path: root/buildtools/autotools/addexistingdirectoriesdlg.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'buildtools/autotools/addexistingdirectoriesdlg.cpp')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildtools/autotools/addexistingdirectoriesdlg.cpp b/buildtools/autotools/addexistingdirectoriesdlg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..625d6af1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildtools/autotools/addexistingdirectoriesdlg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+ -------------------
+ begin : 12/21/2002
+ copyright : (C) 2002 by Victor R�er
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <qgroupbox.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <kprogress.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kio/netaccess.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include "autolistviewitems.h"
+#include "autosubprojectview.h"
+#include "autoprojectwidget.h"
+#include "autoprojectpart.h"
+#include "kimporticonview.h"
+#include "urlutil.h"
+#include "addexistingdirectoriesdlg.h"
+AddExistingDirectoriesDialog::AddExistingDirectoriesDialog ( AutoProjectPart* part, AutoProjectWidget *widget, SubprojectItem* spitem, QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl )
+ : AddExistingDlgBase ( parent, name, modal, fl )
+ setIcon ( SmallIcon ( "fileimport.png" ) );
+ m_spitem = spitem;
+ m_part = part;
+ m_widget = widget;
+ KFile::Mode mode = KFile::Directory;
+// if ( spitem && spitem->type() == ProjectItem::Subproject )
+// {
+// destStaticLabel->setText ( i18n ( "Subproject:" ) );
+// destLabel->setText ( spitem->subdir );
+// targetLabel->setText ( i18n ( "none" ) );
+// directoryLabel->setText ( i18n ( spitem->path ) );
+// }
+ sourceSelector = new FileSelectorWidget ( part, mode, sourceGroupBox, "source file selector" );
+ sourceGroupBoxLayout->addWidget ( sourceSelector );
+ importView = new KImportIconView ( i18n("Drag one or more directories with an existing from the left view and drop it here."), destGroupBox, "destination icon view" );
+ destGroupBoxLayout->addWidget ( importView );
+ setIcon ( SmallIcon ( "fileimport.png" ) );
+ QWidget::setTabOrder(sourceSelector, addAllButton);
+ QWidget::setTabOrder(addAllButton, addSelectedButton);
+ QWidget::setTabOrder(addSelectedButton, importView);
+ QWidget::setTabOrder(importView, removeAllButton);
+ QWidget::setTabOrder(removeAllButton, removeSelectedButton);
+ QWidget::setTabOrder(removeSelectedButton, okButton);
+ QWidget::setTabOrder(okButton, cancelButton);
+ sourceSelector->setFocus();
+ init();
+void AddExistingDirectoriesDialog::init()
+ progressBar->hide();
+ importView->setMode ( KIconView::Select );
+ importView->setItemsMovable ( false );
+ connect ( okButton, SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, SLOT ( slotOk () ) );
+ connect ( addSelectedButton, SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, SLOT ( slotAddSelected() ) );
+ connect ( addAllButton, SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, SLOT ( slotAddAll() ) );
+ connect ( removeSelectedButton, SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, SLOT ( slotRemoveSelected() ) );
+ connect ( removeAllButton, SIGNAL ( clicked () ), this, SLOT ( slotRemoveAll() ) );
+ connect ( importView, SIGNAL ( dropped( QDropEvent* ) ), this, SLOT ( slotDropped ( QDropEvent* ) ) );
+ importView->setSelectionMode ( KFile::Multi );
+ sourceSelector->setDir ( m_spitem->path );
+void AddExistingDirectoriesDialog::importItems()
+ if( !importView->items() )
+ return;
+ // items added via button or drag 'n drop
+ KFileItemListIterator itemList ( m_importList );
+ // items already added to the importView
+ KFileItemListIterator importedList ( *importView->items() );
+ QStringList duplicateList;
+ importedList.toFirst();
+ for ( ; importedList.current(); ++importedList )
+ {
+ itemList.toFirst();
+ for ( ; itemList.current(); ++itemList )
+ {
+ if ( ( *importedList )->name() == ( *itemList )->name() )
+ {
+ m_importList.remove ( ( *itemList ) );
+ // to avoid that a item is added twice
+ if ( !duplicateList.remove ( ( *importedList )->name() ) )
+ {
+ duplicateList.append ( ( *importedList )->name() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ itemList.toFirst();
+ for ( ; itemList.current(); ++itemList )
+ {
+ KURL amURL = itemList.current()->url();
+ amURL.addPath("");
+ if (KIO::NetAccess::exists(amURL))
+ {
+ importView->insertItem ( ( *itemList ) );
+ }
+ }
+ importView->somethingDropped ( true );
+ m_importList.clear();
+ importView->update ();
+void AddExistingDirectoriesDialog::slotOk()
+ if ( importView->items()->count() == 0 ) QDialog::reject();
+ KFileItemListIterator items ( *importView->items() );
+ QStringList dirs;
+ for ( ; items.current(); ++items )
+ {
+ //if the directory is outside the project directory
+// kdDebug( 9020 ) << "dir to add " << items.current()->url().path() << " subproject " << m_spitem->path << endl;
+ if (items.current()->url().path() != m_spitem->path)
+ {
+ //copy
+ //FIXME: check this after 3.0 release and add a possibility to link, not just copy
+ KProcess proc;
+ proc << "cp";
+ proc << "-r";
+ proc << items.current()->url().path();
+ proc << m_spitem->path;
+ proc.start(KProcess::Block);
+ }
+ dirs << items.current()->name();
+ }
+ for (QStringList::const_iterator it = dirs.begin(); it != dirs.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ QString name = *it;
+ // Adjust SUBDIRS variable in containing
+ if (m_spitem->variables["SUBDIRS"].find("$(TOPSUBDIRS)") != -1)
+ {
+ QFile subdirsfile( m_spitem->path + "/subdirs" );
+ if ( IO_WriteOnly | IO_Append ) )
+ {
+ QTextStream subdirsstream( &subdirsfile );
+ subdirsstream << name << endl;
+ subdirsfile.close();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (m_spitem->variables["SUBDIRS"].find("$(AUTODIRS)") != -1)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_spitem->variables["SUBDIRS"] += (" " + name);
+ QMap<QString,QString> replaceMap;
+ replaceMap.insert("SUBDIRS", m_spitem->variables["SUBDIRS"]);
+ AutoProjectTool::addToMakefileam(m_spitem->path + "/", replaceMap);
+ }
+ // Create new item in tree view
+ SubprojectItem *newitem = new SubprojectItem(m_spitem, name);
+ newitem->subdir = name;
+ newitem->path = m_spitem->path + "/" + name;
+ newitem->variables["INCLUDES"] = m_spitem->variables["INCLUDES"];
+ newitem->setOpen(true);
+ // Move to the bottom of the list
+ QListViewItem *lastItem = m_spitem->firstChild();
+ while (lastItem->nextSibling())
+ lastItem = lastItem->nextSibling();
+ if (lastItem != newitem)
+ newitem->moveItem(lastItem);
+ // Create a Makefile in the new subdirectory
+ QDir dir( m_spitem->path + "/" + name );
+ QFile f( dir.filePath("") );
+ if (f.exists()) {
+ m_widget->getSubprojectView()->parse( newitem );
+ } else {
+ if (! {
+// KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Could not create in subdirectory %1.").arg(name));
+ continue;
+ }
+ QTextStream stream(&f);
+ stream << "INCLUDES = " << newitem->variables["INCLUDES"] << endl << "METASOURCES = AUTO" << endl;
+ f.close();
+ }
+ // if !isKDE: add the new sub-proj to or
+ if ( !m_part->isKDE() ) {
+ QString projroot = m_part->projectDirectory() + "/";
+ QString subdirectory = dir.path();
+ QString relpath = subdirectory.replace(0, projroot.length(),"");
+ QString configureFile = m_part->getAutoConfFile(projroot);
+ QStringList list = AutoProjectTool::configureinLoadMakefiles(configureFile);
+ if ( !list.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ list.push_back( relpath + "/Makefile" );
+ AutoProjectTool::configureinSaveMakefiles(configureFile, list);
+ }
+ }
+ m_part->needMakefileCvs();
+ }
+ QDialog::accept();
+void AddExistingDirectoriesDialog::slotAddSelected()
+ KFileItemListIterator it ( *sourceSelector->dirOperator()->selectedItems() );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ QString relPath = URLUtil::extractPathNameRelative(m_part->projectDirectory(), ( *it )->url());
+ if (relPath[relPath.length()-1] == '/')
+ relPath = relPath.left(relPath.length()-1);
+ if ( (relPath.isEmpty()) || (! m_widget->allSubprojects().contains( relPath )) )
+ {
+ m_importList.append ( ( *it ) );
+ }
+ }
+ importItems();
+void AddExistingDirectoriesDialog::slotAddAll()
+ KFileItemListIterator it ( *sourceSelector->dirOperator()->view()->items() );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ QString relPath = URLUtil::extractPathNameRelative(m_part->projectDirectory(), ( *it )->url());
+ if (relPath[relPath.length()-1] == '/')
+ relPath = relPath.left(relPath.length()-1);
+ if ( (relPath.isEmpty()) || ( ! m_widget->allSubprojects().contains( relPath )) )
+ {
+ m_importList.append ( ( *it ) );
+ }
+ }
+ importItems();
+void AddExistingDirectoriesDialog::slotRemoveAll()
+ KURL::List deletedFiles;
+ KFileItemListIterator it ( *importView->items() );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ kdDebug ( 9020 ) << "AddExistingDirectoriesDialog::slotRemoveAll()" << endl;
+ //deletedFiles.append ( ( *it )->url() );
+ if ( (*it ) ) importView->removeItem ( *it );
+ }
+ importView->somethingDropped ( false );
+ importView->viewport()->update();
+void AddExistingDirectoriesDialog::slotRemoveSelected()
+ KFileItemListIterator items ( *importView->items() );
+ KFileItemList* selectedList = (KFileItemList*) importView->selectedItems();
+ KFileItem * deleteItem = 0L;
+ for ( ; items.current(); ++items )
+ {
+ deleteItem = selectedList->first();
+ while ( deleteItem )
+ {
+ if ( deleteItem == ( *items ) )
+ {
+ importView->removeItem ( deleteItem );
+ deleteItem = selectedList->current();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ deleteItem = selectedList->next();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( importView->items()->count() == 0 ) importView->somethingDropped ( false );
+ importView->viewport()->update();
+void AddExistingDirectoriesDialog::slotDropped ( QDropEvent* ev )
+ kdDebug ( 9020 ) << "AddExistingDirectoriesDialog::dropped()" << endl;
+ KURL::List urls;
+ KURLDrag::decode( ev, urls );
+ KFileItem* item = 0L;
+ KMimeType::Ptr type = 0L;
+ for ( KURL::List::Iterator it = urls.begin(); it != urls.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ //check if this subproject is already in project
+ QString relPath = URLUtil::extractPathNameRelative(m_part->projectDirectory(), *it);
+ if (relPath[relPath.length()-1] == '/')
+ relPath = relPath.left(relPath.length()-1);
+ if ( (relPath.isEmpty()) || ( ! m_widget->allSubprojects().contains( relPath )) )
+ {
+ type = KMimeType::findByURL ( ( *it ) );
+ if ( type->name() != KMimeType::defaultMimeType() )
+ {
+ item = new KFileItem ( ( *it ) , type->name(), 0 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ item = new KFileItem ( ( *it ), "inode/directory", 0 );
+ }
+ m_importList.append ( item );
+ }
+ }
+ importItems();
+#include "addexistingdirectoriesdlg.moc"
+//kate: indent-mode csands; tab-width 4; space-indent off;