path: root/tderadio3/src/stationlist.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tderadio3/src/stationlist.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 494 deletions
diff --git a/tderadio3/src/stationlist.cpp b/tderadio3/src/stationlist.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b8bed53..0000000
--- a/tderadio3/src/stationlist.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
- stationlist.cpp - description
- -------------------
- begin : Sat March 29 2003
- copyright : (C) 2003 by Klas Kalass, Ernst Martin Witte
- ***************************************************************************/
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include "include/radiostation.h"
-#include "include/errorlog-interfaces.h"
-#include "include/utils.h"
-#include "include/stationlist.h"
-#include "include/stationlistxmlhandler.h"
-#include "include/tderadioversion.h"
-#include <tqstring.h>
-#include <tqfile.h>
-#include <tqiodevice.h>
-#include <tqmessagebox.h>
-#include <tdeio/netaccess.h>
-#include <tdetempfile.h>
-#include <tdelocale.h>
-const StationList emptyStationList;
-RawStationList::RawStationList ()
- setAutoDelete(true);
-RawStationList::RawStationList (const RawStationList &sl)
- : TQPtrList<RadioStation>(sl)
- setAutoDelete(true);
-RawStationList::~RawStationList ()
- clear();
-TQPtrCollection::Item RawStationList::newItem (TQPtrCollection::Item s)
- if (s)
- return ((RadioStation*)s)->copy();
- else
- return NULL;
-void RawStationList::deleteItem (TQPtrCollection::Item s)
- if (autoDelete())
- delete (RadioStation*)s;
-int RawStationList::compareItems(TQPtrCollection::Item a, TQPtrCollection::Item b)
- if (!a && !b)
- return 0;
- if (!a)
- return -1;
- if (!b)
- return 1;
- return ((RadioStation*)a)->compare(*(RadioStation*)b);
-bool RawStationList::insert (uint index, const RadioStation * item )
- if (!item) return false;
- RadioStation *rs = &stationWithID(item->stationID());
- bool r = true;
- if (rs != item) {
- r = BaseClass::insert(index, item);
- removeRef(rs);
- }
- return r;
-bool RawStationList::insert (const RadioStation * item )
- if (!item) return false;
- int idx = idxWithID(item->stationID());
- if (idx >= 0) {
- return replace(idx, item);
- } else {
- append(item);
- return true;
- }
-void RawStationList::inSort ( const RadioStation * item )
- if (!item) return;
- RadioStation *rs = &stationWithID(item->stationID());
- if (rs != item) {
- removeRef(rs);
- }
- BaseClass::inSort(item);
-void RawStationList::prepend ( const RadioStation * item )
- if (!item) return;
- RadioStation *rs = &stationWithID(item->stationID());
- if (rs != item) {
- removeRef(rs);
- }
- BaseClass::prepend(item);
-void RawStationList::append ( const RadioStation * item )
- if (!item) return;
- RadioStation *rs = &stationWithID(item->stationID());
- if (rs != item) {
- removeRef(rs);
- }
- BaseClass::append(item);
-bool RawStationList::replace ( uint index, const RadioStation * item )
- bool r = true;
- RadioStation *rs = &stationWithID(item->stationID());
- r = BaseClass::replace(index, item);
- if (rs != item) {
- BaseClass::removeRef(rs);
- }
- return r;
-const RadioStation &RawStationList::stationWithID(const TQString &sid) const
- Iterator it(*this);
- for (; const RadioStation *s = it.current(); ++it) {
- if (s->stationID() == sid)
- return *s;
- }
- return (RadioStation &) undefinedRadioStation;
-RadioStation &RawStationList::stationWithID(const TQString &sid)
- Iterator it(*this);
- for (; RadioStation *s = it.current(); ++it) {
- if (s->stationID() == sid)
- return *s;
- }
- return (RadioStation &) undefinedRadioStation;
-int RawStationList::idxWithID(const TQString &sid) const
- int i = 0;
- Iterator it(*this);
- for (; const RadioStation *s = it.current(); ++it, ++i) {
- if (s->stationID() == sid)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
-bool RawStationList::operator == (const RawStationList &l) const
- TQPtrListIterator<RadioStation> it1(*this);
- TQPtrListIterator<RadioStation> it2(l);
- if (count() != l.count())
- return false;
- for (; it1.current() && it2.current(); ++it1, ++it2) {
- if (**it1 != **it2)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- m_all.setAutoDelete(true);
-StationList::StationList(const StationList &sl)
- : m_all (sl.m_all),
- m_metaData (sl.m_metaData)
- m_all.setAutoDelete(true);
-void StationList::merge(const StationList & other)
- // merge meta information: honor merge in comment
- StationListMetaData const & metaData = other.metaData();
- if (! m_metaData.comment.isEmpty())
- m_metaData.comment += "\n";
- m_metaData.lastChange = TQDateTime::currentDateTime();
- if (!metaData.maintainer.isEmpty())
- m_metaData.maintainer += (count() ? TQString(" / ") : TQString()) + metaData.maintainer;
- if (!
- += (count() ? TQString(" / ") : TQString()) +;
- if (!
- = (count() ? TQString(" / ") : TQString()) +;
- if (!
- += (count() ? TQString(" / ") : TQString()) +;
- if (!metaData.comment.isEmpty())
- m_metaData.comment += (count() ? TQString(" / ") : TQString()) + metaData.comment;
- if (count() && other.count())
- m_metaData.comment += " " + i18n("Contains merged Data");
- // merge stations
- TQPtrListIterator<RadioStation> it(other.all());
- for (RadioStation *s = it.current(); s; s = ++it) {
- m_all.insert(s);
- }
-StationList &StationList::operator = (const StationList &other)
- m_metaData = other.metaData();
- m_all = other.all();
- return *this;
-const RadioStation &StationList::at(int idx) const
- RawStationList::Iterator it(m_all);
- it += idx;
- return it.current() ? *it.current() : (const RadioStation &) undefinedRadioStation;
-RadioStation &StationList::at(int idx)
- RawStationList::Iterator it(m_all);
- it += idx;
- return it.current() ? *it.current() : (RadioStation &) undefinedRadioStation;
-const RadioStation &StationList::stationWithID(const TQString &sid) const
- return m_all.stationWithID(sid);
-RadioStation &StationList::stationWithID(const TQString &sid)
- return m_all.stationWithID(sid);
-bool StationList::readXML (const TQString &dat, const IErrorLogClient &logger, bool enableMessageBox)
- // FIXME: TODO: error handling
- TQXmlInputSource source;
- source.setData(dat);
- TQXmlSimpleReader reader;
- StationListXmlHandler handler(logger);
- reader.setContentHandler (&handler);
- if (reader.parse(source)) {
- if (handler.wasCompatMode() && enableMessageBox) {
- TQMessageBox::information(NULL, "TDERadio",
- i18n("Probably an old station preset file was read.\n"
- "You have to rebuild your station selections for "
- "the quickbar and the docking menu.")
- );
- }
- m_all = handler.getStations();
- m_metaData = handler.getMetaData();
- return true;
- } else {
- logger.logError("StationList::readXML: " + i18n("parsing failed"));
- if (enableMessageBox) {
- TQMessageBox::warning(NULL, "TDERadio",
- i18n("Parsing the station preset file failed.\n"
- "See console output for more details."));
- }
- return false;
- }
-bool StationList::readXML (const KURL &url, const IErrorLogClient &logger, bool enableMessageBox)
- TQString tmpfile;
- if (!TDEIO::NetAccess::download(url, tmpfile, NULL)) {
- if (enableMessageBox) {
- logger.logError("StationList::readXML: " +
- i18n("error downloading preset file %1").arg(url.url()));
- TQMessageBox::warning(NULL, "TDERadio",
- i18n("Download of the station preset file at %1 failed.")
- .arg(url.url()));
- } else {
- logger.logWarning("StationList::readXML: " +
- i18n("error downloading preset file %1").arg(url.url()));
- }
- return false;
- }
- logger.logDebug("StationList::readXML: " +
- i18n("temporary file: ") + tmpfile);
- TQFile presetFile (tmpfile);
- if (! {
- logger.logError("StationList::readXML: " +
- i18n("error opening preset file %1").arg(tmpfile));
- if (enableMessageBox) {
- TQMessageBox::warning(NULL, "TDERadio",
- i18n("Opening of the station preset file at %1 failed.")
- .arg(tmpfile));
- }
- return false;
- }
- TQString xmlData;
- // make sure that qtextstream is gone when we close presetFile
- TQString tmp;
- {
- TQTextStream ins(&presetFile);
- tmp =;
- }
- presetFile.reset();
- // preset file written with tderadio <= 0.2.x
- if (tmp.find("<format>") < 0) {
- logger.logInfo(i18n("Old Preset File Format detected"));
- TQTextStream ins(&presetFile);
- ins.setEncoding(TQTextStream::Locale);
- xmlData =;
- }
- // preset file written with tderadio >= 0.3.0
- else {
- TQXmlInputSource tmp(TQT_TQIODEVICE(&presetFile));
- xmlData =;
- }
- presetFile.close();
- TDEIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile(tmpfile);
- return readXML(xmlData, logger, enableMessageBox);
-TQString StationList::writeXML (const IErrorLogClient &/*logger*/) const
- TQString data = TQString();
- // write station list
- TQString t = "\t";
- TQString tt = "\t\t";
- TQString ttt = "\t\t\t";
- data += xmlOpenTag(TDERadioConfigElement) +
- t + xmlOpenTag(StationListElement) +
- tt + xmlTag(StationListFormat, STATION_LIST_FORMAT) +
- tt + xmlOpenTag(StationListInfo) +
- ttt + xmlTag(StationListInfoCreator, "tderadio-" TDERADIO_VERSION) +
- ttt + xmlTag(StationListInfoMaintainer, m_metaData.maintainer) +
- ttt + xmlTag(StationListInfoChanged, m_metaData.lastChange.toString(Qt::ISODate)) +
- ttt + xmlTag(StationListInfoCountry, +
- ttt + xmlTag(StationListInfoCity, +
- ttt + xmlTag(StationListInfoMedia, +
- ttt + xmlTag(StationListInfoComments, m_metaData.comment) +
- tt + xmlCloseTag (StationListInfo);
- for (RawStationList::Iterator it(m_all); it.current(); ++it) {
- RadioStation *s = it.current();
- data += tt + xmlOpenTag (s->getClassName());
- TQStringList properties = s->getPropertyNames();
- TQStringList::iterator end = properties.end();
- for (TQStringList::iterator sit = properties.begin(); sit != end; ++sit) {
- data += ttt + xmlTag (*sit, s->getProperty(*sit));
- }
- data += tt + xmlCloseTag(s->getClassName());
- }
- data += t + xmlCloseTag(StationListElement) +
- xmlCloseTag(TDERadioConfigElement);
- return data;
-bool StationList::writeXML (const KURL &url, const IErrorLogClient &logger, bool enableMessageBox) const
- KTempFile tmpFile;
- tmpFile.setAutoDelete(true);
- TQFile *outf = tmpFile.file();
- TQTextStream outs(outf);
- outs.setEncoding(TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
- outs << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" << endl;
- TQString output = writeXML(logger);
- outs << output;
- if (outf->status() != IO_Ok) {
- logger.logError("StationList::writeXML: " +
- i18n("error writing to tempfile %1").arg(;
- if (enableMessageBox) {
- TQMessageBox::warning(NULL, "TDERadio",
- i18n("Writing station preset file %1 failed.")
- .arg(;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // close hopefully flushes buffers ;)
- outf->close();
- if (count() <= 1) {
- logger.logWarning("StationList::writeXML: " +
- i18n("uploading preset file %1: ").arg(url.url()));
- logger.logWarning("StationList::writeXML: " +
- i18n("something strange happend, station list has only %1 entries. Writing station preset file skipped").arg(count()));
- } else {
- if (!TDEIO::NetAccess::upload(, url, NULL)) {
- logger.logError("StationList::writeXML: " +
- i18n("error uploading preset file %1").arg(url.url()));
- if (enableMessageBox) {
- TQMessageBox::warning(NULL, "TDERadio",
- i18n("Upload of station preset file to %1 failed.")
- .arg(url.url()));
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;