib|g" ${srcdir}/$pkgfqn/tools/designer/uilib/Makefile
+# cd ${srcdir}/$pkgfqn
+# make -C qmake || return 1
+# cd ${srcdir}/$pkgfqn/plugins/src/sqldrivers/mysql
+# ${srcdir}/$pkgfqn/bin/qmake -o Makefile "INCPATH+=/usr/include/mysql" "LIBS+=-L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient"
+# cd ${srcdir}/$pkgfqn/plugins/src/sqldrivers/psql
+# ${srcdir}/$pkgfqn/bin/qmake -o Makefile "INCPATH+=/usr/src/include /usr/include/postgresql/server" "LIBS+=-L/usr/lib -lpq"
+# cd ${srcdir}/$pkgfqn
+# # fix the broken makefiles
+# #sed -i 's|[[:space:]]*strip.*doc/html.*$|#|g' src/Makefile
+# make || return 1
+# make INSTALL_ROOT=${pkgdir} install
+# rm -rf ${pkgdir}/opt/qt/{phrasebooks,templates,translations}
+# sed -i "s|-L${srcdir}/$pkgfqn/lib ||g" ${pkgdir}/opt/qt/lib/*.prl
+# install -D -m755 qmake/qmake ${pkgdir}/opt/qt/bin/qmake
+# install -D -m755 ${srcdir}/qt.profile ${pkgdir}/etc/profile.d/
+# ln -sf /opt/qt/bin/qtconfig ${pkgdir}/opt/qt/bin/qt3config
+# rm -f ${pkgdir}/opt/qt/mkspecs/linux-g++$ARCH/linux-g++$ARCH
+# # install man pages
+# mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/opt/qt/man
+# cp -r ${srcdir}/$pkgfqn/doc/man/{man1,man3} ${pkgdir}/opt/qt/man/
+# install -d -m755 ${pkgdir}/etc/
+# echo '/opt/qt/lib' > ${pkgdir}/etc/
+# }