path: root/plugins/recording/reccfg_interfaces.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/recording/reccfg_interfaces.cpp')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/recording/reccfg_interfaces.cpp b/plugins/recording/reccfg_interfaces.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cbc9e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/recording/reccfg_interfaces.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ reccfg_interfaces.cpp - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Sun May 01 2005
+ copyright : (C) 2005by Martin Witte
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <linux/soundcard.h>
+#include "reccfg_interfaces.h"
+// IRecCfg
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfg::notifyEncoderBufferChanged (size_t BufferSize, size_t BufferCount),
+ noticeEncoderBufferChanged(BufferSize, BufferCount)
+ );
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfg::notifySoundFormatChanged(const SoundFormat &sf),
+ noticeSoundFormatChanged(sf)
+ );
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfg::notifyMP3QualityChanged(int q),
+ noticeMP3QualityChanged(q)
+ );
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfg::notifyOggQualityChanged(float q),
+ noticeOggQualityChanged(q)
+ );
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfg::notifyRecordingDirectoryChanged(const TQString &dir),
+ noticeRecordingDirectoryChanged(dir)
+ );
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfg::notifyOutputFormatChanged(RecordingConfig::OutputFormat of),
+ noticeOutputFormatChanged(of)
+ );
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfg::notifyPreRecordingChanged(bool enable, int seconds),
+ noticePreRecordingChanged(enable, seconds)
+ );
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfg::notifyRecordingConfigChanged (const RecordingConfig &cfg),
+ noticeRecordingConfigChanged(cfg)
+ );
+// IRecCfgClient
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfgClient::sendEncoderBuffer (size_t BufferSize, size_t BufferCount),
+ setEncoderBuffer(BufferSize, BufferCount)
+ );
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfgClient::sendSoundFormat(const SoundFormat &sf),
+ setSoundFormat(sf)
+ );
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfgClient::sendMP3Quality(int q),
+ setMP3Quality(q)
+ );
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfgClient::sendOggQuality(float q),
+ setOggQuality(q)
+ );
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfgClient::sendRecordingDirectory(const TQString &dir),
+ setRecordingDirectory(dir)
+ );
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfgClient::sendOutputFormat(RecordingConfig::OutputFormat of),
+ setOutputFormat(of)
+ );
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfgClient::sendPreRecording(bool enable, int seconds),
+ setPreRecording(enable, seconds)
+ );
+IF_IMPL_SENDER ( IRecCfgClient::sendRecordingConfig(const RecordingConfig &cfg),
+ setRecordingConfig(cfg)
+ );
+IF_IMPL_QUERY ( void IRecCfgClient::queryEncoderBuffer(size_t &BufferSize, size_t &BufferCount),
+ getEncoderBuffer(BufferSize, BufferCount),
+ );
+static SoundFormat defaultSoundFormat;
+IF_IMPL_QUERY ( const SoundFormat &IRecCfgClient::querySoundFormat (),
+ getSoundFormat(),
+ defaultSoundFormat
+ );
+IF_IMPL_QUERY ( int IRecCfgClient::queryMP3Quality (),
+ getMP3Quality(),
+ 7
+ );
+IF_IMPL_QUERY ( float IRecCfgClient::queryOggQuality (),
+ getOggQuality(),
+ 7
+ );
+static TQString defaultRecDir("/tmp");
+IF_IMPL_QUERY ( const TQString &IRecCfgClient::queryRecordingDirectory(),
+ getRecordingDirectory(),
+ defaultRecDir
+ );
+IF_IMPL_QUERY ( RecordingConfig::OutputFormat IRecCfgClient::queryOutputFormat(),
+ getOutputFormat(),
+ RecordingConfig::outputWAV
+ );
+IF_IMPL_QUERY ( bool IRecCfgClient::queryPreRecording(int &seconds),
+ getPreRecording(seconds),
+ false
+ );
+static RecordingConfig defaultRecConfig;
+IF_IMPL_QUERY ( const RecordingConfig &IRecCfgClient::queryRecordingConfig(),
+ getRecordingConfig(),
+ defaultRecConfig
+ );
+void IRecCfgClient::noticeConnectedI (cmplInterface *, bool /*pointer_valid*/)
+ size_t bs = 0, bc = 0;
+ queryEncoderBuffer(bs, bc);
+ noticeEncoderBufferChanged(bs, bc);
+ noticeSoundFormatChanged(querySoundFormat());
+ noticeMP3QualityChanged (queryMP3Quality());
+ noticeOggQualityChanged (queryOggQuality());
+ noticeRecordingDirectoryChanged(queryRecordingDirectory());
+ noticeOutputFormatChanged(queryOutputFormat());
+ int s = 0;
+ bool e = queryPreRecording(s);
+ noticePreRecordingChanged(e, s);
+ noticeRecordingConfigChanged(queryRecordingConfig());
+void IRecCfgClient::noticeDisconnectedI (cmplInterface *, bool /*pointer_valid*/)
+ size_t bs = 0, bc = 0;
+ queryEncoderBuffer(bs, bc);
+ noticeEncoderBufferChanged(bs, bc);
+ noticeSoundFormatChanged(querySoundFormat());
+ noticeMP3QualityChanged (queryMP3Quality());
+ noticeOggQualityChanged (queryOggQuality());
+ noticeRecordingDirectoryChanged(queryRecordingDirectory());
+ noticeOutputFormatChanged(queryOutputFormat());
+ int s = 0;
+ bool e = queryPreRecording(s);
+ noticePreRecordingChanged(e, s);
+ noticeRecordingConfigChanged(queryRecordingConfig());