path: root/languages/java/JavaRecognizer.hpp
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2020-12-17 20:50:19 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2020-12-17 23:50:37 +0900
commit3e3d9eda9d1dd8c67c1c27c6a9bdc68bdecfcc30 (patch)
tree6af0b8ba2786060423ba143e894bf9529d351f8d /languages/java/JavaRecognizer.hpp
parentf08b30edb9f422128083050320681b6bacd06d1d (diff)
Renaming of files in preparation for code style tools.
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'languages/java/JavaRecognizer.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 423 deletions
diff --git a/languages/java/JavaRecognizer.hpp b/languages/java/JavaRecognizer.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fab59972..00000000
--- a/languages/java/JavaRecognizer.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef INC_JavaRecognizer_hpp_
-#define INC_JavaRecognizer_hpp_
-#line 2 "java.g"
- #include "driver.h"
- #include "JavaAST.hpp"
- #include <tqlistview.h>
- #include <kdebug.h>
- #define SET_POSITION(ast,t)\
- { \
- RefJavaAST(ast)->setLine( t->getLine() );\
- RefJavaAST(ast)->setColumn( t->getColumn() ); \
- }
-#line 19 "JavaRecognizer.hpp"
-#include <antlr/config.hpp>
-/* $ANTLR 2.7.7 (20061129): "java.g" -> "JavaRecognizer.hpp"$ */
-#include <antlr/TokenStream.hpp>
-#include <antlr/TokenBuffer.hpp>
-#include "JavaTokenTypes.hpp"
-#include <antlr/LLkParser.hpp>
-/** Java 1.3 Recognizer
- *
- * Run 'java Main [-showtree] directory-full-of-java-files'
- *
- * [The -showtree option pops up a Swing frame that shows
- * the AST constructed from the parser.]
- *
- * Run 'java Main <directory full of java files>'
- *
- * Contributing authors:
- * John Mitchell [email protected]
- * Terence Parr [email protected]
- * John Lilley [email protected]
- * Scott Stanchfield [email protected]
- * Markus Mohnen [email protected]
- * Peter Williams [email protected]
- * Allan Jacobs [email protected]
- * Steve Messick [email protected]
- * John Pybus [email protected]
- *
- * Version 1.00 December 9, 1997 -- initial release
- * Version 1.01 December 10, 1997
- * fixed bug in octal def (0..7 not 0..8)
- * Version 1.10 August 1998 (parrt)
- * added tree construction
- * fixed definition of WS,comments for mac,pc,unix newlines
- * added unary plus
- * Version 1.11 (Nov 20, 1998)
- * Added "shutup" option to turn off last ambig warning.
- * Fixed inner class def to allow named class defs as statements
- * synchronized requires compound not simple statement
- * add [] after builtInType DOT class in primaryExpression
- * "const" is reserved but not valid..removed from modifiers
- * Version 1.12 (Feb 2, 1999)
- * Changed LITERAL_xxx to xxx in tree grammar.
- * Updated java.g to use tokens {...} now for 2.6.0 (new feature).
- *
- * Version 1.13 (Apr 23, 1999)
- * Didn't have (stat)? for else clause in tree parser.
- * Didn't gen ASTs for interface extends. Updated tree parser too.
- * Updated to 2.6.0.
- * Version 1.14 (Jun 20, 1999)
- * Allowed final/abstract on local classes.
- * Removed local interfaces from methods
- * Put instanceof precedence where it relationalExpr
- * It also had expr not type as arg; fixed it.
- * Missing ! on SEMI in classBlock
- * fixed: (expr) + "string" was parsed incorrectly (+ as unary plus).
- * fixed: didn't like Object[].class in parser or tree parser
- * Version 1.15 (Jun 26, 1999)
- * Screwed up rule with instanceof in it. :( Fixed.
- * Tree parser didn't like (expr).something; fixed.
- * Allowed multiple inheritance in tree grammar. oops.
- * Version 1.16 (August 22, 1999)
- * Extending an interface built a wacky tree: had extra EXTENDS.
- * Tree grammar didn't allow multiple superinterfaces.
- * Tree grammar didn't allow empty var initializer: {}
- * Version 1.17 (October 12, 1999)
- * ESC lexer rule allowed 399 max not 377 max.
- * java.tree.g didn't handle the expression of synchronized
- * statements.
- * Version 1.18 (August 12, 2001)
- * Terence updated to Java 2 Version 1.3 by
- * observing/combining work of Allan Jacobs and Steve
- * Messick. Handles 1.3 src. Summary:
- * o primary didn't include boolean.class kind of thing
- * o constructor calls parsed explicitly now:
- * see explicitConstructorInvocation
- * o add strictfp modifier
- * o missing objBlock after new expression in tree grammar
- * o merged local class definition alternatives, moved after declaration
- * o fixed problem with ClassName.super.field
- * o reordered some alternatives to make things more efficient
- * o long and double constants were not differentiated from int/float
- * o whitespace rule was inefficient: matched only one char
- * o add an examples directory with some nasty 1.3 cases
- * o made use buffered IO and a Reader for Unicode support
- * o supports UNICODE?
- * Using Unicode charVocabulay makes code file big, but only
- * in the bitsets at the end. I need to make ANTLR generate
- * unicode bitsets more efficiently.
- * Version 1.19 (April 25, 2002)
- * Terence added in nice fixes by John Pybus concerning floating
- * constants and problems with super() calls. John did a nice
- * reorg of the primary/postfix expression stuff to read better
- * and makes f.g.super() parse properly (it was METHOD_CALL not
- * a SUPER_CTOR_CALL). Also:
- *
- * o "finally" clause was a root...made it a child of "try"
- * o Added stuff for asserts too for Java 1.4, but *commented out*
- * as it is not backward compatible.
- *
- * Version 1.20 (October 27, 2002)
- *
- * Terence ended up reorging John Pybus' stuff to
- * remove some nondeterminisms and some syntactic predicates.
- * Note that the grammar is stricter now; e.g., this(...) must
- * be the first statement.
- *
- * Trinary ?: operator wasn't working as array name:
- * (isBig ? bigDigits : digits)[i];
- *
- * Checked parser/tree parser on source for
- * Resin-2.0.5, jive-2.1.1, jdk 1.3.1, Lucene, antlr 2.7.2a4,
- * and the 110k-line jGuru server source.
- *
- * Version tracking now done with following ID:
- *
- * $Id$
- *
- * This grammar is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN
- */
-class CUSTOM_API JavaRecognizer : public ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)LLkParser, public JavaTokenTypes
-#line 154 "java.g"
- Driver* m_driver;
- void setDriver( Driver* d ) { m_driver = d; }
- void setFileName( const TQString& fileName ) { m_driver->currentFileName() = fileName; }
- void reportError( const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)RecognitionException& ex ){
- m_driver->addProblem( m_driver->currentFileName(), Problem( TQString::fromLocal8Bit(ex.getMessage().c_str()), ex.getLine(), ex.getColumn()) );
- }
- void reportError( const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& errorMessage ){
- m_driver->addProblem( m_driver->currentFileName(), Problem( TQString::fromLocal8Bit(errorMessage.c_str()), LT(1)->getLine(), LT(1)->getColumn()) );
- }
- void reportMessage( const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& message ){
- m_driver->addProblem( m_driver->currentFileName(), Problem( TQString::fromLocal8Bit(message.c_str()), LT(1)->getLine(), LT(1)->getColumn()) );
- }
-#line 142 "JavaRecognizer.hpp"
- void initializeASTFactory( ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)ASTFactory& factory );
- JavaRecognizer(ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)TokenBuffer& tokenBuf, int k);
- JavaRecognizer(ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)TokenBuffer& tokenBuf);
- JavaRecognizer(ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)TokenStream& lexer, int k);
- JavaRecognizer(ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)TokenStream& lexer);
- JavaRecognizer(const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)ParserSharedInputState& state);
- int getNumTokens() const
- {
- return JavaRecognizer::NUM_TOKENS;
- }
- const char* getTokenName( int type ) const
- {
- if( type > getNumTokens() ) return 0;
- return JavaRecognizer::tokenNames[type];
- }
- const char* const* getTokenNames() const
- {
- return JavaRecognizer::tokenNames;
- }
- public: void compilationUnit();
- public: void packageDefinition();
- public: void importDefinition();
- public: void typeDefinition();
- public: void identifier();
- public: void identifierStar();
- public: void modifiers();
- public: void classDefinition(
- RefJavaAST modifiers
- );
- public: void interfaceDefinition(
- RefJavaAST modifiers
- );
- public: void declaration();
- public: void typeSpec(
- bool addImagNode
- );
- public: void variableDefinitions(
- RefJavaAST mods, RefJavaAST t
- );
- public: void classTypeSpec(
- bool addImagNode
- );
- public: void builtInTypeSpec(
- bool addImagNode
- );
- public: void builtInType();
- public: void type();
- public: void modifier();
- public: void superClassClause();
- public: void implementsClause();
- public: void classBlock();
- public: void interfaceExtends();
- public: void field();
- public: void ctorHead();
- public: void constructorBody();
- public: void parameterDeclarationList();
- public: void declaratorBrackets(
- RefJavaAST typ
- );
- public: void throwsClause();
- public: void compoundStatement();
- public: void explicitConstructorInvocation();
- public: void statement();
- public: void argList();
- public: void variableDeclarator(
- RefJavaAST mods, RefJavaAST t
- );
- public: void varInitializer();
- public: void initializer();
- public: void arrayInitializer();
- public: void expression();
- public: void parameterDeclaration();
- public: void parameterModifier();
- public: void forInit();
- public: void forCond();
- public: void forIter();
- public: void casesGroup();
- public: void tryBlock();
- public: void aCase();
- public: void caseSList();
- public: void expressionList();
- public: void handler();
- public: void finallyClause();
- public: void assignmentExpression();
- public: void conditionalExpression();
- public: void logicalOrExpression();
- public: void logicalAndExpression();
- public: void inclusiveOrExpression();
- public: void exclusiveOrExpression();
- public: void andExpression();
- public: void equalityExpression();
- public: void relationalExpression();
- public: void shiftExpression();
- public: void additiveExpression();
- public: void multiplicativeExpression();
- public: void unaryExpression();
- public: void unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus();
- public: void postfixExpression();
- public: void primaryExpression();
- public: void newExpression();
- public: void identPrimary();
- public: void constant();
- public: void newArrayDeclarator();
- {
- return ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)RefAST(returnAST);
- }
- RefJavaAST returnAST;
- static const char* tokenNames[];
- static const int NUM_TOKENS = 152;
- enum {
- NUM_TOKENS = 152
- };
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_0_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_0;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_1_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_1;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_2_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_2;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_3_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_3;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_4_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_4;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_5_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_5;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_6_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_6;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_7_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_7;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_8_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_8;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_9_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_9;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_10_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_10;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_11_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_11;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_12_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_12;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_13_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_13;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_14_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_14;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_15_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_15;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_16_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_16;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_17_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_17;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_18_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_18;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_19_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_19;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_20_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_20;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_21_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_21;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_22_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_22;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_23_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_23;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_24_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_24;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_25_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_25;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_26_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_26;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_27_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_27;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_28_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_28;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_29_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_29;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_30_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_30;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_31_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_31;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_32_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_32;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_33_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_33;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_34_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_34;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_35_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_35;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_36_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_36;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_37_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_37;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_38_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_38;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_39_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_39;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_40_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_40;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_41_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_41;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_42_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_42;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_43_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_43;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_44_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_44;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_45_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_45;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_46_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_46;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_47_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_47;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_48_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_48;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_49_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_49;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_50_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_50;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_51_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_51;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_52_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_52;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_53_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_53;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_54_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_54;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_55_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_55;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_56_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_56;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_57_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_57;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_58_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_58;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_59_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_59;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_60_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_60;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_61_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_61;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_62_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_62;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_63_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_63;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_64_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_64;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_65_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_65;
- static const unsigned long _tokenSet_66_data_[];
- static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_66;
-#endif /*INC_JavaRecognizer_hpp_*/