path: root/wifi/kwifimanager.cpp
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2024-01-13 17:34:53 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2024-01-13 17:51:33 +0900
commit1329ec6abbcb7b79cd960e0ca138f16598d5f11f (patch)
tree8b64fab3a352aada6a046f69f1f7e8a6ad819594 /wifi/kwifimanager.cpp
parent69c2eb8d5f2ed64c876b2a1081cc83ed9f4652d3 (diff)
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'wifi/kwifimanager.cpp')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/wifi/kwifimanager.cpp b/wifi/kwifimanager.cpp
index 8a7a4d0d..830b2738 100644
--- a/wifi/kwifimanager.cpp
+++ b/wifi/kwifimanager.cpp
@@ -103,13 +103,13 @@ DCOPObject("dcop_interface"), TDEMainWindow (0, name), device(0), m_shuttingDown
counter = new TQTimer (this);
- connect (counter, TQT_SIGNAL (timeout ()), device, TQT_SLOT (poll_device_info()));
+ connect (counter, TQ_SIGNAL (timeout ()), device, TQ_SLOT (poll_device_info()));
counter->start (1000);
tricorder_trigger = new TQTimer ();
- connect (tricorder_trigger, TQT_SIGNAL (timeout ()), this,
- TQT_SLOT (tricorder_beep ()));
- connect (trayicon, TQT_SIGNAL (quitSelected ()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotFileQuit ()));
+ connect (tricorder_trigger, TQ_SIGNAL (timeout ()), this,
+ TQ_SLOT (tricorder_beep ()));
+ connect (trayicon, TQ_SIGNAL (quitSelected ()), this, TQ_SLOT (slotFileQuit ()));
slotToggleTric(); //set to value saved by TDEConfig
@@ -305,43 +305,43 @@ KWiFiManagerApp::initActions ()
if (config->hasGroup("General"))
fileDisableRadio = new TDEToggleAction (i18n ("&Disable Radio"), 0, this,
- TQT_SLOT (slotDisableRadio ()), actionCollection (), "disable_radio");
+ TQ_SLOT (slotDisableRadio ()), actionCollection (), "disable_radio");
fileDisableRadio->setChecked( false );
settingsUseAlternateCalc =
new TDEToggleAction (i18n ("&Use Alternate Strength Calculation"), 0, this,
- TQT_SLOT (slotToggleStrengthCalc ()), actionCollection (), "use_alt_calculation");
+ TQ_SLOT (slotToggleStrengthCalc ()), actionCollection (), "use_alt_calculation");
settingsUseAlternateCalc->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry("useAlternateStrengthCalculation") );
slotToggleStrengthCalc(); //set to value saved by TDEConfig
settingsShowStatsNoise =
new TDEToggleAction (i18n ("Show &Noise Graph in Statistics Window"), 0, this,
- TQT_SLOT (slotShowStatsNoise ()), actionCollection (), "show_stats_noise");
+ TQ_SLOT (slotShowStatsNoise ()), actionCollection (), "show_stats_noise");
settingsShowStatsNoise->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry("showStatsNoise") );
slotShowStatsNoise(); //set to value saved by TDEConfig
settingsShowStrengthNumber = new TDEToggleAction (i18n ("&Show Strength Number in System Tray"), 0, this,
- TQT_SLOT (slotToggleShowStrengthNumber ()), actionCollection (), "show_strength_number_in_tray");
+ TQ_SLOT (slotToggleShowStrengthNumber ()), actionCollection (), "show_strength_number_in_tray");
settingsShowStrengthNumber->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry("showStrengthNumberInTray") );
slotToggleShowStrengthNumber (); //set to value saved by TDEConfig
- KStdAction::quit (this, TQT_SLOT (slotFileQuit ()), actionCollection ());
+ KStdAction::quit (this, TQ_SLOT (slotFileQuit ()), actionCollection ());
new TDEAction (i18n ("Configuration &Editor..."), 0, this,
- TQT_SLOT (slotStartConfigEditor ()), actionCollection (), "configuration_editor");
+ TQ_SLOT (slotStartConfigEditor ()), actionCollection (), "configuration_editor");
new TDEAction (i18n ("Connection &Statistics"), 0, this,
- TQT_SLOT (slotStartStatViewer ()), actionCollection (), "connection_statistics");
+ TQ_SLOT (slotStartStatViewer ()), actionCollection (), "connection_statistics");
settingsAcousticScanning = new TDEToggleAction (i18n ("&Acoustic Scanning"), 0, this,
- TQT_SLOT (slotToggleTric ()),
+ TQ_SLOT (slotToggleTric ()),
actionCollection (), "acoustic_scanning");
settingsAcousticScanning->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry("acousticScanning") );
settingsAcousticScanning->setEnabled( false);
settingsStayInSystrayOnClose = new TDEToggleAction (i18n ("Stay in System &Tray on Close"), 0, this,
- TQT_SLOT (slotToggleStayInSystray()),
+ TQ_SLOT (slotToggleStayInSystray()),
actionCollection (), "stay_in_systray_on_close");
settingsStayInSystrayOnClose->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry("stayInSystrayOnClose") );
@@ -383,20 +383,20 @@ KWiFiManagerApp::initView ()
zentrallayout->addMultiCellWidget (status, 1, 2, 1, 1);
zentrallayout->addWidget (scan, 2, 0);
zentrallayout->addMultiCellWidget (location, 3, 3, 0, 1, TQt::AlignLeft);
- connect (device, TQT_SIGNAL (interfaceChanged ()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotChangeWindowCaption ()));
- connect (device, TQT_SIGNAL (strengthChanged ()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotChangeTrayIcon ()));
- connect (device, TQT_SIGNAL (strengthChanged ()), strength, TQT_SLOT (repaint ()));
- connect (device, TQT_SIGNAL (statusChanged ()), status, TQT_SLOT (repaint ()));
- connect (device, TQT_SIGNAL (speedChanged ()), speedmeter, TQT_SLOT (repaint ()));
- connect (device, TQT_SIGNAL (modeChanged ()), pictogram, TQT_SLOT (repaint ()));
- connect (device, TQT_SIGNAL (essidChanged (TQString)), this, TQT_SLOT (slotLogESSID (TQString)));
- connect (device, TQT_SIGNAL (essidChanged (TQString)), location, TQT_SLOT (repaint ()));
- connect (device, TQT_SIGNAL (statusChanged ()), location, TQT_SLOT (repaint ()));
- connect (device, TQT_SIGNAL (txPowerChanged ()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotTXPowerChanged ()));
- connect (device, TQT_SIGNAL (txPowerChanged ()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotChangeTrayIcon ()));
- connect (device, TQT_SIGNAL (txPowerChanged ()), pictogram, TQT_SLOT (repaint ()));
- connect (device, TQT_SIGNAL (txPowerChanged ()), strength, TQT_SLOT (repaint ()));
- connect (scan, TQT_SIGNAL (clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotNetworkScan()));
+ connect (device, TQ_SIGNAL (interfaceChanged ()), this, TQ_SLOT (slotChangeWindowCaption ()));
+ connect (device, TQ_SIGNAL (strengthChanged ()), this, TQ_SLOT (slotChangeTrayIcon ()));
+ connect (device, TQ_SIGNAL (strengthChanged ()), strength, TQ_SLOT (repaint ()));
+ connect (device, TQ_SIGNAL (statusChanged ()), status, TQ_SLOT (repaint ()));
+ connect (device, TQ_SIGNAL (speedChanged ()), speedmeter, TQ_SLOT (repaint ()));
+ connect (device, TQ_SIGNAL (modeChanged ()), pictogram, TQ_SLOT (repaint ()));
+ connect (device, TQ_SIGNAL (essidChanged (TQString)), this, TQ_SLOT (slotLogESSID (TQString)));
+ connect (device, TQ_SIGNAL (essidChanged (TQString)), location, TQ_SLOT (repaint ()));
+ connect (device, TQ_SIGNAL (statusChanged ()), location, TQ_SLOT (repaint ()));
+ connect (device, TQ_SIGNAL (txPowerChanged ()), this, TQ_SLOT (slotTXPowerChanged ()));
+ connect (device, TQ_SIGNAL (txPowerChanged ()), this, TQ_SLOT (slotChangeTrayIcon ()));
+ connect (device, TQ_SIGNAL (txPowerChanged ()), pictogram, TQ_SLOT (repaint ()));
+ connect (device, TQ_SIGNAL (txPowerChanged ()), strength, TQ_SLOT (repaint ()));
+ connect (scan, TQ_SIGNAL (clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT (slotNetworkScan()));
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ KWiFiManagerApp::slotStartStatViewer ()
delete statistik;
statistik = new Statistics (device, showStatsNoise);
statistik->setFixedSize (590, 300);
- connect(device,TQT_SIGNAL(statsUpdated()),statistik,TQT_SLOT(repaint()));
+ connect(device,TQ_SIGNAL(statsUpdated()),statistik,TQ_SLOT(repaint()));
statistik->show ();
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ KWiFiManagerApp::slotDisableRadio ()
//*disablePower << "tdesu" << "iwconfig" << "eth1" << "txpower" << onOrOff;
*disablePower << "tdesu" << "iwconfig" << interface << "txpower" << onOrOff;
- connect( disablePower, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(TDEProcess*)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotDisablePowerProcessExited()) );
+ connect( disablePower, TQ_SIGNAL(processExited(TDEProcess*)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotDisablePowerProcessExited()) );