path: root/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
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-//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
-package org.kde.koala;
-import org.kde.qt.Qt;
-import org.kde.qt.TQMetaObject;
-import org.kde.qt.QtSupport;
-import org.kde.qt.TQRegExp;
-import org.kde.qt.TQWidget;
-import org.kde.qt.TQObject;
- @brief A generic implementation of the "find" function.
- <b></b>etail:
- This class includes prompt handling etc. Also provides some
- static functions which can be used to create custom behavior
- instead of using the class directly.
- <b></b>xample:
- To use the class to implement a complete find feature:
- In the slot connected to the find action, after using KFindDialog:
- <pre>
- // This creates a find-next-prompt dialog if needed.
- m_find = new KFind(pattern, options, this);
- // Connect highlight signal to code which handles highlighting
- // of found text.
- connect( m_find, SIGNAL("highlight( String, int, int )"),
- this, SLOT("slotHighlight( String, int, int )") );
- // Connect findNext signal - called when pressing the button in the dialog
- connect( m_find, SIGNAL("findNext()"),
- this, SLOT("slotFindNext()") );
- </pre>
- If you are using a non-modal find dialog (the recommended new way
- in KDE-3.2), you should call right away m_find.closeFindNextDialog().
- Then initialize the variables determining the "current position"
- (to the cursor, if the option FromCursor is set,
- to the beginning of the selection if the option SelectedText is set,
- and to the beginning of the document otherwise).
- Initialize the "end of search" variables as well (end of doc or end of selection).
- Swap begin and end if FindBackwards.
- Finally, call slotFindNext();
- <pre>
- void slotFindNext()
- {
- KFind.Result res = KFind.NoMatch;
- while ( res == KFind.NoMatch && <position not at end> ) {
- if ( m_find.needData() )
- m_find.setData( <current text fragment> );
- // Let KFind inspect the text fragment, and display a dialog if a match is found
- res = m_find.find();
- if ( res == KFind.NoMatch ) {
- <Move to the next text fragment, honoring the FindBackwards setting for the direction>
- }
- }
- if ( res == KFind.NoMatch ) // i.e. at end
- <Call either m_find.displayFinalDialog(); delete m_find; m_find = null;
- or if ( m_find.shouldRestart() ) { reinit (w/o FromCursor) and call slotFindNext(); }
- else { m_find.closeFindNextDialog(); }>
- }
- </pre>
- Don't forget to delete m_find in the destructor of your class,
- unless you gave it a parent widget on construction.
- This implementation allows to have a "Find Next" action, which resumes the
- search, even if the user closed the "Find Next" dialog.
- A "Find Previous" action can simply switch temporarily the value of
- FindBackwards and call slotFindNext() - and reset the value afterwards.
- See {@link KFindSignals} for signals emitted by KFind
- @author S.R.Haque <[email protected]>, David Faure <[email protected]>,
- Arend van Beelen jr. <[email protected]>
- @short @brief A generic implementation of the "find" function.
-public class KFind extends TQObject {
- protected KFind(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
- public static final int NoMatch = 0;
- public static final int Match = 1;
- public native TQMetaObject metaObject();
- public native String className();
- /**
- Only use this constructor if you don't use KFindDialog, or if
- you use it as a modal dialog.
- @short Only use this constructor if you don't use KFindDialog, or if you use it as a modal dialog.
- */
- public KFind(String pattern, long options, TQWidget parent) {
- super((Class) null);
- newKFind(pattern,options,parent);
- }
- private native void newKFind(String pattern, long options, TQWidget parent);
- /**
- @return true if the application must supply a new text fragment
- It also means the last call returned "NoMatch". But by storing this here
- the application doesn't have to store it in a member variable (between
- calls to slotFindNext()).
- @short
- */
- public native boolean needData();
- /**
- Call this when needData returns true, before calling find().
- @param data the text fragment (line)
- @param startPos if set, the index at which the search should start.
- This is only necessary for the very first call to setData usually,
- for the 'find in selection' feature. A value of -1 (the default value)
- means "process all the data", i.e. either 0 or data.length()-1 depending
- on FindBackwards.
- @short Call this when needData returns true, before calling find().
- */
- public native void setData(String data, int startPos);
- public native void setData(String data);
- /**
- Call this when needData returns true, before calling find(). The use of
- ID's is especially useful if you're using the FindIncremental option.
- @param id the id of the text fragment
- @param data the text fragment (line)
- @param startPos if set, the index at which the search should start.
- This is only necessary for the very first call to setData usually,
- for the 'find in selection' feature. A value of -1 (the default value)
- means "process all the data", i.e. either 0 or data.length()-1 depending
- on FindBackwards.
- @short Call this when needData returns true, before calling find().
- */
- public native void setData(int id, String data, int startPos);
- public native void setData(int id, String data);
- /**
- Walk the text fragment (e.g. text-processor line, kspread cell) looking for matches.
- For each match, emits the highlight() signal and displays the find-again dialog
- proceeding.
- @short Walk the text fragment (e.
- */
- public native int find();
- /**
- Return the current options.
- Warning: this is usually the same value as the one passed to the constructor,
- but options might change _during_ the replace operation:
- e.g. the "All" button resets the PromptOnReplace flag.
- @short Return the current options.
- */
- public native long options();
- /**
- Set new options. Usually this is used for setting or clearing the
- FindBackwards options.
- @short Set new options.
- */
- public native void setOptions(long options);
- /**
- @return the pattern we're currently looking for
- @short
- */
- public native String pattern();
- /**
- Change the pattern we're looking for
- @short Change the pattern we're looking for
- */
- public native void setPattern(String pattern);
- /**
- Return the number of matches found (i.e. the number of times
- the highlight signal was emitted).
- If 0, can be used in a dialog box to tell the user "no match was found".
- The final dialog does so already, unless you used setDisplayFinalDialog(false).
- @short Return the number of matches found (i.
- */
- public native int numMatches();
- /**
- Call this to reset the numMatches count
- (and the numReplacements count for a KReplace).
- Can be useful if reusing the same KReplace for different operations,
- or when restarting from the beginning of the document.
- @short Call this to reset the numMatches count (and the numReplacements count for a KReplace).
- */
- public native void resetCounts();
- /**
- Virtual method, which allows applications to add extra checks for
- validating a candidate match. It's only necessary to reimplement this
- if the find dialog extension has been used to provide additional
- criterias.
- @param text The current text fragment
- @param index The starting index where the candidate match was found
- @param matchedlength The length of the candidate match
- @short Virtual method, which allows applications to add extra checks for validating a candidate match.
- */
- public native boolean validateMatch(String text, int index, int matchedlength);
- /**
- Returns true if we should restart the search from scratch.
- Can ask the user, or return false (if we already searched the whole document).
- @param forceAsking set to true if the user modified the document during the
- search. In that case it makes sense to restart the search again.
- @param showNumMatches set to true if the dialog should show the number of
- matches. Set to false if the application provides a "find previous" action,
- in which case the match count will be erroneous when hitting the end,
- and we could even be hitting the beginning of the document (so not all
- matches have even been seen).
- @short Returns true if we should restart the search from scratch.
- */
- public native boolean shouldRestart(boolean forceAsking, boolean showNumMatches);
- public native boolean shouldRestart(boolean forceAsking);
- public native boolean shouldRestart();
- /**
- Displays the final dialog saying "no match was found", if that was the case.
- Call either this or shouldRestart().
- @short Displays the final dialog saying "no match was found", if that was the case.
- */
- public native void displayFinalDialog();
- /**
- Return (or create) the dialog that shows the "find next?" prompt.
- Usually you don't need to call this.
- One case where it can be useful, is when the user selects the "Find"
- menu item while a find operation is under way. In that case, the
- program may want to call setActiveWindow() on that dialog.
- @short Return (or create) the dialog that shows the "find next?" prompt.
- */
- public native KDialogBase findNextDialog(boolean create);
- public native KDialogBase findNextDialog();
- /**
- Close the "find next?" dialog. The application should do this when
- the last match was hit. If the application deletes the KFind, then
- "find previous" won't be possible anymore.
- IMPORTANT: you should also call this if you are using a non-modal
- find dialog, to tell KFind not to pop up its own dialog.
- @short Close the "find next?" dialog.
- */
- public native void closeFindNextDialog();
- /**
- @return the current matching index ( or -1 ).
- Same as the matchingIndex parameter passed to highlight.
- You usually don't need to use this, except maybe when updating the current data,
- so you need to call setData( newData, index() ).
- @short
- */
- public native int index();
- /**
- Search the given string, and returns whether a match was found. If one is,
- the length of the string matched is also returned.
- A performance optimised version of the function is provided for use
- with regular expressions.
- @param text The string to search.
- @param pattern The pattern to look for.
- @param index The starting index into the string.
- @param options The options to use.
- @param matchedlength The length of the string that was matched
- @return The index at which a match was found, or -1 if no match was found.
- @short Search the given string, and returns whether a match was found.
- */
- public static native int find(String text, String pattern, int index, long options, int[] matchedlength);
- public static native int find(String text, TQRegExp pattern, int index, long options, int[] matchedlength);
- protected native TQWidget parentWidget();
- protected native TQWidget dialogsParent();
- protected native void slotFindNext();
- protected native void slotDialogClosed();
- /** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
- protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
- /** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
- public native void dispose();
- /** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
- public native boolean isDisposed();