path: root/lib/interfaces/extensions
diff options
authorDarrell Anderson <[email protected]>2012-06-07 11:20:05 -0500
committerDarrell Anderson <[email protected]>2012-06-07 11:20:05 -0500
commit2b84a5ebebf138f43bef4521bbbf8ef6b3c962c4 (patch)
tree3064a61246a911891f4dca723c119483fb0ca401 /lib/interfaces/extensions
parentefbe6faa6c054c878f6395d7bbcc19dda3c2e544 (diff)
Branding cleanup: menu, desktop, and docbook files.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/interfaces/extensions')
9 files changed, 96 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/lib/interfaces/extensions/Mainpage.dox b/lib/interfaces/extensions/Mainpage.dox
index c9b3af92..63b467ce 100644
--- a/lib/interfaces/extensions/Mainpage.dox
+++ b/lib/interfaces/extensions/Mainpage.dox
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-@mainpage The KDevelop Extension Interfaces Library
+@mainpage The TDevelop Extension Interfaces Library
-This library contains extension interfaces used by KDevelop plugin architecture.
+This library contains extension interfaces used by TDevelop plugin architecture.
<b>Link with</b>: -ltdevelop
<b>Include path</b>: -I\$(kde_includes)/tdevelop/interfaces/extensions
-\section whatisextension What is the KDevelop extension
+\section whatisextension What is the TDevelop extension
-Extension is a KDevelop plugin which implements one of extension interfaces.
+Extension is a TDevelop plugin which implements one of extension interfaces.
Extension is usually not important enough to be returned by @ref KDevApi and @ref KDevPlugin
methods. Therefore extension instance can be obtained by @ref KDevPlugin::extension method.
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ in the same way other plugins are. But extensions differ from usual plugins.
Note: many plugins implementing extension interface can be created but only one of
those should be loaded at a time. This can be accomplished by:
- using a shell plugin profile (as done in current generic shell implementation) - define
- different X-KDevelop-Properties for different extension implementations;
+ different X-TDevelop-Properties for different extension implementations;
- writing project manager which looks into the project file and loads the neccesary extension.
\section creatingextension Creating and using an extension
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ those should be loaded at a time. This can be accomplished by:
[Desktop Entry]
- X-KDE-ServiceType=KDevelop/MyExtension
- X-KDE-Derived=KDevelop/Plugin
+ X-KDE-ServiceType=TDevelop/MyExtension
+ X-KDE-Derived=TDevelop/Plugin
Name=My Extension Interface
- [PropertyDef::X-KDevelop-Version]
+ [PropertyDef::X-TDevelop-Version]
- Define an abstract base class for an extension like:
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ those should be loaded at a time. This can be accomplished by:
virtual void doSomething() = 0;
-- Create an usual plugin, but instead of setting service type to "KDevelop/Plugin", set:
+- Create an usual plugin, but instead of setting service type to "TDevelop/Plugin", set:
- ServiceTypes=KDevelop/MyExtension
+ ServiceTypes=TDevelop/MyExtension
- Use your extension:
- KDevMyExtension *myext = extension<KDevMyExtension>("KDevelop/MyExtension");
+ KDevMyExtension *myext = extension<KDevMyExtension>("TDevelop/MyExtension");
if (sf) {
// do something
} else {
diff --git a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopappfrontend.desktop b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopappfrontend.desktop
index 60cd678b..a5e23fd4 100644
--- a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopappfrontend.desktop
+++ b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopappfrontend.desktop
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=App Frontend Interface
Name[ca]=Interfície de l'entorn de les aplicacions
-Name[de]=Oberflächen-Schnittstelle (KDevelop)
+Name[de]=Oberflächen-Schnittstelle (TDevelop)
Name[el]=Διασύνδεση προγράμματος App
Name[es]=Interfaz de entorno de aplicación
Name[et]=Rakenduse kasutajaliides
@@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ Name[zh_CN]=应用程序前端接口
Name[zh_TW]=App 前端介面
# versioning - prevent DLL hell
diff --git a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopcodebrowserfrontend.desktop b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopcodebrowserfrontend.desktop
index 9dd7f8d2..a92a75e2 100644
--- a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopcodebrowserfrontend.desktop
+++ b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopcodebrowserfrontend.desktop
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Code Browser Frontend
Name[ca]=Interfície per al navegador de codi
@@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ Name[sr@Latn]=Interfejs pregledača koda
diff --git a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopcreatefile.desktop b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopcreatefile.desktop
index d100b330..9f27d587 100644
--- a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopcreatefile.desktop
+++ b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopcreatefile.desktop
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
[Desktop Entry]
-Name=KDevelop Create File Interface
-Name[ca]=Interfície de creació de fitxers per a KDevelop
-Name[da]=KDevelop opret filgrænseflade
-Name[de]=KDevelop-Schnittstelle zum Anlegen von Dateien
-Name[el]=Διασύνδεση δημιουργίας αρχείου KDevelop
-Name[es]=Interfaz de creación de archivos de KDevelop
-Name[et]=KDevelopi faili loomise liides
-Name[eu]=KDevelop-en "Sortu fitxategia" interfazea
-Name[fa]=واسط پروندۀ ایجاد KDevelop
-Name[fr]=Interface de création de fichiers pour KDevelop
-Name[gl]=Interface de crear ficheiro de KDevelop
-Name[hu]=KDevelop fájllétrehozási felület
-Name[it]=Interfaccia KDevelop per creare file
-Name[ja]=KDevelop Create File インターフェース
-Name[nds]=KDevelop-Koppelsteed för't Dateiopstellen
+Name=TDevelop Create File Interface
+Name[ca]=Interfície de creació de fitxers per a TDevelop
+Name[da]=TDevelop opret filgrænseflade
+Name[de]=TDevelop-Schnittstelle zum Anlegen von Dateien
+Name[el]=Διασύνδεση δημιουργίας αρχείου TDevelop
+Name[es]=Interfaz de creación de archivos de TDevelop
+Name[et]=TDevelopi faili loomise liides
+Name[eu]=TDevelop-en "Sortu fitxategia" interfazea
+Name[fa]=واسط پروندۀ ایجاد TDevelop
+Name[fr]=Interface de création de fichiers pour TDevelop
+Name[gl]=Interface de crear ficheiro de TDevelop
+Name[hu]=TDevelop fájllétrehozási felület
+Name[it]=Interfaccia TDevelop per creare file
+Name[ja]=TDevelop Create File インターフェース
+Name[nds]=TDevelop-Koppelsteed för't Dateiopstellen
Name[ne]=केडीई विकास फाइल इन्टरफेस सिर्जना
-Name[nl]=KDevelop Bestand aanmaken-interface
-Name[pl]=Interfejs KDevelopa do tworzenia pliku
-Name[pt]=Interface de Criação de Ficheiro do KDevelop
-Name[pt_BR]=Interface para Criar Arquivo do KDevelop
-Name[ru]=Интерфейс средства создания файлов для KDevelop
-Name[sk]=KDevelop rozhranie na vytvorenie súboru
-Name[sl]=Vmesnik za ustvarjanje datotek v KDevelopu
-Name[sr]=KDevelop-ов интерфејс за прављење фајла
-Name[sr@Latn]=KDevelop-ov interfejs za pravljenje fajla
-Name[sv]=KDevelop gränssnitt för att skapa filer
-Name[tr]=KDevelop Dosya Yaratma Arayüzü
-Name[zh_CN]=KDevelop 文件创建接口
-Name[zh_TW]=KDevelop 建立檔案介面
+Name[nl]=TDevelop Bestand aanmaken-interface
+Name[pl]=Interfejs TDevelopa do tworzenia pliku
+Name[pt]=Interface de Criação de Ficheiro do TDevelop
+Name[pt_BR]=Interface para Criar Arquivo do TDevelop
+Name[ru]=Интерфейс средства создания файлов для TDevelop
+Name[sk]=TDevelop rozhranie na vytvorenie súboru
+Name[sl]=Vmesnik za ustvarjanje datotek v TDevelopu
+Name[sr]=TDevelop-ов интерфејс за прављење фајла
+Name[sr@Latn]=TDevelop-ov interfejs za pravljenje fajla
+Name[sv]=TDevelop gränssnitt för att skapa filer
+Name[tr]=TDevelop Dosya Yaratma Arayüzü
+Name[zh_CN]=TDevelop 文件创建接口
+Name[zh_TW]=TDevelop 建立檔案介面
# versioning - prevent DLL hell
diff --git a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopdifffrontend.desktop b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopdifffrontend.desktop
index 31dec5af..9bb7272b 100644
--- a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopdifffrontend.desktop
+++ b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopdifffrontend.desktop
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Diff Frontend Interface
Name[ca]=Interfície de l'entorn per a diff
Name[da]=Diff-brugerflade grænseflade
-Name[de]=Schnittstelle für Diff-Oberflächen (KDevelop)
+Name[de]=Schnittstelle für Diff-Oberflächen (TDevelop)
Name[el]=Διασύνδεση προγράμματος Diff
Name[es]=Interfaz del entorno de diff
Name[et]=Diff kasutajaliides
@@ -36,6 +36,6 @@ Name[zh_CN]=Diff 前端接口
Name[zh_TW]=Diff 前端介面
# versioning - prevent DLL hell
diff --git a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopmakefrontend.desktop b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopmakefrontend.desktop
index f38d2d14..69472b9c 100644
--- a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopmakefrontend.desktop
+++ b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopmakefrontend.desktop
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Make Frontend Interface
Name[ca]=Interfície de l'entorn per a make
Name[da]=Make brugerflade-grænseflade
-Name[de]=Schnittstelle für Make-Oberflächen (KDevelop)
+Name[de]=Schnittstelle für Make-Oberflächen (TDevelop)
Name[el]=Διασύνδεση προγράμματος Make
Name[es]=Interfaz del entorno de make
Name[et]=Make kasutajaliides
@@ -36,6 +36,6 @@ Name[zh_CN]=Make 前端接口
Name[zh_TW]=Make 前端介面
# versioning - prevent DLL hell
diff --git a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopquickopen.desktop b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopquickopen.desktop
index 57ae2fd5..96fa823f 100644
--- a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopquickopen.desktop
+++ b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopquickopen.desktop
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Quick Open Interface
Name[ca]=Interfície Open Quick
Name[da]=Quick Open-grænseflade
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ Name[sv]=Snabböppningsgränssnitt
# versioning - prevent DLL hell
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Quick Open Interface
Name[ca]=Interfície Open Quick
Name[da]=Quick Open-grænseflade
@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ Name[sv]=Snabböppningsgränssnitt
# versioning - prevent DLL hell
diff --git a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopsourceformatter.desktop b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopsourceformatter.desktop
index 2bdadc38..6e791781 100644
--- a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopsourceformatter.desktop
+++ b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopsourceformatter.desktop
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Source Formatter Interface
Name[ca]=Interfície del formatador de codi font
Name[da]=Kildekodeformatering grænseflade
-Name[de]=Quelltext-Formatierer-Schnittstelle (KDevelop)
+Name[de]=Quelltext-Formatierer-Schnittstelle (TDevelop)
Name[el]=Διασύνδεση μορφοποίησης κώδικα
Name[es]=Interfaz del formateador de código fuente
Name[et]=Koodi vormindamise liides
@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ Name[zh_CN]=源代码格式化接口
# versioning - prevent DLL hell
diff --git a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopversioncontrol.desktop b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopversioncontrol.desktop
index c772b9a6..1b7fb940 100644
--- a/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopversioncontrol.desktop
+++ b/lib/interfaces/extensions/tdevelopversioncontrol.desktop
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
[Desktop Entry]
-Name=KDevelop Version Control Interface
-Name[ca]=Interfície del control de versions per a KDevelop
-Name[da]=KDevelop versionskontrol grænseflade
-Name[de]=Versionsverwaltung-Schnittstelle (KDevelop)
-Name[el]=Διασύνδεση ελέγχου εκδόσεων KDevelop
-Name[es]=Interfaz del control de versiones de KDevelop
-Name[et]=KDevelopi versioonide kontrollimise liides
-Name[eu]=KDevelop bertsio kontrol interfazea
-Name[fa]=واسط کنترل نسخۀ KDevelop
-Name[fr]=Interface pour le contrôle de versions de KDevelop
-Name[gl]=Interface do control de versións de KDevelop
+Name=TDevelop Version Control Interface
+Name[ca]=Interfície del control de versions per a TDevelop
+Name[da]=TDevelop versionskontrol grænseflade
+Name[de]=Versionsverwaltung-Schnittstelle (TDevelop)
+Name[el]=Διασύνδεση ελέγχου εκδόσεων TDevelop
+Name[es]=Interfaz del control de versiones de TDevelop
+Name[et]=TDevelopi versioonide kontrollimise liides
+Name[eu]=TDevelop bertsio kontrol interfazea
+Name[fa]=واسط کنترل نسخۀ TDevelop
+Name[fr]=Interface pour le contrôle de versions de TDevelop
+Name[gl]=Interface do control de versións de TDevelop
Name[hi]=के-डेवलप संस्करण नियंत्रण इंटरफ़ेस
-Name[hu]=KDevelop verziókezelési felület
-Name[ja]=KDevelop バージョンコントロール インターフェース
-Name[nds]=Verschoonkuntrull-Koppelsteed vun KDevelop
+Name[hu]=TDevelop verziókezelési felület
+Name[ja]=TDevelop バージョンコントロール インターフェース
+Name[nds]=Verschoonkuntrull-Koppelsteed vun TDevelop
Name[ne]=केडीई विकास संस्करण नियन्त्रण इन्टरफेस
-Name[nl]=KDevelop Versiebeheer-interface
+Name[nl]=TDevelop Versiebeheer-interface
Name[pl]=Interfejs Kdevelopa do kontroli wersji
-Name[pt]=Interface de Controlo de Versões do KDevelop
-Name[pt_BR]=Interface de Controle de Versão do KDevelop
+Name[pt]=Interface de Controlo de Versões do TDevelop
+Name[pt_BR]=Interface de Controle de Versão do TDevelop
Name[ru]=Интерфейс системы управления версиями
-Name[sk]=KDevelop rozhranie pre riadenie verzií
-Name[sl]=Vmesnik nadzora različic za KDevelop
-Name[sr]=KDevelop-ов интерфејс за контролу верзије
-Name[sr@Latn]=KDevelop-ov interfejs za kontrolu verzije
-Name[sv]=KDevelop gränssnitt för versionskontroll
-Name[ta]=KDevelop பதிப்பு கட்டுப்பாட்டு இடைஇணைப்பு
+Name[sk]=TDevelop rozhranie pre riadenie verzií
+Name[sl]=Vmesnik nadzora različic za TDevelop
+Name[sr]=TDevelop-ов интерфејс за контролу верзије
+Name[sr@Latn]=TDevelop-ov interfejs za kontrolu verzije
+Name[sv]=TDevelop gränssnitt för versionskontroll
+Name[ta]=TDevelop பதிப்பு கட்டுப்பாட்டு இடைஇணைப்பு
Name[tg]=Интерфейс барномаи идоракунии тафсирҳо
-Name[tr]=KDevelop Sürüm Kontrol Arayüzü
-Name[zh_CN]=KDevelop 版本控制接口
-Name[zh_TW]=KDevelop 版本控制介面
+Name[tr]=TDevelop Sürüm Kontrol Arayüzü
+Name[zh_CN]=TDevelop 版本控制接口
+Name[zh_TW]=TDevelop 版本控制介面
# versioning - prevent DLL hell