path: root/kopete/kopete/chatwindow/kopetechatwindow.cpp
diff options
authortoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
committertoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
commitbcb704366cb5e333a626c18c308c7e0448a8e69f (patch)
treef0d6ab7d78ecdd9207cf46536376b44b91a1ca71 /kopete/kopete/chatwindow/kopetechatwindow.cpp
Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features.
BUG:215923 git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'kopete/kopete/chatwindow/kopetechatwindow.cpp')
1 files changed, 1280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kopete/kopete/chatwindow/kopetechatwindow.cpp b/kopete/kopete/chatwindow/kopetechatwindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2af1426d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kopete/kopete/chatwindow/kopetechatwindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1280 @@
+ kopetechatwindow.cpp - Chat Window
+ Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart@>
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2004 by Richard Smith <[email protected]>
+ Copyright (C) 2002 by James Grant
+ Copyright (c) 2002 by Stefan Gehn <metz AT>
+ Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Martijn Klingens <[email protected]>
+ Kopete (c) 2002-2005 by the Kopete developers <[email protected]>
+ *************************************************************************
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ *************************************************************************
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qhbox.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kcursor.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kmenubar.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kwin.h>
+#include <ktempfile.h>
+#include <kkeydialog.h>
+#include <kedittoolbar.h>
+#include <kstatusbar.h>
+#include <kpushbutton.h>
+#include <ktabwidget.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kdialog.h>
+#include <kstringhandler.h>
+#include <ksqueezedtextlabel.h>
+#include <kstdaccel.h>
+#include <kglobalsettings.h>
+#include "chatmessagepart.h"
+#include "chattexteditpart.h"
+#include "chatview.h"
+#include "kopeteapplication.h"
+#include "kopetechatwindow.h"
+#include "kopeteemoticonaction.h"
+#include "kopetegroup.h"
+#include "kopetechatsession.h"
+#include "kopetemetacontact.h"
+#include "kopetepluginmanager.h"
+#include "kopeteprefs.h"
+#include "kopeteprotocol.h"
+#include "kopetestdaction.h"
+#include "kopeteviewmanager.h"
+#include <qtoolbutton.h>
+#include <kactionclasses.h>
+typedef QMap<Kopete::Account*,KopeteChatWindow*> AccountMap;
+typedef QMap<Kopete::Group*,KopeteChatWindow*> GroupMap;
+typedef QMap<Kopete::MetaContact*,KopeteChatWindow*> MetaContactMap;
+typedef QPtrList<KopeteChatWindow> WindowList;
+ AccountMap accountMap;
+ GroupMap groupMap;
+ MetaContactMap mcMap;
+ WindowList windows;
+KopeteChatWindow *KopeteChatWindow::window( Kopete::ChatSession *manager )
+ bool windowCreated = false;
+ KopeteChatWindow *myWindow;
+ //Take the first and the first? What else?
+ Kopete::Group *group = 0L;
+ Kopete::ContactPtrList members = manager->members();
+ Kopete::MetaContact *metaContact = members.first()->metaContact();
+ if ( metaContact )
+ {
+ Kopete::GroupList gList = metaContact->groups();
+ group = gList.first();
+ }
+ switch( KopetePrefs::prefs()->chatWindowPolicy() )
+ {
+ case GROUP_BY_ACCOUNT: //Open chats from the same protocol in the same window
+ if( accountMap.contains( manager->account() ) )
+ myWindow = accountMap[ manager->account() ];
+ else
+ windowCreated = true;
+ break;
+ case GROUP_BY_GROUP: //Open chats from the same group in the same window
+ if( group && groupMap.contains( group ) )
+ myWindow = groupMap[ group ];
+ else
+ windowCreated = true;
+ break;
+ case GROUP_BY_METACONTACT: //Open chats from the same metacontact in the same window
+ if( mcMap.contains( metaContact ) )
+ myWindow = mcMap[ metaContact ];
+ else
+ windowCreated = true;
+ break;
+ case GROUP_ALL: //Open all chats in the same window
+ if( windows.isEmpty() )
+ windowCreated = true;
+ else
+ {
+ //Here we are finding the window with the most tabs and
+ //putting it there. Need this for the cases where config changes
+ //midstream
+ int viewCount = -1;
+ for ( KopeteChatWindow *thisWindow = windows.first(); thisWindow; thisWindow = )
+ {
+ if( thisWindow->chatViewCount() > viewCount )
+ {
+ myWindow = thisWindow;
+ viewCount = thisWindow->chatViewCount();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case NEW_WINDOW: //Open every chat in a new window
+ default:
+ windowCreated = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( windowCreated )
+ {
+ myWindow = new KopeteChatWindow();
+ if ( !accountMap.contains( manager->account() ) )
+ accountMap.insert( manager->account(), myWindow );
+ if ( !mcMap.contains( metaContact ) )
+ mcMap.insert( metaContact, myWindow );
+ if ( group && !groupMap.contains( group ) )
+ groupMap.insert( group, myWindow );
+ }
+// kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << "Open Windows: " << windows.count() << endl;
+ return myWindow;
+KopeteChatWindow::KopeteChatWindow( QWidget *parent, const char* name )
+ : KParts::MainWindow( parent, name )
+ m_activeView = 0L;
+ m_popupView = 0L;
+ backgroundFile = 0L;
+ updateBg = true;
+ m_tabBar = 0L;
+ initActions();
+ QVBox *vBox = new QVBox( this );
+ vBox->setLineWidth( 0 );
+ vBox->setSpacing( 0 );
+ vBox->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
+ // set default window size. This could be removed by fixing the size hints of the contents
+ resize( 500, 500 );
+ setCentralWidget( vBox );
+ mainArea = new QFrame( vBox );
+ mainArea->setLineWidth( 0 );
+ mainArea->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding ) );
+ mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout( mainArea );
+ if ( KopetePrefs::prefs()->chatWShowSend() )
+ {
+ //Send Button
+ m_button_send = new KPushButton( i18n("Send"), statusBar() );
+ m_button_send->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) );
+ m_button_send->setEnabled( false );
+ m_button_send->setFont( statusBar()->font() );
+ m_button_send->setFixedHeight( statusBar()->sizeHint().height() );
+ connect( m_button_send, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotSendMessage() ) );
+ statusBar()->addWidget( m_button_send, 0, true );
+ }
+ else
+ m_button_send = 0L;
+ m_status_text = new KSqueezedTextLabel( i18n("Ready."), statusBar(), "m_status_text" );
+ m_status_text->setAlignment( AlignLeft | AlignVCenter );
+ m_status_text->setFont( statusBar()->font() );
+ m_status_text->setFixedHeight( statusBar()->sizeHint().height() );
+ statusBar()->addWidget( m_status_text, 1 );
+ readOptions();
+ setWFlags( Qt::WDestructiveClose );
+ windows.append( this );
+ windowListChanged();
+ KGlobal::config()->setGroup( QString::fromLatin1("ChatWindowSettings") );
+ m_alwaysShowTabs = KGlobal::config()->readBoolEntry( QString::fromLatin1("AlwaysShowTabs"), false );
+ m_showFormatToolbar = KGlobal::config()->readBoolEntry( QString::fromLatin1("Show Format Toolbar"), true );
+ adjustingFormatToolbar = false;
+// kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << "Open Windows: " << windows.count() << endl;
+ kapp->ref();
+ kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << endl;
+ emit( closing( this ) );
+ for( AccountMap::Iterator it = accountMap.begin(); it != accountMap.end(); )
+ {
+ AccountMap::Iterator mayDeleteIt = it;
+ ++it;
+ if( == this )
+ accountMap.remove( mayDeleteIt.key() );
+ }
+ for( GroupMap::Iterator it = groupMap.begin(); it != groupMap.end(); )
+ {
+ GroupMap::Iterator mayDeleteIt = it;
+ ++it;
+ if( == this )
+ groupMap.remove( mayDeleteIt.key() );
+ }
+ for( MetaContactMap::Iterator it = mcMap.begin(); it != mcMap.end(); )
+ {
+ MetaContactMap::Iterator mayDeleteIt = it;
+ ++it;
+ if( == this )
+ mcMap.remove( mayDeleteIt.key() );
+ }
+ windows.remove( this );
+ windowListChanged();
+// kdDebug( 14010 ) << "Open Windows: " << windows.count() << endl;
+ saveOptions();
+ if( backgroundFile )
+ {
+ backgroundFile->close();
+ backgroundFile->unlink();
+ delete backgroundFile;
+ }
+ delete anim;
+ kapp->deref();
+void KopeteChatWindow::windowListChanged()
+ // update all windows' Move Tab to Window action
+ for ( QPtrListIterator<KopeteChatWindow> it( windows ); *it; ++it )
+ (*it)->checkDetachEnable();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotNickComplete()
+ if( m_activeView )
+ m_activeView->nickComplete();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotTabContextMenu( QWidget *tab, const QPoint &pos )
+ m_popupView = static_cast<ChatView*>( tab );
+ KPopupMenu *popup = new KPopupMenu;
+ popup->insertTitle( KStringHandler::rsqueeze( m_popupView->caption() ) );
+ actionContactMenu->plug( popup );
+ popup->insertSeparator();
+ actionTabPlacementMenu->plug( popup );
+ tabDetach->plug( popup );
+ actionDetachMenu->plug( popup );
+ tabClose->plug( popup );
+ popup->exec( pos );
+ delete popup;
+ m_popupView = 0;
+ChatView *KopeteChatWindow::activeView()
+ return m_activeView;
+void KopeteChatWindow::initActions(void)
+ KActionCollection *coll = actionCollection();
+ createStandardStatusBarAction();
+ chatSend = new KAction( i18n( "&Send Message" ), QString::fromLatin1( "mail_send" ), QKeySequence(Key_Return) ,
+ this, SLOT( slotSendMessage() ), coll, "chat_send" );
+ chatSend->setEnabled( false );
+ KStdAction::save ( this, SLOT(slotChatSave()), coll );
+ KStdAction::print ( this, SLOT(slotChatPrint()), coll );
+ KAction* quitAction = KStdAction::quit ( this, SLOT(close()), coll );
+ quitAction->setText( i18n("Close All Chats") );
+ tabClose = KStdAction::close ( this, SLOT(slotChatClosed()), coll, "tabs_close" );
+ tabRight=new KAction( i18n( "&Activate Next Tab" ), 0, KStdAccel::tabNext(),
+ this, SLOT( slotNextTab() ), coll, "tabs_right" );
+ tabLeft=new KAction( i18n( "&Activate Previous Tab" ), 0, KStdAccel::tabPrev(),
+ this, SLOT( slotPreviousTab() ), coll, "tabs_left" );
+ tabLeft->setEnabled( false );
+ tabRight->setEnabled( false );
+ nickComplete = new KAction( i18n( "Nic&k Completion" ), QString::null, 0, this, SLOT( slotNickComplete() ), coll , "nick_compete");
+ nickComplete->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Key_Tab ) );
+ tabDetach = new KAction( i18n( "&Detach Chat" ), QString::fromLatin1( "tab_breakoff" ), 0,
+ this, SLOT( slotDetachChat() ), coll, "tabs_detach" );
+ tabDetach->setEnabled( false );
+ actionDetachMenu = new KActionMenu( i18n( "&Move Tab to Window" ), QString::fromLatin1( "tab_breakoff" ), coll, "tabs_detachmove" );
+ actionDetachMenu->setDelayed( false );
+ connect ( actionDetachMenu->popupMenu(), SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(slotPrepareDetachMenu()) );
+ connect ( actionDetachMenu->popupMenu(), SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotDetachChat(int)) );
+ actionTabPlacementMenu = new KActionMenu( i18n( "&Tab Placement" ), coll, "tabs_placement" );
+ connect ( actionTabPlacementMenu->popupMenu(), SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(slotPreparePlacementMenu()) );
+ connect ( actionTabPlacementMenu->popupMenu(), SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotPlaceTabs(int)) );
+ tabDetach->setShortcut( QKeySequence(CTRL + SHIFT + Key_B) );
+ KStdAction::cut( this, SLOT(slotCut()), coll);
+ KStdAction::copy( this, SLOT(slotCopy()), coll);
+ KStdAction::paste( this, SLOT(slotPaste()), coll);
+ new KAction( i18n( "Set Default &Font..." ), QString::fromLatin1( "charset" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotSetFont() ), coll, "format_font" );
+ new KAction( i18n( "Set Default Text &Color..." ), QString::fromLatin1( "pencil" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotSetFgColor() ), coll, "format_fgcolor" );
+ new KAction( i18n( "Set &Background Color..." ), QString::fromLatin1( "fill" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotSetBgColor() ), coll, "format_bgcolor" );
+ historyUp = new KAction( i18n( "Previous History" ), QString::null, 0,
+ this, SLOT( slotHistoryUp() ), coll, "history_up" );
+ historyUp->setShortcut( QKeySequence(CTRL + Key_Up) );
+ historyDown = new KAction( i18n( "Next History" ), QString::null, 0,
+ this, SLOT( slotHistoryDown() ), coll, "history_down" );
+ historyDown->setShortcut( QKeySequence(CTRL + Key_Down) );
+ KStdAction::prior( this, SLOT( slotPageUp() ), coll, "scroll_up" );
+ KStdAction::next( this, SLOT( slotPageDown() ), coll, "scroll_down" );
+ KStdAction::showMenubar( this, SLOT(slotViewMenuBar()), coll );
+ membersLeft = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Place to Left of Chat Area" ), QString::null, 0,
+ this, SLOT( slotViewMembersLeft() ), coll, "options_membersleft" );
+ membersRight = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Place to Right of Chat Area" ), QString::null, 0,
+ this, SLOT( slotViewMembersRight() ), coll, "options_membersright" );
+ toggleMembers = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show" ), QString::null, 0,
+ this, SLOT( slotToggleViewMembers() ), coll, "options_togglemembers" );
+ toggleMembers->setCheckedState(i18n("Hide"));
+ toggleAutoSpellCheck = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Automatic Spell Checking" ), QString::null, 0,
+ this, SLOT( toggleAutoSpellChecking() ), coll, "enable_auto_spell_check" );
+ toggleAutoSpellCheck->setChecked( true );
+ actionSmileyMenu = new KopeteEmoticonAction( coll, "format_smiley" );
+ actionSmileyMenu->setDelayed( false );
+ connect(actionSmileyMenu, SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotSmileyActivated(const QString &)));
+ actionContactMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Co&ntacts"), coll, "contacts_menu" );
+ actionContactMenu->setDelayed( false );
+ connect ( actionContactMenu->popupMenu(), SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(slotPrepareContactMenu()) );
+ // add configure key bindings menu item
+ KStdAction::keyBindings( guiFactory(), SLOT( configureShortcuts() ), coll );
+ KStdAction::configureToolbars(this, SLOT(slotConfToolbar()), coll);
+ KopeteStdAction::preferences( coll , "settings_prefs" );
+ //The Sending movie
+ normalIcon = QPixmap( BarIcon( QString::fromLatin1( "kopete" ) ) );
+ animIcon = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadMovie( QString::fromLatin1( "newmessage" ), KIcon::Toolbar);
+ // Pause the animation because otherwise it's running even when we're not
+ // showing it. This eats resources, and also triggers a pixmap leak in
+ // QMovie in at least Qt 3.1, Qt 3.2 and the current Qt 3.3 beta
+ if( !animIcon.isNull() ) //and another QT bug: it crash if we pause a null movie
+ animIcon.pause();
+ // we can't set the tool bar as parent, if we do, it will be deleted when we configure toolbars
+ anim = new QLabel( QString::null, 0L ,"kde toolbar widget" );
+ anim->setMargin(5);
+ anim->setPixmap( normalIcon );
+ new KWidgetAction( anim , i18n("Toolbar Animation") , 0, 0 , 0 , coll , "toolbar_animation");
+ //toolBar()->insertWidget( 99, anim->width(), anim );
+ //toolBar()->alignItemRight( 99 );
+ setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled( true );
+ setXMLFile( QString::fromLatin1( "kopetechatwindow.rc" ) );
+ createGUI( 0L );
+ // Special handling for remembering whether the format toolbar is visible or not
+ connect ( toolBar("formatToolBar"), SIGNAL(visibilityChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(slotToggleFormatToolbar(bool)) );
+const QString KopeteChatWindow::fileContents( const QString &path ) const
+ QString contents;
+ QFile file( path );
+ if ( IO_ReadOnly ) )
+ {
+ QTextStream stream( &file );
+ contents =;
+ file.close();
+ }
+ return contents;
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotStopAnimation( ChatView* view )
+ if( view == m_activeView )
+ anim->setPixmap( normalIcon );
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotUpdateSendEnabled()
+ if ( !m_activeView ) return;
+ bool enabled = m_activeView->canSend();
+ chatSend->setEnabled( enabled );
+ if(m_button_send)
+ m_button_send->setEnabled( enabled );
+void KopeteChatWindow::updateMembersActions()
+ if( m_activeView )
+ {
+ const KDockWidget::DockPosition pos = m_activeView->membersListPosition();
+ bool visibleMembers = m_activeView->visibleMembersList();
+ membersLeft->setChecked( pos == KDockWidget::DockLeft );
+ membersLeft->setEnabled( visibleMembers );
+ membersRight->setChecked( pos == KDockWidget::DockRight );
+ membersRight->setEnabled( visibleMembers );
+ toggleMembers->setChecked( visibleMembers );
+ }
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotViewMembersLeft()
+ m_activeView->placeMembersList( KDockWidget::DockLeft );
+ updateMembersActions();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotViewMembersRight()
+ m_activeView->placeMembersList( KDockWidget::DockRight );
+ updateMembersActions();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotToggleViewMembers()
+ m_activeView->toggleMembersVisibility();
+ updateMembersActions();
+void KopeteChatWindow::toggleAutoSpellChecking()
+ if ( !m_activeView )
+ return;
+ bool currentSetting = m_activeView->editPart()->autoSpellCheckEnabled();
+ m_activeView->editPart()->toggleAutoSpellCheck( !currentSetting );
+ updateSpellCheckAction();
+void KopeteChatWindow::updateSpellCheckAction()
+ if ( !m_activeView )
+ return;
+ if ( m_activeView->editPart()->richTextEnabled() )
+ {
+ toggleAutoSpellCheck->setEnabled( false );
+ toggleAutoSpellCheck->setChecked( false );
+ m_activeView->editPart()->toggleAutoSpellCheck( false );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ toggleAutoSpellCheck->setEnabled( true );
+ if ( KopetePrefs::prefs()->spellCheck() )
+ {
+ kdDebug(14000) << k_funcinfo << "spell check enabled" << endl;
+ toggleAutoSpellCheck->setChecked( true );
+ m_activeView->editPart()->toggleAutoSpellCheck(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kdDebug(14000) << k_funcinfo << "spell check disabled" << endl;
+ toggleAutoSpellCheck->setChecked( false );
+ m_activeView->editPart()->toggleAutoSpellCheck(false);
+ }
+ }
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotHistoryUp()
+ if( m_activeView )
+ m_activeView->editPart()->historyUp();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotHistoryDown()
+ if( m_activeView )
+ m_activeView->editPart()->historyDown();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotPageUp()
+ if( m_activeView )
+ m_activeView->messagePart()->pageUp();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotPageDown()
+ if( m_activeView )
+ m_activeView->messagePart()->pageDown();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotCut()
+ m_activeView->cut();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotCopy()
+ m_activeView->copy();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotPaste()
+ m_activeView->paste();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotSetFont()
+ m_activeView->setFont();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotSetFgColor()
+ m_activeView->setFgColor();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotSetBgColor()
+ m_activeView->setBgColor();
+void KopeteChatWindow::setStatus(const QString &text)
+ m_status_text->setText(text);
+void KopeteChatWindow::createTabBar()
+ if( !m_tabBar )
+ {
+ KGlobal::config()->setGroup( QString::fromLatin1("ChatWindowSettings") );
+ m_tabBar = new KTabWidget( mainArea );
+ m_tabBar->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding ) );
+ m_tabBar->setHoverCloseButton(KGlobal::config()->readBoolEntry( QString::fromLatin1("HoverClose"), false ));
+ m_tabBar->setTabReorderingEnabled(true);
+#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,4,0)
+ m_tabBar->setAutomaticResizeTabs(true);
+ connect( m_tabBar, SIGNAL( closeRequest( QWidget* )), this, SLOT( slotCloseChat( QWidget* ) ) );
+ QToolButton* m_rightWidget = new QToolButton( m_tabBar );
+ connect( m_rightWidget, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotChatClosed() ) );
+ m_rightWidget->setIconSet( SmallIcon( "tab_remove" ) );
+ m_rightWidget->adjustSize();
+ QToolTip::add( m_rightWidget, i18n("Close the current tab"));
+ m_tabBar->setCornerWidget( m_rightWidget, QWidget::TopRight );
+ mainLayout->addWidget( m_tabBar );
+ m_tabBar->show();
+ connect ( m_tabBar, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget *)), this, SLOT(setActiveView(QWidget *)) );
+ connect ( m_tabBar, SIGNAL(contextMenu(QWidget *, const QPoint & )), this, SLOT(slotTabContextMenu( QWidget *, const QPoint & )) );
+ for( ChatView *view = chatViewList.first(); view; view = )
+ addTab( view );
+ if( m_activeView )
+ m_tabBar->showPage( m_activeView );
+ else
+ setActiveView( chatViewList.first() );
+ int tabPosition = KGlobal::config()->readNumEntry( QString::fromLatin1("Tab Placement") , 0 );
+ slotPlaceTabs( tabPosition );
+ }
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotCloseChat( QWidget *chatView )
+ static_cast<ChatView*>( chatView )->closeView();
+void KopeteChatWindow::addTab( ChatView *view )
+ QPtrList<Kopete::Contact> chatMembers=view->msgManager()->members();
+ Kopete::Contact *c=0L;
+ for ( Kopete::Contact *contact = chatMembers.first(); contact; contact = )
+ {
+ if(!c || c->onlineStatus() < contact->onlineStatus())
+ c=contact;
+ }
+ QPixmap pluginIcon = c ? view->msgManager()->contactOnlineStatus( c ).iconFor( c) : SmallIcon( view->msgManager()->protocol()->pluginIcon() );
+ view->reparent( m_tabBar, 0, QPoint(), true );
+ m_tabBar->addTab( view, pluginIcon, view->caption() );
+ if( view == m_activeView )
+ view->show();
+ else
+ view->hide();
+ connect( view, SIGNAL( captionChanged( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateChatLabel() ) );
+ connect( view, SIGNAL( updateStatusIcon( ChatView* ) ), this, SLOT( slotUpdateCaptionIcons( ChatView* ) ) );
+ view->setCaption( view->caption(), false );
+void KopeteChatWindow::setPrimaryChatView( ChatView *view )
+ //TODO figure out what else we have to save here besides the font
+ //reparent clears a lot of stuff out
+ QFont savedFont = view->font();
+ view->reparent( mainArea, 0, QPoint(), true );
+ view->setFont( savedFont );
+ view->show();
+ mainLayout->addWidget( view );
+ setActiveView( view );
+void KopeteChatWindow::deleteTabBar()
+ if( m_tabBar )
+ {
+ disconnect ( m_tabBar, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget *)), this, SLOT(setActiveView(QWidget *)) );
+ disconnect ( m_tabBar, SIGNAL(contextMenu(QWidget *, const QPoint & )), this, SLOT(slotTabContextMenu( QWidget *, const QPoint & )) );
+ if( !chatViewList.isEmpty() )
+ setPrimaryChatView( chatViewList.first() );
+ m_tabBar->deleteLater();
+ m_tabBar = 0L;
+ }
+void KopeteChatWindow::attachChatView( ChatView* newView )
+ chatViewList.append( newView );
+ if ( !m_alwaysShowTabs && chatViewList.count() == 1 )
+ setPrimaryChatView( newView );
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !m_tabBar )
+ createTabBar();
+ else
+ addTab( newView );
+ newView->setActive( false );
+ }
+ newView->setMainWindow( this );
+ newView->editWidget()->installEventFilter( this );
+ KCursor::setAutoHideCursor( newView->editWidget(), true, true );
+ connect( newView, SIGNAL(captionChanged( bool)), this, SLOT(slotSetCaption(bool)) );
+ connect( newView, SIGNAL(messageSuccess( ChatView* )), this, SLOT(slotStopAnimation( ChatView* )) );
+ connect( newView, SIGNAL(rtfEnabled( ChatView*, bool ) ), this, SLOT( slotRTFEnabled( ChatView*, bool ) ) );
+ connect( newView, SIGNAL(updateStatusIcon( ChatView* ) ), this, SLOT(slotUpdateCaptionIcons( ChatView* ) ) );
+ connect( newView, SIGNAL(updateChatState( ChatView*, int ) ), this, SLOT( updateChatState( ChatView*, int ) ) );
+ updateSpellCheckAction();
+ checkDetachEnable();
+ newView->loadChatSettings();
+ connect( newView, SIGNAL(autoSpellCheckEnabled( ChatView*, bool ) ),
+ this, SLOT( slotAutoSpellCheckEnabled( ChatView*, bool ) ) );
+void KopeteChatWindow::checkDetachEnable()
+ bool haveTabs = (chatViewList.count() > 1);
+ tabDetach->setEnabled( haveTabs );
+ tabLeft->setEnabled( haveTabs );
+ tabRight->setEnabled( haveTabs );
+ actionTabPlacementMenu->setEnabled( m_tabBar != 0 );
+ bool otherWindows = (windows.count() > 1);
+ actionDetachMenu->setEnabled( otherWindows );
+void KopeteChatWindow::detachChatView( ChatView *view )
+ if( !chatViewList.removeRef( view ) )
+ return;
+ disconnect( view, SIGNAL(captionChanged( bool)), this, SLOT(slotSetCaption(bool)) );
+ disconnect( view, SIGNAL( updateStatusIcon( ChatView* ) ), this, SLOT( slotUpdateCaptionIcons( ChatView* ) ) );
+ disconnect( view, SIGNAL( updateChatState( ChatView*, int ) ), this, SLOT( updateChatState( ChatView*, int ) ) );
+ view->editWidget()->removeEventFilter( this );
+ if( m_tabBar )
+ {
+ int curPage = m_tabBar->currentPageIndex();
+ QWidget *page = m_tabBar->page( curPage );
+ // if the current view is to be detached, switch to a different one
+ if( page == view )
+ {
+ if( curPage > 0 )
+ m_tabBar->setCurrentPage( curPage - 1 );
+ else
+ m_tabBar->setCurrentPage( curPage + 1 );
+ }
+ m_tabBar->removePage( view );
+ if( m_tabBar->currentPage() )
+ setActiveView( static_cast<ChatView*>(m_tabBar->currentPage()) );
+ }
+ if( chatViewList.isEmpty() )
+ close();
+ else if( !m_alwaysShowTabs && chatViewList.count() == 1)
+ deleteTabBar();
+ checkDetachEnable();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotDetachChat( int newWindowIndex )
+ KopeteChatWindow *newWindow = 0L;
+ ChatView *detachedView;
+ if( m_popupView )
+ detachedView = m_popupView;
+ else
+ detachedView = m_activeView;
+ if( !detachedView )
+ return;
+ //if we don't do this, we might crash
+ createGUI(0L);
+ guiFactory()->removeClient(detachedView->msgManager());
+ if( newWindowIndex == -1 )
+ newWindow = new KopeteChatWindow();
+ else
+ newWindow = newWindowIndex );
+ newWindow->show();
+ newWindow->raise();
+ detachChatView( detachedView );
+ newWindow->attachChatView( detachedView );
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotPreviousTab()
+ int curPage = m_tabBar->currentPageIndex();
+ if( curPage > 0 )
+ m_tabBar->setCurrentPage( curPage - 1 );
+ else
+ m_tabBar->setCurrentPage( m_tabBar->count() - 1 );
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotNextTab()
+ int curPage = m_tabBar->currentPageIndex();
+ if( curPage == ( m_tabBar->count() - 1 ) )
+ m_tabBar->setCurrentPage( 0 );
+ else
+ m_tabBar->setCurrentPage( curPage + 1 );
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotSetCaption( bool active )
+ if( active && m_activeView )
+ {
+ setCaption( m_activeView->caption(), false );
+ }
+void KopeteChatWindow::updateBackground( const QPixmap &pm )
+ if( updateBg )
+ {
+ updateBg = false;
+ if( backgroundFile != 0L )
+ {
+ backgroundFile->close();
+ backgroundFile->unlink();
+ }
+ backgroundFile = new KTempFile( QString::null, QString::fromLatin1( ".bmp" ) );
+ backgroundFile->name(), "BMP" );
+ QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT( slotEnableUpdateBg() ) );
+ }
+void KopeteChatWindow::setActiveView( QWidget *widget )
+ ChatView *view = static_cast<ChatView*>(widget);
+ if( m_activeView == view )
+ return;
+ if(m_activeView)
+ {
+ disconnect( m_activeView, SIGNAL( canSendChanged(bool) ), this, SLOT( slotUpdateSendEnabled() ) );
+ guiFactory()->removeClient(m_activeView->msgManager());
+ m_activeView->saveChatSettings();
+ }
+ guiFactory()->addClient(view->msgManager());
+ createGUI( view->editPart() );
+ if( m_activeView )
+ m_activeView->setActive( false );
+ m_activeView = view;
+ if( !chatViewList.contains( view ) )
+ attachChatView( view );
+ connect( m_activeView, SIGNAL( canSendChanged(bool) ), this, SLOT( slotUpdateSendEnabled() ) );
+ //Tell it it is active
+ m_activeView->setActive( true );
+ //Update icons to match
+ slotUpdateCaptionIcons( m_activeView );
+ //Update chat members actions
+ updateMembersActions();
+ if ( m_activeView->sendInProgress() && !animIcon.isNull() )
+ {
+ anim->setMovie( animIcon );
+ animIcon.unpause();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ anim->setPixmap( normalIcon );
+ if( !animIcon.isNull() )
+ animIcon.pause();
+ }
+ if ( m_alwaysShowTabs || chatViewList.count() > 1 )
+ {
+ if( !m_tabBar )
+ createTabBar();
+ m_tabBar->showPage( m_activeView );
+ }
+ setCaption( m_activeView->caption() );
+ setStatus( m_activeView->statusText() );
+ m_activeView->setFocus();
+ updateSpellCheckAction();
+ slotUpdateSendEnabled();
+ m_activeView->editPart()->reloadConfig();
+ m_activeView->loadChatSettings();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotUpdateCaptionIcons( ChatView *view )
+ if ( !view )
+ return; //(pas de charité)
+ QPtrList<Kopete::Contact> chatMembers=view->msgManager()->members();
+ Kopete::Contact *c=0L;
+ for ( Kopete::Contact *contact = chatMembers.first(); contact; contact = )
+ {
+ if(!c || c->onlineStatus() < contact->onlineStatus())
+ c=contact;
+ }
+ if ( view == m_activeView )
+ {
+ QPixmap icon16 = c ? view->msgManager()->contactOnlineStatus( c ).iconFor( c , 16) :
+ SmallIcon( view->msgManager()->protocol()->pluginIcon() );
+ QPixmap icon32 = c ? view->msgManager()->contactOnlineStatus( c ).iconFor( c , 32) :
+ SmallIcon( view->msgManager()->protocol()->pluginIcon() );
+ KWin::setIcons( winId(), icon32, icon16 );
+ }
+ if ( m_tabBar )
+ m_tabBar->setTabIconSet( view, c ? view->msgManager()->contactOnlineStatus( c ).iconFor( c ) :
+ SmallIcon( view->msgManager()->protocol()->pluginIcon() ) );
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotChatClosed()
+ if( m_popupView )
+ m_popupView->closeView();
+ else
+ m_activeView->closeView();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotPrepareDetachMenu(void)
+ QPopupMenu *detachMenu = actionDetachMenu->popupMenu();
+ detachMenu->clear();
+ for ( unsigned id=0; id < windows.count(); id++ )
+ {
+ KopeteChatWindow *win = id );
+ if( win != this )
+ detachMenu->insertItem( win->caption(), id );
+ }
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotSendMessage()
+ if ( m_activeView && m_activeView->canSend() )
+ {
+ if( !animIcon.isNull() )
+ {
+ anim->setMovie( animIcon );
+ animIcon.unpause();
+ }
+ m_activeView->sendMessage();
+ }
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotPrepareContactMenu(void)
+ QPopupMenu *contactsMenu = actionContactMenu->popupMenu();
+ contactsMenu->clear();
+ Kopete::Contact *contact;
+ Kopete::ContactPtrList m_them;
+ if( m_popupView )
+ m_them = m_popupView->msgManager()->members();
+ else
+ m_them = m_activeView->msgManager()->members();
+ //TODO: don't display a menu with one contact in it, display that
+ // contact's menu instead. Will require changing text and icon of
+ // 'Contacts' action, or something cleverer.
+ uint contactCount = 0;
+ for ( contact = m_them.first(); contact; contact = )
+ {
+ KPopupMenu *p = contact->popupMenu();
+ connect ( actionContactMenu->popupMenu(), SIGNAL(aboutToHide()),
+ p, SLOT(deleteLater() ) );
+ if( contact->metaContact() )
+ contactsMenu->insertItem( contact->onlineStatus().iconFor( contact ) , contact->metaContact()->displayName(), p );
+ else
+ contactsMenu->insertItem( contact->onlineStatus().iconFor( contact ) , contact->contactId(), p );
+ //FIXME: This number should be a config option
+ if( ++contactCount == 15 && contact != m_them.getLast() )
+ {
+ KActionMenu *moreMenu = new KActionMenu( i18n("More..."),
+ QString::fromLatin1("folder_open"), contactsMenu );
+ connect ( actionContactMenu->popupMenu(), SIGNAL(aboutToHide()),
+ moreMenu, SLOT(deleteLater() ) );
+ moreMenu->plug( contactsMenu );
+ contactsMenu = moreMenu->popupMenu();
+ contactCount = 0;
+ }
+ }
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotPreparePlacementMenu()
+ QPopupMenu *placementMenu = actionTabPlacementMenu->popupMenu();
+ placementMenu->clear();
+ placementMenu->insertItem( i18n("Top"), 0 );
+ placementMenu->insertItem( i18n("Bottom"), 1 );
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotPlaceTabs( int placement )
+ if( m_tabBar )
+ {
+ if( placement == 0 )
+ m_tabBar->setTabPosition( QTabWidget::Top );
+ else
+ m_tabBar->setTabPosition( QTabWidget::Bottom );
+ saveOptions();
+ }
+void KopeteChatWindow::readOptions()
+ // load and apply config file settings affecting the appearance of the UI
+// kdDebug(14010) << k_funcinfo << endl;
+ KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
+ applyMainWindowSettings( config, QString::fromLatin1( "KopeteChatWindow" ) );
+ config->setGroup( QString::fromLatin1("ChatWindowSettings") );
+ m_showFormatToolbar = config->readBoolEntry( QString::fromLatin1("Show Format Toolbar"), true );
+void KopeteChatWindow::saveOptions()
+// kdDebug(14010) << k_funcinfo << endl;
+ KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
+ // saves menubar,toolbar and statusbar setting
+ saveMainWindowSettings( config, QString::fromLatin1( "KopeteChatWindow" ) );
+ config->setGroup( QString::fromLatin1("ChatWindowSettings") );
+ if( m_tabBar )
+ config->writeEntry ( QString::fromLatin1("Tab Placement"), m_tabBar->tabPosition() );
+ config->writeEntry( QString::fromLatin1("Show Format Toolbar"), m_showFormatToolbar );
+ config->sync();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotChatSave()
+// kdDebug(14010) << "KopeteChatWindow::slotChatSave()" << endl;
+ if( isActiveWindow() && m_activeView )
+ m_activeView->messagePart()->save();
+void KopeteChatWindow::windowActivationChange( bool )
+ if( isActiveWindow() && m_activeView )
+ m_activeView->setActive( true );
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotChatPrint()
+ m_activeView->messagePart()->print();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotToggleStatusBar()
+ if (statusBar()->isVisible())
+ statusBar()->hide();
+ else
+ statusBar()->show();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotToggleFormatToolbar(bool visible)
+ if ( adjustingFormatToolbar )
+ return;
+ m_showFormatToolbar = visible;
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotViewMenuBar()
+ if( !menuBar()->isHidden() )
+ menuBar()->hide();
+ else
+ menuBar()->show();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotSmileyActivated(const QString &sm)
+ if ( !sm.isNull() )
+ m_activeView->addText( " " + sm + " " );
+ //we are adding space around the emoticon becasue our parser only display emoticons not in a word.
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotRTFEnabled( ChatView* cv, bool enabled)
+ if ( cv != m_activeView )
+ return;
+ adjustingFormatToolbar = true;
+ if ( enabled && m_showFormatToolbar )
+ toolBar( "formatToolBar" )->show();
+ else
+ toolBar( "formatToolBar" )->hide();
+ adjustingFormatToolbar = false;
+ updateSpellCheckAction();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotAutoSpellCheckEnabled( ChatView* view, bool isEnabled )
+ if ( view != m_activeView )
+ return;
+ toggleAutoSpellCheck->setEnabled( isEnabled );
+ toggleAutoSpellCheck->setChecked( isEnabled );
+ m_activeView->editPart()->toggleAutoSpellCheck( isEnabled );
+bool KopeteChatWindow::queryClose()
+ bool canClose = true;
+// kdDebug( 14010 ) << " Windows left open:" << endl;
+// for( QPtrListIterator<ChatView> it( chatViewList ); it; ++it)
+// kdDebug( 14010 ) << " " << *it << " (" << (*it)->caption() << ")" << endl;
+ for( QPtrListIterator<ChatView> it( chatViewList ); it; )
+ {
+ ChatView *view = *it;
+ // move out of the way before view is removed
+ ++it;
+ // FIXME: This should only check if it *can* close
+ // and not start closing if the close can be aborted halfway, it would
+ // leave us with half the chats open and half of them closed. - Martijn
+ // if the view is closed, it is removed from chatViewList for us
+ if ( !view->closeView() )
+ {
+ kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "Closing view failed!" << endl;
+ canClose = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return canClose;
+bool KopeteChatWindow::queryExit()
+ KopeteApplication *app = static_cast<KopeteApplication *>( kapp );
+ if ( app->sessionSaving()
+ || app->isShuttingDown() /* only set if KopeteApplication::quitKopete() or
+ KopeteApplication::commitData() called */
+ || !KopetePrefs::prefs()->showTray() /* also close if our tray icon is hidden! */
+ || !isShown() )
+ {
+ Kopete::PluginManager::self()->shutdown();
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+void KopeteChatWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent * e )
+ // if there's a system tray applet and we are not shutting down then just do what needs to be done if a
+ // window is closed.
+ KopeteApplication *app = static_cast<KopeteApplication *>( kapp );
+ if ( KopetePrefs::prefs()->showTray() && !app->isShuttingDown() && !app->sessionSaving() ) {
+// hide();
+ // BEGIN of code borrowed from KMainWindow::closeEvent
+ // Save settings if auto-save is enabled, and settings have changed
+ if ( settingsDirty() && autoSaveSettings() )
+ saveAutoSaveSettings();
+ if ( queryClose() ) {
+ e->accept();
+ }
+ // END of code borrowed from KMainWindow::closeEvent
+ }
+ else
+ KMainWindow::closeEvent( e );
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotConfKeys()
+ KKeyDialog dlg( false, this );
+ dlg.insert( actionCollection() );
+ if( m_activeView )
+ {
+ dlg.insert(m_activeView->msgManager()->actionCollection() , i18n("Plugin Actions") );
+ QPtrListIterator<KXMLGUIClient> it( *m_activeView->msgManager()->childClients() );
+ KXMLGUIClient *c = 0;
+ while( (c = it.current()) != 0 )
+ {
+ dlg.insert( c->actionCollection() /*, i18n("Plugin Actions")*/ );
+ ++it;
+ }
+ if( m_activeView->editPart() )
+ dlg.insert( m_activeView->editPart()->actionCollection(), m_activeView->editPart()->name() );
+ }
+ dlg.configure();
+void KopeteChatWindow::slotConfToolbar()
+ saveMainWindowSettings(KGlobal::config(), QString::fromLatin1( "KopeteChatWindow" ));
+ KEditToolbar *dlg = new KEditToolbar(factory(), this );
+ if (dlg->exec())
+ {
+ if( m_activeView )
+ createGUI( m_activeView->editPart() );
+ else
+ createGUI( 0L );
+ applyMainWindowSettings(KGlobal::config(), QString::fromLatin1( "KopeteChatWindow" ));
+ }
+ delete dlg;
+void KopeteChatWindow::updateChatState( ChatView* cv, int newState )
+ if ( m_tabBar )
+ {
+ switch( newState )
+ {
+ case ChatView::Highlighted:
+ m_tabBar->setTabColor( cv, Qt::blue );
+ break;
+ case ChatView::Message:
+ m_tabBar->setTabColor( cv, Qt::red );
+ break;
+ case ChatView::Changed:
+ m_tabBar->setTabColor( cv, Qt::darkRed );
+ break;
+ case ChatView::Typing:
+ m_tabBar->setTabColor( cv, Qt::darkGreen );
+ break;
+ case ChatView::Normal:
+ default:
+ m_tabBar->setTabColor( cv, KGlobalSettings::textColor() );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void KopeteChatWindow::updateChatTooltip( ChatView* cv )
+ if ( m_tabBar )
+ m_tabBar->setTabToolTip( cv, QString::fromLatin1("<qt>%1</qt>").arg( cv->caption() ) );
+void KopeteChatWindow::updateChatLabel()
+ const ChatView* cv = dynamic_cast<const ChatView*>( sender() );
+ if ( !cv || !m_tabBar )
+ return;
+ ChatView* chat = const_cast<ChatView*>( cv );
+ if ( m_tabBar )
+ {
+ m_tabBar->setTabLabel( chat, chat->caption() );
+ if ( m_tabBar->count() < 2 || m_tabBar->currentPage() == static_cast<const QWidget *>(cv) )
+ setCaption( chat->caption() );
+ }
+#include "kopetechatwindow.moc"
+// vim: set noet ts=4 sts=4 sw=4: