path: root/src/svnfrontend/kdesvnfilelist.cpp
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-11-16 16:05:53 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2011-11-16 16:05:53 -0600
commit2a84b711d4c9c28fd6e03457311fd05203318d24 (patch)
treec825e162ec40405187fd4892b08e8e036a5db308 /src/svnfrontend/kdesvnfilelist.cpp
parent6cd1f99df4d8a5385335e0148fb0d4e424631e6b (diff)
Finish rename from prior commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/svnfrontend/kdesvnfilelist.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3160 deletions
diff --git a/src/svnfrontend/kdesvnfilelist.cpp b/src/svnfrontend/kdesvnfilelist.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 976d3c1..0000000
--- a/src/svnfrontend/kdesvnfilelist.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3160 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Rajko Albrecht *
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
- * GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the *
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include "tdesvnfilelist.h"
-#include "tdesvn_part.h"
-#include "filelistviewitem.h"
-#include "importdir_logmsg.h"
-#include "copymoveview_impl.h"
-#include "mergedlg_impl.h"
-#include "svnactions.h"
-#include "svnfiletip.h"
-#include "keystatus.h"
-#include "opencontextmenu.h"
-#include "checkoutinfo_impl.h"
-#include "stopdlg.h"
-#include "src/settings/tdesvnsettings.h"
-#include "src/svnqt/revision.hpp"
-#include "src/svnqt/dirent.hpp"
-#include "src/svnqt/client.hpp"
-#include "src/svnqt/status.hpp"
-#include "src/svnqt/url.hpp"
-#include "helpers/sshagent.h"
-#include "helpers/sub2qt.h"
-#include "fronthelpers/cursorstack.h"
-#include "fronthelpers/widgetblockstack.h"
-#include <kapplication.h>
-#include <kiconloader.h>
-#include <kdirwatch.h>
-#include <klocale.h>
-#include <kactioncollection.h>
-#include <kshortcut.h>
-#include <kmessagebox.h>
-#include <kdirselectdialog.h>
-#include <klineedit.h>
-#include <kfileitem.h>
-#include <kdialog.h>
-#include <kfiledialog.h>
-#include <kdebug.h>
-#include <kurldrag.h>
-#include <ktempfile.h>
-#include <kio/job.h>
-#include <krun.h>
-#include <kurldrag.h>
-#include <ktrader.h>
-#include <tqvbox.h>
-#include <tqpainter.h>
-#include <tqstyle.h>
-#include <tqapplication.h>
-#include <tqlayout.h>
-#include <tqlabel.h>
-#include <tqtooltip.h>
-#include <tqregexp.h>
-#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
-#include <tqcursor.h>
-#include <tqheader.h>
-#include <tqcheckbox.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-class KdesvnFileListPrivate{
- KdesvnFileListPrivate();
- virtual ~KdesvnFileListPrivate()
- {
- if (m_DirWatch) {
- m_DirWatch->stopScan();
- delete m_DirWatch;
- }
- delete m_fileTip;
- kdDebug()<<"Destructor KdesvnFileListPrivate done"<<endl;
- };
- TQListViewItem *dragOverItem;
- TQPoint dragOverPoint;
- TQRect mOldDropHighlighter;
- svn::Revision m_remoteRevision;
- KDirWatch*m_DirWatch;
- SvnFileTip*m_fileTip;
- int mlist_icon_size;
- bool mdisp_ignored_files;
- bool mdisp_unknown_files;
- bool mdisp_overlay;
- /* returns true if the display must refreshed */
- bool reReadSettings();
- bool intern_dropRunning;
- KURL::List intern_drops;
- TQString intern_drop_target,merge_Src1, merge_Src2,merge_Target;
- TQDropEvent::Action intern_drop_action;
- TQPoint intern_drop_pos;
- TQTimer drop_timer;
- TQTimer dirwatch_timer;
- TQTimer propTimer;
- bool mousePressed;
- TQPoint presspos;
- TQMap<TQString,TQChar> dirItems;
- void stopDirTimer()
- {
- dirwatch_timer.stop();
- }
- void startDirTimer()
- {
- dirwatch_timer.start(250,true);
- }
- void connectDirTimer(TQObject*ob)
- {
- TQObject::connect(&dirwatch_timer,TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()),ob,TQT_SLOT(_dirwatchTimeout()));
- }
- void stopScan()
- {
- if (m_DirWatch) {
- m_DirWatch->stopScan();
- }
- }
- void startScan()
- {
- if (m_DirWatch) {
- m_DirWatch->startScan();
- }
- }
- void startProptimer()
- {
- propTimer.start(100,true);
- }
- void stopProptimer()
- {
- propTimer.stop();
- }
- void connectPropTimer(TQObject*ob)
- {
- TQObject::connect(&propTimer,TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()),ob,TQT_SLOT(_propListTimeout()));
- }
- void readSettings();
- : dragOverItem(0),dragOverPoint(TQPoint(0,0)),mOldDropHighlighter()
- m_remoteRevision = svn::Revision::HEAD;
- m_DirWatch = 0;
- intern_dropRunning=false;
- mousePressed = false;
- readSettings();
-void KdesvnFileListPrivate::readSettings()
- mlist_icon_size = Kdesvnsettings::listview_icon_size();
- mdisp_ignored_files = Kdesvnsettings::display_ignored_files();
- mdisp_unknown_files = Kdesvnsettings::display_unknown_files();
- mdisp_overlay = Kdesvnsettings::display_overlays();
-bool KdesvnFileListPrivate::reReadSettings()
- int _size = mlist_icon_size;
- bool _ignored = mdisp_ignored_files;
- bool _overlay = mdisp_overlay;
- bool _unknown = mdisp_unknown_files;
- readSettings();
- return (_size != mlist_icon_size||
- _ignored!=mdisp_ignored_files||
- _overlay!=mdisp_overlay||
- _unknown != mdisp_unknown_files);
-tdesvnfilelist::tdesvnfilelist(KActionCollection*aCollect,TQWidget *parent, const char *name)
- : KListView(parent, name),ItemDisplay(),m_SvnWrapper(new SvnActions(this))
- m_SelectedItems = 0;
- m_pList = new KdesvnFileListPrivate;
- m_filesAction = aCollect;
- m_pList->m_fileTip=new SvnFileTip(this);
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setOptions(Kdesvnsettings::display_file_tips()&&
- TQToolTip::isGloballyEnabled(),true,6);
- SshAgent ssh;
- ssh.querySshAgent();
- setMultiSelection(true);
- setSelectionModeExt(FileManager);
- setShowSortIndicator(true);
- setAllColumnsShowFocus (true);
- setRootIsDecorated(true);
- addColumn(i18n("Name"));
- addColumn(i18n("Status"));
- addColumn(i18n("Last changed Revision"));
- addColumn(i18n("Last author"));
- addColumn(i18n("Last change date"));
- addColumn(i18n("Locked by"));
- setSortColumn(FileListViewItem::COL_NAME);
- setupActions();
- connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested(TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int)),this,
- TQT_SLOT(slotContextMenuRequested(TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int)));
- /* not via executed 'cause click may used for selection - single click execution
- just confuses in an application */
- connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListViewItem*)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotItemDoubleClicked(TQListViewItem*)));
- connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(returnPressed(TQListViewItem*)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotItemDoubleClicked(TQListViewItem*)));
- connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()));
- connect(m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SIGNAL(clientException(const TQString&)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotClientException(const TQString&)));
- connect(m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SIGNAL(sendNotify(const TQString&)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotNotifyMessage(const TQString&)));
- connect(m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SIGNAL(reinitItem(SvnItem*)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotReinitItem(SvnItem*)));
- connect(m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SIGNAL(sigRefreshAll()),this,TQT_SLOT(refreshCurrentTree()));
- connect(m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SIGNAL(sigRefreshCurrent(SvnItem*)),this,TQT_SLOT(refreshCurrent(SvnItem*)));
- connect(m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SIGNAL(sigRefreshIcons(bool)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotRescanIcons(bool)));
- connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(dropped (TQDropEvent*,TQListViewItem*)),
- this,TQT_SLOT(slotDropped(TQDropEvent*,TQListViewItem*)));
- connect(m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SIGNAL(sigGotourl(const TQString&)),this,TQT_SLOT(_openURL(const TQString&)));
- connect(m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SIGNAL(sigCachetqStatus(TQ_LONG,TQ_LONG)),this,TQT_SIGNAL(sigCachetqStatus(TQ_LONG,TQ_LONG)));
- connect(m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SIGNAL(sigThreadsChanged()),this,TQT_SLOT(enableActions()));
- m_pList->connectDirTimer(TQT_TQOBJECT(this));
- m_pList->connectPropTimer(TQT_TQOBJECT(this));
- setDropHighlighter(true);
- setDragEnabled(true);
- setItemsMovable(true);
- setDropVisualizer(false);
- setAcceptDrops(true);
- return m_SvnWrapper->svnclient();
-void tdesvnfilelist::setupActions()
- if (!m_filesAction) return;
- KAction*tmp_action;
- /* local and remote actions */
- /* 1. actions on dirs AND files */
- //new KAction(i18n("Log..."),"tdesvnlog",KShortcut(SHIFT+CTRL+Key_L),this,TQT_SLOT(slotMakeRangeLog()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_log");
- new KAction(i18n("Full Log"),"tdesvnlog",KShortcut(CTRL+Key_L),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotMakeLog()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_log_full");
- new KAction(i18n("Full revision tree"),"tdesvnlog",KShortcut(CTRL+Key_T),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotMakeTree()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_tree");
- new KAction(i18n("Partial revision tree"),"tdesvnlog",KShortcut(SHIFT+CTRL+Key_T),
- TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotMakePartTree()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_partialtree");
- new KAction(i18n("Properties"),"edit",
- KShortcut(CTRL+Key_P),m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SLOT(slotProperties()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_property");
- new KAction(i18n("Display Properties"),"edit",
- KShortcut(SHIFT+CTRL+Key_P),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotDisplayProperties()),m_filesAction,"get_svn_property");
- tmp_action = new KAction(i18n("Display last changes"),"tdesvndiff",
- KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotDisplayLastDiff()),m_filesAction,"make_last_change");
- tmp_action->setToolTip(i18n("Display last changes as difference to previous commit."));
- m_InfoAction = new KAction(i18n("Details"),"tdesvninfo",
- KShortcut(CTRL+Key_I),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotInfo()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_info");
- m_RenameAction = new KAction(i18n("Move"),"move",
- KShortcut(Key_F2),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotRename()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_rename");
- m_CopyAction = new KAction(i18n("Copy"),"tdesvncopy",
- KShortcut(CTRL+Key_C),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotCopy()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_copy");
- tmp_action = new KAction(i18n("Check for updates"),"tdesvncheckupdates",KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotCheckUpdates()),m_filesAction,"make_check_updates");
- tmp_action->setToolTip(i18n("Check if current working copy has items with newer version in repository"));
- /* 2. actions only on files */
- m_BlameAction = new KAction(i18n("Blame"),"tdesvnblame",
- KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotBlame()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_blame");
- m_BlameAction->setToolTip(i18n("Output the content of specified files or URLs with revision and author information in-line."));
- m_BlameRangeAction = new KAction(i18n("Blame range"),"tdesvnblame",
- KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotRangeBlame()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_range_blame");
- m_BlameRangeAction->setToolTip(i18n("Output the content of specified files or URLs with revision and author information in-line."));
- m_CatAction = new KAction(i18n("Cat head"), "tdesvncat",
- KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotCat()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_cat");
- m_CatAction->setToolTip(i18n("Output the content of specified files or URLs."));
- tmp_action = new KAction(i18n("Cat revision..."),"tdesvncat",
- KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotRevisionCat()),m_filesAction,"make_revisions_cat");
- tmp_action->setToolTip(i18n("Output the content of specified files or URLs at specific revision."));
- m_LockAction = new KAction(i18n("Lock current items"),"tdesvnlock",
- KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotLock()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_lock");
- m_UnlockAction = new KAction(i18n("Unlock current items"),"tdesvnunlock",
- KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotUnlock()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_unlock");
- /* 3. actions only on dirs */
- m_MkdirAction = new KAction(i18n("New folder"),"folder_new",
- KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotMkdir()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_mkdir");
- m_switchRepository = new KAction(i18n("Switch repository"),"tdesvnswitch",
- KShortcut(), m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SLOT(slotSwitch()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_switch");
- m_switchRepository->setToolTip(i18n("Switch repository path of current working copy path (\"svn switch\")"));
- tmp_action = new KAction(i18n("Relocate current working copy url"),"tdesvnrelocate",KShortcut(),
- TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotRelocate()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_relocate");
- tmp_action->setToolTip(i18n("Relocate url of current working copy path to other url"));
- tmp_action = new KAction(i18n("Check for unversioned items"),"tdesvnaddrecursive",KShortcut(),
- TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotCheckNewItems()),m_filesAction,"make_check_unversioned");
- tmp_action->setToolTip(i18n("Browse folder for unversioned items and add them if wanted."));
- m_changeToRepository = new KAction(i18n("Open repository of working copy"),"gohome",KShortcut(),
- TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotChangeToRepository()),m_filesAction,"make_switch_to_repo");
- m_changeToRepository->setToolTip(i18n("Opens the repository the current working copy was checked out from"));
- m_CleanupAction = new KAction(i18n("Cleanup"),"tdesvncleanup",
- KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotCleanupAction()),m_filesAction,"make_cleanup");
- m_CleanupAction->setToolTip(i18n("Recursively clean up the working copy, removing locks, resuming unfinished operations, etc."));
- m_ImportDirsIntoCurrent = new KAction(i18n("Import folders into current"),"fileimport",KShortcut(),
- TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotImportDirsIntoCurrent()),m_filesAction,"make_import_dirs_into_current");
- m_ImportDirsIntoCurrent->setToolTip(i18n("Import folder content into current url"));
- /* local only actions */
- /* 1. actions on files AND dirs*/
- m_AddCurrent = new KAction(i18n("Add selected files/dirs"),
- "tdesvnadd",KShortcut(Key_Insert),m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SLOT(slotAdd()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_add");
- m_AddCurrent->setToolTip(i18n("Adding selected files and/or directories to repository"));
- tmp_action = new KAction("Add selected files/dirs recursive",
- "tdesvnaddrecursive",KShortcut(CTRL+Key_Insert),m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SLOT(slotAddRec()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_addrec");
- tmp_action->setToolTip(i18n("Adding selected files and/or directories to repository and all subitems of folders"));
- m_DelCurrent = new KAction(i18n("Delete selected files/dirs"),"tdesvndelete",
- KShortcut(Key_Delete),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotDelete()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_remove");
- m_DelCurrent->setToolTip(i18n("Deleting selected files and/or directories from repository"));
- m_RevertAction = new KAction(i18n("Revert current changes"),"revert",
- KShortcut(),m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SLOT(slotRevert()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_revert");
- m_ResolvedAction = new KAction(i18n("Mark resolved"),KShortcut(),
- TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotResolved()),m_filesAction,"make_resolved");
- m_ResolvedAction->setToolTip(i18n("Marking files or dirs resolved"));
- tmp_action = new KAction(i18n("Resolve conflicts"),KShortcut(),
- TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotTryResolve()),m_filesAction,"make_try_resolve");
- m_IgnoreAction = new KAction(i18n("Ignore/Unignore current item"),KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotIgnore()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_ignore");
- m_UpdateHead = new KAction(i18n("Update to head"),"tdesvnupdate",
- KShortcut(),m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SLOT(slotUpdateHeadRec()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_headupdate");
- m_UpdateRev = new KAction(i18n("Update to revision..."),"tdesvnupdate",
- KShortcut(),m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SLOT(slotUpdateTo()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_revupdate");
- m_commitAction = new KAction(i18n("Commit"),"tdesvncommit",
- KShortcut("CTRL+#"),m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SLOT(slotCommit()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_commit");
- tmp_action = new KAction(i18n("Diff local changes"),"tdesvndiff",
- KShortcut(CTRL+Key_D),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotSimpleBaseDiff()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_basediff");
- tmp_action->setToolTip(i18n("Diff working copy against BASE (last checked out version) - doesn't require access to repository"));
- tmp_action = new KAction(i18n("Diff against HEAD"),"tdesvndiff",
- KShortcut(CTRL+Key_H),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotSimpleHeadDiff()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_headdiff");
- tmp_action->setToolTip(i18n("Diff working copy against HEAD (last checked in version)- requires access to repository"));
- tmp_action = new KAction(i18n("Diff items"),"tdesvndiff",
- KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotDiffPathes()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_itemsdiff");
- tmp_action->setToolTip(i18n("Diff two items"));
- m_MergeRevisionAction = new KAction(i18n("Merge two revisions"),"tdesvnmerge",
- KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotMergeRevisions()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_merge_revisions");
- m_MergeRevisionAction->setToolTip(i18n("Merge two revisions of this entry into itself"));
- tmp_action=new KAction(i18n("Merge..."),"tdesvnmerge",
- KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotMerge()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_merge");
- tmp_action->setToolTip("Merge repository path into current worky copy path or current repository path into a target");
- tmp_action=new KAction( i18n( "Open With..." ), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotOpenWith() ), m_filesAction, "openwith" );
- /* remote actions only */
- m_CheckoutCurrentAction = new KAction(i18n("Checkout current repository path"),"tdesvncheckout",KShortcut(),
- m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SLOT(slotCheckoutCurrent()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_checkout_current");
- m_ExportCurrentAction = new KAction(i18n("Export current repository path"),"tdesvnexport",KShortcut(),
- m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SLOT(slotExportCurrent()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_export_current");
- new KAction(i18n("Select browse revision"),KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotSelectBrowsingRevision()),m_filesAction,"switch_browse_revision");
- /* independe actions */
- m_CheckoutAction = new KAction(i18n("Checkout a repository"),"tdesvncheckout",
- KShortcut(),m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SLOT(slotCheckout()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_checkout");
- m_ExportAction = new KAction(i18n("Export a repository"),"tdesvnexport",
- KShortcut(),m_SvnWrapper,TQT_SLOT(slotExport()),m_filesAction,"make_svn_export");
- m_RefreshViewAction = new KAction(i18n("Refresh view"),"reload",KShortcut(Key_F5),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(refreshCurrentTree()),m_filesAction,"make_view_refresh");
- new KAction(i18n("Diff revisions"),"tdesvndiff",KShortcut(),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotDiffRevisions()),m_filesAction,"make_revisions_diff");
- /* folding options */
- tmp_action = new KAction( i18n("Unfold File Tree"), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this) , TQT_SLOT(slotUnfoldTree()), m_filesAction, "view_unfold_tree" );
- tmp_action->setToolTip(i18n("Opens all branches of the file tree"));
- tmp_action = new KAction( i18n("Fold File Tree"), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotFoldTree()), m_filesAction, "view_fold_tree" );
- tmp_action->setToolTip(i18n("Closes all branches of the file tree"));
- /* caching */
- tmp_action = new KAction( i18n("Update log cache"),0,TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotUpdateLogCache()),m_filesAction,"update_log_cache" );
- tmp_action->setToolTip(i18n("Update the log cache for current repository"));
- /* tmp_action = new KAction( i18n("Stop update log cache"),0,this,TQT_SLOT(slotUpdateLogCache()),m_filesAction,"stop_update_log_cache" );
- tmp_action->setToolTip(i18n("Stop the update of the log cache"));
- */
- enableActions();
- m_filesAction->setHighlightingEnabled(true);
- return m_filesAction;
-FileListViewItemList* tdesvnfilelist::allSelected()
- if (!m_SelectedItems) {
- m_SelectedItems = new FileListViewItemList;
- }
- return m_SelectedItems;
-void tdesvnfilelist::SelectionList(SvnItemList*target)
- if (!m_SelectedItems||!target) return;
- FileListViewItemListIterator iter(*m_SelectedItems);
- FileListViewItem*cur;
- while ( (cur=iter.current())!=0) {
- ++iter;
- target->append(cur);
- }
- if (singleSelected()!=0) {
- return singleSelected();
- }
- if (isWorkingCopy()&&firstChild()) {
- return static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(firstChild());
- }
- return 0;
-KURL::List tdesvnfilelist::selectedUrls()
- KURL::List lst;
- FileListViewItemList*ls = allSelected();
- FileListViewItemListIterator it(*ls);
- FileListViewItem*cur;
- while ( (cur=it.current())!=0) {
- ++it;
- /* for putting it to outside we must convert it to KIO urls */
- lst.append(cur->kdeName(m_pList->m_remoteRevision));
- }
- return lst;
- return this;
-FileListViewItem* tdesvnfilelist::singleSelected()
- if (m_SelectedItems && m_SelectedItems->count()==1) {
- return m_SelectedItems->at(0);
- }
- return 0;
- return singleSelected();
-void tdesvnfilelist::_openURL(const TQString&url)
- openURL(url,true);
- emit sigUrlChanged(baseUri());
-bool tdesvnfilelist::openURL( const KURL &url,bool noReinit )
- CursorStack a;
- m_SvnWrapper->killallThreads();
- clear();
- emit sigProplist(svn::PathPropertiesMapListPtr(new svn::PathPropertiesMapList()),false,TQString(""));
- m_Dirsread.clear();
- if (m_SelectedItems) {
- m_SelectedItems->clear();
- }
- m_LastException="";
- delete m_pList->m_DirWatch;
- m_pList->m_DirWatch=0;
- m_pList->dirItems.clear();
- m_pList->stopDirTimer();
- if (!noReinit) m_SvnWrapper->reInitClient();
- TQString query = url.query();
- KURL _url = url;
- TQString proto = svn::Url::transformProtokoll(url.protocol());
- _url.cleanPath(true);
- _url.setProtocol(proto);
- proto = _url.url(-1);
- TQStringList s = TQStringList::split("?",proto);
- if (s.size()>1) {
- setBaseUri(s[0]);
- } else {
- setBaseUri(proto);
- }
- setWorkingCopy(false);
- setNetworked(false);
- m_pList->m_remoteRevision=svn::Revision::HEAD;
- TQString _dummy;
- if (!TQString::compare("svn+file",url.protocol())) {
- setBaseUri("file://"+url.path());
- } else {
- if (url.isLocalFile()) {
- TQString s = url.path();
- while(s.endsWith("/")) {
- s.remove(s.length()-1,1);
- }
- TQFileInfo fi(s);
- if (fi.exists() && fi.isSymLink()) {
- TQString sl = fi.readLink();
- if (sl.startsWith("/")) {
- setBaseUri(sl);
- } else {
- fi.setFile(fi.dirPath()+"/"+sl);
- setBaseUri(fi.absFilePath());
- }
- } else {
- setBaseUri(url.path());
- }
- if (m_SvnWrapper->isLocalWorkingCopy(baseUri(),_dummy)) {
- setWorkingCopy(true);
- } else {
- // yes! KURL sometimes makes a correct localfile url (file:///)
- // to a simple file:/ - that breakes subversion lib. so we make sure
- // that we have a correct url
- setBaseUri("file://"+baseUri());
- }
- } else {
- setNetworked(true);
- if (!Kdesvnsettings::network_on()) {
- setBaseUri("");
- setNetworked(false);
- clear();
- KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("Networked URL to open but networking is disabled!"));
- emit changeCaption("");
- emit sigUrlOpend(false);
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- if (query.length()>1) {
- TQMap<TQString,TQString> q = url.queryItems();
- if (q.find("rev")!=q.end()) {
- TQString v = q["rev"];
- svn::Revision tmp;
- m_SvnWrapper->svnclient()->url2Revision(v,m_pList->m_remoteRevision,tmp);
- if (m_pList->m_remoteRevision==svn::Revision::UNDEFINED) {
- m_pList->m_remoteRevision = svn::Revision::HEAD;
- }
- }
- }
- if (url.protocol()=="svn+ssh"||
- url.protocol()=="ksvn+ssh") {
- SshAgent ssh;
- ssh.addSshIdentities();
- }
- m_SvnWrapper->clearUpdateCache();
- if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- m_pList->m_DirWatch=new KDirWatch(TQT_TQOBJECT(this));
- connect(m_pList->m_DirWatch,TQT_SIGNAL(dirty(const TQString&)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotDirItemDirty(const TQString&)));
- connect(m_pList->m_DirWatch,TQT_SIGNAL(created(const TQString&)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotDirItemCreated(const TQString&)));
- connect(m_pList->m_DirWatch,TQT_SIGNAL(deleted(const TQString&)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotDirItemDeleted(const TQString&)));
- /* seems that recursive does not work */
- if (m_pList->m_DirWatch) {
- m_pList->m_DirWatch->addDir(baseUri()+"/",false,false);
- m_pList->m_DirWatch->startScan(true);
- }
- }
- bool result = checkDirs(baseUri(),0);
- if (result && isWorkingCopy()) {
- chdir(baseUri().local8Bit());
- if (firstChild()) firstChild()->setOpen(true);
- }
- if (!result) {
- setBaseUri("");
- setNetworked(false);
- clear();
- }
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setOptions(!isNetworked()&&Kdesvnsettings::display_file_tips()&&
- TQToolTip::isGloballyEnabled(),true,6);
- if (result && isWorkingCopy()) {
- m_SvnWrapper->createModifiedCache(baseUri());
- if (Kdesvnsettings::start_updates_check_on_open()) {
- slotCheckUpdates();
- }
- }
- if (Kdesvnsettings::log_cache_on_open()) {
- kdDebug()<<"Starting logcache"<<endl;
- m_SvnWrapper->startFillCache(baseUri());
- }
- emit changeCaption(baseUri());
- emit sigUrlOpend(result);
- TQTimer::singleShot(1,this,TQT_SLOT(readSupportData()));
- enableActions();
- return result;
-void tdesvnfilelist::closeMe()
- m_SvnWrapper->killallThreads();
- selectAll(false);
- clear();
- setWorkingCopy("");
- setNetworked(false);
- setWorkingCopy(false);
- setBaseUri("");
- emit changeCaption("");
- emit sigUrlOpend(false);
- enableActions();
- m_SvnWrapper->reInitClient();
- delete m_pList->m_DirWatch;
- m_pList->m_DirWatch = 0;
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setItem(0);
-bool tdesvnfilelist::checkDirs(const TQString&_what,FileListViewItem * _parent)
- TQString what = _what;
- svn::StatusEntries dlist;
- while (what.endsWith("/")) {
- what.truncate(what.length()-1);
- }
- // prevent this from checking unversioned folder. FIXME: what happen when we do open url on a non-working-copy folder??
- if (!isWorkingCopy()|| (!_parent) || ((_parent) && (_parent->isVersioned()))) {
- if (!m_SvnWrapper->maketqStatus(what,dlist,m_pList->m_remoteRevision) ) {
- kdDebug() << "unable makeStatus" <<endl;
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- checkUnversionedDirs(_parent);
- return true;
- }
- svn::StatusEntries neweritems;
- m_SvnWrapper->getaddedItems(what,neweritems);
- dlist+=neweritems;
- bool ownupdates = true;
- //kdDebug() << "makeStatus on " << what << " created: " << dlist.count() << "items" <<endl;
- if (isUpdatesEnabled()) {
- viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled(false);
- } else {
- ownupdates=false;
- }
- svn::StatusEntries::iterator it = dlist.begin();
- FileListViewItem * pitem = 0;
- bool main_found = false;
- for (;it!=dlist.end();++it) {
- //kdDebug() << "iterate over it: " << (*it)->entry().url() << endl;
- // current item is not versioned
- if (!(*it)->isVersioned() && !filterOut((*it))) {
- // if empty, we may want to create a default svn::tqStatus for each folder inside this _parent
- // iterate over TQDir and create new filelistviewitem
- checkUnversionedDirs(_parent);
- }
- if ((*it)->path()==what||TQString::compare((*it)->entry().url(),what)==0){
- if (!_parent) {
- pitem = new FileListViewItem(this,*it);
- //kdDebug()<< "CheckDirs::creating new FileListViewitem as parent " + (*it)->path() << endl;
- m_Dirsread[pitem->fullName()]=true;
- pitem->setDropEnabled(true);
- }
- dlist.erase(it);
- main_found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (_parent) {
- pitem = _parent;
- }
- insertDirs(pitem,dlist);
- if (ownupdates) {
- kdDebug()<<"Enable update"<<endl;
- viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled(true);
- viewport()->tqrepaint();
- }
- return true;
-void tdesvnfilelist::insertDirs(FileListViewItem * _parent,svn::StatusEntries&dlist)
- svn::StatusEntries::iterator it;
-#if 0
- KFileItemList oneItem;
- TQTime _t;
- _t.start();
- for (it = dlist.begin();it!=dlist.end();++it) {
-/* if (_t.elapsed()>300) {
- viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled(true);
- viewport()->tqrepaint();
- viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled(false);
- _t.restart();
- }*/
- if (filterOut((*it)))
- {
- continue;
- }
- FileListViewItem * item;
- if (!_parent) {
- item = new FileListViewItem(this,*it);
- } else {
- if ( (item = _parent->findChild( (*it)->path() )) ) {
- delete item;
- }
- item = new FileListViewItem(this,_parent,*it);
- }
- if (item->isDir()) {
- m_Dirsread[item->fullName()]=false;
- item->setDropEnabled(true);
- if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- m_pList->m_DirWatch->addDir(item->fullName());
- }
- } else if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- m_pList->m_DirWatch->addFile(item->fullName());
- }
- }
-/* newdir is the NEW directory! just required if local */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotDirAdded(const TQString&newdir,FileListViewItem*k)
- if (k) {
- k->refreshtqStatus();
- }
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) {
- if (k) {
- k->removeChilds();
- m_Dirsread[k->fullName()]=false;
- if (checkDirs(k->fullName(),k)) {
- m_Dirsread[k->fullName()]=true;
- } else {
- kdDebug()<<"Checkdirs failed"<<endl;
- }
- return;
- }
- TQListViewItem*temp;
- while ((temp=firstChild())) {
- delete temp;
- }
- m_Dirsread.clear();
- checkDirs(baseUri(),0);
- return;
- }
- svn::StatusPtr stat;
- try {
- stat = m_SvnWrapper->svnclient()->singletqStatus(newdir);
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- m_LastException = e.msg();
- kdDebug()<<"Catched on singlestatus"<< endl;
- emit sigLogMessage(m_LastException);
- return;
- }
- FileListViewItem * item,*pitem;
- pitem = k;
- if (!pitem) {
- pitem = (FileListViewItem*)firstChild();
- if (pitem->fullName()!=baseUri()) {
- pitem = 0;
- }
- }
- if (!pitem) {
- item = new FileListViewItem(this,stat);
- } else {
- item = new FileListViewItem(this,pitem,stat);
- }
- if (item->isDir()) {
- m_Dirsread[item->fullName()]=false;
- item->setDropEnabled(true);
- if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- m_pList->m_DirWatch->addDir(item->fullName());
- }
- } else if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- m_pList->m_DirWatch->addFile(item->fullName());
- }
- delete m_pList;
- delete m_SelectedItems;
- SshAgent ssh;
- ssh.killSshAgent();
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotItemRead(TQListViewItem*aItem)
- if (!aItem) return;
- CursorStack a(TQt::BusyCursor);
- FileListViewItem* k = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>( aItem );
- bool _ex = true;
- if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- TQDir d(k->fullName()); //FIXME: remove this as soon as we've been able to set entry->kind in Checkdirs
- _ex = k->isDir()||d.exists();
- } else {
- _ex = k->isDir();
- }
- if (_ex &&(m_Dirsread.find(k->fullName())==m_Dirsread.end()||m_Dirsread[k->fullName()]==false)) {
- if (checkDirs(k->fullName(),k)) {
- m_Dirsread[k->fullName()]=true;
- } else {
- emit sigListError();
- }
- }
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotReinitItem(SvnItem*item)
- if (!item) {
- kdDebug()<<"tdesvnfilelist::slotReinitItem(SvnItem*item): item == null" << endl;
- return;
- }
- FileListViewItem*k = item->fItem();
- if (!k) {
- kdDebug()<<"tdesvnfilelist::slotReinitItem(SvnItem*item): k == null" << endl;
- }
- refreshItem(k);
- if (!k) {
- return;
- }
- if (k->isDir()) {
- k->removeChilds();
- m_Dirsread[k->fullName()]=false;;
- }
-void tdesvnfilelist::enableActions()
- bool isopen = baseUri().length()>0;
- int c = allSelected()->count();
- bool single = c==1&&isopen;
- bool multi = c>1&&isopen;
- bool none = c==0&&isopen;
- bool dir = false;
- bool unique = uniqueTypeSelected();
- bool remote_enabled=isopen&&m_SvnWrapper->doNetworking();
- if (single && allSelected()->at(0)->isDir()) {
- dir = true;
- }
- bool conflicted = single && allSelected()->at(0)->isConflicted();
- KAction * temp = 0;
- /* local and remote actions */
- /* 1. actions on dirs AND files */
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_svn_log");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(single||none);
- }
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_last_change");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(isopen);
- }
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_svn_log_full");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(single||none);
- }
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_svn_tree");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(single||none);
- }
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_svn_partialtree");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(single||none);
- }
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_svn_property");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(single);
- }
- temp = filesActions()->action("get_svn_property");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(single);
- }
- m_DelCurrent->setEnabled( (multi||single));
- m_LockAction->setEnabled( (multi||single));
- m_UnlockAction->setEnabled( (multi||single));
- m_IgnoreAction->setEnabled((single)&&singleSelected()->parent()!=0&&!singleSelected()->isRealVersioned());
- m_RenameAction->setEnabled(single && (!isWorkingCopy()||singleSelected()!=firstChild()));
- m_CopyAction->setEnabled(single && (!isWorkingCopy()||singleSelected()!=firstChild()));
- /* 2. only on files */
- m_BlameAction->setEnabled(single&&!dir&&remote_enabled);
- m_BlameRangeAction->setEnabled(single&&!dir&&remote_enabled);
- m_CatAction->setEnabled(single&&!dir);
- /* 3. actions only on dirs */
- m_MkdirAction->setEnabled(dir||none && isopen);
- m_switchRepository->setEnabled(isWorkingCopy()&& (single||none));
- m_changeToRepository->setEnabled(isWorkingCopy());
- m_ImportDirsIntoCurrent->setEnabled(dir);
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_svn_relocate");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(isWorkingCopy()&& (single||none));
- }
- m_ExportCurrentAction->setEnabled(((single&&dir)||none));
- /* local only actions */
- /* 1. actions on files AND dirs*/
- m_AddCurrent->setEnabled( (multi||single) && isWorkingCopy());
- m_RevertAction->setEnabled( (multi||single) && isWorkingCopy());
- m_ResolvedAction->setEnabled( (multi||single) && isWorkingCopy());
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_try_resolve");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(conflicted && !dir);
- }
- m_InfoAction->setEnabled(isopen);
- m_MergeRevisionAction->setEnabled(single&&isWorkingCopy());
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_svn_merge");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(single||none);
- }
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_svn_addrec");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled( (multi||single) && isWorkingCopy());
- }
- m_UpdateHead->setEnabled(isWorkingCopy()&&isopen&&remote_enabled);
- m_UpdateRev->setEnabled(isWorkingCopy()&&isopen&&remote_enabled);
- m_commitAction->setEnabled(isWorkingCopy()&&isopen&&remote_enabled);
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_svn_basediff");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(isWorkingCopy()&&(single||none));
- }
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_svn_headdiff");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(isWorkingCopy()&&(single||none)&&remote_enabled);
- }
- /// @todo check if all items have same type
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_svn_itemsdiff");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(multi && c==2 && unique && remote_enabled);
- }
- /* 2. on dirs only */
- m_CleanupAction->setEnabled(isWorkingCopy()&& (dir||none));
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_check_unversioned");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(isWorkingCopy()&& ((dir&&single) || none));
- }
- /* remote actions only */
- m_CheckoutCurrentAction->setEnabled( ((single&&dir)||none) && !isWorkingCopy() && remote_enabled);
- /* independ actions */
- m_CheckoutAction->setEnabled(remote_enabled);
- m_ExportAction->setEnabled(true);
- m_RefreshViewAction->setEnabled(isopen);
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_revisions_diff");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(isopen);
- }
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_revisions_cat");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(isopen && !dir && single);
- }
- temp = filesActions()->action("switch_browse_revision");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(!isWorkingCopy()&&isopen);
- }
- temp = filesActions()->action("make_check_updates");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(isWorkingCopy()&&isopen && remote_enabled);
- }
- temp = filesActions()->action("openwith");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(kapp->authorizeKAction("openwith")&&single&&!dir);
- }
- temp = filesActions()->action("update_log_cache");
- if (temp) {
- temp->setEnabled(remote_enabled);
- if (!m_SvnWrapper->threadRunning(SvnActions::fillcachethread)) {
- temp->setText(i18n("Update log cache"));
- } else {
- temp->setText(i18n("Stop updating the logcache"));
- }
- }
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotSelectionChanged()
- m_pList->stopProptimer();
- if (m_SelectedItems==0) {
- m_SelectedItems = new FileListViewItemList;
- m_SelectedItems->setAutoDelete(false);
- }
- m_SelectedItems->clear();
- TQListViewItemIterator it( this, TQListViewItemIterator::Selected );
- while ( it.current() ) {
- m_SelectedItems->append( static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(it.current()) );
- ++it;
- }
- enableActions();
- m_pList->startProptimer();
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotClientException(const TQString&)
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotClientException(const TQString&what)
- emit sigLogMessage(what);
- KMessageBox::sorry(TQT_TQWIDGET(KApplication::activeModalWidget()),what,i18n("SVN Error"));
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotNotifyMessage(const TQString&)
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotNotifyMessage(const TQString&what)
- emit sigLogMessage(what);
- kapp->tqprocessEvents(20);
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotChangeToRepository()
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) {
- return;
- }
- FileListViewItem*k = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(firstChild());
- /* huh... */
- if (!k) return;
- svn::InfoEntry i;
- if (!m_SvnWrapper->singleInfo(k->Url(),svn::Revision::UNDEFINED,i)) {
- return;
- }
- if (i.reposRoot().isEmpty()) {
- KMessageBox::sorry(TQT_TQWIDGET(KApplication::activeModalWidget()),i18n("Could not retrieve repository of working copy."),i18n("SVN Error"));
- } else {
- sigSwitchUrl(i.reposRoot());
- }
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotItemDoubleClicked(TQListViewItem*item)
- if (!item) return;
- FileListViewItem*fki = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(item);
- if (fki->isDir()) {
- if (fki->isOpen()) {
- fki->setOpen(false);
- } else {
- fki->setOpen(true);
- }
- return;
- }
- svn::Revision rev(isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::UNDEFINED:m_pList->m_remoteRevision);
- TQString feditor = Kdesvnsettings::external_display();
- if ("default") == 0 ) {
- KURL::List lst;
- lst.append(fki->kdeName(rev));
- KTrader::OfferList li = offersList(fki,true);
- if (li.count()==0||li.first()->exec().isEmpty()) {
- li = offersList(fki);
- }
- if (li.count()>0&&!li.first()->exec().isEmpty()) {
- KService::Ptr ptr = li.first();
- KRun::run( *ptr, lst);
- } else {
- KRun::displayOpenWithDialog(lst);
- }
- } else {
- if ( KRun::runCommand(feditor + " " + fki->kdeName(rev).prettyURL()) <= 0) {
- KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("Failed: %1 %2").tqarg(feditor).tqarg(fki->fullName()));
- }
- }
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotCleanupAction()
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) return;
- FileListViewItem*which= singleSelected();
- if (!which) which = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(firstChild());
- if (!which||!which->isDir()) return;
- if (m_SvnWrapper->makeCleanup(which->fullName())) {
- which->refreshtqStatus(true);
- }
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotResolved()
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) return;
- FileListViewItem*which= singleSelected();
- if (!which) which = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(firstChild());
- if (!which) return;
- m_SvnWrapper->slotResolved(which->fullName());
- which->refreshtqStatus(true);
- slotRescanIcons(false);
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotTryResolve()
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) return;
- FileListViewItem*which= singleSelected();
- if (!which || which->isDir()) {
- return;
- }
- m_SvnWrapper->slotResolve(which->fullName());
-template<class T> KDialogBase* tdesvnfilelist::createDialog(T**ptr,const TQString&_head,bool OkCancel,const char*name,bool showHelp)
- int buttons = KDialogBase::Ok;
- if (OkCancel) {
- buttons = buttons|KDialogBase::Cancel;
- }
- if (showHelp) {
- buttons = buttons|KDialogBase::Help;
- }
- KDialogBase * dlg = new KDialogBase(
- TQT_TQWIDGET(TQT_TQWIDGET(KApplication::activeModalWidget())),
- name,
- true,
- _head,
- buttons);
- if (!dlg) return dlg;
- TQWidget* Dialog1Layout = dlg->makeVBoxMainWidget();
- *ptr = new T(Dialog1Layout);
- dlg->resize(dlg->configDialogSize(*(Kdesvnsettings::self()->config()),name?name:"standard_size"));
- return dlg;
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotImportDirsIntoCurrent()
- slotImportIntoCurrent(true);
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotImportIntoCurrent()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotImportIntoCurrent(bool dirs)
- if (allSelected()->count()>1) {
- KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("Cannot import into multiple targets!"));
- return;
- }
- TQString targetUri;
- if (allSelected()->count()==0) {
- targetUri=baseUri();
- } else {
- targetUri = allSelected()->at(0)->Url();
- }
- KURL uri;
- if (dirs) uri = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(TQString(),this,"Import files from folder");
- else uri = KFileDialog::getImageOpenURL(TQString(),this,"Import file");
- if (uri.url().isEmpty()) return;
- if ( !uri.protocol().isEmpty() && uri.protocol()!="file") {
- KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("Cannot import into remote targets!"));
- return;
- }
- slotImportIntoDir(uri,targetUri,dirs);
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotImportIntoDir(const KURL&importUrl,const TQString&target,bool dirs)
- Logmsg_impl*ptr;
- Importdir_logmsg*ptr2 = 0;
- KDialogBase*dlg;
- KURL uri = importUrl;
- TQString targetUri = target;
- while (targetUri.endsWith("/")) {
- targetUri.truncate(targetUri.length()-1);
- }
- if (dirs) {
- dlg = createDialog(&ptr2,TQString(i18n("Import log")),true,"import_log_msg");
- ptr = ptr2;
- ptr2->createDirboxDir("\""+uri.fileName(true)+"\"");
- } else {
- dlg = createDialog(&ptr,TQString(i18n("Import log")),true,"import_log_msg");
- }
- if (!dlg) return;
- ptr->initHistory();
- if (dlg->exec()!=TQDialog::Accepted) {
- ptr->saveHistory(true);
- dlg->saveDialogSize(*(Kdesvnsettings::self()->config()),"import_log_msg",false);
- delete dlg;
- return;
- }
- dlg->saveDialogSize(*(Kdesvnsettings::self()->config()),"import_log_msg",false);
- TQString logMessage = ptr->getMessage();
- svn::Depth rec = ptr->getDepth();
- ptr->saveHistory(false);
- uri.setProtocol("");
- TQString iurl = uri.path();
- while (iurl.endsWith("/")) {
- iurl.truncate(iurl.length()-1);
- }
- if (dirs && ptr2 && ptr2->createDir()) {
- targetUri+= "/"+uri.fileName(true);
- }
- if (ptr2) {
- m_SvnWrapper->slotImport(iurl,targetUri,logMessage,rec,ptr2->noIgnore(),ptr2->ignoreUnknownNodes());
- } else {
- m_SvnWrapper->slotImport(iurl,targetUri,logMessage,rec,false,false);
- }
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) {
- if (allSelected()->count()==0) {
- refreshCurrentTree();
- } else {
- refreshCurrent(allSelected()->at(0));
- }
- }
- delete dlg;
-void tdesvnfilelist::readSupportData()
- /// this moment empty cause no usagedata explicit used by tdesvnfilelist
-void tdesvnfilelist::refreshCurrentTree()
- TQTime t;
- t.start();
- FileListViewItem*item = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(firstChild());
- if (!item) return;
- //m_pList->stopScan();
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setItem(0);
- kapp->processEvents();
- setUpdatesEnabled(false);
- if (item->fullName()==baseUri()) {
- if (!refreshItem(item)) {
- setUpdatesEnabled(true);
- viewport()->tqrepaint();
- return;
- } else {
- refreshRecursive(item);
- }
- } else {
- refreshRecursive(0);
- }
- if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- m_SvnWrapper->createModifiedCache(baseUri());
- }
- kdDebug()<<"Refresh time: "<<t.elapsed()<<" ms"<<endl;
- setUpdatesEnabled(true);
- viewport()->tqrepaint();
- TQTimer::singleShot(1,this,TQT_SLOT(readSupportData()));
- //m_pList->startScan();
-void tdesvnfilelist::refreshCurrent(SvnItem*cur)
- if (!cur||!cur->fItem()) {
- refreshCurrentTree();
- return;
- }
- kapp->processEvents();
- setUpdatesEnabled(false);
- refreshRecursive(cur->fItem());
- setUpdatesEnabled(true);
- viewport()->tqrepaint();
-bool tdesvnfilelist::refreshRecursive(FileListViewItem*_parent,bool down)
- FileListViewItem*item;
- if (_parent) {
- item = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(_parent->firstChild());
- } else {
- item = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(firstChild());
- }
- if (!item) return false;
- kapp->processEvents();
- FileListViewItemList currentSync;
- currentSync.setAutoDelete(false);
- while (item) {
- currentSync.append(item);
- item = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(item->nextSibling());
- }
- TQString what = (_parent!=0?_parent->fullName():baseUri());
- svn::StatusEntries dlist;
- if (!m_SvnWrapper->maketqStatus(what,dlist,m_pList->m_remoteRevision)) {
- kdDebug()<<"Fehler bei makestatus fuer "<<what <<endl;
- return false;
- }
- if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- svn::StatusEntries neweritems;
- m_SvnWrapper->getaddedItems(what,neweritems);
- dlist+=neweritems;
- }
- svn::StatusEntries::iterator it = dlist.begin();
- FileListViewItem*k;
- bool gotit = false;
- bool dispchanged = false;
- for (;it!=dlist.end();++it) {
- gotit = false;
- if ((*it)->path()==what) {
- continue;
- }
- FileListViewItemListIterator clistIter(currentSync);
- while ( (k=clistIter.current()) ) {
- ++clistIter;
- if (k->fullName()==(*it)->path()) {
- currentSync.removeRef(k);
- k->updatetqStatus(*it);
- if (filterOut(k)) {
- dispchanged=true;
- delete k;
- }
- gotit = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!gotit &&!filterOut((*it)) ) {
- dispchanged = true;
- FileListViewItem * item;
- if (!_parent) {
- item = new FileListViewItem(this,*it);
- } else {
- item = new FileListViewItem(this,_parent,*it);
- }
- if (item->isDir()) {
- m_Dirsread[item->fullName()]=false;
- item->setDropEnabled(true);
- }
- if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- if (item->isDir()) {
- m_pList->m_DirWatch->addDir(item->fullName());
- } else {
- m_pList->m_DirWatch->addFile(item->fullName());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- FileListViewItemListIterator dIter(currentSync);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- slotSelectionChanged();
- kdDebug() << "Selected items " << m_SelectedItems->count()<< endl;
- while ( (k=dIter.current()) ) {
- ++dIter;
- delete k;
- // @todo just for debugging!
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- m_SelectedItems->clear();
- TQListViewItemIterator qlvit( this, TQListViewItemIterator::Selected );
- while ( qlvit.current() ) {
- m_SelectedItems->append( static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(qlvit.current()) );
- ++qlvit;
- }
- kdDebug() << "Selected items " << m_SelectedItems->count() << endl;
- }
- if (_parent) {
- item = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(_parent->firstChild());
- } else {
- item = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(firstChild());
- }
- if (!down) {
- return dispchanged;
- }
- while (item) {
- if (item->isDir()) {
- if ((m_Dirsread.find(item->fullName())!=m_Dirsread.end()&&m_Dirsread[item->fullName()]==true)) {
- if (item->childCount()==0) {
- checkDirs(item->fullName(),item);
- dispchanged = true;
- } else {
- dispchanged = refreshRecursive(item)?true:dispchanged;
- }
- }
- }
- item = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(item->nextSibling());
- }
- return dispchanged;
-KTrader::OfferList tdesvnfilelist::offersList(SvnItem*item,bool execOnly)
- KTrader::OfferList offers;
- if (!item) {
- return offers;
- }
- TQString constraint;
- if (execOnly) {
- constraint = "Type == 'Application' or (exist Exec)";
- } else {
- constraint = "Type == 'Application'";
- }
- offers = KTrader::self()->query(item->mimeType()->name(), constraint);
- return offers;
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotContextMenuRequested(TQListViewItem */* _item */, const TQPoint &, int)
-// FileListViewItem*item = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(_item);
- bool isopen = baseUri().length()>0;
- SvnItemList l;
- SelectionList(&l);
- TQString menuname;
- if (!isopen) {
- menuname="empty";
- } else if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- menuname="local";
- } else {
- menuname="remote";
- }
- if (l.count()==0) {
- menuname+="_general";
- } else if (l.count()>1){
- menuname+="_context_multi";
- } else {
- menuname+="_context_single";
- if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- if (>isRealVersioned()) {
- if (>isConflicted()) {
- menuname+="_conflicted";
- } else {
- menuname+="_versioned";
- if (>isDir()) {
- menuname+="_dir";
- }
- }
- } else {
- menuname+="_unversioned";
- }
- } else if (>isDir()) {
- menuname+="_dir";
- }
- }
- TQWidget * target;
- emit sigShowPopup(menuname,&target);
- TQPopupMenu *popup = static_cast<TQPopupMenu *>(target);
- if (!popup) {
- kdDebug()<<"Error getting popupMenu"<<endl;
- return;
- }
- KTrader::OfferList offers;
- OpenContextmenu*me=0;
- KAction*temp = 0;
- int id = -1;
- if (l.count()==1) offers = offersList(;
- if (l.count()==1&&!>isDir()) {
- temp = filesActions()->action("openwith");
- if (offers.count()>0) {
- svn::Revision rev(isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::UNDEFINED:m_pList->m_remoteRevision);
- me= new OpenContextmenu(>kdeName(rev),offers,0,0);
- id = popup->insertItem(i18n("Open With..."),me);
- } else {
- temp = filesActions()->action("openwith");
- if (temp) {
- temp->plug(popup);
- }
- }
- }
- popup->exec(TQCursor::pos());
- if (id>-1) {
- popup->removeItem(id);
- }
- delete me;
- if (temp) {
- temp->unplug(popup);
- }
-* Overridden virtuals for TQt drag 'n drop (XDND)
-void tdesvnfilelist::contentsDragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent *event)
- TQListViewItem*item;
- bool ok = validDropEvent(event,item);
- if (ok) {
- event->accept();
- } else {
- event->ignore();
- }
-//void tdesvnfilelist::startDrag()
-TQDragObject* tdesvnfilelist::dragObject()
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setItem(0);
- TQListViewItem * m_pressedItem = currentItem();
- if (!m_pressedItem) {
- return 0;
- }
- TQPixmap pixmap2;
- KURL::List urls = selectedUrls();
- if (urls.count()==0) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (!viewport()->hasFocus()) {
- kdDebug()<<"Set focus"<<endl;
- viewport()->setFocus();
- }
- kdDebug() << "dragObject: " << urls << endl;
- bool pixmap0Invalid = !m_pressedItem->pixmap(0) || m_pressedItem->pixmap(0)->isNull();
- if (( urls.count() > 1 ) || (pixmap0Invalid)) {
- int iconSize = Kdesvnsettings::listview_icon_size();;
- iconSize = iconSize ? iconSize : tdesvnPartFactory::instance()->iconLoader()->currentSize( KIcon::Small ); // Default = small
- pixmap2 = DesktopIcon( "kmultiple", iconSize );
- if ( pixmap2.isNull() ) {
- kdWarning() << "Could not find multiple pixmap" << endl;
- }
- }
- KURLDrag *drag;
- drag = new KURLDrag(urls,viewport());
- /* workaround for KURL::Drag - it always forget the revision part on drop :( */
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) {
- TQStrList l;
- TQString t;
- KURL::List::ConstIterator it = urls.begin();
- for (;it!=urls.end();++it) {
- l.append((*it).prettyURL());
- }
- drag->setUris(l);
- }
- drag->setExportAsText(true);
- if ( !pixmap2.isNull() )
- drag->setPixmap( pixmap2 );
- else if ( !pixmap0Invalid )
- drag->setPixmap( *m_pressedItem->pixmap( 0 ) );
- return drag;
-void tdesvnfilelist::contentsDragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent * )
- cleanHighLighter();
-bool tdesvnfilelist::acceptDrag(TQDropEvent *event)const
- return KURLDrag::canDecode(event);
-bool tdesvnfilelist::validDropEvent(TQDropEvent*event,TQListViewItem*&item)
- if (!event) return false;
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) {
- if (m_pList->m_remoteRevision!=svn::Revision::HEAD) {
- item = 0;
- return false;
- }
- }
- bool ok = false;
- item = 0;
- if (KURLDrag::canDecode(event)) {
- KURL::List urlList;
- KURLDrag::decode( event, urlList );
- int count = urlList.count();
- if (count>0) {
- if (baseUri().length()==0) {
- ok = true;
- } else {
- TQPoint vp = contentsToViewport( event->pos() );
- item = isExecuteArea( vp ) ? itemAt( vp ) : 0L;
- FileListViewItem*which=static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(item);
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) {
- if (event->source()!=viewport()){
- ok = (!item || (which->isDir()))&&urlList[0].isLocalFile()&&count==1;
- } else {
- ok = (!item || (which->isDir() ));
- }
- } else {
- ok = (which && (which->isDir()));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return ok;
-void tdesvnfilelist::contentsDropEvent(TQDropEvent * event)
- TQListViewItem *item = 0;
- bool ok = validDropEvent(event,item);
- cleanHighLighter();
- if (ok) {
- dropped(event,item);
- } else {
- event->ignore();
- }
-void tdesvnfilelist::contentsDragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent* event)
- TQListViewItem * item;
- bool ok = validDropEvent(event,item);
- if (item && item!=m_pList->dragOverItem) {
- TQPoint vp = contentsToViewport( event->pos() );
- m_pList->dragOverItem=item;
- m_pList->dragOverPoint = vp;
- TQRect tmpRect = drawItemHighlighter(0, m_pList->dragOverItem);
- if (tmpRect!=m_pList->mOldDropHighlighter) {
- cleanHighLighter();
- m_pList->mOldDropHighlighter=tmpRect;
- viewport()->tqrepaint(tmpRect);
- kapp->processEvents();
- }
- }
- if (ok) {
- event->accept();
- } else {
- event->ignore();
- }
-void tdesvnfilelist::viewportPaintEvent(TQPaintEvent *ev)
- KListView::viewportPaintEvent(ev);
- if (m_pList->mOldDropHighlighter.isValid() && ev->rect().intersects(m_pList->mOldDropHighlighter)) {
- TQPainter painter(viewport());
- tqstyle().tqdrawPrimitive(TQStyle::PE_FocusRect, &painter, m_pList->mOldDropHighlighter, tqcolorGroup(),
- TQStyle::Style_FocusAtBorder);
- }
-void tdesvnfilelist::cleanHighLighter()
- if (m_pList->mOldDropHighlighter.isValid()) {
- TQRect rect=m_pList->mOldDropHighlighter;
- m_pList->mOldDropHighlighter=TQRect();
- viewport()->tqrepaint(rect, true);
- }
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotMergeRevisions()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotMergeRevisions()
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) return;
- FileListViewItem*which= singleSelected();
- if (!which) {
- return;
- }
- bool force,dry,rec,irelated,useExternal;
- Rangeinput_impl::revision_range range;
- if (!MergeDlg_impl::getMergeRange(range,&force,&rec,&irelated,&dry,&useExternal,this,"merge_range")) {
- return;
- }
- if (!useExternal) {
- m_SvnWrapper->slotMergeWcRevisions(which->fullName(),range.first,range.second,rec,!irelated,force,dry);
- } else {
- m_SvnWrapper->slotMergeExternal(which->fullName(),which->fullName(),which->fullName(),range.first,range.second,
- isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::WORKING:m_pList->m_remoteRevision,rec);
- }
- refreshItem(which);
- refreshRecursive(which);
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotMerge()
- FileListViewItem*which= singleSelected();
- TQString src1,src2,target;
- if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- if (m_pList->merge_Target.isEmpty()) {
- target = which?which->fullName():baseUri();
- } else {
- target = m_pList->merge_Target;
- }
- src1 = m_pList->merge_Src1;
- } else {
- if (m_pList->merge_Src1.isEmpty()){
- src1 = which?which->fullName():baseUri();
- } else {
- src1 = m_pList->merge_Src1;
- }
- target = m_pList->merge_Target;
- }
- src2 = m_pList->merge_Src2;
- bool force,dry,rec,irelated,useExternal;
- Rangeinput_impl::revision_range range;
- MergeDlg_impl*ptr;
- KDialogBase*dlg = createDialog(&ptr,TQString(i18n("Merge")),true,"merge_dialog",true);
- if (!dlg) {
- return;
- }
- dlg->setHelp("merging-items","tdesvn");
- ptr->setDest(target);
- ptr->setSrc1(src1);
- ptr->setSrc2(src1);
- if (dlg->exec()==TQDialog::Accepted) {
- src1=ptr->Src1();
- src2=ptr->Src2();
- if (src2.isEmpty()) {
- src2 = src1;
- }
- target = ptr->Dest();
- m_pList->merge_Src2 = src2;
- m_pList->merge_Src1 = src1;
- m_pList->merge_Target = target;
- force = ptr->force();
- dry = ptr->dryrun();
- rec = ptr->recursive();
- irelated = ptr->ignorerelated();
- useExternal = ptr->useExtern();
- range = ptr->getRange();
- if (!useExternal) {
- m_SvnWrapper->slotMerge(src1,src2,target,range.first,range.second,
- isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::WORKING:m_pList->m_remoteRevision,
- rec,!irelated,force,dry);
- } else {
- m_SvnWrapper->slotMergeExternal(src1,src2,target,range.first,range.second,
- isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::WORKING:m_pList->m_remoteRevision,rec);
- }
- if (isWorkingCopy()) {
-// refreshItem(which);
-// refreshRecursive(which);
- refreshCurrentTree();
- }
- }
- dlg->saveDialogSize(*(Kdesvnsettings::self()->config()),"merge_dialog",false);
- delete dlg;
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotDropped(TQDropEvent* event,TQListViewItem*item)
- KURL::List urlList;
- TQMap<TQString,TQString> metaData;
- TQDropEvent::Action action = event->action();
- if (!event || m_pList->intern_dropRunning||!KURLDrag::decode( event, urlList, metaData)||urlList.count()<1) {
- return;
- }
- kdDebug()<<"slotDropped"<<endl;
- TQString tdir;
- if (item) {
- FileListViewItem*which = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(item);
- clearSelection();
- which->setSelected(true);
- kapp->processEvents();
- tdir = which->fullName();
- } else {
- tdir = baseUri();
- }
- if (event->source()!=viewport()) {
- kdDebug()<<"Dropped from outside" << endl;
- if (baseUri().length()==0) {
- openURL(urlList[0]);
- event->acceptAction();
- return;
- }
- if (baseUri().length()>0 /*&& urlList[0].isLocalFile()*/) {
- TQString path = urlList[0].path();
- TQFileInfo fi(path);
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) {
- slotImportIntoDir(urlList[0],tdir,fi.isDir());
- } else {
- //m_pList->stopScan();
- KIO::Job * job = 0L;
- job = KIO::copy(urlList,tdir);
- connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job * ) ),TQT_SLOT( slotCopyFinished( KIO::Job * ) ) );
- dispDummy();
- event->acceptAction();
- return;
- }
- }
- } else {
- kdDebug()<<"Dropped from inside " << action << endl;
- int root_x, root_y, win_x, win_y;
- uint keybstate;
- TQDropEvent::Action action = TQDropEvent::UserAction;
- KeyState::keystate(&root_x,&root_y,&win_x,&win_y,&keybstate);
- if (keybstate&TQt::ControlButton) {
- kdDebug()<<"Control pressed" << endl;
- action = TQDropEvent::Copy;
- } else if (keybstate&TQt::ShiftButton) {
- kdDebug()<<"Shift pressed" << endl;
- action = TQDropEvent::Move;
- }
- /* converting urls to interal style */
- TQString nProto;
- if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- nProto="";
- } else {
- nProto = svn::Url::transformProtokoll(urlList[0].protocol());
- }
- KURL::List::Iterator it = urlList.begin();
- TQStringList l;
- for (;it!=urlList.end();++it) {
- l = TQStringList::split("?",(*it).prettyURL());
- if (l.size()>1) {
- (*it) = l[0];
- } else if (isWorkingCopy())
- {
- (*it) = KURL::fromPathOrURL( (*it).path());
- }
- (*it).setProtocol(nProto);
- kdDebug()<<"Dropped: "<<(*it)<<endl;
- }
- event->acceptAction();
- m_pList->intern_dropRunning=true;
- m_pList->intern_drops = urlList;
- m_pList->intern_drop_target=tdir;
- m_pList->intern_drop_action=action;
- m_pList->intern_drop_pos=TQCursor::pos();
- TQTimer::singleShot(0,this,TQT_SLOT(slotInternalDrop()));
-// internalDrop(action,urlList,tdir);
- }
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotInternalDrop()
- TQDropEvent::Action action = m_pList->intern_drop_action;
- if (action==TQDropEvent::UserAction) {
- TQPopupMenu popup;
- popup.insertItem(SmallIconSet("goto"), i18n( "Move Here" ) + "\t" + KKey::modFlagLabel( KKey::SHIFT ), 2 );
- popup.insertItem(SmallIconSet("editcopy"), i18n( "Copy Here" ) + "\t" + KKey::modFlagLabel( KKey::CTRL ), 1 );
- popup.insertSeparator();
- popup.insertItem(SmallIconSet("cancel"), i18n( "Cancel" ) + "\t" + KKey( TQt::Key_Escape ).toString(), 5);
- int result = popup.exec(m_pList->intern_drop_pos);
- switch (result) {
- case 1 : action = TQDropEvent::Copy; break;
- case 2 : action = TQDropEvent::Move; break;
- default:
- {
- m_pList->intern_dropRunning=false;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if (action==TQDropEvent::Move) {
- m_SvnWrapper->makeMove(m_pList->intern_drops,m_pList->intern_drop_target,false);
- } else {
- m_SvnWrapper->makeCopy(m_pList->intern_drops,m_pList->intern_drop_target,svn::Revision::HEAD);
- }
- m_pList->intern_dropRunning=false;
- refreshCurrentTree();
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotRename()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotRename()
- copy_move(true);
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotCopy()
- copy_move(false);
-void tdesvnfilelist::copy_move(bool move)
- if (isWorkingCopy()&&singleSelected()==firstChild()) {
- return;
- }
- bool ok, force;
- FileListViewItem*which = singleSelected();
- if (!which) return;
- TQString nName = CopyMoveView_impl::getMoveCopyTo(&ok,&force,move,
- which->fullName(),baseUri(),this,"move_name");
- if (!ok) {
- return;
- }
- if (move) {
- m_SvnWrapper->makeMove(which->fullName(),nName,force);
- } else {
- m_SvnWrapper->makeCopy(which->fullName(),nName, isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::HEAD:m_pList->m_remoteRevision);
- }
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotCat()
- FileListViewItem*k = singleSelected();
- if (!k) return;
- m_SvnWrapper->slotMakeCat(isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::HEAD:m_pList->m_remoteRevision, k->fullName(),k->text(0),
- isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::HEAD:m_pList->m_remoteRevision,0);
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotCopyFinished( KIO::Job *)
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotCopyFinished( KIO::Job * job)
- if (m_pList->m_DirWatch) {
- m_pList->m_DirWatch->startScan(false);
- }
- if (job) {
- bool ok = true;
- tqApp->exit_loop();
- if (job->error()) {
- job->showErrorDialog(this);
- ok = false;
- }
- // always just connect a CopyJob here!!!!
- if (ok) {
- KURL::List lst = static_cast<KIO::CopyJob*>(job)->srcURLs();
- KURL turl = static_cast<KIO::CopyJob*>(job)->destURL();
- TQString base = turl.path(1);
- KURL::List::iterator iter;
- TQValueList<svn::Path> tmp;
- for (iter=lst.begin();iter!=lst.end();++iter) {
- tmp.push_back(svn::Path((base+(*iter).fileName(true))));
- }
- m_SvnWrapper->addItems(tmp,svn::DepthInfinity);
- }
- refreshCurrentTree();
- }
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotDelete()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotDelete()
- m_deletePerfect = true;
- TQPtrList<FileListViewItem>*lst = allSelected();
- if (lst->count()==0) {
- KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("Nothing selected for delete"));
- return;
- }
- FileListViewItemListIterator liter(*lst);
- FileListViewItem*cur;
- //m_pList->stopScan();
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setItem(0);
- TQValueList<svn::Path> items;
- TQStringList displist;
- KURL::List kioList;
- while ((cur=liter.current())!=0){
- ++liter;
- if (!cur->isRealVersioned()) {
- KURL _uri; _uri.setPath(cur->fullName());
- kioList.append(_uri);
- } else {
- items.push_back(cur->fullName());
- }
- displist.append(cur->fullName());
- }
- int answer = KMessageBox::questionYesNoList(this,i18n("Really delete these entries?"),displist,i18n("Delete from repository"));
- if (answer!=KMessageBox::Yes) {
- return;
- }
- if (kioList.count()>0) {
- KIO::Job*aJob = KIO::del(kioList);
- connect(aJob,TQT_SIGNAL(result (KIO::Job *)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotDeleteFinished(KIO::Job*)));
- dispDummy();
- }
- if (m_deletePerfect && items.size()>0) {
- m_SvnWrapper->makeDelete(items);
- }
- refreshCurrentTree();
- //m_pList->startScan();
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotDeleteFinished(KIO::Job*)
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotDeleteFinished(KIO::Job*job)
- if (job) {
- tqApp->exit_loop();
- if (job->error()) {
- job->showErrorDialog(this);
- m_deletePerfect = false;
- }
- }
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::dispDummy()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::dispDummy()
- // wait for job
- TQLabel dummy(this,0,WStyle_NoBorder|WShowModal);
- TQSize csize = size();
- dummy.setText(i18n("Please wait until job is finished"));
- dummy.resize(dummy.tqminimumSizeHint());
- if (dummy.width()<=width()&&dummy.height()<=height()) {
- dummy.move(csize.width()/2-dummy.width()/2,csize.height()/2-dummy.height()/2);
- }
- tqApp->enter_loop();
- dummy.hide();
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotLock()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotLock()
- TQPtrList<FileListViewItem>*lst = allSelected();
- FileListViewItemListIterator liter(*lst);
- FileListViewItem*cur;
- if (lst->count()==0) {
- KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("Nothing selected for lock"));
- return;
- }
- KDialogBase*dlg;
- Logmsg_impl*ptr;
- dlg = createDialog(&ptr,TQString(i18n("Lock message")),true,"locking_log_msg");
- if (!dlg) return;
- ptr->initHistory();
- ptr->hideDepth(true);
- TQCheckBox*_stealLock = new TQCheckBox("",ptr,"create_dir_checkbox");
- _stealLock->setText(i18n("Steal lock?"));
- ptr->addItemWidget(_stealLock);
- ptr->m_keepLocksButton->hide();
- if (dlg->exec()!=TQDialog::Accepted) {
- ptr->saveHistory(true);
- delete dlg;
- return;
- }
- dlg->saveDialogSize(*(Kdesvnsettings::self()->config()),"locking_log_msg",false);
- TQString logMessage = ptr->getMessage();
- bool steal = _stealLock->isChecked();
- ptr->saveHistory(false);
- TQStringList displist;
- while ((cur=liter.current())!=0){
- ++liter;
- displist.append(cur->fullName());
- }
- m_SvnWrapper->makeLock(displist,logMessage,steal);
- refreshCurrentTree();
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotUnlock()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotUnlock()
- TQPtrList<FileListViewItem>*lst = allSelected();
- FileListViewItemListIterator liter(*lst);
- FileListViewItem*cur;
- if (lst->count()==0) {
- KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("Nothing selected for unlock"));
- return;
- }
- int res = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel(this,i18n("Break lock or ignore missing locks?"),i18n("Unlocking items"));
- if (res == KMessageBox::Cancel) {
- return;
- }
- bool breakit = res==KMessageBox::Yes;
- TQStringList displist;
- while ((cur=liter.current())!=0){
- ++liter;
- displist.append(cur->fullName());
- }
- m_SvnWrapper->makeUnlock(displist,breakit);
- refreshCurrentTree();
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotIgnore()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotIgnore()
- SvnItem*item = singleSelected();
- if (!item || item->isRealVersioned()) return;
- if (m_SvnWrapper->makeIgnoreEntry(item,item->isIgnored())) {
- refreshCurrentTree();
- }
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotBlame()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotBlame()
- SvnItem*k = singleSelected();
- if (!k) return;
- svn::Revision start(svn::Revision::START);
- svn::Revision end(svn::Revision::HEAD);
- m_SvnWrapper->makeBlame(start,end,k);
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotRangeBlame()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotRangeBlame()
- SvnItem*k = singleSelected();
- if (!k) return;
- Rangeinput_impl*rdlg;
- KDialogBase*dlg = createDialog(&rdlg,TQString(i18n("Revisions")),true,"revisions_dlg");
- if (!dlg) {
- return;
- }
- if (dlg->exec()==TQDialog::Accepted) {
- Rangeinput_impl::revision_range r = rdlg->getRange();
- m_SvnWrapper->makeBlame(r.first,r.second,k);
- }
- dlg->saveDialogSize(*(Kdesvnsettings::self()->config()),"revisions_dlg",false);
- delete dlg;
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotSimpleBaseDiff()
- FileListViewItem*kitem = singleSelected();
- if (isWorkingCopy())
- {
- chdir(baseUri().local8Bit());
- }
- TQString what;
- if (!kitem) {
- what==".";
- } else {
- what = relativePath(kitem);
- }
- // only possible on working copies - so we may say this values
- m_SvnWrapper->makeDiff(what,svn::Revision::BASE,svn::Revision::WORKING,svn::Revision::UNDEFINED,kitem?kitem->isDir():true);
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotSimpleHeadDiff()
- FileListViewItem*kitem = singleSelected();
- TQString what;
- if (isWorkingCopy())
- {
- chdir(baseUri().local8Bit());
- }
- if (!kitem) {
- what=".";
- }else{
- what = relativePath(kitem);
- }
- // only possible on working copies - so we may say this values
- m_SvnWrapper->makeDiff(what,svn::Revision::WORKING,svn::Revision::HEAD,svn::Revision::UNDEFINED,kitem?kitem->isDir():true);
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotDisplayLastDiff()
- FileListViewItem*kitem = singleSelected();
- TQString what;
- if (isWorkingCopy())
- {
- chdir(baseUri().local8Bit());
- }
- svn::Revision end = svn::Revision::PREV;
- if (!kitem) {
- if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- TQListViewItem*fi = firstChild();
- kitem = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(fi);
- if (!kitem) {
- return;
- }
- what = relativePath(kitem);
- } else {
- what=baseUri();
- }
- }else{
- what = relativePath(kitem);
- }
- svn::Revision start;
- svn::InfoEntry inf;
- if (!kitem) {
- // it has to have an item when in working copy, so we know we are in repository view.
- if (!m_SvnWrapper->singleInfo(what,m_pList->m_remoteRevision,inf)) {
- return;
- }
- start = inf.cmtRev();
- } else {
- start = kitem->cmtRev();
- }
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) {
- if (!m_SvnWrapper->singleInfo(what,start.revnum()-1,inf)) {
- return;
- }
- end = inf.cmtRev();
- }
- m_SvnWrapper->makeDiff(what,end,what,start,realWidget());
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotDiffPathes()
- TQPtrList<FileListViewItem>*lst = allSelected();
- if (lst->count()!=2 || !uniqueTypeSelected()) {
- return;
- }
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setItem(0);
- FileListViewItem*k1,*k2;
- k1 = lst->at(0);
- k2 = lst->at(1);
- TQString w1,w2;
- svn::Revision r1;
- if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- chdir(baseUri().local8Bit());
- w1 = relativePath(k1);
- w2 = relativePath(k2);
- r1 = svn::Revision::WORKING;
- } else {
- w1 = k1->fullName();
- w2 = k2->fullName();
- r1 = m_pList->m_remoteRevision;
- }
- m_SvnWrapper->makeDiff(w1,r1,w2,r1);
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotMkdir()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotMkdir()
- SvnItem*k = singleSelected();
- TQString parentDir;
- if (k) {
- if (!k->isDir()) {
- KMessageBox::sorry(0,i18n("May not make subdirs of a file"));
- return;
- }
- parentDir=k->fullName();
- } else {
- parentDir=baseUri();
- }
- TQString ex = m_SvnWrapper->makeMkdir(parentDir);
- if (!ex.isEmpty()) {
- slotDirAdded(ex,static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(k));
- }
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotMkBaseDirs()
- bool isopen = baseUri().length()>0;
- if (!isopen) {
- return;
- }
- TQString parentDir=baseUri();
- TQStringList targets;
- targets.append(parentDir+"/trunk");
- targets.append(parentDir+"/branches");
- targets.append(parentDir+"/tags");
- TQString msg = i18n("Automatic generated base tqlayout by tdesvn");
- isopen = m_SvnWrapper->makeMkdir(targets,msg);
- if (isopen) {
- slotDirAdded(targets[0],0);
-// slotDirAdded(targets[1],0);
-// slotDirAdded(targets[2],0);
- }
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotDiffRevisions()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotDiffRevisions()
- SvnItem*k = singleSelected();
- TQString what;
- if (isWorkingCopy())
- {
- chdir(baseUri().local8Bit());
- }
- if (!k) {
- what=(isWorkingCopy()?".":baseUri());
- }else{
- what = relativePath(k);
- }
- Rangeinput_impl*rdlg;
- KDialogBase*dlg = createDialog(&rdlg,TQString(i18n("Revisions")),true,"revisions_dlg");
- if (!dlg) {
- return;
- }
- if (dlg->exec()==TQDialog::Accepted) {
- Rangeinput_impl::revision_range r = rdlg->getRange();
- svn::Revision _peg=(isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::WORKING:remoteRevision());
- m_SvnWrapper->makeDiff(what,r.first,r.second,_peg,k?k->isDir():true);
- }
- dlg->saveDialogSize(*(Kdesvnsettings::self()->config()),"revisions_dlg",false);
- delete dlg;
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotSelectBrowsingRevision()
- if (isWorkingCopy()) return;
- Rangeinput_impl*rdlg;
- KDialogBase*dlg = createDialog(&rdlg,TQString(i18n("Revisions")),true,"revisions_dlg");
- if (!dlg) {
- return;
- }
- rdlg->setStartOnly(true);
- if (dlg->exec()==TQDialog::Accepted) {
- Rangeinput_impl::revision_range r = rdlg->getRange();
- m_pList->m_remoteRevision= r.first;
- if (childCount()==0) {
- checkDirs(baseUri(),0);
- } else {
- refreshCurrentTree();
- }
- }
- dlg->saveDialogSize(*(Kdesvnsettings::self()->config()),"revisions_dlg",false);
- delete dlg;
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotRevisionCat()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotRevisionCat()
- SvnItem*k = singleSelected();
- if (!k) return;
- Rangeinput_impl*rdlg;
- KDialogBase*dlg = createDialog(&rdlg,TQString(i18n("Revisions")),true,"revisions_dlg");
- if (!dlg) {
- return;
- }
- rdlg->setStartOnly(true);
- if (dlg->exec()==TQDialog::Accepted) {
- Rangeinput_impl::revision_range r = rdlg->getRange();
- m_SvnWrapper->slotMakeCat(r.first, k->fullName(),k->shortName(),r.first,0);
- }
- dlg->saveDialogSize(*(Kdesvnsettings::self()->config()),"revisions_dlg",false);
- delete dlg;
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::refreshItem(FileListViewItem*)
- */
-bool tdesvnfilelist::refreshItem(FileListViewItem*item)
- if (!item) {
- return false;
- }
- try {
- item->setStat(svnclient()->singletqStatus(item->fullName(),false,m_pList->m_remoteRevision));
- } catch (const svn::ClientException&e) {
- item->setStat(new svn::tqStatus());
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotCheckUpdates()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotCheckUpdates()
- m_SvnWrapper->createUpdateCache(baseUri());
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::reinitItems(FileListViewItem*_item = 0)
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::reinitItems(FileListViewItem*_item)
- FileListViewItem*item;
- if (_item) {
- item = _item;
- } else {
- item = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(firstChild());
- }
- if (!item) {
- return;
- }
- item->init();
- if (item->childCount()==0 && item->isOpen()) {
- m_Dirsread[item->fullName()]=false;;
- setEnabled(false);
- slotItemRead(item);
- setEnabled(true);
- } else {
- item = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(item->firstChild());
- while(item) {
- reinitItems(item);
- item = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(item->nextSibling());
- }
- }
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotInfo()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotInfo()
- TQPtrList<SvnItem> lst;
- SelectionList(&lst);
- svn::Revision rev(isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::UNDEFINED:m_pList->m_remoteRevision);
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) {
- rev = m_pList->m_remoteRevision;
- }
- if (lst.count()==0) {
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) {
- m_SvnWrapper->makeInfo(baseUri(),rev,svn::Revision::UNDEFINED,Kdesvnsettings::info_recursive());
- } else {
- lst.append(SelectedOrMain());
- }
- }
- if (lst.count()>0) {
- m_SvnWrapper->makeInfo(lst,rev,rev,Kdesvnsettings::info_recursive());
- }
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotDirItemCreated(const TQString&)
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotDirItemCreated(const TQString&what)
- m_pList->stopDirTimer();
- m_pList->dirItems[what]='C';
- kdDebug()<<"slotDirItemCreated "<<what<<endl;
- m_pList->startDirTimer();
-void tdesvnfilelist::updateParents(FileListViewItem*item)
- if (!item || !item->parent()) return;
- FileListViewItem*it = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(item->parent());
- it->update();
- updateParents(it);
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotDirItemDirty(const TQString&)
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotDirItemDirty(const TQString&what)
- m_pList->stopDirTimer();
- m_pList->dirItems[what]='M';
- m_pList->startDirTimer();
-void tdesvnfilelist::_propListTimeout()
- dispProperties(false);
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotDisplayProperties()
- dispProperties(true);
-void tdesvnfilelist::dispProperties(bool force)
- CursorStack a(TQt::BusyCursor);
- bool cache_Only = (!force && isNetworked() && !Kdesvnsettings::properties_on_remote_items());
- svn::PathPropertiesMapListPtr pm;
- SvnItem*k = singleSelected();
- if (!k || !k->isRealVersioned()) {
- emit sigProplist(svn::PathPropertiesMapListPtr(),false,TQString(""));
- return;
- }
- kdDebug()<<"Cacheonly: "<<cache_Only<<endl;
- svn::Revision rev(isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::WORKING:m_pList->m_remoteRevision);
- pm =m_SvnWrapper->propList(k->fullName(),rev,cache_Only);
- emit sigProplist(pm,isWorkingCopy(),k->fullName());
-void tdesvnfilelist::_dirwatchTimeout()
- kdDebug()<<"dirtimer"<<endl;
- TQMap<TQString,TQChar>::Iterator it;
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setItem(0);
- viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled(false);
- bool repaintit=false;
- for (it=m_pList->dirItems.begin();it!=m_pList->dirItems.end();++it)
- {
- TQString what = it.key();
- TQChar c =;
- FileListViewItem*item = findEntryItem(what);
- if (!item) {
- m_pList->m_DirWatch->removeDir(what);
- m_pList->m_DirWatch->removeFile(what);
- m_SvnWrapper->deleteFromModifiedCache(what);
- continue;
- }
- if (c == 'M') {
- if (!item->isNormal() && item->isRealVersioned()) {
- m_SvnWrapper->addModifiedCache(item->stat());
- } else {
- m_SvnWrapper->deleteFromModifiedCache(what);
- }
- if (item->isDir()) {
- if (item->isRealVersioned()) {
- repaintit = refreshRecursive(item,false);
- } else {
- TQListViewItem *_s;
- while ( (_s=item->firstChild()))
- {
- delete _s;
- }
- checkUnversionedDirs(item);
- }
- }
- updateParents(static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(item->parent()));
- } else if (c=='D') {
- if (item->isDir()) {
- m_pList->m_DirWatch->removeDir(what);
- } else {
- m_pList->m_DirWatch->removeFile(what);
- }
- if (item->isDeleted()) {
- m_SvnWrapper->addModifiedCache(item->stat());
- } else if (!item->isMissing()) {
- TQFileInfo fi(what);
- if (!fi.exists()) {
- FileListViewItem*p = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(item->parent());
- delete item;
- repaintit=true;
- item = 0;
- if (p && p->isVersioned()) {
- p->update();
- updateParents(p);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#if 0
- when add dirItemDirty is send for folder above so no need for checking add-flag.
- else {
- kdDebug()<<"Entry added: "<<what << endl;
- }
- if (item) {
- refreshItem(item);
- }
- }
- m_pList->dirItems.clear();
- viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled(true);
- if (repaintit) {
-// viewport()->tqrepaint();
- }
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotDirItemDeleted(const TQString&)
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotDirItemDeleted(const TQString&what)
- m_pList->stopDirTimer();
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setItem(0);
- TQMap<TQString,TQChar>::Iterator it = m_pList->dirItems.find(what);
- if (it!=m_pList->dirItems.end() && m_pList->dirItems[what]=='A') {
- m_pList->dirItems.erase(it);
- } else {
- m_pList->dirItems[what]='D';
- }
- m_pList->startDirTimer();
-void tdesvnfilelist::gotPreview( const KFileItem*, const TQPixmap&)
-#if 0
- FileListViewItem*which = findEntryItem(item->localPath());
- if (which) {
- which->setPreviewPix(pixmap);
- }
-// m_previewJob = 0;
-// if (m_svnitem || item != m_svnitem->fileItem()) return;
-// m_iconLabel -> setPixmap(pixmap);
-void tdesvnfilelist::gotPreviewResult()
-// m_previewJob = 0;
-FileListViewItem* tdesvnfilelist::findEntryItem(const TQString&what,FileListViewItem*startAt)
- if (!startAt && !what.startsWith(baseUri())) return 0;
- TQString _what = what;
- FileListViewItem*_s,*_temp;
- if (!startAt) {
- while (_what.endsWith("/")) {
- _what.truncate(_what.length()-1);
- }
- _s = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(firstChild());
- } else {
- _s = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(startAt->firstChild());
- }
- _temp = 0;
- while (_s) {
- if (_s->fullName()==_what) {
- return _s;
- }
- if (_what.startsWith(_s->fullName())) {
- _temp = findEntryItem(_what,_s);
- if (_temp) {
- return _temp;
- }
- }
- _s = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(_s->nextSibling());
- }
- return 0;
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::contentsMouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::contentsMouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
- if (!m_pList->mousePressed)
- {
- if (Kdesvnsettings::display_file_tips()) {
- TQPoint vp = contentsToViewport( e->pos() );
- FileListViewItem*item = isExecuteArea( vp ) ? static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(itemAt( vp )) : 0L;
- if (item) {
- vp.setY( tqitemRect( item ).y() );
- TQRect rect( viewportToContents( vp ), TQSize(20, item->height()) );
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setItem( static_cast<SvnItem*>(item), rect, item->pixmap(0));
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setPreview(KGlobalSettings::showFilePreview(item->fullName())/*&&isWorkingCopy()*/
- &&Kdesvnsettings::display_previews_in_file_tips());
- setShowToolTips(false);
- } else {
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setItem(0);
- setShowToolTips(true);
- }
- } else {
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setItem(0);
- setShowToolTips(true);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (( m_pList->presspos - e->pos() ).manhattanLength() > TQApplication::startDragDistance())
- {
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setItem(0);
- m_pList->mousePressed=false;
- //beginDrag();
- }
- }
- KListView::contentsMouseMoveEvent( e );
-void tdesvnfilelist::contentsMousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent*e)
- KListView::contentsMousePressEvent(e);
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setItem(0);
- TQPoint p(contentsToViewport( e->pos()));
- TQListViewItem *i = itemAt( p );
- // this is from qt the example - hopefully I got my problems with drag&drop fixed.
- if ( i ) {
- // if the user clicked into the root decoration of the item, don't try to start a drag!
- if ( p.x() > header()->cellPos( header()->mapToActual( 0 ) ) +
- treeStepSize() * ( i->depth() + ( rootIsDecorated() ? 1 : 0) ) + itemMargin() ||
- p.x() < header()->cellPos( header()->mapToActual( 0 ) ) )
- {
- m_pList->presspos = e->pos();
- m_pList->mousePressed = true;
- }
- }
-void tdesvnfilelist::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent*e)
- KListView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(e);
- m_pList->mousePressed = false;
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::contentsWheelEvent( TQWheelEvent * e )
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::contentsWheelEvent( TQWheelEvent * e )
- // when scrolling with mousewheel, stop possible pending filetip
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setItem(0);
- KListView::contentsWheelEvent( e );
-void tdesvnfilelist::leaveEvent(TQEvent*e)
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setItem( 0 );
- KListView::leaveEvent( e );
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotSettingsChanged()
- m_pList->m_fileTip->setOptions(!isNetworked()&&Kdesvnsettings::display_file_tips()&&
- TQToolTip::isGloballyEnabled(),true,6);
- if (m_pList->reReadSettings()) {
- refreshCurrentTree();
- } else {
- viewport()->tqrepaint();
- }
- enableActions();
- sort();
- if (m_SvnWrapper && !m_SvnWrapper->doNetworking()) {
- m_SvnWrapper->stopFillCache();
- }
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotRelocate()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotRelocate()
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) return;
- SvnItem*k = SelectedOrMain();
- if (!k) {
- KMessageBox::error(0,i18n("Error getting entry to relocate"));
- return;
- }
- TQString path,fromUrl;
- path = k->fullName();
- fromUrl = k->Url();
- CheckoutInfo_impl*ptr;
- KDialogBase * dlg = createDialog(&ptr,i18n("Relocate path %1").tqarg(path),true,"relocate_dlg");
- if (dlg) {
- ptr->setStartUrl(fromUrl);
- ptr->disableAppend(true);
- ptr->disableTargetDir(true);
- ptr->disableRange(true);
- ptr->disableOpen(true);
- ptr->disableExternals(true);
- ptr->hideDepth(true,true);
- bool done = false;
- dlg->resize(dlg->configDialogSize(*(Kdesvnsettings::self()->config()),"relocate_dlg"));
- if (dlg->exec()==TQDialog::Accepted) {
- done = m_SvnWrapper->makeRelocate(fromUrl,ptr->reposURL(),path,ptr->overwrite());
- }
- dlg->saveDialogSize(*(Kdesvnsettings::self()->config()),"relocate_dlg",false);
- delete dlg;
- if (!done) return;
- }
- refreshItem(k->fItem());
-void tdesvnfilelist::checkUnversionedDirs( FileListViewItem * _parent )
- TQDir d;
- if (_parent)
- d.setPath(_parent->fullName()); //FIXME: this one is not reliable, what if _parent == 0??
- // else
- // d.setPath(this->firstChild()->fullName());
- d.setFilter( TQDir::Files | TQDir::Dirs );
- const TQFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList();
- if (!list) {
- return;
- }
- TQFileInfoListIterator nonversioned_it( *list );
- TQFileInfo *fi;
- svn::StatusEntries nonversioned_list;
- // FIXME: create a dlist and feed to insertDirs, mean while .. we are copying insertDirs since we weren't able to set svn_node_kind into appropriate value
- while ( (fi = nonversioned_it.current()) != 0 ) {
- if ((fi->fileName()!=".") && (fi->fileName()!="..")) {
- // trying to set entry->kind
-// svn_wc_status2_t wc_stat;
-// svn_wc_entry_t entry;
-// char *temp;
-// strcpy(temp, fi->fileName());
-// = temp;
-// wc_stat.entry = &entry;
-// if (fi->isDir())
-// entry.kind = svn_node_dir;
-// else
-// entry.kind = svn_node_file;
-// svn::tqStatus stat(fi->fileName(), &wc_stat);
- svn::StatusPtr stat(new svn::tqStatus(fi->absFilePath()));
- // start copying insertDirs
- FileListViewItem * item;
- if (!_parent) {
- item = new FileListViewItem(this, stat);
- kdDebug()<< "creating new FileListViewitem " + item->fullName() << endl;
- } else {
- item = new FileListViewItem(this,_parent, stat);
- kdDebug()<< "creating new FileListViewitem (with parent) " + item->fullName() << endl;
- }
- if (fi->isDir()) {
- m_Dirsread[item->fullName()]=false;
- item->setDropEnabled(true);
- if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- m_pList->m_DirWatch->addDir(item->fullName());
- }
- kdDebug()<< "Watching folder: " + item->fullName() << endl;
- } else if (isWorkingCopy()) {
- m_pList->m_DirWatch->addFile(item->fullName());
- kdDebug()<< "Watching file: " + item->fullName() << endl;
- }
- // end of copying insertDirs
- nonversioned_list.append(stat);
- kdDebug() << "creating new FileListViewItem from TQDir entry: " << fi->fileName() << endl;
- }
- ++nonversioned_it;
- }
- // uncomment this if you've ben able to set svn_node_kind (see above)
- //this->insertDirs(_parent, nonversioned_list);
-void tdesvnfilelist::rescanIconsRec(FileListViewItem*startAt,bool checkNewer,bool no_update)
- FileListViewItem*_s;
- if (!startAt) {
- _s = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(firstChild());
- } else {
- _s = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(startAt->firstChild());
- }
- if (!_s) {
- return;
- }
- svn::SharedPointer<svn::tqStatus> d;
- while (_s) {
- //_s->makePixmap();
- if (!no_update) {
- if (m_SvnWrapper->getUpdated(_s->stat()->path(),d) && d) {
- _s->updatetqStatus(d);
- } else {
- _s->update();
- }
- }
- rescanIconsRec(_s,checkNewer,no_update);
- if (checkNewer && _s->isDir() && _s->isOpen()) {
- svn::StatusEntries target;
- m_SvnWrapper->getaddedItems(_s->stat()->path(),target);
- insertDirs(_s,target);
- }
- _s = static_cast<FileListViewItem*>(_s->nextSibling());
- }
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotRescanIcons(bool checkNewer)
- rescanIconsRec(0L,checkNewer);
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotCheckNewItems()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotCheckNewItems()
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) {
- KMessageBox::sorry(0,i18n("Only in working copy possible."),i18n("Error"));
- return;
- }
- if (allSelected()->count()>1) {
- KMessageBox::sorry(0,i18n("Only on single folder possible"),i18n("Error"));
- return;
- }
- SvnItem*w = SelectedOrMain();
- if (!w) {
- KMessageBox::sorry(0,i18n("Sorry - internal error!"),i18n("Error"));
- return;
- }
- m_SvnWrapper->checkAddItems(w->fullName(),true);
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotMakeRangeLog()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotMakeRangeLog()
- TQString what;
- SvnItem*k = SelectedOrMain();
- if (k) {
- what = k->fullName();
- } else if (!isWorkingCopy() && allSelected()->count()==0){
- what = baseUri();
- } else {
- return;
- }
- Rangeinput_impl*rdlg;
- KDialogBase*dlg = createDialog(&rdlg,TQString(i18n("Revisions")),true,"revisions_dlg");
- if (!dlg) {
- return;
- }
- bool list = Kdesvnsettings::self()->log_always_list_changed_files();
- int i = dlg->exec();
- if (i==TQDialog::Accepted) {
- Rangeinput_impl::revision_range r = rdlg->getRange();
- m_SvnWrapper->makeLog(r.first,r.second,(isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::UNDEFINED:m_pList->m_remoteRevision), what,list,0);
- }
- dlg->saveDialogSize(*(Kdesvnsettings::self()->config()),"revisions_dlg",false);
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotMakeTree()
- TQString what;
- SvnItem*k = SelectedOrMain();
- if (k) {
- what = k->fullName();
- } else if (!isWorkingCopy() && allSelected()->count()==0){
- what = baseUri();
- } else {
- return;
- }
- svn::Revision rev(isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::WORKING:m_pList->m_remoteRevision);
- m_SvnWrapper->makeTree(what,rev);
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotMakePartTree()
- TQString what;
- SvnItem*k = SelectedOrMain();
- if (k) {
- what = k->fullName();
- } else if (!isWorkingCopy() && allSelected()->count()==0){
- what = baseUri();
- } else {
- return;
- }
- Rangeinput_impl*rdlg;
- KDialogBase*dlg = createDialog(&rdlg,TQString(i18n("Revisions")),true,"revisions_dlg");
- if (!dlg) {
- return;
- }
- int i = dlg->exec();
- Rangeinput_impl::revision_range r;
- if (i==TQDialog::Accepted) {
- r = rdlg->getRange();
- }
- dlg->saveDialogSize(*(Kdesvnsettings::self()->config()),"revisions_dlg",false);
- if (i==TQDialog::Accepted) {
- svn::Revision rev(isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::UNDEFINED:m_pList->m_remoteRevision);
- m_SvnWrapper->makeTree(what,rev,r.first,r.second);
- }
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotMakeLog()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotMakeLog()
- TQString what;
- SvnItem*k = SelectedOrMain();
- if (k) {
- what = k->fullName();
- } else if (!isWorkingCopy() && allSelected()->count()==0){
- what = baseUri();
- } else {
- return;
- }
- // yes! so if we have a limit, the limit counts from HEAD
- // not from START
- svn::Revision start(svn::Revision::HEAD);
- if (!isWorkingCopy()) {
- start=m_pList->m_remoteRevision;
- }
- svn::Revision end(svn::Revision::START);
- bool list = Kdesvnsettings::self()->log_always_list_changed_files();
- int l = Kdesvnsettings::self()->maximum_displayed_logs();
- m_SvnWrapper->makeLog(start,end,(isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::UNDEFINED:m_pList->m_remoteRevision),what,list,l);
-const svn::Revision& tdesvnfilelist::remoteRevision()const
- return m_pList->m_remoteRevision;
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::slotOpenWith()
- */
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotOpenWith()
- FileListViewItem* which = singleSelected();
- if (!which||which->isDir()) {
- return;
- }
- svn::Revision rev(isWorkingCopy()?svn::Revision::UNDEFINED:m_pList->m_remoteRevision);
- KURL::List lst;
- lst.append(which->kdeName(rev));
- KRun::displayOpenWithDialog(lst);
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotUnfoldTree()
- StopSimpleDlg sdlg(0,0,i18n("Unfold tree"),i18n("Unfold all folder"));
- connect(this,TQT_SIGNAL(sigListError()),
- &sdlg,TQT_SLOT(makeCancel()));
- TQListViewItemIterator it(this);
- TQTime t;t.start();
- setUpdatesEnabled(false);
- {
- WidgetBlockStack a(this);
- while (TQListViewItem* item = it.current())
- {
- if (item->isExpandable()) {
- if (sdlg.isCanceld()) {
- m_SvnWrapper->slotCancel(true);
- break;
- }
- if (t.elapsed()>=200) {
- sdlg.slotTick();
- kapp->tqprocessEvents(20);
- t.restart();
- }
- ((FileListViewItem*)item)->setOpenNoBlock(true);
- }
- ++it;
- }
- }
- setFocus();
- setUpdatesEnabled(true);
- viewport()->tqrepaint();
- tqrepaint();
- m_SvnWrapper->slotCancel(false);
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotFoldTree()
- TQListViewItemIterator it(this);
- while (TQListViewItem* item = it.current())
- {
- // don't close the top level directory
- if (item->isExpandable() && item->parent())
- item->setOpen(false);
- ++it;
- }
- \fn tdesvnfilelist::uniqueSelected()
- */
-bool tdesvnfilelist::uniqueTypeSelected()
- FileListViewItemList*ls = allSelected();
- FileListViewItemListIterator it(*ls);
- FileListViewItem*cur=it.current();
- if (!cur) {
- return false;
- }
- bool dir = cur->isDir();
- while ( (cur=it.current())!=0) {
- ++it;
- if (cur->isDir()!=dir) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotChangeProperties(const svn::PropertiesMap&pm,const TQValueList<TQString>&dellist,const TQString&path)
- m_SvnWrapper->changeProperties(pm,dellist,path);
- FileListViewItem* which = singleSelected();
- kdDebug()<<(which?which->fullName():"nix") << " -> " << path<<endl;
- if (which && which->fullName()==path) {
- which->refreshtqStatus();
- refreshCurrent(which);
- _propListTimeout();
- }
-void tdesvnfilelist::slotUpdateLogCache()
- if (baseUri().length()>0 && m_SvnWrapper->doNetworking()) {
- KAction*temp = filesActions()->action("update_log_cache");
- if (!m_SvnWrapper->threadRunning(SvnActions::fillcachethread)) {
- m_SvnWrapper->startFillCache(baseUri());
- if (temp) {
- temp->setText(i18n("Stop updating the logcache"));
- }
- } else {
- m_SvnWrapper->stopFillCache();
- if (temp) {
- temp->setText(i18n("Update log cache"));
- }
- }
- }
-#include "tdesvnfilelist.moc"