path: root/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/tests/textend.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/tests/textend.cpp')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/tests/textend.cpp b/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/tests/textend.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98331f1af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/tests/textend.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+// textend.cpp -- Regression test program, commit extend tests
+// $Id$
+// This is part of Metakit, the homepage is
+#include "regress.h"
+const int kSize1 = 41;
+const int kSize2 = 85;
+void TestExtend()
+ B(e01, Extend new file, 0) W(e01a);
+ {
+ c4_IntProp p1 ("p1");
+ c4_Storage s1 ("e01a", 2);
+ A(s1.Strategy().FileSize() == 0);
+ c4_View v1 = s1.GetAs("a[p1:I]");
+ v1.Add(p1 [123]);
+ s1.Commit();
+ A(s1.Strategy().FileSize() == kSize1);
+ v1.Add(p1 [456]);
+ s1.Commit();
+ A(s1.Strategy().FileSize() == kSize2);
+ } D(e01a); R(e01a); E;
+ B(e02, Extend committing twice, 0) W(e02a);
+ {
+ c4_IntProp p1 ("p1");
+ c4_Storage s1 ("e02a", 2);
+ A(s1.Strategy().FileSize() == 0);
+ c4_View v1 = s1.GetAs("a[p1:I]");
+ v1.Add(p1 [123]);
+ s1.Commit();
+ A(s1.Strategy().FileSize() == kSize1);
+ s1.Commit();
+ A(s1.Strategy().FileSize() == kSize1);
+ v1.Add(p1 [456]);
+ s1.Commit();
+ A(s1.Strategy().FileSize() == kSize2);
+ } D(e02a); R(e02a); E;
+ B(e03, Read during extend, 0) W(e03a);
+ {
+ c4_IntProp p1 ("p1");
+ c4_Storage s1 ("e03a", 2);
+ A(s1.Strategy().FileSize() == 0);
+ c4_View v1 = s1.GetAs("a[p1:I]");
+ v1.Add(p1 [123]);
+ s1.Commit();
+ A(s1.Strategy().FileSize() == kSize1);
+ {
+ c4_Storage s2 ("e03a", 0);
+ c4_View v2 = s2.View("a");
+ A(v2.GetSize() == 1);
+ A(p1 (v2[0]) == 123);
+ }
+ v1.Add(p1 [456]);
+ s1.Commit();
+ A(s1.Strategy().FileSize() == kSize2);
+ {
+ c4_Storage s3 ("e03a", 0);
+ c4_View v3 = s3.View("a");
+ A(v3.GetSize() == 2);
+ A(p1 (v3[0]) == 123);
+ A(p1 (v3[1]) == 456);
+ }
+ } D(e03a); R(e03a); E;
+ B(e04, Extend during read, 0) W(e04a);
+ {
+ c4_IntProp p1 ("p1");
+ {
+ c4_Storage s1 ("e04a", 2);
+ A(s1.Strategy().FileSize() == 0);
+ c4_View v1 = s1.GetAs("a[p1:I]");
+ v1.Add(p1 [123]);
+ s1.Commit();
+ A(s1.Strategy().FileSize() == kSize1);
+ }
+ c4_Storage s2 ("e04a", 0);
+ c4_View v2 = s2.View("a");
+ A(v2.GetSize() == 1);
+ A(p1 (v2[0]) == 123);
+ c4_Storage s3 ("e04a", 0); // open, don't load
+ {
+ c4_Storage s4 ("e04a", 2);
+ A(s4.Strategy().FileSize() == kSize1);
+ c4_View v4 = s4.View("a");
+ v4.Add(p1 [123]);
+ s4.Commit();
+ A(s4.Strategy().FileSize() > kSize1); // == kSize2);
+ }
+ c4_View v2a = s2.View("a");
+ A(v2a.GetSize() == 1);
+ A(p1 (v2a[0]) == 123);
+ c4_View v3 = s3.View("a");
+ A(v3.GetSize() == 1);
+ A(p1 (v3[0]) == 123);
+ } D(e04a); R(e04a); E;
+ B(e05, Test memory mapping, 0) W(e05a);
+ {
+ // this is not a test of MK, but of the underlying system code
+ {
+ c4_FileStrategy fs;
+ bool f1 = fs.DataOpen("e05a", 1);
+ A(!f1);
+ fs.DataWrite(0, "hi!", 3);
+ A(fs._failure == 0);
+ A(fs.FileSize() == 3);
+ fs.DataCommit(0);
+ A(fs.FileSize() == 3);
+ fs.ResetFileMapping();
+ if (fs._mapStart != 0)
+ {
+ A(fs._dataSize == 3);
+ c4_String s ((char*) fs._mapStart, 3);
+ A(s == "hi!");
+ }
+ fs.DataWrite(3, "hello", 5);
+ A(fs._failure == 0);
+ A(fs.FileSize() == 8);
+ fs.DataCommit(0);
+ A(fs.FileSize() == 8);
+ if (fs._mapStart != 0)
+ {
+ A(fs._dataSize == 3);
+ c4_String s ((char*) fs._mapStart, 8);
+ A(s == "hi!hello");
+ }
+ fs.DataWrite(100, "wow!", 4);
+ A(fs._failure == 0);
+ A(fs.FileSize() == 104);
+ fs.DataCommit(0);
+ A(fs.FileSize() == 104);
+ fs.ResetFileMapping();
+ if (fs._mapStart != 0)
+ {
+ A(fs._dataSize == 104);
+ c4_String s ((char*) fs._mapStart + 100, 4);
+ A(s == "wow!");
+ }
+ }
+ // clear the file, so dump doesn't choke on it
+ FILE* fp = fopen("e05a", "w");
+ A(fp != 0);
+ fclose(fp);
+ } D(e05a); R(e05a); E;
+ B(e06, Rollback during extend, 0) W(e06a);
+ {
+ c4_IntProp p1 ("p1");
+ c4_Storage s1 ("e06a", 2);
+ A(s1.Strategy().FileSize() == 0);
+ c4_View v1 = s1.GetAs("a[p1:I]");
+ v1.Add(p1 [123]);
+ s1.Commit();
+ A(s1.Strategy().FileSize() == kSize1);
+ c4_Storage s2 ("e06a", 0);
+ c4_View v2 = s2.View("a");
+ A(v2.GetSize() == 1);
+ A(p1 (v2[0]) == 123);
+ v1.Add(p1 [456]);
+ s1.Commit();
+ A(s1.Strategy().FileSize() == kSize2);
+#if 0
+/* fails on NT + Samba, though it works fine with mmap'ing disabled */
+ s2.Rollback();
+ c4_View v2a = s2.View("a");
+ A(v2a.GetSize() == 2);
+ A(p1 (v2a[0]) == 123);
+ A(p1 (v2a[1]) == 456);
+ c4_View v2a = s2.View("a");
+ A(v2a.GetSize() == 1);
+ A(p1 (v2a[0]) == 123);
+ } D(e06a); R(e06a); E;