path: root/kpilot/conduits/abbrowserconduit/kabcRecord.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kpilot/conduits/abbrowserconduit/kabcRecord.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 263 deletions
diff --git a/kpilot/conduits/abbrowserconduit/kabcRecord.h b/kpilot/conduits/abbrowserconduit/kabcRecord.h
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index f27f0b1a2..000000000
--- a/kpilot/conduits/abbrowserconduit/kabcRecord.h
+++ /dev/null
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-/* KPilot
-** Copyright (C) 2000,2001 by Dan Pilone
-** Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by Reinhold Kainhofer
-** Copyright (C) 2007 by Adriaan de Groot <[email protected]>
-** The abbrowser conduit copies addresses from the Pilot's address book to
-** the KDE addressbook maintained via the kabc library. This file
-** deals with the actual copying of HH addresses to KABC addresses
-** and back again.
-** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-** (at your option) any later version.
-** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with this program in a file called COPYING; if not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
-** MA 02110-1301, USA.
-** Bug reports and questions can be sent to [email protected].
-#include <tqvaluevector.h>
-#include <kabc/phonenumber.h>
-#include "pilotAddress.h"
-#define SYNCNONE 0
-#define SYNCMOD 1
-#define SYNCDEL 3
-namespace KABCSync
- // This duplicates values from the config settings,
- // and must be kept in sync if new settings are added
- // -- there are compile time checks for this in the
- // abbrowser conduit code.
- enum MappingForOtherPhone {
- eOtherPhone=0,
- eAssistant,
- eBusinessFax,
- eCarPhone,
- eEmail2,
- eHomeFax,
- eTelex,
- eTTYTTDPhone
- } ;
- enum MappingForCustomField {
- eCustomField=0,
- eCustomBirthdate,
- eCustomURL,
- eCustomIM
- } ;
- class Settings
- {
- public:
- Settings();
- TQString dateFormat() const
- {
- return fDateFormat;
- }
- void setDateFormat(const TQString& s)
- {
- fDateFormat = s;
- }
- const TQValueVector<int> &customMapping() const
- {
- return fCustomMapping;
- }
- void setCustomMapping(const TQValueVector<int> &v)
- {
- if (v.count()==4)
- {
- fCustomMapping = v;
- }
- }
- int custom(int index) const
- {
- if ( (index<0) || (index>3) )
- {
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- return fCustomMapping[index];
- }
- }
- int fieldForOtherPhone() const
- {
- return fOtherPhone;
- }
- void setFieldForOtherPhone(int v)
- {
- fOtherPhone = v;
- }
- bool preferHome() const
- {
- return fPreferHome;
- }
- void setPreferHome(bool v)
- {
- fPreferHome = v;
- }
- int faxTypeOnPC() const
- {
- return fFaxTypeOnPC;
- }
- void setFaxTypeOnPC(int v)
- {
- fFaxTypeOnPC = v;
- }
- private:
- TQString fDateFormat;
- TQValueVector<int> fCustomMapping;
- int fOtherPhone;
- bool fPreferHome;
- int fFaxTypeOnPC;
- } ;
- /** Return a list of all the phone numbers (max. 8) set in this
- * handheld entry @p a . Email entries are ignored.
- */
- KABC::PhoneNumber::List getPhoneNumbers(const PilotAddress &a);
- /** Set the phone numbers from @p list in the handheld entry
- * @p a (with info block @p info providing the mapping of category
- * names and some other fiddly stuff) as far as possible.
- * @em No overflow handling is done at all. If the desktop has
- * more than 5 phone entries, the remainder are dropped.
- */
- void setPhoneNumbers(const PilotAddressInfo &info,
- PilotAddress &a,
- const KABC::PhoneNumber::List &list);
- /** Given a list of category names from the KDE side (e.g. attached
- * to a PC-based Addressee) @p categorynames , look for the
- * category @em best matching the category @p category
- * in the appinfo block @p info . Here, best is defined as follows:
- * - if the name of category @p category is in the list, use it
- * - otherwise use the first category from the list that is a valid
- * category on the handheld.
- * - use Pilot::Unfiled if none match.
- *
- * @return Category index that best matches.
- * @return Pilot::Unfiled if no best match.
- */
- unsigned int bestMatchedCategory(const TQStringList &categorynames,
- const PilotAddressInfo &info,
- unsigned int category);
- /** As above, but return the name of the category. */
- inline TQString bestMatchedCategoryName(const TQStringList &categorynames,
- const PilotAddressInfo &info,
- unsigned int category)
- {
- return info.categoryName(
- bestMatchedCategory(categorynames, info, category));
- }
- /** Give the addressee @p abEntry the category @p cat (leaving
- * existing category assignments intact).
- */
- void setCategory(KABC::Addressee &abEntry, const TQString &cat);
- /* These are string identifiers used for custom properties in the addressees,
- * used to store KPilot-specific settings.
- */
- const TQString appString=CSL1("KPILOT"); ///< Identifier for the application
- const TQString flagString=CSL1("Flag"); ///< Flags: synced or not
- const TQString idString=CSL1("RecordID"); ///< Record ID on HH for this addressee
- /** Get the string value for HH custom field @p index (0..3) from the addressee
- * @p abEntry . Which @em actual field this is depends on the mapping
- * of custom HH fields to PC fields. This mapping is given by the @p customMapping
- * which may be created from the conduit settings or by hand. Since one of the
- * possible actual fields is "birthday," which needs formatting, use the date format
- * string @p dateFormat. If this is empty, use the locale setting.
- *
- * @return String value for HH custom field @p index
- * @return Null TQString on error (is also a valid return value)
- */
- TQString getFieldForHHCustom(
- unsigned int index,
- const KABC::Addressee &abEntry,
- const Settings &settings);
- /** Set a field of the PC @p abEntry address from the custom HH field.
- * Use value @p value . The value comes from custom field @p index
- * using the interpretation of custom fields @p customMapping . Because
- * one of the interpretations includes the birthday, use the date format
- * @p dateFormat ; if empty, use the local format when setting dates from the HH.
- */
- void setFieldFromHHCustom(
- const unsigned int index,
- KABC::Addressee &abEntry,
- const TQString &value,
- const Settings &settings);
- /** The HH has a phone type "other" which may be mapped to any one of
- * several PC side phone numbers. Return the right one depending in the mapping.
- *
- * @note @p mappingForOther should come from AbbrowserSettings::pilotOther()
- */
- TQString getFieldForHHOtherPhone(const KABC::Addressee &abEntry, const Settings &s);
- /** The HH has a phone type "other" which may be mapped to any one
- * of several PC side phone numbers. Store the number @p nr in the
- * PC side phone field indicated by @p mappingForOther .
- *
- * @note @p mappingForOther should come from AbbrowserSettings::pilotOther()
- */
- void setFieldFromHHOtherPhone(KABC::Addressee &abEntry, const TQString &nr, const Settings &s);
- /** Returns the address portion of an addressee. Since the HH can only store
- * one address, we return the preferred address (if the Addressee @p abEntry
- * has one) and then either home or business depending on @p preferHome
- * and if that doesn't exist, the other one and if @em that doesn't exist,
- * return the preferred home or work address if it exists.
- */
- KABC::Address getAddress(const KABC::Addressee &abEntry, const Settings &);
- /** Set the address fields of the HH record from the @p abAddress . */
- void setAddress(PilotAddress &toPilotAddr, const KABC::Address &abAddress);
- bool isArchived(const KABC::Addressee &);
- void makeArchived(KABC::Addressee &);
- void copy(PilotAddress &toPilotAddr,
- const KABC::Addressee &fromAbEntry,
- const PilotAddressInfo &appInfo,
- const Settings &syncSettings);
- void copy(KABC::Addressee &toAbEntry,
- const PilotAddress &fromPiAddr,
- const PilotAddressInfo &appInfo,
- const Settings &syncSettings);
- void showAddressee(const KABC::Addressee &);