path: root/kate/part/katefiletype.cpp
diff options
authortoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
committertoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
commitce4a32fe52ef09d8f5ff1dd22c001110902b60a2 (patch)
tree5ac38a06f3dde268dc7927dc155896926aaf7012 /kate/part/katefiletype.cpp
Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features.
BUG:215923 git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'kate/part/katefiletype.cpp')
1 files changed, 596 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kate/part/katefiletype.cpp b/kate/part/katefiletype.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea3a487cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/part/katefiletype.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
+ Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Christoph Cullmann <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+//BEGIN Includes
+#include "katefiletype.h"
+#include "katefiletype.moc"
+#include "katedocument.h"
+#include "kateconfig.h"
+#include "kateview.h"
+#include "katefactory.h"
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <kmimemagic.h>
+#include <kmimetype.h>
+#include <kmimetypechooser.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <knuminput.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qcombobox.h>
+#include <qgroupbox.h>
+#include <qhbox.h>
+#include <qheader.h>
+#include <qhgroupbox.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qtoolbutton.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qvgroupbox.h>
+#include <qwhatsthis.h>
+#include <qwidgetstack.h>
+#define KATE_FT_HOWMANY 1024
+//END Includes
+//BEGIN KateFileTypeManager
+KateFileTypeManager::KateFileTypeManager ()
+ m_types.setAutoDelete (true);
+ update ();
+KateFileTypeManager::~KateFileTypeManager ()
+// read the types from config file and update the internal list
+void KateFileTypeManager::update ()
+ KConfig config ("katefiletyperc", false, false);
+ QStringList g (config.groupList());
+ g.sort ();
+ m_types.clear ();
+ for (uint z=0; z < g.count(); z++)
+ {
+ config.setGroup (g[z]);
+ KateFileType *type = new KateFileType ();
+ type->number = z;
+ type->name = g[z];
+ type->section = config.readEntry ("Section");
+ type->wildcards = config.readListEntry ("Wildcards", ';');
+ type->mimetypes = config.readListEntry ("Mimetypes", ';');
+ type->priority = config.readNumEntry ("Priority");
+ type->varLine = config.readEntry ("Variables");
+ m_types.append (type);
+ }
+// save the given list to config file + update
+void KateFileTypeManager::save (QPtrList<KateFileType> *v)
+ KConfig config ("katefiletyperc", false, false);
+ QStringList newg;
+ for (uint z=0; z < v->count(); z++)
+ {
+ config.setGroup (v->at(z)->name);
+ config.writeEntry ("Section", v->at(z)->section);
+ config.writeEntry ("Wildcards", v->at(z)->wildcards, ';');
+ config.writeEntry ("Mimetypes", v->at(z)->mimetypes, ';');
+ config.writeEntry ("Priority", v->at(z)->priority);
+ QString varLine = v->at(z)->varLine;
+ if (QRegExp("kate:(.*)").search(varLine) < 0)
+ varLine.prepend ("kate: ");
+ config.writeEntry ("Variables", varLine);
+ newg << v->at(z)->name;
+ }
+ QStringList g (config.groupList());
+ for (uint z=0; z < g.count(); z++)
+ {
+ if (newg.findIndex (g[z]) == -1)
+ config.deleteGroup (g[z]);
+ }
+ config.sync ();
+ update ();
+int KateFileTypeManager::fileType (KateDocument *doc)
+ kdDebug(13020)<<k_funcinfo<<endl;
+ if (!doc)
+ return -1;
+ if (m_types.isEmpty())
+ return -1;
+ QString fileName = doc->url().prettyURL();
+ int length = doc->url().prettyURL().length();
+ int result;
+ // Try wildcards
+ if ( ! fileName.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ static QStringList commonSuffixes = QStringList::split (";", ".orig;.new;~;.bak;.BAK");
+ if ((result = wildcardsFind(fileName)) != -1)
+ return result;
+ QString backupSuffix = KateDocumentConfig::global()->backupSuffix();
+ if (fileName.endsWith(backupSuffix)) {
+ if ((result = wildcardsFind(fileName.left(length - backupSuffix.length()))) != -1)
+ return result;
+ }
+ for (QStringList::Iterator it = commonSuffixes.begin(); it != commonSuffixes.end(); ++it) {
+ if (*it != backupSuffix && fileName.endsWith(*it)) {
+ if ((result = wildcardsFind(fileName.left(length - (*it).length()))) != -1)
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Even try the document name, if the URL is empty
+ // This is usefull if the document name is set for example by a plugin which
+ // created the document
+ else if ( (result = wildcardsFind(doc->docName())) != -1)
+ {
+ kdDebug(13020)<<"KateFiletype::filetype(): got type "<<result<<" using docName '"<<doc->docName()<<"'"<<endl;
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Try content-based mimetype
+ KMimeType::Ptr mt = doc->mimeTypeForContent();
+ QPtrList<KateFileType> types;
+ for (uint z=0; z < m_types.count(); z++)
+ {
+ if (>mimetypes.findIndex (mt->name()) > -1)
+ types.append (;
+ }
+ if ( !types.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ int pri = -1;
+ int hl = -1;
+ for (KateFileType *type = types.first(); type != 0L; type =
+ {
+ if (type->priority > pri)
+ {
+ pri = type->priority;
+ hl = type->number;
+ }
+ }
+ return hl;
+ }
+ return -1;
+int KateFileTypeManager::wildcardsFind (const QString &fileName)
+ QPtrList<KateFileType> types;
+ for (uint z=0; z < m_types.count(); z++)
+ {
+ for( QStringList::Iterator it =>wildcards.begin(); it !=>wildcards.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ // anders: we need to be sure to match the end of string, as eg a css file
+ // would otherwise end up with the c hl
+ QRegExp re(*it, true, true);
+ if ( ( fileName ) > -1 ) && ( re.matchedLength() == (int)fileName.length() ) )
+ types.append (;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !types.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ int pri = -1;
+ int hl = -1;
+ for (KateFileType *type = types.first(); type != 0L; type =
+ {
+ if (type->priority > pri)
+ {
+ pri = type->priority;
+ hl = type->number;
+ }
+ }
+ return hl;
+ }
+ return -1;
+const KateFileType *KateFileTypeManager::fileType (uint number)
+ if (number < m_types.count())
+ return;
+ return 0;
+//END KateFileTypeManager
+//BEGIN KateFileTypeConfigTab
+KateFileTypeConfigTab::KateFileTypeConfigTab( QWidget *parent )
+ : KateConfigPage( parent )
+ m_types.setAutoDelete (true);
+ m_lastType = 0;
+ QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint() );
+ // hl chooser
+ QHBox *hbHl = new QHBox( this );
+ layout->add (hbHl);
+ hbHl->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
+ QLabel *lHl = new QLabel( i18n("&Filetype:"), hbHl );
+ typeCombo = new QComboBox( false, hbHl );
+ lHl->setBuddy( typeCombo );
+ connect( typeCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
+ this, SLOT(typeChanged(int)) );
+ QPushButton *btnnew = new QPushButton( i18n("&New"), hbHl );
+ connect( btnnew, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newType()) );
+ btndel = new QPushButton( i18n("&Delete"), hbHl );
+ connect( btndel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deleteType()) );
+ gbProps = new QGroupBox( 2, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Properties"), this );
+ layout->add (gbProps);
+ // file & mime types
+ QLabel *lname = new QLabel( i18n("N&ame:"), gbProps );
+ name = new QLineEdit( gbProps );
+ lname->setBuddy( name );
+ // file & mime types
+ QLabel *lsec = new QLabel( i18n("&Section:"), gbProps );
+ section = new QLineEdit( gbProps );
+ lsec->setBuddy( section );
+ // file & mime types
+ QLabel *lvar = new QLabel( i18n("&Variables:"), gbProps );
+ varLine = new QLineEdit( gbProps );
+ lvar->setBuddy( varLine );
+ // file & mime types
+ QLabel *lFileExts = new QLabel( i18n("File e&xtensions:"), gbProps );
+ wildcards = new QLineEdit( gbProps );
+ lFileExts->setBuddy( wildcards );
+ QLabel *lMimeTypes = new QLabel( i18n("MIME &types:"), gbProps);
+ QHBox *hbMT = new QHBox (gbProps);
+ mimetypes = new QLineEdit( hbMT );
+ lMimeTypes->setBuddy( mimetypes );
+ QToolButton *btnMTW = new QToolButton(hbMT);
+ btnMTW->setIconSet(QIconSet(SmallIcon("wizard")));
+ connect(btnMTW, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showMTDlg()));
+ QLabel *lprio = new QLabel( i18n("Prio&rity:"), gbProps);
+ priority = new KIntNumInput( gbProps );
+ lprio->setBuddy( priority );
+ layout->addStretch();
+ reload();
+ connect( name, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( slotChanged() ) );
+ connect( section, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( slotChanged() ) );
+ connect( varLine, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( slotChanged() ) );
+ connect( wildcards, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( slotChanged() ) );
+ connect( mimetypes, SIGNAL( textChanged ( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( slotChanged() ) );
+ connect( priority, SIGNAL( valueChanged ( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotChanged() ) );
+ QWhatsThis::add( btnnew, i18n("Create a new file type.") );
+ QWhatsThis::add( btndel, i18n("Delete the current file type.") );
+ QWhatsThis::add( name, i18n(
+ "The name of the filetype will be the text of the corresponding menu item.") );
+ QWhatsThis::add( section, i18n(
+ "The section name is used to organize the file types in menus.") );
+ QWhatsThis::add( varLine, i18n(
+ "<p>This string allows you to configure Kate's settings for the files "
+ "selected by this mimetype using Kate variables. You can set almost any "
+ "configuration option, such as highlight, indent-mode, encoding, etc.</p>"
+ "<p>For a full list of known variables, see the manual.</p>") );
+ QWhatsThis::add( wildcards, i18n(
+ "The wildcards mask allows you to select files by filename. A typical "
+ "mask uses an asterisk and the file extension, for example "
+ "<code>*.txt; *.text</code>. The string is a semicolon-separated list "
+ "of masks.") );
+ QWhatsThis::add( mimetypes, i18n(
+ "The mime type mask allows you to select files by mimetype. The string is "
+ "a semicolon-separated list of mimetypes, for example "
+ "<code>text/plain; text/english</code>.") );
+ QWhatsThis::add( btnMTW, i18n(
+ "Displays a wizard that helps you easily select mimetypes.") );
+ QWhatsThis::add( priority, i18n(
+ "Sets a priority for this file type. If more than one file type selects the same "
+ "file, the one with the highest priority will be used." ) );
+void KateFileTypeConfigTab::apply()
+ if (!changed())
+ return;
+ save ();
+ KateFactory::self()->fileTypeManager()->save(&m_types);
+void KateFileTypeConfigTab::reload()
+ m_types.clear();
+ for (uint z=0; z < KateFactory::self()->fileTypeManager()->list()->count(); z++)
+ {
+ KateFileType *type = new KateFileType ();
+ *type = *KateFactory::self()->fileTypeManager()->list()->at(z);
+ m_types.append (type);
+ }
+ update ();
+void KateFileTypeConfigTab::reset()
+ reload ();
+void KateFileTypeConfigTab::defaults()
+ reload ();
+void KateFileTypeConfigTab::update ()
+ m_lastType = 0;
+ typeCombo->clear ();
+ for( uint i = 0; i < m_types.count(); i++) {
+ if (>section.length() > 0)
+ typeCombo->insertItem(>section + QString ("/") +>name);
+ else
+ typeCombo->insertItem(>name);
+ }
+ typeCombo->setCurrentItem (0);
+ typeChanged (0);
+ typeCombo->setEnabled (typeCombo->count() > 0);
+void KateFileTypeConfigTab::deleteType ()
+ int type = typeCombo->currentItem ();
+ if ((type > -1) && ((uint)type < m_types.count()))
+ {
+ m_types.remove (type);
+ update ();
+ }
+void KateFileTypeConfigTab::newType ()
+ QString newN = i18n("New Filetype");
+ for( uint i = 0; i < m_types.count(); i++) {
+ if (>name == newN)
+ {
+ typeCombo->setCurrentItem (i);
+ typeChanged (i);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ KateFileType *newT = new KateFileType ();
+ newT->priority = 0;
+ newT->name = newN;
+ m_types.prepend (newT);
+ update ();
+void KateFileTypeConfigTab::save ()
+ if (m_lastType)
+ {
+ m_lastType->name = name->text ();
+ m_lastType->section = section->text ();
+ m_lastType->varLine = varLine->text ();
+ m_lastType->wildcards = QStringList::split (";", wildcards->text ());
+ m_lastType->mimetypes = QStringList::split (";", mimetypes->text ());
+ m_lastType->priority = priority->value();
+ }
+void KateFileTypeConfigTab::typeChanged (int type)
+ save ();
+ KateFileType *t = 0;
+ if ((type > -1) && ((uint)type < m_types.count()))
+ t =;
+ if (t)
+ {
+ gbProps->setTitle (i18n("Properties of %1").arg (typeCombo->currentText()));
+ gbProps->setEnabled (true);
+ btndel->setEnabled (true);
+ name->setText(t->name);
+ section->setText(t->section);
+ varLine->setText(t->varLine);
+ wildcards->setText(t->wildcards.join (";"));
+ mimetypes->setText(t->mimetypes.join (";"));
+ priority->setValue(t->priority);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gbProps->setTitle (i18n("Properties"));
+ gbProps->setEnabled (false);
+ btndel->setEnabled (false);
+ name->clear();
+ section->clear();
+ varLine->clear();
+ wildcards->clear();
+ mimetypes->clear();
+ priority->setValue(0);
+ }
+ m_lastType = t;
+void KateFileTypeConfigTab::showMTDlg()
+ QString text = i18n("Select the MimeTypes you want for this file type.\nPlease note that this will automatically edit the associated file extensions as well.");
+ QStringList list = QStringList::split( QRegExp("\\s*;\\s*"), mimetypes->text() );
+ KMimeTypeChooserDialog d( i18n("Select Mime Types"), text, list, "text", this );
+ if ( d.exec() == KDialogBase::Accepted ) {
+ // do some checking, warn user if mime types or patterns are removed.
+ // if the lists are empty, and the fields not, warn.
+ wildcards->setText( d.chooser()->patterns().join(";") );
+ mimetypes->setText( d.chooser()->mimeTypes().join(";") );
+ }
+//END KateFileTypeConfigTab
+//BEGIN KateViewFileTypeAction
+void KateViewFileTypeAction::init()
+ m_doc = 0;
+ subMenus.setAutoDelete( true );
+ popupMenu()->insertItem ( i18n("None"), this, SLOT(setType(int)), 0, 0);
+ connect(popupMenu(),SIGNAL(aboutToShow()),this,SLOT(slotAboutToShow()));
+void KateViewFileTypeAction::updateMenu (Kate::Document *doc)
+ m_doc = (KateDocument *)doc;
+void KateViewFileTypeAction::slotAboutToShow()
+ KateDocument *doc=m_doc;
+ int count = KateFactory::self()->fileTypeManager()->list()->count();
+ for (int z=0; z<count; z++)
+ {
+ QString hlName = KateFactory::self()->fileTypeManager()->list()->at(z)->name;
+ QString hlSection = KateFactory::self()->fileTypeManager()->list()->at(z)->section;
+ if ( !hlSection.isEmpty() && (names.contains(hlName) < 1) )
+ {
+ if (subMenusName.contains(hlSection) < 1)
+ {
+ subMenusName << hlSection;
+ QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu ();
+ subMenus.append(menu);
+ popupMenu()->insertItem (hlSection, menu);
+ }
+ int m = subMenusName.findIndex (hlSection);
+ names << hlName;
+>insertItem ( hlName, this, SLOT(setType(int)), 0, z+1);
+ }
+ else if (names.contains(hlName) < 1)
+ {
+ names << hlName;
+ popupMenu()->insertItem ( hlName, this, SLOT(setType(int)), 0, z+1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!doc) return;
+ for (uint i=0;i<subMenus.count();i++)
+ {
+ for (uint i2=0;i2<>count();i2++)
+ }
+ popupMenu()->setItemChecked (0, false);
+ if (doc->fileType() == -1)
+ popupMenu()->setItemChecked (0, true);
+ else
+ {
+ const KateFileType *t = 0;
+ if ((t = KateFactory::self()->fileTypeManager()->fileType (doc->fileType())))
+ {
+ int i = subMenusName.findIndex (t->section);
+ if (i >= 0 &&
+>setItemChecked (doc->fileType()+1, true);
+ else
+ popupMenu()->setItemChecked (0, true);
+ }
+ }
+void KateViewFileTypeAction::setType (int mode)
+ KateDocument *doc=m_doc;
+ if (doc)
+ doc->updateFileType(mode-1, true);
+//END KateViewFileTypeAction
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;