path: root/mandriva/2010.2/applications
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mandriva/2010.2/applications')
-rw-r--r--mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/Lyrics_CN-0.5.3.tar.bz2bin25025 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/cpu.pngbin5336 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/sysinfo.pngbin4602 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/knodapython.tar.bz2bin428940 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/lo48-app-knoda.pngbin1850 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--mandriva/2010.2/applications/krozat/krozat-effect-0.1.tar.bz2bin4855 -> 0 bytes
60 files changed, 0 insertions, 7902 deletions
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/Lyrics_CN-0.5.3.tar.bz2 b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/Lyrics_CN-0.5.3.tar.bz2
deleted file mode 100644
index fdc0264fa..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/Lyrics_CN-0.5.3.tar.bz2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-1.2-fix-config.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-1.2-fix-config.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f7ab5565..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-1.2-fix-config.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- amarok-1.2/amarok/src/app.cpp-- 2005-02-15 11:43:26.600377969 +0100
-+++ amarok-1.2/amarok/src/app.cpp 2005-02-15 11:43:51.271844342 +0100
-@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ App::App()
- // Remember old folder setup, so we can detect changes after the wizard was used
- const QStringList oldCollectionFolders = AmarokConfig::collectionFolders();
-- if ( amaroK::config()->readBoolEntry( "First Run", true ) || args->isSet( "wizard" ) ) {
-+ if ( amaroK::config()->readBoolEntry( "First Run", false ) || args->isSet( "wizard" ) ) {
- std::cout << "STARTUP\n" << std::flush; //hide the splashscreen
- firstRunWizard();
- amaroK::config()->writeEntry( "First Run", false );
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-1.3-fix-default-config.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-1.3-fix-default-config.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b5b92ffc6..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-1.3-fix-default-config.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---- amarok/src/amarokrc-- 2005-06-08 14:31:48.532241213 +0200
-+++ amarok/src/amarokrc 2005-06-08 14:32:11.076771614 +0200
-@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ CurrentPane=ContextBrowser
- #see PlaylistWidget::setColumnWidth() for explanation for below
- ColumnWidths=0,200,100,100,0,0,0,0,0,80,0
-+Sound System=xine-engine
- [KNewStuff]
- TargetDir=amarok/themes
- Uncompress=application/x-gzip
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-1.4-beta2-add-multimedia-shortcut.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-1.4-beta2-add-multimedia-shortcut.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 582ca50ad..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-1.4-beta2-add-multimedia-shortcut.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur amarok-1.4.10/amarok/src/amarokrc amarok-1.4.10_yeni/amarok/src/amarokrc
---- amarok-1.4.10/amarok/src/amarokrc 2009-12-20 01:16:09.000000000 +0200
-+++ amarok-1.4.10_yeni/amarok/src/amarokrc 2009-12-20 01:19:33.994560100 +0200
-@@ -8,6 +8,18 @@
- #see PlaylistWidget::setColumnWidth() for explanation for below
- ColumnWidths=0,200,100,100,0,0,0,0,0,80,0
- [Playback]
- Sound System=xine-engine
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-1.4.0-use-mandriva-directory.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-1.4.0-use-mandriva-directory.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e3699866..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-1.4.0-use-mandriva-directory.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
---- amarok/src/filebrowser.cpp~ 2006-04-08 18:22:20.000000000 +0200
-+++ amarok/src/filebrowser.cpp 2006-04-11 13:52:36.000000000 +0200
-@@ -77,15 +77,16 @@
- // Try to keep filebrowser working even if not in a medium context
- // so if a medium object not passed in, keep earlier behavior
- if (!medium) {
-+ KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue("menu-messages-main");
- m_medium = 0;
-- location = new KURL( config->readPathEntry( "Location", QDir::homeDirPath() ) );
-+ location = new KURL( config->readPathEntry( "Location", QDir::homeDirPath()+"/"+i18n("Music")));
- currentFolder = new KFileItem( KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, *location );
- //KIO sucks, NetAccess::exists puts up a dialog and has annoying error message boxes
- //if there is a problem so there is no point in using it anyways.
- //so... setting the diroperator to ~ is the least sucky option
- if ( !location->isLocalFile() || !currentFolder->isReadable() ) {
- delete location;
-- location = new KURL( QDir::homeDirPath() ) ;
-+ location = new KURL( QDir::homeDirPath()+"/"+i18n("Music")) ;
- }
- }
- else{
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-1.4.1-fix-initial-preference.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-1.4.1-fix-initial-preference.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b41e1ba3..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-1.4.1-fix-initial-preference.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur amarok-1.4.10/amarok/src/amarok.desktop amarok-1.4.10_yeni/amarok/src/amarok.desktop
---- amarok-1.4.10/amarok/src/amarok.desktop 2008-08-14 00:21:51.000000000 +0300
-+++ amarok-1.4.10_yeni/amarok/src/amarok.desktop 2009-12-20 01:01:49.987559971 +0200
-@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
- Type=Application
- Version=0.9.4
- Encoding=UTF-8
- Name=Amarok
- Name[bn]=আমারক
- Name[el]=AmaroK
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-add-radios.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-add-radios.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cb4b0fc39..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/amarok-add-radios.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur amarok-1.4.10/amarok/src/data/Cool-Streams.xml amarok-1.4.10_yeni/amarok/src/data/Cool-Streams.xml
---- amarok-1.4.10/amarok/src/data/Cool-Streams.xml 2008-08-14 00:21:51.000000000 +0300
-+++ amarok-1.4.10_yeni/amarok/src/data/Cool-Streams.xml 2009-12-20 01:24:34.072559305 +0200
-@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
- <stream name="Digital Gunfire [Industrial/EBM]">
- <url></url>
- </stream>
-+ <stream name="Club 977 80's channel">
-+ <url></url>
-+ </stream>
- <stream name="Digitally Imported - Chillout [Chill-Out]">
- <url></url>
- </stream>
-@@ -18,6 +21,9 @@
- <stream name="Digitally Imported - Trance [Trance]">
- <url></url>
- </stream>
-+ <stream name="Dogmazic [Free Music/Musique Libre]">
-+ <url></url>
-+ </stream>
- <stream name="DnbRadio [Drum and Bass]">
- <url></url>
- </stream>
-@@ -69,6 +75,18 @@
- <stream name="Secret Agent [Downtempo/Lounge]">
- <url></url>
- </stream>
-+ <stream name="SkyFM [TopHits]">
-+ <url></url>
-+ </stream>
-+ <stream name="SkyFM [80s]">
-+ <url></url>
-+ </stream>
-+ <stream name="SkyFM [Classical music]">
-+ <url></url>
-+ </stream>
-+ <stream name="SkyFM [NewAge]">
-+ <url></url>
-+ </stream>
- <stream name="SLAY Radio [C64 Remixes]">
- <url></url>
- </stream>
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/fix-ifpdevice-build.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/fix-ifpdevice-build.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 615163e1a..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/fix-ifpdevice-build.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1163 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur amarok-1.4.10/amarok/ amarok-1.4.10-yeni/amarok/
---- amarok-1.4.10/amarok/ 2008-08-14 00:21:51.000000000 +0300
-+++ amarok-1.4.10-yeni/amarok/ 2010-02-13 04:08:24.239228672 +0200
-@@ -830,8 +830,14 @@
- if test "$build_ifp" != "no"; then
-- AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ifp.h], [have_ifp=yes], [], [])
-+ AC_LANG_PUSH([C++])
-+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ifp.h], [have_ifp=yes], [], [],
-+ [[#ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H
-+ # include <stdio.h>
-+ #endif
-+ ]])
- AC_CHECK_HEADERS([usb.h], [have_usb=yes], [], [])
- if test "$have_ifp" = "yes"; then
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_IFP, 1, [have ifp])
-diff -Naur amarok-1.4.10/amarok/ amarok-1.4.10-yeni/amarok/
---- amarok-1.4.10/amarok/ 1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
-+++ amarok-1.4.10-yeni/amarok/ 2010-02-13 04:08:24.238476218 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,1140 @@
-+AC_ARG_VAR(PKGCONFIGFOUND, [Path to pkg-config])
-+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([TAGLIB], [taglib >= 1.5], [taglib_15_found=yes], [PKG_CHECK_MODULES([TAGLIB], [taglib >= 1.4])])
-+AM_CONDITIONAL([TAGLIB_15_FOUND], [test "x$taglib_15_found" = "xyes"])
-+if test "x$taglib_15_found" = "xyes"; then
-+ AC_DEFINE([TAGLIB_15], 1, [Taglib 1.5 or later found, disabling duplicate metadata plugins])
-+# AC_HELP_STRING([--with-gstreamer10],[build Amarok with GStreamer 0.10-engine]),
-+# [build_gstreamer10=$withval],
-+# [build_gstreamer10=no]
-+#if test "$build_gstreamer10" != "no"; then
-+# if test "$PKGCONFIGFOUND" = "yes" ; then
-+# # check for GStreamer
-+# dnl Now we're ready to ask for gstreamer libs and cflags
-+# dnl And we can also ask for the right version of gstreamer
-+# have_gst10=no
-+# GST10_REQ=0.10.0
-+# PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GST10, gstreamer-$GST10_MAJORMINOR >= $GST10_REQ gstreamer-base-$GST10_MAJORMINOR,
-+# have_gst10=yes,have_gst10=no)
-+# dnl Give error if we don't have gstreamer
-+# if test "x$have_gst10" = "xno"; then
-+# LIB_GST10=""
-+# CFLAGS_GST10=""
-+# else
-+# AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GSTREAMER10, 1, [have GStreamer10])
-+# fi
-+# fi
-+#AM_CONDITIONAL(with_gst10, [test x$have_gst10 = xyes])
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--without-xine],[build Amarok without xine-engine]),
-+ [build_xine=$withval],
-+ [build_xine=yes]
-+if test "$build_xine" != "no"; then
-+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([XINE], [libxine >= 1.0.2], , [build_xine=no])
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(with_xine, test x$build_xine = xyes)
-+# AC_HELP_STRING([--without-akode],[build Amarok without akode-engine]),
-+# [build_akode=$withval],
-+# [build_akode=yes]
-+#if test "$build_akode" != "no"; then
-+# AC_CHECK_PROG(AKODE_CONFIG, akode-config, yes)
-+# if test x$AKODE_CONFIG = xyes ; then
-+# AC_DEFINE(HAVE_AKODE, 1, [have aKode])
-+# CFLAGS_AKODE=[`akode-config --cflags`]
-+# LIBS_AKODE=[`akode-config --libs`]
-+# akode_version=`akode-config --version`
-+# akode_version=VERSION_TO_NUMBER(echo $akode_version)
-+# akode_version_min="2.0.0"
-+# akode_version_min=VERSION_TO_NUMBER(echo $akode_version_min)
-+# AC_MSG_CHECKING([for akode-lib version >= 2.0])
-+# if test $akode_version -eq $akode_version_min \
-+# -o $akode_version -gt $akode_version_min; then
-+# echo "yes"
-+# else
-+# echo "no"
-+# build_akode=no
-+# fi
-+# else
-+# build_akode=no
-+# fi
-+#AM_CONDITIONAL(with_akode, test x$build_akode = xyes)
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--with-nmm],[build Amarok with NMM-engine]),
-+ [build_nmm=$withval],
-+ [build_nmm=no]
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--with-nmm-dir],[path to the NMM [default=/usr/local]]),
-+ [nmm_dir="$withval"],
-+ [nmm_dir=/usr/local]
-+if test "$build_nmm" != "no"; then
-+ CFLAGS_NMM="-I$nmm_dir/include"
-+ LDFLAGS_NMM="-L$nmm_dir/lib"
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_NMM, 1, [have NMM])
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(with_nmm, test x$build_nmm = xyes)
-+# AC_HELP_STRING([--with-mas],[build Amarok with MAS-engine]),
-+# [build_mas=$withval],
-+# [build_mas=no]
-+#if test "$build_mas" != "no"; then
-+# AC_PATH_PROG(MAS_CONFIG, mas-config, no)
-+# if test $MAS_CONFIG = "no"
-+# then
-+# amarok_warning_mas_notfound=yes
-+# echo "amarok_warning_mas_notfound: $amarok_warning_mas_notfound"
-+# build_mas=no
-+# else
-+# AC_DEFINE(HAVE_MAS, 1, [have MAS])
-+# CFLAGS_MAS=[`$MAS_CONFIG --cflags`]
-+# LIBS_MAS=[`$MAS_CONFIG --libs`]
-+# build_mas=yes
-+# fi
-+#AM_CONDITIONAL(with_mas, test x$build_mas = xyes)
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--with-helix],[build Amarok with Helix-engine]),
-+ [build_helix=$withval],
-+ [build_helix=no]
-+if test "$build_helix" != "no"; then
-+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for RealPlayer or HelixPlayer])
-+ if test "$build_helix" = "yes"; then
-+ HXPLAY=`type -p hxplay`
-+ RPLAY=`type -p realplay`
-+ if test "$RPLAY" != "" -a -x "$RPLAY"; then
-+ HELIX_LINK=`readlink -f $RPLAY`
-+ HELIX_LIBS=`unset CDPATH; cd $HELIX_LINK && pwd`
-+ if test -e "$HELIX_LIBS/common/"; then
-+ AC_MSG_RESULT([found RealPlayer in $HELIX_LIBS])
-+ build_helix=$HELIX_LIBS
-+ fi
-+ elif test "$HXPLAY" != "" -a -x "$HXPLAY"; then
-+ HELIX_LINK=`readlink -f $HXPLAY`
-+ HELIX_LIBS=`unset CDPATH; cd $HELIX_LINK && pwd`
-+ if test -e "$HELIX_LIBS/common/"; then
-+ AC_MSG_RESULT([found HelixPlayer in $HELIX_LIBS])
-+ build_helix=$HELIX_LIBS
-+ fi
-+ fi
-+ else
-+ if test -n "$build_helix" -a -d "$build_helix"; then
-+ HELIX_LIBS=`unset CDPATH; cd $build_helix && pwd`
-+ else
-+ HELIX_LIBS="$build_helix"
-+ fi
-+ build_helix=$HELIX_LIBS
-+ fi
-+ if test "$build_helix" = "yes"; then
-+ HELIX_LIBS="/usr/local/RealPlayer"
-+ AC_MSG_RESULT(["not found, using default dir"])
-+ fi
-+ AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HELIX_LIBS, "${HELIX_LIBS}", [location of helix libs])
-+ if test "$PKGCONFIGFOUND" = "yes" ; then
-+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([ALSALIB], alsa, have_alsa=yes,have_alsa=no)
-+ if test "$have_alsa" = "yes" ; then
-+ AC_DEFINE(USE_HELIX_ALSA, 1, [support ALSA in the helix-engine])
-+ fi
-+ fi
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(with_helix, test x$build_helix != xno)
-+# BEGIN yauap CHECK
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--with-yauap],[build Amarok with yauap-engine]),
-+ [build_yauap=$withval],
-+ [build_yauap=no]
-+if test "$build_yauap" != "no"; then
-+ if test "$PKGCONFIGFOUND" = "yes" ; then
-+ # check for dbus-glib
-+ have_yauap=no
-+ have_yauap=yes,have_yauap=no)
-+ dnl Give error if we don't have gstreamer
-+ if test "x$have_yauap" = "xno"; then
-+ else
-+ LIB_YAUAP="$DBUS_LIBS -ldbus-qt-1"
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_YAUAP, 1, [have yauap])
-+ fi
-+ fi
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(with_yauap, [test x$have_yauap = xyes])
-+# END yauap CHECK
-+# BEGIN stdint.h CHECK
-+# END stdint.h CHECK
-+# BEGIN fabsf CHECK
-+AC_CHECK_DECLS([fabsf],,,[#include <math.h>])
-+if test "$ac_cv_have_decl_fabsf" = "yes"; then
-+ [[#include <math.h>]],
-+ [[return (int)fabsf(1.f);]])],
-+ [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FABSF, 1, [have fabsf])])
-+# END fabsf CHECK
-+if test x"$ac_cv_header_linux_inotify_h" = x"yes"; then
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_INOTIFY, 1, [have inotify])
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--without-opengl],[build Amarok without OpenGL support]),
-+ [build_opengl=$withval],
-+ [build_opengl=yes]
-+if test "$build_opengl" != "no"; then
-+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Qt with OpenGL support)
-+ AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_kde_qt_has_opengl,
-+ [
-+ save_LIBS="$LIBS"
-+ CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$qt_incdir $all_includes"
-+ LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$qt_libdir $all_libraries $USER_LDFLAGS $KDE_MT_LDFLAGS"
-+ #include <qgl.h>
-+ ],
-+ [
-+ (void)new QGLWidget((QWidget*)0, "qgl");
-+ ],
-+ ac_cv_kde_qt_has_opengl=yes,
-+ ac_cv_kde_qt_has_opengl=no)
-+ LIBS="$save_LIBS"
-+ ])
-+ AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_cv_kde_qt_has_opengl)
-+ if test x$ac_cv_kde_qt_has_opengl = xyes; then
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_QGLWIDGET, 1, [have Qt with OpenGL support])
-+ gl_libs="-lGL"
-+ else
-+ gl_libs=""
-+ fi
-+ AC_SUBST(gl_libs)
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--without-included-sqlite],[build Amarok using system sqlite library]),
-+ [included_sqlite=$withval],
-+ [included_sqlite=yes]
-+if test x$included_sqlite = xno; then
-+ if test x$PKGCONFIGFOUND = xyes; then
-+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SQLITE, sqlite3 >= 3.0, have_sqlite=yes,have_sqlite=no)
-+ if test x$have_sqlite = xyes; then
-+ ## AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SQLITE, 1, [have SQLite database library])
-+ LIB_SQLITE=`pkg-config --libs sqlite3`
-+ else
-+ # We don't support not having sqlite anymore
-+ no_amarok=yes
-+ fi
-+ fi
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(with_included_sqlite, [test x$included_sqlite = xyes])
-+# Determine pointer size for sqlite
-+AC_DEFINE(SQLITE_PTR_SZ, SIZEOF_CHAR_P, [Determine pointer size for SQLite])
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-mysql],[build Amarok with MySQL support]),
-+ [enable_mysql=$enableval],
-+ [enable_mysql=no]
-+if test "$enable_mysql" = "yes"; then
-+ AC_CHECK_PROG(MYSQL_CONFIG, mysql_config, yes)
-+ if test x$MYSQL_CONFIG = xyes; then
-+ AC_DEFINE(USE_MYSQL, 1, [MySql database support enabled])
-+ mysql_includes=`mysql_config --cflags`
-+ mysql_libs=`mysql_config --libs`
-+ else
-+ amarok_warning_mysql_notfound=yes
-+ enable_mysql=no
-+ fi
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(enable_mysql, test x$enable_mysql = xyes)
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-postgresql],[build Amarok with PostgreSQL support]),
-+ [enable_postgresql=$enableval],
-+ [enable_postgresql=no]
-+if test "$enable_postgresql" = "yes"; then
-+ if test x$POSTGRESQL_CONFIG = xyes; then
-+ AC_DEFINE(USE_POSTGRESQL, 1, [Postgresql database support enabled])
-+ postgresql_includes=-I`pg_config --includedir`
-+ postgresql_libs="-L`pg_config --libdir` -lpq"
-+ else
-+ amarok_warning_postgresql_notfound=yes
-+ enable_postgresql=no
-+ fi
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(enable_postgresql, test x$enable_postgresql = xyes)
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--without-libvisual],[build Amarok without libvisual support]),
-+ [with_libvisual=$withval],
-+ [with_libvisual=yes]
-+if test "$with_libvisual" = "yes"; then
-+ ## libvisual plugin depends on sdl
-+ AC_CHECK_PROG(SDL_CONFIG, sdl-config, yes)
-+ if test x$SDL_CONFIG = xyes; then
-+ sdl_cflags=`sdl-config --cflags`
-+ sdl_libs=`sdl-config --libs`
-+ fi
-+ AC_SUBST(sdl_cflags)
-+ AC_SUBST(sdl_libs)
-+ if test x$PKGCONFIGFOUND = xyes -a x$SDL_CONFIG = xyes; then
-+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBVISUAL, libvisual-0.4 >= 0.4.0, [build_libvisual="yes"], [build_libvisual="no"])
-+ if test x$build_libvisual = xyes; then
-+ fi
-+ fi
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(with_libvisual, test x$build_libvisual = xyes)
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--without-musicbrainz],[build Amarok without MusicBrainz support]),
-+ [with_musicbrainz=$withval],
-+ [with_musicbrainz=yes]
-+if test "$with_musicbrainz" = "yes"; then
-+ AC_CHECK_HEADER(tunepimp-0.5/tp_c.h, [build_musicbrainz="yes"],
-+ [AC_CHECK_HEADER(tunepimp/tp_c.h, [build_musicbrainz="yes"],
-+ [build_musicbrainz="no"])])
-+if test "$build_musicbrainz" = "yes"; then
-+ AC_CHECK_LIB(tunepimp, tr_GetPUID,
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TUNEPIMP, 5, [have MusicBrainz 0.5.x]),
-+ AC_CHECK_LIB(tunepimp, tp_SetFileNameEncoding,
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TUNEPIMP, 4, [have MusicBrainz 0.4.x]),
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TUNEPIMP, 1, [have MusicBrainz])))
-+ LIB_TUNEPIMP="-ltunepimp"
-+ have_tunepimp=yes
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TUNEPIMP, 0, [have TunePimp])
-+ have_tunepimp=no
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-amazon],[disable Amazon cover download support [default=enable]]),
-+ [enable_amazon=$enableval],
-+ [enable_amazon=yes]
-+if test "$enable_amazon" != "no"; then
-+ AC_DEFINE(AMAZON_SUPPORT, 1, [Amazon cover download support enabled])
-+AC_MSG_CHECKING([if sched_setaffinity should be enabled])
-+ #include <sched.h>
-+ cpu_set_t mask;
-+ CPU_ZERO( &mask );
-+ CPU_SET( 0, &mask );
-+ sched_setaffinity( 0, sizeof(mask), &mask );
-+ amarok_sched_3params=yes,
-+ amarok_sched_3params=no
-+if test "x$amarok_sched_3params" = "xyes"; then
-+ AC_DEFINE(SCHEDAFFINITY_SUPPORT, 1, [sched_setaffinity works correctly])
-+ AC_DEFINE(SCHEDAFFINITY_3PARAMS, 1, [sched_setaffinity takes three params])
-+ amarok_glibcsched_works=yes
-+if test "x$amarok_sched_3params" = "xno"; then
-+ #include <sched.h>
-+ ],
-+ [
-+ cpu_set_t mask;
-+ CPU_ZERO( &mask );
-+ CPU_SET( 0, &mask );
-+ sched_setaffinity( 0, &mask );
-+ ],
-+ amarok_sched_2params=yes,
-+ amarok_sched_2params=no
-+ )
-+ if test "x$amarok_sched_2params" = "xyes"; then
-+ AC_DEFINE(SCHEDAFFINITY_SUPPORT, 1, [sched_setaffinity works correctly])
-+ amarok_glibcsched_works=yes
-+ fi
-+KDE_CHECK_HEADER(konqsidebarplugin.h, have_konqsidebar=yes, have_konqsidebar=no)
-+KDE_CHECK_LIB(konqsidebarplugin, _init, have_konqsidebar=$have_konqsidebar, have_konqsidebar=no)
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(with_konqsidebar, [test x$have_konqsidebar = xyes])
-+### mediabrowser.cpp can use libnjb if available
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--with-libnjb],[build Amarok with Nomad Jukebox support from libnjb]),
-+ [build_libnjb=$withval],
-+ [build_libnjb=yes]
-+if test "$build_libnjb" != "no"; then
-+ if test "$PKGCONFIGFOUND" = "yes" ; then
-+ # check for libnjb
-+ have_libnjb=no
-+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBNJB, libnjb, have_libnjb=yes,have_libnjb=no)
-+ if test "x$have_libnjb" != "xno"; then
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBNJB, 1, [have libnjb])
-+ fi
-+ fi
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(with_libnjb, [test x$have_libnjb = xyes])
-+### mediabrowser.cpp can use libmtp if available
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--with-libmtp],[build Amarok with support for MTP devices]),
-+ [build_libmtp=$withval],
-+ [build_libmtp=yes]
-+if test "$build_libmtp" != "no"; then
-+ if test "$PKGCONFIGFOUND" = "yes" ; then
-+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBMTP, libmtp >= 0.1.1,
-+ [
-+ have_libmtp=yes
-+ ],
-+ [
-+ have_libmtp=no
-+ ])
-+ fi
-+ if test "x$have_libmtp" != "xno"; then
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBMTP, 1, [have libmtp])
-+ fi
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(with_libmtp, [test x$have_libmtp = xyes])
-+### mediabrowser.cpp can use libkarma if available
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--with-libkarma],[build Amarok with Rio Karma support]),
-+ [build_libkarma=$withval],
-+ [build_libkarma=yes]
-+if test "$build_libkarma" != "no"; then
-+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS([libkarma/lkarma.h], [have_libkarma=yes], [], [])
-+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS([usb.h], [have_usb=yes], [], [])
-+ if test "$have_libkarma" = "yes"; then
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBKARMA, 1, [have libkarma])
-+ else
-+ AC_MSG_RESULT($have_libkarma)
-+ have_libkarma=no
-+ fi
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(with_libkarma, [test x$have_libkarma = xyes])
-+### mediabrowser.cpp can use libifp if available
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--with-ifp],[build Amarok with ifp support]),
-+ [build_ifp=$withval],
-+ [build_ifp=yes]
-+if test "$build_ifp" != "no"; then
-+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ifp.h], [have_ifp=yes], [], [],
-+ [[#ifdef HAVE_USB_H
-+ # include <USB.h>
-+ #endif
-+ ]])
-+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS([usb.h], [have_usb=yes], [], [])
-+ if test "$have_ifp" = "yes"; then
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_IFP, 1, [have ifp])
-+ IFP_LIBS="-lifp -lusb"
-+ else
-+ AC_MSG_RESULT($have_ifp)
-+ have_ifp=no
-+ fi
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(with_ifp, [test x$have_ifp = xyes])
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--with-libgpod],[build Amarok with iPod support from libgpod]),
-+ [build_libgpod=$withval],
-+ [build_libgpod=yes]
-+if test "$build_libgpod" != "no"; then
-+ if test "$PKGCONFIGFOUND" = "yes" ; then
-+ # check for libgpod
-+ have_libgpod=no
-+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBGPOD, libgpod-1.0, have_libgpod=yes,have_libgpod=no)
-+ if test "x$have_libgpod" = "xyes"; then
-+ ac_cppflags_save=$CPPFLAGS
-+ ac_cflags_save=$CFLAGS
-+ ac_libs_save=$LIBS
-+ AC_CHECK_FUNCS(itdb_track_set_thumbnails, , have_libgpod_042=no)
-+ AC_CHECK_FUNCS(itdb_get_mountpoint, , have_libgpod_042=no)
-+ AC_CHECK_FUNCS(itdb_device_get_ipod_info, , have_libgpod_042=no)
-+ AC_CHECK_MEMBER(struct _Itdb_Track.movie_flag,
-+ [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ITDB_MOVIE_FLAG, 1, [have libgpod movie flag])],
-+ have_libgpod_042=no,
-+ [#include <gpod/itdb.h>])
-+ AC_CHECK_MEMBER(struct _Itdb_Track.skip_when_shuffling,
-+ [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ITDB_SKIP_SHUFFLE_FLAG, 1, [have libgpod skip when shuffling flag])],
-+ have_libgpod_042=no,
-+ [#include <gpod/itdb.h>])
-+ AC_CHECK_MEMBER(struct _Itdb_Track.mark_unplayed,
-+ [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ITDB_MARK_UNPLAYED, 1, [have libgpod mark played flag])],
-+ have_libgpod_042=no,
-+ [#include <gpod/itdb.h>])
-+ AC_CHECK_MEMBER(struct _Itdb_Track.mediatype,
-+ [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ITDB_MEDIATYPE, 1, [have libgpod mediatype flag])],
-+ have_libgpod_042=no,
-+ [#include <gpod/itdb.h>])
-+ [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBGPOD_060, 1, [have at least libgpod 0.6.0])],
-+ have_libgpod_060=no,
-+ [#include <gpod/itdb.h>])
-+ CPPFLAGS=$ac_cppflags_save
-+ CFLAGS=$ac_cflags_save
-+ LIBS=$ac_libs_save
-+ fi
-+ if test "x$have_libgpod_042" = "xno"; then
-+ have_libgpod=no
-+ AC_MSG_RESULT(Your libgpod version is too old: at least 0.4.2 is required)
-+ fi
-+ if test "x$have_libgpod" != "xno"; then
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBGPOD, 1, [have libgpod])
-+ fi
-+ fi
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(with_libgpod, [test x$have_libgpod = xyes])
-+# BEGIN statvfs(2) CHECK
-+# END statvfs(2) CHECK
-+# m4a/aac tag reading and writing needs libmp4v2 from faad2 or better mpeg4ip
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--with-mp4v2],[build Amarok with M4A/AAC tag support from mp4v2/faad2]),
-+ [have_mp4v2=$withval],
-+ [have_mp4v2=no]
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--with-mp4v2-dir],[path to mp4v2 [default=/usr]]),
-+ [mp4v2_dir="$withval"],
-+ [mp4v2_dir=/usr]
-+if test "$have_mp4v2" != "no"; then
-+ ac_cxxflags_save=$CXXFLAGS
-+ CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$mp4v2_dir/include"
-+ ac_ldflags_save=$LDFLAGS
-+ LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$mp4v2_dir/lib"
-+ # not even everyone using faad2 has <systems.h>
-+ if ! test -f config.h; then
-+ echo "#include \"confdefs.h\"" > config.h
-+ fi
-+ ac_cppflags_save=$CPPFLAGS
-+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS(systems.h)
-+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS([mp4.h], [have_mp4_h=yes], [],
-+ [#ifdef HAVE_SYSTEMS_H
-+ # include <systems.h>
-+ #endif
-+ ])
-+ AC_CHECK_LIB( mp4v2, MP4Read, have_mp4v2=yes, have_mp4v2=no )
-+ if test "$have_mp4v2" = "yes" -a "$have_mp4_h" = "yes"; then
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_MP4V2, 1, [have mp4v2])
-+ MP4V2_INCLUDES="-I$mp4v2_dir/include"
-+ MP4V2_LIBS="-L$mp4v2_dir/lib -lmp4v2"
-+ else
-+ have_mp4v2=no
-+ fi
-+ CPPFLAGS=$ac_cppflags_save
-+ CXXFLAGS=$ac_cxxflags_save
-+ LDFLAGS=$ac_ldflags_save
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(with_mp4v2, [test x$have_mp4v2 != xno ])
-+CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $all_includes"
-+AC_MSG_CHECKING([if KDE is at least 3.4 for DAAP support])
-+#include <kdeversion.h>
-+#if ! ( KDE_IS_VERSION( 3, 4, 0 ) )
-+#error KDE 3.4
-+ have_kde34="yes"
-+# echo "yes"
-+ have_kde34="no"
-+# echo "no"
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(atleast_kde34, [test x$have_kde34 != xno ])
-+ AC_HELP_STRING([--without-daap],[build Amarok without support for DAAP]),
-+ [have_daap=$withval],
-+ [have_daap=yes]
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(with_daap, [test x$have_daap = xyes])
-+AC_CHECK_TYPES([uint8_t, u_int8_t, uint16_t, u_int16_t, uint32_t, u_int32_t, uint64_t, u_int64_t])
-+AC_PATH_PROG(RUBY, ruby, no)
-+ruby_includes=[`$RUBY -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config.expand( Config::MAKEFILE_CONFIG["archdir"] )'`]
-+ruby_ldflags=[`$RUBY -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config.expand( Config::MAKEFILE_CONFIG["LIBRUBYARG_SHARED"] )'`]
-+CFLAGS="-I$ruby_includes -Wall"
-+CPPFLAGS="-I$ruby_includes" #no I don't know why CPPFLAGS is used
-+AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ruby.h], [have_ruby_h=yes], [have_ruby_h=no]) #used in ruby check below
-+## TODO: Check version number >= 1.8
-+if test "x$RUBY" = "xno" -o "x$have_ruby_h" = "xno"; then
-+ amarok_error_noruby=yes
-+ no_amarok=yes
-+if test x$build_xine = xno -a x$build_helix = xno; then
-+ no_engine=yes
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/kde3-amarok.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/kde3-amarok.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index ed9566073..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/amarok/kde3-amarok.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,638 +0,0 @@
-%define libname_orig libamarok
-%define libname %mklibname kde3amarok 0
-%define develname %mklibname -d kde3amarok 0
-%define develscripts %mklibname -d kde3amarok-scripts
-%define _disable_final 1
-#Add MySQL support
-%define build_mysql 1
-%{?_with_mysql: %global build_mysql 1}
-#Add PostgreSQL support
-%define build_postgresql 1
-%{?_with_postgresql: %global build_postgresql 1}
-Summary: A powerful media player for Kde
-Name: kde3-amarok
-Version: 3.5.12
-Release: %mkrel 1
-Epoch: 1
-License: GPLv2+
-Group: Sound
-Source0: amarok-%{version}.tar.bz2
-# fwang: add lyric script for Chinese songs
-Source1: Lyrics_CN-0.5.3.tar.bz2
-Patch0: amarok-1.4.1-fix-initial-preference.patch
-Patch1: amarok-1.3-fix-default-config.patch
-Patch2: amarok-1.2-fix-config.patch
-Patch3: amarok-1.4-beta2-add-multimedia-shortcut.patch
-#(nl): Disable for the moment as it had been reported that this patch is broken.
-Patch4: amarok-1.4.0-use-mandriva-directory.patch
-Patch6: amarok-add-radios.patch
-#Patch8: amarok-
-#Patch9: wikipedia-lookup.patch
-#Patch10: amarok-1.4.10-gcc44.patch
-Patch11: kde-3.5.10-acinclude.patch
-#Patch12: fix_autotools.patch
-Patch13: fix-ifpdevice-build.patch
-Patch14: kdebase-3.5.12-move-xdg-menu-dir.patch
-Patch15: kdebase-3.5.12-config.patch
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
-BuildRequires: kde3-macros
-%if %mdkversion < 201000
-BuildRequires: autoconf <= 2.63
-BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.65
-BuildRequires: automake >= 1.9
-BuildRequires: taglib-devel >= 1.4
-BuildRequires: kdemultimedia-devel
-BuildRequires: libxine-devel
-BuildRequires: libvisual-devel >= 0.4.0
-BuildRequires: libtunepimp-devel >= 1:0.4.2
-BuildRequires: kdebase3-devel
-BuildRequires: libxml2-utils
-BuildRequires: kde3-k3b-devel
-BuildRequires: libifp-devel
-BuildRequires: SDL-devel
-BuildRequires: libgpod-devel <= 0.7.93
-BuildRequires: libnjb-devel
-BuildRequires: sqlite3-devel
-BuildRequires: libmtp-devel >= 0.3.0
-%if %build_mysql
-BuildRequires: mysql-devel
-%if %build_postgresql
-BuildRequires: postgresql-devel
-BuildRequires: mesaglut-devel
-BuildRequires: libgpod-devel
-BuildRequires: ruby-devel
-BuildRequires: gpm-devel
-BuildRequires: tcl-devel
-BuildRequires: libkarma-devel
-BuildRequires: musicbrainz-devel
-Requires(post): desktop-file-utils
-Requires(postun): desktop-file-utils
-Requires: kde3-amarok-engine
-Requires: kde3-amarok-scripts
-Requires: %{libname} = %epoch:%{version}
-Requires: tunepimp-plugins
-Suggests: moodbar
-Requires: libvisual-plugins >= 0.4.0
-Suggests: transkode
-Conflicts : amarok-engine-arts
-Conflicts : amarok-engine-gstreamer
-Conflicts : amarok-engine-akode
-Conflicts : amarok-engine-gstreamer0.10
-Feature Overview
-* Music Collection:
-You have a huge music library and want to locate tracks quickly? Let amaroK's
-powerful Collection take care of that! It's a database powered music store,
-which keeps track of your complete music library, allowing you to find any
-title in a matter of seconds.
-* Intuitive User Interface:
-You will be amazed to see how easy amaroK is to use! Simply drag-and-drop files
-into the playlist. No hassle with complicated buttons or tangled menus.
-Listening to music has never been easier!
-* Streaming Radio:
-Web streams take radio to the next level: Listen to thousands of great radio
-stations on the internet, for free! amaroK provides excellent streaming
-support, with advanced features, such as displaying titles of the currently
-playing songs.
-* Context Browser:
-This tool provides useful information on the music you are currently listening
-to, and can make listening suggestions, based on your personal music taste. An
-innovate and unique feature.
-* Visualizations:
-amaroK is compatible with XMMS visualization plugins. Allows you to use the
-great number of stunning visualizations available on the net. 3d visualizations
-with OpenGL are a great way to enhance your music experience.
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%dir %{_kde3_appsdir}/amarok
-%dir %{_kde3_appsdir}/amarok/data
-%package scripts
-Summary: Scripts for amarok
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE3
-Requires: %name = %epoch:%version-%release
-Requires: kde3-kjsembed
-Requires: ruby
-Requires: python
-# (Anssi 05/2008) ruby_lib moved; the package was obsoleted by amarok-scripts:
-Conflicts: %{_lib}amarok0-scripts < 1:
-%description scripts
-This package includes python scripts for amarok.
-%files scripts
-%dir %{_kde3_appsdir}/amarok/scripts/
-%package -n %{develscripts}
-Summary: Library scripts for amarok
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE3
-Requires: %{name}-scripts = %epoch:%{version}
-Requires: ruby
-Obsoletes: %{libname}-devel-scripts
-Provides: %{libname}-devel-scripts
-%description -n %{develscripts}
-This package includes devel for scripts for amarok.
-%files -n %{develscripts}
-%package engine-xine
-Summary: Amarok xine engine
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE3
-Provides: kde3-amarok-engine
-Requires: xine-lib
-Requires: xine-plugins
-Requires: %name = %epoch:%version-%release
-%description engine-xine
-This package includes xine engine for amarok.
-%files engine-xine
-%package engine-yauap
-Summary: Amarok yauap engine
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE3
-Requires: %name = %epoch:%version-%release
-Conflicts: %name < 1:1.4.8-1
-%description engine-yauap
-This package includes yauap engine for amarok.
-%files engine-yauap
-%package engine-void
-Summary: Amarok void engine
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE3
-Requires: %name = %epoch:%version-%release
-Conflicts: %name < 1:1.4.8-4
-%description engine-void
-This package includes void engine for amarok.
-%files engine-void
-%package -n %{libname}
-Summary: Amarok library
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE3
-Provides: %{libname_orig} = %epoch:%{version}-%{release}
-%description -n %{libname}
-Library for Amarok
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%post -n %{libname} -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%postun -n %{libname} -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%files -n %{libname}
-%package -n %{develname}
-Summary: Headers of %name for development
-Group: Development/C
-Requires: %{libname} = %epoch:%{version}
-Provides: %{name}-devel = %epoch:%{version}-%{release}
-Provides: amarok0-devel = %epoch:%{version}-%{release}
-# (Anssi 05/2008) Wrong package name:
-Conflicts: %{_lib}amarok-devel < 1:
-%description -n %{develname}
-Headers of %{name} for development.
-%files -n %{develname}
-%setup -q -n amarok-%version -a 1
-%patch0 -p1 -b .fix_amarok_initial_preference
-%patch1 -p0 -b .fix_amarok_default_config_file
-%patch3 -p1 -b .fix_add_multimedia_shortcut
-%patch6 -p1 -b .add_some_radios
-#%patch8 -p0
-#%patch9 -p1
-#%patch10 -p1
-%if %mdkversion >= 201000
-%patch11 -p1
-#%patch12 -p1
-%patch13 -p1
-%patch14 -p0
-%patch15 -p0
-PATH=%{qt3dir}/bin:%{_kde3_bindir}:$PATH; export PATH;
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/kde3/lib/
-export xdg_menudir=%_sysconfdir/xdg/kde/menus
-make -f admin/Makefile.common cvs
-export QTDIR=%qt3dir
-%configure_kde3 --docdir=%_kde3_docdir\
- --with-xine \
- --with-yauap \
- --without-included-sqlite \
- --with-libgpod \
- --without-helix \
- --without-xmms \
- --with-libmtp \
- --with-libkarma \
- --with-ifp \
-%if %build_mysql
- --enable-mysql \
-%if %build_postgresql
- --enable-postgresql \
-rm -rf %buildroot
-# install source1
-mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_kde3_appsdir}/amarok/scripts/lyrics_cn/dict
-pushd Lyrics_CN
-cp -a * %{buildroot}/%{_kde3_appsdir}/amarok/scripts/lyrics_cn
-find %{buildroot}/%{_kde3_appsdir}/amarok/scripts/lyrics_cn/ -type f | xargs chmod 0644
-chmod 0755 %{buildroot}/%{_kde3_appsdir}/amarok/scripts/lyrics_cn/Lyrics_CN
-#correct wrong script encoding file
-perl -pi -e 's/\015$//' %{buildroot}/%{_kde3_appsdir}/amarok/data/Cool-Streams.xml
-perl -pi -e 's/\015$//' %{buildroot}/%{_kde3_appsdir}/amarok/scripts/playlist2html/README
-perl -pi -e 's/\015$//' %{buildroot}/%{_kde3_appsdir}/amarok/scripts/webcontrol/README
-rm -rf %buildroot
-* Mon Jul 25 2011 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 3.5.12-1mvt2010.2
-+ Update to Trinity sources
-- Remove amarok-1.4.10-gcc44.patch, fix_autotools.patch, amarok-, amarok-
-+ Add kdebase-3.5.12-move-xdg-menu-dir.patch, kdebase-3.5.12-config.patch
-- Remove wikipedia-lookup.patch
-* Wed Jul 21 2010 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 1:1.4.10-5mvt2010.1
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.1
-+ change required version of libgpod to match MDV 2010.1 packages
-* Wed Dec 23 2009 Atilla ÖNTAŞ <[email protected]> 1:1.4.10-4mvt2010.0
-- Use upper release number to avoid unwanted KDE4 upgrade
-- Fix automake 1.11 and autoconf 2.65 build issues
-- Fix ifp build for compability autoconf changes
-- Change package group
-* Sun Dec 20 2009 Atilla ÖNTAŞ <[email protected]> 1:1.4.10-3mvt2010.0
-+ Last KDE3 verison
-+ Built for 2010.0 release
-+ Added gcc4 patch
-+ Fix wikipedia lookup patch
-+ Fix karma service built
-* Tue Sep 02 2008 Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]> 1:1.4.10-2mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 278767
-- Fix kjsembed and k3b-devel requires
-* Thu Aug 14 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.10-1mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 271697
-- New version 1.4.10
-* Fri Jul 18 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:
-+ Revision: 238331
-- add patch to build against libmtp 0.3.0
-* Thu Jul 03 2008 Adam Williamson <[email protected]> 1:
-+ Revision: 231371
-- drop exscalibar (build)requires: moodbar was rewritten not to need exscalibar
- in august 2006
- + Pixel <[email protected]>
- - rpm filetriggers deprecates update_menus/update_scrollkeeper/update_mime_database/update_icon_cache/update_desktop_database/post_install_gconf_schemas
-* Wed Jun 11 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:
-+ Revision: 218132
-- add patch to fix underlink
-- rebuild for new configure_kde3
- + Pixel <[email protected]>
- - do not call ldconfig in %%post/%%postun, it is now handled by filetriggers
-* Wed Jun 04 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:
-+ Revision: 214923
-- BR tcl
-- rebuild for new directfb
-* Tue May 20 2008 Anssi Hannula <[email protected]> 1:
-+ Revision: 209512
-- change the libamarok0-scripts obsoletes back to conflict to avoid
- multiple packages obsoleting the same one
-- do not require kde3-amarok in libamarok0 (avoids upgrading users
- getting both kde3-amarok and amarok)
- + Funda Wang <[email protected]>
- - libscripts should be obsoleted rather than conflicts
-* Tue May 13 2008 Anssi Hannula <[email protected]> 1:
-+ Revision: 206809
-- rename libamarok-devel to libamarok0-devel to avoid conflicts with
- main amarok package
-- drop libamarok0-scripts and move the contents to amarok-scripts
-* Mon May 12 2008 Anssi Hannula <[email protected]> 1:
-+ Revision: 206473
-- drop obsoletes that belong to amarok package
-- do not provide libamarok-devel, it conflicts with main amarok devel pkg
- + Funda Wang <[email protected]>
- - should be kde3-k3b
-* Fri May 09 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:
-+ Revision: 204803
-- New version of lyrics_cn plugin
-- New version
-* Fri May 09 2008 Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]> 1:1.4.8-11mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 204753
-- Return of kde3 amarok in new /opt path
-- We need old amarok for kde3
-* Sat Mar 08 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.8-8mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 182085
-- New license policy
-- fix lyrics_cn file permission
-* Tue Mar 04 2008 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1:1.4.8-7mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 179228
-- Add support for the new amazon web API
-- Remove condition for unsupported version
-* Thu Feb 28 2008 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1:1.4.8-6mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 176529
-- Add transkode as suggest as requested by colin
-* Thu Feb 21 2008 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1:1.4.8-5mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 173486
-- Only provide amarok-engine on working engines (Bug #37800)
-- Package void engine in its own package (Bug #37797)
-* Sun Feb 10 2008 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1:1.4.8-3mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 164737
-- [FEATURE] Enable mysql and postgresql support (Bug #36392)
- Add upstream patch to fix some pbs on the dynamic mode
-- Move yauap in its own engine package
-* Thu Dec 20 2007 Olivier Blin <[email protected]> 1:1.4.8-1mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 135819
-- restore BuildRoot
- + Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]>
- - New version 1.4.8
- + Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]>
- - kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request
-* Wed Nov 14 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.7-14mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 108663
-- rebuild for new libgpod
-* Wed Oct 31 2007 Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]> 1:1.4.7-12mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 104176
-- really rebuild for new libmtp
-* Sun Oct 28 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.7-11mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 102710
-- fix startup of lyrics_CN script
-* Sat Oct 27 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.7-10mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 102620
-- Rebuild for new libmtp
-- New version of Lyrics_CN plugin
-- suggests moodbar
- + Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]>
- - Add patch from upstream stable branch (patch 16)
- Add support for other engines and hardware (WIP)
-* Mon Sep 03 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.7-9mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 78441
-- New version of Lyrics_CN plugin
-* Fri Aug 31 2007 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1:1.4.7-8mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 76978
-- Add upstream patch: amarok freezes when trying to play mp3 files without mp3 support
-- Add upstream patch that fix a crash with mysql
-- Fix post/postun
-- Add new upstream patches from BRANCH
-* Mon Aug 27 2007 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]> 1:1.4.7-7mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 72238
-- Rebuild for locale dir fix
-* Sun Aug 26 2007 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1:1.4.7-6mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 71488
-- Add upstream patches from upcoming 1.4.8 release
-* Sat Aug 25 2007 Anssi Hannula <[email protected]> 1:1.4.7-5mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 71349
-- rebuild with new rpm-mandriva-setup for find_lang fixes
-* Fri Aug 24 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.7-4mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 70748
-- fix install of lyric_cn script
-- New version of Lyrics_CN
-* Sat Aug 18 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.7-3mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 65550
-- New devel policy for scripts-devel
-* Sat Aug 18 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.7-2mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 65423
-- New devel package policy
-* Thu Aug 16 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.7-1mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 64501
-- New verison 1.4.7
-* Fri Aug 10 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.6-5mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 61071
-- finally fix lyric_cn permission
-* Sun Aug 05 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.6-4mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 59036
-- Rebuild against latest libmtp
-* Wed Jun 27 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.6-3mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 44942
-- Rebuild against k3b 1.0.2
-- fix permission
-* Fri Jun 22 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.6-2mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 42938
-- Renew SOURCE1
- fix executive permission
-* Wed Jun 20 2007 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1:1.4.6-1mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 41932
-- Remove desktop-file-utils require as categories have been merged upstream
- + Funda Wang <[email protected]>
- - Kill patch21, merged upstream
- - kill patch 7, merged upstream
- - New upstream version
-* Wed Jun 13 2007 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <[email protected]> 1:1.4.5-15mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 38603
-- rebuild for expat
-* Fri Jun 01 2007 Herton Ronaldo Krzesinski <[email protected]> 1:1.4.5-14mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 34341
-- Rebuild with libslang2.
- + Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]>
- -Add only needed categories
-* Sat May 26 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.5-13mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 31411
-- Rebuild for directfb 1.0
- + Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]>
- - Add patch21 from upstream (rev: 667738 )
-* Wed May 09 2007 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1:1.4.5-12mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 25817
-- Rebuild
-- Fix breakage because of wrongly removed macros
- + Funda Wang <[email protected]>
- - install with correct permission
-* Sat May 05 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1:1.4.5-10mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 22912
-- Added lyrics_cn script for Chinese songs.
-* Mon Apr 16 2007 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1:1.4.5-9mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 13504
-- Bump release
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/k3b/iso-level-3.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/k3b/iso-level-3.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 81a83cc65..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/k3b/iso-level-3.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur k3b-1.0.4.orig/libk3b/projects/datacd/k3bisooptions.cpp k3b-1.0.4/libk3b/projects/datacd/k3bisooptions.cpp
---- k3b-1.0.4.orig/libk3b/projects/datacd/k3bisooptions.cpp 2007-11-02 11:55:40.000000000 +0200
-+++ k3b-1.0.4/libk3b/projects/datacd/k3bisooptions.cpp 2008-01-04 15:56:28.000000000 +0200
-@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
- m_doNotCacheInodes = true;
-- m_isoLevel = 2;
-+ m_isoLevel = 3;
- m_discardSymlinks = false;
- m_discardBrokenSymlinks = false;
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/k3b/kde3-k3b.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/k3b/kde3-k3b.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 449ddcc55..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/k3b/kde3-k3b.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-%define major 3
-%define libname %mklibname k3b %major
-%define oldlibname %mklibname k3b 2
-%define k3b_18n_version 1.0.5
-Name: kde3-k3b
-Summary: CD-Burner for KDE
-Version: 3.5.12
-Release: %mkrel 1
-License: GPL
-Group: Archiving/Cd burning
-Patch0: kde-3.5.10-acinclude.patch
-#Patch1: fix_autotools.patch
-#Patch2: new-ffmpeg.diff
-Patch3: iso-level-3.patch
-Patch4: verify-reload-fix.patch
-#Patch5: no-suid-warning.patch
-#Patch6: fix-k3bjobhandler_install.patch
-Patch7: kdebase-3.5.12-move-xdg-menu-dir.patch
-Patch8: kdebase-3.5.12-config.patch
-Provides: k3b = %version-%release
-Requires: cdrecord
-Requires: mkisofs
-Requires: cdrdao
-Requires: sox
-Requires: vcdimager
-Requires: normalize
-Requires: kdebase-progs
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
-BuildRequires: kde3-macros
-%if %mdkversion < 201000
-BuildRequires: autoconf <= 1:2.63
-BuildRequires: autoconf >= 1:2.65
-BuildRequires: automake >= 1.6.1
-BuildRequires: libcdda-devel
-BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel
-BuildRequires: jpeg-devel
-BuildRequires: png-devel
-BuildRequires: X11-devel
-BuildRequires: mad-devel
-BuildRequires: arts-devel
-BuildRequires: libart_lgpl-devel
-BuildRequires: fam-devel
-BuildRequires: audiofile-devel
-BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel
-BuildRequires: libvorbis-devel
-BuildRequires: nas-devel
-BuildRequires: libflac++-devel
-BuildRequires: libflac-devel
-BuildRequires: id3lib-devel
-BuildRequires: taglib-devel
-BuildRequires: musicbrainz-devel
-BuildRequires: ffmpeg-devel
-BuildRequires: libsndfile-devel
-BuildRequires: libmpcdec-devel
-BuildRequires: libsamplerate-devel
-BuildRequires: libdbus-qt-1-devel
-BuildRequires: GL-devel
-BuildRequires: hal-devel
-BuildRequires: libdvdread-devel
-BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
-Obsoletes: k3b < 1.95
-Requires: %libname = %version-%release
-K3b is CD-writing software which intends to be feature-rich and
-provide an easily usable interface. Features include burning
-audio CDs from .WAV and .MP3 audio files, configuring external
-programs and configuring devices.
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%files -f k3b.lang
-%defattr (-,root,root)
-%dir %_kde3_docdir/HTML/*/k3b
-%doc %_kde3_docdir/HTML/*/k3b/*
-%dir %_kde3_appsdir/k3b/
-%package -n %libname
-Group: System/Libraries
-Summary: Libraries for %name
-Provides: libk3b = %version-%release
-Conflicts: k3b <= 0.9-3mdk
-Obsoletes: %oldlibname
-Obsoletes: %mklibname k3b 3 < %version-%release
-Obsoletes: %mklibname kde3-k3b 3 < %version-%release
-%description -n %libname
-The libraries from %name package
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%post -n %libname -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%postun -n %libname -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%files -n %libname
-%package devel
-Group: Development/Other
-Summary: Libraries for %name
-Requires: %libname = %version-%release
-Provides: kde3-k3b-devel = %{version}-%{release}
-Obsoletes: %oldlibname-devel
-Obsoletes: %libname-devel
-Conflicts: k3b <= 0.9-3mdk
-%description devel
-Development libraries from %name
-%files devel
-%defattr (-,root,root)
-%setup -q -c -n k3b
-%setup -q -T -D -c -a 1 -n k3b
-cd %_builddir/k3b/k3b-%version
-%if %mdkversion >= 201000
-%patch0 -p1
-#%patch1 -p1
-#%patch2 -p1
-%patch3 -p1
-%patch4 -p1
-#%patch5 -p1
-#%patch6 -p1
-%patch7 -p0
-%patch8 -p0
-cd %_builddir/k3b/k3b-i18n-%{k3b_18n_version}
-%if %mdkversion >= 201000
-%patch0 -p1
-#%patch1 -p1
-cd %_builddir/k3b
-export QTDIR=%qt3dir
-PATH=%{qt3dir}/bin:%{_kde3_bindir}:$PATH; export PATH;
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/kde3/lib/
-cd %_builddir/k3b/k3b-%version
-make -f admin/Makefile.common
-%configure_kde3 \
- --without-cdrecord-suid-root \
- --with-k3bsetup=no
-cd -
-cd %_builddir/k3b/k3b-i18n-%{k3b_18n_version}
-make -f admin/Makefile.common
-CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} %optflags"
-CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} %optflags"
-# Necessary to regenerate po file !!!! Otherwise it's not generated
-make clean
-find -name *.gmo | xargs rm -f
-cd -
-rm -rf %buildroot
-mkdir -p %buildroot/%_kde3_datadir/applnk/Multimedia
-cd %_builddir/k3b/k3b-%{version}
-cd -
-cd %_builddir/k3b/k3b-i18n-%{k3b_18n_version}
-cd -
-install -d %buildroot/%_kde3_datadir/applications/kde/
-desktop-file-install --vendor='' \
- --dir %buildroot/%_kde3_datadir/applications/kde/ \
- --remove-key='Encoding' \
- --remove-category='Application' \
- --remove-category='AudioVideo' \
- --add-category='Utility' \
- %buildroot/%_kde3_datadir/applications/kde/k3b.desktop
-%find_lang k3b k3b k3bsetup libk3b libk3bdevice
-rm -rf %buildroot
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/k3b/verify-reload-fix.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/k3b/verify-reload-fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index acba642c5..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/k3b/verify-reload-fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur k3b-1.0.4/ChangeLog k3b-1.0.4-verification-always-reload/ChangeLog
---- k3b-1.0.4/ChangeLog 2007-11-02 10:55:57.000000000 +0100
-+++ k3b-1.0.4-verification-always-reload/ChangeLog 2007-12-07 19:33:18.000000000 +0100
-@@ -4,9 +4,6 @@
- * Unmount medium before DVD formatting
- * Silently (without introducing new strings for translation) allow the burning of files
- bigger than 4 GB with appropriate versions of genisoimage or mkisofs.
-- * Do only reload the medium before verification if necessary, i.e. if the newly written
-- track cannot be read otherwise (many old drives depend on this). Hopefully this will
-- at least work around the aweful "DMA disabled" bug for many users.
- 1.0.3
- =====
-diff -ur k3b-1.0.4/libk3b/jobs/k3bverificationjob.cpp k3b-1.0.4-verification-always-reload/libk3b/jobs/k3bverificationjob.cpp
---- k3b-1.0.4/libk3b/jobs/k3bverificationjob.cpp 2007-11-02 10:55:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ k3b-1.0.4-verification-always-reload/libk3b/jobs/k3bverificationjob.cpp 2007-07-21 21:53:53.000000000 +0200
-@@ -84,8 +84,6 @@
- K3bPipe pipe;
- bool readSuccessful;
-- bool mediumHasBeenReloaded;
- };
-@@ -151,13 +149,11 @@
- d->currentTrackIndex = 0;
- d->alreadyReadSectors = 0;
-- emit newTask( i18n("Checking medium") );
-+ // first we need to reload and mount the device
-+ emit newTask( i18n("Reloading the medium") );
-- d->mediumHasBeenReloaded = false;
-- connect( K3bDevice::sendCommand( K3bDevice::DeviceHandler::DISKINFO, d->device ),
-- SIGNAL(finished(K3bDevice::DeviceHandler*)),
-- this,
-- SLOT(slotDiskInfoReady(K3bDevice::DeviceHandler*)) );
-+ connect( K3bDevice::reload( d->device ), SIGNAL(finished(bool)),
-+ this, SLOT(slotMediaReloaded(bool)) );
- }
-@@ -165,7 +165,6 @@
- K3bDevice::MEDIA_WRITABLE );
-- d->mediumHasBeenReloaded = true;
- emit newTask( i18n("Checking medium") );
-@@ -191,6 +185,12 @@
- d->toc = dh->toc();
- d->totalSectors = 0;
-+ if ( d->toc.isEmpty() ) {
-+ emit infoMessage( i18n( "No tracks to verify found." ), ERROR );
-+ jobFinished( false );
-+ return;
-+ }
- // just to be sure check if we actually have all the tracks
- int i = 0;
- for( QValueList<K3bVerificationJobTrackEntry>::iterator it = d->tracks.begin();
-@@ -201,21 +201,9 @@
- (*it).trackNumber = d->toc.count();
- if( (int)d->toc.count() < (*it).trackNumber ) {
-- if ( d->mediumHasBeenReloaded ) {
-- emit infoMessage( i18n("Internal Error: Verification job improperly initialized (%1)")
-- .arg( "Specified track number not found on medium" ), ERROR );
-- jobFinished( false );
-- return;
-- }
-- else {
-- // many drives need to reload the medium to return to a proper state
-- emit newTask( i18n("Reloading the medium") );
-- connect( K3bDevice::reload( d->device ),
-- SIGNAL(finished(bool)),
-- this,
-- SLOT(slotMediaReloaded(bool)) );
-- return;
-- }
-+ emit infoMessage( i18n("Internal Error: Verification job improperly initialized"), ERROR );
-+ jobFinished( false );
-+ return;
- }
- d->totalSectors += trackLength( i );
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kaffine/kde3-kaffeine.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kaffine/kde3-kaffeine.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index efc7e9a98..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kaffine/kde3-kaffeine.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-%define name kde3-kaffeine
-%define oname kaffeine
-%define version 3.5.12
-%define pre rc2
-%define release %mkrel 1
-%define xineversion
-%define fversion %version
-%define _kde3_liconsdir %_kde3_iconsdir/large
-%define _kde3_miconsdir %_kde3_iconsdir/mini
-%define reallibname %mklibname %{oname} %{major}
-Name: %{name}
-Version: %{version}
-Release: %{release}
-Summary: A Xine-based Media Player for KDE3
-License: GPL
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE3
-#Patch0: kaffeine_configure.patch
-#Patch1: kaffeine_dvb.diff
-#Patch2: kaffeine-link.diff
-#Patch3: kaffeine-0.8.8-fix_autotools.patch
-Patch4: kdebase-3.5.12-move-xdg-menu-dir.patch
-Patch5: kdebase-3.5.12-config.patch
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
-BuildRequires: kde3-macros
-BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel
-BuildRequires: libxine-devel >= %xineversion
-BuildRequires: libgstreamer-plugins-base-devel >= 0.10
-BuildRequires: libcdda-devel
-BuildRequires: %{_lib}xorg-x11-devel
-BuildRequires: libcdio-devel
-%if %mdkversion < 201000
-BuildRequires: autoconf <= 2.63
-BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.65
-BuildRequires: automake >= 1.6
-Requires: xine-plugins >= %xineversion
-Requires: kdelibs => 3.5.10
-Obsoletes: reallibname < 0.8.8
-Obsoletes: kaffeine < 0.8.8
-Provides: kaffeine = %version-%release
-Kaffeine is a Xine-based Media Player for QT/KDE3.
-%package devel
-Group: Development/KDE and Qt
-Summary: Kaffeine kpart library headers
-Requires: %name = %version-%release
-Provides: kaffeine-devel = %version-%release
-Obsoletes: libkaffeine0-devel
-%description devel
-Kaffeine is a Xine-based Media Player for QT/KDE3. This is a kpart
-library of Kaffeine.
-%setup -q -n %oname-%fversion
-#%if %mdkversion >= 201000
-#%patch3 -p1
-%patch4 -p0
-%patch5 -p0
-make -f admin/Makefile.common cvs
-export QTDIR=%qt3dir
-export QTLIB=%qt3lib
-PATH=%{qt3dir}/bin:%{_kde3_bindir}:$PATH; export PATH;
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/kde3/lib/
-export xdg_menudir=%_sysconfdir/xdg/kde/menus
-make -f admin/Makefile.common cvs
-%configure_kde3 --disable-final --without-lame
-rm -rf %{buildroot}
-# (nl) this have been commited upstream, so remove desktop-file-install for next version
-desktop-file-install --vendor='' \
- --dir=%buildroot%_kde3_datadir/applications/kde \
- --remove-key='Encoding' \
- --remove-category='Application' \
- %buildroot%_kde3_datadir/applications/kde/*.desktop
-#mdk icons
-install -D -m 644 %{buildroot}%_kde3_iconsdir/hicolor/48x48/apps/%{oname}.png %{buildroot}%_kde3_liconsdir/%{oname}.png
-install -D -m 644 %{buildroot}%_kde3_iconsdir/hicolor/32x32/apps/%{oname}.png %{buildroot}%_kde3_iconsdir/%{oname}.png
-install -D -m 644 %{buildroot}%_kde3_iconsdir/hicolor/16x16/apps/%{oname}.png %{buildroot}%_kde3_miconsdir/%{oname}.png
-rm -f %buildroot%_kde3_datadir/mimelnk/application/x-mplayer2.desktop
-#rename language files as
-#otherwise we can't use translations on Mandy.(# Atilla ÖNTAŞ)
-for i in $(find %buildroot%_kde3_datadir/locale -name "*"); do j=$(echo $i | sed 's/'); mv "$i" "$j"; done
-rm -rf %{buildroot}
-%doc %_kde3_datadir/doc/HTML/en/kaffeine/
-%files devel
-%package engine-gstreamer
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE3
-Summary: GStreamer engine for kaffeine
-Requires: %{name}
-Requires: gstreamer0.10-plugins-base >= 0.10
-Requires: gstreamer0.10-plugins-good
-Provides: kaffeine-engine-gstreamer
-Obsoletes:kaffeine-engine-gstreamer < 0.8.8
-%description engine-gstreamer
-Summary: gstreamer engine for kaffeine
-%files engine-gstreamer
-%define major 0
-%define libname %mklibname %{name} %{major}
-%define reallibname %mklibname %{oname} %{major}
-%package -n %libname
-Group: System/Libraries
-Summary: Kaffeine kpart library
-Obsoletes: %{reallibname} < 0.8.8
-Provides: %{reallibname}
-%description -n %libname
-Kaffeine is a Xine-based Media Player for QT/KDE3. This is a kpart
-library of Kaffeine.
-%files -n %libname
-%package engine-xine
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE3
-Requires: xine-plugins
-Summary: Xine engine for kaffeine
-BuildRequires: gstreamer0.10-devel
-BuildRequires: libgstreamer0.10-plugins-base-devel
-BuildRequires: libxine-devel
-Requires: %{name}
-Provides: kaffeine-engine-xine
-Obsoletes:kaffeine-engine-xine < 0.8.8
-%description engine-xine
-Summary: Xine engine for kaffeine
-%files engine-xine
-* Mon Jul 25 2011 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 3.5.12-1mvf2011.2
-+ Update to Trinity 3.5.12 sources
-- Remove kaffeine-0.8.8-fix_autotools.patch, kaffeine_configure.patch, kaffeine-link.diff
-+ Add kdebase-3.5.12-move-xdg-menu-dir.patch, kdebase-3.5.12-config.patch
-* Sat Apr 08 2010 Atilla ÖNTAŞ <[email protected]> 0.8.8-3mvt2010.1
-- fix buildrequires
-- rebuild for 2010.1
-* Tue Feb 09 2010 Atilla ÖNTAŞ <[email protected]> 0.8.8-2mvt2010.0
-- Fix built with autoconf 2.65 and automake 1.11
-- Change package group
-* Sat Nov 21 2009 Atilla ÖNTAŞ <[email protected]> 0.8.8-1mvt2010.0
-- Build KDE3 package for Mandriva
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kbudget/kbudget-0.6-stdio.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kbudget/kbudget-0.6-stdio.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3da01d31d..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kbudget/kbudget-0.6-stdio.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---- kbudget/kbudget.cpp.orig 2009-03-25 18:31:24.000000000 +0100
-+++ kbudget/kbudget.cpp 2009-03-25 18:34:08.000000000 +0100
-@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
- ***************************************************************************/
- #include <config.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
- // include files for QT
- #include <qdir.h>
- #include <qprinter.h>
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kbudget/kbudget.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kbudget/kbudget.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ee2eec42..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kbudget/kbudget.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-Summary: Budgeting and personal finance program for KDE
-Name: kbudget
-Version: 0.6
-Release: %mkrel 13
-License: GPL
-Group: Office
-Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot
-BuildRequires: kdelibs3-devel
-Patch0: kbudget-0.6-stdio.patch
-KBudget is a budgeting and personal finance program for KDE.
-It requires KDE 3 and is currently in early development.
-%setup -q
-%patch0 -p0
-#make -f admin/Makefile.common cvs
-export QTDIR=%_prefix/%_lib/qt3
-export KDEDIR=%_prefix
-export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH
-# Search for qt/kde libraries in the right directories (avoid patch)
-# NOTE: please don't regenerate configure scripts below
-perl -pi -e "s@/lib(\"|\b[^/])@/%_lib\1@g if /(kde|qt)_(libdirs|libraries)=/" configure
-rm -rf %{buildroot}
-#make prefix=%{buildroot}%{_prefix} install
-%find_lang kbudget
-%{__cp} %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/crystalsvg/22x22/apps/%{name}.png %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/%{name}.png
-mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_miconsdir}
-%{__cp} %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/crystalsvg/16x16/apps/%{name}.png %{buildroot}%{_miconsdir}/%{name}.png
-mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_liconsdir}
-%{__cp} %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/crystalsvg/48x48/apps/%{name}.png %{buildroot}%{_liconsdir}/%{name}.png
-install -m 755 -d %buildroot%{_menudir}
-rm -rf %{buildroot}
-%if %mdkversion > 200600
-%update_icon_cache crystalsvg
-%if %mdkversion > 200600
-%clean_icon_cache crystalsvg
-%files -f kbudget.lang
-%defattr(-, root, root, 0755)
-# copy regular icons to %_icondir
-%dir %_datadir/apps/%{name}
-# other html doc
-%dir %_defaultdocdir/HTML/en/kbudget
-* Wed Jul 21 2011 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 0.6-13mdv2010.2
-+ Rebuild against Trinity 3.5.12
-* Wed Jul 21 2010 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 0.6-12mdv2010.1
-+ MDV 2010.1 rebuild
-* Tue Nov 17 2009 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 0.6-11mdv2010.0
-+ MDV 2010.0 rebuild
-* Wed Mar 25 2009 Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]> 0.6-10mdv2009.1
-+ Revision: 361079
-- Bump to rebuild against cooker
- + Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]>
- - rebuild
-* Tue Feb 19 2008 Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]> 0.6-7mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 172392
-- fix update-menus-without-menu-file-in-%%post(|un)
-- is no more
-- rebuild
-- fix "foobar is blabla" summary (=> "blabla") so that it looks nice in rpmdrake
-- kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request
-- import kbudget
- + Olivier Blin <[email protected]>
- - restore BuildRoot
-* Mon Jun 26 2006 Nicolas L�cureuil <[email protected]> 0.6-6mdv2007.0
-- Use new menu
-- Register icons
-* Fri Dec 23 2005 Nicolas L�cureuil <[email protected]> 0.6-5mdk
-- Fix Build
-- use mkrel
-- BuildRequires : kdelibs-devel
-* Fri May 06 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.6-4mdk
-- Fix build on x86_64
-* Mon Jun 14 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.6-3mdk
-- Rebuils
-* Tue Feb 24 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.6-2mdk
-- Fix distlint
-* Wed Dec 31 2003 Lenny Cartier <[email protected]> 0.6-1mdk
-- 0.6
-* Sun Oct 15 2003 Nicolas CHIPAUX <[email protected]> 0.5-2mdk
-- libdir fix
-* Sun Sep 23 2003 Nicolas CHIPAUX <[email protected]> 0.5-1mdk
-- Initial release
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kdebluetooth/kde3-kdebluetooth.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kdebluetooth/kde3-kdebluetooth.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 225779767..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kdebluetooth/kde3-kdebluetooth.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-%define oname kdebluetooth
-%define _requires_exceptions devel\(libbluetooth\)\||devel\(libGLcore\)\||devel\(libGL\)
-%define _disable_ld_no_undefined 1
-%define major 0
-%define libname %mklibname %name %major
-%define liboldname %mklibname %oname %major
-%define develname %mklibname %name -d
-%define develoldname %mklibname %oname -d
-%define svn_rev svn697456
-%define beta beta8
-Name: kde3-%{oname}
-Summary: Access and control bluetooth devices in KDE
-Version: 1.0
-Epoch: 1
-Release: %mkrel -c %beta 14
-Source: %{oname}-%{version}_%beta.tar.bz2
-Patch0: kdebluetooth-1.0_beta8-compile.patch
-License: GPL
-Group: System/Configuration/Hardware
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot
-BuildRequires: pkgconfig
-BuildRequires: arts-devel
-BuildRequires: qt3-devel >= 3.3.6-15mdv2007.0
-BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel
-BuildRequires: dbus-devel
-BuildRequires: libdbus-qt-1-devel
-BuildRequires: hal-devel
-BuildRequires: openobex-devel >= 1.2
-BuildRequires: kdepim-devel
-BuildRequires: bluez-devel
-BuildRequires: bluez-sdp-devel
-BuildRequires: libxml2-utils
-BuildRequires: obexftp-devel
-BuildConflicts: xmms-devel
-Requires: bluez-utils
-Requires: bluez-sdp
-Provides: bluez-pin
-Obsoletes: kdebluetooth-pin
-Provides: %{oname} = %epoch:%version-%release
-Obsoletes: %{oname}
-The aim of this project is a tight and easy to use integration of Bluetooth
-into the KDE desktop. You can manage your local Bluetooth devices and services
-with it, browse your Bluetooth neighbourhood with konqueror and send and
-receive files with just a few clicks. And that's not all you can do with it...
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%files -f %oname.lang
-%dir %{_kde3_datadir}/mimelnk/bluetooth/
-%dir %{_kde3_datadir}/desktop-directories
-%package -n %develname
-%define _requires_exceptions devel\(libbluetooth\)
-Group: Development/KDE and Qt
-Summary: Development for KDE Bluetooth
-Requires: %libname = %epoch:%version-%release
-Provides: kdebluetooth-devel = %epoch:%{version}-%{release}
-Obsoletes: %libname-devel
-Provides: %{develoldname} = %epoch:%version-%release
-Obsoletes: %{develoldname}
-%description -n %develname
-The aim of this project is a tight and easy to use integration of Bluetooth
-into the KDE desktop. You can manage your local Bluetooth devices and services
-with it, browse your Bluetooth neighbourhood with konqueror and send and
-receive files with just a few clicks. And that's not all you can do with it...
-%files -n %develname
-%package -n %libname
-Group: System/Configuration/Hardware
-Summary: Development for KDE Bluetooth
-Provides: %{liboldname} = %epoch:%version-%release
-Obsoletes: %{liboldname}
-%description -n %libname
-The aim of this project is a tight and easy to use integration of Bluetooth
-into the KDE desktop. You can manage your local Bluetooth devices and services
-with it, browse your Bluetooth neighbourhood with konqueror and send and
-receive files with just a few clicks. And that's not all you can do with it...
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%post -n %libname -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%postun -n %libname -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%files -n %libname
-%setup -q -n %{oname}-%{version}_%beta
-%patch0 -p0
-%configure_kde3 \
- --without-xmms
-rm -rf %buildroot
-%find_lang %{oname} --with-html
-rm -rf %buildroot
-* Fri Jul 22 2011 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta8.14mvt2010.2
-+ Rebuild for Trinity
-* Mon Jul 19 2010 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta8.13mvt2010.1
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.1
-* Tue Jan 19 2010 Atilla ÖNTAŞ <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta8.12mvt2010.0
-- Rebuild for 2010.0
-- Change package name to avoid KDE4 upgrade
-* Mon Nov 16 2009 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta8.11mdv2010.0
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.0
-* Wed Mar 25 2009 Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta8.10mdv2009.1
-+ Revision: 361207
-- Bump release, fix build to recompile
- + Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]>
- - rebuild early 2009.0 package (before pixel changes)
- + Pixel <[email protected]>
- - rpm filetriggers deprecates update_menus/update_scrollkeeper/update_mime_database/update_icon_cache/update_desktop_database/post_install_gconf_schemas
- - do not call ldconfig in %%post/%%postun, it is now handled by filetriggers
-* Thu May 08 2008 Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta8.8mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 204662
-- Move to /opt
-* Sun Feb 24 2008 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta8.8mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 174146
-- Rebuild
-* Thu Feb 07 2008 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta8.7mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 163348
-- Rebuild
- + Olivier Blin <[email protected]>
- - restore BuildRoot
-* Mon Dec 31 2007 Oden Eriksson <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta8.6mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 139863
-- rebuilt against openldap-2.4.7 libs
- + Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]>
- - kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request
-* Thu Sep 20 2007 Anssi Hannula <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta8.5mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 91632
-- remove broken workaround for bug that prevented
- installation, the bug is properly fixed in rpm-mandriva-setup-build 1.60
- + Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]>
- - update to version 1.0_beta8:
- * back to kbluetoothd kio_obex module (Novell #310145)
- * added wrapper classes for new obex-data-server
- * fixed config file to fix wrong autostart settings
-* Tue Sep 18 2007 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta7.3mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 89735
-- upload again because of HD failure
-* Mon Sep 17 2007 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta7.2mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 89249
-- Fix File list
-- Fix File list
-- Use new tarball fixing some bugs
-* Mon Sep 03 2007 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta7.1mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 78718
-- Fix file list
-- New upstream beta => beta7
-* Wed Aug 08 2007 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta5.1mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 60183
-- New release 1.0 Beta5
-* Thu Aug 02 2007 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta3.4mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 58254
-- Rebuild against latest bluez-utils to fix a crash in the passkey agent
-* Wed Jun 20 2007 Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]> 1:1.0-0.beta3.3mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 41730
-- Missig build requires
-- New devel library policy
-- Added new kdebluetooth branch based on standard dbus calls.
- + Funda Wang <[email protected]>
- - Remove unwanted obsoletes
- + Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]>
- - Obsoletes bluez-pin as it is gone
- - New version Beta3
- - Fix Group
-* Mon May 21 2007 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1.0-1.beta2.13mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 29096
-- Add BuildRequire
-- Fix File list
-- Remove old menu entries
-- Add menu macros needed for non XDG-Compliant WM
-- Rebuild
-* Sat Mar 31 2007 Laurent Montel <[email protected]> 1.0-1.beta2.12mdv2007.1
-+ Revision: 150049
-- fix menu
-* Thu Feb 22 2007 Olivier Blin <[email protected]> 1.0-1.beta2.11mdv2007.1
-+ Revision: 124768
-- try current user before relying on the "who" command (#28448)
-* Mon Feb 05 2007 Laurent Montel <[email protected]> 1.0-1.beta2.10mdv2007.1
-+ Revision: 116277
-- Use kwrite by default into template
-* Wed Jan 17 2007 Laurent Montel <[email protected]> 1.0-1.beta2.9mdv2007.1
-+ Revision: 109783
-- I don't understand... a beta2 called beta1...
-- Fix message
-- Fix crash
-- Add missing menu
- + Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]>
- - New upstream version ( 1.0 beta2 )
- + Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]>
- - added a patch fixing directory mimetype when using ObexFTP
- - cosmetic changes on spec file
-* Wed Sep 13 2006 Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]> 1.0-0.beta1.8mdv2007.0
-+ Revision: 61111
-- Added new revision with obex 1.2 compliance ( fix openobex detection and
- compilation )
-- Adde kdebluetooth-pin package ( for pin_helper )
-- Pin helper separated to make easy access to backward auth patch on bluez-utils
-- BuildConflicts on xmms-devel
-- Fixed kdebluetooth pin alternatives
-- import kdebluetooth-1.0-0.beta1.5mdv2007.0
-* Wed May 25 2005 Nicolas L�cureuil <[email protected]> 1.0-0.beta1.2mdk
-- Drop Patch 0, 1, 2, 3 ( Merged Upstream )
-- Fix files permissions
-- Fix doc section
-* Wed May 25 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 1.0-0.beta1.1
-- 1.0beta1
-* Wed Mar 09 2005 Buchan Milne <[email protected]> 0.0.cvs20041202-5mdk
-- amarok support for kbemusedsrv (P1 from cvs)
-- fix build with recent bluez libs (P2 from CVS)
-* Tue Dec 28 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.0.cvs20041202-4mdk
-- Fix install script bug found by Arnaud
-* Tue Dec 21 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.0.cvs20041202-3mdk
-- Fix obsolete
-* Tue Dec 21 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.0.cvs20041202-2mdk
-- Fix requires
-* Thu Dec 02 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.0.cvs20041202-1mdk
-- Update code from CVS
-* Thu Dec 02 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.0.cvs20040914-3mdk
-- Fix spec file
-* Tue Oct 19 2004 Gwenole Beauchesne <[email protected]> 0.0.cvs20040914-2mdk
-- fix build
-* Wed Sep 15 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.0.cvs20040914-1mdk
-- cvs 20040914
-* Tue Aug 17 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.0.cvs20040718-3mdk
-- Rebuild with new menu
-* Fri Jul 23 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.0.cvs20040718-2mdk
-- Fix tarball (add admin directory into package)
-* Mon Jul 19 2004 Austin Acton <[email protected]> 0.0.cvs20040718-1mdk
-- cvs 20040718
-- configure 2.5
-- disable-rpath
-* Sat Jun 19 2004 Austin Acton <[email protected]> 0.0.cvs20040618-1mdk
-- cvs 20040618
-* Tue Jun 15 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.0.cvs20040302-5mdk
-- Rebuild
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kdebluetooth/kdebluetooth-1.0_beta8-compile.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kdebluetooth/kdebluetooth-1.0_beta8-compile.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 119d815bd..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kdebluetooth/kdebluetooth-1.0_beta8-compile.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- kdebluetooth/kcm_btpaired/pairedtab.h.orig 2009-03-25 22:45:39.000000000 +0100
-+++ kdebluetooth/kcm_btpaired/pairedtab.h 2009-03-25 22:46:23.000000000 +0100
-@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
- #include <qstringlist.h>
- #include <qdatetime.h>
- #include <vector>
-+#include <stdint.h>
- #include "exportdialog.h"
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/cpu.png b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/cpu.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 646db5253..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/cpu.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/kde3-kio-sysinfo.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/kde3-kio-sysinfo.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 44cd185ca..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/kde3-kio-sysinfo.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-%define oname kio-sysinfo
-Name: kde3-%oname
-Version: 1.8.2
-Release: %mkrel 14
-Summary: KIO Slave sysinfo:/
-License: LGPL
-Group: System/Libraries
-# Source1: 48x48/apps/kcmprocessor.png
-Source1: cpu.png
-# Source2: 48x48/devices/system.png
-Source2: sysinfo.png
-Patch0: kio-sysinfo-1.8.2-suse-10.3.patch
-Patch1: kio-sysinfo-1.8.2-uz-translation.patch
-Patch2: kio-sysinfo-1.8.2-gcc4.patch
-Patch3: kde-3.5.10-acinclude.patch
-Patch4: fix_autotools.patch
-BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel
-BuildRequires: hal-devel
-BuildRequires: dbus-devel
-BuildRequires: libhd-devel
-%if %mdkversion < 201000
-BuildRequires: autoconf <= 1:2.63
-BuildRequires: autoconf >= 1:2.65
-BuildRequires: automake >= 1.6.1
-BuildRequires: kde3-macros
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}
-Obsoletes: sysinfo < 1.8.2-4
-KIO Slave sysinfo:/. It shows various information about your pc,
-like cpu, ram. kernel version, exc. It also shows the removable
-devices and partition (total space/available space) and you can open,
-mount and unmount it from this KIO slave.
-%files -f kio_sysinfo.lang
-%setup -q -n %{oname}-%{version}
-%patch0 -p1
-%patch1 -p1
-%patch2 -p1
-%if %mdkversion >= 201000
-%patch3 -p1
-%patch4 -p1
-%__cp -f %SOURCE1 about/images/cpu.png
-%__cp -f %SOURCE2 about/images/sysinfo.png
-make -f admin/Makefile.common
-%configure_kde3 \
- --with-qt-dir=%{qt3dir} \
- --with-qt-includes=%{qt3include} \
- --with-qt-libraries=%{qt3lib}
-rm -rf %buildroot
-%{find_lang} kio_sysinfo
-rm -rf %{buildroot}
-* Thu Jul 14 2011 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 1.8.2-14mvt2010.2
-+ rebuild for trinity KDE
-* Mon Jul 19 2010 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 1.8.2-13mvt2010
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.1
-* Sun Feb 07 2010 Atilla ÖNTAŞ <[email protected]> 1.8.2-12mvt2010
-+ Fix built with autoconf 2.65 and asutmoake 1.11
-* Fri Nov 13 2009 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 1.8.2-11mdv2010.0
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.0
-* Tue Jun 24 2008 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1.8.2-10mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 228752
-- Fix specfile name
-- Fix with new name
-* Sun Jun 08 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1.8.2-10mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 216987
-- rebuild for new major of hwinfo
-* Thu May 08 2008 Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]> 1.8.2-9mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 204707
-- Move to /opt
-* Tue Apr 01 2008 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1.8.2-8mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 191468
-- Use neutral icon again
-* Wed Mar 26 2008 Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]> 1.8.2-7mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 190353
-- Fix for bug - Proper dbus/hal device handling
-* Thu Jan 03 2008 Oden Eriksson <[email protected]> 1.8.2-6mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 141781
-- rebuilt against openldap-2.4.7 libs
- + Olivier Blin <[email protected]>
- - restore BuildRoot
- + Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]>
- - kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request
-* Sun Oct 21 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1.8.2-5mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 100829
-- Updated patch0 from bug#32822
-* Fri Oct 12 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1.8.2-4mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 97268
-- Rename to kio-sysinfo as sysinfo is too confusing
-* Thu Sep 27 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1.8.2-3mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 93343
-- really fix bug#32031
-* Tue Aug 28 2007 Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]> 1.8.2-2mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 72846
-- Fix mimelnk placement
-* Tue Aug 21 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1.8.2-1mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 68729
-- New version 1.8.2
- + Eskild Hustvedt <[email protected]>
- - Fixed description
-* Sat Aug 04 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1.8.1-1mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 58918
-- Rediff uz patch
- + Tomasz Pawel Gajc <[email protected]>
- - new version
- - bzip2 sources
-* Wed Jul 25 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1.8-2mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 55432
-- Add uz translation to fix mdvbug#32031
-* Tue Jul 24 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 1.8-1mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 55039
-- New version
-- uz translation has been merged upstream
-- do not use autotools for kde packages
-- use aclocal
-- BR libhd
-- Replace images with icons here:
-- New verison
-- rediff patch
- + Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]>
- - New patch for Uzbek translations (thanks to Mashrab Kuvatov)
- - [FEATURE] Add Uzbek translations ( thanks to Mashrab Kuvatov) (bug report #32031)
-* Thu Jun 07 2007 Anssi Hannula <[email protected]> 1.3-4mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 36204
-- rebuild with correct optflags
- + Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]>
- -Patch0: Make Sysinfo:/ display Mandriva Linux on System: instead of nothing
-* Mon Jun 04 2007 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 1.3-2mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 35108
-- Fix File List
-- Import sysinfo
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/kio-sysinfo-1.8.2-gcc4.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/kio-sysinfo-1.8.2-gcc4.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7854d751b..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/kio-sysinfo-1.8.2-gcc4.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/src/sysinfo.cpp.orig 2009-11-13 15:20:27.000000000 +0000
-+++ kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/src/sysinfo.cpp 2009-11-13 15:24:53.000000000 +0000
-@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
- static unsigned long int scan_one( const char* buff, const char *key )
- {
-- char *b = strstr( buff, key );
-+ const char *b = strstr( buff, key );
- if ( !b )
- return 0;
- unsigned long int val = 0;
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/kio-sysinfo-1.8.2-suse-10.3.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/kio-sysinfo-1.8.2-suse-10.3.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 14aaa9fde..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/kio-sysinfo-1.8.2-suse-10.3.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,769 +0,0 @@
-diff -u -r kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/src/ksysinfopart.cpp kio-sysinfo-10.3/src/ksysinfopart.cpp
---- kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/src/ksysinfopart.cpp 2006-05-20 14:21:16.000000000 -0300
-+++ kio-sysinfo-10.3/src/ksysinfopart.cpp 2007-08-14 13:09:50.000000000 -0300
-@@ -84,6 +84,10 @@
- rescanTimer=new QTimer(this);
- connect(rescanTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(rescan()));
- rescanTimer->start(20000, true);
-+ setJScriptEnabled(false);
-+ setJavaEnabled(false);
-+ setPluginsEnabled(false);
-+ setMetaRefreshEnabled(false);
- connectDCOPSignal("kded", "networkstatus", "statusChange(QString,int)", "rescan()", false);
- installEventFilter( this );
-Somente em kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/src: Makefile
-diff -u -r kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/src/ kio-sysinfo-10.3/src/
---- kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/src/ 2006-05-20 14:21:16.000000000 -0300
-+++ kio-sysinfo-10.3/src/ 2007-08-14 13:07:17.000000000 -0300
-@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
- INCLUDES = $(all_includes) `pkg-config --cflags hal`
- kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
- kio_sysinfo_la_SOURCES = sysinfo.cpp
--kio_sysinfo_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KIO) -lGL
-+kio_sysinfo_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KIO) -lhd -lGL
- kio_sysinfo_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version $(all_libraries) $(KDE_PLUGIN) $$(pkg-config --libs hal)
- kde_services_DATA = sysinfo.protocol ksysinfopart.desktop
-@@ -15,13 +16,11 @@
- xdg_apps_DATA = kfmclient_sysinfo.desktop
--COMMAND=$(XGETTEXT) --foreign-user -C -ci18n -ki18n -ktr2i18n -kI18N_NOOP -kI18N_NOOP2 -kaliasLocale
- messages:
-- $(COMMAND) *.cpp -o $(podir)/kio_sysinfo.pot
-+ $(XGETTEXT) *.cpp -o $(podir)/kio_sysinfo.pot
- apps_DATA = x-sysinfo.desktop
--appsdir = $(kde_mimedir)/applications
-+appsdir = $(kde_mimedir)/application
-Somente em kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/src:
-diff -u -r kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/src/sysinfo.cpp kio-sysinfo-10.3/src/sysinfo.cpp
---- kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/src/sysinfo.cpp 2007-08-21 08:12:15.000000000 -0300
-+++ kio-sysinfo-10.3/src/sysinfo.cpp 2007-09-21 13:41:53.000000000 -0300
-@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
- #include <qfile.h>
- #include <qdir.h>
--#include <qregexp.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
-@@ -56,22 +55,22 @@
- #include <kglobalsettings.h>
- #include <ktempfile.h>
- #include "sysinfo.h"
- using namespace KIO;
- #define BR "<br>"
--static QString formattedUnit( unsigned long long value, int post=1 )
-+static QString formattedUnit( Q_UINT64 value, int post=1 )
- {
-- if (value > (1024 * 1024))
-- if (value > (1024 * 1024 * 1024))
-- return i18n("%1 GB").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(value / (1024 * 1024 * (post == 0 ? 1024 : 1024.0)), post));
-+ if (value >= (1024 * 1024))
-+ if (value >= (1024 * 1024 * 1024))
-+ return i18n("%1 GB").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(value / (1024 * 1024 * 1024.0),
-+ post));
- else
-- return i18n("%1 MB").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(value / (1024 * (post == 0 ? 1024 : 1024.0)), post));
-+ return i18n("%1 MB").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(value / (1024 * 1024.0), post));
- else
-- return i18n("%1 KB").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(value / (post == 0 ? 1024 : 1024.0), post));
-+ return i18n("%1 KB").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(value / 1024.0, post));
- }
- static QString htmlQuote(const QString& _s)
-@@ -124,46 +123,39 @@
- void kio_sysinfoProtocol::get( const KURL & /*url*/ )
- {
-- FILE *fp; //this pointer is used to open file
- mimeType( "application/x-sysinfo" );
-+ // CPU info
-+ infoMessage( i18n( "Looking for CPU information..." ) );
-+ cpuInfo();
- // header
- QString location = locate( "data", "sysinfo/about/my-computer.html" );
- QFile f( location );
- IO_ReadOnly );
- QTextStream t( &f );
-- infoMessage(i18n("Looking for hardware information..."));
- QString content =;
-- content = content.arg( i18n( "My Computer" ) ); // <title>
-- content = content.arg( "file:" + locate( "data", "sysinfo/about/style.css" ) );
-- content = content.arg( i18n( "My Computer" ) ); // <h1>
-- content = content.arg( i18n( "Folders, Harddisks, Removable Devices, System Information and more..." ) ); // catchphrase
-+ content = content.arg( i18n( "My Computer" ),
-+ htmlQuote("file:" + locate( "data", "sysinfo/about/style.css" )),
-+ i18n( "My Computer"),
-+ i18n( "Folders, Harddisks, Removable Devices, System Information and more..." ));
- QString sysInfo = "<div id=\"column2\">"; // table with 2 cols
- QString dummy;
- // disk info
-- sysInfo += "<h2 id=\"hdds\">" + i18n( "Disks Information" ) + "</h2>";
-+ infoMessage( i18n( "Looking for disk information..." ) );
-+ sysInfo += "<h2 id=\"hdds\">" + i18n( "Disk Information" ) + "</h2>";
- sysInfo += diskInfo();
- osInfo();
- sysInfo += "<h2 id=\"sysinfo\">" +i18n( "OS Information" ) + "</h2>";
- sysInfo += "<table>";
-- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "OS:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[OS_SYSNAME] + " " + m_info[OS_RELEASE] + " " + m_info[OS_MACHINE] + "</td></tr>";
-- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Current user:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[OS_USER] + "@" + m_info[OS_HOSTNAME] + "</td></tr>";
-- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "System:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[OS_SYSTEM] + "</td></tr>";
-- if((fp =fopen ("/etc/lsb-release", "r"))!=NULL) {
-- fclose(fp);
-- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Version:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[OS_VERSION] + "</td></tr>";
-- }
-+ sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "OS:" ) + "</td><td>" + htmlQuote(m_info[OS_SYSNAME]) + " " +
-+ htmlQuote(m_info[OS_RELEASE]) + " " + htmlQuote(m_info[OS_MACHINE]) + "</td></tr>";
-+ sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Current user:" ) + "</td><td>" + htmlQuote(m_info[OS_USER]) + "@"
-+ + htmlQuote(m_info[OS_HOSTNAME]) + "</td></tr>";
-+ sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "System:" ) + "</td><td>" + htmlQuote(m_info[OS_SYSTEM]) + "</td></tr>";
- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "KDE:" ) + "</td><td>" + KDE::versionString() + "</td></tr>";
- sysInfo += "</table>";
-@@ -172,34 +164,30 @@
- {
- sysInfo += "<h2 id=\"display\">" + i18n( "Display Info" ) + "</h2>";
- sysInfo += "<table>";
-- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Vendor:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[GFX_VENDOR] + "</td></tr>";
-- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Model:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[GFX_MODEL] + "</td></tr>";
-+ sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Vendor:" ) + "</td><td>" + htmlQuote(m_info[GFX_VENDOR]) + "</td></tr>";
-+ sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Model:" ) + "</td><td>" + htmlQuote(m_info[GFX_MODEL]) + "</td></tr>";
- if (!m_info[GFX_DRIVER].isNull())
-- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Driver:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[GFX_DRIVER] + "</td></tr>";
-+ sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Driver:" ) + "</td><td>" + htmlQuote(m_info[GFX_DRIVER]) + "</td></tr>";
- sysInfo += "</table>";
- }
- sysInfo += "</div><div id=\"column1\">"; // second column
- // OS info
-+ infoMessage( i18n( "Getting OS information...." ) );
- // common folders
-- sysInfo += "<h2 id=\"dirs\">" + i18n( "Common Folders" ) + "</h2>";
-- sysInfo += "<ul>";
-- sysInfo += QString( "<li><a href=\"file:%1\">" ).arg( QDir::homeDirPath() ) + i18n( "My Home Folder" ) + "</a></li>";
-- sysInfo += QString( "<li><a href=\"file:%1\">" ).arg( QDir::rootDirPath() ) + i18n( "Root Folder" ) + "</a></li>";
-- if((fp =fopen ("/usr/lib/kde3/", "r"))!=NULL) {
-- sysInfo += "<li><a href=\"apt:/\">" + i18n( "Repository" ) + "</a></li>";
-- fclose(fp);
-- }
-- //sysInfo += "<li><a href=\"programs:/\">" + i18n( "Application" ) + "</a></li>";
-+ sysInfo += "<h2 id=\"dirs\">" + i18n( "Common Folders" ) + "</h2>"; sysInfo += "<ul>";
-+ if ( KStandardDirs::exists( KGlobalSettings::documentPath() + "/" ) )
-+ sysInfo += QString( "<li><a href=\"file:%1\">" ).arg( htmlQuote(KGlobalSettings::documentPath()) )
-+ + i18n( "My Documents" ) + "</a></li>";
-+ sysInfo += QString( "<li><a href=\"file:%1\">" ).arg( htmlQuote(QDir::homeDirPath()) ) + i18n( "My Home Folder" ) + "</a></li>";
-+ sysInfo += QString( "<li><a href=\"file:%1\">" ).arg( htmlQuote(QDir::rootDirPath()) ) + i18n( "Root Folder" ) + "</a></li>";
- sysInfo += "<li><a href=\"remote:/\">" + i18n( "Network Folders" ) + "</a></li>";
- sysInfo += "</ul>";
- // net info
-+ infoMessage( i18n( "Looking up network status..." ) );
- int state = netInfo();
- if (state > 1) { // assume no network manager / networkstatus
- sysInfo += "<h2 id=\"net\">" + i18n( "Network Status" ) + "</h2>";
-@@ -208,8 +196,6 @@
- sysInfo += "</ul>";
- }
-- // CPU info
-- cpuInfo();
- if ( !m_info[CPU_MODEL].isNull() )
- {
- sysInfo += "<h2 id=\"cpu\">" + i18n( "CPU Information" ) + "</h2>";
-@@ -231,30 +217,17 @@
- }
- // memory info
-+ infoMessage( i18n( "Looking for memory information..." ) );
- memoryInfo();
- sysInfo += "<h2 id=\"memory\">" + i18n( "Memory Information" ) + "</h2>";
- sysInfo += "<table>";
- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Total memory (RAM):" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[MEM_TOTALRAM] + "</td></tr>";
- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Free memory:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[MEM_FREERAM] + "</td></tr>";
- dummy = i18n( "Used Memory" );
-- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Total Swap:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[MEM_TOTALSWAP] + "</td></tr>";
-- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( " Free Swap:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[MEM_FREESWAP] + "</td></tr>";
-+ dummy += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Total swap:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[MEM_TOTALSWAP] + "</td></tr>";
-+ sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Free swap:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[MEM_FREESWAP] + "</td></tr>";
- sysInfo += "</table>";
-- // hw info
-- if (!m_info[TYPE].isNull() || !m_info[MANUFACTURER].isNull() || !m_info[PRODUCT].isNull()
-- || !m_info[BIOSVENDOR].isNull() || !m_info[ BIOSVERSION ].isNull())
-- {
-- sysInfo += "<h2 id=\"hwinfo\">" +i18n( "Hardware Information" ) + "</h2>";
-- sysInfo += "<table>";
-- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Type:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[ TYPE ] + "</td></tr>";
-- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Vendor:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[ MANUFACTURER ] + "</td></tr>";
-- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Model:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[ PRODUCT ] + "</td></tr>";
-- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Bios Vendor:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[ BIOSVENDOR ] + "</td></tr>";
-- sysInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n( "Bios Version:" ) + "</td><td>" + m_info[ BIOSVERSION ] + "</td></tr>";
-- sysInfo += "</table>";
-- }
- sysInfo += "</div>";
- // Send the data
-@@ -278,11 +251,11 @@
- unsigned long int val = 0;
- if ( sscanf( b + strlen( key ), ": %lu", &val ) != 1 )
- return 0;
-- kdDebug() << "scan_one " << key << " " << val << endl;
-+ kdDebug(1242) << "scan_one " << key << " " << val << endl;
- return val;
- }
--static unsigned long int calculateFreeRam()
-+static Q_UINT64 calculateFreeRam()
- {
- FILE *fd = fopen( "/proc/meminfo", "rt" );
- if ( !fd )
-@@ -291,10 +264,10 @@
- QTextIStream is( fd );
- QString MemInfoBuf =;
-- unsigned long int MemFree = scan_one( MemInfoBuf.latin1(), "MemFree" );
-- unsigned long int Buffers = scan_one( MemInfoBuf.latin1(), "Buffers" );
-- unsigned long int Cached = scan_one( MemInfoBuf.latin1(), "Cached" );
-- unsigned long int Slab = scan_one( MemInfoBuf.latin1(), "Slab" );
-+ Q_UINT64 MemFree = scan_one( MemInfoBuf.latin1(), "MemFree" );
-+ Q_UINT64 Buffers = scan_one( MemInfoBuf.latin1(), "Buffers" );
-+ Q_UINT64 Cached = scan_one( MemInfoBuf.latin1(), "Cached" );
-+ Q_UINT64 Slab = scan_one( MemInfoBuf.latin1(), "Slab" );
- fclose( fd );
- MemFree += Cached + Buffers + Slab;
-@@ -310,19 +283,19 @@
- if ( retval !=-1 )
- {
-- const int mem_unit = info.mem_unit;
-+ Q_UINT64 mem_unit = info.mem_unit;
-- m_info[MEM_TOTALRAM] = formattedUnit( info.totalram * mem_unit );
-- unsigned long int totalFree = calculateFreeRam() * 1024;
-- kdDebug() << "total " << totalFree << " free " << info.freeram << " unit " << mem_unit << endl;
-+ m_info[MEM_TOTALRAM] = formattedUnit( Q_UINT64(info.totalram) * mem_unit );
-+ Q_UINT64 totalFree = calculateFreeRam() * 1024;
-+ kdDebug(1242) << "total " << totalFree << " free " << info.freeram << " unit " << mem_unit << endl;
- if ( totalFree > info.freeram * info.mem_unit || true )
-- m_info[MEM_FREERAM] = i18n("%1 (+ %2 Caches)").arg(formattedUnit( info.freeram * mem_unit ))
-+ m_info[MEM_FREERAM] = i18n("%1 (+ %2 Caches)").arg(formattedUnit( Q_UINT64(info.freeram) * mem_unit ))
- .arg( formattedUnit( totalFree - info.freeram * mem_unit ));
- else
-- m_info[MEM_FREERAM] = formattedUnit( info.freeram * mem_unit );
-+ m_info[MEM_FREERAM] = formattedUnit( Q_UINT64(info.freeram) * mem_unit );
-- m_info[MEM_TOTALSWAP] = formattedUnit( info.totalswap * mem_unit );
-- m_info[MEM_FREESWAP] = formattedUnit( info.freeswap * mem_unit );
-+ m_info[MEM_TOTALSWAP] = formattedUnit( Q_UINT64(info.totalswap) * mem_unit );
-+ m_info[MEM_FREESWAP] = formattedUnit( Q_UINT64(info.freeswap) * mem_unit );
- m_info[SYSTEM_UPTIME] = convertSeconds( info.uptime );
- }
-@@ -346,6 +319,7 @@
- m_info[CPU_TEMP] =
- readFromFile(QString("/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/%1/temperature").arg(names[i]), "temperature", ":");
- m_info[CPU_TEMP] = m_info[CPU_TEMP].stripWhiteSpace();
-+ m_info[CPU_TEMP].replace(" C",QString::fromUtf8("°C"));
- if (!m_info[CPU_TEMP].isEmpty())
- break;
- }
-@@ -355,9 +329,12 @@
- m_info[CPU_MODEL] = readFromFile( "/proc/cpuinfo", "cpu", ":" );
- }
- QString kio_sysinfoProtocol::diskInfo()
- {
-- QString result = "<table>";
-+ QString result = "<table><tr><th>" + i18n( "Device" ) + "</th><th>" + i18n( "Filesystem" ) + "</th><th>" +
-+ i18n( "Total space" ) + "</th><th>" + i18n( "Available space" ) + "</th></tr>";
- if ( fillMediaDevices() )
- {
- for ( QValueList<DiskInfo>::ConstIterator it = m_devices.constBegin(); it != m_devices.constEnd(); ++it )
-@@ -365,74 +342,72 @@
- QString tooltip = i18n("Press the right mouse button for more options like Mount or Eject");
- DiskInfo di = ( *it );
-- QString label = di.userLabel.isEmpty() ? di.label : di.userLabel;
-+ unsigned int percent = 0;
-+ Q_UINT64 usage = - di.avail;
-+ if (
-+ percent = usage / ( / 100);
-+ KURL media;
-+ media.setProtocol("media");
-+ media.setPath("/" +;
-+ result += QString( "<tr><td>%1 <a href=\"%2\" title=\"%7\">%3</a></td><td>%4</td><td>%5</td><td>%6</td></tr>\n" ).
-+ arg( icon( di.iconName ) ).arg( media.htmlURL() ).arg( htmlQuote(di.label) ).arg( di.fsType ).
-+ arg( ? formattedUnit( : QString::null).arg(di.mounted ?
-+ formattedUnit (di.avail ) : QString::null).arg( htmlQuote(tooltip) );
-+ if (di.mounted) {
-+ QColor c;
-+ c.setHsv(100-percent, 180, 230);
-+ result += QString("<tr><td colspan=\"4\" class=\"bar\" width=\"100%\">"
-+ "<div class=\"filled\" style=\"width: %1%; height: 1em; background-color: %3\">"
-+ "%2</div></td></tr>\n")
-+ .arg(percent).arg(formattedUnit(usage).replace(" ", "&nbsp;")).arg(;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ else // fall back to fstab parsing
-+ {
-+ FILE * fp;
-+ if ( !( fp = setmntent( "/etc/fstab", "r" ) ) )
-+ {
-+ kdDebug(1242) << k_funcinfo << "Failed to open /etc/fstab" << endl;
-+ return QString::null;
-+ }
-+#define FS_NAME mnt_ent->mnt_fsname // device-name
-+#define FS_FILE mnt_ent->mnt_dir // mount-point
-+#define FS_TYPE mnt_ent->mnt_type // fs-type
-+ struct statfs sfs;
-+ struct mntent *mnt_ent;
-+ unsigned long long total, avail;
-- unsigned long long usage,percent,peer;
-- usage = - di.avail;
-- peer = / 100;
-- peer == 0 ? percent = 0 : percent = usage / peer;
-- if (percent < 20) {
-- result += QString( "<tr>"
-- " <td>%1</td>"
-- " <td width=\"90%\">"
-- " <table width=\"100%\">"
-- " <tr>"
-- " <a href=\"media:/%2\" title=\"%3\">%4</a> <b class=\"disk_text_color\"> [%5]"
-- " " + i18n("Total") + ": <b>%6</b> " + i18n("Available") + ": <b>%7</b> </b>"
-- " </td>"
-- " <td width=\"40%\" class=\"bar\">"
-- " <div style=\"width: %8%; height:10px;\"></div><span style=\"float:left; padding-top:2px\">&nbsp%9&nbsp</span>"
-- " </tr>"
-- " </table>"
-- " </td>"
-- "</tr>"
-- "<tr></tr>" ).
-- arg( icon( di.iconName, 32 ) ).
-- arg( ).
-- arg( tooltip).
-- arg( label ).
-- arg( di.fsType ).
-- arg( formattedUnit(,0 ) ).
-- arg( formattedUnit( di.avail,0 ) ).
-- arg( di.mounted ? percent : 0).
-- arg( di.mounted ? formattedUnit( usage ) : QString::null );
-- }
-- else {
-- result += QString( "<tr>"
-- " <td>%1</td>"
-- " <td width=\"90%\">"
-- " <table width=\"100%\">"
-- " <tr>"
-- " <a href=\"media:/%2\" title=\"%3\">%4</a> <b class=\"disk_text_color\"> [%5]"
-- " " + i18n("Total") + ": <b>%6</b> " + i18n("Available") + ": <b>%7</b> </b>"
-- " </td>"
-- " <td width=\"40%\" class=\"bar\">"
-- " <div style=\"width: %8%; height:10px;\">%9&nbsp</div>"
-- " </tr>"
-- " </table>"
-- " </td>"
-- "</tr>"
-- "<tr></tr>" ).
-- arg( icon( di.iconName, 32 ) ).
-- arg( ).
-- arg( tooltip).
-- arg( label ).
-- arg( di.fsType ).
-- arg( formattedUnit(,0 ) ).
-- arg( formattedUnit( di.avail,0 ) ).
-- arg( di.mounted ? percent : 0).
-- arg( di.mounted ? formattedUnit( usage ) : QString::null );
-- }
-+ while ( ( mnt_ent = getmntent( fp ) ) != NULL )
-+ {
-+ total = avail = 0;
-+ if ( statfs( FS_FILE, &sfs ) == 0 )
-+ {
-+ total = ( unsigned long long )sfs.f_blocks * sfs.f_bsize;
-+ if ( total > 0 && strcmp( FS_TYPE, "subdomainfs" ) != 0 ) // discard empty or otherwise strange devices
-+ {
-+ avail = ( unsigned long long )( getuid() ? sfs.f_bavail : sfs.f_bfree ) * sfs.f_bsize;
-+ int lastSlash = QString( FS_NAME ).findRev( '/' );
-+ QString deviceName = lastSlash != -1 ? QString( FS_NAME ).mid( lastSlash + 1 ) : QString( FS_NAME );
-+ //kdDebug(1242) << k_funcinfo << "Device name: " << deviceName << endl;
-+ QString model = deviceName.left( deviceName.length() - 1 );
-+ model = readFromFile( "/proc/ide/" + model + "/model" );
-+ QString devIcon = icon( iconForDevice( deviceName ), KIcon::SizeSmall );
-+ result += QString( "<tr><td>%1 <a href=\"file:%2\" title=\"%7\">%3</a></td><td>%4</td><td>%5</td><td>%6</td></tr>" )
-+ .arg( devIcon ).arg( FS_FILE ).arg( FS_FILE ).arg( FS_TYPE ).arg( formattedUnit( total ) )
-+ .arg( formattedUnit( avail ) ).arg( model );
-+ }
-+ }
- }
-+ endmntent( fp );
- }
- result += "</table>";
- return result;
- }
-@@ -442,12 +417,12 @@
- // query kded.networkstatus.status(QString host)
- DCOPRef nsd( "kded", "networkstatus" );
- nsd.setDCOPClient( m_dcopClient );
-- DCOPReply reply = "status", QString( "" ) );
-+ DCOPReply reply = "status", QString( "" ) );
- if ( reply.isValid() )
- return reply;
-- kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "Reply is invalid" << endl;
-+ kdDebug(1242) << k_funcinfo << "Reply is invalid" << endl;
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -539,7 +514,6 @@
- #endif
- }
--#define INFO_DRI "/proc/dri/0/name"
- bool kio_sysinfoProtocol::glInfo()
- {
-@@ -621,7 +595,6 @@
- return true;
- }
- QString kio_sysinfoProtocol::netStatus( int code ) const
- {
- if ( code == 1 || code == 2 )
-@@ -641,7 +614,8 @@
- QString kio_sysinfoProtocol::icon( const QString & name, int size ) const
- {
- QString path = KGlobal::iconLoader()->iconPath( name, -size );
-- return QString( "<img src=\"file:%1\" width=\"%2\" height=\"%3\" valign=\"center\"/>" ).arg( path ).arg( size ).arg( size );
-+ return QString( "<img src=\"file:%1\" width=\"%2\" height=\"%3\" valign=\"bottom\"/>" ).arg(
-+ htmlQuote(path) ).arg( size ).arg( size );
- }
- QString kio_sysinfoProtocol::iconForDevice( const QString & name ) const
-@@ -659,7 +633,6 @@
- void kio_sysinfoProtocol::osInfo()
- {
-- FILE *fp;
- struct utsname uts;
- uname( &uts );
- m_info[ OS_SYSNAME ] = uts.sysname;
-@@ -670,14 +643,8 @@
- m_info[ OS_USER ] = KUser().loginName();
-- if((fp =fopen ("/etc/lsb-release", "r"))==NULL)
-- m_info[ OS_SYSTEM ] = readFromFile( "/etc/issue" );
-- else
-- { fclose(fp);
-- m_info[ OS_SYSTEM ] = readFromFile( "/etc/lsb-release", "DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION", "=" );
-- m_info[ OS_VERSION ] = readFromFile( "/etc/lsb-release", "DISTRIB_CODENAME", "=" );
-- }
-+ m_info[ OS_SYSTEM ] = readFromFile( "/etc/mandriva-release" );
-+ m_info[ OS_SYSTEM ].replace("X86-64","x86_64");
- }
- static const KCmdLineOptions options[] =
-@@ -698,10 +665,10 @@
- KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options );
- KApplication app( false, true );
-- kdDebug(7101) << "*** Starting kio_sysinfo " << endl;
-+ kdDebug(1242) << "*** Starting kio_sysinfo " << endl;
- if (argc != 4) {
-- kdDebug(7101) << "Usage: kio_sysinfo protocol domain-socket1 domain-socket2" << endl;
-+ kdDebug(1242) << "Usage: kio_sysinfo protocol domain-socket1 domain-socket2" << endl;
- exit(-1);
- }
-@@ -710,7 +677,7 @@
- kio_sysinfoProtocol slave( args->arg(1), args->arg(2));
- slave.dispatchLoop();
-- kdDebug(7101) << "*** kio_sysinfo Done" << endl;
-+ kdDebug(1242) << "*** kio_sysinfo Done" << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- }
-@@ -723,15 +690,15 @@
- if ( devices.isEmpty() )
- return false;
-- kdDebug() << devices << endl;
-+ kdDebug(1242) << devices << endl;
- m_devices.clear();
- LibHalContext *m_halContext = libhal_ctx_new();
- if (!m_halContext)
- {
-- kdDebug(1219) << "Failed to initialize HAL!" << endl;
-- return false;
-+ kdDebug(1242) << "Failed to initialize HAL!" << endl;
-+ return false;
- }
- DBusError error;
-@@ -786,30 +753,26 @@
- struct statfs sfs;
- if ( di.mounted && statfs( QFile::encodeName( di.mountPoint ), &sfs ) == 0 )
- {
-- = ( unsigned long long ) sfs.f_blocks * sfs.f_bsize;
-+ = ( unsigned long long )sfs.f_blocks * sfs.f_bsize;
- di.avail = ( unsigned long long )( getuid() ? sfs.f_bavail : sfs.f_bfree ) * sfs.f_bsize;
- } else if (m_halContext &&"/org/freedesktop/Hal/" ) )
-- {
-- dbus_error_init(&error);
-- = libhal_device_get_property_uint64(m_halContext,, "volume.size", &error);
-- if (dbus_error_is_set(&error))
-- = 0;
-- }
-+ {
-+ dbus_error_init(&error);
-+ = libhal_device_get_property_uint64(m_halContext,, "volume.size", &error);
-+ if (dbus_error_is_set(&error))
-+ = 0;
-+ }
-- di.model = libhal_device_get_property_string( m_halContext, ), "block.storage_device", &error );
-- di.model = libhal_device_get_property_string( m_halContext, di.model.latin1( ), "storage.model", &error );
-+ // guess the model
-+ QString ideName =;
-+ ideName.truncate( 3 );
-+ di.model = readFromFile( "/proc/ide/" + ideName + "/model" );
-- ++it; // skip separator
-+ ++it; // skip separator
-- m_devices.append( di );
-+ m_devices.append( di );
- }
-- m_info[PRODUCT ] = libhal_device_get_property_string( m_halContext, "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer", "smbios.system.product", &error );
-- m_info[MANUFACTURER ] = libhal_device_get_property_string( m_halContext, "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer", "smbios.system.manufacturer", &error );
-- m_info[TYPE] = libhal_device_get_property_string( m_halContext, "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer", "smbios.chassis.type", &error );
-- m_info[BIOSVENDOR] = libhal_device_get_property_string( m_halContext, "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer", "smbios.bios.vendor", &error );
-- m_info[BIOSVERSION] = libhal_device_get_property_string( m_halContext, "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer", "smbios.bios.version", &error );
- libhal_ctx_free(m_halContext);
- return true;
-diff -u -r kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/src/sysinfo.h kio-sysinfo-10.3/src/sysinfo.h
---- kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/src/sysinfo.h 2007-08-21 08:13:36.000000000 -0300
-+++ kio-sysinfo-10.3/src/sysinfo.h 2007-08-14 13:10:29.000000000 -0300
-@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
- QString iconName;
- // own stuff
-- unsigned long long total, avail; // space on device
-+ Q_UINT64 total, avail; // space on device
- QString model; // physical device model (name)
- };
-@@ -78,12 +78,11 @@
-- STEPPING, //speedstep
- SYSTEM_UPTIME, // in seconds
- CPU_SPEED, // in MHz
- OS_SYSNAME, // man 2 uname
-@@ -94,31 +93,16 @@
- GFX_VENDOR, // Display stuff
-- TYPE,
- };
- private:
- /**
-- * Read sysinfo from (proc) filesystem. The data is assumed to be separated by newlines, with key:value pairs
-- *
-- * @param filename file to read from
-- * @param info requested field (if empty, return the first line from the file)
-- * @param sep separator
-- */
-- // QString readFromFile( const QString & filename, const QString & info = QString::null, const char * sep = 0 ) const;
-- /**
- * Gather basic memory info
- */
- void memoryInfo();
-- /**
-+ /**
- * Gather CPU info
- */
- void cpuInfo();
-diff -u -r kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/admin/ kio-sysinfo-10.3/admin/
---- kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/admin/ 2006-08-31 15:56:03.000000000 -0300
-+++ kio-sysinfo-10.3/admin/ 2007-03-19 13:45:09.000000000 -0300
-@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@
- X_INCLUDES="-I$x_includes"
- fi
--if test -z "$kde_x_libraries" || test "x$kde_x_libraries" = xNONE; then
-+if test -z "$kde_x_libraries" || test "x$kde_x_libraries" = xNONE || test "$kde_x_libraries" = "/usr/lib"; then
- x_libraries="/usr/lib"; dnl better than nothing :-
- else
-@@ -3198,7 +3198,7 @@
- case $host in
- *-*-linux-gnu)
- CFLAGS="-std=iso9899:1990 -W -Wall -Wchar-subscripts -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wmissing-prototypes -Wwrite-strings -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500 -D_BSD_SOURCE $CFLAGS"
-- CXXFLAGS="-ansi -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500 -D_BSD_SOURCE -Wcast-align -Wconversion -Wchar-subscripts $CXXFLAGS"
-+ CXXFLAGS="-ansi -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500 -D_BSD_SOURCE -Wcast-align -Wchar-subscripts $CXXFLAGS"
- KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(Wmissing-format-attribute, [CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Wformat-security -Wmissing-format-attribute"])
- KDE_CHECK_C_COMPILER_FLAG(Wmissing-format-attribute, [CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wformat-security -Wmissing-format-attribute"])
- ;;
-@@ -4624,12 +4624,14 @@
- [
-+ ])
- ])
- ])
- ])
-@@ -5213,9 +5215,10 @@
- for dir in $javadirs; do
- dnl Check for the java executable
- if test -x "$dir/java"; then
-+ sane_path=$(cd $dir; /bin/pwd)
- dnl And also check for a somewhere under there
- dnl Since we have to go to the parent dir, /usr/bin is excluded, /usr is too big.
-- if test "$dir" != "/usr/bin"; then
-+ if test "$sane_path" != "/usr/bin"; then
- libjvmdir=`find $dir/.. -name | sed 's,,,'|head -n 1`
- if test ! -f $libjvmdir/; then continue; fi
- jredirs="$jredirs $dir"
-Somente em kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/admin:
-diff -u -r kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/admin/ kio-sysinfo-10.3/admin/
---- kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/admin/ 2006-08-31 15:56:03.000000000 -0300
-+++ kio-sysinfo-10.3/admin/ 2007-05-14 04:16:15.000000000 -0300
-@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
- echo "*** KDE requires automake $required_automake_version"
- exit 1
- ;;
-- automake*1.6.* | automake*1.7* | automake*1.8* | automake*1.9*)
-+ automake*1.6.* | automake*1.7* | automake*1.8* | automake*1.9* | automake*1.10*)
- echo "*** $AUTOMAKE_STRING found."
- ;;
-@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
- fi
- fi
- if test -z "$VERSION" || test "$VERSION" = "@VERSION@"; then
-- VERSION="\"3.5.4\""
-+ VERSION="\"3.5.7\""
- fi
- if test -z "$modulename" || test "$modulename" = "@MODULENAME@"; then
- modulename=`pwd`;
-diff -u -r kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/admin/ kio-sysinfo-10.3/admin/
---- kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/admin/ 2006-08-31 15:56:03.000000000 -0300
-+++ kio-sysinfo-10.3/admin/ 2007-08-14 10:26:09.000000000 -0300
-@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
- ($version) = $file =~ /$prefix\/$program-?(.*)$/;
- $version =~ s/-|\.//g;
-+ # Don't check the -wrapper ones
-+ next if $version eq "wrapper";
- # Special case some programs to make sure it has a minimum version.
- if (not $version and exists $minimumVersions{$program})
-Somente em kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/admin:
-diff -u -r kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/admin/ kio-sysinfo-10.3/admin/
---- kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/admin/ 2006-08-31 15:56:03.000000000 -0300
-+++ kio-sysinfo-10.3/admin/ 2007-04-23 16:19:55.000000000 -0300
-@@ -1424,7 +1424,7 @@
- libsuff=
- if test "x$LINUX_64_MODE" = x64; then
- # Some platforms are per default 64-bit, so there's no /lib64
-- if test -d /lib64; then
-+ if test -d /lib64 -a ! -h /lib64; then
- libsuff=64
- fi
- fi
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/kio-sysinfo-1.8.2-uz-translation.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/kio-sysinfo-1.8.2-uz-translation.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c4fe2ef3f..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/kio-sysinfo-1.8.2-uz-translation.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,890 +0,0 @@
-diff -u -r -N kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/configure
---- kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/configure 2007-08-20 12:18:47.000000000 +0200
-+++ 2007-08-23 17:11:06.000000000 +0200
-@@ -32988,6 +32988,8 @@
- ac_config_files="$ac_config_files po/tr/Makefile"
-+ac_config_files="$ac_config_files po/uz/Makefile"
- ac_config_files="$ac_config_files src/Makefile"
- cat >confcache <<\_ACEOF
-@@ -33612,6 +33614,7 @@
- "po/pt_BR/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES po/pt_BR/Makefile" ;;
- "po/ru/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES po/ru/Makefile" ;;
- "po/tr/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES po/tr/Makefile" ;;
-+ "po/uz/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES po/uz/Makefile" ;;
- "src/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES src/Makefile" ;;
- *) { { echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: invalid argument: $ac_config_target" >&5
-diff -u -r -N kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/po/
---- kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/po/ 2007-08-20 12:14:51.000000000 +0200
-+++ 2007-08-23 17:17:39.000000000 +0200
-@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
- xdg_menudir = @xdg_menudir@
- #>+ 1
--SUBDIRS =. tr nl it pt_BR es de fr pl cs el hu ru
-+SUBDIRS =. tr nl it pt_BR es de fr pl cs el hu ru uz
- #>- all: all-recursive
- #>+ 1
- all: docs-am all-recursive
-diff -u -r -N kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/po/uz/kio_sysinfo.po
---- kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/po/uz/kio_sysinfo.po 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ 2007-08-22 23:23:20.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
-+# translation of kio_sysinfo-uz.po to Uzbek
-+# This file is put in the public domain.
-+# Mashrab Kuvatov <[email protected]>, 2007.
-+msgid ""
-+msgstr ""
-+"Project-Id-Version: kio_sysinfo-uz\n"
-+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-11-01 16:28+0300\n"
-+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-07-22 00:07+0200\n"
-+"Last-Translator: Mashrab Kuvatov <[email protected]>\n"
-+"Language-Team: Uzbek <[email protected]>\n"
-+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
-+#: ksysinfopart.cpp:72
-+msgid "KSysinfo"
-+msgstr "KSysinfo"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:67
-+msgid "%1 GB"
-+msgstr "%1 Гб"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:69
-+msgid "%1 MB"
-+msgstr "%1 Мб"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:71
-+msgid "%1 KB"
-+msgstr "%1 Кб"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:107 sysinfo.cpp:101
-+msgid "My Computer"
-+msgstr "Компьютер"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:102
-+msgid "Folders, Harddisks, Removable Devices, System Information and more..."
-+msgstr "Жилдлар, қаттиқ дисклар, олиб бўладиган ускуналар, тизим ҳақида маълумот ва ҳоказо..."
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:108
-+msgid "Looking for disk information..."
-+msgstr "Диск ҳақида маълумот аниқланяпти..."
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:109
-+msgid "Disks Information"
-+msgstr "Диск ҳақида маълумот"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:113
-+msgid "OS Information"
-+msgstr "ОТ ҳақида маълумот"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:115
-+msgid "OS:"
-+msgstr "ОТ:"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:116
-+msgid "Current user:"
-+msgstr "Жорий фойдаланувчи:"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:117
-+msgid "System:"
-+msgstr "Тизим:"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:118
-+msgid "KDE:"
-+msgstr "KDE:"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:124
-+msgid "Display Info"
-+msgstr "Дисплей ҳақида маълумот"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:126
-+msgid "Vendor:"
-+msgstr "Ишлаб чиқарувчи:"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:127
-+msgid "Model:"
-+msgstr "Русуми:"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:129
-+msgid "Driver:"
-+msgstr "Драйвер:"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:136
-+msgid "Getting OS information...."
-+msgstr "ОТ ҳақида маълумот аниқланяпти..."
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:139
-+msgid "Common Folders"
-+msgstr "Умумий жилдлар"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:143
-+msgid "My Home Folder"
-+msgstr "Уй жилди"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:144
-+msgid "Root Folder"
-+msgstr "Туб жилди"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:145
-+msgid "Network Folders"
-+msgstr "Тармоқ жилдлари"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:149
-+msgid "Looking up network status..."
-+msgstr "Тармоқнинг ҳолати аниқланяпти..."
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:152
-+msgid "Network Status"
-+msgstr "Тармоқнинг ҳолати"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:159
-+msgid "Looking for CPU information..."
-+msgstr "Процессор ҳақида маълумот аниқланяпти..."
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:163
-+msgid "CPU Information"
-+msgstr "Процессор ҳақида маълумот"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:165
-+msgid "Processor (CPU):"
-+msgstr "Процессор:"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:166
-+msgid "Speed:"
-+msgstr "Тезлик:"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:167
-+msgid "%1 MHz"
-+msgstr "%1 МГц"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:172
-+msgid "Looking for memory information..."
-+msgstr "Хотира ҳақида маълумот аниқланяпти..."
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:174
-+msgid "Memory Information"
-+msgstr "Хотира ҳақида маълумот"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:176
-+msgid "Total memory (RAM):"
-+msgstr "Жами хотира:"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:177
-+msgid "Free memory:"
-+msgstr "Бўш хотира:"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:178
-+msgid "Used Memory"
-+msgstr "Ишлатилган хотира"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:179
-+msgid "Total swap:"
-+msgstr "Жами своп:"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:180
-+msgid "Free swap:"
-+msgstr "Бўш своп:"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:184
-+msgid "Looking for hardware information..."
-+msgstr "Асбоб-ускуналар ҳақида маълумот аниқланяпти..."
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:186
-+msgid "Hardware Information"
-+msgstr "Асбоб-ускуналар ҳақида маълумот"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:191
-+msgid "Bios Vendor:"
-+msgstr "Bios ишлаб чиқарувчиси:"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:192
-+msgid "Bios Version:"
-+msgstr "Bios версияси:"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:256
-+msgid "%1 (+ %2 Caches)"
-+msgstr "%1 (+ %2 кэш)"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:288
-+msgid "Device"
-+msgstr "Ускуна"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:288
-+msgid "Filesystem"
-+msgstr "Файл тизими"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:289
-+msgid "Total space"
-+msgstr "Жами жой"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:289
-+msgid "Available space"
-+msgstr "Бўш жой"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:295
-+msgid "Press the right mouse button for more options like Mount or Eject"
-+msgstr "Улаш ёки узиш буйруқлар учун сичқончанинг ўнг тугмасини босинг"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:478
-+msgid "%1 (3D Support)"
-+msgstr "%1 (3D имкониятлар)"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:480
-+msgid "%1 (No 3D Support)"
-+msgstr "%1 (3D имкониятларсиз)"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:491
-+msgid "Network is <strong>unreachable</strong>"
-+msgstr "Тармоққа <strong>уланмаган</strong>"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:493
-+msgid "You are <strong>offline</strong>"
-+msgstr "<strong>Офлайн</strong>"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:495
-+msgid "Network is <strong>shutting down</strong>"
-+msgstr "Тармоқдан <strong>узилмоқда</strong>"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:497
-+msgid "<strong>Establishing</strong> connection to the network"
-+msgstr "Тармоққа <strong>уланмоқда</strong>"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:499
-+msgid "You are <strong>online</strong>"
-+msgstr "<strong>Онлайн</strong>"
-+#: sysinfo.cpp:501
-+msgid "Unknown network status"
-+msgstr "Тармоқнинг ҳолати номаълум"
-+msgid "Total"
-+msgstr "Жами"
-+msgid "Available"
-+msgstr "Бўш"
-+msgid "Total Swap:"
-+msgstr "Жами своп:"
-+msgid " Free Swap:"
-+msgstr "Бўш своп:"
-diff -u -r -N kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/po/uz/
---- kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/po/uz/ 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ 2007-08-22 23:23:20.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
-diff -u -r -N kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/po/uz/
---- kio-sysinfo-1.8.2/po/uz/ 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ 2007-08-22 23:24:22.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
-+# generated by automake 1.9.6 from
-+# KDE tags expanded automatically by am_edit - $Revision: 483858 $
-+# @configure_input@
-+# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
-+# 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-+# This is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
-+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
-+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
-+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
-+srcdir = @srcdir@
-+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
-+VPATH = @srcdir@
-+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
-+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
-+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
-+top_builddir = ../..
-+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
-+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
-+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
-+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
-+transform = $(program_transform_name)
-+build_triplet = @build@
-+host_triplet = @host@
-+target_triplet = @target@
-+subdir = po/uz
-+DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/
-+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
-+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/acinclude.m4 \
-+ $(top_srcdir)/
-+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
-+ $(ACLOCAL_M4)
-+mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/admin/mkinstalldirs
-+CONFIG_HEADER = $(top_builddir)/config.h
-+#>+ 1
-+#>+ 1
-+AR = @AR@
-+AWK = @AWK@
-+CC = @CC@
-+CPP = @CPP@
-+CXX = @CXX@
-+F77 = @F77@
-+LIB_X11 = @LIB_X11@
-+LN_S = @LN_S@
-+MOC = @MOC@
-+UIC = @UIC@
-+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
-+ac_ct_CXX = @ac_ct_CXX@
-+ac_ct_F77 = @ac_ct_F77@
-+all_includes = @all_includes@
-+all_libraries = @all_libraries@
-+am__fastdepCC_FALSE = @am__fastdepCC_FALSE@
-+am__fastdepCC_TRUE = @am__fastdepCC_TRUE@
-+am__fastdepCXX_FALSE = @am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@
-+am__fastdepCXX_TRUE = @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@
-+am__include = @am__include@
-+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
-+am__quote = @am__quote@
-+am__tar = @am__tar@
-+am__untar = @am__untar@
-+bindir = @bindir@
-+build = @build@
-+build_alias = @build_alias@
-+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
-+build_os = @build_os@
-+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
-+datadir = @datadir@
-+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
-+docdir = @docdir@
-+dvidir = @dvidir@
-+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
-+host = @host@
-+host_alias = @host_alias@
-+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
-+host_os = @host_os@
-+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
-+htmldir = @htmldir@
-+include_ARTS_FALSE = @include_ARTS_FALSE@
-+include_ARTS_TRUE = @include_ARTS_TRUE@
-+include_x11_FALSE = @include_x11_FALSE@
-+include_x11_TRUE = @include_x11_TRUE@
-+includedir = @includedir@
-+infodir = @infodir@
-+install_sh = @install_sh@
-+kde_appsdir = @kde_appsdir@
-+kde_bindir = @kde_bindir@
-+kde_confdir = @kde_confdir@
-+kde_datadir = @kde_datadir@
-+kde_htmldir = @kde_htmldir@
-+kde_icondir = @kde_icondir@
-+kde_includes = @kde_includes@
-+kde_kcfgdir = @kde_kcfgdir@
-+kde_libraries = @kde_libraries@
-+kde_libs_htmldir = @kde_libs_htmldir@
-+kde_libs_prefix = @kde_libs_prefix@
-+kde_locale = @kde_locale@
-+kde_mimedir = @kde_mimedir@
-+kde_moduledir = @kde_moduledir@
-+kde_qtver = @kde_qtver@
-+kde_servicesdir = @kde_servicesdir@
-+kde_servicetypesdir = @kde_servicetypesdir@
-+kde_sounddir = @kde_sounddir@
-+kde_styledir = @kde_styledir@
-+kde_templatesdir = @kde_templatesdir@
-+kde_wallpaperdir = @kde_wallpaperdir@
-+kde_widgetdir = @kde_widgetdir@
-+kdeinitdir = @kdeinitdir@
-+libdir = @libdir@
-+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
-+localedir = @localedir@
-+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
-+mandir = @mandir@
-+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
-+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
-+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
-+prefix = @prefix@
-+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
-+psdir = @psdir@
-+qt_includes = @qt_includes@
-+qt_libraries = @qt_libraries@
-+sbindir = @sbindir@
-+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
-+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
-+target = @target@
-+target_alias = @target_alias@
-+target_cpu = @target_cpu@
-+target_os = @target_os@
-+target_vendor = @target_vendor@
-+unsermake_enable_pch_FALSE = @unsermake_enable_pch_FALSE@
-+unsermake_enable_pch_TRUE = @unsermake_enable_pch_TRUE@
-+x_includes = @x_includes@
-+x_libraries = @x_libraries@
-+xdg_appsdir = @xdg_appsdir@
-+xdg_directorydir = @xdg_directorydir@
-+xdg_menudir = @xdg_menudir@
-+KDE_LANG = uz
-+#>+ 2
-+POFILES = kio_sysinfo.po
-+#>- all: all-am
-+#>+ 1
-+all: all-nls docs-am all-am
-+$(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/ $(am__configure_deps)
-+#>- @for dep in $?; do \
-+#>- case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
-+#>- *$$dep*) \
-+#>- cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh \
-+#>- && exit 0; \
-+#>- exit 1;; \
-+#>- esac; \
-+#>- done; \
-+#>- echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu po/uz/Makefile'; \
-+#>- cd $(top_srcdir) && \
-+#>- $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu po/uz/Makefile
-+#>+ 12
-+ @for dep in $?; do \
-+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
-+ *$$dep*) \
-+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh \
-+ && exit 0; \
-+ exit 1;; \
-+ esac; \
-+ done; \
-+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu po/uz/Makefile'; \
-+ cd $(top_srcdir) && \
-+ $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu po/uz/Makefile
-+ cd $(top_srcdir) && perl admin/am_edit po/uz/
-+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
-+Makefile: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status
-+ @case '$?' in \
-+ *config.status*) \
-+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh;; \
-+ *) \
-+ echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
-+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
-+ esac;
-+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
-+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
-+$(top_srcdir)/configure: $(am__configure_deps)
-+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
-+$(ACLOCAL_M4): $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
-+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh
-+ -rm -f *.lo
-+ -rm -rf .libs _libs
-+ -rm -f libtool
-+tags: TAGS
-+ctags: CTAGS
-+#>- distdir: $(DISTFILES)
-+#>+ 1
-+distdir: distdir-nls $(DISTFILES)
-+ @srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \
-+ topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's|.|.|g'`; \
-+ list='$(DISTFILES)'; for file in $$list; do \
-+ case $$file in \
-+ $(srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||"`;; \
-+ $(top_srcdir)/*) file=`echo "$$file" | sed "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|"`;; \
-+ esac; \
-+ if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
-+ dir=`echo "$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
-+ if test "$$dir" != "$$file" && test "$$dir" != "."; then \
-+ dir="/$$dir"; \
-+ $(mkdir_p) "$(distdir)$$dir"; \
-+ else \
-+ dir=''; \
-+ fi; \
-+ if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
-+ if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
-+ cp -pR $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \
-+ fi; \
-+ cp -pR $$d/$$file $(distdir)$$dir || exit 1; \
-+ else \
-+ test -f $(distdir)/$$file \
-+ || cp -p $$d/$$file $(distdir)/$$file \
-+ || exit 1; \
-+ fi; \
-+ done
-+check-am: all-am
-+check: check-am
-+all-am: Makefile
-+install: install-am
-+install-exec: install-exec-am
-+install-data: install-data-am
-+#>- uninstall: uninstall-am
-+#>+ 1
-+uninstall: uninstall-nls uninstall-am
-+install-am: all-am
-+ @$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
-+installcheck: installcheck-am
-+ `test -z '$(STRIP)' || \
-+ -test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
-+ @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
-+ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
-+#>- clean: clean-am
-+#>+ 1
-+clean: kde-rpo-clean clean-am
-+#>- clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am
-+#>+ 1
-+clean-am: clean-bcheck clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am
-+distclean: distclean-am
-+ -rm -f Makefile
-+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic distclean-libtool
-+dvi: dvi-am
-+html: html-am
-+info: info-am
-+#>- install-data-am:
-+#>+ 1
-+install-data-am: install-nls
-+install-info: install-info-am
-+#>- maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-am
-+#>+ 1
-+maintainer-clean: clean-nls maintainer-clean-am
-+ -rm -f Makefile
-+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
-+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-am
-+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool
-+pdf: pdf-am
-+ps: ps-am
-+uninstall-am: uninstall-info-am
-+.PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic clean-libtool \
-+ distclean distclean-generic distclean-libtool distdir dvi \
-+ dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \
-+ install-data install-data-am install-exec install-exec-am \
-+ install-info install-info-am install-man install-strip \
-+ installcheck installcheck-am installdirs maintainer-clean \
-+ maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic \
-+ mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am uninstall uninstall-am \
-+ uninstall-info-am
-+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
-+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
-+#>+ 2
-+#>+ 4 kio_sysinfo.po
-+ rm -f; $(GMSGFMT) -o $(srcdir)/kio_sysinfo.po
-+ test ! -f || touch
-+#>+ 3
-+ -rm -f
-+#>+ 10
-+ $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(kde_locale)/$(KDE_LANG)/LC_MESSAGES
-+ @for base in kio_sysinfo ; do \
-+ echo $(INSTALL_DATA) $$ $(DESTDIR)$(kde_locale)/$(KDE_LANG)/LC_MESSAGES/$$ ;\
-+ if test -f $$; then $(INSTALL_DATA) $$ $(DESTDIR)$(kde_locale)/$(KDE_LANG)/LC_MESSAGES/$$ ;\
-+ elif test -f $(srcdir)/$$; then $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/$$ $(DESTDIR)$(kde_locale)/$(KDE_LANG)/LC_MESSAGES/$$ ;\
-+ fi ;\
-+ done
-+#>+ 3
-+ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(kde_locale)/$(KDE_LANG)/LC_MESSAGES/
-+#>+ 2
-+all-nls: $(GMOFILES)
-+#>+ 8
-+ for file in $(POFILES); do \
-+ cp $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir); \
-+ done
-+ for file in $(GMOFILES); do \
-+ cp $(srcdir)/$$file $(distdir); \
-+ done
-+#>+ 2
-+#>+ 15
-+ @for dep in $?; do \
-+ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
-+ *$$dep*) \
-+ cd $(top_builddir) && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) am--refresh \
-+ && exit 0; \
-+ exit 1;; \
-+ esac; \
-+ done; \
-+ echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu po/uz/Makefile'; \
-+ cd $(top_srcdir) && \
-+ $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu po/uz/Makefile
-+ cd $(top_srcdir) && perl admin/am_edit po/uz/
-+#>+ 21
-+ rm -f * * a.out
-+bcheck: bcheck-am
-+ @for i in ; do \
-+ if test $(srcdir)/$$i -nt $$; then \
-+ echo "int main() {return 0;}" > $$ ; \
-+ echo "#include \"$$i\"" >> $$ ; \
-+ echo "$$i"; \
-+ if ! $(CXX) $(DEFS) -I. -I$(srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(KDE_CXXFLAGS) --dump-class-hierarchy -c $$; then \
-+ rm -f $$; exit 1; \
-+ fi ; \
-+ echo "" >> $$; \
-+ perl $(top_srcdir)/admin/ $$ || { rm -f $$; exit 1; }; \
-+ rm -f a.out; \
-+ fi ; \
-+ done
-+#>+ 3
-+ $(MAKE) all-am
-+#>+ 3
-+ $(MAKE) install-am
-+#>+ 3
-+ $(MAKE) all-am
-+#>+ 3
-+ $(MAKE) install-am
-+#>+ 3
-+ -rm -f *.rpo
-+#>+ 3
-+nmcheck-am: nmcheck
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/sysinfo.png b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/sysinfo.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e88eacb3..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kio-sysinfo/sysinfo.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/klamav-0.41.1-pwd-echo.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/klamav-0.41.1-pwd-echo.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e31a0a03..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/klamav-0.41.1-pwd-echo.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- klamav-0.41.1/src/freshklam.cpp.pwd-echo 2007-07-24 22:51:54.000000000 +0300
-+++ klamav-0.41.1/src/freshklam.cpp 2007-11-07 15:53:51.000000000 +0200
-@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ Freshklam::Freshklam(QWidget *parent, co
- //proxy_pass_label->setFixedSize(proxy_pass_label->sizeHint());
- proxy_dir_layout->addWidget(proxy_pass_label,1,3);
- proxyPass = new KLineEdit(proxy_hlp);
-+ proxyPass->setEchoMode(KLineEdit::Password);
- proxy_dir_layout->addWidget(proxyPass,1,4);
- proxyPass->setText(proxyPassText);
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/klamav-0.42-fix-window-size.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/klamav-0.42-fix-window-size.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ff6a65a1..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/klamav-0.42-fix-window-size.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
---- src/specialfiletypes.ui.small 2008-03-29 03:37:21.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/specialfiletypes.ui 2008-03-29 03:37:27.000000000 +0100
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- <rect>
- <x>0</x>
- <y>0</y>
-- <width>399</width>
-+ <width>540</width>
- <height>385</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
-@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- <rect>
- <x>20</x>
- <y>30</y>
-- <width>330</width>
-+ <width>480</width>
- <height>210</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
---- src/archivelimits.ui.small 2008-03-29 03:45:04.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/archivelimits.ui 2008-03-29 03:46:18.000000000 +0100
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- <rect>
- <x>0</x>
- <y>0</y>
-- <width>388</width>
-+ <width>474</width>
- <height>377</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
-@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
- </property>
- <property name="geometry">
- <rect>
-- <x>11</x>
-- <y>11</y>
-- <width>366</width>
-+ <x>10</x>
-+ <y>10</y>
-+ <width>430</width>
- <height>230</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
-@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
- <rect>
- <x>11</x>
- <y>34</y>
-- <width>350</width>
-+ <width>400</width>
- <height>160</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
---- src/autoscanoptions.ui.small 2008-03-29 03:51:50.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/autoscanoptions.ui 2008-03-29 03:52:28.000000000 +0100
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- <rect>
- <x>0</x>
- <y>0</y>
-- <width>391</width>
-+ <width>529</width>
- <height>386</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
-@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
- <rect>
- <x>10</x>
- <y>10</y>
-- <width>370</width>
-+ <width>460</width>
- <height>180</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
-@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
- <rect>
- <x>10</x>
- <y>25</y>
-- <width>340</width>
-+ <width>440</width>
- <height>130</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
---- src/archivetypes.ui.old 2008-03-29 12:37:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/archivetypes.ui 2008-03-29 12:37:15.000000000 +0100
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
- <x>20</x>
- <y>30</y>
- <width>330</width>
-- <height>284</height>
-+ <height>320</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
- <grid>
-@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- </property>
- <widget class="QCheckBox" row="6" column="0">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_ScanDeb</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_ScanDeb</cstring>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>Scan Deb files using</string>
-@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
- </widget>
- <widget class="QCheckBox" row="5" column="0">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_ScanJar</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_ScanJar</cstring>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>Scan Jar files using</string>
-@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
- </widget>
- <widget class="QCheckBox" row="7" column="0">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_ScanTar</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_ScanTar</cstring>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>Scan Tar files using</string>
-@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
- </widget>
- <widget class="QCheckBox" row="4" column="0">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_ScanLzh</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_ScanLzh</cstring>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>Scan Lzh files using</string>
-@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@
- </widget>
- <widget class="KURLComboRequester" row="7" column="1">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_TarUsing</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_TarUsing</cstring>
- </property>
- </widget>
- <widget class="QCheckBox" row="3" column="0">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_ScanZoo</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_ScanZoo</cstring>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>Scan Zoo files using</string>
-@@ -104,22 +104,22 @@
- </widget>
- <widget class="KURLComboRequester" row="3" column="1">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_ZooUsing</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_ZooUsing</cstring>
- </property>
- </widget>
- <widget class="KURLComboRequester" row="4" column="1">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_LzhUsing</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_LzhUsing</cstring>
- </property>
- </widget>
- <widget class="KURLComboRequester" row="0" column="1">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_ZipUsing</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_ZipUsing</cstring>
- </property>
- </widget>
- <widget class="QCheckBox" row="1" column="0">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_ScanRar</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_ScanRar</cstring>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>Scan Rar files using</string>
-@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
- </widget>
- <widget class="QCheckBox" row="0" column="0">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_ScanZip</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_ScanZip</cstring>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>Scan &amp;Zip files using</string>
-@@ -141,27 +141,27 @@
- </widget>
- <widget class="KURLComboRequester" row="5" column="1">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_JarUsing</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_JarUsing</cstring>
- </property>
- </widget>
- <widget class="KURLComboRequester" row="1" column="1">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_RarUsing</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_RarUsing</cstring>
- </property>
- </widget>
- <widget class="KURLComboRequester" row="6" column="1">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_DebUsing</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_DebUsing</cstring>
- </property>
- </widget>
- <widget class="KURLComboRequester" row="8" column="1">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_TgzUsing</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_TgzUsing</cstring>
- </property>
- </widget>
- <widget class="QCheckBox" row="8" column="0">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_ScanTgz</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_ScanTgz</cstring>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>Scan Tgz files using</string>
-@@ -172,12 +172,12 @@
- </widget>
- <widget class="KURLComboRequester" row="2" column="1">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_ArjUsing</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_ArjUsing</cstring>
- </property>
- </widget>
- <widget class="QCheckBox" row="2" column="0">
- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_ScanArj</cstring>
-+ <cstring>kcfg_ScanArj</cstring>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>Scan Arj files using</string>
---- src/logoptions.ui.old 2008-03-29 12:46:38.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/logoptions.ui 2008-03-29 12:47:18.000000000 +0100
-@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
- <rect>
- <x>12</x>
- <y>69</y>
-- <width>161</width>
-+ <width>330</width>
- <height>21</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
-@@ -48,13 +48,52 @@
- </widget>
- <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
- <property name="name">
-+ <cstring>layout5</cstring>
-+ </property>
-+ <property name="geometry">
-+ <rect>
-+ <x>12</x>
-+ <y>17</y>
-+ <width>350</width>
-+ <height>40</height>
-+ </rect>
-+ </property>
-+ <grid>
-+ <property name="name">
-+ <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
-+ </property>
-+ <widget class="QSpinBox" row="0" column="1">
-+ <property name="name">
-+ <cstring>kcfg_ExpireDays</cstring>
-+ </property>
-+ </widget>
-+ <widget class="QLabel" row="0" column="0">
-+ <property name="name">
-+ <cstring>MaxMBsEx</cstring>
-+ </property>
-+ <property name="text">
-+ <string>Expire events after</string>
-+ </property>
-+ </widget>
-+ <widget class="QLabel" row="0" column="2">
-+ <property name="name">
-+ <cstring>MaxMBsEx_2</cstring>
-+ </property>
-+ <property name="text">
-+ <string>day(s)</string>
-+ </property>
-+ </widget>
-+ </grid>
-+ </widget>
-+ <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
-+ <property name="name">
- <cstring>layout4</cstring>
- </property>
- <property name="geometry">
- <rect>
- <x>11</x>
- <y>91</y>
-- <width>300</width>
-+ <width>350</width>
- <height>210</height>
- </rect>
- </property>
-@@ -141,45 +180,6 @@
- </widget>
- </vbox>
- </widget>
-- <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
-- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>layout5</cstring>
-- </property>
-- <property name="geometry">
-- <rect>
-- <x>12</x>
-- <y>17</y>
-- <width>300</width>
-- <height>40</height>
-- </rect>
-- </property>
-- <grid>
-- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
-- </property>
-- <widget class="QSpinBox" row="0" column="1">
-- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>kcfg_ExpireDays</cstring>
-- </property>
-- </widget>
-- <widget class="QLabel" row="0" column="0">
-- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>MaxMBsEx</cstring>
-- </property>
-- <property name="text">
-- <string>Expire events after</string>
-- </property>
-- </widget>
-- <widget class="QLabel" row="0" column="2">
-- <property name="name">
-- <cstring>MaxMBsEx_2</cstring>
-- </property>
-- <property name="text">
-- <string>day(s)</string>
-- </property>
-- </widget>
-- </grid>
-- </widget>
- </widget>
- </widget>
- <layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/>
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/klamav-0.46-default-db-dir.diff b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/klamav-0.46-default-db-dir.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ab8c22f7..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/klamav-0.46-default-db-dir.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff -p -up klamav-0.46/src/klammail/clamdmail.c~ klamav-0.46/src/klammail/clamdmail.c
---- klamav-0.46/src/klammail/clamdmail.c~ 2009-02-28 11:27:27.000000000 +0100
-+++ klamav-0.46/src/klammail/clamdmail.c 2009-03-14 17:16:32.000000000 +0100
-@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ void startclamd(struct optstruct *opt)
- break;
- }
- }else{
-- fprintf(tmp,"DatabaseDirectory /usr/local/share/clamav\n");
-+ fprintf(tmp,"DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav\n");
- }
- //fprintf(tmp,"ScanMail\n");
- if ((strstr(cl_retver(), "0.8")) || (strstr(cl_retver(), "0.7")))
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/klamav-0.46-gcc43.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/klamav-0.46-gcc43.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c81edd2eb..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/klamav-0.46-gcc43.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-diff -p -up klamav-0.46/src/ctcron.cpp.gcc43 klamav-0.46/src/ctcron.cpp
---- klamav-0.46/src/ctcron.cpp.gcc43 2009-02-28 11:27:27.000000000 +0100
-+++ klamav-0.46/src/ctcron.cpp 2009-03-14 16:57:40.000000000 +0100
-@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- #include "ctvariable.h"
- #include <pwd.h> // pwd, getpwnam(), getpwuid()
- #include <assert.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h> // system
- #include <qfile.h>
-diff -p -up klamav-0.46/src/ctunit.cpp.gcc43 klamav-0.46/src/ctunit.cpp
---- klamav-0.46/src/ctunit.cpp.gcc43 2009-02-28 11:27:27.000000000 +0100
-+++ klamav-0.46/src/ctunit.cpp 2009-03-14 16:57:40.000000000 +0100
-@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- #include <stdlib.h> // sprintf
- #include <stdio.h> // sprintf
- #include <ctype.h> // tolower
-+#include <stdlib.h> // atoi
- using namespace std;
-diff -p -up klamav-0.46/src/ktview.cpp.gcc43 klamav-0.46/src/ktview.cpp
---- klamav-0.46/src/ktview.cpp.gcc43 2009-02-28 11:27:27.000000000 +0100
-+++ klamav-0.46/src/ktview.cpp 2009-03-14 16:57:40.000000000 +0100
-@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
- // #include <strstream.h>
- // #endif
-+#include <stdlib.h> // system
- #include <qfileinfo.h>
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/ b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4f091eedb..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-if [ ! -d ${KLAMAV_DIR}/database -o ! -d ${KLAMAV_DIR}/quarantine ]; then
- mkdir -p ${KLAMAV_DIR}/{database,quarantine}
-if [ ! -f ${KLAMAV_DIR}/database/main.cvd -o ! -f ${KLAMAV_DIR}/database/daily.cvd ]; then
- cp -f /var/lib/clamav/* ${KLAMAV_DIR}/database
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/klamav.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/klamav.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index d2be3c790..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/klamav/klamav.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-Summary: KDE frontend for the Clam AntiVirus virus scanner
-Name: klamav
-Version: 0.46
-Release: %mkrel 4
-License: GPLv2+
-Group: File tools
-Patch0: klamav-0.46-default-db-dir.diff
-Patch1: klamav-0.42-fix-window-size.patch
-Patch2: klamav-0.41.1-pwd-echo.patch
-Patch3: klamav-0.46-gcc43.patch
-BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel
-BuildRequires: clamav-devel >= 0.93
-BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
-Requires: clamav >= 0.93
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
-KlamAV provides ClamAV protection for the KDE desktop. It includes
-'on access' scanning, manual scanning, quarantine management,
-downloading of updates, mail scanning, and automated installation.
-%setup -qn %{name}-%{version}-source/%{name}-%{version}
-#patch0 -p1 -b .default_db_directory
-%patch1 -p0 -b .fix_window_size
-%patch2 -p1 -b .pwd-echo
-%patch3 -p1 -b .gcc43
-rm -Rf %{buildroot}
-mkdir -p %{buildroot}/{%{_menudir},%{_miconsdir},%{_liconsdir}}
-mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_kde3_datadir}/applications/kde
-desktop-file-install --vendor='' --delete-original \
- --dir=%{buildroot}%{_kde3_datadir}/applications/kde \
- --remove-category="Application" \
- --add-category="Security" \
- %{buildroot}%{_kde3_datadir}/applnk/Utilities/klamav.desktop
-# Copy translated virus browser
-# Next release this shoul be made standard
-mv %{buildroot}%{_kde3_bindir}/klamav %{buildroot}%{_kde3_bindir}/klamav-real
-cp %SOURCE1 %{buildroot}%{_kde3_bindir}/klamav
-%find_lang %{name} --with-html --all-name
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-rm -Rf %{buildroot}
-%files -f %{name}.lang
-%attr (755,root,root) %{_kde3_bindir}/*
-* Fri Jul 22 2011 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 0.46-4mdv2010.2
-+ Rebuild for Trinity
-* Wed Jul 21 2010 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 0.46-3mdv2010.1
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.1
-* Tue Nov 17 2009 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 0.46-2mdv2010.0
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.0
-* Sat Mar 14 2009 Buchan Milne <[email protected]> 0.46-1mdv2009.1
-+ Revision: 355062
-- New version 0.46
-- drop vlamav patch, fixed upstream
-- rediff patches
-* Thu Sep 04 2008 Oden Eriksson <[email protected]> 0.44-2mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 280731
-- fix build against clamav-0.94 libs
-- rebuild against new clamav libs
-* Sun Jul 06 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.44-1mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 232258
-- New version 0.44
-- switch to /opt
-- drop patch4 not needed
- + Pixel <[email protected]>
- - rpm filetriggers deprecates update_menus/update_scrollkeeper/update_mime_database/update_icon_cache/update_desktop_database/post_install_gconf_schemas
-* Wed May 21 2008 Oden Eriksson <[email protected]> 0.42-4mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 209718
-- bump release
-- sync with fedora
-- rebuild
- + Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]>
- - Fix some UI issues
-* Sun Jan 20 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.42-1mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 155212
-- New version 0.42
- + Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]>
- - rebuild
- - kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request
- + Olivier Blin <[email protected]>
- - restore BuildRoot
-* Thu Aug 09 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.41.1-2mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 60769
-- drop old menu
-- New version 0.41.1
-* Sun Mar 04 2007 Emmanuel Andry <[email protected]> 0.41-2mdv2007.0
-+ Revision: 131925
-- rebuild for new libclamav
-* Sat Feb 24 2007 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <[email protected]> 0.41-1mdv2007.1
-+ Revision: 125377
-- new version
-- use --disable-rpath
-- pass some other options into the %%configure
-- drop sources 2,4,5
-- use %%find_lang
-- some cleans in spec file
-* Thu Dec 14 2006 Emmanuel Andry <[email protected]> 0.39-2mdv2007.1
-+ Revision: 96844
-- remove support for version older than MDV10.1
-* Thu Dec 14 2006 Emmanuel Andry <[email protected]> 0.39-1mdv2007.1
-+ Revision: 96583
-- New version 0.39
- drop patches 1 2 3 4 5
- + Andreas Hasenack <[email protected]>
- - renamed mdv to packages because mdv is too generic and it's hosting only packages anyway
- + Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]>
- - Fix for proxy cnofigurations. Not everyone use proxy with user and pwd.
- - Fixed media:/ or devices:/ patch
- - Added patch for translate html files. Still not the optimal solution, but
- works for current requirements
- - Added translation for .html about files
- - Fixded pt_BR translation. Patch will be submitted upstream
- - Added better ui handling by Gustavo Boiko <[email protected]>, using media:/
- on KDE 3.5
- - No nrpoc compilation
- - Upload packages with OEM fixes
- - Created package structure for klamav.
-* Tue Nov 22 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.32-1
-- 0.32
-* Fri Nov 18 2005 Oden Eriksson <[email protected]> 0.22.1-2mdk
-- rebuilt against openssl-0.9.8a
-* Fri Aug 26 2005 Buchan Milne <[email protected]> 0.22.1-1mdk
-- New release 0.22.1
-* Tue Jul 26 2005 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 0.22-1mdk
-- New release 0.22
-* Wed Jul 13 2005 Buchan Milne <[email protected]> 0.20.1-1mdk
-- New release 0.20.1
-* Fri May 27 2005 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 0.20-1mdk
-- 0.20
-* Tue May 24 2005 Eskild Hustvedt <[email protected]> 0.17.2-3mdk
-- Rebuild
-* Fri Apr 29 2005 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 0.17.2-2mdk
-- Fix BuildRequires
-* Fri Apr 29 2005 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 0.17.2-1mdk
-- 0.17.2
-* Wed Apr 13 2005 Oden Eriksson <[email protected]> 0.17-1mdk
-- 0.17
-- rediff P0
-- nuke rpath
-* Sat Apr 09 2005 Oden Eriksson <[email protected]> 0.12.1-1mdk
-- 0.12.1
-- use the %%mkrel macro
-- fix description
-- fix P0, in another place
-* Sat Oct 16 2004 Lenny Cartier <[email protected]> 0.06-1mdk
-- 0.06
-* Wed Sep 29 2004 Buchan Milne <[email protected]> 0.05-1mdk
-- first Mandrake package
-- p0 to use our clamav-db path
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmetabar/kmetabar-fix.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmetabar/kmetabar-fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e8ef1a23..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmetabar/kmetabar-fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur kmetabar.orig/src/kmetabar_widget.cpp kmetabar/src/kmetabar_widget.cpp
---- kmetabar.orig/src/kmetabar_widget.cpp 2006-11-06 18:48:04.000000000 +0200
-+++ kmetabar/src/kmetabar_widget.cpp 2006-11-06 18:49:40.000000000 +0200
-@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
- //connect(config_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotShowConfigDialog()));
- icon = new KURLLabel(main_frame_bottom);
-- icon->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
-+ //icon->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
- connect(icon, SIGNAL(leftClickedURL()), this, SLOT(slotShowPropertiesDialog()));
- name_label = new KSqueezedTextLabel(main_frame_bottom);
-@@ -176,28 +176,28 @@
- top_action_frame->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
- action1 = new KURLLabel(top_action_frame);
-- action1->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum);
-+ //action1->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- action1->setAlignment ( Qt::AlignHCenter );
- connect (action1, SIGNAL(leftClickedURL()), this, SLOT(slotaction1()));
- connect (action1, SIGNAL(enteredURL(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotMessage1(const QString&)));
- connect (action1, SIGNAL(leftURL()), this, SLOT(slotClearMsg()));
- action2 = new KURLLabel(top_action_frame);
-- action2->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum);
-+ //action2->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- action2->setAlignment ( Qt::AlignHCenter );
- connect (action2, SIGNAL(leftClickedURL()), this, SLOT(slotaction2()));
- connect (action2, SIGNAL(enteredURL(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotMessage2(const QString&)));
- connect (action2, SIGNAL(leftURL()), this, SLOT(slotClearMsg()));
- action3 = new KURLLabel(top_action_frame);
-- action3->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum);
-+ //action3->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- action3->setAlignment ( Qt::AlignHCenter );
- connect (action3, SIGNAL(leftClickedURL()), this, SLOT(slotaction3()));
- connect (action3, SIGNAL(enteredURL(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotMessage3(const QString&)));
- connect (action3, SIGNAL(leftURL()), this, SLOT(slotClearMsg()));
- action4 = new KURLLabel(top_action_frame);
-- action4->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum);
-+ //action4->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum);
- action4->setAlignment ( Qt::AlignHCenter );
- connect (action4, SIGNAL(leftClickedURL()), this, SLOT(slotaction4()));
- connect (action4, SIGNAL(enteredURL(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotMessage4(const QString&)));
-@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@
- show_more = new KURLLabel(open_frame->mainWidget());
- show_more->setURL("more");
- show_more->setPixmap(SmallIcon("1downarrow"));
-- show_more->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
-+ //show_more->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
- show_more->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight);
- show_more->show();
-@@ -1801,7 +1801,7 @@
- show_more_actions = new KURLLabel(action_frame->mainWidget());
- show_more_actions->setURL("more");
- show_more_actions->setPixmap(SmallIcon("1downarrow"));
-- show_more_actions->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
-+ //show_more_actions->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
- show_more_actions->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight);
- connect(show_more_actions, SIGNAL(leftClickedURL()), this, SLOT(slotShowMoreActions()));
-diff -Naur kmetabar.orig/src/metaframe.cpp kmetabar/src/metaframe.cpp
---- kmetabar.orig/src/metaframe.cpp 2006-11-06 18:48:04.000000000 +0200
-+++ kmetabar/src/metaframe.cpp 2006-11-06 18:56:07.000000000 +0200
-@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
- isToggled = false;
- titleButton = new HeaderLabel(this, isToggled);
-- titleButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
-+ //titleButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
- titleButton->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter );
- connect (titleButton, SIGNAL(leftClickedURL()), this, SLOT(slotaction()));
-@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
- HeaderLabel::HeaderLabel(QWidget *parent, bool toggled) : KURLLabel(parent)
- {
- isToggled = toggled;
-- this->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
-+ //this->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
- this->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter );
- this->setGlow(false);
- this->setFloat(true);
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmetabar/kmetabar-kdemacros.diff b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmetabar/kmetabar-kdemacros.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b796a0a6..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmetabar/kmetabar-kdemacros.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
---- src/kmetabar.h.orig 2005-09-06 12:12:39.000000000 +0200
-+++ src/kmetabar.h 2005-09-06 12:12:59.000000000 +0200
-@@ -8,10 +8,15 @@
- #include <konqsidebarplugin.h>
- #include <qstring.h>
- #include <qscrollview.h>
-+#include <kdemacros.h>
- #include "kmetabar_widget.h"
- #include "metascrollview.h"
-+#ifndef KDE_EXPORT
-+#define KDE_EXPORT
- class Metabar : public KonqSidebarPlugin
- {
---- src/kmetabar.cpp.orig 2005-09-06 12:00:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ src/kmetabar.cpp 2005-09-06 12:16:13.000000000 +0200
-@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
- #include <kinstance.h>
- #include <qwidget.h>
- #include <kdebug.h>
-+#include <kdemacros.h>
- #include "kmetabar.h"
- #include "kmetabar.moc"
-+#ifndef KDE_EXPORT
-+#define KDE_EXPORT
- Metabar::Metabar(KInstance *inst,QObject *parent,QWidget *widgetParent, QString &desktopName, const char* name):
- KonqSidebarPlugin(inst,parent,widgetParent,desktopName,name)
-@@ -40,7 +44,7 @@
- extern "C" {
-- KDE_EXPORT bool add_konqsidebar_kmetabar(QString* fn, QString* param, QMap<QString,QString> *map) {
-+ bool add_konqsidebar_kmetabar(QString* fn, QString* param, QMap<QString,QString> *map) {
- Q_UNUSED(param);
- map->insert("Type", "Link");
-@@ -55,7 +59,7 @@
- extern "C"
- {
-- KDE_EXPORT void* create_konqsidebar_kmetabar(KInstance *instance,QObject *par,QWidget *widp,QString &desktopname,const char *name)
-+ void* create_konqsidebar_kmetabar(KInstance *instance,QObject *par,QWidget *widp,QString &desktopname,const char *name)
- {
- return new Metabar(instance,par,widp,desktopname,name);
- }
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmetabar/kmetabar.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmetabar/kmetabar.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index a454c37c9..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmetabar/kmetabar.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-%define realversion 0.2-beta2
-Summary: Konqueror Sidebar Plugin that shows Metadata and Information
-Name: kmetabar
-Version: 0.2beta2
-Release: %mkrel 3
-Patch0: kmetabar-fix.patch
-Patch1: kmetabar-kdemacros.diff
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE3
-License: GPLv2+
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/build-%{_name}-%{_version}
-Requires: kdelibs3
-Requires: arts, expat, fam, jack, kdebase3, libogg, libvorbis, glib2
-Requires: libart_lgpl, libpng, libstdc++, libgcc, resmgr, zlib
-BuildRequires: kdelibs3-devel,arts-devel, expat-devel, fam-devel
-BuildRequires: kdebase3-devel,libogg-devel
-BuildRequires: libvorbis-devel, glib2-devel
-BuildRequires: libart_lgpl-devel,libpng-devel
-A sidebar plugin for KDE's Konqueror which shows information and actions for
-selected files and directories.
-This is a fork of the "metabar" project:
-%setup -q -n %{name}-0.2-beta2
-%patch0 -p0
-cd %{name}
-%patch1 -p0
-cd %{name}
-%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
-cd %{name}
-%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
-* Mon Jul 18 2011 <[email protected]> 0.2.beta2-3mvt2010.2
-- Packaged for Trinity
-* Fri Jul 23 2010 <[email protected]> 0.2.beta2-2mvt2010.1
-- Packaged for 2010.1
-* Tue Dec 22 2009 <[email protected]> 0.2.beta2-1mvt2010.0
- - Packaged for 2010.0
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmymoney/kmymoney-0.8.2-disable-visibility.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmymoney/kmymoney-0.8.2-disable-visibility.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ca21b3a8..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmymoney/kmymoney-0.8.2-disable-visibility.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- kmymoney2-0.8.2/ 2006-01-02 01:27:19.000000000 +0100
-+++ kmymoney2-0.8.2/ 2006-01-02 01:27:25.000000000 +0100
-@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
- AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(kmymoney2,0.8.2)
- dnl
- dnl check for a recent autoconf version
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmymoney/kmymoney2.desktop b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmymoney/kmymoney2.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b6ba4a0c..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmymoney/kmymoney2.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-GenericName=Personal Finance Manager
-GenericName[de]=Persönlicher Finanzassistent
-GenericName[fr]=Gestionnaire de finances personnelles
-GenericName[pt_BR]=Gerenciador Pessoal de Finanças
-GenericName[ru]=Учёт финансов
-Comment=Personal Finance Manager
-Comment[de]=Persönlicher Finanzassistent
-Comment[fr]=Gestionnaire de finances personnelles
-comment[pt_BR]=Gerenciador Pessoal de Finanças
-Comment[ru]=Учёт финансов
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmymoney/kmymoney2.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmymoney/kmymoney2.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 8551f4029..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kmymoney/kmymoney2.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-%define lib_name_orig %mklibname %name
-%define lib_major 0
-%define lib_name %mklibname %name %lib_major
-%define develname %mklibname -d %name
-Name: kmymoney2
-Version: 1.0.2
-Release: %mkrel 3
-Summary: Kmymoney2 The Personal Finances Manager for kde3
-Source1: kmymoney2.desktop
-License: GPLv2+
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE
-BuildRoot: %_tmppath/%name-%version-%release-root
-BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel
-BuildRequires: jpeg-devel mng-devel png-devel qt3-devel
-BuildRequires: aqhbci-devel > 0.3.0
-BuildRequires: OpenSP-devel libofx-devel
-Requires: %lib_name = %version-%release
-Patch0: kmymoney-0.8.2-disable-visibility.patch
-The Personal Finances Manager for KDE 3.
-%files -f %name.lang
-%package -n %lib_name
-Group: Development/KDE and Qt
-Summary: Libraries for %name
-%description -n %lib_name
-Librairie for %name
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%post -n %lib_name -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%postun -n %lib_name -p /sbin/ldconfig
-%files -n %lib_name
-%package -n %develname
-Group: Development/KDE and Qt
-Summary: Devel files for %name
-Requires: %lib_name = %{version}-%{release}
-Obsoletes: %lib_name-devel
-%description -n %develname
-Devel file for %name
-%files -n %develname
-%dir %_kde3_includedir/kmymoney/
-%setup -q
-#%patch0 -p1 -b .disable_visibility
-%define _disable_ld_no_undefined 1
-%configure_kde3 \
- --enable-ofxplugin \
- --enable-ofxbanking --disable-final --disable-sqlite3
-#necessary to remove old files
-make clean
-# Translation team modified desktop file
-cp -f %SOURCE1 %buildroot/%_kde3_datadir/applications/kde/
-%find_lang %name --with-html
-rm -fr %buildroot
-* Tue Jul 26 2011 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 1.0.2-3mdv2010.2
-+ rebuild for Trinity
-* Wed Jul 21 2010 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 1.0.2-2mdv2010.1
-+ rebuild for MDV 2010.1
-* Thu Nov 19 2009 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 1.0.2-1mdv2010.0
-+ Update source to 1.0.2
-+ rebuild for MDV 2010.0
-* Wed Mar 04 2009 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 0.9.3-1mdv2009.1
-+ Revision: 348190
-- Update to 0.9.3
- Disable sqlite3 support for now, the build must be fixed before
-* Sat Nov 08 2008 Oden Eriksson <[email protected]> 0.8.9-5mdv2009.1
-+ Revision: 301009
-- rebuilt against new libxcb
- + Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]>
- - Updated desktop file as requested by translation team
-* Sat Jul 26 2008 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 0.8.9-3mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 250088
-- Disable enable final
-- Fix typo
-- Fix specfile layout
-- Rebuild because BS failure
-- Move to /opt
- Move Kmoney2 out of "More"
- + Pixel <[email protected]>
- - rpm filetriggers deprecates update_menus/update_scrollkeeper/update_mime_database/update_icon_cache/update_desktop_database/post_install_gconf_schemas
- - do not call ldconfig in %%post/%%postun, it is now handled by filetriggers
-* Thu Apr 17 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.8.9-1mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 195065
-- disable kbanking as it does not exist any more
-- Bump requires on aqbanking
-- New version 0.8.9
-* Sat Mar 08 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.8.8-2mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 182081
-- cleanup spec file
- + Olivier Blin <[email protected]>
- - restore BuildRoot
-* Fri Dec 21 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.8.8-1mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 136311
-- New version 0.8.8
- + Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]>
- - kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request
- - replace %%_datadir/man by %%_mandir!
-* Mon Jul 23 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.8.7-1mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 54782
-- New version
-* Fri Jul 13 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.8.6-2mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 51845
-- New develpackage policy
-* Sat Mar 10 2007 Laurent Montel <[email protected]> 0.8.6-1mdv2007.1
-+ Revision: 140315
-- 0.8.6
-- Rebuild
-- Import kmymoney2
- + Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]>
- - Fix BuildRequires
-* Fri Sep 01 2006 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.8.5-1
-- 0.8.5
-* Mon Jun 19 2006 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.8.4-2mdk
-- Fix missing build requires
-* Sun May 21 2006 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.8.4-1mdk
-- 0.8.4
-* Thu Apr 20 2006 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.8.3-4mdk
-- Fix requires
-* Thu Apr 20 2006 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.8.3-3mdk
-- Rebuild
-* Mon Feb 27 2006 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.8.3-2mdk
-- Fix build kbanking plugins
-* Mon Feb 27 2006 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.8.3-1mdk
-- 0.8.3
-* Tue Jan 03 2006 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.8.2-2mdk
-- Fix compile under x86_64
-* Mon Jan 02 2006 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.8.2-1mdk
-- 0.8.2
-* Sun Nov 06 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.8.1-1mdk
-- 0.8.1
-* Sun Aug 14 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.8.0-1mdk
-- 0.8.0
-* Sun Jul 31 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.7.5-1mdk
-- 0.7.5
-* Tue Jul 19 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.7.4-1mdk
-- 0.7.4
-* Sat Jul 09 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.7.3-1mdk
-- 0.7.3
-* Wed Jun 01 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.7.2-1mdk
-- 0.7.2
-* Tue May 24 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.7.1-2mdk
-- Add --enable-ofxplugin
-* Sun May 22 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.7.1-1mdk
-- 0.7.1
-* Fri May 20 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.7.0-2mdk
-- Enable --enable-kbanking
-* Sun May 15 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.7.0-1mdk
-- 0.7.0
-* Sat May 07 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.6.4-3mdk
-- fix build on x86_64
-* Thu Dec 09 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.6.4-2mdk
-- Fix menu
-* Thu Nov 04 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.6.4-1mdk
-- 06.4
-* Mon Nov 01 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.6.3-1mdk
-- 0.6.3
-* Thu Sep 30 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.6.2-2mdk
-- kde2 -> kde3 thanks (Eskild Hustvedt <[email protected]>)
-- clean spec file
-* Sat Sep 25 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.6.2-1mdk
-- New version
-* Sat Aug 14 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.6.1-2mdk
-- Rebuild with new menu translation table
-* Wed Jul 21 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.6.1-1mdk
-- 0.6.1
-* Tue Jun 29 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.6-1mdk
-- 0.6
-* Tue Jun 15 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.5.1-4mdk
-- Rebuild
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/knoda-0.8.3-fix-icon-ext.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/knoda-0.8.3-fix-icon-ext.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1072f8d1e..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/knoda-0.8.3-fix-icon-ext.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
---- knoda/knoda.desktop.orig 2007-10-22 20:32:37.000000000 +0800
-+++ knoda/knoda.desktop 2007-10-22 20:32:50.000000000 +0800
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- [Desktop Entry]
- Name=knoda
- Exec=knoda
- Type=Application
- MimeType=application/x-sqlite3;application/x-sqlite2;application/x-hk_classes-sqlite3;application/x-hk_classes-sqlite2;application/x-msaccess;application/x-dbase;application/x-hk_connection;application/x-paradox;
- DocPath=knoda/index.html
-@@ -12,5 +12,4 @@
- Comment[fr]=Application base de données
- Comment[it]=Un'applicazione base di dati
- Terminal=false
-\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/knoda-0.8.3-remove-fr-comment.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/knoda-0.8.3-remove-fr-comment.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 56e635b20..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/knoda-0.8.3-remove-fr-comment.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
---- knoda/x-hk_classes-sqlite3.desktop.orig 2007-09-01 10:11:04.000000000 +0800
-+++ knoda/x-hk_classes-sqlite3.desktop 2007-09-01 10:11:12.000000000 +0800
-@@ -6,6 +6,5 @@
- Patterns=*.hk_sqlite3
- Comment=Sqlite3 database (knoda)
- Comment[de]=Sqlite3 Datenbank (knoda)
--Comment[fr]=Sqlite3 base de donn�es (knoda)
- Comment[es]=Sqlite3 base de datos (knoda)
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/knoda.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/knoda.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index d825dd70a..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/knoda.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-%define LIBMAJ 0
-%define libname %mklibname %name %LIBMAJ
-%define develname %mklibname %name -d
-%define name knoda
-%define version 0.8.3
-%define hk_version 0.8.3
-%define release %mkrel 10
-Summary: Database frontend for KDE
-Name: %{name}
-Version: %{version}
-Release: %{release}
-License: GPL
-Group: Databases
-Source2: lo48-app-knoda.png
-Patch0: knoda-0.8.3-remove-fr-comment.patch
-Patch1: knoda-0.8.3-fix-icon-ext.patch
-BuildRoot: %_tmppath/%name-%version-root
-BuildRequires: hk_classes-devel = %{hk_version}
-BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel
-BuildRequires: python-devel
-BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
-Requires: hk_classes = %{hk_version}
-Obsoletes: %{libname}
-Knoda is a database frontend for KDE. It is based on hk_classes.
-Knoda allows you to:
- * define and delete databases;
- * create, alter and delete tables and indices;
- * add, change and delete data in tables;
- * define, execute and store sql queries;
- * import and export CSV data;
- * define and use forms; and
- * define and print reports
-Its driver concept allows a uniform connection to different database
-Note: If you've used knoda 0.6, you'll probably want to delete
-~/.hk_classes/preferences, as the driver paths have changed.
-%package devel
-Summary: Headers for hk_kdeclasses application development
-Group: Development/Databases
-Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-Obsoletes: %{libname}-devel
-Obsoletes: %{develname}
-%description devel
-Hk_kdeclasses headers for application development
-%setup -q -a 1 -n %{name}-%{version}
-%patch0 -p0
-%patch1 -p0
-%configure_kde3 --disable-final \
- --with-hk_classes-dir=%{_libdir}/hk_classes \
- --with-hk_classes-incdir=%{_includedir}/hk_classes
-rm -rf %{buildroot}
-# (sb) get rid of CVS in python docs
-rm -rf %{name}python/common/CVS
-mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_kde3_datadir}/applications/kde
-desktop-file-install --vendor="" --delete-original \
- --dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_kde3_datadir}/applications/kde \
- $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_kde3_datadir}/applnk/Office/%{name}.desktop
-%find_lang %name --with-html
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%update_icon_cache hicolor
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%clean_icon_cache hicolor
-rm -fr %buildroot
-%files -f %name.lang
-%doc %{name}python/*
-%files devel
-* Fri Jul 22 2011 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 0.8.3-9mdv2010.2
-+ Rebuild for Trinity
-* Wed Jul 21 2010 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 0.8.3-9mdv2010.1
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.1
-* Tue Nov 24 2009 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 0.8.3-8mdv2010.0
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.0
-* Thu Jul 31 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.8.3-7mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 257899
-- switch to /opt
- + Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]>
- - rebuild
- + Pixel <[email protected]>
- - rpm filetriggers deprecates update_menus/update_scrollkeeper/update_mime_database/update_icon_cache/update_desktop_database/post_install_gconf_schemas
-* Mon Feb 18 2008 Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]> 0.8.3-5mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 170929
-- rebuild
-- fix "foobar is blabla" summary (=> "blabla") so that it looks nice in rpmdrake
-- fix spacing at top of description
-- kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request
- + Olivier Blin <[email protected]>
- - restore BuildRoot
-* Tue Oct 23 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.8.3-4mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 101432
-- cleanup spec file
-- fix desktop file icon ext
-- drop libpackage as it is wrongly introduced.
-* Sat Sep 01 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.8.3-3mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 77297
-- Remove invalid fr comment of menu entry
-* Fri Aug 10 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.8.3-2mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 61513
-- don't use chrpath
-* Tue Jun 26 2007 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.8.3-1mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 44338
-- new develpackage policy
- drop old menu
- + Per Øyvind Karlsen <[email protected]>
- - update to 0.8.3
- - wipe out buildroot before install
-* Mon Jan 15 2007 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 0.8.2-1mdv2007.0
-+ Revision: 109306
- + Lenny Cartier <[email protected]>
- - Update to 0.8.2
-* Mon Jul 10 2006 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]> 0.8.1-1mdv2007.0
-+ Revision: 38589
-- Fix xdg menu
-- right require on hk_version
-- 0.8.1
-- Fix Menu for xdg
-- Use macros
-- Increase release
-- Fix menu
-- Use macros
-- import knoda-0.8-1mdk
-* Sun Dec 11 2005 Gaetan Lehmann <[email protected]> 0.8-1mdk
-- 0.8
-- fix build on x86_64
-* Wed Oct 05 2005 Nicolas L�cureuil <[email protected]> 0.7.4-6mdk
-- Rebuild
-* Tue Oct 04 2005 Nicolas L�cureuil <[email protected]> 0.7.4-5mdk
-- BuildRequires fix
-* Sun Sep 18 2005 Nicolas L�cureuil <[email protected]> 0.7.4-4mdk
-- Fix Requires
-* Wed Jul 13 2005 Nicolas L�cureuil <[email protected]> 0.7.4-3mdk
-- Rebuild for new hk_classes
-* Tue Jul 05 2005 Nicolas L�cureuil <[email protected]> 0.7.4-2mdk
-- Remove conflict : i suxx
-* Sat Jul 02 2005 Nicolas L�cureuil <[email protected]> 0.7.4-1mdk
-- 0.7.4
-- Fix conflicts with mandrake-mime BR: 16672
-* Sat Apr 30 2005 Nicolas L�cureuil <[email protected]> 0.7.4-0.test1.1mdk
-- New release 0.7.4-test1
-* Mon Feb 07 2005 Stew Benedict <[email protected]> 0.7.2-2mdk
-- rebuild for new python
-* Tue Nov 30 2004 Stew Benedict <[email protected]> 0.7.2-1mdk
-- 0.7.2, make sure it requires hk_classes with the same version
-- roll python-knoda into the main package, since it's just docs
-* Sat Oct 02 2004 Stew Benedict <[email protected]> 0.7.1-2mdk
-- fix crash bug (missing /usr/lib/kde3/libhk*.la files - #11863)
-* Fri Sep 24 2004 Lenny Cartier <[email protected]> 0.7.1-1mdk
-- 0.7.1
-* Thu Jun 17 2004 Stew Benedict <[email protected]> 0.6.3-2mdk
-- rebuild, patch to build with gcc-3.4.1 (patch0, extra ";"s)
-- some rpmlint fixes
-* Thu Apr 22 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 0.6.3-1mdk
-- 0.6.3
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/knodapython.tar.bz2 b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/knodapython.tar.bz2
deleted file mode 100644
index 32168d16d..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/knodapython.tar.bz2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/lo48-app-knoda.png b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/lo48-app-knoda.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 17dab3d10..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/knoda/lo48-app-knoda.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kosd/kde3-kosd.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kosd/kde3-kosd.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 54b128314..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kosd/kde3-kosd.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-%define oname KOSD
-Name: kosd-kde3
-Version: 0.2.3
-Release: %mkrel 5
-Summary: An application showing OSD to respond volume buttons
-License: GPLv2+
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE3
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
-Patch0: kde-3.5.10-acinclude.patch
-Patch1: fix_autotools.patch
-BuildRequires: kde3-macros
-%if %mdkversion < 201000
-BuildRequires: autoconf <= 1:2.63
-BuildRequires: automake >= 1.6.1
-BuildRequires: autoconf >= 1:2.65
-BuildRequires: automake >= 1.11
-BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel
-Requires: kde3-kmix
-Obsoletes: kde3-kvolumeosd < %version
-KOSD is a simple KDE application that runs in the background and
-responds to volume buttons by showing a little OSD. It delegates the
-actual job of adjusting the volume to KMix.
-%setup -q -n %{oname}
-%if %mdkversion >= 201000
-%patch0 -p1
-%patch1 -p1
-make -f Makefile.cvs
-rm -rf %buildroot
-%find_lang kosd --with-html
-mkdir -p %buildroot%_kde3_datadir/applications/kde
-mv %buildroot/share/applications/*.desktop %buildroot%_kde3_datadir/applications/kde
-rm -rf %buildroot
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%update_kde3_icon_cache hicolor
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%clean_kde3_icon_cache hicolor
-%files -f kosd.lang
-* Fri Jul 22 2011 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 0.2.3-5mdv2010.2
-+ Rebuild for Trinity
-* Fri Jul 23 2010 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 0.2.3-4mdv2010.1
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.1
-* Sat Feb 13 2010 Atilla ÖNTAŞ <[email protected]> 0.2.3-3mdv2010.0
-+ Fix built issues with autocnf 2.65 and automake 1.11
-+ Change package group
-* Mon Nov 16 2009 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 0.2.3-2mdv2010.0
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.0
-* Fri Aug 01 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.2.3-1mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 259119
-- New version 0.2.3
-* Wed Jul 30 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.2.2-1mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 254587
-- New version 0.2.2
- + Pixel <[email protected]>
- - rpm filetriggers deprecates update_menus/update_scrollkeeper/update_mime_database/update_icon_cache/update_desktop_database/post_install_gconf_schemas
-* Wed Jun 04 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.2.1-1mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 214973
-- Rename to kosd
-- new version 0.2.1
-- rename to kosd
-* Fri May 09 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.1-2mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 205328
-- fix post and postun script
-* Fri May 09 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.1-1mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 205299
-- fix name
-- import source and spec
-- Created package structure for kde3-kvolumeosd.
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/kde3-krandr.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/kde3-krandr.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index a7a8438bc..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/kde3-krandr.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-%define oname krandr
-Name: kde3-%{oname}
-Summary: Applet for configuring screen size and rotation
-Release: %mkrel 19
-License: GPL
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE3
-Source0: %{oname}-%{version}.tar.gz
-Patch0: %{oname}-
-Patch1: %{oname}-0.5.2-display_switch.patch
-Patch2: %{oname}-
-Patch3: %{oname}-
-Patch4: %{oname}-
-Patch5: %{oname}-
-Patch6: %{oname}-
-Patch7: %{oname}-
-Patch8: kde-3.5.10-acinclude.patch
-Patch9: fix_autotools.patch
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
-BuildRequires: kde3-macros
-BuildRequires: automake >= 1.6.1
-%if %mdkversion < 201000
-BuildRequires: autoconf <= 1:2.63
-BuildRequires: autoconf >= 1:2.65
-BuildRequires: qt3-devel >= 3.3.3
-BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel
-BuildRequires: kde3-macros
-Conflicts: kdebase-common <= 1:3.5.7-18mdv2008.0
-Conflicts: libkdebase4 <= 1:3.5.7-20mdv2008.0
-Provides: %{oname} = %version-%release
-Obsoletes: %{oname}
-KRandr is an applet for configuring screen size and rotation through the XRandR
-%setup -q -n %{oname}-%{version}
-%patch0 -p1 -b .legacyrandr
-%patch1 -p1 -b .displayswitch
-%patch2 -p1 -b .rrate_display
-%patch3 -p1 -b .fix_autostart
-%patch4 -p1 -b .test_translations
-%patch5 -p1 -b .crtc_set
-%patch6 -p1 -b .grab_server
-%patch7 -p1 -b .flush_after_ungrab
-%if %mdkversion >= 201000
-%patch8 -p1
-%patch9 -p1
-%define _disable_ld_no_undefined 1
-make -f admin/Makefile.common cvs
-rm -rf %buildroot
-# install %{oname}tray in kde autostart
-install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{_kde3_datadir}/autostart
-cp -f %{buildroot}%{_kde3_datadir}/applications/kde/%{oname}tray.desktop %{buildroot}%{_kde3_datadir}/autostart/
-# remove the non wanted files
-%exclude %{_kde3_datadir}/doc/HTML/en/%{oname}
-%exclude %{_kde3_datadir}/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/%{oname}.mo
-* Mon Jul 19 2010 Tim Williams <[email protected]>
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.2/Trinity
-* Mon Jul 19 2010 Tim Williams <[email protected]>
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.1
-* Fri Feb 12 2010 Atilla ÖNTAŞ <[email protected]>
-+ KDE builds with autoconf 2.65, add patch for this and
- set autoconf to version 2.65
-- Rename package name and group to avoid possible future kde4 conflicts
-* Fri Nov 13 2009 Tim Williams <[email protected]>
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.0
-* Tue Jul 22 2008 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]>
-+ Revision: 240518
-- Flush the X calls after calling XUngrabServer to avoid deadlocks
-* Sat Jun 14 2008 Anssi Hannula <[email protected]>
-+ Revision: 219126
-- rebuild to get higher evr than 2008.1 updates (needed for kde4 conflicts)
-* Mon May 05 2008 Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]>
-+ Revision: 201520
-- Update %{oname} to new build of moved kde3
-* Mon Mar 31 2008 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]>
-+ Revision: 191318
-- Grab the X server in order for the changes to be atomic
-* Fri Mar 28 2008 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]>
-+ Revision: 190977
-- Fix the way the screen are upper-sized when the resolution of the CRTC is
- changed. This avoids kicker and kwin getting lost on parsing X events.
-* Mon Mar 10 2008 Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]>
-+ Revision: 183618
-- fix description
-* Mon Mar 10 2008 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]>
-+ Revision: 183512
-- Use the correct autostart condition so that it is actually started (#38455)
-* Fri Feb 22 2008 Nicolas Lécureuil <[email protected]>
-+ Revision: 174021
-- Add translations for mandriva strings
-* Thu Jan 03 2008 Oden Eriksson <[email protected]>
-+ Revision: 141739
-- rebuilt against openldap-2.4.7 libs
- + Olivier Blin <[email protected]>
- - restore BuildRoot
- + Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]>
- - kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request
-* Wed Oct 03 2007 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]>
-+ Revision: 94865
-- Make it possible to disable %{oname} autostart (#34378)
-* Fri Sep 28 2007 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]>
-+ Revision: 93579
-- Make %{oname} start at session startup (#34047)
-- Remove the dummy documentation files
-* Mon Sep 17 2007 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]>
-+ Revision: 89338
-- Fix displaying of refresh rates (#33710)
-* Thu Sep 13 2007 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]>
-+ Revision: 85303
-- add a display switch shortcut
-- add proper conflicts to libkdebase4 (#32957)
-* Wed Sep 12 2007 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]>
-+ Revision: 84651
-- Use the legacy randr interface when there is only one output available
- (mostly drivers that do not support RandR1.2 yet)
-* Tue Aug 28 2007 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]>
-+ Revision: 72849
-- Fix group and point the URL to the git repository of %{oname}
-- Import %{oname}
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-0.5.2-display_switch.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-0.5.2-display_switch.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 366b6685c..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-0.5.2-display_switch.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
---- krandr- 2007-09-03 18:05:43.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2007-09-03 18:29:15.000000000 -0300
-@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ public:
- void configChanged();
-+public slots:
-+ void slotSwitchDisplay();
- protected slots:
- void slotScreenActivated();
- void slotResolutionChanged(int parameter);
---- krandr- 2007-09-03 18:05:43.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2007-09-03 18:31:43.000000000 -0300
-@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ public:
- void refresh();
-+ void switchOutput();
- /**
- * Loads saved settings.
- *
---- krandr- 2007-09-03 18:05:43.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2007-09-03 18:32:51.000000000 -0300
-@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ public:
- int index() const;
-+ void switchOutput();
- XRRScreenResources* resources() const;
- Window rootWindow() const;
---- krandr- 2007-09-03 18:05:43.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2007-09-04 10:12:05.000000000 -0300
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-+#include <kglobalaccel.h>
- #include <kapplication.h>
- #include <kpopupmenu.h>
- #include <khelpmenu.h>
-@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
- #include "randroutput.h"
- #include "randrmode.h"
-+#include <kdebug.h>
- KRandRSystemTray::KRandRSystemTray(RandRDisplay *dpy, QWidget* parent, const char *name)
- : KSystemTray(parent, name)
- , m_popupUp(false), m_display(dpy)
-@@ -43,6 +45,16 @@ KRandRSystemTray::KRandRSystemTray(RandR
- connect(this, SIGNAL(quitSelected()), kapp, SLOT(quit()));
- QToolTip::add(this, i18n("Screen resize & rotate"));
-+ KConfig cfg("kcmrandrrc");
-+ cfg.setGroup("General");
-+ KGlobalAccel *accel = new KGlobalAccel(this);
-+ accel->insert( "DisplaySwitch", i18n("Switch displays"),
-+ i18n("Switch between active displays."),
-+ CTRL+SHIFT+Key_S, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_S, this, SLOT(slotSwitchDisplay()) );
-+ accel->readSettings(&cfg);
-+ accel->updateConnections();
- }
- void KRandRSystemTray::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
-@@ -456,3 +468,8 @@ void KRandRSystemTray::slotPrefs()
- kcm->setPlainCaption( i18n( "Configure Display" ) );
- kcm->exec();
- }
-+void KRandRSystemTray::slotSwitchDisplay()
-+ m_display->switchOutput();
---- krandr- 2007-09-03 18:05:43.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2007-09-03 18:32:35.000000000 -0300
-@@ -300,3 +300,10 @@ void RandRDisplay::applyProposed(bool co
- }
- }
-+void RandRDisplay::switchOutput()
-+#ifdef HAS_RANDR_1_2
-+ if (RandR::has_1_2)
-+ currentScreen()->switchOutput();
---- krandr- 2007-09-03 18:05:43.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2007-09-04 12:45:23.000000000 -0300
-@@ -581,6 +581,93 @@ void RandRScreen::slotOutputChanged(RROu
- emit configChanged();
- }
-+void RandRScreen::switchOutput()
-+ //refresh settings so that the new monitor gets detected
-+ loadSettings();
-+ // if there is just one connected output, do not switch
-+ if (connectedCount() < 2)
-+ return;
-+ // disable all outputs and activate the first connected one
-+ if (activeCount() > 1)
-+ {
-+ bool first = true;
-+ slotUnifyOutputs(0);
-+ OutputMap::iterator it;
-+ for(it = m_outputs.begin(); it != m_outputs.end(); ++it)
-+ {
-+ RandROutput *output = *it;
-+ if (first && output->isActive())
-+ first = false;
-+ else if (first && output->isConnected())
-+ {
-+ SizeList sizes = output->sizes();
-+ if (!sizes.count())
-+ continue;
-+ output->proposeRect(QRect(QPoint(0,0), sizes.first()));
-+ if (output->applyProposed(false))
-+ first = false;
-+ else
-+ output->slotDisable();
-+ }
-+ else
-+ output->slotDisable();
-+ }
-+ for(it = m_outputs.begin(); it != m_outputs.end(); ++it)
-+ {
-+ RandROutput *output = *it;
-+ if (output->isConnected())
-+ {
-+ SizeList sizes = output->sizes();
-+ if (!sizes.count())
-+ continue;
-+ output->proposeRect(QRect(QPoint(0,0), sizes.first()));
-+ if (output->applyProposed(RandR::ChangeRect, false))
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ OutputMap::iterator it;
-+ // first disable the currently active output and try to active the next
-+ // connected one
-+ bool found_active = false, found_connected = false;
-+ for(it = m_outputs.begin(); it != m_outputs.end(); ++it)
-+ {
-+ RandROutput *output = *it;
-+ if (!found_active && output->isActive())
-+ {
-+ output->slotDisable();
-+ found_active = true;
-+ }
-+ else if (found_active && output->isConnected())
-+ {
-+ SizeList sizes = output->sizes();
-+ if (!sizes.count())
-+ continue;
-+ output->proposeRect(QRect(QPoint(0,0), sizes.first()));
-+ if (output->applyProposed(RandR::ChangeRect, false))
-+ {
-+ found_connected = true;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ // if we could not find the next connected output after the active one,
-+ // activate all
-+ if (!found_connected)
-+ slotUnifyOutputs(1);
-+ } // if activeCount < 2
- #include "randrscreen.moc"
- #endif
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr- b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-
deleted file mode 100644
index 043bae478..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- krandr- 2008-02-22 22:45:54.000000000 +0100
-+++ krandr- 2008-02-22 22:59:44.000000000 +0100
-@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
- }
- menu->insertSeparator();
-+ KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue("mandriva-kde-translation");
- lastIndex = menu->insertItem(i18n( "Start KRandR when KDE starts" ));
- menu->connectItem(lastIndex, this, SLOT(slotToggleRunStartup()));
- menu->setItemChecked( lastIndex, m_runStartup );
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr- b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a64c309e..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-diff -p -up krandr- krandr-
---- krandr- 2008-03-28 13:56:38.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2008-03-28 16:15:57.000000000 -0300
-@@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ RandRCrtc::RandRCrtc(RandRScreen *parent
- Q_ASSERT(m_screen);
- m_id = id;
-+ // just to make sure it gets initialized
-+ m_proposedRect = m_currentRect;
-+ m_proposedRotation = m_currentRotation;
-+ m_proposedRate = m_currentRate;
- loadSettings();
- }
-@@ -116,11 +123,6 @@ void RandRCrtc::loadSettings(bool notify
- changes |= RandR::ChangeRate;
- }
-- // just to make sure it gets initialized
-- m_proposedRect = m_currentRect;
-- m_proposedRotation = m_currentRotation;
-- m_proposedRate = m_currentRate;
- // free the info
- XRRFreeCrtcInfo(info);
-@@ -130,6 +132,7 @@ void RandRCrtc::loadSettings(bool notify
- void RandRCrtc::handleEvent(XRRCrtcChangeNotifyEvent *event)
- {
-+#if 0
- kdDebug() << "[CRTC] Event..." << endl;
- int changed = 0;
-@@ -164,6 +167,7 @@ void RandRCrtc::handleEvent(XRRCrtcChang
- if (changed)
- emit crtcChanged(m_id, changed);
- }
- RRMode RandRCrtc::mode() const
-@@ -241,6 +245,7 @@ bool RandRCrtc::applyProposed()
- return false;
- RROutput *outputs = new RROutput[m_connectedOutputs.count()];
-+ int connectedCount = m_connectedOutputs.count();
- for (int i = 0; i < m_connectedOutputs.count(); ++i)
- outputs[i] = m_connectedOutputs[i];
-@@ -261,7 +266,7 @@ bool RandRCrtc::applyProposed()
- if (!m_screen->rect().contains(r))
- {
- // try to adjust the screen size
-- if (!m_screen->adjustSize(r))
-+ if (!adjustScreenSize(r, true))
- return false;
- }
-@@ -279,7 +284,7 @@ bool RandRCrtc::applyProposed()
- // adjust the screen size
- r = r.unite(m_currentRect);
-- if (!m_screen->adjustSize(r))
-+ if (!adjustScreenSize(r,true))
- return false;
- }
- }
-@@ -287,7 +292,7 @@ bool RandRCrtc::applyProposed()
- Status s = XRRSetCrtcConfig(qt_xdisplay(), m_screen->resources(), m_id,
- RandR::timestamp, m_proposedRect.x(), m_proposedRect.y(),,
-- m_proposedRotation, outputs, m_connectedOutputs.count());
-+ m_proposedRotation, outputs, connectedCount);
- bool ret;
- if (s == RRSetConfigSuccess)
-@@ -424,6 +429,19 @@ ModeList RandRCrtc::modes() const
- return modeList;
- }
-+bool RandRCrtc::adjustScreenSize(const QRect &rect, bool disable)
-+ if (disable)
-+ {
-+ // disable the crtc before changing screen size
-+ Status s = XRRSetCrtcConfig(qt_xdisplay(), m_screen->resources(), m_id,
-+ RandR::timestamp, 0, 0, None,
-+ RandR::Rotate0, NULL, 0);
-+ }
-+ return m_screen->adjustSize(rect);
- #include "randrcrtc.moc"
- #endif
-diff -p -up krandr- krandr-
---- krandr- 2008-03-28 16:14:56.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2008-03-28 16:15:18.000000000 -0300
-@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ void RandROutput::loadSettings(bool noti
- void RandROutput::handleEvent(XRROutputChangeNotifyEvent *event)
- {
-+#if 0
- int changed = 0;
- if (event->crtc != m_currentCrtc)
-@@ -141,6 +142,7 @@ void RandROutput::handleEvent(XRROutputC
- if (changed)
- emit outputChanged(m_id, changed);
- }
- void RandROutput::handlePropertyEvent(XRROutputPropertyNotifyEvent *event)
-diff -p -up krandr- krandr-
---- krandr- 2008-03-28 14:24:07.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2008-03-28 14:27:15.000000000 -0300
-@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ public:
- ModeList modes() const;
-+ bool adjustScreenSize(const QRect &rect, bool disableCrtc = false);
- signals:
- void crtcChanged(RRCrtc c, int changes);
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr- b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-
deleted file mode 100644
index 6937687b1..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
---- krandr- 2007-10-02 20:22:50.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2007-10-02 20:29:49.000000000 -0300
-@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ KRandRSystemTray::KRandRSystemTray(RandR
- KConfig cfg("kcmrandrrc");
- cfg.setGroup("General");
-+ m_runStartup = cfg.readBoolEntry("AutoStart", true);
- KGlobalAccel *accel = new KGlobalAccel(this);
- accel->insert( "DisplaySwitch", i18n("Switch displays"),
- i18n("Switch between active displays."),
-@@ -111,6 +112,10 @@ void KRandRSystemTray::contextMenuAboutT
- menu->insertSeparator();
-+ lastIndex = menu->insertItem(i18n( "Start KRandR when KDE starts" ));
-+ menu->connectItem(lastIndex, this, SLOT(slotToggleRunStartup()));
-+ menu->setItemChecked( lastIndex, m_runStartup );
- KAction *actPrefs = new KAction( i18n( "Configure Display..." ),
- SmallIconSet( "configure" ), KShortcut(), this, SLOT( slotPrefs() ),
- actionCollection() );
-@@ -469,6 +474,15 @@ void KRandRSystemTray::slotPrefs()
- kcm->exec();
- }
-+void KRandRSystemTray::slotToggleRunStartup()
-+ m_runStartup = !m_runStartup;
-+ KConfig cfg("kcmrandrrc");
-+ cfg.setGroup("General");
-+ cfg.writeEntry("AutoStart", m_runStartup);
- void KRandRSystemTray::slotSwitchDisplay()
- {
- m_display->switchOutput();
---- krandr- 2007-10-02 20:22:50.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2007-10-02 20:22:50.000000000 -0300
-@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ protected slots:
- void slotOrientationChanged(int parameter);
- void slotRefreshRateChanged(int parameter);
- void slotPrefs();
-+ void slotToggleRunStartup();
- protected:
- void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e );
-@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ private:
- bool m_popupUp;
- QValueList<KPopupMenu*> m_screenPopups;
- RandRDisplay *m_display;
-+ bool m_runStartup;
- };
- #endif
---- krandr- 2007-10-02 20:42:22.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2007-10-02 20:29:27.000000000 -0300
-@@ -116,3 +116,4 @@ Icon=randr
- Type=Application
- OnlyShowIn=KDE;
- Categories=Qt;KDE;System;
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr- b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-
deleted file mode 100644
index 455298711..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
---- krandr- 2007-09-17 17:12:03.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2007-09-17 17:16:35.000000000 -0300
-@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ void KRandRSystemTray::populateRates(KPo
- RateList::const_iterator it;
- for (it = rates.begin(); it != rates.end(); ++it)
- {
-- lastIndex = menu->insertItem(i18n("%1 Hz", QString::number(*it, 'f', 1)));
-+ lastIndex = menu->insertItem(i18n("%1 Hz").arg(QString::number(*it, 'f', 1)));
- menu->setItemParameter(lastIndex, i);
- if (*it == rate)
- menu->setItemChecked(lastIndex, true);
---- krandr- 2007-09-17 17:24:23.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2007-09-17 17:25:12.000000000 -0300
-@@ -246,12 +246,12 @@ QStringList LegacyRandRScreen::refreshRa
- QString LegacyRandRScreen::refreshRateDirectDescription(int rate) const
- {
-- return i18n("Refresh rate in Hertz (Hz)", "%1 Hz", rate);
-+ return i18n("%1 Hz").arg(rate);
- }
- QString LegacyRandRScreen::refreshRateIndirectDescription(int size, int index) const
- {
-- return i18n("Refresh rate in Hertz (Hz)", "%1 Hz", refreshRateIndexToHz(size, index));
-+ return i18n("%1 Hz").arg(refreshRateIndexToHz(size, index));
- }
- QString LegacyRandRScreen::refreshRateDescription(int size, int index) const
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr- b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-
deleted file mode 100644
index feea4ce8e..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-diff -p -up krandr- krandr-
---- krandr- 2008-05-15 13:45:35.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2008-05-15 13:44:02.000000000 -0300
-@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ bool RandRCrtc::applyProposed()
- // Grab server while messing around
- XGrabServer(qt_xdisplay());
-+ XFlush(qt_xdisplay());
- RandRMode mode;
- if (m_proposedRect.size() == m_currentRect.size() && m_proposedRate == m_currentRate)
-@@ -248,6 +249,7 @@ bool RandRCrtc::applyProposed()
- else if (!mode.isValid())
- {
- XUngrabServer(qt_xdisplay());
-+ XFlush(qt_xdisplay());
- return false;
- }
-@@ -268,6 +270,7 @@ bool RandRCrtc::applyProposed()
- if (r.width() > m_screen->maxSize().width() || r.height() > m_screen->maxSize().height())
- {
- XUngrabServer(qt_xdisplay());
-+ XFlush(qt_xdisplay());
- return false;
- }
-@@ -279,6 +282,7 @@ bool RandRCrtc::applyProposed()
- if (!adjustScreenSize(r, true))
- {
- XUngrabServer(qt_xdisplay());
-+ XFlush(qt_xdisplay());
- return false;
- }
- }
-@@ -331,6 +335,7 @@ bool RandRCrtc::applyProposed()
- m_screen->adjustSize();
- XUngrabServer(qt_xdisplay());
-+ XFlush(qt_xdisplay());
- return ret;
- }
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr- b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-
deleted file mode 100644
index 57faa1cf6..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-diff -p -up krandr- krandr-
---- krandr- 2008-03-31 15:52:59.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2008-03-31 15:56:11.000000000 -0300
-@@ -199,6 +199,10 @@ bool RandRCrtc::applyProposed()
- for (int i = 0; i < m_connectedOutputs.count(); ++i)
- kdDebug() << " - " << m_screen->output(m_connectedOutputs[i])->name() << endl;
- #endif
-+ // Grab server while messing around
-+ XGrabServer(qt_xdisplay());
- RandRMode mode;
- if (m_proposedRect.size() == m_currentRect.size() && m_proposedRate == m_currentRate)
- {
-@@ -242,7 +246,10 @@ bool RandRCrtc::applyProposed()
- if (!m_connectedOutputs.count())
- mode = RandRMode();
- else if (!mode.isValid())
-+ {
-+ XUngrabServer(qt_xdisplay());
- return false;
-+ }
- RROutput *outputs = new RROutput[m_connectedOutputs.count()];
- int connectedCount = m_connectedOutputs.count();
-@@ -259,7 +266,10 @@ bool RandRCrtc::applyProposed()
- {
- QRect r = QRect(0,0,0,0).unite(m_proposedRect);
- if (r.width() > m_screen->maxSize().width() || r.height() > m_screen->maxSize().height())
-+ {
-+ XUngrabServer(qt_xdisplay());
- return false;
-+ }
- // if the desired mode is bigger than the current screen size, first change the
- // screen size, and then the crtc size
-@@ -267,7 +277,10 @@ bool RandRCrtc::applyProposed()
- {
- // try to adjust the screen size
- if (!adjustScreenSize(r, true))
-+ {
-+ XUngrabServer(qt_xdisplay());
- return false;
-+ }
- }
- }
-@@ -280,12 +293,18 @@ bool RandRCrtc::applyProposed()
- // check if the rotated rect is smaller than the max screen size
- r = m_screen->rect().unite(r);
- if (r.width() > m_screen->maxSize().width() || r.height() > m_screen->maxSize().height())
-+ {
-+ XUngrabServer(qt_xdisplay());
- return false;
-+ }
- // adjust the screen size
- r = r.unite(m_currentRect);
- if (!adjustScreenSize(r,true))
-+ {
-+ XUngrabServer(qt_xdisplay());
- return false;
-+ }
- }
- }
- }
-@@ -311,6 +330,7 @@ bool RandRCrtc::applyProposed()
- }
- m_screen->adjustSize();
-+ XUngrabServer(qt_xdisplay());
- return ret;
- }
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr- b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b406daa5..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krandr/krandr-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
---- krandr- 2007-09-12 11:00:50.000000000 -0300
-+++ krandr- 2007-09-12 11:05:15.000000000 -0300
-@@ -64,6 +64,27 @@ RandRDisplay::RandRDisplay()
- m_legacyScreens.append(new LegacyRandRScreen(i));
- }
-+#ifdef HAS_RANDR_1_2
-+ // check if we have more than one output, if no, revert to the legacy behavior
-+ if (RandR::has_1_2)
-+ {
-+ int count = 0;
-+ for (int i = 0; i < m_numScreens; ++i)
-+ count += m_screens[i]->outputs().count();
-+ if (count < 2)
-+ {
-+ RandR::has_1_2 = false;
-+ for (int i = 0; i < m_numScreens; ++i)
-+ {
-+ delete m_screens[i];
-+ m_legacyScreens.append(new LegacyRandRScreen(i));
-+ }
-+ m_screens.clear();
-+ }
-+ }
- setCurrentScreen(QApplication::desktop()->primaryScreen());
- }
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krozat/krozat-effect-0.1.tar.bz2 b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krozat/krozat-effect-0.1.tar.bz2
deleted file mode 100644
index 4356c9eb4..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krozat/krozat-effect-0.1.tar.bz2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krozat/krozat-printf.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krozat/krozat-printf.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c43aef48..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krozat/krozat-printf.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---- krozat/krozat.cpp.orig 2009-11-17 13:40:31.000000000 +0000
-+++ krozat/krozat.cpp 2009-11-17 13:50:20.000000000 +0000
-@@ -849,7 +849,8 @@
- if (!mImage.load(fpath))
- {
-- printf(i18n("Failed to load image \"%1\"\n").arg(fpath).local8Bit());
-+ /***Adding %s seems to fix this - I hope. tmw***/
-+ printf("%s", i18n("Failed to load image \"%1\"\n").arg(fpath).local8Bit());
- mFileList.remove(fname);
- if (!mFileList.isEmpty())
- loadNextImage();
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krozat/krozat-trinity.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krozat/krozat-trinity.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4011fd0a2..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krozat/krozat-trinity.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- krozat/krozat.cpp.orig 2011-07-22 15:28:02.429285443 +0100
-+++ krozat/krozat.cpp 2011-07-22 15:28:06.356282951 +0100
-@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
- time(&t);
- srand((unsigned int)t);
-- KImageIO::registerFormats();
-+ //KImageIO::registerFormats();
- //blank();
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krozat/krozat.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krozat/krozat.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index ca5a9bcf7..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/krozat/krozat.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-%define effect_version 0.1
-Summary: Default Mandriva Linux screensaver for KDE
-Name: krozat
-Version: 2008.1.6
-Release: %mkrel 8
-Epoch: 2
-License: GPL
-# get the source from our cvs repository (see
-# no extra source or patch are allowed here.
-Source: krozat-%{version}.tar.bz2
-Source1: krozat-effect-%{effect_version}.tar.bz2
-Patch0 : krozat-printf.patch
-Patch1: krozat-trinity.patch
-BuildRoot: %_tmppath/%name-%version-%release-root
-BuildRequires: X11-devel
-BuildRequires: arts-devel
-BuildRequires: fam-devel
-BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel
-BuildRequires: libart_lgpl-devel
-BuildRequires: jpeg-devel
-BuildRequires: png-devel
-BuildRequires: qt3-devel
-BuildRequires: zlib-devel
-BuildRequires: intltool
-# requires qt4 for the effect generation tool
-BuildRequires: qt4-devel
-Summary: Default Mandriva Linux screensaver for KDE
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE3
-Requires: kdebase-progs
-Requires: mandriva-theme-screensaver
-This package contains the default Mandriva Linux screensaver for KDE.
-%setup -q -a 1
-%patch0 -p0
-find . -type 'd' -name 'CVS' | xargs rm -fr
-%patch1 -p0
-pushd krozat-effect-%{effect_version}
- qmake
- make
-rm -rf %buildroot
-%find_lang krozat
-pushd krozat-effect-%{effect_version}
- mkdir -p %buildroot%_kde3_bindir
- cp krozat-effect %buildroot%_kde3_bindir
-rm -fr %buildroot
-%files -f krozat.lang
-%dir %_kde3_datadir/applnk/System/
-%dir %_kde3_datadir/applnk/System/ScreenSavers/
-* Fri Jul 22 2011 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 2:2008.1.6-8mvt2010.2
-+ Rebuild for Trinity
-* Wed Jul 21 2010 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 2:2008.1.6-7mvt2010.0
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.1
-* Sun Jan 17 2010 Atilla ÖNTAŞ <[email protected]> 2:2008.1.6-6mvt2010.0
-+ Fix group in specfile
-* Tue Nov 17 2009 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 2:2008.1.6-5mdv2010.0
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.0
-* Sat Nov 08 2008 Oden Eriksson <[email protected]> 2:2008.1.6-4mdv2009.1
-+ Revision: 301006
-- rebuilt against new libxcb
-* Tue Jun 17 2008 Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]> 2:2008.1.6-3mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 221993
-- rebuild
-* Thu May 08 2008 Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]> 2:2008.1.6-2mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 204750
-- Move to /opt
-* Wed Mar 26 2008 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]> 2:2008.1.6-1mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 190515
-- New release fixing a string message in the config dialog (#38644)
-* Tue Mar 11 2008 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]> 2:2008.1.5-1mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 186866
-- New release adding a fake desktop fading effect
-* Wed Mar 05 2008 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]> 2:2008.1.4-1mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 180184
-- New release changing only the time the screensaver will wait on each image
- and the transition speed.
-* Tue Mar 04 2008 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]> 2:2008.1.3-1mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 178440
-- New release enabling the setup option of the screensaver
-* Tue Mar 04 2008 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]> 2:2008.1.2-3mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 178432
-- Add a effect generation tool to help users creating their own themes for the
- screensaver
-* Thu Feb 28 2008 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]> 2:2008.1.2-2mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 176403
-- new release (2008.1.2) adding support for extra slideshow themes
-* Mon Feb 18 2008 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]> 2:2008.1.1-1mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 171922
-- new release improving the crossfade effect
-* Thu Feb 14 2008 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]> 2:2008.1.0-1mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 167780
-- new release adding the crossfade effect for the machines that are able to
- use it. For machines that don't have 2D acceleration, the screensaver will
- revert its behavior to the previous one.
-* Thu Jan 03 2008 Oden Eriksson <[email protected]> 2:2008.0.1-2mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 141740
-- rebuilt against openldap-2.4.7 libs
- + Olivier Blin <[email protected]>
- - restore BuildRoot
- + Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]>
- - kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request
- - fix summary-ended-with-dot
- - buildrequires X11-devel instead of XFree86-devel
-* Wed Sep 26 2007 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]> 2:2008.0.1-1mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 93139
-- new release fixing image downscaling.
-* Mon Sep 24 2007 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]> 2:2008.0-1mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 92499
-- New release including a fix from Neoclust for the desktop file
-* Fri Sep 21 2007 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <[email protected]> 2:2008-1mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 92021
-- new version fixing it for 2008.0
-- spec cleanup
- + Anssi Hannula <[email protected]>
- - Import krozat
-* Sat Sep 16 2006 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 2007-4
-- Fix requires
-* Fri Sep 15 2006 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 2007-3
-- Only show krozat in kde
-* Wed May 10 2006 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 2007-1mdk
-- Rebuild to generate category
-* Tue Aug 30 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 2006-4mdk
-- Fix other color
-* Tue Aug 30 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 2006-3mdk
-- Adapt background color to distro
-* Tue Aug 16 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 2006-2mdk
-- Rebuild
-* Mon Aug 15 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 2006-1mdk
-- Rebuild
-* Wed Oct 13 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 10.1-3mdk
-- Fix translation pb (bug found by Gwenole)
-* Wed Oct 06 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 10.1-2mdk
-- Updtae po
-* Tue Aug 17 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 10.1-1mdk
-- Update po file
-* Mon Jun 14 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 10.0-7mdk
-- Update version
-* Mon Jun 14 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 10.0-6mdk
-- Rebuild with new gcc
-- Fix automake/autoconf
-- use %%mdkversion
-* Fri Feb 27 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 10.0-6mdk
-- Update po file
-* Fri Jan 09 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 10.0-5mdk
-- Fix requires (found by vdanen)
-* Thu Jan 08 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 10.0-4mdk
-- Fix other mem leak
-* Thu Jan 08 2004 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 10.0-3mdk
-- Rebuild
-- update po file
-- Fix make clean
-- Fix mem leak
-* Thu Dec 04 2003 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 10.0-2mdk
-- Translate po file
-* Tue Dec 02 2003 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 10.0-1mdk
-- Add po file
-* Tue Sep 02 2003 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 9.1-4mdk
-- Fix build
-* Thu Jul 17 2003 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 9.1-3mdk
-- Rebuild
-* Tue Dec 24 2002 Stefan van der Eijk <[email protected]. 9.1-2mdk
-- BuildRequires: libart_lgpl2-devel
-* Tue Dec 17 2002 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 9.1-1mdk
-- 9.1
-* Fri Oct 18 2002 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 9.0-7mdk
-- Rebuild
-* Sat Aug 31 2002 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 9.0-6mdk
-- Fix about dialogbox
-* Fri Aug 23 2002 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 9.0-5mdk
-- Fix MDK copyright.
-* Wed Aug 14 2002 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 9.0-4mdk
-- Rebuild against new gcc-3.2
-* Fri Aug 9 2002 Gwenole Beauchesne <[email protected]> 9.0-3mdk
-- lib64 fixes, again. They were split to nihil when mandrake_desk was split
-* Thu Aug 8 2002 Stefan van der Eijk <[email protected]> 9.0-2mdk
-- BuildRequires
-* Fri Aug 02 2002 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 9.0-1mdk
-- Initial package
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/ksmoothdock/ksmoothdock-4.5-compile.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/ksmoothdock/ksmoothdock-4.5-compile.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 12961a9aa..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/ksmoothdock/ksmoothdock-4.5-compile.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
---- src/ksmoothdock.h.orig 2009-03-26 15:25:26.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/ksmoothdock.h 2009-03-26 15:27:13.000000000 +0100
-@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
- #include <config.h>
- #endif
-+#include <iostream>
-+#include <memory>
- #include <vector>
- #include <qwidget.h>
---- src/ksmoothdock.cpp.orig 2009-03-26 15:28:35.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/ksmoothdock.cpp 2009-03-26 15:28:53.000000000 +0100
-@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
- #include <iostream>
- #include <iterator>
-+#include <typeinfo>
- #include <qdir.h>
---- src/paraboliczoomstate.cpp.orig 2009-03-26 15:29:43.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/paraboliczoomstate.cpp 2009-03-26 15:30:38.000000000 +0100
-@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
- #include <iostream>
- #include <unistd.h>
-+#include <cstdlib>
- #include <qapplication.h>
- #include <qbitmap.h>
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/ksmoothdock/ksmoothdock.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/ksmoothdock/ksmoothdock.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f7d53f7c..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/ksmoothdock/ksmoothdock.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-%define name ksmoothdock
-%define version 4.5
-%define release %mkrel 8
-%define _liconsdir %_kde3_iconsdir/large
-%define _miconsdir %_kde3_iconsdir/mini
-Summary: Desktop panel for KDE3
-Name: %{name}
-Version: %{version}
-Release: %{release}
-License: GPL
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE3
-Source: %{name}-%{version}_automake-1.9.tar.bz2
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}
-BuildRequires: kdebase3-devel
-BuildRequires: chrpath
-Patch0: ksmoothdock-4.5-compile.patch
-KSmoothDock is a cool desktop panel (like KDE's kicker) for KDE 3.2 with
-smooth zooming (2 modes: normal & parabolic). Its aim is to provide
-a cool alternative/complement to kicker. As it is intended for KDE/Linux,
-its behaviour will be like that of kicker.
-%setup -q -n %{name}
-%patch0 -p0
-rm -Rf %{buildroot}
-desktop-file-install --vendor="" \
- --add-category="KDE" \
- --add-category="X-MandrivaLinux-Multimedia-Sound" \
- --add-only-show-in="KDE" \
- --dir %{buildroot}%{_kde3_datadir}/applications %{buildroot}%{_kde3_datadir}/applnk/Utilities/*
-mkdir -p %{buildroot}/{%_kde3_iconsdir,%{_miconsdir},%{_liconsdir}}
-ln -s ../hicolor/16x16/apps/%{name}.png %{buildroot}/%{_miconsdir}
-ln -s ../hicolor/32x32/apps/%{name}.png %{buildroot}/%{_liconsdir}
-ln -s hicolor/32x32/apps/%{name}.png %{buildroot}/%_kde3_iconsdir
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%dir %{_kde3_docdir}/HTML/en/ksmoothdock
-* Fri Jul 22 2011 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 4.5-8mvt2010.0
-+ Rebuild for Trinity
-* Fri Jul 23 2010 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 4.5-7mvt2010.0
-+ Rebuild for MDV 2010.1
-* Sun Jan 17 2010 Atilla ÖNTAŞ <[email protected]> 4.5-6mvt2010.0
-+ Fix spec file
-* Fri Dec 25 2009 Atilla ÖNTAŞ <[email protected]> 4.5-5mvt2010.0
-+ Rebuild
-* Thu Mar 26 2009 Helio Chissini de Castro <[email protected]> 4.5-4mdv2009.1
-+ Revision: 361356
-- Bump to rebuild against cooker
- + Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]>
- - rebuild
- + Pixel <[email protected]>
- - rpm filetriggers deprecates update_menus/update_scrollkeeper/update_mime_database/update_icon_cache/update_desktop_database/post_install_gconf_schemas
-* Wed Jan 02 2008 Olivier Blin <[email protected]> 4.5-1mdv2008.1
-+ Revision: 140918
-- restore BuildRoot
- + Thierry Vignaud <[email protected]>
- - kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request
-* Thu Jun 14 2007 Emmanuel Blindauer <[email protected]> 4.5-1mdv2008.0
-+ Revision: 39330
-- 4.5 version and xdg menu
-* Wed Mar 14 2007 Emmanuel Blindauer <[email protected]> 4.3-1mdv2007.1
-+ Revision: 143848
-- try to fix x86_64 compilation
-- new version
-- Import ksmoothdock
-* Mon Aug 14 2006 Emmanuel Blindauer <[email protected]> 3.6.1-3mdv2007.0
-- correct some rpmlint warning and errors
-* Sat May 20 2006 Christiaan Welvaart <[email protected]> 3.6.1-2mdk
-- build with automake1.8
-* Sat Feb 11 2006 Nicolas L�cureuil <[email protected]> 3.6.1-1mdk
-- New release 3.6.1
-- Rediff patch 1, 2
-* Mon Dec 26 2005 Nicolas L�cureuil <[email protected]> 3.5.1-4mdk
-- Fix Build
-- use mkrel
-* Fri Feb 25 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 3.5.1-3mdk
-- Add patch2: fix mem leak
-* Fri Feb 25 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 3.5.1-2mdk
-- Add patch1: fix includemoc
-* Fri Feb 25 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 3.5.1-1mdk
-- 3.5.1
-* Tue Feb 22 2005 Laurent MONTEL <[email protected]> 3.3-3mdk
-- Fix build on 64_x86
-* Fri Jul 23 2004 Michael Scherer <[email protected]> 3.3-2mdk
-- rebuild for new gcc
-- remove libtool hack
-- add description
-* Sat May 29 2004 Buchan Milne <[email protected]> 3.3-1mdk
-- first package
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/ktorrent/kde3-ktorrent.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/ktorrent/kde3-ktorrent.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ea8308a1..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/ktorrent/kde3-ktorrent.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-#See here :
-%define _disable_ld_no_undefined 1
-%define name kde3-ktorrent
-%define oname ktorrent
-%define version 3.5.12
-%define rel 1
-%define kde3_miconsdir %_kde3_iconsdir/mini
-%define kde3_liconsdir %_kde3_iconsdir/large
-# Note that this package does not follow the library policy as the
-# main package includes the libktorrent shared object. This is done
-# because 1) the library is only used internally by ktorrent, and so
-# it does never need to be installed separately, and 2) the %major
-# follows %version, thus resulting in one unuseful library package
-# in every ktorrent version upgrade. The only downside of not
-# following the library policy on this particular package I know is
-# rpmlint going nuts.
-# Feel free to flame me if you do not like this...
-# -Anssi
-%define major %version
-Summary: BitTorrent program for KDE
-Name: %{name}
-Version: %{version}
-Release: %mkrel %{rel}
-Group: Networking/File transfer
-License: GPLv2+
-Patch0: ktorrent-fix-KBytesPerSecToString.diff
-Patch1: ktorrent-php-path.patch
-Patch2: kde-3.5.10-acinclude.patch
-#Patch3: fix_autotools.patch
-Patch7: kdebase-3.5.12-move-xdg-menu-dir.patch
-Patch8: kdebase-3.5.12-config.patch
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{oname}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
-BuildRequires: kde3-macros
-%if %mdkversion < 201000
-BuildRequires: autoconf <= 1:2.63
-BuildRequires: autoconf >= 1:2.65
-BuildRequires: automake >= 1.6.1
-BuildRequires: gmp-devel
-BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel
-BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
-Obsoletes: %{_lib}ktorrent0 %{_lib}ktorrent2.1 %{_lib}ktorrent2.1.1
-Obsoletes: %{_lib}ktorrent2.1.2 %{_lib}ktorrent2.1.3
-KTorrent is a BitTorrent program for KDE. It's main features are:
- o Downloads torrent files
- o Upload speed capping, seeing that most people can't upload
- infinite amounts of data.
- o Internet searching using The Bittorrent website's search engine
- o UDP Trackers
-%setup -q -n %{oname}-%{version}
-%if %mdkversion >= 201000
-%patch2 -p1
-#%patch3 -p1
-%patch7 -p0
-%patch8 -p0
-PATH=%{qt3dir}/bin:%{_kde3_bindir}:$PATH; export PATH;
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/kde3/lib/
-export xdg_menudir=%_sysconfdir/xdg/kde/menus
-make -f admin/Makefile.common
-%configure_kde3 --disable-debug \
- --enable-mt \
- --disable-static \
- --enable-shared \
- --disable-objprelink \
- --with-pic \
- --with-gnu-ld \
- --disable-embedded \
- --enable-fast-install=yes \
- --with-qt-dir=%{qt3dir} \
- --with-xinerama \
- --enable-final
-desktop-file-install --vendor="" \
- --add-category="P2P" \
- --dir %{buildroot}%_kde3_datadir/applications/kde \
- %{buildroot}%_kde3_datadir/applications/kde/ktorrent.desktop
-install -m644 apps/ktorrent/hi16-app-ktorrent.png -D $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%kde3_miconsdir/%{oname}.png
-install -m644 apps/ktorrent/hi32-app-ktorrent.png -D $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_kde3_iconsdir/%{oname}.png
-install -m644 apps/ktorrent/hi48-app-ktorrent.png -D $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%kde3_liconsdir/%{oname}.png
-%find_lang %{oname}
-rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_kde3_libdir/libktorrent.{so,la}
-#Fix Conflictss with kdelibs-common
-rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_kde3_datadir/mimelnk/application/x-bittorrent.desktop
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%update_icon_cache hicolor
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%clean_icon_cache hicolor
-%files -f %{oname}.lang
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/ktorrent/ktorrent-fix-KBytesPerSecToString.diff b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/ktorrent/ktorrent-fix-KBytesPerSecToString.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index cdd85d4ec..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/ktorrent/ktorrent-fix-KBytesPerSecToString.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- libktorrent/interfaces/functions.cpp.orig 2006-05-21 00:06:28.000000000 +0200
-+++ libktorrent/interfaces/functions.cpp 2006-05-21 00:06:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -46,7 +46,11 @@
- QString KBytesPerSecToString(double speed,int precision)
- {
- KLocale* loc = KGlobal::locale();
-- return i18n("%1 KB/s").arg(loc->formatNumber(speed,precision));
-+ QString tmp = loc->formatNumber(speed,precision);
-+ if (tmp.startsWith("inf"))
-+ return i18n("%1 KB/sec").arg("> 0.0");
-+ else
-+ return i18n("%1 KB/sec").arg(tmp);
- }
- QString DurationToString(Uint32 nsecs)
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/ktorrent/ktorrent-php-path.patch b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/ktorrent/ktorrent-php-path.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f97c3ca8..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/ktorrent/ktorrent-php-path.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- plugins/webinterface/ktwebinterfaceplugin.kcfg.orig 2007-02-05 23:43:07.000000000 +0100
-+++ plugins/webinterface/ktwebinterfaceplugin.kcfg 2007-02-05 23:43:15.000000000 +0100
-@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
- </entry>
- <entry name="phpExecutablePath" type ="String">
- <label>php executable path</label>
-- <default></default>
-+ <default>/usr/bin/php</default>
- </entry>
- <entry name="username" type ="String">
diff --git a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kvolumeosd/kde3-kvolumeosd.spec b/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kvolumeosd/kde3-kvolumeosd.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 51b22059c..000000000
--- a/mandriva/2010.2/applications/kvolumeosd/kde3-kvolumeosd.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-%define oname KVolumeOSD
-Name: kde3-kvolumeosd
-Version: 0.1
-Release: %mkrel 6
-Summary: An application showing OSD to respond volume buttons
-License: GPLv2+
-Group: Graphical desktop/KDE3
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
-Patch0: kde-3.5.10-acinclude.patch
-Patch1: fix_autotools.patch
-BuildRequires: kde3-macros
-%if %mdkversion < 201000
-BuildRequires: autoconf <= 1:2.63
-BuildRequires: automake >= 1.6.1
-BuildRequires: autoconf >= 1:2.65
-BuildRequires: automake >= 1.11
-BuildRequires: kdelibs-devel
-BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
-Requires: kdemultimedia-kmix
-KVolumeOSD is a simple KDE application that runs in the background and
-responds to volume buttons by showing a little OSD. It delegates the
-actual job of adjusting the volume to KMix.
-%setup -q -n %{oname}
-%if %mdkversion >= 201000
-%patch0 -p1
-%patch1 -p1
-make -f Makefile.cvs
-rm -rf %buildroot
-desktop-file-install --vendor='' --delete-original \
- --dir %buildroot%_kde3_datadir/applications/kde \
- --add-category='Audio;Mixer' \
- %buildroot%_kde3_datadir/applnk/Utilities/kvolumeosd.desktop
-rm -rf %buildroot
-%if %mdkversion < 200900
-%update_kde3_icon_cache hicolor
-%clean_kde3_icon_cache hicolor
-* Mon Jul 18 2011 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 0.1-6mdv2010.2
-+ Rebuild for Trinity
-* Fri Jul 23 2010 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 0.1-5mdv2010.1
-+ Rebuild MDV 2010.1
-* Sun Feb 14 2010 Atilla ÖNTAŞ <[email protected]> 0.1-4mvt2010.0
-+ Fix build with autoconf 2.65 and automake 1.11
-+ Change package group
-* Mon Nov 16 2009 Tim Williams <[email protected]> 0.1-3mdv2010.0
-+ Rebuild MDV 2010.0
-* Fri May 09 2008 Funda Wang <[email protected]> 0.1-2mdv2009.0
-+ Revision: 205328
-- fix post and postun script
-- fix name
-- import source and spec
-- Created package structure for kde3-kvolumeosd.