path: root/konqueror/client/kfmclient.cpp
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2020-12-07 22:58:44 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2020-12-07 23:22:36 +0900
commitad6f3f6402df4bdf88672d511e21ab1e9b88d978 (patch)
treebacd0af440aa1a0671045d431406cda36d4df618 /konqueror/client/kfmclient.cpp
parent6ab96d20b89c0e1d86abc00513c7cec304d85800 (diff)
Renaming of files in preparation for code style tools.
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]> (cherry picked from commit 145abc15d57fb29701a12e8a14dcb9c1fd72e9be)
Diffstat (limited to 'konqueror/client/kfmclient.cpp')
1 files changed, 653 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/konqueror/client/kfmclient.cpp b/konqueror/client/kfmclient.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..efc858f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/konqueror/client/kfmclient.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 1999 David Faure <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <tqdir.h>
+#include <tdeio/job.h>
+#include <tdecmdlineargs.h>
+#include <kpropertiesdialog.h>
+#include <tdelocale.h>
+#include <ktrader.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kopenwith.h>
+#include <kurlrequesterdlg.h>
+#include <tdemessagebox.h>
+#include <tdefiledialog.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <dcopclient.h>
+#include <kservice.h>
+#include <tqregexp.h>
+#include "kfmclient.h"
+#include "KonquerorIface_stub.h"
+#include "KDesktopIface_stub.h"
+#include "twin.h"
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+static const char appName[] = "kfmclient";
+static const char programName[] = I18N_NOOP("kfmclient");
+static const char description[] = I18N_NOOP("TDE tool for opening URLs from the command line");
+static const char version[] = "2.0";
+TQCString clientApp::startup_id_str;
+bool clientApp::m_ok = true;
+bool s_interactive = true;
+static const TDECmdLineOptions options[] =
+ { "noninteractive", I18N_NOOP("Non interactive use: no message boxes"), 0},
+ { "commands", I18N_NOOP("Show available commands"), 0},
+ { "+command", I18N_NOOP("Command (see --commands)"), 0},
+ { "+[URL(s)]", I18N_NOOP("Arguments for command"), 0},
+ TDECmdLineLastOption
+extern "C" KDE_EXPORT int kdemain( int argc, char **argv )
+ TDECmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, appName, programName, description, version, false);
+ TDECmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options );
+ TDECmdLineArgs::addTempFileOption();
+ TDECmdLineArgs *args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
+ if ( args->isSet("commands") )
+ {
+ TDECmdLineArgs::enable_i18n();
+ puts(i18n("\nSyntax:\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient openURL 'url' ['mimetype']\n"
+ " # Opens a window showing 'url'.\n"
+ " # 'url' may be a relative path\n"
+ " # or file name, such as . or subdir/\n"
+ " # If 'url' is omitted, $HOME is used instead.\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" # If 'mimetype' is specified, it will be used to determine the\n"
+ " # component that Konqueror should use. For instance, set it to\n"
+ " # text/html for a web page, to make it appear faster\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient newTab 'url' ['mimetype']\n"
+ " # Same as above but opens a new tab with 'url' in an existing Konqueror\n"
+ " # window on the current active desktop if possible.\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient openProfile 'profile' ['url']\n"
+ " # Opens a window using the given profile.\n"
+ " # 'profile' is a file under ~/.trinity/share/apps/konqueror/profiles.\n"
+ " # 'url' is an optional URL to open.\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient openProperties 'url'\n"
+ " # Opens a properties menu\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient exec ['url' ['binding']]\n"
+ " # Tries to execute 'url'. 'url' may be a usual\n"
+ " # URL, this URL will be opened. You may omit\n"
+ " # 'binding'. In this case the default binding\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" # is tried. Of course URL may be the URL of a\n"
+ " # document, or it may be a *.desktop file.\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" # This way you could for example mount a device\n"
+ " # by passing 'Mount default' as binding to \n"
+ " # 'cdrom.desktop'\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient move 'src' 'dest'\n"
+ " # Moves the URL 'src' to 'dest'.\n"
+ " # 'src' may be a list of URLs.\n").local8Bit());
+ //puts(i18n(" # 'dest' may be \"trash:/\" to move the files\n"
+ // " # in the trash bin.\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient download ['src']\n"
+ " # Copies the URL 'src' to a user specified location'.\n"
+ " # 'src' may be a list of URLs, if not present then\n"
+ " # a URL will be requested.\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient copy 'src' 'dest'\n"
+ " # Copies the URL 'src' to 'dest'.\n"
+ " # 'src' may be a list of URLs.\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient sortDesktop\n"
+ " # Rearranges all icons on the desktop.\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient openBrowser\n"
+ " # Opens the system default Web browser.\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient configure\n"
+ " # Re-read Konqueror's configuration.\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient configureDesktop\n"
+ " # Re-read kdesktop's configuration.\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n("*** Examples:\n"
+ " kfmclient exec file:/root/Desktop/cdrom.desktop \"Mount default\"\n"
+ " // Mounts the CD-ROM\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient exec file:/home/weis/data/test.html\n"
+ " // Opens the file with default binding\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient exec file:/home/weis/data/test.html Netscape\n"
+ " // Opens the file with netscape\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient exec ftp://localhost/\n"
+ " // Opens new window with URL\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient exec file:/root/Desktop/emacs.desktop\n"
+ " // Starts emacs\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient exec file:/root/Desktop/cdrom.desktop\n"
+ " // Opens the CD-ROM's mount directory\n\n").local8Bit());
+ puts(i18n(" kfmclient exec .\n"
+ " // Opens the current directory. Very convenient.\n\n").local8Bit());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return clientApp::doIt() ? 0 /*no error*/ : 1 /*error*/;
+ Whether to start a new konqueror or reuse an existing process.
+ First of all, this concept is actually broken, as the view used to show
+ the data may change at any time, and therefore Konqy reused to browse
+ "safe" data may eventually browse something completely different.
+ Moreover, it's quite difficult to find out when to reuse, and thus this
+ function is an ugly hack. You've been warned.
+ Kfmclient will attempt to find an instance for reusing if either reusing
+ is configured to reuse always,
+ or it's not configured to never reuse, and the URL to-be-opened is "safe".
+ The URL is safe, if the view used to view it is listed in the allowed KPart's.
+ In order to find out the part, mimetype is needed, and TDETrader is needed.
+ If mimetype is not known, KMimeType is used (which doesn't work e.g. for remote
+ URLs, but oh well). Since this function may be running without a TDEApplication
+ instance, I'm actually quite surprised it works, and it may sooner or later break.
+ Nice, isn't it?
+ If a profile is being used, and no url has been explicitly given, it needs to be
+ read from the profile. If there's more than one URL listed in the profile, no reusing
+ will be done (oh well), if there's no URL, no reusing will be done either (also
+ because the webbrowsing profile doesn't have any URL listed).
+static bool startNewKonqueror( TQString url, TQString mimetype, const TQString& profile )
+ TDEConfig cfg( TQString::fromLatin1( "konquerorrc" ), true );
+ cfg.setGroup( "Reusing" );
+ TQStringList allowed_parts;
+ // is duplicated in ../KonquerorIface.cpp
+ allowed_parts << TQString::fromLatin1( "konq_iconview.desktop" )
+ << TQString::fromLatin1( "konq_multicolumnview.desktop" )
+ << TQString::fromLatin1( "konq_sidebartng.desktop" )
+ << TQString::fromLatin1( "konq_infolistview.desktop" )
+ << TQString::fromLatin1( "konq_treeview.desktop" )
+ << TQString::fromLatin1( "konq_detailedlistview.desktop" );
+ if( cfg.hasKey( "SafeParts" )
+ && cfg.readEntry( "SafeParts" ) != TQString::fromLatin1( "SAFE" ))
+ allowed_parts = cfg.readListEntry( "SafeParts" );
+ if( allowed_parts.count() == 1 && allowed_parts.first() == TQString::fromLatin1( "ALL" ))
+ return false; // all parts allowed
+ if( url.isEmpty())
+ {
+ if( profile.isEmpty())
+ return true;
+ TQString profilepath = locate( "data", TQString::fromLatin1("konqueror/profiles/") + profile );
+ if( profilepath.isEmpty())
+ return true;
+ TDEConfig cfg( profilepath, true );
+ cfg.setDollarExpansion( true );
+ cfg.setGroup( "Profile" );
+ TQMap< TQString, TQString > entries = cfg.entryMap( TQString::fromLatin1( "Profile" ));
+ TQRegExp urlregexp( TQString::fromLatin1( "^View[0-9]*_URL$" ));
+ TQStringList urls;
+ for( TQMap< TQString, TQString >::ConstIterator it = entries.begin();
+ it != entries.end();
+ ++it )
+ {
+ // don't read value from map, dollar expansion is needed
+ TQString value = cfg.readEntry( it.key());
+ if( it.key()) >= 0 && !value.isEmpty())
+ urls << value;
+ }
+ if( urls.count() != 1 )
+ return true;
+ url = urls.first();
+ mimetype = TQString::fromLatin1( "" );
+ }
+ if( mimetype.isEmpty())
+ mimetype = KMimeType::findByURL( KURL( url ) )->name();
+ TDETrader::OfferList offers = TDETrader::self()->query( mimetype, TQString::fromLatin1( "KParts/ReadOnlyPart" ),
+ TQString::null, TQString::null );
+ KService::Ptr serv;
+ if( offers.count() > 0 )
+ serv = offers.first();
+ return serv == NULL || !allowed_parts.contains( serv->desktopEntryName() + TQString::fromLatin1(".desktop") );
+static int currentScreen()
+ if( tqt_xdisplay() != NULL )
+ return tqt_xscreen();
+ // case when there's no TDEApplication instance
+ const char* env = getenv( "DISPLAY" );
+ if( env == NULL )
+ return 0;
+ const char* dotpos = strrchr( env, '.' );
+ const char* colonpos = strrchr( env, ':' );
+ if( dotpos != NULL && colonpos != NULL && dotpos > colonpos )
+ return atoi( dotpos + 1 );
+ return 0;
+// when reusing a preloaded konqy, make sure your always use a DCOP call which opens a profile !
+static TQCString getPreloadedKonqy()
+ TDEConfig cfg( TQString::fromLatin1( "konquerorrc" ), true );
+ cfg.setGroup( "Reusing" );
+ if( cfg.readNumEntry( "MaxPreloadCount", 1 ) == 0 )
+ return "";
+ DCOPRef ref( "kded", "konqy_preloader" );
+ TQCString ret;
+ if( ref.callExt( "getPreloadedKonqy", DCOPRef::NoEventLoop, 3000, currentScreen()).get( ret ))
+ return ret;
+ return TQCString();
+static TQCString konqyToReuse( const TQString& url, const TQString& mimetype, const TQString& profile )
+{ // prefer(?) preloaded ones
+ TQCString ret = getPreloadedKonqy();
+ if( !ret.isEmpty())
+ return ret;
+ if( startNewKonqueror( url, mimetype, profile ))
+ return "";
+ TQCString appObj;
+ TQByteArray data;
+ TQDataStream str( data, IO_WriteOnly );
+ str << currentScreen();
+ if( !TDEApplication::dcopClient()->findObject( "konqueror*", "KonquerorIface",
+ "processCanBeReused( int )", data, ret, appObj, false, 3000 ) )
+ return "";
+ return ret;
+static bool krun_has_error = false;
+void clientApp::sendASNChange()
+ TDEStartupInfoId id;
+ id.initId( startup_id_str );
+ TDEStartupInfoData data;
+ data.addPid( 0 ); // say there's another process for this ASN with unknown PID
+ data.setHostname(); // ( no need to bother to get this konqy's PID )
+ Display* dpy = tqt_xdisplay();
+ if( dpy == NULL ) // we may be running without TQApplication here
+ dpy = XOpenDisplay( NULL );
+ if( dpy != NULL )
+ TDEStartupInfo::sendChangeX( dpy, id, data );
+ if( dpy != NULL && dpy != tqt_xdisplay())
+ XCloseDisplay( dpy );
+bool clientApp::createNewWindow(const KURL & url, bool newTab, bool tempFile, const TQString & mimetype)
+ kdDebug( 1202 ) << "clientApp::createNewWindow " << url.url() << " mimetype=" << mimetype << endl;
+ // check if user wants to use external browser
+ // ###### this option seems to have no GUI and to be redundant with BrowserApplication now.
+ // ###### KDE4: remove
+ TDEConfig config( TQString::fromLatin1("kfmclientrc"));
+ config.setGroup( TQString::fromLatin1("Settings"));
+ TQString strBrowser = config.readPathEntry("ExternalBrowser");
+ if (!strBrowser.isEmpty())
+ {
+ if ( tempFile )
+ kdWarning() << "kfmclient used with --tempfile but is passing to an external browser! Tempfile will never be deleted" << endl;
+ TDEProcess proc;
+ proc << strBrowser << url.url();
+ proc.start( TDEProcess::DontCare );
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (url.protocol().startsWith(TQString::fromLatin1("http")))
+ {
+ config.setGroup("General");
+ if (!config.readEntry("BrowserApplication").isEmpty())
+ {
+ clientApp app;
+ TDEStartupInfo::appStarted();
+ KRun * run = new KRun( url, 0, 0, false, false /* no progress window */ ); // TODO pass tempFile [needs support in the KRun ctor]
+ TQObject::connect( run, TQT_SIGNAL( finished() ), &app, TQT_SLOT( delayedQuit() ));
+ TQObject::connect( run, TQT_SIGNAL( error() ), &app, TQT_SLOT( delayedQuit() ));
+ app.exec();
+ return !krun_has_error;
+ }
+ }
+ TDEConfig cfg( TQString::fromLatin1( "konquerorrc" ), true );
+ cfg.setGroup( "FMSettings" );
+ if ( newTab || cfg.readBoolEntry( "KonquerorTabforExternalURL", false ) )
+ {
+ TQCString foundApp, foundObj;
+ TQByteArray data;
+ TQDataStream str( data, IO_WriteOnly );
+ if( TDEApplication::dcopClient()->findObject( "konqueror*", "konqueror-mainwindow*",
+ "windowCanBeUsedForTab()", data, foundApp, foundObj, false, 3000 ) )
+ {
+ DCOPRef ref( foundApp, foundObj );
+ DCOPReply reply = "newTabASN", url.url(), startup_id_str, tempFile );
+ if ( reply.isValid() ) {
+ sendASNChange();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TQCString appId = konqyToReuse( url.url(), mimetype, TQString::null );
+ if( !appId.isEmpty())
+ {
+ kdDebug( 1202 ) << "clientApp::createNewWindow using existing konqueror" << endl;
+ KonquerorIface_stub konqy( appId, "KonquerorIface" );
+ konqy.createNewWindowASN( url.url(), mimetype, startup_id_str, tempFile );
+ sendASNChange();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TQString error;
+ /* Well, we can't pass a mimetype through startServiceByDesktopPath !
+ if ( TDEApplication::startServiceByDesktopPath( TQString::fromLatin1("konqueror.desktop"),
+ url.url(), &error ) > 0 )
+ {
+ kdError() << "Couldn't start konqueror from konqueror.desktop: " << error << endl;
+ */
+ // pass kfmclient's startup id to konqueror using kshell
+ TDEStartupInfoId id;
+ id.initId( startup_id_str );
+ id.setupStartupEnv();
+ TDEProcess proc;
+ proc << "kshell" << "konqueror";
+ if ( !mimetype.isEmpty() )
+ proc << "-mimetype" << mimetype;
+ if ( tempFile )
+ proc << "-tempfile";
+ proc << url.url();
+ proc.start( TDEProcess::DontCare );
+ TDEStartupInfo::resetStartupEnv();
+ kdDebug( 1202 ) << "clientApp::createNewWindow TDEProcess started" << endl;
+ //}
+ }
+ return true;
+bool clientApp::openProfile( const TQString & profileName, const TQString & url, const TQString & mimetype )
+ TQCString appId = konqyToReuse( url, mimetype, profileName );
+ if( appId.isEmpty())
+ {
+ TQString error;
+ if ( TDEApplication::startServiceByDesktopPath( TQString::fromLatin1("konqueror.desktop"),
+ TQString::fromLatin1("--silent"), &error, &appId, NULL, startup_id_str ) > 0 )
+ {
+ kdError() << "Couldn't start konqueror from konqueror.desktop: " << error << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // startServiceByDesktopPath waits for the app to register with DCOP
+ // so when we arrive here, konq is up and running already, and appId contains the identification
+ }
+ TQString profile = locate( "data", TQString::fromLatin1("konqueror/profiles/") + profileName );
+ if ( profile.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s", i18n("Profile %1 not found\n").arg(profileName).local8Bit().data() );
+ ::exit( 0 );
+ }
+ KonquerorIface_stub konqy( appId, "KonquerorIface" );
+ if ( url.isEmpty() )
+ konqy.createBrowserWindowFromProfileASN( profile, profileName, startup_id_str );
+ else if ( mimetype.isEmpty() )
+ konqy.createBrowserWindowFromProfileAndURLASN( profile, profileName, url, startup_id_str );
+ else
+ konqy.createBrowserWindowFromProfileAndURLASN( profile, profileName, url, mimetype, startup_id_str );
+ sleep(2); // Martin Schenk <[email protected]> says this is necessary to let the server read from the socket
+ sendASNChange();
+ return true;
+void clientApp::delayedQuit()
+ // Quit in 2 seconds. This leaves time for KRun to pop up
+ // "app not found" in TDEProcessRunner, if that was the case.
+ TQTimer::singleShot( 2000, this, TQT_SLOT(deref()) );
+ // don't access the KRun instance later, it will be deleted after calling slots
+ if( static_cast< const KRun* >( sender())->hasError())
+ krun_has_error = true;
+static void checkArgumentCount(int count, int min, int max)
+ if (count < min)
+ {
+ fputs( i18n("Syntax Error: Not enough arguments\n").local8Bit(), stderr );
+ ::exit(1);
+ }
+ if (max && (count > max))
+ {
+ fputs( i18n("Syntax Error: Too many arguments\n").local8Bit(), stderr );
+ ::exit(1);
+ }
+bool clientApp::doIt()
+ TDECmdLineArgs *args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
+ int argc = args->count();
+ checkArgumentCount(argc, 1, 0);
+ if ( !args->isSet( "ninteractive" ) ) {
+ s_interactive = false;
+ }
+ TQCString command = args->arg(0);
+ // read ASN env. variable for non-KApp cases
+ startup_id_str = TDEStartupInfo::currentStartupIdEnv().id();
+ if ( command == "openURL" || command == "newTab" )
+ {
+ TDEInstance inst(appName);
+ if( !TDEApplication::dcopClient()->attach())
+ {
+ TDEApplication::startKdeinit();
+ TDEApplication::dcopClient()->attach();
+ }
+ checkArgumentCount(argc, 1, 3);
+ bool tempFile = TDECmdLineArgs::isTempFileSet();
+ if ( argc == 1 )
+ {
+ KURL url;
+ url.setPath(TQDir::homeDirPath());
+ return createNewWindow( url, command == "newTab", tempFile );
+ }
+ if ( argc == 2 )
+ {
+ return createNewWindow( args->url(1), command == "newTab", tempFile );
+ }
+ if ( argc == 3 )
+ {
+ return createNewWindow( args->url(1), command == "newTab", tempFile, TQString::fromLatin1(args->arg(2)) );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( command == "openProfile" )
+ {
+ TDEInstance inst(appName);
+ if( !TDEApplication::dcopClient()->attach())
+ {
+ TDEApplication::startKdeinit();
+ TDEApplication::dcopClient()->attach();
+ }
+ checkArgumentCount(argc, 2, 3);
+ TQString url;
+ if ( argc == 3 )
+ url = args->url(2).url();
+ return openProfile( TQString::fromLocal8Bit(args->arg(1)), url );
+ }
+ // the following commands need TDEApplication
+ clientApp app;
+ if ( command == "openProperties" )
+ {
+ checkArgumentCount(argc, 2, 2);
+ KPropertiesDialog * p = new KPropertiesDialog( args->url(1) );
+ TQObject::connect( p, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), &app, TQT_SLOT( quit() ));
+ TQObject::connect( p, TQT_SIGNAL( canceled() ), &app, TQT_SLOT( slotDialogCanceled() ));
+ app.exec();
+ return m_ok;
+ }
+ else if ( command == "exec" )
+ {
+ checkArgumentCount(argc, 1, 3);
+ if ( argc == 1 )
+ {
+ KDesktopIface_stub kdesky( "kdesktop", "KDesktopIface" );
+ kdesky.popupExecuteCommand();
+ }
+ else if ( argc == 2 )
+ {
+ KRun * run = new KRun( args->url(1), 0, 0, false, false /* no progress window */ );
+ TQObject::connect( run, TQT_SIGNAL( finished() ), &app, TQT_SLOT( delayedQuit() ));
+ TQObject::connect( run, TQT_SIGNAL( error() ), &app, TQT_SLOT( delayedQuit() ));
+ app.exec();
+ return !krun_has_error;
+ }
+ else if ( argc == 3 )
+ {
+ KURL::List urls;
+ urls.append( args->url(1) );
+ const TDETrader::OfferList offers = TDETrader::self()->query( TQString::fromLocal8Bit( args->arg( 2 ) ), TQString::fromLatin1( "Application" ), TQString::null, TQString::null );
+ if (offers.isEmpty()) return 1;
+ KService::Ptr serv = offers.first();
+ return KRun::run( *serv, urls );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( command == "openBrowser" )
+ {
+ KRun * run = new KRun( "http://default.browser", 0, 0, false, false /* no progress window */ );
+ TQObject::connect( run, TQT_SIGNAL( finished() ), &app, TQT_SLOT( delayedQuit() ));
+ TQObject::connect( run, TQT_SIGNAL( error() ), &app, TQT_SLOT( delayedQuit() ));
+ app.exec();
+ return !krun_has_error;
+ }
+ else if ( command == "move" )
+ {
+ checkArgumentCount(argc, 2, 0);
+ KURL::List srcLst;
+ for ( int i = 1; i <= argc - 2; i++ )
+ srcLst.append( args->url(i) );
+ TDEIO::Job * job = TDEIO::move( srcLst, args->url(argc - 1) );
+ if ( !s_interactive )
+ job->setInteractive( false );
+ connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job * ) ), &app, TQT_SLOT( slotResult( TDEIO::Job * ) ) );
+ app.exec();
+ return m_ok;
+ }
+ else if ( command == "download" )
+ {
+ checkArgumentCount(argc, 0, 0);
+ KURL::List srcLst;
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ while(true) {
+ KURL src = KURLRequesterDlg::getURL();
+ if (!src.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!src.isValid()) {
+ KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Unable to download from an invalid URL."));
+ continue;
+ }
+ srcLst.append(src);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( int i = 1; i <= argc - 1; i++ )
+ srcLst.append( args->url(i) );
+ }
+ if (srcLst.count() == 0)
+ return m_ok;
+ TQString dst =
+ KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( (argc<2) ? (TQString::null) : (args->url(1).filename()) );
+ if (dst.isEmpty()) // cancelled
+ return m_ok; // AK - really okay?
+ KURL dsturl;
+ dsturl.setPath( dst );
+ TDEIO::Job * job = TDEIO::copy( srcLst, dsturl );
+ if ( !s_interactive )
+ job->setInteractive( false );
+ connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job * ) ), &app, TQT_SLOT( slotResult( TDEIO::Job * ) ) );
+ app.exec();
+ return m_ok;
+ }
+ else if ( command == "copy" )
+ {
+ checkArgumentCount(argc, 2, 0);
+ KURL::List srcLst;
+ for ( int i = 1; i <= argc - 2; i++ )
+ srcLst.append( args->url(i) );
+ TDEIO::Job * job = TDEIO::copy( srcLst, args->url(argc - 1) );
+ if ( !s_interactive )
+ job->setInteractive( false );
+ connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job * ) ), &app, TQT_SLOT( slotResult( TDEIO::Job * ) ) );
+ app.exec();
+ return m_ok;
+ }
+ else if ( command == "sortDesktop" )
+ {
+ checkArgumentCount(argc, 1, 1);
+ KDesktopIface_stub kdesky( "kdesktop", "KDesktopIface" );
+ kdesky.rearrangeIcons( (int)false );
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if ( command == "configure" )
+ {
+ checkArgumentCount(argc, 1, 1);
+ TQByteArray data;
+ kapp->dcopClient()->send( "*", "KonqMainViewIface", "reparseConfiguration()", data );
+ // Warning. In case something is added/changed here, keep kcontrol/konq/main.cpp in sync.
+ }
+ else if ( command == "configureDesktop" )
+ {
+ checkArgumentCount(argc, 1, 1);
+ KDesktopIface_stub kdesky( "kdesktop", "KDesktopIface" );
+ kdesky.configure();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s", i18n("Syntax Error: Unknown command '%1'\n").arg(TQString::fromLocal8Bit(command)).local8Bit().data() );
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void clientApp::slotResult( TDEIO::Job * job )
+ if (job->error() && s_interactive)
+ job->showErrorDialog();
+ m_ok = !job->error();
+ quit();
+void clientApp::slotDialogCanceled()
+ m_ok = false;
+ quit();
+#include "kfmclient.moc"