path: root/kghostview
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2024-01-13 12:34:35 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2024-01-13 12:43:12 +0900
commitc616fab9053b07ed30508ab714de876409d82653 (patch)
tree02b8b0fd20d25a2607a2173186a5e4acd016cb62 /kghostview
parent7cf662aaa0828773212e35d6842cffd0aa2c509f (diff)
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'kghostview')
11 files changed, 155 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/kghostview/kdscerrordialog.cpp b/kghostview/kdscerrordialog.cpp
index 32219bc9..3bcb7c31 100644
--- a/kghostview/kdscerrordialog.cpp
+++ b/kghostview/kdscerrordialog.cpp
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ KDSCErrorDialog::KDSCErrorDialog( TQWidget* parent ) :
_ignoreAllButton = new TQPushButton( i18n("Ignore All"), this );
hbox->addWidget( _ignoreAllButton );
- connect( _okButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotOk() ) );
- connect( _cancelButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotCancel() ) );
- connect( _ignoreAllButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( slotIgnoreAll() ) );
+ connect( _okButton, TQ_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotOk() ) );
+ connect( _cancelButton, TQ_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotCancel() ) );
+ connect( _ignoreAllButton, TQ_SIGNAL( clicked() ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( slotIgnoreAll() ) );
KDSCErrorHandler::Response KDSCErrorDialog::error( const KDSCError& err )
diff --git a/kghostview/kgv_miniwidget.cpp b/kghostview/kgv_miniwidget.cpp
index 4a4dfc93..580921f7 100644
--- a/kghostview/kgv_miniwidget.cpp
+++ b/kghostview/kgv_miniwidget.cpp
@@ -66,16 +66,16 @@ KGVMiniWidget::KGVMiniWidget( KGVPart* part, const char* name ) :
static_cast< TQPrinter::PageSize >( locale.pageSize() ) );
_thumbnailService = new ThumbnailService( this );
- connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( newPageShown( int ) ),
- TQT_SLOT( updateStatusBarText( int ) ) );
+ connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL( newPageShown( int ) ),
+ TQ_SLOT( updateStatusBarText( int ) ) );
void KGVMiniWidget::setDocument( KGVDocument* document )
_document = document;
if( _document )
- connect( _document, TQT_SIGNAL( completed() ),
- TQT_SLOT( slotDocumentOpened() ) );
+ connect( _document, TQ_SIGNAL( completed() ),
+ TQ_SLOT( slotDocumentOpened() ) );
TQString KGVMiniWidget::pageSizeToString( TQPrinter::PageSize pageSize )
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ void KGVMiniWidget::setPSWidget( KPSWidget* psWidget )
_psWidget = psWidget;
// setMagnification( _magnification );
- connect( _psWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( newPageImage( TQPixmap ) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( sendPage() ) );
+ connect( _psWidget, TQ_SIGNAL( newPageImage( TQPixmap ) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( sendPage() ) );
void KGVMiniWidget::goToPage()
@@ -452,8 +452,8 @@ void KGVMiniWidget::showPage( int pagenumber )
// Do this after ajusting pagenumber above
- _thumbnailService->cancelRequests( -1 , _part->scrollBox(), TQT_SLOT( setThumbnail( TQPixmap ) ) );
- _thumbnailService->delayedGetThumbnail( pagenumber, _part->scrollBox(), TQT_SLOT( setThumbnail( TQPixmap ) ), true );
+ _thumbnailService->cancelRequests( -1 , _part->scrollBox(), TQ_SLOT( setThumbnail( TQPixmap ) ) );
+ _thumbnailService->delayedGetThumbnail( pagenumber, _part->scrollBox(), TQ_SLOT( setThumbnail( TQPixmap ) ), true );
emit newPageShown( pagenumber );
diff --git a/kghostview/kgv_view.cpp b/kghostview/kgv_view.cpp
index 59140d72..8c9be61a 100644
--- a/kghostview/kgv_view.cpp
+++ b/kghostview/kgv_view.cpp
@@ -94,28 +94,28 @@ KGVPart::KGVPart( TQWidget* parentWidget, const char*,
setProgressInfoEnabled( !args.contains( "Browser/View") );
_document = new KGVDocument( this );
- connect( _document, TQT_SIGNAL( fileChangeFailed() ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( slotCancelWatch() ) );
- connect( _document, TQT_SIGNAL( completed() ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( slotOpenFileCompleted() ) );
- connect( _document, TQT_SIGNAL( canceled( const TQString& ) ),
- this, TQT_SIGNAL( canceled( const TQString& ) ) );
+ connect( _document, TQ_SIGNAL( fileChangeFailed() ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( slotCancelWatch() ) );
+ connect( _document, TQ_SIGNAL( completed() ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( slotOpenFileCompleted() ) );
+ connect( _document, TQ_SIGNAL( canceled( const TQString& ) ),
+ this, TQ_SIGNAL( canceled( const TQString& ) ) );
_fileWatcher = new KDirWatch( this );
- connect( _fileWatcher, TQT_SIGNAL( dirty( const TQString& ) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( slotFileDirty( const TQString& ) ) );
- connect( _dirtyHandler, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( slotDoFileDirty() ) );
+ connect( _fileWatcher, TQ_SIGNAL( dirty( const TQString& ) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( slotFileDirty( const TQString& ) ) );
+ connect( _dirtyHandler, TQ_SIGNAL( timeout() ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( slotDoFileDirty() ) );
// Setup main widget
_mainWidget = new KGVMainWidget( parentWidget );
_mainWidget->setFocusPolicy( TQWidget::StrongFocus );
_mainWidget->installEventFilter( this );
_mainWidget->setAcceptDrops( true );
- connect( _mainWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( spacePressed() ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( slotReadDown() ) );
- connect( _mainWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( urlDropped( const KURL& ) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( openURL( const KURL& ) ) );
+ connect( _mainWidget, TQ_SIGNAL( spacePressed() ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( slotReadDown() ) );
+ connect( _mainWidget, TQ_SIGNAL( urlDropped( const KURL& ) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( openURL( const KURL& ) ) );
TQHBoxLayout* hlay = new TQHBoxLayout( _mainWidget, 0, 0 );
TQVBoxLayout* vlay = new TQVBoxLayout( hlay );
@@ -146,17 +146,17 @@ KGVPart::KGVPart( TQWidget* parentWidget, const char*,
_psWidget = new KPSWidget( _pageDecorator );
_pageView->setPage( _pageDecorator );
- connect( _psWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( output( char*, int ) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( slotGhostscriptOutput( char*, int ) ) );
+ connect( _psWidget, TQ_SIGNAL( output( char*, int ) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( slotGhostscriptOutput( char*, int ) ) );
- connect( _psWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( ghostscriptError( const TQString& ) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( slotGhostscriptError( const TQString& ) ) );
+ connect( _psWidget, TQ_SIGNAL( ghostscriptError( const TQString& ) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( slotGhostscriptError( const TQString& ) ) );
_logWindow = new LogWindow( i18n( "Ghostscript Messages" ), _mainWidget, "logwindow" );
_showLogWindow = false;
- connect( _logWindow, TQT_SIGNAL( configureGS() ), TQT_SLOT( slotConfigure() ) );
+ connect( _logWindow, TQ_SIGNAL( configureGS() ), TQ_SLOT( slotConfigure() ) );
_docManager = new KGVMiniWidget( this );
_docManager->setPSWidget( _psWidget );
@@ -165,57 +165,57 @@ KGVPart::KGVPart( TQWidget* parentWidget, const char*,
_markList = new MarkList( _mainWidget, "marklist", _docManager );
_markList->setFixedWidth( PAGELIST_WIDTH );
vlay->addWidget( _markList, 1 );
- connect( _markList, TQT_SIGNAL( contextMenuRequested ( int, int, const TQPoint& ) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( showPopup( int, int, const TQPoint& ) ) );
- connect( _markList, TQT_SIGNAL( selected( int ) ),
- _docManager, TQT_SLOT( goToPage( int ) ) );
- connect( _docManager, TQT_SIGNAL( newPageShown( int ) ),
- _markList, TQT_SLOT( select( int ) ) );
- connect( _docManager, TQT_SIGNAL( setStatusBarText( const TQString& ) ),
- this, TQT_SIGNAL( setStatusBarText( const TQString& ) ) );
- connect( _scrollBox, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChangedRelative( int, int ) ),
- _pageView, TQT_SLOT( scrollBy( int, int ) ) );
- connect( _pageView, TQT_SIGNAL( pageSizeChanged( const TQSize& ) ),
- _scrollBox, TQT_SLOT( setPageSize( const TQSize& ) ) );
- connect( _pageView, TQT_SIGNAL( viewSizeChanged( const TQSize& ) ),
- _scrollBox, TQT_SLOT( setViewSize( const TQSize& ) ) );
- connect( _pageView, TQT_SIGNAL( contentsMoving( int, int ) ),
- _scrollBox, TQT_SLOT( setViewPos( int, int ) ) );
+ connect( _markList, TQ_SIGNAL( contextMenuRequested ( int, int, const TQPoint& ) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( showPopup( int, int, const TQPoint& ) ) );
+ connect( _markList, TQ_SIGNAL( selected( int ) ),
+ _docManager, TQ_SLOT( goToPage( int ) ) );
+ connect( _docManager, TQ_SIGNAL( newPageShown( int ) ),
+ _markList, TQ_SLOT( select( int ) ) );
+ connect( _docManager, TQ_SIGNAL( setStatusBarText( const TQString& ) ),
+ this, TQ_SIGNAL( setStatusBarText( const TQString& ) ) );
+ connect( _scrollBox, TQ_SIGNAL( valueChangedRelative( int, int ) ),
+ _pageView, TQ_SLOT( scrollBy( int, int ) ) );
+ connect( _pageView, TQ_SIGNAL( pageSizeChanged( const TQSize& ) ),
+ _scrollBox, TQ_SLOT( setPageSize( const TQSize& ) ) );
+ connect( _pageView, TQ_SIGNAL( viewSizeChanged( const TQSize& ) ),
+ _scrollBox, TQ_SLOT( setViewSize( const TQSize& ) ) );
+ connect( _pageView, TQ_SIGNAL( contentsMoving( int, int ) ),
+ _scrollBox, TQ_SLOT( setViewPos( int, int ) ) );
//-- File Menu ----------------------------------------------------------
- KStdAction::saveAs( document(), TQT_SLOT( saveAs() ),
+ KStdAction::saveAs( document(), TQ_SLOT( saveAs() ),
actionCollection() );
new TDEAction( i18n( "Document &Info" ), 0,
- miniWidget(), TQT_SLOT( info() ),
+ miniWidget(), TQ_SLOT( info() ),
actionCollection(), "info" );
//-- Edit Menu -----------------------------------------------------
_popup = new TDEPopupMenu( _markList, "marklist_menu" );
TDEAction *act = new TDEAction( i18n( "Mark Current Page" ), "flag", CTRL+SHIFT+Key_M,
- _markList, TQT_SLOT( markCurrent() ),
+ _markList, TQ_SLOT( markCurrent() ),
actionCollection(), "mark_current" );
act->plug( _popup );
act = new TDEAction( i18n( "Mark &All Pages" ), 0,
- _markList, TQT_SLOT( markAll() ),
+ _markList, TQ_SLOT( markAll() ),
actionCollection(), "mark_all" );
act->plug( _popup );
act = new TDEAction( i18n( "Mark &Even Pages" ), 0,
- _markList, TQT_SLOT( markEven() ),
+ _markList, TQ_SLOT( markEven() ),
actionCollection(), "mark_even" );
act->plug( _popup );
act = new TDEAction( i18n( "Mark &Odd Pages" ), 0,
- _markList, TQT_SLOT( markOdd() ),
+ _markList, TQ_SLOT( markOdd() ),
actionCollection(), "mark_odd" );
act->plug( _popup );
act = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Toggle Page Marks" ), 0,
- _markList, TQT_SLOT( toggleMarks() ),
+ _markList, TQ_SLOT( toggleMarks() ),
actionCollection(), "toggle" );
act->plug( _popup );
act = new TDEAction( i18n("&Remove Page Marks"), 0,
- _markList, TQT_SLOT( removeMarks() ),
+ _markList, TQ_SLOT( removeMarks() ),
actionCollection(), "remove" );
act->plug( _popup );
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ KGVPart::KGVPart( TQWidget* parentWidget, const char*,
actionCollection(), "media_menu" );
_flick = new TDEToggleAction( i18n( "No &Flicker" ), 0,
- this, TQT_SLOT( slotFlicker() ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( slotFlicker() ),
actionCollection(), "no_flicker" );
TQStringList orientations;
@@ -239,22 +239,22 @@ KGVPart::KGVPart( TQWidget* parentWidget, const char*,
orientations.append( i18n( "Seascape" ) );
_selectOrientation->setItems( orientations );
- connect( _selectOrientation, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( slotOrientation( int ) ) );
- connect( _selectMedia, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( slotMedia( int ) ) );
+ connect( _selectOrientation, TQ_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( slotOrientation( int ) ) );
+ connect( _selectMedia, TQ_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( slotMedia( int ) ) );
TDEShortcut zoomInShort = TDEStdAccel::zoomIn();
zoomInShort.append( KKey( CTRL+Key_Equal ) );
- _zoomIn = KStdAction::zoomIn( this, TQT_SLOT( slotZoomIn() ),
+ _zoomIn = KStdAction::zoomIn( this, TQ_SLOT( slotZoomIn() ),
actionCollection(), "zoomIn" );
_zoomIn->setShortcut( zoomInShort );
- _zoomOut = KStdAction::zoomOut( this, TQT_SLOT( slotZoomOut() ),
+ _zoomOut = KStdAction::zoomOut( this, TQ_SLOT( slotZoomOut() ),
actionCollection(), "zoomOut" );
_zoomTo = new TDESelectAction( i18n( "Zoom" ), "viewmag", 0, actionCollection(), "zoomTo" );
- connect( _zoomTo, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotZoom( const TQString& ) ) );
+ connect( _zoomTo, TQ_SIGNAL( activated( const TQString & ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotZoom( const TQString& ) ) );
_zoomTo->setEditable( true );
TQValueList<double> mags = DisplayOptions::normalMagnificationValues();
@@ -274,41 +274,41 @@ KGVPart::KGVPart( TQWidget* parentWidget, const char*,
_zoomTo->setCurrentItem( idx );
_fitWidth = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Fit to Page Width" ), 0, this,
- TQT_SLOT( slotFitToPage() ), actionCollection(),
+ TQ_SLOT( slotFitToPage() ), actionCollection(),
_fitScreen = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Fit to Screen" ), Key_S, this,
- TQT_SLOT( slotFitToScreen() ), actionCollection(),
+ TQ_SLOT( slotFitToScreen() ), actionCollection(),
- _prevPage = new TDEAction( i18n( "Previous Page" ), CTRL+Key_PageUp, this, TQT_SLOT( slotPrevPage() ),
+ _prevPage = new TDEAction( i18n( "Previous Page" ), CTRL+Key_PageUp, this, TQ_SLOT( slotPrevPage() ),
actionCollection(), "prevPage" );
_prevPage->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Moves to the previous page of the document" ) );
- _nextPage = new TDEAction( i18n( "Next Page" ), CTRL + Key_PageDown, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNextPage() ),
+ _nextPage = new TDEAction( i18n( "Next Page" ), CTRL + Key_PageDown, this, TQ_SLOT( slotNextPage() ),
actionCollection(), "nextPage" );
_nextPage->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Moves to the next page of the document" ) );
- _firstPage = KStdAction::firstPage( this, TQT_SLOT( slotGotoStart() ),
+ _firstPage = KStdAction::firstPage( this, TQ_SLOT( slotGotoStart() ),
actionCollection(), "goToStart" );
_firstPage->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Moves to the first page of the document" ) );
- _lastPage = KStdAction::lastPage( this, TQT_SLOT( slotGotoEnd() ),
+ _lastPage = KStdAction::lastPage( this, TQ_SLOT( slotGotoEnd() ),
actionCollection(), "goToEnd" );
_lastPage->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Moves to the last page of the document" ) );
TDEShortcut readUpShort = TDEStdAccel::shortcut( TDEStdAccel::Prior );
readUpShort.append( KKey( SHIFT+Key_Space ) );
_readUp = new TDEAction( i18n( "Read Up" ), "go-up",
- readUpShort, this, TQT_SLOT( slotReadUp() ),
+ readUpShort, this, TQ_SLOT( slotReadUp() ),
actionCollection(), "readUp" );
TDEShortcut readDownShort = TDEStdAccel::shortcut( TDEStdAccel::Next );
readDownShort.append( KKey( Key_Space ) );
_readDown = new TDEAction( i18n( "Read Down" ), "go-down",
- readDownShort, this, TQT_SLOT( slotReadDown() ),
+ readDownShort, this, TQ_SLOT( slotReadDown() ),
actionCollection(), "readDown" );
- _gotoPage = KStdAction::gotoPage( _docManager, TQT_SLOT( goToPage() ),
+ _gotoPage = KStdAction::gotoPage( _docManager, TQ_SLOT( goToPage() ),
actionCollection(), "goToPage" );
//-- Settings Menu ------------------------------------------------------
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ KGVPart::KGVPart( TQWidget* parentWidget, const char*,
actionCollection(), "show_scrollbars" );
_showScrollBars->setCheckedState(i18n("Hide &Scrollbars"));
_watchFile = new TDEToggleAction( i18n( "&Watch File" ), 0,
- this, TQT_SLOT( slotWatchFile() ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( slotWatchFile() ),
actionCollection(), "watch_file" );
_showPageList = new TDEToggleAction( i18n( "Show &Page List" ), 0,
actionCollection(), "show_page_list" );
@@ -324,29 +324,29 @@ KGVPart::KGVPart( TQWidget* parentWidget, const char*,
_showPageLabels = new TDEToggleAction( i18n("Show Page &Labels"), 0,
actionCollection(), "show_page_labels" );
_showPageLabels->setCheckedState(i18n("Hide Page &Labels"));
- KStdAction::preferences( this, TQT_SLOT( slotConfigure() ), actionCollection() );
- connect( _showScrollBars, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
- TQT_SLOT( showScrollBars( bool ) ) );
- connect( _showPageList, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
- TQT_SLOT( showMarkList( bool ) ) );
- connect( _showPageLabels, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
- TQT_SLOT( showPageLabels( bool ) ) );
+ KStdAction::preferences( this, TQ_SLOT( slotConfigure() ), actionCollection() );
+ connect( _showScrollBars, TQ_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
+ TQ_SLOT( showScrollBars( bool ) ) );
+ connect( _showPageList, TQ_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
+ TQ_SLOT( showMarkList( bool ) ) );
+ connect( _showPageLabels, TQ_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
+ TQ_SLOT( showPageLabels( bool ) ) );
_extension = new KGVBrowserExtension( this );
setXMLFile( "kgv_part.rc" );
- connect( miniWidget(), TQT_SIGNAL( newPageShown( int ) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( slotNewPage( int ) ) );
- connect( _pageView, TQT_SIGNAL( contentsMoving( int, int ) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( slotPageMoved( int, int ) ) );
+ connect( miniWidget(), TQ_SIGNAL( newPageShown( int ) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( slotNewPage( int ) ) );
+ connect( _pageView, TQ_SIGNAL( contentsMoving( int, int ) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( slotPageMoved( int, int ) ) );
- connect( _pageView, TQT_SIGNAL( nextPage() ), TQT_SLOT( slotNextPage() ));
- connect( _pageView, TQT_SIGNAL( prevPage() ), TQT_SLOT( slotPrevPage() ));
- connect( _pageView, TQT_SIGNAL( zoomIn() ), TQT_SLOT( slotZoomIn() ));
- connect( _pageView, TQT_SIGNAL( zoomOut() ), TQT_SLOT( slotZoomOut() ));
- connect( _pageView, TQT_SIGNAL( ReadUp() ), TQT_SLOT( slotReadUp() ));
- connect( _pageView, TQT_SIGNAL( ReadDown() ), TQT_SLOT( slotReadDown() ));
+ connect( _pageView, TQ_SIGNAL( nextPage() ), TQ_SLOT( slotNextPage() ));
+ connect( _pageView, TQ_SIGNAL( prevPage() ), TQ_SLOT( slotPrevPage() ));
+ connect( _pageView, TQ_SIGNAL( zoomIn() ), TQ_SLOT( slotZoomIn() ));
+ connect( _pageView, TQ_SIGNAL( zoomOut() ), TQ_SLOT( slotZoomOut() ));
+ connect( _pageView, TQ_SIGNAL( ReadUp() ), TQ_SLOT( slotReadUp() ));
+ connect( _pageView, TQ_SIGNAL( ReadDown() ), TQ_SLOT( slotReadDown() ));
TQStringList items = document()->mediaNames();
items.prepend( i18n( "Auto ") );
@@ -658,10 +658,10 @@ bool KGVPart::openURL( const KURL& url )
emit setWindowCaption( m_url.prettyURL() );
_mimetypeScanner = new KGVRun( m_url, 0, m_url.isLocalFile(), false );
- connect( _mimetypeScanner, TQT_SIGNAL( finished( const TQString& ) ),
- TQT_SLOT( slotMimetypeFinished( const TQString& ) ) );
- connect( _mimetypeScanner, TQT_SIGNAL( error() ),
- TQT_SLOT( slotMimetypeError() ) );
+ connect( _mimetypeScanner, TQ_SIGNAL( finished( const TQString& ) ),
+ TQ_SLOT( slotMimetypeFinished( const TQString& ) ) );
+ connect( _mimetypeScanner, TQ_SIGNAL( error() ),
+ TQ_SLOT( slotMimetypeError() ) );
return true;
@@ -693,15 +693,15 @@ void KGVPart::openURLContinue()
d->m_job = TDEIO::file_copy( m_url, m_file, 0600, true, false, d->m_showProgressInfo );
emit started( d->m_job );
- connect( d->m_job, TQT_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotJobFinished ( TDEIO::Job * ) ) );
+ connect( d->m_job, TQ_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job * ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotJobFinished ( TDEIO::Job * ) ) );
_job = TDEIO::get( m_url, false, isProgressInfoEnabled() );
- connect( _job, TQT_SIGNAL( data( TDEIO::Job*, const TQByteArray& ) ),
- TQT_SLOT( slotData( TDEIO::Job*, const TQByteArray& ) ) );
- connect( _job, TQT_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job* ) ),
- TQT_SLOT( slotJobFinished( TDEIO::Job* ) ) );
+ connect( _job, TQ_SIGNAL( data( TDEIO::Job*, const TQByteArray& ) ),
+ TQ_SLOT( slotData( TDEIO::Job*, const TQByteArray& ) ) );
+ connect( _job, TQ_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job* ) ),
+ TQ_SLOT( slotJobFinished( TDEIO::Job* ) ) );
emit started( _job );
@@ -926,8 +926,8 @@ void KGVPart::slotFitToScreen()
kdDebug(4500) << "KGVPart::slotFitToScreen()" << endl;
if ( _fitTimer->isActive() ) {
- disconnect( _fitTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, 0 );
- connect( _fitTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), TQT_SLOT( slotDoFitToScreen() ) );
+ disconnect( _fitTimer, TQ_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, 0 );
+ connect( _fitTimer, TQ_SIGNAL( timeout() ), TQ_SLOT( slotDoFitToScreen() ) );
else slotDoFitToScreen();
@@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ KGVRun::KGVRun( const KURL& url, mode_t mode, bool isLocalFile,
bool showProgressInfo ) :
KRun( url, mode, isLocalFile, showProgressInfo )
- connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( finished() ), TQT_SLOT( emitFinishedWithMimetype() ) );
+ connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL( finished() ), TQ_SLOT( emitFinishedWithMimetype() ) );
diff --git a/kghostview/kgvconfigdialog.cpp b/kghostview/kgvconfigdialog.cpp
index c2ce2d2a..e61d9682 100644
--- a/kghostview/kgvconfigdialog.cpp
+++ b/kghostview/kgvconfigdialog.cpp
@@ -146,6 +146,6 @@ void ConfigDialog::showSettings( KGVPart* main ) {
- TQObject::connect( dialog, TQT_SIGNAL( settingsChanged() ), main, TQT_SLOT( slotConfigurationChanged() ) );
+ TQObject::connect( dialog, TQ_SIGNAL( settingsChanged() ), main, TQ_SLOT( slotConfigurationChanged() ) );
diff --git a/kghostview/kgvdocument.cpp b/kghostview/kgvdocument.cpp
index 96cc28c6..c08b68f1 100644
--- a/kghostview/kgvdocument.cpp
+++ b/kghostview/kgvdocument.cpp
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ KGVDocument::KGVDocument( KGVPart* part, const char* name ) :
_pdf2dsc = new Pdf2dsc( _interpreterPath, this );
- connect( _pdf2dsc, TQT_SIGNAL( finished( bool ) ),
- TQT_SLOT( openPDFFileContinue( bool ) ) );
+ connect( _pdf2dsc, TQ_SIGNAL( finished( bool ) ),
+ TQ_SLOT( openPDFFileContinue( bool ) ) );
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ void KGVDocument::openFile( const TQString& name, const TQString& mimetype )
_fileName = name;
_mimetype = mimetype;
- TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT( doOpenFile() ) );
+ TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQ_SLOT( doOpenFile() ) );
void KGVDocument::doOpenFile()
@@ -784,8 +784,8 @@ e=%1" ).arg( dscName )
<< "-c"
<< "quit";
- connect( &process, TQT_SIGNAL( processExited( TDEProcess* ) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( pdf2psExited( TDEProcess* ) ) );
+ connect( &process, TQ_SIGNAL( processExited( TDEProcess* ) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( pdf2psExited( TDEProcess* ) ) );
kdDebug(4500) << "KGVDocument: pdf2ps started" << endl;
process.start( TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit );
@@ -830,8 +830,8 @@ void Pdf2dsc::run( const TQString& pdfName, const TQString& dscName )
<< "-c"
<< "quit";
- connect( _process, TQT_SIGNAL( processExited( TDEProcess* ) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( processExited() ) );
+ connect( _process, TQ_SIGNAL( processExited( TDEProcess* ) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( processExited() ) );
kdDebug(4500) << "Pdf2dsc: started" << endl;
_process->start( TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit );
diff --git a/kghostview/kgvshell.cpp b/kghostview/kgvshell.cpp
index 10a5c5e2..8217ce47 100644
--- a/kghostview/kgvshell.cpp
+++ b/kghostview/kgvshell.cpp
@@ -64,25 +64,25 @@ KGVShell::KGVShell() :
/*---- File -----------------------------------------------------------*/
openact =
- KStdAction::open( this, TQT_SLOT( slotFileOpen() ),
+ KStdAction::open( this, TQ_SLOT( slotFileOpen() ),
actionCollection() );
recent =
- KStdAction::openRecent( this, TQT_SLOT( openURL( const KURL& ) ),
+ KStdAction::openRecent( this, TQ_SLOT( openURL( const KURL& ) ),
actionCollection() );
- KStdAction::print( m_gvpart->document(), TQT_SLOT( print() ),
+ KStdAction::print( m_gvpart->document(), TQ_SLOT( print() ),
actionCollection() );
- KStdAction::quit( this, TQT_SLOT( slotQuit() ), actionCollection() );
+ KStdAction::quit( this, TQ_SLOT( slotQuit() ), actionCollection() );
/*---- View -----------------------------------------------------------*/
new TDEAction( i18n( "&Reload" ), "reload",
TDEStdAccel::shortcut( TDEStdAccel::Reload ),
- m_gvpart, TQT_SLOT( reloadFile() ),
+ m_gvpart, TQ_SLOT( reloadFile() ),
actionCollection(), "reload" );
new TDEAction( i18n( "&Maximize" ), Key_M, this,
- TQT_SLOT( slotMaximize() ), actionCollection(),
+ TQ_SLOT( slotMaximize() ), actionCollection(),
- _showMenuBarAction = KStdAction::showMenubar( this, TQT_SLOT( slotShowMenubar() ), actionCollection() );
+ _showMenuBarAction = KStdAction::showMenubar( this, TQ_SLOT( slotShowMenubar() ), actionCollection() );
/*---- Settings -------------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ KGVShell::KGVShell() :
- m_fullScreenAction = KStdAction::fullScreen( this, TQT_SLOT( slotUpdateFullScreen() ), actionCollection(), this );
+ m_fullScreenAction = KStdAction::fullScreen( this, TQ_SLOT( slotUpdateFullScreen() ), actionCollection(), this );
- m_fullScreenAction = new TDEToggleAction( this, TQT_SLOT( slotUpdateFullScreen() ) );
+ m_fullScreenAction = new TDEToggleAction( this, TQ_SLOT( slotUpdateFullScreen() ) );
- KStdAction::configureToolbars( this, TQT_SLOT( slotConfigureToolbars() ), actionCollection() );
- KStdAction::keyBindings(guiFactory(), TQT_SLOT(configureShortcuts()),
+ KStdAction::configureToolbars( this, TQ_SLOT( slotConfigureToolbars() ), actionCollection() );
+ KStdAction::keyBindings(guiFactory(), TQ_SLOT(configureShortcuts()),
//_popup = new TDEPopupMenu( i18n( "Full Screen Options" ), this, "rmb popup" );
@@ -108,21 +108,21 @@ actionCollection());
m_fsFilter = new FullScreenFilter( *this );
// Just save them automatically is destructor. (TODO: of kgv_view!)
- //KStdAction::saveOptions ( this, TQT_SLOT (slotWriteSettings()), actionCollection());
+ //KStdAction::saveOptions ( this, TQ_SLOT (slotWriteSettings()), actionCollection());
setXMLFile( "kghostviewui.rc" );
// We could, at the user's option, make this connection and kghostview
// will always resize to fit the width of the page. But, for now,
// let's not.
- // connect ( m_gvpart->widget(), TQT_SIGNAL (sizeHintChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotResize ()) );
+ // connect ( m_gvpart->widget(), TQ_SIGNAL (sizeHintChanged()), this, TQ_SLOT (slotResize ()) );
setCentralWidget( m_gvpart->widget() );
createGUI( m_gvpart );
- connect( m_gvpart->pageView(), TQT_SIGNAL( rightClick() ),TQT_SLOT( slotRMBClick() ) );
- connect( m_gvpart, TQT_SIGNAL( canceled(const TQString&) ),TQT_SLOT( slotReset() ) );
- connect( m_gvpart, TQT_SIGNAL( completed() ), TQT_SLOT( slotDocumentState() ) );
+ connect( m_gvpart->pageView(), TQ_SIGNAL( rightClick() ),TQ_SLOT( slotRMBClick() ) );
+ connect( m_gvpart, TQ_SIGNAL( canceled(const TQString&) ),TQ_SLOT( slotReset() ) );
+ connect( m_gvpart, TQ_SIGNAL( completed() ), TQ_SLOT( slotDocumentState() ) );
if (!initialGeometrySet())
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ void KGVShell::slotMaximize()
KWin::setState( winId(), NET::MaxHoriz | NET::MaxVert );
// If we do it now, it comes to nothing since it would work
// on the current (non-maximized) size
- TQTimer::singleShot( 800, m_gvpart, TQT_SLOT( slotFitToPage() ) );
+ TQTimer::singleShot( 800, m_gvpart, TQ_SLOT( slotFitToPage() ) );
void KGVShell::slotResize()
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ void KGVShell::slotConfigureToolbars()
saveMainWindowSettings( TDEGlobal::config(), "MainWindow" );
KEditToolbar dlg( factory() );
- connect(&dlg,TQT_SIGNAL(newToolbarConfig()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotNewToolbarConfig()));
+ connect(&dlg,TQ_SIGNAL(newToolbarConfig()),this,TQ_SLOT(slotNewToolbarConfig()));
diff --git a/kghostview/kpswidget.cpp b/kghostview/kpswidget.cpp
index b974bb41..7dd9f1be 100644
--- a/kghostview/kpswidget.cpp
+++ b/kghostview/kpswidget.cpp
@@ -358,14 +358,14 @@ bool KPSWidget::startInterpreter()
*_process << _fileName << "-c" << "quit";
- connect( _process, TQT_SIGNAL( processExited( TDEProcess* ) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( slotProcessExited( TDEProcess* ) ) );
- connect( _process, TQT_SIGNAL( receivedStdout( TDEProcess*, char*, int ) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( gs_output( TDEProcess*, char*, int ) ) );
- connect( _process, TQT_SIGNAL( receivedStderr( TDEProcess*, char*, int ) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( gs_output( TDEProcess*, char*, int ) ) );
- connect( _process, TQT_SIGNAL( wroteStdin( TDEProcess*) ),
- this, TQT_SLOT( gs_input( TDEProcess* ) ) );
+ connect( _process, TQ_SIGNAL( processExited( TDEProcess* ) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( slotProcessExited( TDEProcess* ) ) );
+ connect( _process, TQ_SIGNAL( receivedStdout( TDEProcess*, char*, int ) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( gs_output( TDEProcess*, char*, int ) ) );
+ connect( _process, TQ_SIGNAL( receivedStderr( TDEProcess*, char*, int ) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( gs_output( TDEProcess*, char*, int ) ) );
+ connect( _process, TQ_SIGNAL( wroteStdin( TDEProcess*) ),
+ this, TQ_SLOT( gs_input( TDEProcess* ) ) );
diff --git a/kghostview/logwindow.cpp b/kghostview/logwindow.cpp
index 2e94e45a..1e28fdb3 100644
--- a/kghostview/logwindow.cpp
+++ b/kghostview/logwindow.cpp
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ LogWindow::LogWindow( const TQString& caption,
_logView->setFont( TDEGlobalSettings::fixedFont() );
_logView->setMinimumWidth( 80 * fontMetrics().width( " " ) );
- connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( user1Clicked() ), TQT_SLOT( clear() ) );
- connect( _configureGS, TQT_SIGNAL( leftClickedURL() ), TQT_SLOT( emitConfigureGS() ) );
+ connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL( user1Clicked() ), TQ_SLOT( clear() ) );
+ connect( _configureGS, TQ_SIGNAL( leftClickedURL() ), TQ_SLOT( emitConfigureGS() ) );
void LogWindow::emitConfigureGS() {
diff --git a/kghostview/marklist.cpp b/kghostview/marklist.cpp
index 257c21c6..e21ab7b0 100644
--- a/kghostview/marklist.cpp
+++ b/kghostview/marklist.cpp
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ void MarkListItem::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent* )
if ( _requested ) return;
if ( !_thumbnailW->paletteBackgroundPixmap() || _thumbnailW->paletteBackgroundPixmap()->isNull() ) {
- _miniWidget->getThumbnailService()->delayedGetThumbnail( _pageNum, this, TQT_SLOT( setPixmap( TQPixmap ) ) );
+ _miniWidget->getThumbnailService()->delayedGetThumbnail( _pageNum, this, TQ_SLOT( setPixmap( TQPixmap ) ) );
_requested = true;
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ _miniWidget( mini )
setLeftMargin( 0 ); // we don't want the vertical header
horizontalHeader()->setLabel( 0, i18n("Page") );
- connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( currentChanged( int, int ) ),
- this, TQT_SIGNAL( selected( int ) ) );
+ connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL( currentChanged( int, int ) ),
+ this, TQ_SIGNAL( selected( int ) ) );
TQValueList<int> MarkList::markList() const
diff --git a/kghostview/thumbnailservice.cpp b/kghostview/thumbnailservice.cpp
index 817d1c03..367aad14 100644
--- a/kghostview/thumbnailservice.cpp
+++ b/kghostview/thumbnailservice.cpp
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ ThumbnailService::ThumbnailService( KGVMiniWidget* parent, const char* name ) :
_thumbnailDrawer = new KPSWidget( parent->_part->widget(), "thumbnail-drawer" );
- connect( _thumbnailDrawer, TQT_SIGNAL( newPageImage( TQPixmap ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotDone( TQPixmap ) ) );
- connect( timer_, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), TQT_SLOT( processOne() ) );
+ connect( _thumbnailDrawer, TQ_SIGNAL( newPageImage( TQPixmap ) ), TQ_SLOT( slotDone( TQPixmap ) ) );
+ connect( timer_, TQ_SIGNAL( timeout() ), TQ_SLOT( processOne() ) );
@@ -133,10 +133,10 @@ void ThumbnailService::processOne()
FILE* file = _mini->psFile();
Request req = *pending.begin();
kdDebug( 4500 ) << "ThumbnailService::processOne(): processing " << << "(of " << pending.size() << " requests)" << endl;
- disconnect( TQT_SIGNAL( relayPixmap( TQPixmap ) ) );
+ disconnect( TQ_SIGNAL( relayPixmap( TQPixmap ) ) );
while ( !pending.empty() && == pending.begin()->page ) {
req = *pending.begin();
- connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( relayPixmap( TQPixmap ) ), req.receiver, req.slot );
+ connect( this, TQ_SIGNAL( relayPixmap( TQPixmap ) ), req.receiver, req.slot );
pending.erase( pending.begin() );
_thumbnailDrawer->setOrientation( _mini->orientation( ) );
diff --git a/kghostview/viewcontrol.cpp b/kghostview/viewcontrol.cpp
index b5256dfa..7073fa69 100644
--- a/kghostview/viewcontrol.cpp
+++ b/kghostview/viewcontrol.cpp
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ ViewControl::ViewControl( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
- connect ( magComboBox, TQT_SIGNAL (activated (int)),
- this, TQT_SLOT (slotMagSelection (int)) );
+ connect ( magComboBox, TQ_SIGNAL (activated (int)),
+ this, TQ_SLOT (slotMagSelection (int)) );
grid->addWidget( magComboBox, 0, 1 );
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ ViewControl::ViewControl( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
mediaComboBox = new TQComboBox( FALSE, vcGroupBox );
mediaComboBox->setFixedHeight( magComboBox->sizeHint().height() );
- connect ( mediaComboBox, TQT_SIGNAL (activated (int)),
- this, TQT_SLOT (slotMediaSelection (int)) );
+ connect ( mediaComboBox, TQ_SIGNAL (activated (int)),
+ this, TQ_SLOT (slotMediaSelection (int)) );
grid->addWidget( mediaComboBox, 1, 1 );
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ ViewControl::ViewControl( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
orientComboBox->insertItem(i18n("Upside Down"));
orientComboBox->setFixedHeight( magComboBox->sizeHint().height() );
- connect ( orientComboBox, TQT_SIGNAL (activated (int)),
- this, TQT_SLOT (slotOrientSelection (int)) );
+ connect ( orientComboBox, TQ_SIGNAL (activated (int)),
+ this, TQ_SLOT (slotOrientSelection (int)) );
grid->addWidget( orientComboBox, 2, 1 );
int labelWidth = 0;
@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@ ViewControl::ViewControl( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
bbox->addStretch( 10 );
apply = bbox->addButton( KStdGuiItem::apply() );
- connect( apply, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotApplyClicked()) );
+ connect( apply, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQ_SLOT(slotApplyClicked()) );
TQPushButton *closebtn = bbox->addButton( KStdGuiItem::close() );
- connect( closebtn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(reject()) );
+ connect( closebtn, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQ_SLOT(reject()) );