path: root/kmail/kmreaderwin.h
diff options
authortoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
committertoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
commit460c52653ab0dcca6f19a4f492ed2c5e4e963ab0 (patch)
tree67208f7c145782a7e90b123b982ca78d88cc2c87 /kmail/kmreaderwin.h
Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features.
BUG:215923 git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'kmail/kmreaderwin.h')
1 files changed, 546 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kmail/kmreaderwin.h b/kmail/kmreaderwin.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2942d77c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kmail/kmreaderwin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu" -*-
+// Header for kmreaderwin the kmail reader
+// written by Markus Wuebben <[email protected]>
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+#include <kservice.h>
+#include "kmmsgbase.h"
+#include "kmmimeparttree.h" // Needed for friend declaration.
+#include "interfaces/observer.h"
+class QFrame;
+class QSplitter;
+class QHBox;
+class QListViewItem;
+class QScrollBar;
+class QString;
+class QTabDialog;
+class QTextCodec;
+class DwHeaders;
+class DwMediaType;
+class KActionCollection;
+class KAction;
+class KActionMenu;
+class KSelectAction;
+class KRadioAction;
+class KToggleAction;
+class KConfigBase;
+class KHTMLPart;
+class KURL;
+class KMFolder;
+class KMMessage;
+class KMMessagePart;
+namespace KMail {
+ namespace Interface {
+ class Observable;
+ }
+ class PartMetaData;
+ class ObjectTreeParser;
+ class AttachmentStrategy;
+ class HeaderStrategy;
+ class HeaderStyle;
+ class HtmlWriter;
+ class KHtmlPartHtmlWriter;
+ class ISubject;
+ class HtmlStatusBar;
+ class FolderJob;
+ class CSSHelper;
+class partNode; // might be removed when KMime is used instead of mimelib
+ // (khz, 29.11.2001)
+class NewByteArray; // providing operator+ on a QByteArray (khz, 21.06.2002)
+namespace KParts {
+ struct URLArgs;
+ This class implements a "reader window", that is a window
+ used for reading or viewing messages.
+class KMReaderWin: public QWidget, public KMail::Interface::Observer {
+ friend void KMMimePartTree::itemClicked( QListViewItem* item );
+ friend void KMMimePartTree::itemRightClicked( QListViewItem* item, const QPoint & );
+ friend void KMMimePartTree::slotSaveAs();
+ friend void KMMimePartTree::startDrag();
+ friend class KMail::ObjectTreeParser;
+ friend class KMail::KHtmlPartHtmlWriter;
+ KMReaderWin( QWidget *parent,
+ QWidget *mainWindow,
+ KActionCollection *actionCollection,
+ const char *name=0,
+ int f=0 );
+ virtual ~KMReaderWin();
+ /**
+ \reimp from Interface::Observer
+ Updates the current message
+ */
+ void update( KMail::Interface::Observable * );
+ /** Read settings from app's config file. */
+ void readConfig();
+ /** Write settings to app's config file. Calls sync() if withSync is TRUE. */
+ void writeConfig( bool withSync=true ) const;
+ const KMail::HeaderStyle * headerStyle() const {
+ return mHeaderStyle;
+ }
+ /** Set the header style and strategy. We only want them to be set
+ together. */
+ void setHeaderStyleAndStrategy( const KMail::HeaderStyle * style,
+ const KMail::HeaderStrategy * strategy );
+ /** Getthe message header strategy. */
+ const KMail::HeaderStrategy * headerStrategy() const {
+ return mHeaderStrategy;
+ }
+ /** Get/set the message attachment strategy. */
+ const KMail::AttachmentStrategy * attachmentStrategy() const {
+ return mAttachmentStrategy;
+ }
+ void setAttachmentStrategy( const KMail::AttachmentStrategy * strategy );
+ /** Get selected override character encoding.
+ @return The encoding selected by the user or an empty string if auto-detection
+ is selected. */
+ QString overrideEncoding() const { return mOverrideEncoding; }
+ /** Set the override character encoding. */
+ void setOverrideEncoding( const QString & encoding );
+ void setPrintFont( const QFont& font );
+ /** Get codec corresponding to the currently selected override character encoding.
+ @return The override codec or 0 if auto-detection is selected. */
+ const QTextCodec * overrideCodec() const;
+ /** Set printing mode */
+ virtual void setPrinting(bool enable) { mPrinting = enable; }
+ /** Set the message that shall be shown. If msg is 0, an empty page is
+ displayed. */
+ virtual void setMsg(KMMessage* msg, bool force = false);
+ /** Instead of settings a message to be shown sets a message part
+ to be shown */
+ void setMsgPart( KMMessagePart* aMsgPart, bool aHTML,
+ const QString& aFileName, const QString& pname );
+ void setMsgPart( partNode * node );
+ /** Show or hide the Mime Tree Viewer if configuration
+ is set to smart mode. */
+ void showHideMimeTree( bool isPlainTextTopLevel );
+ /** Store message id of last viewed message,
+ normally no need to call this function directly,
+ since correct value is set automatically in
+ parseMsg(KMMessage* aMsg, bool onlyProcessHeaders). */
+ void setIdOfLastViewedMessage( const QString & msgId )
+ { mIdOfLastViewedMessage = msgId; }
+ /** Clear the reader and discard the current message. */
+ void clear(bool force = false) { setMsg(0, force); }
+ /** Saves the relative position of the scroll view. Call this before calling update()
+ if you want to preserve the current view. */
+ void saveRelativePosition();
+ /** Re-parse the current message. */
+ void update(bool force = false);
+ /** Print current message. */
+ virtual void printMsg(void);
+ /** Return selected text */
+ QString copyText();
+ /** Get/set auto-delete msg flag. */
+ bool autoDelete(void) const { return mAutoDelete; }
+ void setAutoDelete(bool f) { mAutoDelete=f; }
+ /** Override default html mail setting */
+ bool htmlOverride() const { return mHtmlOverride; }
+ void setHtmlOverride( bool override );
+ /** Override default load external references setting */
+ bool htmlLoadExtOverride() const { return mHtmlLoadExtOverride; }
+ void setHtmlLoadExtOverride( bool override );
+ /** Is html mail to be supported? Takes into account override */
+ bool htmlMail();
+ /** Is loading ext. references to be supported? Takes into account override */
+ bool htmlLoadExternal();
+ /** Returns the MD5 hash for the list of new features */
+ static QString newFeaturesMD5();
+ /** Display a generic HTML splash page instead of a message */
+ void displaySplashPage( const QString &info );
+ /** Display the about page instead of a message */
+ void displayAboutPage();
+ /** Display the 'please wait' page instead of a message */
+ void displayBusyPage();
+ /** Display the 'we are currently in offline mode' page instead of a message */
+ void displayOfflinePage();
+ /** Enable the displaying of messages again after an URL was displayed */
+ void enableMsgDisplay();
+ /** View message part of type message/RFC822 in extra viewer window. */
+ void atmViewMsg(KMMessagePart* msgPart);
+ bool atBottom() const;
+ bool isFixedFont() { return mUseFixedFont; }
+ void setUseFixedFont( bool useFixedFont ) { mUseFixedFont = useFixedFont; }
+ /** Return the HtmlWriter connected to the KHTMLPart we use */
+ KMail::HtmlWriter * htmlWriter() { return mHtmlWriter; }
+ // Action to reply to a message
+ // but action( "some_name" ) some name could be used instead.
+ KToggleAction *toggleFixFontAction() { return mToggleFixFontAction; }
+ KAction *mailToComposeAction() { return mMailToComposeAction; }
+ KAction *mailToReplyAction() { return mMailToReplyAction; }
+ KAction *mailToForwardAction() { return mMailToForwardAction; }
+ KAction *addAddrBookAction() { return mAddAddrBookAction; }
+ KAction *openAddrBookAction() { return mOpenAddrBookAction; }
+ KAction *copyAction() { return mCopyAction; }
+ KAction *selectAllAction() { return mSelectAllAction; }
+ KAction *copyURLAction() { return mCopyURLAction; }
+ KAction *urlOpenAction() { return mUrlOpenAction; }
+ KAction *urlSaveAsAction() { return mUrlSaveAsAction; }
+ KAction *addBookmarksAction() { return mAddBookmarksAction;}
+ KAction *startImChatAction() { return mStartIMChatAction; }
+ // This function returns the complete data that were in this
+ // message parts - *after* all encryption has been removed that
+ // could be removed.
+ // - This is used to store the message in decrypted form.
+ void objectTreeToDecryptedMsg( partNode* node,
+ NewByteArray& resultingData,
+ KMMessage& theMessage,
+ bool weAreReplacingTheRootNode = false,
+ int recCount = 0 );
+ /** Returns message part from given URL or null if invalid. */
+ partNode* partNodeFromUrl(const KURL &url);
+ partNode * partNodeForId( int id );
+ KURL tempFileUrlFromPartNode( const partNode * node );
+ /** Returns id of message part from given URL or -1 if invalid. */
+ static int msgPartFromUrl(const KURL &url);
+ void setUpdateAttachment( bool update = true ) { mAtmUpdate = update; }
+ /** Access to the KHTMLPart used for the viewer. Use with
+ care! */
+ KHTMLPart * htmlPart() const { return mViewer; }
+ /** Returns the current message or 0 if none. */
+ KMMessage* message(KMFolder** folder=0) const;
+ void openAttachment( int id, const QString & name );
+ void emitUrlClicked( const KURL & url, int button ) {
+ emit urlClicked( url, button );
+ }
+ void emitPopupMenu( const KURL & url, const QPoint & p ) {
+ if ( message() )
+ emit popupMenu( *message(), url, p );
+ }
+ void showAttachmentPopup( int id, const QString & name, const QPoint & p );
+ /** Set the serial number of the message this reader window is currently
+ * waiting for. Used to discard updates for already deselected messages. */
+ void setWaitingForSerNum( unsigned long serNum ) { mWaitingForSerNum = serNum; }
+ QWidget* mainWindow() { return mMainWindow; }
+ /** Returns wether the message should be decryted. */
+ bool decryptMessage() const;
+ /** Enforce message decryption. */
+ void setDecryptMessageOverwrite( bool overwrite = true ) { mDecrytMessageOverwrite = overwrite; }
+ /** Show signature details. */
+ bool showSignatureDetails() const { return mShowSignatureDetails; }
+ /** Show signature details. */
+ void setShowSignatureDetails( bool showDetails = true ) { mShowSignatureDetails = showDetails; }
+ /* show or hide the list that points to the attachments */
+ bool showAttachmentQuicklist() const { return mShowAttachmentQuicklist; }
+ /* show or hide the list that points to the attachments */
+ void setShowAttachmentQuicklist( bool showAttachmentQuicklist = true ) { mShowAttachmentQuicklist = showAttachmentQuicklist; }
+ /** Emitted after parsing of a message to have it stored
+ in unencrypted state in it's folder. */
+ void replaceMsgByUnencryptedVersion();
+ /** The user presses the right mouse button. 'url' may be 0. */
+ void popupMenu(KMMessage &msg, const KURL &url, const QPoint& mousePos);
+ /** The user has clicked onto an URL that is no attachment. */
+ void urlClicked(const KURL &url, int button);
+ /** Pgp displays a password dialog */
+ void noDrag(void);
+public slots:
+ /** Select message body. */
+ void selectAll();
+ /** Force update even if message is the same */
+ void clearCache();
+ /** Refresh the reader window */
+ void updateReaderWin();
+ /** HTML Widget scrollbar and layout handling. */
+ void slotScrollUp();
+ void slotScrollDown();
+ void slotScrollPrior();
+ void slotScrollNext();
+ void slotJumpDown();
+ void slotDocumentChanged();
+ void slotDocumentDone();
+ void slotTextSelected(bool);
+ /** An URL has been activate with a click. */
+ void slotUrlOpen(const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &args);
+ /** The mouse has moved on or off an URL. */
+ void slotUrlOn(const QString &url);
+ /** The user presses the right mouse button on an URL. */
+ void slotUrlPopup(const QString &, const QPoint& mousePos);
+ /** The user selected "Find" from the menu. */
+ void slotFind();
+ /** The user selected "Find Next" from the menu. */
+ void slotFindNext();
+ /** The user toggled the "Fixed Font" flag from the view menu. */
+ void slotToggleFixedFont();
+ /** Copy the selected text to the clipboard */
+ void slotCopySelectedText();
+ void slotUrlClicked();
+ /** Operations on mailto: URLs. */
+ void slotMailtoReply();
+ void slotMailtoCompose();
+ void slotMailtoForward();
+ void slotMailtoAddAddrBook();
+ void slotMailtoOpenAddrBook();
+ /** Copy URL in mUrlCurrent to clipboard. Removes "mailto:" at
+ beginning of URL before copying. */
+ void slotUrlCopy();
+ void slotUrlOpen( const KURL &url = KURL() );
+ /** Save the page to a file */
+ void slotUrlSave();
+ void slotAddBookmarks();
+ void slotSaveMsg();
+ void slotSaveAttachments();
+ void slotMessageArrived( KMMessage *msg );
+ /** start IM Chat with addressee */
+ void slotIMChat();
+ void contactStatusChanged( const QString &uid);
+ void slotLevelQuote( int l );
+ void slotTouchMessage();
+ void slotDeleteAttachment( partNode* node );
+ void slotEditAttachment( partNode* node );
+ KMail::CSSHelper* cssHelper();
+protected slots:
+ void slotCycleHeaderStyles();
+ void slotBriefHeaders();
+ void slotFancyHeaders();
+ void slotEnterpriseHeaders();
+ void slotStandardHeaders();
+ void slotLongHeaders();
+ void slotAllHeaders();
+ void slotCycleAttachmentStrategy();
+ void slotIconicAttachments();
+ void slotSmartAttachments();
+ void slotInlineAttachments();
+ void slotHideAttachments();
+ /** Some attachment operations. */
+ void slotAtmView( int id, const QString& name );
+ void slotDelayedResize();
+ void slotHandleAttachment( int );
+ /** reimplemented in order to update the frame width in case of a changed
+ GUI style */
+ void styleChange( QStyle& oldStyle );
+ /** Set the width of the frame to a reasonable value for the current GUI
+ style */
+ void setStyleDependantFrameWidth();
+ /** Watch for palette changes */
+ virtual bool event(QEvent *e);
+ /** Calculate the pixel size */
+ int pointsToPixel(int pointSize) const;
+ /** Feeds the HTML viewer with the contents of the given message.
+ HTML begin/end parts are written around the message. */
+ void displayMessage();
+ /** Parse given message and add it's contents to the reader window. */
+ virtual void parseMsg( KMMessage* msg );
+ /** Creates a nice mail header depending on the current selected
+ header style. */
+ QString writeMsgHeader(KMMessage* aMsg, bool hasVCard=false, bool topLevel=false);
+ /** Writes the given message part to a temporary file and returns the
+ name of this file or QString::null if writing failed.
+ */
+ QString writeMessagePartToTempFile( KMMessagePart* msgPart, int partNumber );
+ /**
+ Creates a temporary dir for saving attachments, etc.
+ Will be automatically deleted when another message is viewed.
+ @param param Optional part of the directory name.
+ */
+ QString createTempDir( const QString &param = QString() );
+ /** show window containing infos about a vCard. */
+ void showVCard(KMMessagePart *msgPart);
+ /** HTML initialization. */
+ virtual void initHtmlWidget(void);
+ /** Some necessary event handling. */
+ virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *);
+ virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
+ /** Cleanup the attachment temp files */
+ virtual void removeTempFiles();
+ /** Event filter */
+ bool eventFilter( QObject *obj, QEvent *ev );
+private slots:
+ void slotSetEncoding();
+ void injectAttachments();
+ void adjustLayout();
+ void createWidgets();
+ void createActions( KActionCollection * ac );
+ void saveSplitterSizes( KConfigBase & c ) const;
+ KRadioAction * actionForHeaderStyle( const KMail::HeaderStyle *,
+ const KMail::HeaderStrategy * );
+ KRadioAction * actionForAttachmentStrategy( const KMail::AttachmentStrategy * );
+ /** Read override codec from configuration */
+ void readGlobalOverrideCodec();
+ QString renderAttachments( partNode *node, const QColor &bgColor );
+ bool mHtmlMail, mHtmlLoadExternal, mHtmlOverride, mHtmlLoadExtOverride;
+ int mAtmCurrent;
+ QString mAtmCurrentName;
+ KMMessage *mMessage;
+ // widgets:
+ QSplitter * mSplitter;
+ QHBox *mBox;
+ KMail::HtmlStatusBar *mColorBar;
+ KMMimePartTree* mMimePartTree;
+ KHTMLPart *mViewer;
+ const KMail::AttachmentStrategy * mAttachmentStrategy;
+ const KMail::HeaderStrategy * mHeaderStrategy;
+ const KMail::HeaderStyle * mHeaderStyle;
+ bool mAutoDelete;
+ /** where did the user save the attachment last time */
+ QString mSaveAttachDir;
+ static const int delay;
+ QTimer mUpdateReaderWinTimer;
+ QTimer mResizeTimer;
+ QTimer mDelayedMarkTimer;
+ QString mOverrideEncoding;
+ QString mOldGlobalOverrideEncoding; // used to detect changes of the global override character encoding
+ bool mMsgDisplay;
+ bool mNoMDNsWhenEncrypted;
+ unsigned long mLastSerNum;
+ KMMsgStatus mLastStatus;
+ KMail::CSSHelper * mCSSHelper;
+ bool mUseFixedFont;
+ bool mPrinting;
+ bool mShowColorbar;
+ //bool mShowCompleteMessage;
+ QStringList mTempFiles;
+ QStringList mTempDirs;
+ int mMimeTreeMode;
+ bool mMimeTreeAtBottom;
+ QValueList<int> mSplitterSizes;
+ partNode* mRootNode;
+ QString mIdOfLastViewedMessage;
+ QWidget *mMainWindow;
+ KActionCollection *mActionCollection;
+ KAction *mMailToComposeAction, *mMailToReplyAction, *mMailToForwardAction,
+ *mAddAddrBookAction, *mOpenAddrBookAction, *mCopyAction, *mCopyURLAction,
+ *mUrlOpenAction, *mUrlSaveAsAction, *mAddBookmarksAction, *mStartIMChatAction, *mSelectAllAction;
+ KSelectAction *mSelectEncodingAction;
+ KToggleAction *mToggleFixFontAction;
+ KURL mUrlClicked;
+ KMail::HtmlWriter * mHtmlWriter;
+ // an attachment should be updated
+ bool mAtmUpdate;
+ int mChoice;
+ unsigned long mWaitingForSerNum;
+ float mSavedRelativePosition;
+ int mLevelQuote;
+ bool mDecrytMessageOverwrite;
+ bool mShowSignatureDetails;
+ bool mShowAttachmentQuicklist;