path: root/kpilot/lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kpilot/lib/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 478 deletions
diff --git a/kpilot/lib/ b/kpilot/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index d7844b897..000000000
--- a/kpilot/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-/* KPilot
-** Copyright (C) 1998-2001 by Dan Pilone
-** Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <[email protected]>
-** This is a C++ wrapper for the Pilot's datebook structures.
-** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
-** (at your option) any later version.
-** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-** along with this program in a file called COPYING; if not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
-** MA 02110-1301, USA.
-** Bug reports and questions can be sent to [email protected]
-#include "options.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <tqdatetime.h>
-#include <tqnamespace.h>
-#include <tqregexp.h>
-#include <kglobal.h>
-#include "pilotDateEntry.h"
-static const char *default_date_category_names[] = {
- "Unfiled",
- "Business",
- "Personal",
- 0L
-} ;
-void PilotDateInfo::resetToDefault()
- // Reset to all 0s
- memset(&fInfo,0,sizeof(fInfo));
- // Fill up default categories
- for (unsigned int i=0; (i<4) && default_date_category_names[i]; ++i)
- {
- strncpy([i],default_date_category_names[i],sizeof([0]));
- }
- fInfo.startOfWeek = 0;
- ::memset(&fAppointmentInfo, 0, sizeof(struct Appointment));
-/* initialize the entry from another one. If rec==NULL, this constructor does the same as PilotDateEntry()
-PilotDateEntry::PilotDateEntry(PilotRecord * rec) :
- PilotRecordBase(rec)
- ::memset(&fAppointmentInfo, 0, sizeof(fAppointmentInfo));
- if (rec)
- {
- // Construct a fake pi_buffer for unpack_Appointment.
- // No ownership changes occur here.
- pi_buffer_t b = { (unsigned char *) rec->data(), rec->size(), rec->size() } ;
- unpack_Appointment(&fAppointmentInfo, &b, datebook_v1);
- }
- return;
-void PilotDateEntry::_copyExceptions(const PilotDateEntry & e)
- if (e.fAppointmentInfo.exceptions > 0)
- {
- size_t blocksize = e.fAppointmentInfo.exceptions *
- sizeof(struct tm);
- fAppointmentInfo.exception = (struct tm *)::malloc(blocksize);
- if (fAppointmentInfo.exception)
- {
- fAppointmentInfo.exceptions =
- e.fAppointmentInfo.exceptions;
- ::memcpy(fAppointmentInfo.exception,
- e.fAppointmentInfo.exception, blocksize);
- }
- else
- {
- WARNINGKPILOT << "malloc() failed, exceptions not copied" << endl;
- fAppointmentInfo.exceptions = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fAppointmentInfo.exceptions = 0;
- fAppointmentInfo.exception = 0L;
- }
-PilotDateEntry::PilotDateEntry(const PilotDateEntry & e) :
- PilotRecordBase(e)
- ::memcpy(&fAppointmentInfo, &e.fAppointmentInfo,
- sizeof(struct Appointment));
- // See operator = for explanation
- fAppointmentInfo.exception = 0L;
- fAppointmentInfo.description = 0L;
- fAppointmentInfo.note = 0L;
- _copyExceptions(e);
- setDescriptionP(e.fAppointmentInfo.description);
- setNoteP(e.fAppointmentInfo.note);
-PilotDateEntry & PilotDateEntry::operator = (const PilotDateEntry & e)
- if (this != &e) // Pointer equality!
- {
- KPILOT_FREE(fAppointmentInfo.exception);
- KPILOT_FREE(fAppointmentInfo.description);
- KPILOT_FREE(fAppointmentInfo.note);
- ::memcpy(&fAppointmentInfo, &e.fAppointmentInfo,
- sizeof(fAppointmentInfo));
- // The original pointers were already freed; since we're now
- // got the pointers from the new structure and we're going
- // to use the standard set functions make sure that
- // we don't free() the copies-of-pointers from e, which
- // would be disastrous.
- //
- //
- fAppointmentInfo.exception = 0L;
- fAppointmentInfo.description = 0L;
- fAppointmentInfo.note = 0L;
- _copyExceptions(e);
- setDescriptionP(e.fAppointmentInfo.description);
- setNoteP(e.fAppointmentInfo.note);
- }
- return *this;
-} // end of assignment operator
-TQString PilotDateEntry::getTextRepresentation(Qt::TextFormat richText)
- TQString text, tmp;
- TQString par = (richText==Qt::RichText) ?CSL1("<p>"):TQString::null;
- TQString ps = (richText==Qt::RichText) ?CSL1("</p>"):CSL1("\n");
- TQString br = (richText==Qt::RichText) ?CSL1("<br/>"):CSL1("\n");
- // title + name
- text += par;
- tmp=richText?CSL1("<b><big>%1</big></b>"):CSL1("%1");
- text += tmp.arg(rtExpand(getDescription(), richText));
- text += ps;
- TQDateTime dt(readTm(getEventStart()));
- TQString startDate(dt.toString(Qt::LocalDate));
- text+=par;
- text+=i18n("Start date: %1").arg(startDate);
- text+=ps;
- if (isEvent())
- {
- text+=par;
- text+=i18n("Whole-day event");
- text+=ps;
- }
- else
- {
- dt=readTm(getEventEnd());
- TQString endDate(dt.toString(Qt::LocalDate));
- text+=par;
- text+=i18n("End date: %1").arg(endDate);
- text+=ps;
- }
- if ( isAlarmEnabled() )
- {
- text+=par;
- tmp=i18n("%1 is the duration, %2 is the time unit", "Alarm: %1 %2 before event starts").
- arg(getAdvance());
- switch (getAdvanceUnits())
- {
- case advMinutes: tmp=tmp.arg(i18n("minutes")); break;
- case advHours: tmp=tmp.arg(i18n("hours")); break;
- case advDays: tmp=tmp.arg(i18n("days")); break;
- default: tmp=tmp.arg(TQString::null); break;;
- }
- text+=tmp;
- text+=ps;
- }
- if (getRepeatType() != repeatNone)
- {
- text+=par;
- tmp=i18n("Recurrence: every %1 %2");
- int freq = getRepeatFrequency();
- tmp=tmp.arg(freq);
- switch(getRepeatType())
- {
- case repeatDaily: tmp=tmp.arg(i18n("day(s)")); break;
- case repeatWeekly: tmp=tmp.arg(i18n("week(s)")); break;
- case repeatMonthlyByDay:
- case repeatMonthlyByDate: tmp=tmp.arg(i18n("month(s)")); break;
- case repeatYearly: tmp=tmp.arg(i18n("year(s)")); break;
- default: tmp=tmp.arg(TQString::null); break;
- }
- text+=tmp;
- text+=br;
- bool repeatsForever = getRepeatForever();
- if (repeatsForever)
- {
- text+=i18n("Repeats indefinitely");
- }
- else
- {
- dt = readTm(getRepeatEnd()).date();
- text+=i18n("Until %1").arg(dt.toString(Qt::LocalDate));
- }
- text+=br;
- if (getRepeatType()==repeatMonthlyByDay) text+=i18n("Repeating on the i-th day of week j")+br;
- if (getRepeatType()==repeatMonthlyByDate) text+=i18n("Repeating on the n-th day of the month")+br;
- // TODO: show the dayArray when repeating weekly
- /*TQBitArray dayArray(7);
- if (getRepeatType()==repeatWeekly) text+=i18n("Repeat day flags: %1").arg(getRepeatDays
- const int *days = dateEntry->getRepeatDays();
- // Rotate the days of the week, since day numbers on the Pilot and
- // in vCal / Events are different.
- if (days[0]) dayArray.setBit(6);
- for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)
- {
- if (days[i]) dayArray.setBit(i-1);
- }*/
- text+=ps;
- }
- if (getExceptionCount()>0 )
- {
- text+=par;
- text+=i18n("Exceptions:")+br;
- for (int i = 0; i < getExceptionCount(); i++)
- {
- TQDate exdt=readTm(getExceptions()[i]).date();
- text+=exdt.toString(Qt::LocalDate);
- text+=br;
- }
- text+=ps;
- }
- if (!getNote().isEmpty())
- {
- text += richText?CSL1("<hr/>"):CSL1("-------------------------\n");
- text+=par;
- text+=richText?i18n("<b><em>Note:</em></b><br>"):i18n("Note:\n");
- text+=rtExpand(getNote(), richText);
- text+=ps;
- }
- return text;
-TQDateTime PilotDateEntry::dtStart() const
- return readTm( getEventStart() );
-TQDateTime PilotDateEntry::dtEnd() const
- return readTm( getEventEnd() );
-TQDateTime PilotDateEntry::dtRepeatEnd() const
- return readTm( getRepeatEnd() );
-unsigned int PilotDateEntry::alarmLeadTime() const
- if (!isAlarmEnabled()) return 0;
- int adv = getAdvance();
- if ( adv < 0 )
- {
- return 0; // Not possible to enter on the pilot
- }
- unsigned int t = adv;
- int u = getAdvanceUnits();
- switch(u)
- {
- case advMinutes : t *= 60; break;
- case advHours : t *= 3600; break;
- case advDays : t *= 3600 * 24; break;
- default: t = 0;
- }
- return t;
-PilotRecord *PilotDateEntry::pack() const
- int i;
- pi_buffer_t *b = pi_buffer_new( sizeof(fAppointmentInfo) );
- i = pack_Appointment(const_cast<Appointment_t *>(&fAppointmentInfo), b, datebook_v1);
- if (i<0)
- {
- // Generic error from the pack_*() functions.
- return 0;
- }
- // pack_Appointment sets b->used
- return new PilotRecord( b, this );
-/* setExceptions sets a new set of exceptions. Note that
- PilotDateEntry assumes ownership of the array and will
- delete the old one. */
-void PilotDateEntry::setExceptions(struct tm *e) {
- if (fAppointmentInfo.exception != e)
- {
- KPILOT_FREE(fAppointmentInfo.exception);
- }
- fAppointmentInfo.exception=e;
-void PilotDateEntry::setDescriptionP(const char *desc, int l)
- KPILOT_FREE(fAppointmentInfo.description);
- if (desc && *desc)
- {
- if (-1 == l) l=::strlen(desc);
- fAppointmentInfo.description =
- (char *) ::malloc(l + 1);
- if (fAppointmentInfo.description)
- {
- strlcpy(fAppointmentInfo.description, desc, l+1);
- }
- else
- {
- WARNINGKPILOT << "malloc() failed, description not set" << endl;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fAppointmentInfo.description = 0L;
- }
-void PilotDateEntry::setNoteP(const char *note, int l)
- KPILOT_FREE(fAppointmentInfo.note);
- if (note && *note)
- {
- if (-1 == l) l=::strlen(note);
- fAppointmentInfo.note = (char *)::malloc(l + 1);
- if (fAppointmentInfo.note)
- {
- strlcpy(fAppointmentInfo.note, note,l+1);
- }
- else
- {
- WARNINGKPILOT << "malloc() failed, note not set" << endl;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fAppointmentInfo.note = 0L;
- }
-void PilotDateEntry::setNote(const TQString &s)
- TQCString t = Pilot::toPilot(s);
- setNoteP(,t.length() );
-void PilotDateEntry::setLocation(const TQString &s)
- TQString note = Pilot::fromPilot(getNoteP());
- TQRegExp rxp = TQRegExp("^[Ll]ocation:[^\n]+\n");
- // per TQString docs, this covers null and 0 length
- if( s.isEmpty() )
- {
- note.replace(rxp,"");
- }
- else
- {
- TQString location = "Location: " + s + "\n";
- int pos = note.find(rxp);
- if(pos >= 0)
- {
- note.replace( rxp, location );
- }
- else
- {
- note = location + note;
- setNote( note );
- }
- }
-TQString PilotDateEntry::getLocation() const
- // Read the complete note here and not the filtered
- // one from PilotDateEntry::getNote();
- TQString note = Pilot::fromPilot(getNoteP());
- TQRegExp rxp = TQRegExp("^[Ll]ocation:[^\n]+\n");
- int pos = note.find(rxp, 0);
- if(pos >= 0)
- {
- TQString location = rxp.capturedTexts().first();
- rxp = TQRegExp("^[Ll]ocation:[\\s|\t]*");
- location.replace(rxp,"");
- location.replace("\n", "");
- return location;
- }
- else
- {
- return "";
- }
-void PilotDateEntry::setDescription(const TQString &s)
- TQCString t = Pilot::toPilot(s);
- setDescriptionP(,t.length() );
-TQString PilotDateEntry::getNote() const
- TQString note = Pilot::fromPilot(getNoteP());
- TQRegExp rxp = TQRegExp("^[Ll]ocation:[^\n]+\n");
- note.replace(rxp, "" );
- return note;
-TQString PilotDateEntry::getDescription() const
- return Pilot::fromPilot(getDescriptionP());