path: root/tdefile-plugins
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2013-01-27 01:04:32 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2013-01-27 01:04:32 -0600
commit793cf2dff35dffe3ec4c7b24252947dde758a1b2 (patch)
tree7d9972d99ed281a36418ae9f5fc128e3c951532c /tdefile-plugins
parent04f764aaf273340e1d5811d4216dd8127cacc5db (diff)
Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4
Diffstat (limited to 'tdefile-plugins')
54 files changed, 5332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/ b/tdefile-plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc127f02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+if include_ogg_SUBDIR
+if include_flac_SUBDIR
+if include_mp3_SUBDIR
+if include_mpc_SUBDIR
+if include_theora_SUBDIR
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/RETURNED_ITEMS b/tdefile-plugins/RETURNED_ITEMS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffe878d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/RETURNED_ITEMS
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+If you add a new plugin here, add the list of returned items to this file.
+The returned items are:
+mp3 plugin:
+type key W/A details
+String Title +/+ only if id3v1 tag exists / max. 30 characters
+String Artist +/+ only if id3v1 tag exists / max. 30 characters
+String Album +/+ only if id3v1 tag exists / max. 30 characters
+String Comment +/+ only if id3v1 tag exists / max. 28 characters
+String Date +/+ only if id3v1 tag exists / max. 4 characters
+Int Tracknumber +/+ only if id3v1.1 tag exists / 0-255
+Bool CRC -/-
+Bool Original -/-
+Bool Copyright -/-
+String Length -/-
+Int Bitrate -/- in kbps
+Int Frequency -/- in Hz
+Double Version -/- mpeg version, 1, 2, or 2.5
+Int Layer -/- 1, 2 or 3
+Int Channels -/- number of audio channels, 1 for mono, 2 stereo
+type is the QVariant::type() of that key.
+W/A is writable/addable, - means no, + means yes. If a key is addable, it's
+also removable
+ogg plugin:
+type key W/A details
+Int Version -/-
+Int Channels -/-
+Int Bitrate upper -/- might also be a string containing i18n("none")
+Int Bitrate lower -/- might also be a string containing i18n("none")
+Int Bitrate nominal -/- might also be a string containing i18n("none")
+Int Bitrate -/- average bitrate
+String Length -/-
+Other keys corresponding to the vorbis comment keys are returned as editable
+String. If there are several equal vorbis comment keys, e.g. 3 Artists, the
+first one is called "Artist", the second one (not yet) "Artist(2)" and so on.
+Common keys that are recommended in the vorbiscomment docs:
+Title, Version, Album, Tracknumber, Artist, Organization, Description, Genre,
+Date, Location, Copyright, Isirc
+au plugin:
+type key W/A details
+Int Length -/- Length in seconds
+Int Sample Rate -/- Sample rate of sample in Hz
+Int Channels -/- No. of channels
+String Encoding -/- Data encoding (e.g. 8-bit ISDN u-law)
+avi plugin:
+type key W/A details
+Int Length -/- Length in seconds/minutes/hours
+Size Resolution -/- Resolution in pixels
+Int Frame rate -/- Frame rate
+String Video codec -/- The video codec symbol (e.g. mp42 or div3)
+theora plugin:
+type key W/A details
+Int Length -/- Length in seconds/minutes/hours
+Size Resolution -/- Resolution in pixels
+Int Frame rate -/- Frame rate
+Int Quality -/- Quality of the encoding
+Int Channels -/- Number of audio channels
+Int Sample rate -/- Sample rate of sample in Hz
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/au/ b/tdefile-plugins/au/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..054c6181
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/au/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## for au file meta info plugin
+# set the include path for X, qt and KDE
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes)
+# these are the headers for your project
+noinst_HEADERS = tdefile_au.h
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+tdefile_au_la_SOURCES = tdefile_au.cpp
+tdefile_au_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_QT) -lDCOP $(LIB_TDECORE) $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdefx $(LIB_KIO) -ltdetexteditor -module $(KDE_PLUGIN)
+tdefile_au_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KIO)
+# let automoc handle all of the meta source files (moc)
+ $(XGETTEXT) tdefile_au.cpp -o $(podir)/tdefile_au.pot
+services_DATA = tdefile_au.desktop
+servicesdir = $(kde_servicesdir)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/au/tdefile_au.cpp b/tdefile-plugins/au/tdefile_au.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b0b86f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/au/tdefile_au.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Shane Wright <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "tdefile_au.h"
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <kstringvalidator.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <tqdict.h>
+#include <tqvalidator.h>
+#include <tqcstring.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqdatetime.h>
+#if !defined(__osf__)
+#include <inttypes.h>
+typedef unsigned long uint32_t;
+typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
+typedef KGenericFactory<KAuPlugin> AuFactory;
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(tdefile_au, AuFactory( "tdefile_au" ))
+KAuPlugin::KAuPlugin(TQObject *parent, const char *name,
+ const TQStringList &args)
+ : KFilePlugin(parent, name, args)
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo* info = addMimeTypeInfo( "audio/basic" );
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo* group = 0L;
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "Technical", i18n("Technical Details"));
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::ItemInfo* item;
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Length", i18n("Length"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setSuffix(item, "s");
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Sample Rate", i18n("Sample Rate"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setSuffix(item, "Hz");
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Channels", i18n("Channels"), TQVariant::Int);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Encoding", i18n("Encoding"), TQVariant::String);
+bool KAuPlugin::readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what)
+ // the file signature, wants to be tidier...
+ const char fsig[] = { 0x2e, 0x73, 0x6e, 0x64 };
+ // a dword buffer for input
+ char inbuf[4];
+ // some vars for the file properties
+ uint32_t datasize;
+ uint32_t encoding;
+ uint32_t samplerate;
+ uint32_t channels;
+ uint16_t bytespersample;
+ if ( info.path().isEmpty() ) // remote file
+ return false;
+ TQFile file(info.path());
+ if (!
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Couldn't open " << TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data() << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ TQDataStream dstream(&file);
+ // AU files are big-endian
+ dstream.setByteOrder(TQDataStream::BigEndian);
+ // Read and verify the signature
+ dstream.readRawBytes(inbuf, 4);
+ if (memcmp(fsig, inbuf, 4))
+ return false;
+ // skip unwanted bits
+ // grab the bits we want
+ dstream >> datasize;
+ dstream >> encoding;
+ dstream >> samplerate;
+ dstream >> channels;
+ // add the info
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup group = appendGroup(info, "Technical");
+ appendItem(group, "Sample Rate", (uint) samplerate);
+ appendItem(group, "Channels", (uint) channels);
+ // work out the encoding
+ switch (encoding) {
+ case 1 :
+ appendItem(group, "Encoding", i18n("8-bit ISDN u-law"));
+ bytespersample = 1;
+ break;
+ case 2 :
+ appendItem(group, "Encoding", i18n("8-bit linear PCM [REF-PCM]"));
+ bytespersample = 1;
+ break;
+ case 3 :
+ appendItem(group, "Encoding", i18n("16-bit linear PCM"));
+ bytespersample = 2;
+ break;
+ case 4 :
+ appendItem(group, "Encoding", i18n("24-bit linear PCM"));
+ bytespersample = 3;
+ break;
+ case 5 :
+ appendItem(group, "Encoding", i18n("32-bit linear PCM"));
+ bytespersample = 4;
+ break;
+ case 6 :
+ appendItem(group, "Encoding", i18n("32-bit IEEE floating point"));
+ bytespersample = 4;
+ break;
+ case 7 :
+ appendItem(group, "Encoding", i18n("64-bit IEEE floating point"));
+ bytespersample = 8;
+ break;
+ case 23 :
+ appendItem(group, "Encoding", i18n("8-bit ISDN u-law compressed"));
+ bytespersample = 1;
+ break;
+ default :
+ appendItem(group, "Encoding", i18n("Unknown"));
+ bytespersample = 0;
+ }
+ // work out length from bytespersample + channels + size
+ if ((channels > 0) && (datasize > 0) && (datasize != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (bytespersample > 0) && (samplerate > 0)) {
+ uint32_t length = datasize / channels / bytespersample / samplerate;
+ appendItem(group, "Length", (uint) length);
+ } else {
+ appendItem(group, "Length", "???");
+ }
+ return true;
+#include "tdefile_au.moc"
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/au/tdefile_au.desktop b/tdefile-plugins/au/tdefile_au.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3057140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/au/tdefile_au.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=AU Info
+Name[af]=Au Inligting
+Name[bg]=Информация за AU
+Name[br]=Titouroù AU
+Name[bs]=AU informacije
+Name[ca]=Informació AU
+Name[cs]=AU info
+Name[cy]=Gwybodaeth AU
+Name[el]=Πληροφορίες AU
+Name[es]=Info AU
+Name[et]=AU info
+Name[eu]=AU informazioa
+Name[fa]=اطلاعات AU
+Name[fr]=Informations AU
+Name[gl]=Información AU
+Name[he]=מידע AU
+Name[hi]=AU जानकारी
+Name[hr]=AU Informacije
+Name[is]=AU upplýsingar
+Name[it]=Informazioni AU
+Name[ja]=AU 情報
+Name[kk]=AU мәліметі
+Name[km]=ព័ត៌មាន AU
+Name[ko]=AU 정보
+Name[lt]=AU informacija
+Name[mk]=AU информации
+Name[nb]=AU informasjon
+Name[ne]=AU सूचना
+Name[pa]=AU ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Name[pl]=Informacja o pliku AU
+Name[pt]=Informação do AU
+Name[pt_BR]=Informação sobre AU
+Name[ro]=Informaţii AU
+Name[ru]=Сведения о AU
+Name[sk]=AU info
+Name[sl]=Podatki o AU
+Name[sr]=Информације о AU-у
+Name[sr@Latn]=Informacije o AU-u
+Name[ta]=AU தகவல்
+Name[tg]=AU Ахборот
+Name[th]=ข้อมูล AU
+Name[tr]=AU Bilgisi
+Name[uk]=Інформація по AU
+Name[uz]=XBM haqida maʼlumot
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=XBM ҳақида маълумот
+Name[xh]=Ulwazi lwe AU
+Name[zh_CN]=AU 信息
+Name[zh_HK]=AU 資訊
+Name[zh_TW]=AU 資訊
+Name[zu]=Ulwazi lwe-AU
+PreferredItems=Length,Sample Rate,Channels,Encoding
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/au/tdefile_au.h b/tdefile-plugins/au/tdefile_au.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ac18c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/au/tdefile_au.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Shane Wright <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __KFILE_AU_H__
+#define __KFILE_AU_H__
+#include <tdefilemetainfo.h>
+class TQStringList;
+class KAuPlugin: public KFilePlugin
+ KAuPlugin( TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& args );
+ virtual bool readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what);
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/avi/ b/tdefile-plugins/avi/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ecbf411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/avi/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## for avi file meta info plugin
+# set the include path for X, qt and KDE
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes)
+# these are the headers for your project
+noinst_HEADERS = tdefile_avi.h
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+tdefile_avi_la_SOURCES = tdefile_avi.cpp
+tdefile_avi_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_QT) -lDCOP $(LIB_TDECORE) $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdefx $(LIB_KIO) -ltdetexteditor -module $(KDE_PLUGIN)
+tdefile_avi_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KIO)
+# let automoc handle all of the meta source files (moc)
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) tdefile_avi.cpp -o $(podir)/tdefile_avi.pot
+services_DATA = tdefile_avi.desktop
+servicesdir = $(kde_servicesdir)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/avi/tdefile_avi.cpp b/tdefile-plugins/avi/tdefile_avi.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1c832bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/avi/tdefile_avi.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Shane Wright <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "tdefile_avi.h"
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <kstringvalidator.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <tqdict.h>
+#include <tqvalidator.h>
+#include <tqcstring.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqdatetime.h>
+#if !defined(__osf__)
+#include <inttypes.h>
+typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
+typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
+typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
+typedef KGenericFactory<KAviPlugin> AviFactory;
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(tdefile_avi, AviFactory( "tdefile_avi" ))
+KAviPlugin::KAviPlugin(TQObject *parent, const char *name,
+ const TQStringList &args)
+ : KFilePlugin(parent, name, args)
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo* info = addMimeTypeInfo( "video/x-msvideo" );
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo* group = 0L;
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "Technical", i18n("Technical Details"));
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::ItemInfo* item;
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Length", i18n("Length"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Seconds);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Resolution", i18n("Resolution"), TQVariant::Size);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Frame rate", i18n("Frame Rate"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n("fps"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Video codec", i18n("Video Codec"), TQVariant::String);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Audio codec", i18n("Audio Codec"), TQVariant::String);
+bool KAviPlugin::read_avi()
+ static const char sig_riff[] = "RIFF";
+ static const char sig_avi[] = "AVI ";
+ static const char sig_list[] = "LIST";
+ static const char sig_junk[] = "JUNK";
+ uint32_t dwbuf1;
+ done_avih = false;
+ done_audio = false;
+ // read AVI header
+ char charbuf1[5];
+ charbuf1[4] = '\0';
+ // this must be RIFF
+ f.readBlock(charbuf1, 4);
+ if (memcmp(charbuf1, sig_riff, 4) != 0)
+ return false;
+ dstream >> dwbuf1;
+ // this must be AVI
+ f.readBlock(charbuf1, 4);
+ if (memcmp(charbuf1, sig_avi, 4) != 0)
+ return false;
+ // start reading AVI file
+ int counter = 0;
+ bool done = false;
+ do {
+ // read header
+ f.readBlock(charbuf1, 4);
+ kdDebug(7034) << "about to handle chunk with ID: " << charbuf1 << "\n";
+ if (memcmp(charbuf1, sig_list, 4) == 0) {
+ // if list
+ if (!read_list())
+ return false;
+ } else if (memcmp(charbuf1, sig_junk, 4) == 0) {
+ // if junk
+ // read chunk size
+ dstream >> dwbuf1;
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Skipping junk chunk length: " << dwbuf1 << "\n";
+ // skip junk
+ + dwbuf1 );
+ } else {
+ // something we dont understand yet
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Unknown chunk header found: " << charbuf1 << "\n";
+ return false;
+ };
+ if (
+ ((done_avih) && (strlen(handler_vids) > 0) && (done_audio)) ||
+ f.atEnd()) {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "We're done!\n";
+ done = true;
+ }
+ // make sure we dont stay here forever
+ ++counter;
+ if (counter > 10)
+ done = true;
+ } while (!done);
+ return true;
+bool KAviPlugin::read_list()
+ const char sig_hdrl[] = "hdrl"; // header list
+ const char sig_strl[] = "strl"; // ...list
+ const char sig_movi[] = "movi"; // movie list
+ uint32_t dwbuf1;
+ char charbuf1[5];
+ charbuf1[4] = '\0';
+ kdDebug(7034) << "In read_list()\n";
+ // read size & list type
+ dstream >> dwbuf1;
+ f.readBlock(charbuf1, 4);
+ // read the relevant bits of the list
+ if (memcmp(charbuf1, sig_hdrl, 4) == 0) {
+ // should be the main AVI header
+ if (!read_avih())
+ return false;
+ } else if (memcmp(charbuf1, sig_strl, 4) == 0) {
+ // should be some stream info
+ if (!read_strl())
+ return false;
+ } else if (memcmp(charbuf1, sig_movi, 4) == 0) {
+ // movie list
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Skipping movi chunk length: " << dwbuf1 << "\n";
+ // skip past it
+ + dwbuf1 );
+ } else {
+ // unknown list type
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Unknown list type found: " << charbuf1 << "\n";
+ }
+ return true;
+bool KAviPlugin::read_avih()
+ static const char sig_avih[] = "avih"; // header list
+ uint32_t dwbuf1;
+ char charbuf1[5];
+ // read header and length
+ f.readBlock(charbuf1, 4);
+ dstream >> dwbuf1;
+ // not a valid avih?
+ if (memcmp(charbuf1, sig_avih, 4) != 0) {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Chunk ID error, expected avih, got: " << charbuf1 << "\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // read all the avih fields
+ dstream >> avih_microsecperframe;
+ dstream >> avih_maxbytespersec;
+ dstream >> avih_reserved1;
+ dstream >> avih_flags;
+ dstream >> avih_totalframes;
+ dstream >> avih_initialframes;
+ dstream >> avih_streams;
+ dstream >> avih_buffersize;
+ dstream >> avih_width;
+ dstream >> avih_height;
+ dstream >> avih_scale;
+ dstream >> avih_rate;
+ dstream >> avih_start;
+ dstream >> avih_length;
+ done_avih = true;
+ return true;
+bool KAviPlugin::read_strl()
+ static const char sig_strh[] = "strh";
+ static const char sig_strf[] = "strf";
+ //static const char sig_strd[] = "strd";
+ static const char sig_strn[] = "strn";
+ static const char sig_list[] = "LIST";
+ static const char sig_junk[] = "JUNK";
+ kdDebug(7034) << "in strl handler\n";
+ uint32_t dwbuf1; // buffer for block sizes
+ char charbuf1[5];
+ // loop through blocks
+ int counter = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ // read type and size
+ f.readBlock(charbuf1, 4); // type
+ dstream >> dwbuf1; // size
+ // detect type
+ if (memcmp(charbuf1, sig_strh, 4) == 0) {
+ // got strh - stream header
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Found strh, calling read_strh()\n";
+ read_strh(dwbuf1);
+ } else if (memcmp(charbuf1, sig_strf, 4) == 0) {
+ // got strf - stream format
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Found strf, calling read_strf()\n";
+ read_strf(dwbuf1);
+ } else if (memcmp(charbuf1, sig_strn, 4) == 0) {
+ // we ignore strn, but it can be recorded incorrectly so we have to cope especially
+ // skip it
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Skipping strn chunk length: " << dwbuf1 << "\n";
+ + dwbuf1 );
+ /*
+ this is a pretty annoying hack; many AVIs incorrectly report the
+ length of the strn field by 1 byte. Its possible that strn's
+ should be word aligned, but no mention in the specs...
+ I'll clean/optimise this a touch soon
+ */
+ bool done = false;
+ unsigned char counter = 0;
+ while (!done) {
+ // read next marker
+ f.readBlock(charbuf1, 4);
+ // does it look ok?
+ if ((memcmp(charbuf1, sig_list, 4) == 0) ||
+ (memcmp(charbuf1, sig_junk, 4) == 0)) {
+ // yes, go back before it
+ - 4);
+ done = true;
+ } else {
+ // no, skip one space forward from where we were
+ - 3);
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Working around incorrectly marked strn length..." << "\n";
+ }
+ // make sure we don't stay here too long
+ ++counter;
+ if (counter>10)
+ done = true;
+ }
+ } else if ((memcmp(charbuf1, sig_list, 4) == 0) || (memcmp(charbuf1, sig_junk, 4) == 0)) {
+ // we have come to the end of our stay here in strl, time to leave
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Found LIST/JUNK, returning...\n";
+ // rollback before the id and size
+ - 8 );
+ // return back to the main avi parser
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // we have some other unrecognised block type
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Sskipping unrecognised block\n";
+ // just skip over it
+ + dwbuf1);
+ } /* switch block type */
+ ++counter;
+ if (counter > 10)
+ return true;
+ } /* while (true) */
+ // we should never get here
+bool KAviPlugin::read_strh(uint32_t blocksize)
+ static const char sig_vids[] = "vids"; //
+ static const char sig_auds[] = "auds"; //
+ uint32_t strh_flags;
+ uint32_t strh_reserved1;
+ uint32_t strh_initialframes;
+ uint32_t strh_scale;
+ uint32_t strh_rate;
+ uint32_t strh_start;
+ uint32_t strh_length;
+ uint32_t strh_buffersize;
+ uint32_t strh_quality;
+ uint32_t strh_samplesize;
+ char charbuf1[5];
+ char charbuf2[5];
+ // get stream info type, and handler id
+ f.readBlock(charbuf1, 4);
+ f.readBlock(charbuf2, 4);
+ // read the strh fields
+ dstream >> strh_flags;
+ dstream >> strh_reserved1;
+ dstream >> strh_initialframes;
+ dstream >> strh_scale;
+ dstream >> strh_rate;
+ dstream >> strh_start;
+ dstream >> strh_length;
+ dstream >> strh_buffersize;
+ dstream >> strh_quality;
+ dstream >> strh_samplesize;
+ if (memcmp(&charbuf1, sig_vids, 4) == 0) {
+ // we are video!
+ // save the handler
+ memcpy(handler_vids, charbuf2, 4);
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Video handler: " << handler_vids << "\n";
+ } else if (memcmp(&charbuf1, sig_auds, 4) == 0) {
+ // we are audio!
+ // save the handler
+ memcpy(handler_auds, charbuf2, 4);
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Audio handler: " << handler_auds << "\n";
+ // we want strf to get the audio codec
+ wantstrf = true;
+ } else {
+ // we are something that we don't understand
+ }
+ // do we need to skip ahead any more? (usually yes , contrary to
+ // the AVI specs I've read...)
+ // note: 48 is 10 * uint32_t + 2*FOURCC; the 10 fields we read above, plus the two character fields
+ if (blocksize > 48)
+ + (blocksize - 48) );
+ return true;
+bool KAviPlugin::read_strf(uint32_t blocksize)
+ // do we want to do the strf?
+ if (wantstrf) {
+ // yes. we want the audio codec identifier out of it
+ // get the 16bit audio codec ID
+ dstream >> handler_audio;
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Read audio codec ID: " << handler_audio << "\n";
+ // skip past the rest of the stuff here for now
+ + blocksize - 2);
+ // we have audio
+ done_audio = true;
+ } else {
+ // no, skip the strf
+ + blocksize );
+ }
+ return true;
+const char * KAviPlugin::resolve_audio(uint16_t id)
+ /*
+ this really wants to use some sort of KDE global
+ list. To avoid bloat for the moment it only does
+ a few common codecs
+ */
+ static const char codec_unknown[] = I18N_NOOP("Unknown");
+ static const char codec_01[] = "Microsoft PCM";
+ static const char codec_02[] = "Microsoft ADPCM";
+ static const char codec_50[] = "MPEG";
+ static const char codec_55[] = "MP3";
+ static const char codec_92[] = "AC3";
+ static const char codec_160[] = "WMA1";
+ static const char codec_161[] = "WMA2";
+ static const char codec_162[] = "WMA3";
+ static const char codec_2000[] = "DVM";
+ switch (id) {
+ case 0x000 : return codec_unknown; break;
+ case 0x001 : return codec_01; break;
+ case 0x002 : return codec_02; break;
+ case 0x050 : return codec_50; break;
+ case 0x055 : return codec_55; break;
+ case 0x092 : return codec_92; break;
+ case 0x160 : return codec_160; break;
+ case 0x161 : return codec_161; break;
+ case 0x162 : return codec_162; break;
+ case 0x2000 : return codec_2000; break;
+ default : return codec_unknown;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+bool KAviPlugin::readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint /*what*/)
+ /***************************************************/
+ // prep
+ memset(handler_vids, 0x00, 5);
+ memset(handler_auds, 0x00, 5);
+ /***************************************************/
+ // sort out the file
+ if (f.isOpen())
+ f.close();
+ if ( info.path().isEmpty() ) // remote file
+ return false;
+ f.setName(info.path());
+ // open file, set up stream and set endianness
+ if (!
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Couldn't open " << TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data() << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //TQDataStream dstream(&file);
+ dstream.setDevice(&f);
+ dstream.setByteOrder(TQDataStream::LittleEndian);
+ /***************************************************/
+ // start reading stuff from it
+ wantstrf = false;
+ if (!read_avi()) {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "read_avi() failed!" << endl;
+ }
+ /***************************************************/
+ // set up our output
+ if (done_avih) {
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup group = appendGroup(info, "Technical");
+ if (0 != avih_microsecperframe) {
+ appendItem(group, "Frame rate", int(1000000 / avih_microsecperframe));
+ }
+ appendItem(group, "Resolution", TQSize(avih_width, avih_height));
+ // work out and add length
+ uint64_t mylength = (uint64_t) ((float) avih_totalframes * (float) avih_microsecperframe / 1000000.0);
+ appendItem(group, "Length", int(mylength));
+ if (strlen(handler_vids) > 0)
+ appendItem(group, "Video codec", handler_vids);
+ else
+ appendItem(group, "Video codec", i18n("Unknown"));
+ if (done_audio)
+ appendItem(group, "Audio codec", i18n(resolve_audio(handler_audio)));
+ else
+ appendItem(group, "Audio codec", i18n("None"));
+ }
+ f.close();
+ return true;
+#include "tdefile_avi.moc"
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/avi/tdefile_avi.desktop b/tdefile-plugins/avi/tdefile_avi.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dea0d93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/avi/tdefile_avi.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=AVI Info
+Name[af]=Avi Inligting
+Name[bg]=Информация за AVI
+Name[bn]=এ-ভি-আই (AVI) তথ্য
+Name[br]=Titouroù AVI
+Name[bs]=AVI informacije
+Name[ca]=Informació AVI
+Name[cs]=AVI info
+Name[cy]=Gwybodaeth AVI
+Name[el]=Πληροφορίες AVI
+Name[es]=Info AVI
+Name[et]=AVI info
+Name[eu]=AVI informazioa
+Name[fa]=اطلاعات AVI
+Name[fr]=Informations AVI
+Name[gl]=Información AVI
+Name[he]=מידע AVI
+Name[hi]=AVI जानकारी
+Name[hr]=AVI Informacije
+Name[is]=AVI upplýsingar
+Name[it]=Informazioni AVI
+Name[ja]=AVI 情報
+Name[kk]=AVI мәліметі
+Name[km]=ព័ត៌មាន AVI
+Name[ko]=AVI 정보
+Name[lt]=AVI informacija
+Name[mk]=AVI информации
+Name[nb]=AVI informasjon
+Name[ne]=AVI सूचना
+Name[pa]=AVI ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Name[pl]=Informacja o pliku AVI
+Name[pt]=Informação do AVI
+Name[pt_BR]=Informação sobre AVI
+Name[ro]=Informaţii AVI
+Name[ru]=Сведения о AVI
+Name[sk]=AVI info
+Name[sl]=Podatki o AVI
+Name[sr]=Информације о AVI-ју
+Name[sr@Latn]=Informacije o AVI-ju
+Name[ta]=AVI தகவல்
+Name[tg]=AVI Ахборот
+Name[th]=ข้อมูล AVI
+Name[tr]=AVI Bilgisi
+Name[uk]=Інформація по AVI
+Name[uz]=AVI haqida maʼlumot
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=AVI ҳақида маълумот
+Name[xh]=Ulwazi lwe AVI
+Name[zh_CN]=AVI 信息
+Name[zh_HK]=AVI 資訊
+Name[zh_TW]=AVI 資訊
+Name[zu]=Ulwazi lwe-AVI
+PreferredItems=Length,Resolution,Frame rate,Video codec,Audio codec
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/avi/tdefile_avi.h b/tdefile-plugins/avi/tdefile_avi.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b73f324b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/avi/tdefile_avi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Shane Wright <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __KFILE_AVI_H__
+#define __KFILE_AVI_H__
+#include <tdefilemetainfo.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#if !defined(__osf__)
+#include <inttypes.h>
+typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
+typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
+class TQStringList;
+class KAviPlugin: public KFilePlugin
+ KAviPlugin( TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& args );
+ virtual bool readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what);
+ bool read_avi();
+ bool read_list();
+ bool read_avih();
+ bool read_strl();
+ bool read_strf(uint32_t blocksize);
+ bool read_strh(uint32_t blocksize);
+ // methods to sort out human readable names for the codecs
+ const char * resolve_audio(uint16_t id);
+ TQFile f;
+ TQDataStream dstream;
+ // AVI header information
+ bool done_avih;
+ uint32_t avih_microsecperframe;
+ uint32_t avih_maxbytespersec;
+ uint32_t avih_reserved1;
+ uint32_t avih_flags;
+ uint32_t avih_totalframes;
+ uint32_t avih_initialframes;
+ uint32_t avih_streams;
+ uint32_t avih_buffersize;
+ uint32_t avih_width;
+ uint32_t avih_height;
+ uint32_t avih_scale;
+ uint32_t avih_rate;
+ uint32_t avih_start;
+ uint32_t avih_length;
+ char handler_vids[5]; // leave room for trailing \0
+ char handler_auds[5];
+ uint16_t handler_audio; // the ID of the audio codec
+ bool done_audio;
+ bool wantstrf;
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/flac/ b/tdefile-plugins/flac/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ddae9580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/flac/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## for FLAC file meta info plugin
+# set the include path for X, qt, KDE and TagLib
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes) $(taglib_includes)
+# these are the headers for your project
+noinst_HEADERS = tdefile_flac.h
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+tdefile_flac_la_SOURCES = tdefile_flac.cpp
+tdefile_flac_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_QT) -lDCOP $(LIB_TDECORE) $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdefx $(LIB_KIO) -ltdetexteditor $(taglib_libs) -module $(KDE_PLUGIN)
+tdefile_flac_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KIO)
+# let automoc handle all of the meta source files (moc)
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) tdefile_flac.cpp -o $(podir)/tdefile_flac.pot
+services_DATA = tdefile_flac.desktop
+servicesdir = $(kde_servicesdir)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/flac/ b/tdefile-plugins/flac/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eeaeebf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/flac/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+AM_CONDITIONAL(include_flac_SUBDIR, test "x$have_taglib" = xyes)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/flac/tdefile_flac.cpp b/tdefile-plugins/flac/tdefile_flac.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7030998
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/flac/tdefile_flac.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Allan Sandfeld Jensen <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Originally based upon the tdefile_ogg plugin:
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Rolf Magnus <[email protected]>
+ * Interfacing to TagLib is copied from tdefile_mp3 plugin:
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Scott Wheeler <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "tdefile_flac.h"
+#include <tqcstring.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqdatetime.h>
+#include <tqdict.h>
+#include <tqvalidator.h>
+#include <tqfileinfo.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <ksavefile.h>
+#include <tag.h>
+#define TAGLIB_1_2
+#include <tstring.h>
+#include <tfile.h>
+#include <flacfile.h>
+#ifdef TAGLIB_1_2
+#include <oggflacfile.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(tdefile_flac, KGenericFactory<KFlacPlugin>("tdefile_flac"))
+KFlacPlugin::KFlacPlugin( TQObject *parent, const char *name,
+ const TQStringList &args )
+ : KFilePlugin( parent, name, args )
+ kdDebug(7034) << "flac plugin\n";
+ makeMimeTypeInfo( "audio/x-flac" );
+#ifdef TAGLIB_1_2
+ makeMimeTypeInfo( "audio/x-oggflac" );
+void KFlacPlugin::makeMimeTypeInfo(const TQString& mimeType)
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo* info = addMimeTypeInfo( mimeType );
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo* group = 0;
+ // comment group
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "Comment", i18n("Comment"));
+ setAttributes(group, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Addable |
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::Removable);
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::ItemInfo* item = 0;
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Artist", i18n("Artist"), TQVariant::String);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Author);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Title", i18n("Title"), TQVariant::String);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Name);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Album", i18n("Album"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Genre", i18n("Genre"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Tracknumber", i18n("Track Number"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Date", i18n("Date"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Description", i18n("Description"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Organization", i18n("Organization"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Location", i18n("Location"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Copyright", i18n("Copyright"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ addVariableInfo(group, TQVariant::String, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Addable |
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::Removable |
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ // technical group
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "Technical", i18n("Technical Details"));
+ setAttributes(group, 0);
+ addItemInfo(group, "Channels", i18n("Channels"), TQVariant::Int);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Sample Rate", i18n("Sample Rate"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n(" Hz"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Sample Width", i18n("Sample Width"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n(" bits"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Bitrate", i18n("Average Bitrate"),
+ TQVariant::Int);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Averaged);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Bitrate);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n( " kbps"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Length", i18n("Length"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Cummulative);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Length);
+ setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Seconds);
+bool KFlacPlugin::readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what )
+ if ( info.path().isEmpty() ) // remote file
+ return false;
+ bool readComment = false;
+ bool readTech = false;
+ if (what & (KFileMetaInfo::Fastest |
+ KFileMetaInfo::DontCare |
+ KFileMetaInfo::ContentInfo)) readComment = true;
+ if (what & (KFileMetaInfo::Fastest |
+ KFileMetaInfo::DontCare |
+ KFileMetaInfo::TechnicalInfo)) readTech = true;
+ TagLib::File *file = 0;
+ if (info.mimeType() == "audio/x-flac")
+ file = new TagLib::FLAC::File(TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data(), readTech);
+#ifdef TAGLIB_1_2
+ else
+ file = new TagLib::Ogg::FLAC::File(TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data(), readTech);
+ if (!file || !file->isValid())
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Couldn't open " << file->name() << endl;
+ delete file;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(readComment && file->tag())
+ {
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup commentgroup = appendGroup(info, "Comment");
+ TQString date = file->tag()->year() > 0 ? TQString::number(file->tag()->year()) : TQString();
+ TQString track = file->tag()->track() > 0 ? TQString::number(file->tag()->track()) : TQString();
+ appendItem(commentgroup, "Title", TQString(TStringToQString(file->tag()->title())).stripWhiteSpace());
+ appendItem(commentgroup, "Artist", TQString(TStringToQString(file->tag()->artist())).stripWhiteSpace());
+ appendItem(commentgroup, "Album", TQString(TStringToQString(file->tag()->album())).stripWhiteSpace());
+ appendItem(commentgroup, "Date", date);
+ appendItem(commentgroup, "Comment", TQString(TStringToQString(file->tag()->comment())).stripWhiteSpace());
+ appendItem(commentgroup, "Tracknumber", track);
+ appendItem(commentgroup, "Genre", TQString(TStringToQString(file->tag()->genre())).stripWhiteSpace());
+ }
+ if (readTech && file->audioProperties())
+ {
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup techgroup = appendGroup(info, "Technical");
+ TagLib::FLAC::Properties *properties =
+ (TagLib::FLAC::Properties*)(file->audioProperties());
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Bitrate", properties->bitrate());
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Sample Rate", properties->sampleRate());
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Sample Width", properties->sampleWidth());
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Channels", properties->channels());
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Length", properties->length());
+ }
+ delete file;
+ return true;
+ * Do translation between KFileMetaInfo items and TagLib::String in a tidy way.
+ */
+class Translator
+ Translator(const KFileMetaInfo &info) : m_info(info) {}
+ TagLib::String operator[](const char *key) const
+ {
+ return QStringToTString(m_info["Comment"][key].value().toString());
+ }
+ int toInt(const char *key) const
+ {
+ return m_info["Comment"][key].value().toInt();
+ }
+ const KFileMetaInfo &m_info;
+bool KFlacPlugin::writeInfo(const KFileMetaInfo& info) const
+ TagLib::File *file;
+ if (!TagLib::File::isWritable(TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data())) {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "can't write to " << info.path() << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (info.mimeType() == "audio/x-flac")
+ file = new TagLib::FLAC::File(TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data(), false);
+#ifdef TAGLIB_1_2
+ else
+ file = new TagLib::Ogg::FLAC::File(TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data(), false);
+ if(!file->isOpen())
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "couldn't open " << info.path() << endl;
+ delete file;
+ return false;
+ }
+ Translator t(info);
+ file->tag()->setTitle(t["Title"]);
+ file->tag()->setArtist(t["Artist"]);
+ file->tag()->setAlbum(t["Album"]);
+ file->tag()->setYear(t.toInt("Date"));
+ file->tag()->setComment(t["Comment"]);
+ file->tag()->setTrack(t.toInt("Tracknumber"));
+ file->tag()->setGenre(t["Genre"]);
+ file->save();
+ delete file;
+ return true;
+TQValidator* KFlacPlugin::createValidator( const TQString&,
+ const TQString &group, const TQString &key,
+ TQObject* parent, const char* name) const
+ if(key == "Tracknumber" || key == "Date")
+ {
+ return new TQIntValidator(0, 9999, parent, name);
+ }
+ else
+ return new TQRegExpValidator(TQRegExp(".*"), parent, name);
+#include "tdefile_flac.moc"
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/flac/tdefile_flac.desktop b/tdefile-plugins/flac/tdefile_flac.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88e494c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/flac/tdefile_flac.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=FLAC Info
+Name[bg]=Информация за FLAC
+Name[bn]=ফ্ল্যাক (FLAC) তথ্য
+Name[br]=Titouroù FLAC
+Name[bs]=FLAC informacije
+Name[ca]=Informació FLAC
+Name[cs]=FLAC info
+Name[cy]=Gwybodaeth FLAC
+Name[el]=Πληροφορίες FLAC
+Name[es]=Info FLAC
+Name[et]=FLAC info
+Name[eu]=FLAC Informazioa
+Name[fa]=اطلاعات FLAC
+Name[fr]=Informations FLAC
+Name[gl]=Información FLAC
+Name[he]=מידע FLAC
+Name[hi]=FLAC जानकारी
+Name[is]=AU upplýsingar
+Name[it]=Informazioni FLAC
+Name[ja]=FLAC 情報
+Name[kk]=FLAC мәліметі
+Name[km]=ព័ត៌មាន FLAC
+Name[ko]=FLAC 정보
+Name[lt]=FLAC informacija
+Name[mk]=FLAC информации
+Name[nb]=FLAC informasjon
+Name[ne]=FLAC सूचना
+Name[pa]=FLAC ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Name[pl]=Informacja o pliku FLAC
+Name[pt]=Informação do FLAC
+Name[pt_BR]=Informação sobre FLAC
+Name[ro]=Informaţii FLAC
+Name[ru]=Сведения о FLAC
+Name[sk]=FLAC info
+Name[sl]=Podatki o FLAC
+Name[sr]=Информације о FLAC-у
+Name[sr@Latn]=Informacije o FLAC-u
+Name[ta]=FLAC தகவல்
+Name[tg]=FLAC Ахборот
+Name[th]=ขอมูล FLAC
+Name[tr]=FLAC Bilgisi
+Name[uk]=Інформація по FLAC
+Name[uz]=FLAC haqida maʼlumot
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=FLAC ҳақида маълумот
+Name[zh_CN]=FLAC 信息
+Name[zh_HK]=FLAC 資訊
+Name[zh_TW]=FLAC 資訊
+PreferredItems=Title,Artist,Album,Tracknumber,Genre,Bitrate,Length,Channels, Date,Description,Organization,Location,Copyright
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/flac/tdefile_flac.h b/tdefile-plugins/flac/tdefile_flac.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4f3c96f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/flac/tdefile_flac.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Allan Sandfeld Jensen <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Originally based upon the tdefile_ogg plugin:
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Rolf Magnus <[email protected]>
+ * Interfacing to TagLib is copied from tdefile_mp3 plugin:
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Scott Wheeler <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __KFILE_FLAC_H__
+#define __KFILE_FLAC_H__
+#include <tdefilemetainfo.h>
+class TQString;
+class TQStringList;
+class KFlacPlugin: public KFilePlugin
+ KFlacPlugin( TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& args );
+ virtual bool readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what);
+ virtual bool writeInfo( const KFileMetaInfo& info ) const;
+ virtual TQValidator* createValidator( const TQString& mimetype,
+ const TQString &group,
+ const TQString &key,
+ TQObject* parent, const char* name) const;
+ virtual void makeMimeTypeInfo(const TQString& mimeType);
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/m3u/ b/tdefile-plugins/m3u/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11259cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/m3u/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## for m3u file meta info plugin
+# set the include path for X, qt and KDE
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes)
+# these are the headers for your project
+noinst_HEADERS = tdefile_m3u.h
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+tdefile_m3u_la_SOURCES = tdefile_m3u.cpp
+tdefile_m3u_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_QT) -lDCOP $(LIB_TDECORE) $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdefx $(LIB_KIO) -ltdetexteditor -module $(KDE_PLUGIN)
+tdefile_m3u_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KSYCOCA)
+# let automoc handle all of the meta source files (moc)
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) tdefile_m3u.cpp -o $(podir)/tdefile_m3u.pot
+services_DATA = tdefile_m3u.desktop
+servicesdir = $(kde_servicesdir)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/m3u/tdefile_m3u.cpp b/tdefile-plugins/m3u/tdefile_m3u.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a25234e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/m3u/tdefile_m3u.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Rolf Magnus <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ */
+#include "tdefile_m3u.h"
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <tqcstring.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqtextstream.h>
+#include <tqdatetime.h>
+#include <tqdict.h>
+#include <tqvalidator.h>
+typedef KGenericFactory<KM3uPlugin> M3uFactory;
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( tdefile_m3u, M3uFactory( "tdefile_m3u" ) )
+KM3uPlugin::KM3uPlugin( TQObject *parent, const char *name,
+ const TQStringList &preferredItems )
+ : KFilePlugin( parent, name, preferredItems )
+ kdDebug(7034) << "m3u plugin\n";
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo* info = addMimeTypeInfo( "audio/x-mpegurl" );
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo* group;
+ // tracks group
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "Tracks", i18n("Tracks"));
+ addVariableInfo(group, TQVariant::String, 0);
+bool KM3uPlugin::readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint )
+ if ( info.path().isEmpty() ) // remote file
+ return false;
+ TQFile f(info.path());
+ if (! return false;
+ TQTextStream str(&f);
+ str.setEncoding(TQTextStream::Locale);
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup group = appendGroup(info, "Tracks");
+ // for now treat all lines that don't start with # like entries
+ int num = 1;
+ while (!str.atEnd())
+ {
+ TQString s = str.readLine();
+ if (!s.startsWith("#"))
+ {
+ if (s.endsWith("\n")) s.truncate(s.length()-1);
+ if (!s.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) {
+ appendItem(group, i18n("Track %1").arg(num, 3), s);
+ num++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+#include "tdefile_m3u.moc"
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/m3u/tdefile_m3u.desktop b/tdefile-plugins/m3u/tdefile_m3u.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..388a6e71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/m3u/tdefile_m3u.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=M3U Playlist Info
+Name[af]=M3u Liedjielys Inligting
+Name[ar]=معلومات قوائم M3U
+Name[az]=MP3 Mahnı Siyahısı İnfosu
+Name[bg]=Информация за списък M3U
+Name[bn]=এম-৩-ইউ (M3U) সঙ্গীত-তালিকা তথ্য
+Name[br]=Titouroù Rollc'hoari MP3
+Name[bs]=M3U Playlist informacije
+Name[ca]=Informació de selecció de peces M3U
+Name[cs]=Informace o seznamu skladeb M3U
+Name[cy]=Gwybodaeth Rhestr Chwarae M3U
+Name[el]=Πληροφορίες λίστας αναπαραγωγής M3U
+Name[es]=Información de lista de reproducción M3U
+Name[et]=M3U esitusnimekirja info
+Name[eu]=M3U erreprodukzio-zerrenda informazioa
+Name[fa]=اطلاعات فهرست پخش M3U
+Name[fi]=M3U-soittolistan tiedot
+Name[fr]=Informations sur une liste de lecture M3U
+Name[ga]=Eolas Seinmliosta M3U
+Name[gl]=Información de Lista M3U
+Name[he]=מידע על רשימות ניגון של M3U
+Name[hi]=M3U गीत-सूची जानकारी
+Name[hr]=Informacije o M3U listi pjesama
+Name[hu]=Az M3U lejátszási lista jellemzői
+Name[is]=M3U lagalistaupplýsingar
+Name[it]=Informazioni playlist M3U
+Name[ja]=M3U プレイリスト情報
+Name[kk]=M3U орындау тізім мәліметі
+Name[km]=ព័ត៌មាន​បញ្ជី​ចាក់ M3U
+Name[ko]=M3U 재생목록 정보
+Name[lt]=M3U gaidaraščio informacija
+Name[lv]=M3U Plejlistu Info
+Name[mk]=Информации за M3U листа со нумери
+Name[nb]=M3U spilleliste informasjon
+Name[ne]=M3U बजाउने सूची सूचना
+Name[nl]=M3U Speellijst-informatie
+Name[pa]=M3U ਸੰਗੀਤ-ਸੂਚੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Name[pl]=Informacja o liście nagrań w M3U
+Name[pt]=Informação da Lista de Músicas M3U
+Name[pt_BR]=Informações de listas de reprodução M3U
+Name[ro]=Informaţii listă M3U
+Name[ru]=Сведения о списке песен M3U
+Name[sk]=Informácie o playliste M3U
+Name[sl]=Podatki o predvajalnem seznamu M3U
+Name[sr]=Информације о M3U листи нумера
+Name[sr@Latn]=Informacije o M3U listi numera
+Name[sv]=Information om M3U-spellista
+Name[ta]=M3U பாடல்பட்டியல் தகவல்
+Name[tg]=M3U Ахбороти Рӯйхати бозикуниҳо
+Name[th]=ข้อมูลรายการเพลง M3U
+Name[tr]=M3U Çalma Listesi Bilgisi
+Name[uk]=Інформація списку композицій M3U
+Name[ven]=Mavhungo a mutevhe wa tshitambi tsha M3U
+Name[xh]=M3U Ulwazi Loluhlu Lokudlala
+Name[zh_CN]=M3U 播放列表信息
+Name[zh_HK]=M3U 播放清單資訊
+Name[zh_TW]=M3U 播放清單資訊
+Name[zu]=Ulwazi Lohlu lokudlala lwe-M3U
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/m3u/tdefile_m3u.h b/tdefile-plugins/m3u/tdefile_m3u.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..afc46847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/m3u/tdefile_m3u.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Rolf Magnus <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ */
+#ifndef __KMIME_M3U_H__
+#define __KMIME_M3U_H__
+#include <tdefilemetainfo.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+class TQStringList;
+class KM3uPlugin: public KFilePlugin
+ KM3uPlugin( TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& args );
+ virtual bool readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what );
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/mp3/ b/tdefile-plugins/mp3/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..97fbe73d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/mp3/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## for mp3 file meta info plugin
+# set the include path for X, qt and KDE
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes) $(taglib_includes)
+# these are the headers for your project
+noinst_HEADERS = tdefile_mp3.h
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+tdefile_mp3_la_SOURCES = tdefile_mp3.cpp
+tdefile_mp3_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_QT) -lDCOP $(LIB_TDECORE) $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdefx $(LIB_KIO) -ltdetexteditor $(taglib_libs) -module $(KDE_PLUGIN)
+tdefile_mp3_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KIO)
+# let automoc handle all of the meta source files (moc)
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) tdefile_mp3.cpp -o $(podir)/tdefile_mp3.pot
+services_DATA = tdefile_mp3.desktop
+servicesdir = $(kde_servicesdir)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/mp3/ b/tdefile-plugins/mp3/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d04bc223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/mp3/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+AM_CONDITIONAL(include_mp3_SUBDIR, test "x$have_taglib" = xyes)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/mp3/tdefile_mp3.cpp b/tdefile-plugins/mp3/tdefile_mp3.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ccabd079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/mp3/tdefile_mp3.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Rolf Magnus <[email protected]>
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Ryan Cumming <[email protected]>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Scott Wheeler <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "tdefile_mp3.h"
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <kstringvalidator.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <tqdict.h>
+#include <tqvalidator.h>
+#include <tqcstring.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqdatetime.h>
+#include <tstring.h>
+#include <tag.h>
+#include <mpegfile.h>
+#include <id3v1genres.h>
+#include <id3v2framefactory.h>
+typedef KGenericFactory<KMp3Plugin> Mp3Factory;
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(tdefile_mp3, Mp3Factory( "tdefile_mp3" ))
+KMp3Plugin::KMp3Plugin(TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList &args)
+ : KFilePlugin(parent, name, args)
+ kdDebug(7034) << "mp3 plugin\n";
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo *info = addMimeTypeInfo("audio/x-mp3");
+ // id3 group
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo *group = addGroupInfo(info, "id3", i18n("ID3 Tag"));
+ setAttributes(group, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Addable |
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::Removable);
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::ItemInfo *item;
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Title", i18n("Title"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Name);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Artist", i18n("Artist"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Author);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Album", i18n("Album"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Date", i18n("Year"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Comment", i18n("Comment"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Description);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Tracknumber", i18n("Track"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Genre", i18n("Genre"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ // technical group
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "Technical", i18n("Technical Details"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Version", i18n("Version"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setPrefix(item, i18n("MPEG "));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Layer", i18n("Layer"), TQVariant::Int);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "CRC", i18n("CRC"), TQVariant::Bool);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Bitrate", i18n("Bitrate"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Averaged);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Bitrate);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n(" kbps"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Sample Rate", i18n("Sample Rate"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n("Hz"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Channels", i18n("Channels"), TQVariant::Int);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Copyright", i18n("Copyright"), TQVariant::Bool);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Original", i18n("Original"), TQVariant::Bool);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Length", i18n("Length"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Cummulative);
+ setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Seconds);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Emphasis", i18n("Emphasis"), TQVariant::String);
+bool KMp3Plugin::readInfo(KFileMetaInfo &info, uint what)
+ kdDebug(7034) << "mp3 plugin readInfo\n";
+ bool readId3 = false;
+ bool readTech = false;
+ typedef enum KFileMetaInfo::What What;
+ if(what & (KFileMetaInfo::Fastest |
+ KFileMetaInfo::DontCare |
+ KFileMetaInfo::ContentInfo))
+ {
+ readId3 = true;
+ }
+ if(what & (KFileMetaInfo::Fastest |
+ KFileMetaInfo::DontCare |
+ KFileMetaInfo::TechnicalInfo))
+ {
+ readTech = true;
+ }
+ if(!readId3 && !readTech)
+ return true;
+ if ( info.path().isEmpty() ) // remote file
+ return false;
+ TagLib::MPEG::File file(TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data(), readTech);
+ if(!file.isOpen())
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Couldn't open " << << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(readId3)
+ {
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup id3group = appendGroup(info, "id3");
+ TQString date = file.tag()->year() > 0 ? TQString::number(file.tag()->year()) : TQString();
+ TQString track = file.tag()->track() > 0 ? TQString::number(file.tag()->track()) : TQString();
+ TQString title = TQString(TStringToQString(file.tag()->title())).stripWhiteSpace();
+ if (!title.isEmpty())
+ appendItem(id3group, "Title", title);
+ TQString artist = TQString(TStringToQString(file.tag()->artist())).stripWhiteSpace();
+ if (!artist.isEmpty())
+ appendItem(id3group, "Artist", artist);
+ TQString album = TQString(TStringToQString(file.tag()->album())).stripWhiteSpace();
+ if (!album.isEmpty())
+ appendItem(id3group, "Album", album);
+ appendItem(id3group, "Date", date);
+ TQString comment = TQString(TStringToQString(file.tag()->comment())).stripWhiteSpace();
+ if (!comment.isEmpty())
+ appendItem(id3group, "Comment", comment);
+ appendItem(id3group, "Tracknumber", track);
+ TQString genre = TQString(TStringToQString(file.tag()->genre())).stripWhiteSpace();
+ if (!genre.isEmpty())
+ appendItem(id3group, "Genre", genre);
+ }
+ if(readTech)
+ {
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup techgroup = appendGroup(info, "Technical");
+ TQString version;
+ switch(file.audioProperties()->version())
+ {
+ case TagLib::MPEG::Header::Version1:
+ version = "1.0";
+ break;
+ case TagLib::MPEG::Header::Version2:
+ version = "2.0";
+ break;
+ case TagLib::MPEG::Header::Version2_5:
+ version = "2.5";
+ break;
+ }
+ static const int dummy = 0; // TQVariant's bool constructor requires a dummy int value.
+ // CRC and Emphasis aren't yet implemented in TagLib (not that I think anyone cares)
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Version", version);
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Layer", file.audioProperties()->layer());
+ // appendItem(techgroup, "CRC", file.audioProperties()->crc());
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Bitrate", file.audioProperties()->bitrate());
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Sample Rate", file.audioProperties()->sampleRate());
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Channels", file.audioProperties()->channels());
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Copyright", TQVariant(file.audioProperties()->isCopyrighted(), dummy));
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Original", TQVariant(file.audioProperties()->isOriginal(), dummy));
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Length", file.audioProperties()->length());
+ // appendItem(techgroup, "Emphasis", file.audioProperties()->empahsis());
+ }
+ kdDebug(7034) << "reading finished\n";
+ return true;
+ * Do translation between KFileMetaInfo items and TagLib::String in a tidy way.
+ */
+class Translator
+ Translator(const KFileMetaInfo &info) : m_info(info) {}
+ TagLib::String operator[](const char *key) const
+ {
+ return QStringToTString(m_info["id3"][key].value().toString());
+ }
+ int toInt(const char *key) const
+ {
+ return m_info["id3"][key].value().toInt();
+ }
+ const KFileMetaInfo &m_info;
+bool KMp3Plugin::writeInfo(const KFileMetaInfo &info) const
+ TagLib::ID3v2::FrameFactory::instance()->setDefaultTextEncoding(TagLib::String::UTF8);
+ TagLib::MPEG::File file(TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data(), false);
+ if(!file.isOpen() || !TagLib::File::isWritable(
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "couldn't open " << info.path() << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ Translator t(info);
+ file.tag()->setTitle(t["Title"]);
+ file.tag()->setArtist(t["Artist"]);
+ file.tag()->setAlbum(t["Album"]);
+ file.tag()->setYear(t.toInt("Date"));
+ file.tag()->setComment(t["Comment"]);
+ file.tag()->setTrack(t.toInt("Tracknumber"));
+ file.tag()->setGenre(t["Genre"]);
+ return true;
+ * A validator that will suggest a list of strings, but allow for free form
+ * strings as well.
+ */
+class ComboValidator : public KStringListValidator
+ ComboValidator(const TQStringList &list, bool rejecting,
+ bool fixupEnabled, TQObject *parent, const char *name) :
+ KStringListValidator(list, rejecting, fixupEnabled, parent, name)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual TQValidator::State validate(TQString &, int &) const
+ {
+ return TQValidator::Acceptable;
+ }
+TQValidator *KMp3Plugin::createValidator(const TQString & /* mimetype */,
+ const TQString &group, const TQString &key,
+ TQObject *parent, const char *name) const
+ kdDebug(7034) << "making a validator for " << group << "/" << key << endl;
+ if(key == "Tracknumber" || key == "Date")
+ {
+ return new TQIntValidator(0, 9999, parent, name);
+ }
+ if(key == "Genre")
+ {
+ TQStringList l;
+ TagLib::StringList genres = TagLib::ID3v1::genreList();
+ for(TagLib::StringList::ConstIterator it = genres.begin(); it != genres.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ l.append(TStringToQString((*it)));
+ }
+ return new ComboValidator(l, false, true, parent, name);
+ }
+ return 0;
+#include "tdefile_mp3.moc"
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/mp3/tdefile_mp3.desktop b/tdefile-plugins/mp3/tdefile_mp3.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f83b875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/mp3/tdefile_mp3.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=MP3 Info
+Name[af]=Mp3 Inligting
+Name[ar]=معلومات MP3
+Name[bg]=Информация за MP3
+Name[bn]=এম-পি-৩ (MP3) তথ্য
+Name[br]=Titouroù MP3
+Name[bs]=MP3 informacije
+Name[ca]=Informació MP3
+Name[cs]=MP3 info
+Name[cy]=Gwybodaeth MP3
+Name[el]=Πληροφορίες MP3
+Name[es]=Info MP3
+Name[et]=MP3 info
+Name[eu]=MP3 informazioa
+Name[fa]=اطلاعات MP3
+Name[fr]=Informations Mpeg3
+Name[gl]=Información MP3
+Name[he]=מידע MP3
+Name[hi]=MP3 जानकारी
+Name[hr]=Informacije o MP3 datoteci
+Name[is]=MP3 upplýsingar
+Name[it]=Informazioni MP3
+Name[ja]=MP3 情報
+Name[kk]=MP3 мәліметі
+Name[km]=ព័ត៌មាន MP3
+Name[ko]=MP3 정보
+Name[lt]=MP3 informacija
+Name[mk]=MP3 информации
+Name[nb]=MP3 informasjon
+Name[ne]=MP3 सूचना
+Name[pa]=MP3 ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Name[pl]=Informacja o pliku MP3
+Name[pt]=Informação do MP3
+Name[pt_BR]=Informações sobre MP3
+Name[ro]=Informaţii MP3
+Name[ru]=Сведения о MP3
+Name[rw]=Amakuru MP3
+Name[sl]=Podatki o MP3
+Name[sr]=Информације о MP3-ју
+Name[sr@Latn]=Informacije o MP3-ju
+Name[ta]=MP3 தகவல்
+Name[tg]=MP3 Ахборот
+Name[th]=ข้อมูล MP3
+Name[tr]=MP3 Bilgisi
+Name[uk]=Інформація по MP3
+Name[uz]=MP3 haqida maʼlumot
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=MP3 ҳақида маълумот
+Name[wa]=Infôrmåcion MP3
+Name[xh]=MP3 ulwazi
+Name[zh_CN]=MP3 信息
+Name[zh_HK]=MP3 資訊
+Name[zh_TW]=MP3 資訊
+Name[zu]=Ulwazi lwe-MP3
+PreferredItems=Title,Artist,Album,Tracknumber,Genre,Bitrate,Length,Date,Comment,Sample Rate,Channels,Version,Layer,Copyright,Original,CRC
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/mp3/tdefile_mp3.h b/tdefile-plugins/mp3/tdefile_mp3.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..209c81a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/mp3/tdefile_mp3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Rolf Magnus <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __KFILE_MP3_H__
+#define __KFILE_MP3_H__
+#include <tdefilemetainfo.h>
+class TQStringList;
+class KMp3Plugin: public KFilePlugin
+ KMp3Plugin(TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList &args);
+ virtual bool readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what );
+ virtual bool writeInfo( const KFileMetaInfo& info) const;
+ virtual TQValidator *createValidator(const TQString &mimetype,
+ const TQString &group,
+ const TQString &key,
+ TQObject *parent, const char *name) const;
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/mpc/ b/tdefile-plugins/mpc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c1cc840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/mpc/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## for MPC file meta info plugin
+# set the include path for X, qt, KDE and TagLib
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes) $(taglib_includes)
+# these are the headers for your project
+noinst_HEADERS = tdefile_mpc.h
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+tdefile_mpc_la_SOURCES = tdefile_mpc.cpp
+tdefile_mpc_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_QT) -lDCOP $(LIB_TDECORE) $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdefx $(LIB_KIO) -ltdetexteditor $(taglib_libs) -module $(KDE_PLUGIN)
+tdefile_mpc_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KIO)
+# let automoc handle all of the meta source files (moc)
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) tdefile_mpc.cpp -o $(podir)/tdefile_mpc.pot
+services_DATA = tdefile_mpc.desktop
+servicesdir = $(kde_servicesdir)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/mpc/ b/tdefile-plugins/mpc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6590e6c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/mpc/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+AM_CONDITIONAL(include_mpc_SUBDIR, test "x$have_taglib_mpc" = xyes)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/mpc/tdefile_mpc.cpp b/tdefile-plugins/mpc/tdefile_mpc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc4828fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/mpc/tdefile_mpc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Allan Sandfeld Jensen <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Originally based upon the tdefile_ogg plugin:
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Rolf Magnus <[email protected]>
+ * Interfacing to TagLib is copied from tdefile_mp3 plugin:
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Scott Wheeler <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "tdefile_mpc.h"
+#include <tqcstring.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqdatetime.h>
+#include <tqdict.h>
+#include <tqvalidator.h>
+#include <tqfileinfo.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <ksavefile.h>
+#include <tstring.h>
+#include <tfile.h>
+#include <mpcfile.h>
+#include <tag.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(tdefile_mpc, KGenericFactory<KMpcPlugin>("tdefile_mpc"))
+KMpcPlugin::KMpcPlugin( TQObject *parent, const char *name,
+ const TQStringList &args )
+ : KFilePlugin( parent, name, args )
+ kdDebug(7034) << "mpc plugin\n";
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo* info = addMimeTypeInfo( "audio/x-musepack" );
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo* group = 0;
+ // comment group
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "Comment", i18n("Comment"));
+ setAttributes(group, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Addable |
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::Removable);
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::ItemInfo* item = 0;
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Artist", i18n("Artist"), TQVariant::String);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Author);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Title", i18n("Title"), TQVariant::String);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Name);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Album", i18n("Album"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Genre", i18n("Genre"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Tracknumber", i18n("Track Number"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Date", i18n("Date"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Description", i18n("Description"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Organization", i18n("Organization"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Location", i18n("Location"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Copyright", i18n("Copyright"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ addVariableInfo(group, TQVariant::String, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Addable |
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::Removable |
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ // technical group
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "Technical", i18n("Technical Details"));
+ setAttributes(group, 0);
+ addItemInfo(group, "Channels", i18n("Channels"), TQVariant::Int);
+ addItemInfo(group, "Version", i18n("Version"), TQVariant::Int);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Sample Rate", i18n("Sample Rate"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n(" Hz"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Bitrate", i18n("Average Bitrate"),
+ TQVariant::Int);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Averaged);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Bitrate);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n( " kbps"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Length", i18n("Length"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Cummulative);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Length);
+ setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Seconds);
+bool KMpcPlugin::readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what )
+ bool readComment = false;
+ bool readTech = false;
+ if (what & (KFileMetaInfo::Fastest |
+ KFileMetaInfo::DontCare |
+ KFileMetaInfo::ContentInfo)) readComment = true;
+ if (what & (KFileMetaInfo::Fastest |
+ KFileMetaInfo::DontCare |
+ KFileMetaInfo::TechnicalInfo)) readTech = true;
+ if ( info.path().isEmpty() ) // remote file
+ return false;
+ TagLib::File *file = new TagLib::MPC::File(TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data(), readTech);
+ if (!file->isOpen())
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Couldn't open " << file->name() << endl;
+ delete file;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(readComment)
+ {
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup commentgroup = appendGroup(info, "Comment");
+ TQString date = file->tag()->year() > 0 ? TQString::number(file->tag()->year()) : TQString();
+ TQString track = file->tag()->track() > 0 ? TQString::number(file->tag()->track()) : TQString();
+ appendItem(commentgroup, "Title", TQString(TStringToQString(file->tag()->title())).stripWhiteSpace());
+ appendItem(commentgroup, "Artist", TQString(TStringToQString(file->tag()->artist())).stripWhiteSpace());
+ appendItem(commentgroup, "Album", TQString(TStringToQString(file->tag()->album())).stripWhiteSpace());
+ appendItem(commentgroup, "Date", date);
+ appendItem(commentgroup, "Comment", TQString(TStringToQString(file->tag()->comment())).stripWhiteSpace());
+ appendItem(commentgroup, "Tracknumber", track);
+ appendItem(commentgroup, "Genre", TQString(TStringToQString(file->tag()->genre())).stripWhiteSpace());
+ }
+ if (readTech)
+ {
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup techgroup = appendGroup(info, "Technical");
+ TagLib::MPC::Properties *properties =
+ (TagLib::MPC::Properties*)(file->audioProperties());
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Bitrate", properties->bitrate());
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Sample Rate", properties->sampleRate());
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Channels", properties->channels());
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Length", properties->length());
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Version", properties->mpcVersion());
+ }
+ delete file;
+ return true;
+ * Do translation between KFileMetaInfo items and TagLib::String in a tidy way.
+ */
+class Translator
+ Translator(const KFileMetaInfo &info) : m_info(info) {}
+ TagLib::String operator[](const char *key) const
+ {
+ return QStringToTString(m_info["Comment"][key].value().toString());
+ }
+ int toInt(const char *key) const
+ {
+ return m_info["Comment"][key].value().toInt();
+ }
+ const KFileMetaInfo &m_info;
+bool KMpcPlugin::writeInfo(const KFileMetaInfo& info) const
+ TagLib::File *file;
+ if (!TagLib::File::isWritable(TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data())) {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "can't write to " << info.path() << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ file = new TagLib::MPC::File(TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data(), false);
+ if(!file->isOpen())
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "couldn't open " << info.path() << endl;
+ delete file;
+ return false;
+ }
+ Translator t(info);
+ file->tag()->setTitle(t["Title"]);
+ file->tag()->setArtist(t["Artist"]);
+ file->tag()->setAlbum(t["Album"]);
+ file->tag()->setYear(t.toInt("Date"));
+ file->tag()->setComment(t["Comment"]);
+ file->tag()->setTrack(t.toInt("Tracknumber"));
+ file->tag()->setGenre(t["Genre"]);
+ file->save();
+ delete file;
+ return true;
+TQValidator* KMpcPlugin::createValidator( const TQString&,
+ const TQString &group, const TQString &key,
+ TQObject* parent, const char* name) const
+ if(key == "Tracknumber" || key == "Date")
+ {
+ return new TQIntValidator(0, 9999, parent, name);
+ }
+ else
+ return new TQRegExpValidator(TQRegExp(".*"), parent, name);
+#include "tdefile_mpc.moc"
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/mpc/tdefile_mpc.desktop b/tdefile-plugins/mpc/tdefile_mpc.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d850fb60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/mpc/tdefile_mpc.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Musepack Info
+Name[bg]=Информация за Musepack
+Name[br]=Titouroù Musepack
+Name[bs]=Musepack informacije
+Name[ca]=Informació Musepack
+Name[cs]=Musepack info
+Name[el]=Πληροφορίες Musepack
+Name[es]=Info Musepack
+Name[et]=Musepacki info
+Name[eu]=Musepack informazioa
+Name[fa]=اطلاعات Musepack
+Name[fr]=Informations Musepack
+Name[ga]=Eolas faoi Musepack
+Name[gl]=Información Musepack
+Name[he]=מידע Musepack
+Name[is]=Musepack upplýsingar
+Name[it]=Informazioni Musepack
+Name[ja]=Musepack 情報
+Name[kk]=Musepack мәліметі
+Name[km]=ព័ត៌មាន Musepack
+Name[ko]=Musepack 정보
+Name[lt]=Musepack informacija
+Name[mk]=Musepack информации
+Name[ne]=म्युजप्याक सूचना
+Name[pa]=Musepack ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Name[pl]=Informacja Musepack
+Name[pt]=Informação do Musepack
+Name[pt_BR]=Informações sobre Musepack
+Name[ro]=Informaţii Musepack
+Name[ru]=Сведения о Musepack
+Name[sl]=Podatki o Musepack
+Name[sr]=Информације о Musepack-у
+Name[sr@Latn]=Informacije o Musepack-u
+Name[ta]=MP3 தகவல்
+Name[th]=ข้อมูล Musepack
+Name[tr]=MusePack Bilgisi
+Name[uk]=Інформація по Musepack
+Name[zh_CN]=Musepack 信息
+Name[zh_HK]=Musepack 資訊
+Name[zh_TW]=Musepack 資訊
+PreferredItems=Title,Artist,Album,Tracknumber,Genre,Bitrate,Length,Channels, Date,Description,Organization,Location,Copyright
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/mpc/tdefile_mpc.h b/tdefile-plugins/mpc/tdefile_mpc.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b3345ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/mpc/tdefile_mpc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 Allan Sandfeld Jensen <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Originally based upon the tdefile_ogg plugin:
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Rolf Magnus <[email protected]>
+ * Interfacing to TagLib is copied from tdefile_mp3 plugin:
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Scott Wheeler <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef __KFILE_MPC_H__
+#define __KFILE_MPC_H__
+#include <tdefilemetainfo.h>
+class TQString;
+class TQStringList;
+class KMpcPlugin: public KFilePlugin
+ KMpcPlugin( TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& args );
+ virtual bool readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what);
+ virtual bool writeInfo( const KFileMetaInfo& info ) const;
+ virtual TQValidator* createValidator( const TQString& mimetype,
+ const TQString &group,
+ const TQString &key,
+ TQObject* parent, const char* name) const;
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/mpeg/ b/tdefile-plugins/mpeg/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63fd9460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/mpeg/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## for mpeg file meta info plugin
+# set the include path for X, qt and KDE
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes)
+# these are the headers for your project
+noinst_HEADERS = tdefile_mpeg.h
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+tdefile_mpeg_la_SOURCES = tdefile_mpeg.cpp
+tdefile_mpeg_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_QT) -lDCOP $(LIB_TDECORE) $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdefx $(LIB_KIO) -ltdetexteditor -module $(KDE_PLUGIN)
+tdefile_mpeg_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KIO)
+# let automoc handle all of the meta source files (moc)
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) tdefile_mpeg.cpp -o $(podir)/tdefile_mpeg.pot
+services_DATA = tdefile_mpeg.desktop
+servicesdir = $(kde_servicesdir)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/mpeg/tdefile_mpeg.cpp b/tdefile-plugins/mpeg/tdefile_mpeg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd015422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/mpeg/tdefile_mpeg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Allan Sandfeld Jensen <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+// MPEG KFile plugin
+// Based on reading sourcecode of mpeglib, xinelib and libmpeg3
+// and studying MPEG dumps.
+#include <config.h>
+#include "tdefile_mpeg.h"
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <kstringvalidator.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <tqdict.h>
+#include <tqvalidator.h>
+#include <tqcstring.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqdatetime.h>
+// #include <iostream>
+typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
+typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
+typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
+typedef KGenericFactory<KMpegPlugin> MpegFactory;
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(tdefile_mpeg, MpegFactory( "tdefile_mpeg" ))
+KMpegPlugin::KMpegPlugin(TQObject *parent, const char *name,
+ const TQStringList &args)
+ : KFilePlugin(parent, name, args)
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo* info = addMimeTypeInfo( "video/mpeg" );
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo* group = 0L;
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "Technical", i18n("Technical Details"));
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::ItemInfo* item;
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Length", i18n("Length"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Seconds);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Resolution", i18n("Resolution"), TQVariant::Size);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Frame rate", i18n("Frame Rate"), TQVariant::Double);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n("fps"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Video codec", i18n("Video Codec"), TQVariant::String);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Audio codec", i18n("Audio Codec"), TQVariant::String);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Aspect ratio", i18n("Aspect ratio"), TQVariant::String);
+// Frame-rate table from libmpeg3
+float frame_rate_table[16] =
+ 0.0, /* Pad */
+ (float)24000.0/1001.0, /* Official frame rates */
+ (float)24.0,
+ (float)25.0,
+ (float)30000.0/1001.0,
+ (float)30.0,
+ (float)50.0,
+ (float)60000.0/1001.0,
+ (float)60.0,
+ 1, /* Unofficial economy rates */
+ 5,
+ 10,
+ 12,
+ 15,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+/* Bitrate indexes */
+int bitrate_123[3][16] =
+ { {0,32,64,96,128,160,192,224,256,288,320,352,384,416,448,},
+ {0,32,48,56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,160,192,224,256,320,384,},
+ {0,32,40,48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,160,192,224,256,320,} };
+static const uint16_t sequence_start = 0x01b3;
+static const uint16_t ext_sequence_start = 0x01b5;
+static const uint16_t gop_start = 0x01b8;
+static const uint16_t audio1_packet = 0x01c0;
+static const uint16_t audio2_packet = 0x01d0;
+static const uint16_t private1_packet = 0x01bd;
+static const uint16_t private2_packet = 0x01bf;
+int KMpegPlugin::parse_seq() {
+ uint32_t buf;
+ dstream >> buf;
+ horizontal_size = (buf >> 20);
+ vertical_size = (buf >> 8) & ((1<<12)-1);
+ aspect_ratio = (buf >> 4) & ((1<<4)-1);
+ int framerate_code = buf & ((1<<4)-1);
+ frame_rate = frame_rate_table[framerate_code];
+ dstream >> buf;
+ bitrate = (buf >> 14);
+// kdDebug(7034) << "bitrate: " << bitrate << endl;
+ bool has_intra_matrix = buf & 2;
+ bool has_non_intra_matrix = buf & 1;
+ int matrix = 0;
+ if (has_intra_matrix) matrix +=64;
+ if (has_non_intra_matrix) matrix +=64;
+ mpeg = 1;
+ return matrix;
+void KMpegPlugin::parse_seq_ext() {
+ uint32_t buf;
+ dstream >> buf;
+ uint8_t type = buf >> 28;
+ if (type == 1)
+ mpeg = 2;
+ /*
+ else
+ if (type == 2) {
+ dstream >> buf;
+ // These are display-sizes. I let them override physical sizes.
+ horizontal_size = (buf >> 18);
+ vertical_size = (buf >> 1) & ((1<<14)-1);
+} */
+long KMpegPlugin::parse_gop() {
+ uint32_t buf;
+ dstream >> buf;
+ dstream >> buf;
+ int gop_hour = (buf>>26) & ((1<<5)-1);
+ kdDebug(7034) << "gop_hour: " << gop_hour << endl;
+ int gop_minute = (buf>>20) & ((1<<6)-1);
+ kdDebug(7034) << "gop_minute: " << gop_minute << endl;
+ int gop_second = (buf>>13) & ((1<<6)-1);
+ kdDebug(7034) << "gop_second: " << gop_second << endl;
+ int gop_frame = (buf>>7) & ((1<<6)-1);
+ kdDebug(7034) << "gop_frame: " << gop_frame << endl;
+ long seconds = gop_hour*60*60 + gop_minute*60 + gop_second;
+ return (long)seconds;
+int KMpegPlugin::parse_audio() {
+ uint16_t len;
+ dstream >> len;
+// kdDebug(7034) << "Length of audio packet: " << len << endl;
+ uint8_t buf;
+ int i = 0;
+ for(i=0; i<20; i++) {
+ dstream >> buf;
+ if (buf == 0xff) {
+ dstream >> buf;
+ if ((buf & 0xe0) == 0xe0)
+ goto found_sync;
+ }
+ }
+ kdDebug(7034) << "MPEG audio sync not found" << endl;
+ return len-i;
+ int layer = ((buf >> 1) & 0x3);
+ if (layer == 1)
+ audio_type = 3;
+ else if (layer == 2)
+ audio_type = 2;
+ else if (layer == 3)
+ audio_type = 1;
+ else
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Invalid MPEG audio layer" << endl;
+ dstream >> buf;
+ int bitrate_index = (buf & 0xf0) >> 4;
+ audio_rate = bitrate_123[3-layer][bitrate_index];
+ return len-3-i;
+int KMpegPlugin::skip_packet() {
+ uint16_t len;
+ dstream >> len;
+// kdDebug(7034) << "Length of skipped packet: " << len << endl;
+ return len;
+int KMpegPlugin::skip_riff_chunk() {
+ dstream.setByteOrder(TQDataStream::LittleEndian);
+ uint32_t len;
+ dstream >> len;
+// std::cerr << "Length of skipped chunk: " << len << std::endl;
+ dstream.setByteOrder(TQDataStream::BigEndian);
+ return len;
+int KMpegPlugin::parse_private() {
+ uint16_t len;
+ dstream >> len;
+// kdDebug(7034) << "Length of private packet: " << len << endl;
+ // Match AC3 packets
+ uint8_t subtype;
+ dstream >> subtype;
+ subtype = subtype >> 4;
+ if (subtype == 8) // AC3
+ audio_type = 5;
+ else
+ if (subtype == 10) // LPCM
+ audio_type = 7;
+ return len-1;
+bool KMpegPlugin::find_mpeg_in_cdxa()
+ int skip_len = 0;
+ uint32_t magic;
+ uint32_t data_len;
+ // search for data chunk
+ while (true) {
+ dstream >> magic;
+ if (magic != 0x64617461) { // "fmt "
+ skip_len = skip_riff_chunk();
+ if (! return false;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ // size of chunk
+ dstream >> data_len;
+ int block = 0;
+ // search for mpeg part
+ while(block < 32) {
+ // check for CDXA sync thingy
+ dstream >> magic;
+ // 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00
+ if (magic == 0x00ffffff) {
+// std::cerr << "Found CD sync" << std::endl;
+ // skip 20 bytes
+ if (! return false;
+ dstream >> magic;
+ if (magic == 0x000001ba) {
+// std::cerr << "Found CDXA mpeg" << std::endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else {
+// std::cerr << "CDXA block: #" <<block << ": " << magic << std::endl;
+ if (! return false;
+ block++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+// std::cerr << "Incorrect CDXA block" << std::endl;
+ // shouldn't happen
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+bool KMpegPlugin::read_mpeg()
+ mpeg = 0;
+ audio_type = 0;
+ audio_rate = 0;
+ uint32_t magic;
+ dstream >> magic;
+ if (magic == 0x52494646) // == "RIFF"
+ {
+ dstream >> magic;
+ dstream >> magic;
+ if (magic != 0x43445841) { // 0x43445841 == "CDXA"
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Unknown RIFF file" << endl;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if (!find_mpeg_in_cdxa()) return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (magic != 0x000001ba) {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Not a MPEG-PS file" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint8_t byte;
+ int skip_len = 0;
+ int state = 0;
+ int skimmed = 0;
+ int video_len = 0;
+ int searched = 0;
+ bool video_found = false, audio_found = false, gop_found = false;
+ // Search for MPEG packets
+ for(int i=0; i < 2048; i++) {
+ dstream >> byte;
+ skimmed++;
+ searched++;
+ if (video_len > 0) video_len--;
+ // Use a fast state machine to find 00 00 01 sync code
+ switch (state) {
+ case 0:
+ if (byte == 0)
+ state = 1;
+ else
+ state = 0;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (byte == 0)
+ state = 2;
+ else
+ state = 0;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (byte == 0)
+ state = 2;
+ else
+ if (byte == 1)
+ state = 3;
+ else
+ state = 0;
+ break;
+ case 3: {
+ skimmed -= 4;
+ if (skimmed) {
+// kdDebug(7034) << "Bytes skimmed:" << skimmed << endl;
+ skimmed = 0;
+ }
+// kdDebug(7034) << "Packet of type:" << TQString::number(byte,16) << endl;
+ switch (byte) {
+ case 0xb3:
+ if (video_found) break;
+ skip_len = parse_seq();
+ video_found = true;
+ video_len -= 8;
+ video_len -= skip_len;
+ break;
+ case 0xb5:
+ parse_seq_ext();
+ video_len -= 4;
+ break;
+ case 0xb8:
+ /*
+ if (!gop_found) {
+ start_time = parse_gop();
+ gop_found = true;
+ kdDebug(7034) << "start_time: " << start_time << endl;
+ }
+ */
+ /* nobreak */
+ case 0x00:
+ case 0x01:
+ // skip the rest of the video data
+ if (video_len > 0 && video_found)
+ skip_len = video_len;
+ break;
+ /*
+ case 0xb2:
+ skip_len = parse_user();
+ break;
+ */
+ case 0xba:
+ skip_len = 8;
+ break;
+ case 0xbe:
+ // padding
+ skip_len = skip_packet();
+ break;
+ case 0xe0:
+ // video data
+ if (video_found)
+ skip_len = skip_packet();
+ else
+ video_len = skip_packet();
+ break;
+ case 0xbd:
+ case 0xbf:
+ skip_len = parse_private();
+ break;
+ case 0xc0:
+ case 0xd0:
+ skip_len = parse_audio();
+ audio_found = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+// kdDebug(7034) << "Unhandled packet of type:" << TQString::number(byte,16) << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ state = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (video_found && audio_found /*&& gop_found*/) break;
+ if (skip_len) {
+ if (!
+ return false;
+ searched += skip_len;
+ skip_len = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ if (skimmed)
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Bytes skimmed:" << skimmed << endl;
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Bytes searched:" << searched << endl;
+ */
+ if (mpeg == 0) {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "No sequence-start found" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Search for the last GOP packet and read the time field
+void KMpegPlugin::read_length()
+ end_time = 0;
+ uint8_t byte;
+ int state = 0;
+ // Search for the last gop
+ for(int j=1; j<64; j++) {
+// dstream.setDevice(&file);
+// dstream.setByteOrder(TQDataStream::BigEndian);
+ for(int i=0; i<1024; i++) {
+ dstream >> byte;
+ switch (state) {
+ case 0:
+ if (byte == 0)
+ state = 1;
+ else
+ state = 0;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (byte == 0)
+ state = 2;
+ else
+ state = 0;
+ case 2:
+ if (byte == 0)
+ state = 2;
+ else
+ if (byte == 1)
+ state = 3;
+ else
+ state = 0;
+ case 3:
+ if (byte == 0xb8) {
+ end_time = parse_gop();
+ kdDebug(7034) << "end_time: " << end_time << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ state = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ state = 0;
+ }
+ kdDebug(7034) << "No end GOP found" << endl;
+bool KMpegPlugin::readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint /*what*/)
+ if ( info.path().isEmpty() ) // remote file
+ return false;
+ file.setName(info.path());
+ // open file, set up stream and set endianness
+ if (!
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Couldn't open " << TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data() << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ dstream.setDevice(&file);
+ dstream.setByteOrder(TQDataStream::BigEndian);
+ start_time = end_time = 0L;
+ if (!read_mpeg()) {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "read_mpeg() failed!" << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup group = appendGroup(info, "Technical");
+ appendItem(group, "Frame rate", double(frame_rate));
+ appendItem(group, "Resolution", TQSize(horizontal_size, vertical_size));
+ /* The GOP timings are completely bogus
+ read_length();
+ if (end_time != 0) {
+ //long total_frames = end_time-start_time + 1;
+ long total_time = end_time;
+ appendItem(group, "Length", int(total_time));
+ }
+ // and so is bitrate
+ long total_time = file.size()/((bitrate+audio_rate)*50);
+ appendItem(group, "Length", int(total_time));
+ */
+ if (mpeg == 1)
+ appendItem(group, "Video codec", "MPEG-1");
+ else
+ appendItem(group, "Video codec", "MPEG-2");
+ switch (audio_type) {
+ case 1:
+ appendItem(group, "Audio codec", "MP1");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ appendItem(group, "Audio codec", "MP2");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ appendItem(group, "Audio codec", "MP3");
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ appendItem(group, "Audio codec", "AC3");
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ appendItem(group, "Audio codec", "PCM");
+ break;
+ default:
+ appendItem(group, "Audio codec", i18n("Unknown"));
+ }
+ // MPEG 1 also has an aspect ratio setting, but it works differently,
+ // and I am not sure if it is used.
+ if (mpeg == 2) {
+ switch (aspect_ratio) {
+ case 1:
+ appendItem(group, "Aspect ratio", i18n("default"));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ appendItem(group, "Aspect ratio", "4/3");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ appendItem(group, "Aspect ratio", "16/9");
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ appendItem(group, "Aspect ratio", "2.11/1");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ file.close();
+ return true;
+#include "tdefile_mpeg.moc"
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/mpeg/tdefile_mpeg.desktop b/tdefile-plugins/mpeg/tdefile_mpeg.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20dfe243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/mpeg/tdefile_mpeg.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=MPEG Info
+Name[bg]=Информация за MPEG
+Name[bn]=এম-পেগ তথ্য
+Name[br]=Titouroù MPEG
+Name[bs]=MPEG informacije
+Name[ca]=Informació MPEG
+Name[cs]=MPEG info
+Name[el]=Πληροφορίες MPEG
+Name[es]=Info MPEG
+Name[et]=MPEG info
+Name[eu]=MPEG informazioa
+Name[fa]=اطلاعات MPEG
+Name[fr]=Informations MPEG
+Name[ga]=Eolas MPEG
+Name[gl]=Información MPEG
+Name[he]=מידע MPEG
+Name[is]=MPEG upplýsingar
+Name[it]=Informazioni MPEG
+Name[ja]=MPEG 情報
+Name[kk]=MPEG мәліметі
+Name[km]=ព័ត៌មាន MPEG
+Name[ko]=MPEG 정보
+Name[lt]=MPEG informacija
+Name[nb]=MPEG informasjon
+Name[ne]=एमपीईजी सूचना
+Name[pa]=MPEG ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Name[pl]=Informacja o pliku MPEG
+Name[pt]=Informação do MPEG
+Name[pt_BR]=Informações sobre MPEG
+Name[ru]=Сведения о MPEG
+Name[sl]=Podatki o MPEG
+Name[sr]=Информације о MPEG-у
+Name[sr@Latn]=Informacije o MPEG-u
+Name[th]=ข้อมูล MPEG
+Name[tr]=MP3 Bilgisi
+Name[uk]=Інформація про MPEG
+Name[zh_CN]=MPEG 信息
+Name[zh_HK]=MPEG 資訊
+Name[zh_TW]=MPEG 資訊
+PreferredItems=Length,Resolution,Frame rate,Video codec,Audio codec
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/mpeg/tdefile_mpeg.h b/tdefile-plugins/mpeg/tdefile_mpeg.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13035837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/mpeg/tdefile_mpeg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Allan Sandfeld Jensen <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __KFILE_MPEG_H__
+#define __KFILE_MPEG_H__
+#include <tdefilemetainfo.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+class TQStringList;
+class KMpegPlugin: public KFilePlugin
+ KMpegPlugin( TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& args );
+ virtual bool readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what);
+ int parse_seq();
+ void parse_seq_ext();
+ long parse_gop();
+ int parse_audio();
+ int parse_private();
+ int skip_packet();
+ int skip_riff_chunk();
+ bool find_mpeg_in_cdxa();
+ bool read_mpeg();
+ void read_length();
+ TQFile file;
+ TQDataStream dstream;
+ // MPEG information
+ int horizontal_size;
+ int vertical_size;
+ int aspect_ratio;
+ int bitrate;
+ float frame_rate;
+ int mpeg;
+ int audio_type;
+ int audio_rate;
+ long start_time;
+ long end_time;
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/ogg/ b/tdefile-plugins/ogg/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6590beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/ogg/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## for ogg/vorbis file meta info plugin
+# set the include path for X, qt and KDE
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes)
+# these are the headers for your project
+noinst_HEADERS = tdefile_ogg.h
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+tdefile_ogg_la_SOURCES = tdefile_ogg.cpp vcedit.c
+tdefile_ogg_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_QT) -lDCOP $(LIB_TDECORE) $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdefx $(LIB_KIO) -ltdetexteditor -module $(KDE_PLUGIN)
+tdefile_ogg_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KIO) -logg -lvorbis -lvorbisfile
+# let automoc handle all of the meta source files (moc)
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) tdefile_ogg.cpp -o $(podir)/tdefile_ogg.pot
+services_DATA = tdefile_ogg.desktop
+servicesdir = $(kde_servicesdir)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/ogg/ b/tdefile-plugins/ogg/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35218d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/ogg/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+AM_CONDITIONAL(include_ogg_SUBDIR, test "x$have_oggvorbis" = xyes)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/ogg/tdefile_ogg.cpp b/tdefile-plugins/ogg/tdefile_ogg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b141acb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/ogg/tdefile_ogg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Rolf Magnus <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ */
+#include "tdefile_ogg.h"
+#include "vcedit.h"
+#include <tqcstring.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqdatetime.h>
+#include <tqdict.h>
+#include <tqvalidator.h>
+#include <tqfileinfo.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <ksavefile.h>
+#include <ogg/ogg.h>
+#include <vorbis/codec.h>
+#include <vorbis/vorbisfile.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+// known translations for common ogg/vorbis keys
+// from
+static const char* const knownTranslations[] = {
+ I18N_NOOP("Title"),
+ I18N_NOOP("Version"),
+ I18N_NOOP("Album"),
+ I18N_NOOP("Tracknumber"),
+ I18N_NOOP("Artist"),
+ I18N_NOOP("Organization"),
+ I18N_NOOP("Description"),
+ I18N_NOOP("Genre"),
+ I18N_NOOP("Date"),
+ I18N_NOOP("Location"),
+ I18N_NOOP("Copyright")
+// I18N_NOOP("Isrc") // dunno what an Isrc number is, the link is broken
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(tdefile_ogg, KGenericFactory<KOggPlugin>("tdefile_ogg"))
+KOggPlugin::KOggPlugin( TQObject *parent, const char *name,
+ const TQStringList &args )
+ : KFilePlugin( parent, name, args )
+ kdDebug(7034) << "ogg plugin\n";
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo* info = addMimeTypeInfo( "audio/vorbis" );
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo* group = 0;
+ // comment group
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "Comment", i18n("Comment"));
+ setAttributes(group, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Addable |
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::Removable);
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::ItemInfo* item = 0;
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Artist", i18n("Artist"), TQVariant::String);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Author);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Title", i18n("Title"), TQVariant::String);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Name);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Album", i18n("Album"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Genre", i18n("Genre"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Tracknumber", i18n("Track Number"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Date", i18n("Date"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Description", i18n("Description"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Organization", i18n("Organization"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Location", i18n("Location"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Copyright", i18n("Copyright"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ addVariableInfo(group, TQVariant::String, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Addable |
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::Removable |
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ // technical group
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "Technical", i18n("Technical Details"));
+ setAttributes(group, 0);
+ addItemInfo(group, "Version", i18n("Version"), TQVariant::Int);
+ addItemInfo(group, "Channels", i18n("Channels"), TQVariant::Int);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Sample Rate", i18n("Sample Rate"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n(" Hz"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "UpperBitrate", i18n("Upper Bitrate"),
+ TQVariant::Int);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n(" kbps"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "LowerBitrate", i18n("Lower Bitrate"),
+ TQVariant::Int);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n(" kbps"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "NominalBitrate", i18n("Nominal Bitrate"),
+ TQVariant::Int);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n(" kbps"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Bitrate", i18n("Average Bitrate"),
+ TQVariant::Int);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Averaged);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Bitrate);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n( " kbps"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Length", i18n("Length"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Cummulative);
+ setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Seconds);
+bool KOggPlugin::readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what )
+ // parts of this code taken from ogginfo.c of the vorbis-tools v1.0rc2
+ FILE *fp;
+ OggVorbis_File vf;
+ int rc,i;
+ vorbis_comment *vc;
+ vorbis_info *vi;
+ bool readComment = false;
+ bool readTech = false;
+ if (what & (KFileMetaInfo::Fastest |
+ KFileMetaInfo::DontCare |
+ KFileMetaInfo::ContentInfo)) readComment = true;
+ if (what & (KFileMetaInfo::Fastest |
+ KFileMetaInfo::DontCare |
+ KFileMetaInfo::TechnicalInfo)) readTech = true;
+ memset(&vf, 0, sizeof(OggVorbis_File));
+ if ( info.path().isEmpty() ) // remote file
+ return false;
+ fp = fopen(TQFile::encodeName(info.path()),"rb");
+ if (!fp)
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Unable to open " << TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data() << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ rc = ov_open(fp,&vf,NULL,0);
+ if (rc < 0)
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Unable to understand " << TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data()
+ << ", errorcode=" << rc << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+// info.insert(KFileMetaInfoItem("Vendor", i18n("Vendor"),
+// TQVariant(TQString(vi->vendor))));
+ // get the vorbis comments
+ if (readComment)
+ {
+ vc = ov_comment(&vf,-1);
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup commentGroup = appendGroup(info, "Comment");
+ for (i=0; i < vc->comments; i++)
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << vc->user_comments[i] << endl;
+ TQStringList split = TQStringList::split("=", TQString::fromUtf8(vc->user_comments[i]));
+ split[0] = split[0].lower();
+ split[0][0] = split[0][0].upper();
+ // we have to be sure that the i18n() string always has the same
+ // case. Oh, and is UTF8 ok here?
+ appendItem(commentGroup, split[0], split[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (readTech)
+ {
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup techgroup = appendGroup(info, "Technical");
+ // get other information about the file
+ vi = ov_info(&vf,-1);
+ if (vi)
+ {
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Version", int(vi->version));
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Channels", int(vi->channels));
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Sample Rate", int(vi->rate));
+ if (vi->bitrate_upper > 0)
+ appendItem(techgroup, "UpperBitrate",
+ int(vi->bitrate_upper+500)/1000);
+ if (vi->bitrate_lower > 0)
+ appendItem(techgroup, "LowerBitrate",
+ int(vi->bitrate_lower+500)/1000);
+ if (vi->bitrate_nominal > 0)
+ appendItem(techgroup, "NominalBitrate",
+ int(vi->bitrate_nominal+500)/1000);
+ if (ov_bitrate(&vf,-1) > 0)
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Bitrate", int(ov_bitrate(&vf,-1)+500)/1000);
+ }
+ appendItem(techgroup, "Length", int(ov_time_total(&vf,-1)));
+ }
+ ov_clear(&vf);
+ return true;
+bool KOggPlugin::writeInfo(const KFileMetaInfo& info) const
+ // todo: add writing support
+ FILE* infile;
+ infile = fopen(TQFile::encodeName(info.path()), "r");
+ if (!infile)
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "couldn't open " << info.path() << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ vcedit_state *state=vcedit_new_state();
+ if ( vcedit_open(state, infile)==-1 )
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "error in vcedit_open for " << info.path() << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ struct vorbis_comment* oc = vcedit_comments(state);
+ struct vorbis_comment* vc = state->vc;
+ if(vc) vorbis_comment_clear(vc);
+ if (oc && oc->vendor)
+ {
+ vc->vendor = strdup(oc->vendor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vc->vendor = strdup("");
+ }
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup group = info["Comment"];
+ TQStringList keys = group.keys();
+ TQStringList::Iterator it;
+ for (it = keys.begin(); it!=keys.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ KFileMetaInfoItem item = group[*it];
+ if (!item.isEditable() || !(item.type()==TQVariant::String) )
+ continue;
+ TQCString key = item.key().upper().utf8();
+ if (item.value().canCast(TQVariant::String))
+ {
+ TQCString value = item.value().toString().utf8();
+ kdDebug(7034) << " writing tag " << key << "=" << value << endl;
+ vorbis_comment_add_tag(vc,
+ const_cast<char*>(static_cast<const char*>(key)),
+ const_cast<char*>(static_cast<const char*>(value)));
+ }
+ else
+ kdWarning(7034) << "ignoring " << key << endl;
+ }
+ TQString filename;
+ TQFileInfo fileinfo(info.path());
+ // follow symlinks
+ if (fileinfo.isSymLink())
+ filename = fileinfo.readLink();
+ else
+ filename = info.path();
+ // nothing in TQt or KDE to get the mode as an int?
+ struct stat s;
+ stat(TQFile::encodeName(filename), &s);
+ KSaveFile sf(filename, s.st_mode);
+ FILE* outfile = sf.fstream();
+ if ( sf.status() || !outfile)
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "couldn't create temp file\n";
+ vcedit_clear(state); // frees comment entries and vendor
+ sf.abort();
+ if (vc->vendor) free(vc->vendor);
+ vc->vendor = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ vcedit_write(state,outfile); // calls vcedit_clear() itself so we don't free anything
+ if (vc->vendor) free(vc->vendor);
+ vc->vendor = 0;
+ fclose(infile);
+ sf.close();
+ return true;
+TQValidator* KOggPlugin::createValidator( const TQString&,
+ const TQString &, const TQString &,
+ TQObject* parent, const char* name) const {
+ return new TQRegExpValidator(TQRegExp(".*"), parent, name);
+#include "tdefile_ogg.moc"
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/ogg/tdefile_ogg.desktop b/tdefile-plugins/ogg/tdefile_ogg.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cc7fe6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/ogg/tdefile_ogg.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=OGG Info
+Name[af]=Ogg Inligting
+Name[ar]=معلومات OGG
+Name[bg]=Информация за OGG
+Name[bn]=অগ তথ্য
+Name[br]=Titouroù OGG
+Name[bs]=OGG informacije
+Name[ca]=Informació OGG
+Name[cs]=OGG info
+Name[cy]=Gwybodaeth OGG
+Name[el]=Πληροφορίες OGG
+Name[es]=Info OGG
+Name[et]=OGG info
+Name[eu]=OGG informazioa
+Name[fa]=اطلاعات OGG
+Name[fr]=Informations Ogg Vorbis
+Name[gl]=Información OGG
+Name[he]=מידע OGG
+Name[hi]=OGG जानकारी
+Name[hr]=Informacije o OGG datoteci
+Name[is]=OGG upplýsingar
+Name[it]=Informazioni OGG
+Name[ja]=OGG 情報
+Name[kk]=OGG мәліметі
+Name[km]=ព័ត៌មាន OGG
+Name[ko]=OGG 정보
+Name[lt]=OGG informacija
+Name[mk]=OGG информации
+Name[nb]=OGG informasjon
+Name[ne]=अग सूचना
+Name[pa]=OGG ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Name[pl]=Informacja o pliku OGG
+Name[pt]=Informação do OGG
+Name[pt_BR]=Informação sobre OGG
+Name[ro]=Informaţii OGG
+Name[ru]=Сведения о OGG
+Name[sl]=Podatki o OGG
+Name[sr]=Информације о OGG-у
+Name[sr@Latn]=Informacije o OGG-u
+Name[ta]=OGG தகவல்
+Name[tg]=OGG Ахборот
+Name[th]=ข้อมูล OGG
+Name[tr]=OGG Bilgisi
+Name[uk]=Інформація по OGG
+Name[uz]=OGG haqida maʼlumot
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=OGG ҳақида маълумот
+Name[xh]=OGG Ulwazi
+Name[zh_CN]=OGG 信息
+Name[zh_HK]=OGG 資訊
+Name[zh_TW]=OGG 資訊
+Name[zu]=Ulwazi lwe OGG
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/ogg/tdefile_ogg.h b/tdefile-plugins/ogg/tdefile_ogg.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0737dff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/ogg/tdefile_ogg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Rolf Magnus <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ */
+#ifndef __KFILE_OGG_H__
+#define __KFILE_OGG_H__
+#include <tdefilemetainfo.h>
+class TQString;
+class TQStringList;
+class KOggPlugin: public KFilePlugin
+ KOggPlugin( TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& args );
+ virtual bool readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what);
+ virtual bool writeInfo( const KFileMetaInfo& info ) const;
+ virtual TQValidator* createValidator( const TQString& mimetype,
+ const TQString &group,
+ const TQString &key,
+ TQObject* parent, const char* name) const;
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/ogg/vcedit.c b/tdefile-plugins/ogg/vcedit.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..76e31f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/ogg/vcedit.c
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+/* This program is licensed under the GNU Library General Public License, version 2
+ *
+ * (c) 2000-2001 Michael Smith <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Modified by Warren Spits <[email protected]>
+ * - Handles vorbis files that are truncated or missing an eos flag.
+ *
+ * Comment editing backend, suitable for use by nice frontend interfaces.
+ *
+ * last modified: $Id$
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ogg/ogg.h>
+#include <vorbis/codec.h>
+#include "vcedit.h"
+#define CHUNKSIZE 4096
+vcedit_state *vcedit_new_state(void)
+ vcedit_state *state = malloc(sizeof(vcedit_state));
+ memset(state, 0, sizeof(vcedit_state));
+ return state;
+char *vcedit_error(vcedit_state *state)
+ return state->lasterror;
+vorbis_comment *vcedit_comments(vcedit_state *state)
+ return state->vc;
+static void vcedit_clear_internals(vcedit_state *state)
+ if(state->vc)
+ {
+ vorbis_comment_clear(state->vc);
+ free(state->vc);
+ state->vc=NULL;
+ }
+ if(state->os)
+ {
+ ogg_stream_clear(state->os);
+ free(state->os);
+ state->os=NULL;
+ }
+ if(state->oy)
+ {
+ ogg_sync_clear(state->oy);
+ free(state->oy);
+ state->oy=NULL;
+ }
+void vcedit_clear(vcedit_state *state)
+ if(state)
+ {
+ vcedit_clear_internals(state);
+ free(state);
+ }
+int vcedit_open(vcedit_state *state, FILE *in)
+ return vcedit_open_callbacks(state, (void *)in,
+ (vcedit_read_func)fread, (vcedit_write_func)fwrite);
+int vcedit_open_callbacks(vcedit_state *state, void *in,
+ vcedit_read_func read_func, vcedit_write_func write_func)
+ char *buffer;
+ int bytes,i;
+ ogg_packet *header;
+ ogg_packet header_main;
+ ogg_packet header_comments;
+ ogg_packet header_codebooks;
+ ogg_page og;
+ vorbis_info vi;
+ state->in = in;
+ state->read = read_func;
+ state->write = write_func;
+ state->lasterror = 0;
+ state->oy = malloc(sizeof(ogg_sync_state));
+ ogg_sync_init(state->oy);
+ buffer = ogg_sync_buffer(state->oy, CHUNKSIZE);
+ bytes = state->read(buffer, 1, CHUNKSIZE, state->in);
+ ogg_sync_wrote(state->oy, bytes);
+ if(ogg_sync_pageout(state->oy, &og) != 1)
+ {
+ if(bytes<CHUNKSIZE)
+ state->lasterror = "Input truncated or empty.";
+ else
+ state->lasterror = "Input is not an Ogg bitstream.";
+ goto err;
+ }
+ state->serial = ogg_page_serialno(&og);
+ state->os = malloc(sizeof(ogg_stream_state));
+ ogg_stream_init(state->os, state->serial);
+ vorbis_info_init(&vi);
+ state->vc = malloc(sizeof(vorbis_comment));
+ vorbis_comment_init(state->vc);
+ if(ogg_stream_pagein(state->os, &og) < 0)
+ {
+ state->lasterror = "Error reading first page of Ogg bitstream.";
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if(ogg_stream_packetout(state->os, &header_main) != 1)
+ {
+ state->lasterror = "Error reading initial header packet.";
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if(vorbis_synthesis_headerin(&vi, state->vc, &header_main) < 0)
+ {
+ state->lasterror = "Ogg bitstream does not contain vorbis data.";
+ goto err;
+ }
+ state->mainlen = header_main.bytes;
+ state->mainbuf = malloc(state->mainlen);
+ memcpy(state->mainbuf, header_main.packet, header_main.bytes);
+ i = 0;
+ header = &header_comments;
+ while(i<2) {
+ while(i<2) {
+ int result = ogg_sync_pageout(state->oy, &og);
+ if(result == 0) break; /* Too little data so far */
+ else if(result == 1)
+ {
+ ogg_stream_pagein(state->os, &og);
+ while(i<2)
+ {
+ result = ogg_stream_packetout(state->os, header);
+ if(result == 0) break;
+ if(result == -1)
+ {
+ state->lasterror = "Corrupt secondary header.";
+ goto err;
+ }
+ vorbis_synthesis_headerin(&vi, state->vc, header);
+ if(i==1)
+ {
+ state->booklen = header->bytes;
+ state->bookbuf = malloc(state->booklen);
+ memcpy(state->bookbuf, header->packet,
+ header->bytes);
+ }
+ i++;
+ header = &header_codebooks;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ buffer = ogg_sync_buffer(state->oy, CHUNKSIZE);
+ bytes = state->read(buffer, 1, CHUNKSIZE, state->in);
+ if(bytes == 0 && i < 2)
+ {
+ state->lasterror = "EOF before end of vorbis headers.";
+ goto err;
+ }
+ ogg_sync_wrote(state->oy, bytes);
+ }
+ /* Headers are done! */
+ vorbis_info_clear(&vi);
+ return 0;
+ vcedit_clear_internals(state);
+ return -1;
+int vcedit_write(vcedit_state *state, void *out)
+ ogg_stream_state streamout;
+ ogg_packet header_main;
+ ogg_packet header_comments;
+ ogg_packet header_codebooks;
+ ogg_page ogout, ogin;
+ ogg_packet op;
+ int result, outresult;
+ char *buffer;
+ int bytes, eosin=0, eosout=0;
+ state->lasterror = 0;
+ header_main.bytes = state->mainlen;
+ header_main.packet = state->mainbuf;
+ header_main.b_o_s = 1;
+ header_main.e_o_s = 0;
+ header_main.granulepos = 0;
+ header_codebooks.bytes = state->booklen;
+ header_codebooks.packet = state->bookbuf;
+ header_codebooks.b_o_s = 0;
+ header_codebooks.e_o_s = 0;
+ header_codebooks.granulepos = 0;
+ ogg_stream_init(&streamout, state->serial);
+ vorbis_commentheader_out(state->vc, &header_comments);
+ ogg_stream_packetin(&streamout, &header_main);
+ ogg_stream_packetin(&streamout, &header_comments);
+ ogg_stream_packetin(&streamout, &header_codebooks);
+ while((result = ogg_stream_flush(&streamout, &ogout)))
+ {
+ if(state->write(ogout.header,1,ogout.header_len, out) !=
+ (size_t) ogout.header_len)
+ goto cleanup;
+ if(state->write(ogout.body,1,ogout.body_len, out) !=
+ (size_t) ogout.body_len)
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* We copy the first logical stream
+ * through, rewriting the stream. */
+ while (1)
+ {
+ outresult = eosin ? ogg_stream_flush(&streamout, &ogout) :
+ ogg_stream_pageout(&streamout, &ogout);
+ if (outresult > 0)
+ {
+ if (state->write(ogout.header,1,ogout.header_len,
+ out) != (size_t) ogout.header_len)
+ goto cleanup;
+ if (state->write(ogout.body,1,ogout.body_len,
+ out) != (size_t) ogout.body_len)
+ goto cleanup;
+ if (ogg_page_eos(&ogout)) eosout = 1;
+ }
+ if (outresult != 0) continue;
+ if (eosout || (eosin && (result == 0))) break;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ result = ogg_stream_packetout(state->os, &op);
+ if (result < 0) continue;
+ if (result > 0) ogg_stream_packetin(&streamout, &op);
+ if (eosin || (result > 0)) break;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ result = ogg_sync_pageout(state->oy, &ogin);
+ if (result < 0) continue;
+ if (result > 0)
+ {
+ ogg_stream_pagein(state->os, &ogin);
+ if (ogg_page_eos(&ogin)) eosin = 1;
+ }
+ if (eosin || (result > 0)) break;
+ buffer = ogg_sync_buffer(state->oy, CHUNKSIZE);
+ bytes = state->read(buffer,1, CHUNKSIZE, state->in);
+ ogg_sync_wrote(state->oy, bytes);
+ if (bytes < CHUNKSIZE) eosin = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eosin=0; /* clear it, because not all paths to here do */
+ eosout=1; /* handle input files that are truncated or without an eos flag */
+ /* We copy the rest of the stream (other logical streams)
+ * through, a page at a time. */
+ while (1)
+ {
+ result = ogg_sync_pageout(state->oy, &ogout);
+ if (result > 0)
+ {
+ if (state->write(ogout.header,1,ogout.header_len,
+ out) != (size_t) ogout.header_len)
+ goto cleanup;
+ if (state->write(ogout.body,1,ogout.body_len, out) !=
+ (size_t) ogout.body_len)
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (result != 0) continue;
+ if (eosin) break;
+ buffer = ogg_sync_buffer(state->oy, CHUNKSIZE);
+ bytes = state->read(buffer,1, CHUNKSIZE, state->in);
+ ogg_sync_wrote(state->oy, bytes);
+ eosin = (bytes < CHUNKSIZE);
+ }
+ ogg_stream_clear(&streamout);
+ ogg_packet_clear(&header_comments);
+ free(state->mainbuf);
+ free(state->bookbuf);
+ vcedit_clear_internals(state);
+ if(!(eosin && eosout))
+ {
+ state->lasterror =
+ "Error writing stream to output. "
+ "Output stream may be corrupted or truncated.";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/ogg/vcedit.h b/tdefile-plugins/ogg/vcedit.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6be136ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/ogg/vcedit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2,
+ * a copy of which is included with this program.
+ *
+ * (c) 2000-2001 Michael Smith <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * VCEdit header.
+ *
+ * last modified: $ID:$
+ */
+#ifndef __VCEDIT_H
+#define __VCEDIT_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ogg/ogg.h>
+#include <vorbis/codec.h>
+typedef size_t (*vcedit_read_func)(void *, size_t, size_t, void *);
+typedef size_t (*vcedit_write_func)(const void *, size_t, size_t, void *);
+typedef struct {
+ ogg_sync_state *oy;
+ ogg_stream_state *os;
+ vorbis_comment *vc;
+ vcedit_read_func read;
+ vcedit_write_func write;
+ void *in;
+ long serial;
+ unsigned char *mainbuf;
+ unsigned char *bookbuf;
+ int mainlen;
+ int booklen;
+ char *lasterror;
+} vcedit_state;
+extern vcedit_state * vcedit_new_state(void);
+extern void vcedit_clear(vcedit_state *state);
+extern vorbis_comment * vcedit_comments(vcedit_state *state);
+extern int vcedit_open(vcedit_state *state, FILE *in);
+extern int vcedit_open_callbacks(vcedit_state *state, void *in,
+ vcedit_read_func read_func, vcedit_write_func write_func);
+extern int vcedit_write(vcedit_state *state, void *out);
+extern char * vcedit_error(vcedit_state *state);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __VCEDIT_H */
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/sid/ b/tdefile-plugins/sid/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56bfa54f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/sid/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## for sid file meta info plugin
+# set the include path for X, qt and KDE
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes) $(taglib_includes)
+# these are the headers for your project
+noinst_HEADERS = tdefile_sid.h
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+tdefile_sid_la_SOURCES = tdefile_sid.cpp
+tdefile_sid_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_QT) -lDCOP $(LIB_TDECORE) $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdefx $(LIB_KIO) -ltdetexteditor -module $(KDE_PLUGIN)
+tdefile_sid_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KIO)
+# let automoc handle all of the meta source files (moc)
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) tdefile_sid.cpp -o $(podir)/tdefile_sid.pot
+services_DATA = tdefile_sid.desktop
+servicesdir = $(kde_servicesdir)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/sid/tdefile_sid.cpp b/tdefile-plugins/sid/tdefile_sid.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..543d5b87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/sid/tdefile_sid.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Rolf Magnus <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "tdefile_sid.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <kstringvalidator.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqvalidator.h>
+#include <tqwidget.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+typedef KGenericFactory<KSidPlugin> SidFactory;
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(tdefile_sid, SidFactory("tdefile_sid"))
+KSidPlugin::KSidPlugin(TQObject *parent, const char *name,
+ const TQStringList &args)
+ : KFilePlugin(parent, name, args)
+ kdDebug(7034) << "sid plugin\n";
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo* info = addMimeTypeInfo("audio/prs.sid");
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo* group = 0L;
+ // General group
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "General", i18n("General"));
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::ItemInfo* item;
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Title", i18n("Title"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Name);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Artist", i18n("Artist"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Author);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Copyright", i18n("Copyright"), TQVariant::String);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Modifiable);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Description);
+ // technical group
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "Technical", i18n("Technical Details"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Version", i18n("Version"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setPrefix(item, i18n("PSID v"));
+ addItemInfo(group, "Number of Songs", i18n("Number of Songs"), TQVariant::Int);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Start Song", i18n("Start Song"), TQVariant::Int);
+bool KSidPlugin::readInfo(KFileMetaInfo& info, uint /*what*/)
+ if ( info.path().isEmpty() ) // remote file
+ return false;
+ TQFile file(info.path());
+ if ( ! )
+ return false;
+ int version;
+ int num_songs;
+ int start_song;
+ TQString name;
+ TQString artist;
+ TQString copyright;
+ char buf[64] = { 0 };
+ if (4 != file.readBlock(buf, 4))
+ return false;
+ if (strncmp(buf, "PSID", 4))
+ return false;
+ //read version
+ int ch;
+ if (0 > (ch = file.getch()))
+ return false;
+ version = ch << 8;
+ if (0 > (ch = file.getch()))
+ return false;
+ version+= ch;
+ //read number of songs
+ if (0 > (ch = file.getch()))
+ return false;
+ num_songs = ch << 8;
+ if (0 > (ch = file.getch()))
+ return false;
+ num_songs += ch;
+ //start song
+ if (0 > (ch = file.getch()))
+ return false;
+ start_song = ch << 8;
+ if (0 > (ch = file.getch()))
+ return false;
+ start_song += ch;
+ //name
+ if (32 != file.readBlock(buf, 32))
+ return false;
+ name = buf;
+ //artist
+ if (32 != file.readBlock(buf, 32))
+ return false;
+ artist = buf;
+ //copyright
+ if (32 != file.readBlock(buf, 32))
+ return false;
+ copyright = buf;
+ TQString TODO("TODO");
+ kdDebug(7034) << "sid plugin readInfo\n";
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup general = appendGroup(info, "General");
+ appendItem(general, "Title", name);
+ appendItem(general, "Artist", artist);
+ appendItem(general, "Copyright", copyright);
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup tech = appendGroup(info, "Technical");
+ appendItem(tech, "Version", version);
+ appendItem(tech, "Number of Songs", num_songs);
+ appendItem(tech, "Start Song", start_song);
+ kdDebug(7034) << "reading finished\n";
+ return true;
+bool KSidPlugin::writeInfo(const KFileMetaInfo& info) const
+ kdDebug(7034) << k_funcinfo << endl;
+ char name[32] = {0};
+ char artist[32] = {0};
+ char copyright[32] = {0};
+ int file = 0;
+ TQString s;
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup group ="General");
+ if (!group.isValid())
+ goto failure;
+ s = group.item("Title").value().toString();
+ if (s.isNull()) goto failure;
+ strncpy(name, s.local8Bit(), 31);
+ s = group.item("Artist").value().toString();
+ if (s.isNull()) goto failure;
+ strncpy(artist, s.local8Bit(), 31);
+ s = group.item("Copyright").value().toString();
+ if (s.isNull()) goto failure;
+ strncpy(copyright, s.local8Bit(), 31);
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Opening sid file " << info.path() << endl;
+ file = ::open(TQFile::encodeName(info.path()), O_WRONLY);
+ //name
+ if (-1 == ::lseek(file, 0x16, SEEK_SET))
+ goto failure;
+ if (32 != ::write(file, name, 32))
+ goto failure;
+ //artist
+ if (32 != ::write(file, artist, 32))
+ goto failure;
+ //copyright
+ if (32 != write(file, copyright, 32))
+ goto failure;
+ close(file);
+ return true;
+ if (file) close(file);
+ kdDebug(7034) << "something went wrong writing to sid file\n";
+ return false;
+KSidPlugin::createValidator(const TQString& /*mimetype*/, const TQString& group,
+ const TQString& /*key*/, TQObject* parent,
+ const char* name) const
+ kdDebug(7034) << k_funcinfo << endl;
+ // all items in "General" group are strings of max length 31
+ if (group == "General")
+ return new TQRegExpValidator(TQRegExp(".{,31}"), parent, name);
+ // all others are read-only
+ return 0;
+#include "tdefile_sid.moc"
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/sid/tdefile_sid.desktop b/tdefile-plugins/sid/tdefile_sid.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..117f2905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/sid/tdefile_sid.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=SID Info
+Name[bg]=Информация за SID
+Name[br]=Titouroù SID
+Name[bs]=SID informacije
+Name[ca]=Informació SID
+Name[cs]=SID info
+Name[cy]=Gwybodaeth SID
+Name[el]=Πληροφορίες SID
+Name[es]=Info SID
+Name[et]=SID info
+Name[eu]=SID informazioa
+Name[fa]=اطلاعات SID
+Name[fr]=Informations SID
+Name[ga]=Eolas faoi SID
+Name[gl]=Información SID
+Name[he]=מידע SID
+Name[is]=SID upplýsingar
+Name[it]=Informazioni SID
+Name[ja]=SID 情報
+Name[kk]=SID мәліметі
+Name[km]=ព័ត៌មាន SID
+Name[ko]=SID 정보
+Name[lt]=SID Informacija
+Name[mk]=SID информации
+Name[ne]=एसआईडी सूचना
+Name[pa]=SID ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Name[pl]=Informacja CD
+Name[pt]=Informação do SID
+Name[pt_BR]=Informação sobre SID
+Name[ro]=Informaţii SID
+Name[ru]=Сведения о SID
+Name[sk]=SID info
+Name[sl]=Podatki o SID
+Name[sr]=Информације о SID-у
+Name[sr@Latn]=Informacije o SID-u
+Name[ta]=SID தகவல்
+Name[tg]=SID Ахборот
+Name[th]=ข้อมูล SID
+Name[tr]=SID Bilgisi
+Name[uk]=Інформація по SID
+Name[zh_CN]=SID 信息
+Name[zh_HK]=SID 資訊
+Name[zh_TW]=SID 資訊
+PreferredItems=Title,Artist,Copyright,Number of Songs,Start Song,Version
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/sid/tdefile_sid.h b/tdefile-plugins/sid/tdefile_sid.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba9931f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/sid/tdefile_sid.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Rolf Magnus <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ */
+#ifndef KFILE_SID_H
+#define KFILE_SID_H
+#include <tdefilemetainfo.h>
+class TQStringList;
+class KSidPlugin: public KFilePlugin
+ KSidPlugin(TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& args);
+ virtual bool readInfo(KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what);
+ virtual bool writeInfo(const KFileMetaInfo& info) const;
+ TQValidator* createValidator(const TQString& mimetype, const TQString& group,
+ const TQString& key, TQObject* parent,
+ const char* name) const;
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/theora/ b/tdefile-plugins/theora/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c44a102d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/theora/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## for ogg/vorbis file meta info plugin
+# set the include path for X, qt and KDE
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes)
+# these are the headers for your project
+noinst_HEADERS = tdefile_theora.h
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+tdefile_theora_la_SOURCES = tdefile_theora.cpp
+tdefile_theora_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_QT) -lDCOP $(LIB_TDECORE) $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdefx $(LIB_KIO) -ltdetexteditor -module $(KDE_PLUGIN)
+tdefile_theora_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KIO) -logg -lvorbis -ltheora
+# let automoc handle all of the meta source files (moc)
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) tdefile_theora.cpp -o $(podir)/tdefile_theora.pot
+services_DATA = tdefile_theora.desktop
+servicesdir = $(kde_servicesdir)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/theora/ b/tdefile-plugins/theora/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..926a39e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/theora/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+if test "x$with_theora" = xcheck && test "x$have_theora" = xno; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "Ogg Theora support was not found."
+ echo "a KFile-plugin for displaying Ogg Theora Information"
+ echo "has been disabled from compilation."
+ all_tests=bad
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/theora/ b/tdefile-plugins/theora/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9d8836d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/theora/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ [], [have_theora=no])
+KDE_CHECK_LIB(theora, theora_info_init,
+ [], [have_theora=no], [-lvorbis -logg])
+ [AC_HELP_STRING(--with-theora,
+ [enable support for Ogg Theora @<:@default=check@:>@])],
+ [], with_theora=check)
+if test "x$with_theora" != xno; then
+ if test "x$with_theora" != xcheck && test "x$have_theora" != xyes; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-theora was given, but test for Theora failed])
+ fi
+AM_CONDITIONAL(include_theora_SUBDIR, test "x$have_theora" = xyes)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/theora/tdefile_theora.cpp b/tdefile-plugins/theora/tdefile_theora.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20e4e337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/theora/tdefile_theora.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <config.h>
+#include "tdefile_theora.h"
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include "theora/theora.h"
+#include "vorbis/codec.h"
+ogg_stream_state t_stream_state;
+ogg_stream_state v_stream_state;
+int theora_p=0;
+int vorbis_p=0;
+static int queue_page(ogg_page *page)
+ if(theora_p)
+ ogg_stream_pagein(&t_stream_state,page);
+ if(vorbis_p)
+ ogg_stream_pagein(&v_stream_state,page);
+ return 0;
+static int buffer_data(FILE *in,ogg_sync_state *oy)
+ char *buffer=ogg_sync_buffer(oy,4096);
+ int bytes=fread(buffer,1,4096,in);
+ ogg_sync_wrote(oy,bytes);
+ return(bytes);
+typedef KGenericFactory<theoraPlugin> theoraFactory;
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(tdefile_theora, theoraFactory( "tdefile_theora" ))
+theoraPlugin::theoraPlugin(TQObject *parent, const char *name,
+ const TQStringList &args)
+ : KFilePlugin(parent, name, args)
+// kdDebug(7034) << "theora plugin\n";
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo* info = addMimeTypeInfo( "video/x-theora" );
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo* group = 0;
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::ItemInfo* item;
+ // video group
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "Video", i18n("Video Details"));
+ setAttributes(group, 0);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Length", i18n("Length"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Seconds);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Length);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Resolution", i18n("Resolution"), TQVariant::Size);
+ setHint(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Size);
+ setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Pixels);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "FrameRate", i18n("Frame Rate"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::FramesPerSecond);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "TargetBitrate", i18n("Target Bitrate"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Bitrate);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Quality", i18n("Quality"), TQVariant::Int);
+ // audio group
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "Audio", i18n("Audio Details"));
+ setAttributes(group, 0);
+ addItemInfo(group, "Channels", i18n("Channels"), TQVariant::Int);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "SampleRate", i18n("Sample Rate"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Hertz);
+bool theoraPlugin::readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what)
+ // most of the ogg stuff was borrowed from libtheora/examples/player_example.c
+ FILE *fp;
+ ogg_sync_state o_sync_state;
+ ogg_packet o_packet;
+ ogg_page o_page;
+ theora_info t_info;
+ theora_comment t_comment;
+ theora_state t_state;
+ vorbis_info v_info;
+ vorbis_comment v_comment;
+ theora_p=0;
+ vorbis_p=0;
+ int theora_serial=0;
+ int stateflag=0;
+ ogg_int64_t duration=0;
+ // libtheora is still a bit unstable and sadly the init_ functions don't
+ // take care of things the way one would expect. So, let's do some explicit
+ // clearing of these fields.
+ memset(&t_info, 0, sizeof(theora_info));
+ memset(&t_comment, 0, sizeof(theora_comment));
+ memset(&t_state, 0, sizeof(theora_state));
+ bool readTech = false;
+ if (what & (KFileMetaInfo::Fastest |
+ KFileMetaInfo::DontCare |
+ KFileMetaInfo::TechnicalInfo))
+ readTech = true;
+ if ( info.path().isEmpty() ) // remote file
+ return false;
+ fp = fopen(TQFile::encodeName(info.path()),"rb");
+ if (!fp)
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Unable to open " << TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data() << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ogg_sync_init(&o_sync_state);
+ /* init supporting Vorbis structures needed in header parsing */
+ vorbis_info_init(&v_info);
+ vorbis_comment_init(&v_comment);
+ /* init supporting Theora structures needed in header parsing */
+ theora_comment_init(&t_comment);
+ theora_info_init(&t_info);
+ while(!stateflag && buffer_data(fp,&o_sync_state)!=0)
+ {
+ while (ogg_sync_pageout(&o_sync_state,&o_page)>0)
+ {
+ ogg_stream_state stream_test;
+ /* is this a mandated initial header? If not, stop parsing */
+ if(!ogg_page_bos(&o_page))
+ {
+ queue_page(&o_page);
+ stateflag=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ ogg_stream_init(&stream_test,ogg_page_serialno(&o_page));
+ ogg_stream_pagein(&stream_test,&o_page);
+ ogg_stream_packetout(&stream_test,&o_packet);
+ /* identify the codec: try theora */
+ if(!theora_p && theora_decode_header(&t_info,&t_comment,&o_packet)>=0)
+ {
+ /* it is theora */
+ memcpy(&t_stream_state,&stream_test,sizeof(stream_test));
+ theora_serial=ogg_page_serialno(&o_page);
+ theora_p=1;
+ }
+ else if(!vorbis_p && vorbis_synthesis_headerin(&v_info,&v_comment,&o_packet)>=0)
+ {
+ /* it is vorbis */
+ memcpy(&v_stream_state,&stream_test,sizeof(stream_test));
+ vorbis_p=1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* whatever it is, we don't care about it */
+ ogg_stream_clear(&stream_test);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* we're expecting more header packets. */
+ bool corruptedHeaders=false;
+ while((theora_p && theora_p<3) || (vorbis_p && vorbis_p<3))
+ {
+ int ret;
+ /* look for further theora headers */
+ while(theora_p && (theora_p<3) && (ret=ogg_stream_packetout(&t_stream_state,&o_packet)))
+ {
+ if(ret<0)
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034)<<"Error parsing Theora stream headers; corrupt stream?\n"<<endl;
+ corruptedHeaders=true;
+ }
+ if(theora_decode_header(&t_info,&t_comment,&o_packet))
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034)<<"Error parsing Theora stream headers; corrupt stream?"<<endl;
+ corruptedHeaders=true;
+ }
+ theora_p++;
+ if(theora_p==3)
+ break;
+ }
+ /* look for more vorbis header packets */
+ while(vorbis_p && (vorbis_p<3) && (ret=ogg_stream_packetout(&v_stream_state,&o_packet)))
+ {
+ if(ret<0)
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034)<<"Error parsing Vorbis stream headers; corrupt stream"<<endl;
+ corruptedHeaders=true;
+ }
+ if(vorbis_synthesis_headerin(&v_info,&v_comment,&o_packet))
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034)<<"Error parsing Vorbis stream headers; corrupt stream?"<<endl;
+ corruptedHeaders=true;
+ }
+ vorbis_p++;
+ if(vorbis_p==3)
+ break;
+ }
+ /* The header pages/packets will arrive before anything else we
+ care about, or the stream is not obeying spec */
+ if(ogg_sync_pageout(&o_sync_state,&o_page)>0)
+ {
+ queue_page(&o_page);
+ /* demux into the appropriate stream */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int ret=buffer_data(fp,&o_sync_state); /* someone needs more data */
+ if(ret==0)
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034)<<"End of file while searching for codec headers."<<endl;
+ corruptedHeaders=true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* and now we have it all. initialize decoders */
+ if(theora_p && !corruptedHeaders)
+ {
+ theora_decode_init(&t_state,&t_info);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* tear down the partial theora setup */
+ theora_info_clear(&t_info);
+ theora_comment_clear(&t_comment);
+ vorbis_info_clear(&v_info);
+ vorbis_comment_clear(&v_comment);
+ ogg_sync_clear(&o_sync_state);
+ fclose(fp);
+ return false;
+ }
+ //queue_page(&o_page);
+ while (buffer_data(fp,&o_sync_state))
+ {
+ while (ogg_sync_pageout(&o_sync_state,&o_page)>0)
+ {
+ // The following line was commented out by Scott Wheeler <[email protected]>
+ // We don't actually need to store all of the pages / packets in memory since
+ // (a) libtheora doesn't use them anyway in the one call that we make after this
+ // that usese t_state and (b) it basically buffers the entire file to memory if
+ // we queue them up like this and that sucks where a typical file size is a few
+ // hundred megs.
+ // queue_page(&o_page);
+ }
+ if (theora_serial==ogg_page_serialno(&o_page))
+ duration=(ogg_int64_t) theora_granule_time(&t_state,ogg_page_granulepos(&o_page));
+ }
+ if (readTech)
+ {
+ int stream_fps=0;
+ if (t_info.fps_denominator!=0)
+ stream_fps=t_info.fps_numerator/t_info.fps_denominator;
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup videogroup = appendGroup(info, "Video");
+ appendItem(videogroup, "Length", int (duration));
+ appendItem(videogroup, "Resolution", TQSize(t_info.frame_width,t_info.frame_height));
+ appendItem(videogroup, "FrameRate", stream_fps);
+ appendItem(videogroup, "Quality", (int) t_info.quality);
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup audiogroup = appendGroup(info, "Audio");
+ appendItem(audiogroup, "Channels", v_info.channels);
+ appendItem(audiogroup, "SampleRate", int(v_info.rate));
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ if (vorbis_p)
+ {
+ ogg_stream_clear(&v_stream_state);
+ vorbis_comment_clear(&v_comment);
+ vorbis_info_clear(&v_info);
+ }
+ ogg_stream_clear(&t_stream_state);
+ theora_clear(&t_state);
+ theora_comment_clear(&t_comment);
+ theora_info_clear(&t_info);
+ ogg_sync_clear(&o_sync_state);
+ return true;
+#include "tdefile_theora.moc"
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/theora/tdefile_theora.desktop b/tdefile-plugins/theora/tdefile_theora.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3adfa26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/theora/tdefile_theora.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=theora Info
+Name[bg]=Информация за theora
+Name[bn]=থিওরা তথ্য
+Name[br]=Titouroù diwar-benn theora
+Name[bs]=theora informacije
+Name[ca]=Informació theora
+Name[cs]=theora info
+Name[el]=Πληροφορίες theora
+Name[es]=Info Theora
+Name[et]=Theora info
+Name[eu]=theora informazioa
+Name[fa]=اطلاعات theora
+Name[fi]=Theoran tiedot
+Name[fr]=Informations theora
+Name[ga]=Eolas faoi theora
+Name[gl]=Información theora
+Name[he]=מידע theora
+Name[is]=theora upplýsingar
+Name[it]=Informazioni su theora
+Name[ja]=theora 情報
+Name[kk]=theora мәліметі
+Name[km]=ព័ត៌មាន theora
+Name[ko]=theora 정보
+Name[lt]=theora Informacija
+Name[mk]=theora информации
+Name[ne]=थिवरा सूचना
+Name[pa]=theora (ਥੋਰਾ) ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Name[pl]=Informacja o pliku theora
+Name[pt]=Informação do theora
+Name[pt_BR]=Informação sobre theora
+Name[ru]=Сведения о theora
+Name[sk]=theora info
+Name[sl]=Podatki o Theora
+Name[sr]=Информације о theora-и
+Name[sr@Latn]=Informacije o theora-i
+Name[ta]= தியோரா தகவல்
+Name[th]=ข้อมูล theora
+Name[tr]=theora Bilgisi
+Name[uk]=Інформація по theora
+Name[zh_CN]=theora 信息
+Name[zh_HK]=theora 資訊
+Name[zh_TW]=theora 資訊
+# change MimeType here! (example: inode/directory)
+# change PreferredGroups here! (example: FolderInfo)
+# change PreferredItems here! (example: Items;Size)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/theora/tdefile_theora.h b/tdefile-plugins/theora/tdefile_theora.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88e465c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/theora/tdefile_theora.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __KFILE_THEORA_H__
+#define __KFILE_THEORA_H__
+ * Note: For further information look into <$TDEDIR/include/tdefilemetainfo.h>
+ */
+#include <tdefilemetainfo.h>
+class TQStringList;
+class theoraPlugin: public KFilePlugin
+ theoraPlugin( TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& args );
+ virtual bool readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what);
+#endif // __KFILE_THEORA_H__
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/wav/ b/tdefile-plugins/wav/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f755f395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/wav/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## for wav file meta info plugin
+# set the include path for X, qt and KDE
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes)
+# these are the headers for your project
+noinst_HEADERS = tdefile_wav.h
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+tdefile_wav_la_SOURCES = tdefile_wav.cpp
+tdefile_wav_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_QT) -lDCOP $(LIB_TDECORE) $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdefx $(LIB_KIO) -ltdetexteditor -module $(KDE_PLUGIN)
+tdefile_wav_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KIO)
+# let automoc handle all of the meta source files (moc)
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) tdefile_wav.cpp -o $(podir)/tdefile_wav.pot
+services_DATA = tdefile_wav.desktop
+servicesdir = $(kde_servicesdir)
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/wav/tdefile_wav.cpp b/tdefile-plugins/wav/tdefile_wav.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c1f61ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/wav/tdefile_wav.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Ryan Cumming <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "tdefile_wav.h"
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <kstringvalidator.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <tqdict.h>
+#include <tqvalidator.h>
+#include <tqcstring.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqdatetime.h>
+#if !defined(__osf__)
+#include <inttypes.h>
+typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
+typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
+typedef KGenericFactory<KWavPlugin> WavFactory;
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(tdefile_wav, WavFactory( "tdefile_wav" ))
+KWavPlugin::KWavPlugin(TQObject *parent, const char *name,
+ const TQStringList &args)
+ : KFilePlugin(parent, name, args)
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo* info = addMimeTypeInfo( "audio/x-wav" );
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo* group = 0L;
+ // "the" group
+ group = addGroupInfo(info, "Technical", i18n("Technical Details"));
+ KFileMimeTypeInfo::ItemInfo* item;
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Sample Size", i18n("Sample Size"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n(" bits"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Sample Rate", i18n("Sample Rate"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setSuffix(item, i18n(" Hz"));
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Channels", i18n("Channels"), TQVariant::Int);
+ item = addItemInfo(group, "Length", i18n("Length"), TQVariant::Int);
+ setAttributes(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Cummulative);
+ setUnit(item, KFileMimeTypeInfo::Seconds);
+bool KWavPlugin::readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint /*what*/)
+ if ( info.path().isEmpty() ) // remote file
+ return false;
+ TQFile file(info.path());
+ uint32_t format_size;
+ uint16_t format_tag;
+ uint16_t channel_count;
+ uint32_t sample_rate;
+ uint32_t bytes_per_second;
+ uint16_t bytes_per_sample;
+ uint16_t sample_size;
+ uint32_t data_size;
+ uint32_t unknown_chunk_size;
+ uint16_t unknown_chunk16;
+ bool have_fmt = false;
+ bool have_data = false;
+ TQIODevice::Offset file_length;
+ const char *riff_signature = "RIFF";
+ const char *wav_signature = "WAVE";
+ const char *fmt_signature = "fmt ";
+ const char *data_signature = "data";
+ char signature_buffer[4];
+ if (!
+ {
+ kdDebug(7034) << "Couldn't open " << TQFile::encodeName(info.path()).data() << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ file_length = file.size() - 100; // a bit of insurance
+ TQDataStream dstream(&file);
+ // WAV files are little-endian
+ dstream.setByteOrder(TQDataStream::LittleEndian);
+ // Read and verify the RIFF signature
+ dstream.readRawBytes(signature_buffer, 4);
+ if (memcmp(signature_buffer, riff_signature, 4))
+ return false;
+ // Skip the next bit (total file size, pretty useless)
+ // Read and verify the WAVE signature
+ dstream.readRawBytes(signature_buffer, 4);
+ if (memcmp(signature_buffer, wav_signature, 4))
+ return false;
+ // pretty dumb scanner, but better than what we had!
+ do
+ {
+ dstream.readRawBytes(signature_buffer, 4);
+ if (!memcmp(signature_buffer, fmt_signature, 4)) {
+ dstream >> format_size;
+ dstream >> format_tag;
+ dstream >> channel_count;
+ dstream >> sample_rate;
+ dstream >> bytes_per_second;
+ dstream >> bytes_per_sample;
+ dstream >> sample_size;
+ have_fmt = true;
+ if ( format_size > 16 ) {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (format_size-16+1)/2; i++)
+ dstream >> unknown_chunk16;
+ }
+ } else if (!memcmp(signature_buffer, data_signature, 4)) {
+ dstream >> data_size;
+ have_data = true;
+ } else {
+ dstream >> unknown_chunk_size;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unknown_chunk_size+1)/2; i++)
+ dstream >> unknown_chunk16;
+ }
+ if (have_data && have_fmt)
+ break;
+ } while ( < file_length);
+ if ( (!have_data) || (!have_fmt) )
+ return false;
+ // These values are downright illegal
+ if ((!channel_count) || (!bytes_per_second))
+ return false;
+ KFileMetaInfoGroup group = appendGroup(info, "Technical");
+ appendItem(group, "Sample Size", int(sample_size));
+ appendItem(group, "Sample Rate", int(sample_rate));
+ appendItem(group, "Channels", int(channel_count));
+ unsigned int wav_seconds = data_size / bytes_per_second;
+ appendItem(group, "Length", int(wav_seconds));
+ return true;
+#include "tdefile_wav.moc"
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/wav/tdefile_wav.desktop b/tdefile-plugins/wav/tdefile_wav.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..613a3772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/wav/tdefile_wav.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=WAV Info
+Name[af]=Wav Inligting
+Name[ar]=معلومات WAV
+Name[bg]=Информация за WAV
+Name[br]=Titouroù WAV
+Name[bs]=WAV informacije
+Name[ca]=Informació WAV
+Name[cs]=WAV info
+Name[cy]=Gwybodaeth WAV
+Name[el]=Πληροφορίες WAV
+Name[es]=Info WAV
+Name[et]=WAV info
+Name[eu]=WAV informazioa
+Name[fa]=اطلاعات WAV
+Name[fr]=Informations Wave
+Name[gl]=Información WAV
+Name[he]=מידע WAV
+Name[hi]=WAV जानकारी
+Name[hr]=Informacije o WAV datoteci
+Name[is]=WAV upplýsingar
+Name[it]=Informazioni WAV
+Name[ja]=WAV 情報
+Name[kk]=WAV мәліметі
+Name[km]=ព័ត៌មាន WAV
+Name[ko]=WAV 정보
+Name[lt]=WAV informacija
+Name[mk]=WAV информации
+Name[nb]=WAV informasjon
+Name[ne]=वाभ सूचना
+Name[pa]=WAV ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Name[pl]=Informacja o pliku WAV
+Name[pt]=Informação do WAV
+Name[pt_BR]=Informação sobre WAV
+Name[ro]=Informaţii WAV
+Name[ru]=Сведения о WAV
+Name[sl]=Podatki o WAV
+Name[sr]=Информације о WAV-у
+Name[sr@Latn]=Informacije o WAV-u
+Name[ta]=WAV தகவல்
+Name[tg]=WAV Ахборот
+Name[th]=ข้อมูล WAV
+Name[tr]=WAV Bilgisi
+Name[uk]=Інформація по WAV
+Name[uz]=WAV haqida maʼlumot
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=WAV ҳақида маълумот
+Name[xh]=MAV Ulwazi
+Name[zh_CN]=WAV 信息
+Name[zh_HK]=WAV 資訊
+Name[zh_TW]=WAV 資訊
+Name[zu]=Ulwazi lwe WAV
+PreferredItems=Length,Sample Rate,Sample Size,Channels
diff --git a/tdefile-plugins/wav/tdefile_wav.h b/tdefile-plugins/wav/tdefile_wav.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3a5b2ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdefile-plugins/wav/tdefile_wav.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Ryan Cumming <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __KFILE_WAV_H__
+#define __KFILE_WAV_H__
+#include <tdefilemetainfo.h>
+class TQStringList;
+class KWavPlugin: public KFilePlugin
+ KWavPlugin( TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& args );
+ virtual bool readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what);