path: root/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble
diff options
authorDarrell Anderson <[email protected]>2014-01-08 20:06:00 +0100
committerSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2014-01-08 20:06:00 +0100
commit636f509299122d02087c6fd62e1e4a46dbd22026 (patch)
tree70e43efceeb5b00e7f19cdac8da44928bd2fb459 /kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble
parent719b61750c08343f530068ed4127623aeac71cf0 (diff)
Rename many classes to avoid conflicts with KDE
Diffstat (limited to 'kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 1912 deletions
diff --git a/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/ b/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/
deleted file mode 100644
index a1fb0502..00000000
--- a/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.*;
-import org.kde.qt.*;
-import org.kde.koala.*;
- * The base class for JavaApiTest application windows. It sets up the main
- * window and reads the config file as well as providing a menubar, toolbar
- * and statusbar. An instance of KBaseView creates your center view, which is connected
- * to the window's Doc object.
- * KBase reimplements the methods that TDEMainWindow provides for main window handling and supports
- * full session management as well as using TDEActions.
- * @see TDEMainWindow
- * @see TDEApplication
- * @see TDEConfig
- *
- * @author Source Framework Automatically Generated by KDevelop, (c) The KDevelop Team.
- * @version KDevelop version 1.2 code generation
- */
-public class KPenBrushDlg extends TQDialog {
- private TQSpinBox width_spbox;
- private TQLabel width_label;
- private TQPushButton default_btn;
- private TQPushButton ok_btn;
- private TQPushButton cancel_btn;
- public KPenBrushDlg(int curr, TQWidget parent, String name) {
- super (parent,name,true,WStyle_ContextHelp);
- initDialog();
- TQWhatsThis.add(width_spbox,i18n("Select brush width"));
- width_spbox.setValue(curr);
- connect(default_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), this, SLOT("slotDefault()"));
- connect(ok_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), this, SLOT("accept()"));
- connect(cancel_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), this, SLOT("reject()"));
- }
- int getPenWidth() {
- return width_spbox.value();
- };
- void initDialog(){
- this.resize(370,210);
- this.setMinimumSize(0,0);
- width_spbox= new TQSpinBox(this,"width_spbox");
- width_spbox.setGeometry(150,50,100,25);
- width_spbox.setMinimumSize(0,0);
- width_spbox.setValue(1);
- width_spbox.setRange(1,99);
- width_label= new TQLabel(this,"width_label");
- width_label.setGeometry(20,50,120,25);
- width_label.setMinimumSize(0,0);
- width_label.setText(i18n("Pen width:"));
- default_btn= new TQPushButton(this,"default");
- default_btn.setGeometry(30,160,100,30);
- default_btn.setMinimumSize(0,0);
- default_btn.setText(i18n("&Default"));
- default_btn.setAutoDefault(true);
- ok_btn= new TQPushButton(this,"ok");
- ok_btn.setGeometry(140,160,100,30);
- ok_btn.setMinimumSize(0,0);
- ok_btn.setText(i18n("&OK"));
- ok_btn.setAutoDefault(true);
- cancel_btn= new TQPushButton(this,"cancel");
- cancel_btn.setGeometry(250,160,100,30);
- cancel_btn.setMinimumSize(0,0);
- cancel_btn.setText(i18n("&Cancel"));
- cancel_btn.setAutoDefault(true);
- }
- void slotDefault(){
- width_spbox.setValue(3);
- }
diff --git a/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/ b/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/
deleted file mode 100644
index 00be368e..00000000
--- a/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1039 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.*;
-import org.kde.qt.*;
-import org.kde.koala.*;
- * The base class for KScribble application windows. It sets up the main
- * window and reads the config file as well as providing a menubar, toolbar
- * and statusbar. In initView(), your main view is created as the MDI child window manager.
- * Child windows are created in createClient(), which gets a document instance as it's document to
- * display whereby one document can have several views.The MDI child is an instance of KScribbleView,
- * the document an instance of KScribbleDoc.
- * KScribbleApp reimplements the methods that TDEMainWindow provides for main window handling and supports
- * full session management as well as keyboard accelerator configuration by using TDEAccel.
- * @see TDEMainWindow
- * @see TDEApplication
- * @see TDEConfig
- * @see TDEAccel
- *
- * @author Source Framework Automatically Generated by KDevelop, (c) The KDevelop Team.
- * @version KDevelop version 1.1 code generation
- */
-public class KScribbleApp extends TDEMainWindow implements Resource {
- /** the configuration object of the application */
- private TDEConfig config;
- /** view is the main widget which represents your working area. The View
- * class should handle all events of the view widget. It is kept empty so
- * you can create your view according to your application's needs by
- * changing the view class.
- */
- private KScribbleView view;
- /** doc represents your actual document and is created only once. It keeps
- * information such as filename and does the serialization of your files.
- */
- private KScribbleDoc doc;
- /** contains the recently used filenames */
- ArrayList recentFiles = null;
- // menus
- private TQPopupMenu pFileMenu;
- private TQPopupMenu pEditMenu;
- private TQPopupMenu pPenMenu;
- private TQPopupMenu pViewMenu;
- private TQPopupMenu pWindowMenu;
- private TQPopupMenu pHelpMenu;
- private TQPopupMenu pRecentFileMenu;
- private TQWorkspace pWorkspace;
- private TQPrinter printer;
- private int untitledCount = 0;
- private ArrayList pDocList;
- private TDEApplication kapp;
- private TDEIconLoader k = new TDEIconLoader();
- /** construtor of KScribbleApp, calls all init functions to create the application.
- */
- public KScribbleApp(TQWidget parent, String name) {
- super(parent,name, 0);
- kapp = TDEApplication.kApplication();
- config=kapp.config();
- printer = new TQPrinter();
- untitledCount=0;
- pDocList = new ArrayList();
- setAcceptDrops(true);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // call inits to invoke all other construction parts
- initMenuBar();
- initToolBar();
- initStatusBar();
- initKeyAccel();
- initView();
- readOptions();
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // disable menu and toolbar items at startup
- disableCommand(ID_EDIT_UNDO);
- }
- public KScribbleApp() {
- this(null, null);
- }
- /** initializes the TDEActions of the application */
- protected void initKeyAccel() {
- TDEAccel keyAccel = new TDEAccel(this);
- // fileMenu accelerators
- keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.New, this, SLOT("slotFileNew()"));
- keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Open, this, SLOT("slotFileOpen()"));
- keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Save, this, SLOT("slotFileSave()"));
- keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Close, this, SLOT("slotFileClose()"));
- keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Print, this, SLOT("slotFilePrint()"));
- keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Quit, this, SLOT("slotFileQuit()"));
- // editMenu accelerators
- keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Cut, this, SLOT("slotEditCut()"));
- keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Copy, this, SLOT("slotEditCopy()"));
- keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Paste, this, SLOT("slotEditPaste()"));
- // help accelerator
- keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Help, this, SLOT("appHelpActivated()"));
- keyAccel.readSettings();
- }
- void initMenuBar() {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- pRecentFileMenu = new TQPopupMenu(this);
- connect(pRecentFileMenu, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), SLOT("slotFileOpenRecent(int)"));
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // menuBar entry file-Menu
- pFileMenu = new TQPopupMenu(this);
- pFileMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("filenew"),i18n("&New"), ID_FILE_NEW,-1);
- pFileMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("fileopen"),i18n("&Open..."), ID_FILE_OPEN,-1);
- pFileMenu.insertItem(i18n("Open &recent"), pRecentFileMenu, ID_FILE_OPEN_RECENT,-1);
- pFileMenu.insertItem(i18n("&Close"), ID_FILE_CLOSE,-1);
- pFileMenu.insertSeparator();
- pFileMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("filefloppy") ,i18n("&Save"), ID_FILE_SAVE,-1);
- pFileMenu.insertItem(i18n("Save &As..."), ID_FILE_SAVE_AS,-1);
- pFileMenu.insertSeparator();
- pFileMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("fileprint"), i18n("&Print..."), ID_FILE_PRINT,-1);
- pFileMenu.insertSeparator();
- pFileMenu.insertItem(i18n("E&xit"), ID_FILE_QUIT,-1);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // menuBar entry edit-Menu
- pEditMenu = new TQPopupMenu(this);
- pEditMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("undo"), i18n("&Undo"), ID_EDIT_UNDO,-1);
- pEditMenu.insertSeparator();
- pEditMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("editcut"), i18n("Cu&t"), ID_EDIT_CUT,-1);
- pEditMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("editcopy"), i18n("&Copy"), ID_EDIT_COPY,-1);
- pEditMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("editpaste"), i18n("&Paste"), ID_EDIT_PASTE,-1);
- pEditMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("delete"),i18n("&Clear All"), ID_EDIT_CLEAR_ALL,-1);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // menuBar entry pen-Menu
- pPenMenu = new TQPopupMenu();
- pPenMenu.insertItem(i18n("&Color"), ID_PEN_COLOR,-1);
- pPenMenu.insertItem(i18n("&Brush"), ID_PEN_BRUSH,-1);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // menuBar entry view-Menu
- pViewMenu = new TQPopupMenu(this);
- pViewMenu.setCheckable(true);
- pViewMenu.insertItem(i18n("&Toolbar"), ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR,-1);
- pViewMenu.insertItem(i18n("&Statusbar"), ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR,-1);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // menuBar entry window-Menu
- pWindowMenu = new TQPopupMenu(this);
- pWindowMenu.setCheckable(true);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // menuBar entry helpMenu
- TQPopupMenu pHelpMenu = helpMenu(i18n("Java KScribble " + Main.VERSION + "\n\n(c) 2002 by\n" +
- "Ralf Nolden\[email protected]"),true);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // insert your popup menus with the according menubar entries in the order
- // they will appear later from left to right
- menuBar().insertItem(i18n("&File"), pFileMenu);
- menuBar().insertItem(i18n("&Edit"), pEditMenu);
- menuBar().insertItem(i18n("&Pen"), pPenMenu);
- menuBar().insertItem(i18n("&View"), pViewMenu);
- menuBar().insertItem(i18n("&Window"), pWindowMenu );
- menuBar().insertItem(i18n("&Help"), pHelpMenu);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // for execution slots and statusbar messages
- connect(pFileMenu, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), SLOT("commandCallback(int)"));
- connect(pFileMenu, SIGNAL("highlighted(int)"), SLOT("statusCallback(int)"));
- connect(pEditMenu, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), SLOT("commandCallback(int)"));
- connect(pEditMenu, SIGNAL("highlighted(int)"), SLOT("statusCallback(int)"));
- connect(pPenMenu, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), SLOT("commandCallback(int)"));
- connect(pPenMenu, SIGNAL("highlighted(int)"), SLOT("statusCallback(int)"));
- connect(pViewMenu, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), SLOT("commandCallback(int)"));
- connect(pViewMenu, SIGNAL("highlighted(int)"), SLOT("statusCallback(int)"));
- connect(pWindowMenu, SIGNAL("aboutToShow()" ), SLOT( "windowMenuAboutToShow()" ) );
- connect(pWindowMenu, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), SLOT("commandCallback(int)"));
- connect(pWindowMenu, SIGNAL("highlighted(int)"), SLOT("statusCallback(int)"));
- }
- private void initToolBar() {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("filenew"), ID_FILE_NEW, true, i18n("New File"),-1);
- toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("fileopen"), ID_FILE_OPEN, true, i18n("Open File"),-1);
- toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("filefloppy"), ID_FILE_SAVE, true, i18n("Save File"),-1);
- toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("fileprint"), ID_FILE_PRINT, true, i18n("Print"),-1);
- toolBar().insertSeparator();
- toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("editcut"), ID_EDIT_CUT, true, i18n("Cut"),-1);
- toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("editcopy"), ID_EDIT_COPY, true, i18n("Copy"),-1);
- toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("editpaste"), ID_EDIT_PASTE, true, i18n("Paste"),-1);
- toolBar().insertSeparator();
- toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("pencolor"), ID_PEN_COLOR, true, i18n("Color"),-1 );
- toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("penwidth"), ID_PEN_BRUSH, true, i18n("Width"),-1 );
- toolBar().insertSeparator();
- toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("help"), ID_HELP_CONTENTS, SIGNAL("clicked()"),
- this, SLOT("appHelpActivated()"), true,i18n("Help"),-1);
- TQToolButton btnwhat = TQWhatsThis.whatsThisButton(toolBar());
- TQToolTip.add(btnwhat, i18n("What's this...?"));
- toolBar().insertWidget(ID_HELP_WHATS_THIS, btnwhat.sizeHint().width(), btnwhat);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CONNECT THE TOOLBAR SLOTS WITH SIGNALS - add new created toolbars by their according number
- // connect for invoking the slot actions
- connect(toolBar(), SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), SLOT("commandCallback(int)"));
- // connect for the status help on holing icons pressed with the mouse button
- connect(toolBar(), SIGNAL("pressed(int)"), SLOT("statusCallback(int)"));
- }
- /** sets up the kstatusBar for the main window by initialzing a statuslabel.
- */
- protected void initStatusBar() {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TODO: add your own items you need for displaying current application status.
- kstatusBar().insertItem(i18n("Ready."), ID_STATUS_MSG);
- }
- /** creates the centerwidget of the KTMainWindow instance and sets it as the view
- */
- protected void initView() {
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // here the main view of the KTMainWindow is created by a background box and
- // the TQWorkspace instance for MDI view.
- TQVBox view_back = new TQVBox( this );
- view_back.setFrameStyle( TQFrame.StyledPanel | TQFrame.Sunken );
- pWorkspace = new TQWorkspace( view_back, "" );
- connect(pWorkspace, SIGNAL("windowActivated(TQWidget)"), this, SLOT("setWndTitle(TQWidget)"));
-// setView(view_back);
- setCentralWidget(view_back);
- }
- void createClient(KScribbleDoc doc) {
- KScribbleView w = new KScribbleView(doc, pWorkspace,null,WDestructiveClose);
- w.installEventFilter(this);
- doc.addView(w);
- w.setIcon(kapp.miniIcon());
- if ( pWorkspace.windowList().isEmpty() ) // show the very first window in maximized mode
- w.showMaximized();
- else
- }
- void addRecentFile(String file) {
- if(recentFiles != null && recentFiles.contains(file))
- return; // it's already there
- if( recentFiles.size() < 5)
- recentFiles.add(0,file);
- else{
- recentFiles.remove(recentFiles.remove(recentFiles.size()-1));
- recentFiles.add(0,file);
- }
- pRecentFileMenu.clear();
- Iterator it = recentFiles.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- pRecentFileMenu.insertItem((String);
- }
- }
- /** opens a file specified by commandline option
- */
- public void openDocumentFile(KURL url) {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Opening file..."));
- KScribbleDoc doc;
- String file =,true) + url.fileName();
- Iterator it = pDocList.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- doc = (KScribbleDoc);
- // check, if document already open. If yes, set the focus to the first view
- if(doc.pathName().equals(file)) {
- KScribbleView view=doc.firstView();
- view.setFocus();
- return;
- }
- }
- doc = new KScribbleDoc();
- pDocList.add(doc);
- doc.newDocument();
- // Creates an untitled window if file is 0
- if(file == null || file.length() == 0) {
- untitledCount+=1;
- String fileName= i18n("Untitled" +untitledCount);
- doc.setPathName(fileName);
- doc.setTitle(fileName);
- }
- // Open the file
- else {
- String format= TQImageIO.imageFormat(file);
- if(!doc.openDocument(file,format))
- KMessageBox.error (this,i18n("Could not open document !"), i18n("Error !"),KMessageBox.Notify);
- addRecentFile(file);
- }
- // create the window
- createClient(doc);
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- public void openDocumentFile() {
- openDocumentFile(new KURL());
- return;
- }
- void windowMenuAboutToShow() {
- pWindowMenu.clear();
- pWindowMenu.insertItem(i18n("&New Window"), ID_WINDOW_NEW_WINDOW);
- pWindowMenu.insertItem(i18n("&Cascade"),
- pWorkspace, SLOT("cascade()" ),new TQKeySequence(0) , ID_WINDOW_CASCADE );
- pWindowMenu.insertItem(i18n("&Tile"),
- pWorkspace, SLOT("tile()" ),new TQKeySequence(0) , ID_WINDOW_TILE );
- if ( pWorkspace.windowList().isEmpty() ) {
- disableCommand(ID_WINDOW_NEW_WINDOW);
- disableCommand(ID_WINDOW_CASCADE);
- disableCommand(ID_WINDOW_TILE);
- }
- pWindowMenu.insertSeparator();
- ArrayList windows = pWorkspace.windowList();
- for ( int i = 0; i < windows.size(); ++i ) {
- int id = pWindowMenu.insertItem((i+1)+ ((TQWidget)windows.get(i)).caption(),
- this, SLOT( "windowMenuActivated( int )" ) );
- pWindowMenu.setItemParameter( id, i );
- pWindowMenu.setItemChecked( id, pWorkspace.activeWindow() == (TQWidget)windows.get(i) );
- }
- }
- void windowMenuActivated( int id ) {
- TQWidget w = (TQWidget)pWorkspace.windowList().get( id );
- if ( w != null )
- w.setFocus();
- }
- void setWndTitle(TQWidget qw){
- setCaption(pWorkspace.activeWindow() != null ? pWorkspace.activeWindow().caption() : "");
- }
- void enableCommand(int id_) {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // enable menu and toolbar functions by their ID's
- menuBar().setItemEnabled(id_, true);
- toolBar().setItemEnabled(id_, true);
- }
- void disableCommand(int id_) {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // disable menu and toolbar functions by their ID's
- menuBar().setItemEnabled(id_, false);
- toolBar().setItemEnabled(id_, false);
- }
- void commandCallback(int id_) {
- switch (id_) {
- case ID_FILE_NEW:
- slotFileNew();
- break;
- case ID_FILE_OPEN:
- slotFileOpen();
- break;
- case ID_FILE_SAVE:
- slotFileSave();
- break;
- slotFileSaveAs();
- break;
- slotFileClose();
- break;
- slotFilePrint();
- break;
- case ID_FILE_QUIT:
- slotFileQuit();
- break;
- case ID_EDIT_CUT:
- slotEditCut();
- break;
- case ID_EDIT_COPY:
- slotEditCopy();
- break;
- slotEditPaste();
- break;
- slotEditClearAll();
- break;
- case ID_PEN_BRUSH:
- slotPenBrush();
- break;
- case ID_PEN_COLOR:
- slotPenColor();
- break;
- slotViewToolBar();
- break;
- slotViewStatusBar();
- break;
- slotWindowNewWindow();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- void statusCallback(int id_) {
- switch (id_) {
- case ID_FILE_NEW:
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Creates a new document"));
- break;
- case ID_FILE_OPEN:
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Opens an existing document"));
- break;
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Opens a recently used file"));
- break;
- case ID_FILE_SAVE:
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Saves the currently active document"));
- break;
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Saves the currently active document as under a new filename"));
- break;
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Closes the currently active document"));
- break;
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Prints out the actual document"));
- break;
- case ID_FILE_QUIT:
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Quits the application"));
- break;
- case ID_EDIT_UNDO:
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Reverts the last editing action"));
- break;
- case ID_EDIT_CUT:
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Cuts the selected section and puts it to the clipboard"));
- break;
- case ID_EDIT_COPY:
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Copies the selected section to the clipboard"));
- break;
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Pastes the clipboard contents to actual position"));
- break;
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Clears the document contents"));
- break;
- case ID_PEN_BRUSH:
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Sets the pen width"));
- break;
- case ID_PEN_COLOR:
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Sets the current pen color"));
- break;
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Enables/disables the toolbar"));
- break;
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Enables/disables the statusbar"));
- break;
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Opens a new view for the current document"));
- break;
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Cascades all windows"));
- break;
- slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Tiles all windows"));
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- void slotStatusHelpMsg(String text) {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // change status message of whole statusbar temporary (text, msec)
- statusBar().message(text, 2000);
- }
- /** returns a pointer to the current document connected to the KTMainWindow instance and is used by
- * the View class to access the document object's methods
- */
- public KScribbleDoc getDocument() {
- return doc;
- }
- /** save general Options like all bar positions and status as well as the geometry and the recent file list to the configuration
- * file
- */
- protected void saveOptions() {
- config.setGroup("General Options");
- config.writeEntry("Geometry", size());
- config.writeEntry("Show Toolbar", toolBar().isVisible());
- config.writeEntry("Show Statusbar",statusBar().isVisible());
- config.writeEntry("ToolBarPos", (int) toolBar().barPos());
- String[] rf = new String[recentFiles.size()];
- rf = (String[]) recentFiles.toArray(rf);
- if (rf != null)
- config.writeEntry("Recent Files", rf);
- }
- /** read general Options again and initialize all variables like the recent file list
- */
- private void readOptions() {
- config.setGroup("General Options");
- // bar status settings
- boolean bViewToolbar = config.readBoolEntry("Show Toolbar", true);
- menuBar().setItemChecked(ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR, bViewToolbar);
- if(!bViewToolbar) {
- toolBar("mainToolBar").hide();
- }
- boolean bViewStatusbar = config.readBoolEntry("Show Statusbar", true);
- menuBar().setItemChecked(ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR, bViewStatusbar);
- if(!bViewStatusbar) {
- toolBar("mainToolBar").hide();
- }
- // bar position settings
- int toolBarPos = TDEToolBar.Top;
- toolBarPos = config.readUnsignedNumEntry("ToolBarPos", TDEToolBar.Top);
- toolBar().setBarPos(toolBarPos);
- // initialize the recent file list
- // commented out until fix is applied.
- recentFiles = config.readListEntry("Recent Files");
- Iterator it = recentFiles.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- pRecentFileMenu.insertItem((String);
- }
- // Read the size information and resize from settings.
- TQSize size = new TQSize();
- config.readSizeEntry("Geometry",size);
- if(!size.isEmpty()) {
- resize(size);
- }
- else
- resize(400,350);
- }
- /** saves the window properties for each open window during session end to the session config file, including saving the currently
- * opened file by a temporary filename provided by TDEApplication.
- * @see KTMainWindow#saveProperties
- */
- protected void saveProperties(TDEConfig _cfg) {
- }
- /** reads the session config file and restores the application's state including the last opened files and documents by reading the
- * temporary files saved by saveProperties()
- * @see KTMainWindow#readProperties
- */
- protected void readProperties(TDEConfig _cfg) {
- }
- /** queryClose is called by KTMainWindow on each closeEvent of a window. Against the
- * default implementation (only returns true), this calles saveModified() on the document object to ask if the document shall
- * be saved if Modified; on cancel the closeEvent is rejected.
- * @see KTMainWindow#queryClose
- * @see KTMainWindow#closeEvent
- */
- protected boolean queryClose() {
- ArrayList saveFiles = new ArrayList();
- KScribbleDoc doc;
- if(pDocList.isEmpty())
- return true;
- Iterator it = pDocList.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- doc = (KScribbleDoc);
- if(doc.isModified())
- saveFiles.add(doc.title());
- }
- if(saveFiles.isEmpty())
- return true;
- // lets load up a String array with the documents to save.
- String[] sf = new String[saveFiles.size()];
- for (int x = 0; x < saveFiles.size(); x++) {
- sf[x] = (String)saveFiles.get(x);
- }
- switch (KMessageBox.questionYesNoList(this,
- i18n("One or more documents have been modified.\nSave changes before exiting?"),sf))
- {
- case KMessageBox.Yes:
- Iterator itr = pDocList.iterator();
- while (itr.hasNext()) {
- doc = (KScribbleDoc);
- if(doc.title().indexOf(i18n("Untitled")) > 0) {
- slotFileSaveAs();
- }
- else {
- if(!doc.saveDocument(doc.pathName())){
- KMessageBox.error (this,i18n("Could not save the current document !"), i18n("I/O Error !"),KMessageBox.Notify);
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- case KMessageBox.No:
- default:
- return true;
- }
- }
- /** queryExit is called by KTMainWindow when the last window of the application is going to be closed during the closeEvent().
- * Against the default implementation that just returns true, this calls saveOptions() to save the settings of the last window's
- * properties.
- * @see KTMainWindow#queryExit
- * @see KTMainWindow#closeEvent
- */
- protected boolean queryExit() {
- saveOptions();
- return true;
- }
- void slotFileNew() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Creating new document..."));
- openDocumentFile();
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- void slotFileOpen() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Opening file..."));
- String fileToOpen=KFileDialog.getOpenFileName(TQDir.currentDirPath(),
- KImageIO.pattern(KImageIO.Reading), this, i18n("Open File..."));
- if(fileToOpen != null && fileToOpen.length() > 0) {
- openDocumentFile(new KURL(fileToOpen));
- }
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- void slotFileSave() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Saving file..."));
- KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView)pWorkspace.activeWindow();
- if( m != null) {
- KScribbleDoc doc = m.getDocument();
- if(doc.title().indexOf(i18n("Untitled")) > 0)
- slotFileSaveAs();
- else
- if(!doc.saveDocument(doc.pathName()))
- KMessageBox.error (this,i18n("Could not save the current document !"), i18n("I/O Error !"),KMessageBox.Notify); }
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- void slotFileSaveAs() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Saving file with a new filename..."));
- String newName=KFileDialog.getSaveFileName(TQDir.currentDirPath(),
- KImageIO.pattern(KImageIO.Writing), this, i18n("Save as..."));
- if(newName != null) {
- KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView)pWorkspace.activeWindow();
- if( m != null ) {
- KScribbleDoc doc = m.getDocument();
- String format=new TQFileInfo(newName).extension();
- format=format.toUpperCase();
- if(!doc.saveDocument(newName,format)) {
- KMessageBox.error (this,i18n("Could not save the current document !"), i18n("I/O Error !"),KMessageBox.Notify);
- return;
- }
- doc.changedViewList();
- setWndTitle(m);
- }
- }
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- void slotFileClose() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Closing file..."));
- KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView)pWorkspace.activeWindow();
- if( m != null ) {
- KScribbleDoc doc=m.getDocument();
- doc.closeDocument();
- }
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- void slotFilePrint() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Printing..."));
- KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView) pWorkspace.activeWindow();
- if ( m != null)
- m.print( printer );
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- void slotFileQuit() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Exiting..."));
- saveOptions();
- // close the first window, the list makes the next one the first again.
- // This ensures that queryClose() is called on each window to ask for closing
- TDEMainWindow w;
- ArrayList memberlist = memberList();
- if(memberlist != null) {
- Iterator it = memberlist.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- w = (TDEMainWindow);
- // only close the window if the closeEvent is accepted. If the user
- // presses Cancel on the saveModified() dialog,
- // the window and the application stay open.
- if(!w.close())
- break;
- }
- }
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- void slotFileOpenRecent(int id_) {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Opening file..."));
- KURL kurl = new KURL(pRecentFileMenu.text(id_));
-// openDocumentFile(pRecentFileMenu.text(id_));
- openDocumentFile(kurl);
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- void slotEditClearAll() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Clearing the document contents..."));
- KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView) pWorkspace.activeWindow();
- if ( m != null ){
- KScribbleDoc pDoc = m.getDocument();
- pDoc.editClearAll();
- }
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- void slotPenBrush() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Setting brush width..."));
- // get one window with document for a current pen width
- ArrayList windows = pWorkspace.windowList();
- KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView)windows.get(0);
- KScribbleDoc pDoc = m.getDocument();
- int curr_width=pDoc.penWidth();
- // create the dialog, get the new width and set the pen width for all documents
- KPenBrushDlg dlg= new KPenBrushDlg(curr_width,this,"");
- if(dlg.exec() > 0){
- int width=dlg.getPenWidth();
- for ( int i = 0; i < windows.size(); ++i ) {
- m = (KScribbleView)windows.get(i);
- if ( m != null ) {
- pDoc = m.getDocument();
- pDoc.setPenWidth(width);
- }
- }
- }
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- void slotPenColor() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Selecting pen color..."));
- TQColor myColor = new TQColor();
- int result = KColorDialog.getColor( myColor, this );
- if ( result == KColorDialog.Accepted )
- {
- ArrayList windows = pWorkspace.windowList();
- KScribbleDoc pDoc;
- KScribbleView m;
- for ( int i = 0; i < windows.size(); ++i ) {
- m = (KScribbleView)windows.get(i);
- if ( m != null) {
- pDoc = m.getDocument();
- pDoc.setPenColor(myColor);
- }
- }
- }
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- void slotEditUndo() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Reverting last action..."));
- KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView) pWorkspace.activeWindow();
-// if ( m != null )
-// m.undo();
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- /** put the marked object into the clipboard and remove
- * it from the document
- */
- void slotEditCut() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Cutting selection..."));
- KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView) pWorkspace.activeWindow();
- if ( m != null )
- m.cutSelection();
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- /** put the marked text/object into the clipboard
- */
- public void slotEditCopy() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Copying selection to clipboard..."));
- KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView) pWorkspace.activeWindow();
- if ( m != null)
- m.copySelection();
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- /** paste the clipboard into the document
- */
- public void slotEditPaste() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Inserting clipboard contents..."));
- KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView) pWorkspace.activeWindow();
- if ( m != null ) {
- m.pasteSelection();
- }
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- /** toggles the toolbar
- */
- void slotViewToolBar() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Toggle the toolbar..."));
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // turn Toolbar on or off
- if( menuBar().isItemChecked(ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR)) {
- menuBar().setItemChecked(ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR, false);
- toolBar("mainToolBar").hide();
- }
- else {
- menuBar().setItemChecked(ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR, true);
- toolBar("mainToolBar").show();
- }
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- /** toggles the statusbar
- */
- void slotViewStatusBar() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Toggle the statusbar..."));
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //turn Statusbar on or off
- if( menuBar().isItemChecked(ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR)) {
- menuBar().setItemChecked(ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR, false);
- kstatusBar().hide();
- }
- else {
- menuBar().setItemChecked(ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR, true);
- kstatusBar().show();
- }
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- void slotWindowNewWindow() {
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Opening a new application window..."));
- KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView) pWorkspace.activeWindow();
- if ( m != null ){
- KScribbleDoc doc = m.getDocument();
- createClient(doc);
- }
- slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready."));
- }
- /** changes the statusbar contents for the standard label permanently, used to indicate current actions.
- * @param text the text that is displayed in the statusbar
- */
- public void slotStatusMsg(String text) {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // change status message permanently
- kstatusBar().clear();
- kstatusBar().changeItem(text, ID_STATUS_MSG);
- }
- /** accepts drops and opens a new document
- for each drop */
- protected void dropEvent( TQDropEvent e){
- TQImage img = new TQImage();
- if ( TQImageDrag.decode(e, img) ) {
- KScribbleDoc doc = new KScribbleDoc();
- untitledCount+=1;
- String fileName= i18n("Untitled") + untitledCount;
- doc.setPathName(fileName);
- doc.setTitle(fileName);
- doc.newDocument();
- pDocList.add(doc);
- KPixmap tmp = new KPixmap();
- tmp.resize(img.size());
- tmp.convertFromImage(img);
- doc.setPixmap(tmp);
- doc.resizeDocument(tmp.size());
- doc.setModified();
- createClient(doc);
- }
- }
- /** accepts drag events for images */
- protected void dragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent e){
- e.accept(TQImageDrag.canDecode(e));
- }
diff --git a/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/ b/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/
deleted file mode 100644
index 089a3adb..00000000
--- a/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.*;
-import org.kde.qt.*;
-import org.kde.koala.*;
-/** KScribbleDoc provides a document object for a document-view model.
- *
- * The KScribbleDoc class provides a document object that can be used in conjunction with the classes JavaApiTestApp and KScribbleView
- * to create a document-view model for standard KDE applications based on TDEApplication and TDEMainWindow. Thereby, the document object
- * is created by the JavaApiTestApp instance and contains the document structure with the according methods for manipulation of the document
- * data by KScribbleView objects. Also, KScribbleDoc contains the methods for serialization of the document data from and to files.
- *
- * @author Source Framework Automatically Generated by KDevelop, (c) The KDevelop Team.
- * @version KDevelop version 1.2 code generation
- */
-public class KScribbleDoc extends TQObject {
- /** the list of the views currently connected to the document */
- private ArrayList pViewList;
- private String m_title;
- private String m_filename;
- private TQSize size;
- private TQPen pen;
- public TQPointArray polyline;
- public KPixmap buffer;
- /** the modified flag of the current document */
- private boolean modified;
- private KURL doc_url;
- public KScribbleDoc() {
- pViewList = new ArrayList();
- }
- void addView(KScribbleView view) {
- pViewList.add(view);
- changedViewList();
- }
- void removeView(KScribbleView view) {
- pViewList.remove(view);
- if(!pViewList.isEmpty())
- changedViewList();
- else
- deleteContents();
- }
- void changedViewList(){
- KScribbleView w;
- if(pViewList.size() == 1){
- w=(KScribbleView)pViewList.get(0);
- w.setCaption(m_title);
- }
- else{
- int i = 1;
- Iterator it = pViewList.iterator();
- while(it.hasNext()) {
- w = (KScribbleView);
- w.setCaption(m_title + ":"+ i++);
- }
- }
- }
- boolean isLastView() {
- return (pViewList.size() == 1);
- }
- void updateAllViews(KScribbleView sender) {
- KScribbleView w;
- Iterator it = pViewList.iterator();
- while(it.hasNext()) {
- w = (KScribbleView);
- w.update(sender);
- }
- }
- void setPathName(String name) {
- m_filename=name;
- m_title= new TQFileInfo(name).fileName();
- }
- String pathName() {
- return m_filename;
- }
- /** returns the current pen in use */
- TQPen currentPen() {
- return pen;
- }
- /** returns the pen color */
- int penWidth() {
- return pen.width();
- }
- /** returns the pen color */
- TQColor penColor(){
- return pen.color();
- }
- /** sets the pen width */
- void setPenWidth( int w ){
- pen.setWidth( w );
- }
- /** sets the pen color */
- void setPenColor( TQColor c ){
- pen.setColor( c );
- }
- /** sets the pen style by a second toolbar */
-// void setPenStyle( PenStyle s) {
-// pen.setStyle(s);
-// }
- void setTitle(String title) {
- m_title=title;
- }
- String title() {
- return m_title;
- }
- /** sets the pixmap contents. Used by KScribbleApp
- to create a new document by drop events */
- void setPixmap(KPixmap pix) {
- buffer=pix;
- };
- void resizeDocument(TQSize m_size) {
- size=m_size;
- };
- void closeDocument() {
- KScribbleView w;
- if(!isLastView()) {
- Iterator it = pViewList.iterator();
- while(it.hasNext()) {
- w = (KScribbleView);
- if (!w.close())
- break;
- }
- }
- if(isLastView()) {
- w= (KScribbleView)pViewList.get(0);
- w.close();
- }
- }
- boolean newDocument() {
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TODO: Add your document initialization code here
- size=new TQSize(300,200 );
- pen= new TQPen();
- pen.setColor(;
- pen.setWidth(3);
- polyline= new TQPointArray(3);
- if (buffer == null) {
- buffer = new KPixmap();
- }
- buffer.resize(size);
- buffer.fill( Qt.white() );
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- modified=false;
- return true;
- }
- public boolean openDocument(String filename, String format) {
- TQFile f = new TQFile( filename );
- // if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) )
- // return false;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TODO: Add your document opening code here
- if(!buffer.load( filename, format, 0))
- return false;
- size=buffer.size();
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // f.close();
- modified=false;
- m_filename=filename;
- m_title=new TQFileInfo(f).fileName();
- return true;
- }
- boolean saveDocument(String filename) {
- return saveDocument(filename,"") ;
- }
- /** returns the first view instance */
- KScribbleView firstView(){
- return (KScribbleView) pViewList.get(0);
- };
- boolean saveDocument(String filename, String format /*=0*/) {
- TQFile f = new TQFile( filename );
- // if ( ! IO_WriteOnly ) )
- // return false;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TODO: Add your document saving code here
- if(! filename, format ))
- return false;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // f.close();
- modified=false;
- m_filename=filename;
- m_title=new TQFileInfo(f).fileName();
- return true;
- }
- void deleteContents() {
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // TODO: Add implementation to delete the document contents
- buffer.fill( Qt.white() );
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- }
- boolean isModified() {
- return modified;
- }
- void setModified() {
- modified = true;
- }
- boolean canCloseFrame(KScribbleView pFrame) {
- if(!isLastView())
- return true;
- boolean ret=false;
- if(isModified()) {
- String saveName = new String();
- switch(KMessageBox.warningYesNoCancel(pFrame, i18n("The current file has been modified.\n" +
- "Do you want to save it?"),title()))
- {
- case KMessageBox.Yes:
- if(title().indexOf(i18n("Untitled")) > 0) {
- saveName= KFileDialog.getSaveFileName(TQDir.currentDirPath(),
- i18n("*|All files"), pFrame, i18n("Save as..."));
- if(saveName == null || saveName.length() == 0)
- return false;
- }
- else
- saveName=pathName();
- if(!saveDocument(saveName)) {
- switch(KMessageBox.warningYesNo(pFrame,i18n("Could not save the current document !\n" +
- "Close anyway ?"), i18n("I/O Error !")))
- {
- case KMessageBox.Yes:
- ret=true;
- case KMessageBox.No:
- ret=false;
- }
- }
- else
- ret=true;
- break;
- case KMessageBox.No:
- ret=true;
- break;
- case KMessageBox.Cancel:
- default:
- ret=false;
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- ret=true;
- return ret;
- }
- /** get the document size */
- TQSize docSize() {
- return size;
- }
- void editClearAll() {
- deleteContents();
- setModified();
- updateAllViews(null);
- }
diff --git a/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/ b/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fe3f94c..00000000
--- a/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-import org.kde.qt.*;
-import org.kde.koala.*;
-/** The KScribbleView class provides the view widget for the KScribble instance.
- * The View instance inherits TQWidget as a base class and represents the view object of a TDEMainWindow. As KScribbleView is part of the
- * docuement-view model, it needs a reference to the document object connected with it by the KScribble class to manipulate and display
- * the document structure provided by the KScribbleDoc class.
- *
- * @author Source Framework Automatically Generated by KDevelop, (c) The KDevelop Team.
- * @version KDevelop version 0.4 code generation
- */
-public class KScribbleView extends TQScrollView {
- private TQClipboard cb;
- private KScribbleDoc doc;
- private static final int IDLE = 0;
- private static final int DRAW = 1;
- private static final int SELECT = 2;
- private static final int PASTE = 3;
- private static final int DRAG = 4;
- private TQPixmap tmp = new TQPixmap();
- private int action = IDLE;
- private TQRect select = new TQRect();
- private TDEIconLoader k = new TDEIconLoader();
- private TQImageDrag qid;
- public KScribbleView(KScribbleDoc pDoc, TQWidget parent, String name, int wflags) {
- super(parent, name,wflags | WPaintClever | WNorthWestGravity | WRepaintNoErase);
- setBackgroundMode(PaletteBase);
- cb = TQApplication.clipboard();
- viewport().setAcceptDrops(true);
- setDragAutoScroll(true);
- doc=pDoc;
- action=IDLE;
- viewport().setCursor( Qt.crossCursor() );
- TQSize size=doc.docSize();
- resizeContents(size.width(), size.height());
- resize(size);
- }
- void update(KScribbleView pSender){
- if(pSender != this)
- viewport().repaint(0,0,visibleWidth(), visibleHeight(), false);
- }
- public KScribbleDoc getDocument() {
- return doc;
- }
- protected void keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent e ) {
- switch (e.key()) {
- case Key_Right:
- scrollBy( 10, 0 );
- break;
- case Key_Left:
- scrollBy( -10,0);
- break;
- case Key_Up:
- scrollBy( 0, -10 );
- break;
- case Key_Down:
- scrollBy( 0, 10 );
- break;
- case Key_Home:
- setContentsPos(0,0);
- break;
- case Key_End:
- setContentsPos(0,viewport().height()-viewport().height());
- break;
- case Key_PageUp:
- scrollBy( 0, -viewport().height() );
- break;
- case Key_PageDown:
- scrollBy( 0, viewport().height() );
- break;
- }
- }
- /** cuts out a selection */
- void cutSelection() {
- select=select.normalize();
- TQPixmap cb_pix = new TQPixmap();
- cb_pix.resize(select.size());
- // copy selection to cb_pix and copy to clipboard
- bitBlt(cb_pix,0, 0, doc.buffer, select.x()+contentsX(), select.y()+contentsY(), cb_pix.width(),cb_pix.height());
- cb.setPixmap(cb_pix);
- // fill cb_pix with white and copy to selection area
- cb_pix.fill(Qt.white());
- bitBlt(doc.buffer, select.x()+contentsX(), select.y()+contentsY(),cb_pix, 0, 0, cb_pix.width(), cb_pix.height());
- action = IDLE;
- doc.setModified();
- doc.updateAllViews(this);
- viewport().repaint(0,0,visibleWidth(), visibleHeight(), false);
- }
- /** pastes the clipboard contents to a selection that can be inserted into the picture */
- void pasteSelection(){
- select=cb.pixmap().rect();
- action = PASTE;
- viewport().setCursor( Qt.sizeAllCursor() );
- }
- /** copies a selection to the clipboard */
- void copySelection(){
- select=select.normalize();
- TQPixmap cb_pix = new TQPixmap();
- cb_pix.resize(select.size());
- // copy selection to cb_pix and copy to clipboard
- bitBlt(cb_pix, 0, 0,doc.buffer, select.x()+contentsX(), select.y()+contentsY(), cb_pix.width(),cb_pix.height());
- cb.setPixmap(cb_pix);
- action = IDLE;
- viewport().repaint(0,0,visibleWidth(), visibleHeight(), false);
- }
- public void print(TQPrinter pPrinter) {
- if (pPrinter.setup(this)) {
- TQPainter p = new TQPainter();
- p.begin(pPrinter);
- ///////////////////////////////
- // TODO: add your printing code here
- p.drawPixmap(0,0,doc.buffer);
- ///////////////////////////////
- p.end();
- }
- }
- protected void viewportMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent e ) {
- if ( e.button() == LeftButton && action == IDLE) {
- action=DRAW;
- doc.polyline.setPoint(0,viewportToContents(e.pos()));
- doc.polyline.setPoint(1,viewportToContents(e.pos()));
- doc.polyline.setPoint(2,viewportToContents(e.pos()));
- doc.updateAllViews(this);
- }
- else if ( e.button() == RightButton && action == IDLE) {
- action = SELECT;
- TQPoint pt=e.pos();
- int x = pt.x() > contentsWidth() ? contentsWidth() : pt.x();
- int y = pt.y() > contentsHeight() ? contentsHeight() : pt.y();
- select.setLeft(x-1);
- select.setTop(y-1);
- select.setRight(x-1);
- select.setBottom(y-1);
- }
- else if( action == SELECT ) {
- action = IDLE;
- select=select.normalize();
- // drag
- if(select.contains(e.pos(), true)) { // point inside the selection
- tmp.resize(select.size());
- bitBlt(tmp, 0, 0, doc.buffer, select.x()+contentsX(), select.y()+contentsY(), tmp.width(),tmp.height());
- TQImage img =tmp.convertToImage();
- TQDragObject d = new TQImageDrag( img, viewport(), "" );
- d.setPixmap(KDE.BarIcon("filenew"));
- d.drag();
- }
- // remove selection
- else
- viewport().repaint(0,0,visibleWidth(), visibleHeight(), false);
- }
- else if( action == PASTE ) {
- if ( e.button() == RightButton ) {
- action = IDLE;
- viewport().setCursor( Qt.crossCursor() );
- }
- TQPoint mv_pt = new TQPoint(viewport().height(), viewport().width());
- if(new TQRect(0,0,mv_pt.x(),mv_pt.y()).contains(e.pos()))
- select.moveCenter(e.pos());
- else {
- select.moveBottomRight(mv_pt);
- }
- viewport().repaint(0,0,visibleWidth(), visibleHeight(), false);
- }
- }
- protected void viewportMouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent e ) {
- if ( action == DRAW ) {
- action = IDLE;
- doc.updateAllViews(this);
- }
- if ( action == SELECT) {
- TQPoint pt=e.pos();
- int x = pt.x() > 0 ? pt.x() : 0;
- int y = pt.y() > 0 ? pt.y() : 0;
- select.setRight(x);
- select.setBottom(y);
- TQSize size=doc.docSize();
- select = select.intersect(new TQRect(0,0,size.width(), size.height()));
- }
- }
- /** On paste actions inserts the pasted clipboard contents
- */
- protected void viewportMouseDoubleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent e) {
- if( action == PASTE ) {
- action = IDLE;
- select.moveCenter(e.pos());
- viewport().setCursor( Qt.crossCursor() );
- TQPixmap cb_pix = new TQPixmap();
- cb_pix.resize(cb.pixmap().size());
- cb_pix=cb.pixmap();
- bitBlt( doc.buffer,contentsX()+select.x(), contentsY()+select.y(),cb_pix, 0, 0, select.width(), select.height());
- viewport().repaint(0,0,visibleWidth(), visibleHeight(), false);
- doc.setModified();
- doc.updateAllViews(this);
- }
- }
- protected void viewportMouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent e ) {
- if ( action == DRAW ) {
- TQPainter painter = new TQPainter();
- painter.begin( doc.buffer );
- painter.setPen( doc.currentPen() );
- doc.polyline.setPoint(2,;
- doc.polyline.setPoint(1,;
- doc.polyline.setPoint(0, viewportToContents(e.pos()));
- painter.drawPolyline( doc.polyline );
- painter.end();
- TQRect r = doc.polyline.boundingRect();
- r = r.normalize();
- r.setLeft( r.left() - doc.penWidth() );
- r.setTop( - doc.penWidth() );
- r.setRight( r.right() + doc.penWidth() );
- r.setBottom( r.bottom() + doc.penWidth() );
- bitBlt(viewport(), r.x()-contentsX(), r.y()-contentsY(), doc.buffer, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(),r.height());
- doc.setModified();
- doc.updateAllViews(this);
- }
- if ( action == SELECT ) {
- TQPoint pt=e.pos();
- select.setWidth(select.x()+pt.x());
- select.setHeight(select.y()+pt.y());
- select.setRight(pt.x());
- select.setBottom(pt.y());
- TQSize size=doc.docSize();
- select = select.intersect(new TQRect(0,0,size.width(), size.height()));
- viewport().repaint(0,0,visibleWidth(), visibleHeight(), false);
- }
- if( action == PASTE ) {
- TQPoint mv_pt = new TQPoint(viewport().height(), viewport().width());
- if(new TQRect(0,0,mv_pt.x(),mv_pt.y()).contains(e.pos()))
- select.moveCenter(e.pos());
- else {
- select.moveBottomRight(mv_pt);
- }
- TQRect pm_rect=cb.pixmap().rect();
- select.setWidth(pm_rect.width());
- select.setHeight(pm_rect.height());
- TQSize size=doc.docSize();
- select = select.intersect(new TQRect(0,0,size.width(), size.height()));
- viewport().repaint(0,0,visibleWidth(), visibleHeight(), false);
- doc.setModified();
- doc.updateAllViews(this);
- }
- }
- //void KScribbleView::viewportResizeEvent( TQResizeEvent *e )
- //{
- //}
- protected void viewportPaintEvent( TQPaintEvent e ) {
- bitBlt( viewport(),0, 0, doc.buffer, contentsX(), contentsY(), doc.buffer.width(),doc.buffer.width());
- if( action == PASTE )
- {
- tmp.resize(cb.pixmap().size());
- tmp=cb.pixmap();
- }
- if( action == PASTE || action == DRAG )
- {
- TQSize size=doc.docSize();
- select = select.intersect(new TQRect(0,0,size.width(), size.height()));
- if(select.intersects(e.rect()))
- bitBlt(viewport(), select.x(), select.y(), tmp, 0, 0, select.width(), select.height());
- }
- if( action == PASTE || action == DRAG || action == SELECT ) {
- if(select.intersects(e.rect())) {
- TQPainter paint_area = new TQPainter();
- paint_area.begin(viewport());
- paint_area.setPen(new TQPen(, 0, DashLine));
- paint_area.drawRect( select );
- paint_area.end();
- }
- }
- // not implemented for TQScrollView yet
-// super.viewportPaintEvent(e);
- }
- protected void viewportDragEnterEvent ( TQDragEnterEvent e) {
- e.accept(TQImageDrag.canDecode(e));
- action = DRAG;
- }
- protected void viewportDragMoveEvent ( TQDragMoveEvent e) {
- TQImage img = new TQImage();
- if ( TQImageDrag.canDecode(e) ){
- TQImageDrag.decode(e, img);
- tmp.resize(img.size());
- tmp.convertFromImage(img);
- select.setWidth(tmp.width());
- select.setHeight(tmp.height());
- select.moveCenter(e.pos());
- viewport().repaint(0,0,visibleWidth(), visibleHeight(), false);
- }
- }
- protected void viewportDragLeaveEvent ( TQDragLeaveEvent e ) {
- action = IDLE;
- viewport().repaint(0,0,visibleWidth(), visibleHeight(), false);
- }
- protected void viewportDropEvent ( TQDropEvent e) {
- TQImage img = new TQImage();
- if ( TQImageDrag.canDecode(e) ) {
- TQImageDrag.decode(e, img);
- tmp.resize(img.size());
- tmp.convertFromImage(img);
- select.setWidth(tmp.width());
- select.setHeight(tmp.height());
- select.moveCenter(e.pos());
- bitBlt(doc.buffer, select.x()+contentsX(), select.y()+contentsY(), tmp,0,0,tmp.width(), tmp.height());
- doc.setModified();
- doc.updateAllViews(this);
- }
- action = IDLE;
- viewport().repaint(0,0,visibleWidth(), visibleHeight(), false);
- }
diff --git a/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/ b/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/
deleted file mode 100644
index b797f8a5..00000000
--- a/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- - KScribble using java bindings
- -------------------
- begin : Mon Jan 31 11:05:05 CET 2000
- copyright : (C) 2000 by Ralf Nolden
- java translation : Kenneth J. Pouncey
- ***************************************************************************/
-import java.util.*;
-import org.kde.qt.*;
-import org.kde.koala.*;
- * The base class for JavaApiTest application windows. It sets up the main
- * window and reads the config file as well as providing a menubar, toolbar
- * and statusbar. An instance of KBaseView creates your center view, which is connected
- * to the window's Doc object.
- * KBase reimplements the methods that TDEMainWindow provides for main window handling and supports
- * full session management as well as using TDEActions.
- * @see TDEMainWindow
- * @see TDEApplication
- * @see TDEConfig
- *
- * @author Source Framework Automatically Generated by KDevelop, (c) The KDevelop Team.
- * @version KDevelop version 1.2 code generation
- */
-public class Main {
- static String description = "java KDE 3 example application";
- static String[][] options = {
- { "+[File]", "image file to open", null }
- };
-static String VERSION = "0.1";
- public static void main(String[] cmdLineArgs) {
- TDEAboutData aboutData = new TDEAboutData( "kscribble", "KScribble",
- VERSION, description, TDEAboutData.License_GPL,
- "(C) 2000 by Ralf Nolden");
- TDECmdLineArgs.init( cmdLineArgs, aboutData );
- TDECmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions( options ); // Add our own options.
- TDEApplication app = new TDEApplication();
- KImageIO.registerFormats();
- KScribbleApp kscribbleapp = new KScribbleApp();
- if (app.isRestored()) {
- kscribbleapp.RESTORE("kscribbleapp");
- }
- else {
- TDECmdLineArgs args = TDECmdLineArgs.parsedArgs();
- if (args.count() > 0) {
- kscribbleapp.openDocumentFile(new KURL(args.arg(0)));
- }
- else {
- kscribbleapp.openDocumentFile();
- }
- args.clear();
- }
- app.exec();
- return;
- }
- static {
- qtjava.initialize();
- kdejava.initialize();
- }
diff --git a/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/ b/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8277dea6..00000000
--- a/kdejava/koala/examples/kscribble/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // resource.h -- contains macros used for commands
-public interface Resource {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // File-menu entries
- static final int ID_FILE_NEW = 10010;
- static final int ID_FILE_OPEN = 10020;
- static final int ID_FILE_OPEN_RECENT = 10030;
- static final int ID_FILE_CLOSE = 10040;
- static final int ID_FILE_SAVE = 10050;
- static final int ID_FILE_SAVE_AS = 10060;
- static final int ID_FILE_PRINT = 10070;
- static final int ID_FILE_QUIT = 10080;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Edit-menu entries
- static final int ID_EDIT_UNDO = 11010;
- static final int ID_EDIT_COPY = 11020;
- static final int ID_EDIT_CUT = 11030;
- static final int ID_EDIT_PASTE = 11040;
- static final int ID_EDIT_CLEAR_ALL = 11050;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Pen-menu entries
- static final int ID_PEN_COLOR = 14010;
- static final int ID_PEN_BRUSH = 14020;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Draw-menu entries
- static final int ID_DRAW_FIND = 15010;
- static final int ID_DRAW_FREEHAND = 15020;
- static final int ID_DRAW_LINE = 15030;
- static final int ID_DRAW_RECT = 15040;
- static final int ID_DRAW_RECT_FILL = 15050;
- static final int ID_DRAW_CIRCLE = 15060;
- static final int ID_DRAW_CIRCLE_FILL = 15070;
- static final int ID_DRAW_ELLIPSE = 15080;
- static final int ID_DRAW_ELLIPSE_FILL = 15090;
- static final int ID_DRAW_SPRAY = 15100;
- static final int ID_DRAW_FILL = 15110;
- static final int ID_DRAW_ERASE = 15120;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // View-menu entries
- static final int ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR = 12010;
- static final int ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR = 12020;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Window-menu entries
- static final int ID_WINDOW_NEW_WINDOW = 13010;
- static final int ID_WINDOW_CASCADE = 13020;
- static final int ID_WINDOW_TILE = 13030;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Help-menu entries
- static final int ID_HELP_CONTENTS = 1002;
- static final int ID_HELP_WHATS_THIS = 1003;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // General application values
- static final int ID_STATUS_MSG = 1001;
- static final int TOOLS_TOOLBAR = 1;
-} \ No newline at end of file