path: root/kdevdesigner/designer/formwindow.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kdevdesigner/designer/formwindow.cpp')
1 files changed, 2775 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kdevdesigner/designer/formwindow.cpp b/kdevdesigner/designer/formwindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9de42cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kdevdesigner/designer/formwindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2775 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of Qt Designer.
+** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
+** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.
+** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
+** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
+** Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+** See for GPL licensing information.
+** See or email [email protected] for
+** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
+** Contact [email protected] if any conditions of this licensing are
+** not clear to you.
+#include "formwindow.h"
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "mainwindow.h"
+#include "widgetfactory.h"
+#include "sizehandle.h"
+#include "metadatabase.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+#include "layout.h"
+#include "connectiondialog.h"
+#include <widgetdatabase.h>
+#include "pixmapchooser.h"
+#include "orderindicator.h"
+#include "hierarchyview.h"
+#include "designerappiface.h"
+#include "menubareditor.h"
+#include "globaldefs.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include "kdevdesigner_part.h"
+#include <qevent.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qpen.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qobjectlist.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qspinbox.h>
+#include <qstatusbar.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qpalette.h>
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+#include <qpopupmenu.h>
+#include <qsizegrip.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qwhatsthis.h>
+#include <qmetaobject.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qfeatures.h>
+#include <qaccel.h>
+#include <qpixmapcache.h>
+#include <qbitmap.h>
+#include <qsplitter.h>
+// FormWindow should be able to work to some limited degree
+// (existance, loading) without a MainWindow. Functions which require
+// a MainWindow in theory should never be called if no MainWindow
+// exists. These macros are used to let us know if that happens anyway
+// and to ensure that we don't crash
+#define CHECK_MAINWINDOW Q_ASSERT( mainWindow() ); if ( !mainWindow() ) return
+#define CHECK_MAINWINDOW_VALUE( v ) Q_ASSERT( mainWindow() ); if ( !mainWindow() ) return v
+static void setCursorToAll( const QCursor &c, QWidget *start )
+ start->setCursor( c );
+ QObjectList *l = (QObjectList*)start->children();
+ if ( l ) {
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ if ( o->isWidgetType() && !::qt_cast<SizeHandle*>(o) )
+ setCursorToAll( c, ( (QWidget*)o ) );
+ }
+ }
+static void restoreCursors( QWidget *start, FormWindow *fw )
+ if ( fw->widgets()->find( start ) )
+ start->setCursor( MetaDataBase::cursor( start ) );
+ else
+ start->setCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor );
+ QObjectList *l = (QObjectList*)start->children();
+ if ( l ) {
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ if ( o->isWidgetType() && !::qt_cast<SizeHandle*>(o) )
+ restoreCursors( ( (QWidget*)o ), fw );
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(Q_WS_WIN32) // #### needed for the workaround for repaint problem on windows
+#include <qt_windows.h>
+static void flickerfree_update( QWidget *w )
+ InvalidateRect( w->winId(), 0, FALSE );
+ \class FormWindow formwindow.h
+ \brief Editor window for a form
+ The FormWindow is the widget which is used as editor for forms. It
+ handles inserting, deleting, moving, resizing, etc. of widgets.
+ Normally multiple formwindows are used at the same time in the
+ Designer. So each formwindow has its own undo/redo buffer, etc.
+ Also the formwindow has some signals to inform e.g. about selection
+ changes which is interesting for the PropertyEditor.
+ For handling the events of the child widgets (moving, etc.) the
+ handleMousePress(), etc. functions are called from the application
+ event filter which is implemented in MainWindow::eventFilter().
+FormWindow::FormWindow( FormFile *f, MainWindow *mw, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+ : QWidget( parent, name, WDestructiveClose ), mainwindow( mw ),
+ commands( 100 ), pixInline( TRUE ), pixProject( FALSE )
+ ff = f;
+ init();
+ initSlots();
+FormWindow::FormWindow( FormFile *f, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+ : QWidget( parent, name, WDestructiveClose ), mainwindow( 0 ),
+ commands( 100 ), pixInline( TRUE )
+ ff = f;
+ init();
+void FormWindow::init()
+ setWFlags(getWFlags() & Qt::WStyle_Maximize);
+ fake = qstrcmp( name(), "qt_fakewindow" ) == 0;
+ MetaDataBase::addEntry( this );
+ ff->setFormWindow( this );
+ iface = 0;
+ proj = 0;
+ propertyWidget = 0;
+ toolFixed = FALSE;
+ checkedSelectionsForMove = FALSE;
+ mContainer = 0;
+ startWidget = endWidget = 0;
+ currTool = POINTER_TOOL;
+ unclippedPainter = 0;
+ widgetPressed = FALSE;
+ drawRubber = FALSE;
+ setFocusPolicy( ClickFocus );
+ sizePreviewLabel = 0;
+ checkSelectionsTimer = new QTimer( this, "checkSelectionsTimer" );
+ connect( checkSelectionsTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ),
+ this, SLOT( invalidCheckedSelections() ) );
+ updatePropertiesTimer = new QTimer( this );
+ connect( updatePropertiesTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ),
+ this, SLOT( updatePropertiesTimerDone() ) );
+ showPropertiesTimer = new QTimer( this );
+ //!!!!
+ connect( showPropertiesTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ),
+ this, SLOT( showPropertiesTimerDone() ) );
+ selectionChangedTimer = new QTimer( this );
+ connect( selectionChangedTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ),
+ this, SLOT( selectionChangedTimerDone() ) );
+ windowsRepaintWorkaroundTimer = new QTimer( this );
+ connect( windowsRepaintWorkaroundTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ),
+ this, SLOT( windowsRepaintWorkaroundTimerTimeout() ) );
+ insertParent = 0;
+ connect( &commands, SIGNAL( undoRedoChanged( bool, bool, const QString &, const QString & ) ),
+ this, SIGNAL( undoRedoChanged( bool, bool, const QString &, const QString & ) ) );
+ propShowBlocked = FALSE;
+ setIcon( SmallIcon( "designer_form.png" , KDevDesignerPartFactory::instance()) );
+ connect( &commands, SIGNAL( modificationChanged( bool ) ),
+ this, SLOT( modificationChanged( bool ) ) );
+ buffer = 0;
+ QWidget *w = WidgetFactory::create( WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName( "QFrame" ), this );
+ setMainContainer( w );
+ propertyWidget = w;
+ targetContainer = 0;
+ hadOwnPalette = FALSE;
+ hasLayoutFunc = FALSE;
+void FormWindow::setMainWindow( MainWindow *w )
+ mainwindow = w;
+ MetaDataBase::addEntry( this );
+ initSlots();
+void FormWindow::initSlots()
+ if ( isFake() )
+ return;
+ Q_ASSERT( project() || MainWindow::self );
+ if ( !project() && !MainWindow::self )
+ return;
+ Project *p = project() ? project() : MainWindow::self->currProject();
+ if ( p && p->isCpp() ) {
+ QString code = formFile()->code();
+ if ( code.isEmpty() )
+ formFile()->setCode( formFile()->codeComment() );
+ }
+ if ( MainWindow::self && MainWindow::self->objectHierarchy()->formWindow() == this )
+ MainWindow::self->objectHierarchy()->setFormWindow( 0, 0 );
+ MetaDataBase::clear( this );
+ if ( ff )
+ ff->setFormWindow( 0 );
+ delete iface;
+void FormWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e )
+ QGuardedPtr<FormWindow> that = this;
+ if ( ff->closeEvent() && ( !that || ( mainwindow && mainwindow->unregisterClient( this ) ) ) )
+ e->accept();
+ else
+ e->ignore();
+void FormWindow::paintGrid( QWidget *w, QPaintEvent *e )
+ if ( !mainWindow() || !mainWindow()->showGrid() )
+ return;
+ QPixmap grid;
+ QString grid_name;
+ grid_name.sprintf("FormWindowGrid_%d_%d", mainWindow()->grid().x(), mainWindow()->grid().y());
+ if( !QPixmapCache::find( grid_name, grid ) ) {
+ grid = QPixmap( 350 + ( 350 % mainWindow()->grid().x() ), 350 + ( 350 % mainWindow()->grid().y() ) );
+ grid.fill( colorGroup().color( QColorGroup::Foreground ) );
+ QBitmap mask( grid.width(), grid.height() );
+ mask.fill( color0 );
+ QPainter p( &mask );
+ p.setPen( color1 );
+ for ( int y = 0; y < grid.width(); y += mainWindow()->grid().y()) {
+ for ( int x = 0; x < grid.height(); x += mainWindow()->grid().x() ) {
+ p.drawPoint( x, y );
+ }
+ }
+ grid.setMask( mask );
+ QPixmapCache::insert( grid_name, grid );
+ }
+ QPainter p( w );
+ p.setClipRegion( e->rect() );
+ p.drawTiledPixmap( QRect( 0, 0, width(), height() ), grid );
+/*! For operations like drawing a rubber band or drawing the rect
+ when inserting a new widget, a unclipped painter (which draws also
+ on child widgets) is needed. This method does all the initialization.
+void FormWindow::beginUnclippedPainter( bool doNot )
+ endUnclippedPainter();
+ bool unclipped = testWFlags( WPaintUnclipped );
+ setWFlags( WPaintUnclipped );
+ unclippedPainter = new QPainter;
+ unclippedPainter->begin( this );
+ if ( !unclipped )
+ clearWFlags( WPaintUnclipped );
+ if ( doNot ) {
+ unclippedPainter->setPen( QPen( color0, 2 ) );
+ unclippedPainter->setRasterOp( NotROP );
+ }
+ Gets rid of an open unclipped painter.
+ \sa beginUnclippedPainter()
+void FormWindow::endUnclippedPainter()
+ if ( unclippedPainter )
+ unclippedPainter->end();
+ delete unclippedPainter;
+ unclippedPainter = 0;
+QPoint FormWindow::gridPoint( const QPoint &p )
+ return QPoint( ( p.x() / grid().x() ) * grid().x(),
+ ( p.y() / grid().y() ) * grid().y() );
+void FormWindow::drawSizePreview( const QPoint &pos, const QString& text )
+ unclippedPainter->save();
+ unclippedPainter->setPen( QPen( colorGroup().foreground(), 1 ));
+ unclippedPainter->setRasterOp( CopyROP );
+ if ( !sizePreviewPixmap.isNull() )
+ unclippedPainter->drawPixmap( sizePreviewPos, sizePreviewPixmap );
+ if ( text.isNull() ) {
+ sizePreviewPixmap = QPixmap(); // set null again
+ unclippedPainter->restore();
+ return;
+ }
+ QRect r = fontMetrics().boundingRect( 0, 0, 0, 0, AlignCenter, text );
+ r = QRect( pos + QPoint( 10, 10 ), r.size() + QSize( 5, 5 ) );
+ checkPreviewGeometry( r );
+ sizePreviewPos = r.topLeft();
+ sizePreviewPixmap = QPixmap::grabWindow( winId(), r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height() );
+ unclippedPainter->setBrush( QColor( 255, 255, 128 ) );
+ unclippedPainter->drawRect( r );
+ unclippedPainter->drawText( r, AlignCenter, text );
+ unclippedPainter->restore();
+void FormWindow::insertWidget()
+ if ( !insertParent )
+ return;
+ if ( currTool == POINTER_TOOL )
+ return;
+ bool useSizeHint = !oldRectValid || ( currRect.width() < 2 && currRect.height() < 2 );
+ Orientation orient = Horizontal;
+ QString n = WidgetDatabase::className( currTool );
+ if ( useSizeHint && ( n == "Spacer" || n == "QSlider" || n == "Line" || n == "QScrollBar" ) ) {
+ QPopupMenu m( mainWindow() );
+ m.insertItem( i18n( "&Horizontal" ) );
+ int ver = m.insertItem( i18n( "&Vertical" ) );
+ int r = m.exec( QCursor::pos() );
+ if ( r == ver )
+ orient = Vertical;
+ }
+ QWidget *w = WidgetFactory::create( currTool, insertParent, 0, TRUE, &currRect, orient );
+ if ( !w )
+ return;
+ if ( !savePixmapInline() && currTool == WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName( "PixmapLabel" ) ) { // ### what to do for pixmaps in project
+ QPixmap pix;
+ // we have to force the pixmap to get a new and unique serial number. Unfortunately detatch() doesn't do that
+ pix.convertFromImage( SmallIcon( "designer_image.png" , KDevDesignerPartFactory::instance()).convertToImage() );
+ ( (QLabel*)w )->setPixmap( pix );
+ }
+ int id = WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName( WidgetFactory::classNameOf(w) );
+ if ( WidgetDatabase::isCustomWidget( id ) ) {
+ QWhatsThis::add( w, i18n("<b>A %1 (custom widget)</b> "
+ "<p>Click <b>Edit Custom Widgets...</b> in the <b>Tools|Custom</b> "
+ "menu to add and change custom widgets. You can add "
+ "properties as well as signals and slots to integrate custom widgets into "
+ "<i>Qt Designer</i>, and provide a pixmap which will be used to represent "
+ "the widget on the form.</p>")
+ .arg(WidgetDatabase::toolTip( id )) );
+ QToolTip::add( w, i18n("A %1 (custom widget)").arg(WidgetDatabase::toolTip( id )) );
+ } else {
+ QString tt = WidgetDatabase::toolTip( id );
+ QString wt = WidgetDatabase::whatsThis( id );
+ if ( !wt.isEmpty() && !tt.isEmpty() )
+ QWhatsThis::add( w, QString("<b>A %1</b><p>%2</p>").arg( tt ).arg( wt ) );
+ }
+ QString s = w->name();
+ unify( w, s, TRUE );
+ w->setName( s );
+ insertWidget( w );
+ QRect r( currRect );
+ if ( !oldRectValid ||
+ ( currRect.width() < 2 && currRect.height() < 2 ) )
+ r = QRect( rectAnchor, QSize( 0, 0 ) );
+ QPoint p = r.topLeft();
+ p = mapToGlobal( p );
+ p = insertParent->mapFromGlobal( p );
+ r = QRect( p, r.size() );
+ if ( useSizeHint ) {
+ if ( n == "Spacer" ) {
+ if ( orient == Vertical ) {
+ r.setWidth( 20 );
+ r.setHeight( 40 );
+ } else {
+ r.setWidth( 40 );
+ r.setHeight( 20 );
+ }
+ } else {
+ r.setWidth( w->sizeHint().width() );
+ r.setHeight( w->sizeHint().height() );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( r.width() < 2 * grid().x() )
+ r.setWidth( 2 * grid().x() );
+ if ( r.height() < 2 * grid().y() )
+ r.setHeight( 2 * grid().y() );
+ const QObjectList *l = insertParent->children();
+ QObjectListIt it( *l );
+ QWidgetList lst;
+ if ( WidgetDatabase::isContainer( WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName( WidgetFactory::classNameOf( w ) ) ) ) {
+ for ( ; it.current(); ) {
+ QObject *o = it.current();
+ ++it;
+ if ( o->isWidgetType() &&
+ ( (QWidget*)o )->isVisibleTo( this ) &&
+ insertedWidgets.find( (QWidget*)o ) && o != w ) {
+ QRect r2( ( (QWidget*)o )->pos(),
+ ( (QWidget*)o )->size() );
+ if ( r.contains( r2 ) )
+ lst.append( (QWidget*)o );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !lst.isEmpty() ) {
+ QWidget *pw = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget( w );
+ if (pw) {
+ QValueList<QPoint> op, np;
+ for ( QWidget *i = lst.first(); i; i = ) {
+ op.append( i->pos() );
+ QPoint pos = pw->mapFromGlobal( i->mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0, 0 ) ) );
+ pos -= r.topLeft();
+ np.append( pos );
+ }
+ MoveCommand *mv = new MoveCommand( i18n( "Reparent Widgets" ), this,
+ lst, op, np, insertParent, pw );
+ if ( !toolFixed )
+ mainwindow->resetTool();
+ else
+ setCursorToAll( CrossCursor, w );
+ InsertCommand *cmd = new InsertCommand( i18n( "Insert %1" ).arg( w->name() ), this, w, r );
+ QPtrList<Command> commands;
+ commands.append( mv );
+ commands.append( cmd );
+ MacroCommand *mc = new MacroCommand( i18n( "Insert %1" ).arg( w->name() ), this, commands );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( mc );
+ mc->execute();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( !toolFixed )
+ mainwindow->resetTool();
+ else
+ setCursorToAll( CrossCursor, w );
+ InsertCommand *cmd = new InsertCommand( i18n( "Insert %1" ).arg( w->name() ), this, w, r );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
+ cmd->execute();
+ }
+ TemplateWizardInterface *iface = mainWindow()->templateWizardInterface( w->className() );
+ if ( iface ) {
+ iface->setup( w->className(), w, iFace(), mainWindow()->designerInterface() );
+ iface->release();
+ }
+void FormWindow::insertWidget( QWidget *w, bool checkName )
+ if ( !w )
+ return;
+ if ( checkName ) {
+ QString s = w->name();
+ unify( w, s, TRUE );
+ w->setName( s );
+ }
+ MetaDataBase::addEntry( w );
+ int id = WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName( WidgetFactory::classNameOf(w) );
+ if ( WidgetDatabase::isCustomWidget( id ) ) {
+ QWhatsThis::add( w, i18n("<b>A %1 (custom widget)</b> "
+ "<p>Click <b>Edit Custom Widgets...</b> in the <b>Tools|Custom</b> "
+ "menu to add and change custom widgets. You can add "
+ "properties as well as signals and slots to integrate custom widgets into "
+ "<i>Qt Designer</i>, and provide a pixmap which will be used to represent "
+ "the widget on the form.</p>")
+ .arg(WidgetDatabase::toolTip( id )) );
+ QToolTip::add( w, i18n("A %1 (custom widget)").arg(WidgetDatabase::toolTip( id )) );
+ } else {
+ QString tt = WidgetDatabase::toolTip( id );
+ QString wt = WidgetDatabase::whatsThis( id );
+ if ( !wt.isEmpty() && !tt.isEmpty() )
+ QWhatsThis::add( w, QString("<b>A %1</b><p>%2</p>").arg( tt ).arg( wt ) );
+ }
+ restoreCursors( w, this );
+ widgets()->insert( w, w );
+ w->show();
+void FormWindow::removeWidget( QWidget *w )
+ MetaDataBase::removeEntry( w );
+ widgets()->take( w );
+void FormWindow::handleContextMenu( QContextMenuEvent *e, QWidget *w )
+ switch ( currTool ) {
+ case POINTER_TOOL: {
+ if ( !isMainContainer( w ) && qstrcmp( w->name(), "central widget" ) != 0 ) { // press on a child widget
+ raiseChildSelections( w ); // raise selections and select widget
+ selectWidget( w );
+ // if widget is laid out, find the first non-laid out super-widget
+ QWidget *realWidget = w; // but store the original one
+ while ( w->parentWidget() &&
+ ( WidgetFactory::layoutType( w->parentWidget()) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout ||
+ !insertedWidgets.find(w) ) )
+ w = w->parentWidget();
+ if ( ::qt_cast<QMainWindow*>(mainContainer()) && ((QMainWindow*)mainContainer())->centralWidget() == realWidget ) {
+ e->accept();
+ mainwindow->popupFormWindowMenu( e->globalPos(), this );
+ } else {
+ e->accept();
+ mainwindow->popupWidgetMenu( e->globalPos(), this, realWidget);
+ }
+ } else {
+ e->accept();
+ clearSelection();
+ mainwindow->popupFormWindowMenu( e->globalPos(), this );
+ }
+ break; }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void FormWindow::handleMousePress( QMouseEvent *e, QWidget *w )
+ checkedSelectionsForMove = FALSE;
+ checkSelectionsTimer->stop();
+ if ( !sizePreviewLabel ) {
+ sizePreviewLabel = new QLabel( this );
+ sizePreviewLabel->hide();
+ sizePreviewLabel->setBackgroundColor( QColor( 255, 255, 128 ) );
+ sizePreviewLabel->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Plain | QFrame::Box );
+ }
+ switch ( currTool ) {
+ if ( !isMainContainer( w ) && qstrcmp( w->name(), "central widget" ) != 0 ) { // press on a child widget
+ // if the clicked widget is not in a layout, raise it
+ if ( !w->parentWidget() || WidgetFactory::layoutType( w->parentWidget() ) == WidgetFactory::NoLayout )
+ w->raise();
+ if ( ( e->state() & ControlButton ) ) { // with control pressed, always start rubber band selection
+ drawRubber = TRUE;
+ currRect = QRect( 0, 0, -1, -1 );
+ startRectDraw( mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() ), e->globalPos(), this, Rubber );
+ break;
+ }
+ bool sel = isWidgetSelected( w );
+ if ( !( ( e->state() & ControlButton ) || ( e->state() & ShiftButton ) ) ) { // control not pressed...
+ if ( !sel ) { // ...and widget no selectted: unselect all
+ clearSelection( FALSE );
+ } else { // ...widget selected
+ // only if widget has a layout (it is a layout meta widget or a laid out container!), unselect its childs
+ if ( WidgetFactory::layoutType( w ) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout ) {
+ QObjectList *l = w->queryList( "QWidget" );
+ setPropertyShowingBlocked( TRUE );
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ if ( !o->isWidgetType() )
+ continue;
+ if ( insertedWidgets.find( (QWidget*)o ) )
+ selectWidget( (QWidget*)o, FALSE );
+ }
+ setPropertyShowingBlocked( FALSE );
+ delete l;
+ }
+ }
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ }
+ if ( ( ( e->state() & ControlButton ) || ( e->state() & ShiftButton ) ) &&
+ sel && e->button() == LeftButton ) { // control pressed and selected, unselect widget
+ selectWidget( w, FALSE );
+ break;
+ }
+ raiseChildSelections( w ); // raise selections and select widget
+ selectWidget( w );
+ // if widget is laid out, find the first non-laid out super-widget
+ while ( w->parentWidget() &&
+ ( WidgetFactory::layoutType( w->parentWidget()) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout || !insertedWidgets.find(w) ) )
+ w = w->parentWidget();
+ if ( e->button() == LeftButton ) { // left button: store original geometry and more as the widget might start moving
+ widgetPressed = TRUE;
+ widgetGeom = QRect( w->pos(), w->size() );
+ oldPressPos = w->mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() );
+ origPressPos = oldPressPos;
+ checkedSelectionsForMove = FALSE;
+ moving.clear();
+ if ( w->parentWidget() && !isMainContainer( w->parentWidget() ) && !isCentralWidget( w->parentWidget() ) ) {
+ targetContainer = w->parentWidget();
+ hadOwnPalette = w->parentWidget()->ownPalette();
+ restorePalette = w->parentWidget()->palette();
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // press was on the formwindow
+ if ( e->button() == LeftButton ) { // left button: start rubber selection and show formwindow properties
+ drawRubber = TRUE;
+ if ( !( ( e->state() & ControlButton ) || ( e->state() & ShiftButton ) ) ) {
+ clearSelection( FALSE );
+ QObject *opw = propertyWidget;
+ propertyWidget = mainContainer();
+ if ( opw->isWidgetType() )
+ repaintSelection( (QWidget*)opw );
+ }
+ currRect = QRect( 0, 0, -1, -1 );
+ startRectDraw( mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() ), e->globalPos(), this, Rubber );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case BUDDY_TOOL:
+ if ( e->button() != LeftButton )
+ break;
+ validForBuddy = FALSE;
+ if ( currTool == BUDDY_TOOL ) {
+ if ( !::qt_cast<QLabel*>(w) )
+ break;
+ clearSelection( FALSE );
+ validForBuddy = TRUE;
+ mainWindow()->statusMessage( i18n( "Set buddy for '%1' to..." ).arg( w->name() ) );
+ } else {
+ mainWindow()->statusMessage( i18n( "Connect '%1' with..." ).arg( w->name() ) );
+ }
+ saveBackground();
+ startPos = mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() );
+ currentPos = startPos;
+ startWidget = designerWidget( w );
+ endWidget = startWidget;
+ beginUnclippedPainter( FALSE );
+ drawConnectionLine();
+ break;
+ case ORDER_TOOL:
+ if ( !isMainContainer( w ) ) { // press on a child widget
+ orderedWidgets.removeRef( w );
+ orderedWidgets.append( w );
+ for ( QWidget *wid = orderedWidgets.last(); wid; wid = orderedWidgets.prev() ) {
+ int i = stackedWidgets.findRef( wid );
+ if ( i != -1 ) {
+ stackedWidgets.removeRef( wid );
+ stackedWidgets.insert( 0, wid );
+ }
+ }
+ QWidgetList oldl = MetaDataBase::tabOrder( this );
+ TabOrderCommand *cmd = new TabOrderCommand( i18n( "Change Tab Order" ), this, oldl, stackedWidgets );
+ cmd->execute();
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd, TRUE );
+ updateOrderIndicators();
+ }
+ break;
+ default: // any insert widget tool
+ if ( e->button() == LeftButton ) {
+ insertParent = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget( mainContainer() ); // default parent for new widget is the formwindow
+ if ( !isMainContainer( w ) ) { // press was not on formwindow, check if we can find another parent
+ QWidget *wid = w;
+ for (;;) {
+ int id = WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName( WidgetFactory::classNameOf( wid ) );
+ if ( ( WidgetDatabase::isContainer( id ) || wid == mainContainer() ) &&
+ !::qt_cast<QLayoutWidget*>(wid) && !::qt_cast<QSplitter*>(wid) ) {
+ insertParent = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget( wid ); // found another parent, store it
+ break;
+ } else {
+ wid = wid->parentWidget();
+ if ( !wid )
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ startRectDraw( w->mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() ), e->globalPos(), w, Insert );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void FormWindow::handleMouseDblClick( QMouseEvent *, QWidget *w )
+ switch ( currTool ) {
+ case ORDER_TOOL:
+ if ( !isMainContainer( w ) ) { // press on a child widget
+ orderedWidgets.clear();
+ orderedWidgets.append( w );
+ for ( QWidget *wid = orderedWidgets.last(); wid; wid = orderedWidgets.prev() ) {
+ int i = stackedWidgets.findRef( wid );
+ if ( i != -1 ) {
+ stackedWidgets.removeRef( wid );
+ stackedWidgets.insert( 0, wid );
+ }
+ }
+ QWidgetList oldl = MetaDataBase::tabOrder( this );
+ TabOrderCommand *cmd = new TabOrderCommand( i18n( "Change Tab Order" ), this, oldl, stackedWidgets );
+ cmd->execute();
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd, TRUE );
+ updateOrderIndicators();
+ }
+ default:
+ if ( !WidgetFactory::isPassiveInteractor( w ) &&
+ ( isMainContainer( w ) || w == this ) )
+ mainWindow()->editSource();
+ break;
+ }
+void FormWindow::handleMouseMove( QMouseEvent *e, QWidget *w )
+ if ( ( e->state() & LeftButton ) != LeftButton )
+ return;
+ QWidget *newendWidget = endWidget, *oldendWidget = endWidget, *wid;
+ bool drawRecRect;
+ switch ( currTool ) {
+ if ( widgetPressed && allowMove( w ) ) { // we are prepated for a move
+ // if widget is laid out, find the first non-laid out super-widget
+ while ( w->parentWidget() &&
+ ( WidgetFactory::layoutType( w->parentWidget() ) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout || !insertedWidgets.find(w ) ) )
+ w = w->parentWidget();
+ // calc correct position
+ QPoint pos = w->mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() );
+#if 0
+ QPoint mpos = w->mapToParent( pos );
+ // check if we are not outside the visible area, else correct coords
+ if ( mpos.x() < 0 )
+ pos.setX( w->mapFromParent( QPoint( 0, mpos.y() ) ).x() );
+ if ( mpos.y() < 0 )
+ pos.setY( w->mapFromParent( QPoint( mpos.x(), 0 ) ).y() );
+ if ( mpos.x() > w->parentWidget()->width() )
+ pos.setX( w->mapFromParent( QPoint( w->parentWidget()->width(), mpos.y() ) ).x() );
+ if ( mpos.y() > w->parentWidget()->height() )
+ pos.setY( w->mapFromParent( QPoint( mpos.x(), w->parentWidget()->height() ) ).y() );
+ // calc move distance and store it
+ QPoint d = oldPressPos - pos;
+ if ( QABS( d.x() ) < grid().x() )
+ d.setX( 0 );
+ if ( QABS( d.y() ) < grid().y() )
+ d.setY( 0 );
+ if ( d.x() == 0 )
+ pos.setX( oldPressPos.x() );
+ if ( d.y() == 0 )
+ pos.setY( oldPressPos.y() );
+ oldPressPos = pos;
+ // snap to grid
+ int x = widgetGeom.x() - d.x();
+ widgetGeom.setX( x );
+ x = ( x / grid().x() ) * grid().x();
+ int y = widgetGeom.y() - d.y();
+ widgetGeom.setY( y );
+ y = ( y / grid().y() ) * grid().y();
+ QPoint p = w->pos();
+ if ( x - p.x() != 0 || y - p.y() != 0 ) { // if we actually have to move
+ if ( !checkedSelectionsForMove ) { // if not checked yet, check if the correct widget are selected...
+ if ( !isWidgetSelected( w ) ) { // and unselect others. Only siblings can be moved at the same time
+ setPropertyShowingBlocked( TRUE );
+ selectWidget( w );
+ setPropertyShowingBlocked( FALSE );
+ }
+ checkSelectionsForMove( w );
+ }
+ // check whether we would have to reparent the selection and highlight the possible new parent container
+ QMapConstIterator<QWidget*, QPoint> it = moving.begin();
+ QWidget* wa = containerAt( e->globalPos(), it.key() );
+ if ( wa && !isMainContainer( wa ) && !isCentralWidget( wa ) ) {
+ wa = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget( wa );
+ // ok, looks like we moved onto a container
+ if ( wa != targetContainer ) {
+ if ( targetContainer ) {
+ if ( hadOwnPalette )
+ targetContainer->setPalette( restorePalette );
+ else
+ targetContainer->unsetPalette();
+ }
+ targetContainer = wa;
+ hadOwnPalette = wa->ownPalette();
+ restorePalette = wa->palette();
+ wa->setPaletteBackgroundColor( wa->colorGroup().midlight() );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( targetContainer ) {
+ if( hadOwnPalette )
+ targetContainer->setPalette( restorePalette );
+ else
+ targetContainer->unsetPalette();
+ targetContainer = 0;
+ }
+ // finally move the selected widgets and show/update preview label
+ moveSelectedWidgets( x - p.x(), y - p.y() );
+ sizePreviewLabel->setText( i18n( "%1/%2" ).arg( w->pos().x() ).arg( w->pos().y() ) );
+ sizePreviewLabel->adjustSize();
+ QRect lg( mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() ) + QPoint( 16, 16 ), sizePreviewLabel->size() );
+ checkPreviewGeometry( lg );
+ sizePreviewLabel->setGeometry( lg );
+ sizePreviewLabel->raise();
+ sizePreviewLabel->show();
+#if defined(Q_WS_WIN32)
+ windowsRepaintWorkaroundTimer->start( 100, TRUE );
+ } else { // if we don't need to move, do some indication
+ QRect lg( mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() ) + QPoint( 16, 16 ), sizePreviewLabel->size() );
+ checkPreviewGeometry( lg );
+ sizePreviewLabel->move( lg.x(), lg.y() );
+ }
+ oldPressPos += ( p - w->pos() );
+ } else if ( drawRubber ) { // draw rubber if we are in rubber-selection mode
+ continueRectDraw( mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() ), e->globalPos(), this, Rubber );
+ }
+ break;
+ restoreConnectionLine();
+ wid = qApp->widgetAt( e->globalPos(), TRUE );
+ if ( wid )
+ wid = designerWidget( wid );
+ if ( wid && ( isMainContainer( wid ) || insertedWidgets.find( wid ) ) && wid->isVisibleTo( this ) )
+ newendWidget = wid;
+ if ( ::qt_cast<QLayoutWidget*>(newendWidget) || ::qt_cast<Spacer*>(newendWidget) )
+ newendWidget = (QWidget*)endWidget;
+ drawRecRect = newendWidget != endWidget;
+ if ( newendWidget &&
+ ( isMainContainer( newendWidget ) || insertedWidgets.find( newendWidget ) ) && !isCentralWidget( newendWidget ) )
+ endWidget = newendWidget;
+ mainWindow()->statusMessage( i18n( "Connect '%1' to '%2'" ).arg( startWidget->name() ).
+ arg( endWidget->name() ) );
+ currentPos = mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() );
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ if ( drawRecRect )
+ restoreRect( QRect( mapToForm( ( (QWidget*)oldendWidget )->parentWidget(), ( (QWidget*)oldendWidget )->pos() ),
+ ( (QWidget*)oldendWidget )->size() ) );
+ drawConnectionLine();
+ break;
+ case BUDDY_TOOL:
+ if ( !validForBuddy )
+ break;
+ restoreConnectionLine();
+ wid = qApp->widgetAt( e->globalPos(), TRUE );
+ if ( wid )
+ wid = designerWidget( wid );
+ if ( wid && canBeBuddy( wid ) && wid->isVisibleTo( this ) )
+ newendWidget = wid;
+ else
+ newendWidget = 0;
+ if ( ::qt_cast<QLayoutWidget*>(newendWidget) || ::qt_cast<Spacer*>(newendWidget) )
+ newendWidget = (QWidget*)endWidget;
+ drawRecRect = newendWidget != endWidget;
+ if ( !newendWidget )
+ endWidget = newendWidget;
+ else if ( insertedWidgets.find( newendWidget ) && !isCentralWidget( newendWidget ) )
+ endWidget = newendWidget;
+ if ( endWidget )
+ mainWindow()->statusMessage( i18n( "Set buddy '%1' to '%2'" ).arg( startWidget->name() ).
+ arg( endWidget->name() ) );
+ else
+ mainWindow()->statusMessage( i18n( "Set buddy '%1' to ..." ).arg( startWidget->name() ) );
+ currentPos = mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() );
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ if ( drawRecRect && oldendWidget )
+ restoreRect( QRect( mapToForm( ( (QWidget*)oldendWidget )->parentWidget(), ( (QWidget*)oldendWidget )->pos() ),
+ ( (QWidget*)oldendWidget )->size() ) );
+ drawConnectionLine();
+ break;
+ case ORDER_TOOL:
+ break;
+ default: // we are in an insert-widget tool
+ if ( insertParent ) // draw insert rect
+ continueRectDraw( w->mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() ), e->globalPos(), w, Insert );
+ break;
+ }
+void FormWindow::handleMouseRelease( QMouseEvent *e, QWidget *w )
+ if ( e->button() != LeftButton )
+ return;
+ switch ( currTool ) {
+ if ( widgetPressed && allowMove( w ) ) { // we moved the widget
+ sizePreviewLabel->hide();
+ if ( moving.isEmpty() || w->pos() == *moving.find(w) )
+ break;
+ // restore targetContainer
+ if ( targetContainer ) {
+ if( hadOwnPalette )
+ targetContainer->setPalette( restorePalette );
+ else
+ targetContainer->unsetPalette();
+ }
+ // tell property editor to update
+ if ( propertyWidget && propertyWidget->isWidgetType() && !isMainContainer( propertyWidget ) )
+ emitUpdateProperties( propertyWidget );
+ QMapConstIterator<QWidget*,QPoint> it = moving.begin();
+ QWidget *oldParent = it.key()->parentWidget();
+ QWidget *newParent = oldParent;
+ // check whether we have to reparent the selection
+ QWidget* wa = containerAt( e->globalPos(), it.key() );
+ if ( wa ) {
+ wa = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget( wa );
+ // ok, looks like we moved onto a container
+ // check whether we really have different parents.
+ if ( wa == it.key()->parentWidget() )
+ goto make_move_command;
+ // break layout if necessary
+ if ( WidgetFactory::layoutType( wa ) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout ) {
+ if ( QMessageBox::information( mainWindow(), i18n( "Inserting Widget" ),
+ i18n( "You tried to insert a widget into the "
+ "layout Container Widget '%1'.\n"
+ "This is not possible. "
+ "In order to insert the widget, the layout of '%1'\n"
+ "must first be broken.\n"
+ "Break the layout or cancel the operation?" ).
+ arg( wa->name() ).
+ arg( wa->name() ), i18n( "&Break Layout" ), i18n( "&Cancel" ) ) )
+ goto make_move_command; // cancel
+ breakLayout( wa );
+ }
+ // doesn't need to be a command, the MoveCommand does reparenting too
+ bool emitSelChanged = FALSE;
+ for ( QMap<QWidget*, QPoint>::Iterator it = moving.begin(); it != moving.end(); ++it ) {
+ QWidget *i = it.key();
+ if ( !emitSelChanged && ::qt_cast<QButton*>(i) ) {
+ if ( ::qt_cast<QButtonGroup*>(i->parentWidget()) || ::qt_cast<QButtonGroup*>(wa) )
+ emitSelChanged = TRUE;
+ if ( !::qt_cast<QButtonGroup*>(wa) ) {
+ MetaDataBase::setPropertyChanged( i, "buttonGroupId", FALSE );
+ if ( ::qt_cast<QButtonGroup*>(i->parentWidget()) )
+ ( (QButtonGroup*)i->parentWidget() )->remove( (QButton*)i );
+ }
+ }
+ QPoint pos = wa->mapFromGlobal( i->mapToGlobal( QPoint(0,0) ) );
+ i->reparent( wa, pos, TRUE );
+ raiseSelection( i );
+ raiseChildSelections( i );
+ widgetChanged( i );
+ mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->widgetRemoved( i );
+ mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->widgetInserted( i );
+ }
+ if ( emitSelChanged ) {
+ emit showProperties( wa );
+ emit showProperties( propertyWidget );
+ }
+ newParent = wa;
+ }
+ make_move_command:
+ QWidgetList widgets; // collect the widgets and its old and new positions which have been moved
+ QValueList<QPoint> oldPos, newPos;
+ for ( it = moving.begin(); it != moving.end(); ++it ) {
+ widgets.append( it.key() );
+ oldPos.append( *it );
+ newPos.append( it.key()->pos() );
+ }
+ // add move command, don't execute it, this is just a summary of the operations we did during the move-event handling
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( new MoveCommand( i18n( "Move" ),
+ this, widgets,
+ oldPos, newPos, oldParent, newParent ) );
+ } else if ( drawRubber ) { // we were drawing a rubber selection
+ endRectDraw(); // get rid of the rectangle
+ blockSignals( TRUE );
+ selectWidgets(); // select widgets which intersect the rect
+ blockSignals( FALSE );
+ emitSelectionChanged(); // inform about selection changes
+ if ( propertyWidget )
+ emitShowProperties( propertyWidget );
+ }
+ break;
+ case BUDDY_TOOL:
+ restoreConnectionLine();
+ if ( startWidget )
+ restoreRect( QRect( mapToForm( ( (QWidget*)startWidget )->parentWidget(),
+ ( (QWidget*)startWidget )->pos() ),
+ ((QWidget*)startWidget )->size() ) );
+ if ( endWidget )
+ restoreRect( QRect( mapToForm( ( (QWidget*)endWidget )->parentWidget(),
+ ( (QWidget*)endWidget )->pos() ),
+ ( (QWidget*)endWidget )->size() ) );
+ endUnclippedPainter();
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ if ( startWidget && endWidget ) {
+ if ( currTool == CONNECT_TOOL )
+ editConnections();
+ else if ( currTool == BUDDY_TOOL && validForBuddy && startWidget != endWidget ) {
+ QString oldBuddy = startWidget->property( "buddy" ).toString();
+ if ( oldBuddy.isNull() )
+ oldBuddy = "";
+ SetPropertyCommand *cmd = new SetPropertyCommand( i18n( "Set Buddy for %1" ).arg( startWidget->name() ),
+ this, startWidget, mainWindow()->propertyeditor(),
+ "buddy", startWidget->property( "buddy" ),
+ endWidget->name(), endWidget->name(),
+ oldBuddy );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd, TRUE );
+ cmd->execute();
+ emitUpdateProperties( startWidget );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !toolFixed )
+ mainwindow->resetTool();
+ startWidget = endWidget = 0;
+ mainWindow()->statusBar()->clear();
+ break;
+ case ORDER_TOOL:
+ break;
+ default: // any insert widget tool is active
+ if ( insertParent ) { // we should insert the new widget now
+ endRectDraw();
+ if ( WidgetFactory::layoutType( insertParent ) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout ) {
+ if ( QMessageBox::information( mainWindow(), i18n( "Inserting Widget" ),
+ i18n( "You tried to insert a widget into the "
+ "layout Container Widget '%1'.\n"
+ "This is not possible. "
+ "In order to insert the widget, the layout of '%1'\n"
+ "must first be broken.\n"
+ "Break the layout or cancel the operation?" ).
+ arg( insertParent->name() ).
+ arg( insertParent->name() ), i18n( "&Break Layout" ), i18n( "&Cancel" ) ) == 0 ) {
+ breakLayout( insertParent );
+ } else {
+ if ( !toolFixed )
+ mainWindow()->resetTool();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ insertWidget(); // so do it
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ widgetPressed = FALSE;
+ drawRubber = FALSE;
+ insertParent = 0;
+ delete buffer;
+ buffer = 0;
+void FormWindow::handleKeyPress( QKeyEvent *e, QWidget *w )
+ e->ignore();
+ checkSelectionsTimer->stop();
+ if ( !checkedSelectionsForMove &&
+ ( e->key() == Key_Left ||
+ e->key() == Key_Right ||
+ e->key() == Key_Up ||
+ e->key() == Key_Down ) &&
+ propertyWidget->isWidgetType() )
+ checkSelectionsForMove( (QWidget*)propertyWidget );
+ checkSelectionsTimer->start( 1000, TRUE );
+ if ( e->key() == Key_Left || e->key() == Key_Right ||
+ e->key() == Key_Up || e->key() == Key_Down ) {
+ QWidgetList widgets;
+ QValueList<QPoint> oldPos, newPos;
+ for ( WidgetSelection *s = selections.first(); s; s = ) {
+ if ( s->isUsed() ) {
+ int dx = 0, dy = 0;
+ bool control = e->state() & ControlButton;
+ switch ( e->key() ) {
+ case Key_Left: {
+ e->accept();
+ if ( control )
+ dx = -1;
+ else
+ dx = -grid().x();
+ } break;
+ case Key_Right: {
+ e->accept();
+ if ( control )
+ dx = 1;
+ else
+ dx = grid().x();
+ } break;
+ case Key_Up: {
+ e->accept();
+ if ( control )
+ dy = -1;
+ else
+ dy = -grid().y();
+ } break;
+ case Key_Down: {
+ e->accept();
+ if ( control )
+ dy = 1;
+ else
+ dy = grid().y();
+ } break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ widgets.append( s->widget() );
+ oldPos.append( s->widget()->pos() );
+ newPos.append( s->widget()->pos() + QPoint( dx, dy ) );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !widgets.isEmpty() ) {
+ MoveCommand *cmd = new MoveCommand( i18n( "Move" ), this,
+ widgets, oldPos, newPos, 0, 0 );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd, TRUE );
+ cmd->execute();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !e->isAccepted() ) {
+ QObjectList *l = queryList( "QWidget" );
+ if ( !l )
+ return;
+ if ( l->find( w ) != -1 )
+ e->accept();
+ delete l;
+ }
+void FormWindow::handleKeyRelease( QKeyEvent *e, QWidget * )
+ e->ignore();
+void FormWindow::selectWidget( QObject *o, bool select )
+ if ( !o->isWidgetType() ) {
+ // ########### do QObject stuff
+ return;
+ }
+ QWidget *w = (QWidget*)o;
+ if ( isMainContainer( w ) ) {
+ QObject *opw = propertyWidget;
+ propertyWidget = mainContainer();
+ if ( opw->isWidgetType() )
+ repaintSelection( (QWidget*)opw );
+ emitShowProperties( propertyWidget );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( ::qt_cast<QMainWindow*>(mainContainer()) && w == ( (QMainWindow*)mainContainer() )->centralWidget() ) {
+ QObject *opw = propertyWidget;
+ propertyWidget = mainContainer();
+ if ( opw->isWidgetType() )
+ repaintSelection( (QWidget*)opw );
+ emitShowProperties( propertyWidget );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( ::qt_cast<QDesignerToolBar*>(o) )
+ return;
+ if ( select ) {
+ QObject *opw = propertyWidget;
+ propertyWidget = w;
+ if ( opw->isWidgetType() )
+ repaintSelection( (QWidget*)opw );
+ if ( !isPropertyShowingBlocked() )
+ emitShowProperties( propertyWidget );
+ WidgetSelection *s = usedSelections.find( w );
+ if ( s ) {
+ s->show();
+ return;
+ }
+ for ( WidgetSelection *s2 = selections.first(); s2; s2 = ) {
+ if ( !s2->isUsed() ) {
+ s = s2;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !s ) {
+ s = new WidgetSelection( this, &usedSelections );
+ selections.append( s );
+ }
+ s->setWidget( w );
+ emitSelectionChanged();
+ } else {
+ WidgetSelection *s = usedSelections.find( w );
+ if ( s )
+ s->setWidget( 0 );
+ QObject *opw = propertyWidget;
+ if ( !usedSelections.isEmpty() )
+ propertyWidget = QPtrDictIterator<WidgetSelection>( usedSelections ).current()->widget();
+ else
+ propertyWidget = mainContainer();
+ if ( opw->isWidgetType() )
+ repaintSelection( (QWidget*)opw );
+ if ( !isPropertyShowingBlocked() )
+ emitShowProperties( propertyWidget );
+ emitSelectionChanged();
+ }
+QPoint FormWindow::grid() const
+ if ( !mainWindow() || !mainWindow()->snapGrid() )
+ return QPoint( 1, 1 );
+ return mainWindow()->grid();
+void FormWindow::updateSelection( QWidget *w )
+ WidgetSelection *s = usedSelections.find( w );
+ if ( !w->isVisibleTo( this ) )
+ selectWidget( w, FALSE );
+ else if ( s )
+ s->updateGeometry();
+void FormWindow::raiseSelection( QWidget *w )
+ WidgetSelection *s = usedSelections.find( w );
+ if ( s )
+ s->show();
+void FormWindow::repaintSelection( QWidget *w )
+ WidgetSelection *s = usedSelections.find( w );
+ if ( s )
+ s->update();
+void FormWindow::clearSelection( bool changePropertyDisplay )
+ QPtrDictIterator<WidgetSelection> it( usedSelections );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ it.current()->setWidget( 0, FALSE );
+ usedSelections.clear();
+ if ( changePropertyDisplay ) {
+ QObject *opw = propertyWidget;
+ propertyWidget = mainContainer();
+ if ( opw->isWidgetType() )
+ repaintSelection( (QWidget*)opw );
+ emitShowProperties( propertyWidget );
+ }
+ emitSelectionChanged();
+void FormWindow::startRectDraw( const QPoint &p, const QPoint &global, QWidget *, RectType t )
+ QPoint pos( p );
+ pos = mapFromGlobal( global );
+ oldRectValid = FALSE;
+ beginUnclippedPainter( TRUE );
+ if ( t == Rubber )
+ unclippedPainter->setPen( QPen( color0, 1 ) );
+ if ( t == Insert )
+ rectAnchor = gridPoint( pos );
+ else if ( t == Rubber )
+ rectAnchor = pos;
+ currRect = QRect( rectAnchor, QPoint( 0, 0 ) );
+ if ( t == Insert )
+ drawSizePreview( pos, i18n("Use Size Hint") );
+void FormWindow::continueRectDraw( const QPoint &p, const QPoint &global, QWidget *, RectType t )
+ QPoint pos =p;
+ pos = mapFromGlobal( global );
+ QPoint p2;
+ if ( t == Insert )
+ p2 = gridPoint( pos );
+ else if ( t == Rubber )
+ p2 = pos;
+ QRect r( rectAnchor, p2 );
+ r = r.normalize();
+ if ( currRect == r ) {
+ QString t = i18n( "%1/%2" );
+ t = t.arg( r.width() - 1 ).arg( r.height() - 1 );
+ drawSizePreview( pos, t );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( oldRectValid )
+ unclippedPainter->drawRect( currRect );
+ if ( r.width() > 1 || r.height() > 1 ) {
+ oldRectValid = TRUE;
+ currRect = r;
+ if ( t == Insert ) {
+ QString t = i18n( "%1/%2" );
+ t = t.arg( r.width() - 1 ).arg( r.height() - 1 );
+ drawSizePreview( pos, t );
+ }
+ unclippedPainter->setClipRegion( QRegion( rect() ).subtract( QRect( sizePreviewPos, sizePreviewPixmap.size() ) ) );
+ unclippedPainter->drawRect( currRect );
+ unclippedPainter->setClipping( FALSE );
+ } else {
+ oldRectValid = FALSE;
+ if ( t == Insert )
+ drawSizePreview( pos, i18n("Use Size Hint") );
+ }
+void FormWindow::endRectDraw()
+ if ( !unclippedPainter )
+ return;
+ if ( oldRectValid )
+ unclippedPainter->drawRect( currRect );
+ drawSizePreview( QPoint(-1,-1), QString::null );
+ endUnclippedPainter();
+void FormWindow::selectWidgets()
+ QObjectList *l = mainContainer()->queryList( "QWidget" );
+ if ( l ) {
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ if ( ( (QWidget*)o )->isVisibleTo( this ) &&
+ insertedWidgets[ (void*)o ] ) {
+ QPoint p = ( (QWidget*)o )->mapToGlobal( QPoint(0,0) );
+ p = mapFromGlobal( p );
+ QRect r( p, ( (QWidget*)o )->size() );
+ if ( r.intersects( currRect ) && !r.contains( currRect ) )
+ selectWidget( (QWidget*)o );
+ }
+ }
+ delete l;
+ }
+ emitSelectionChanged();
+bool FormWindow::isWidgetSelected( QObject *w )
+ if ( w->isWidgetType() )
+ return usedSelections.find( (QWidget*)w ) != 0;
+ return FALSE; // #### do stuff for QObjects
+void FormWindow::moveSelectedWidgets( int dx, int dy )
+ QPtrDictIterator<WidgetSelection> it( usedSelections );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ WidgetSelection *s = it.current();
+ QWidget *w = s->widget();
+ if ( w->parentWidget() && WidgetFactory::layoutType( w->parentWidget() ) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout )
+ continue;
+ w->move( w->x() + dx, w->y() + dy );
+ s->updateGeometry();
+ updateChildSelections( w );
+ }
+CommandHistory *FormWindow::commandHistory()
+ return &commands;
+void FormWindow::undo()
+ commandHistory()->undo();
+void FormWindow::redo()
+ commandHistory()->redo();
+void FormWindow::raiseChildSelections( QWidget *w )
+ QObjectList *l = w->queryList( "QWidget" );
+ if ( !l || !l->first() ) {
+ delete l;
+ return;
+ }
+ QPtrDictIterator<WidgetSelection> it( usedSelections );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ if ( l->findRef( it.current()->widget() ) != -1 )
+ it.current()->show();
+ }
+ delete l;
+void FormWindow::updateChildSelections( QWidget *w )
+ QObjectList *l = w->queryList( "QWidget" );
+ if ( l ) {
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ if ( o->isWidgetType() &&
+ insertedWidgets.find( (QWidget*)o ) )
+ updateSelection( (QWidget*)o );
+ }
+ delete l;
+ }
+void FormWindow::checkSelectionsForMove( QWidget *w )
+ checkedSelectionsForMove = TRUE;
+ QObjectList *l = w->parentWidget()->queryList( "QWidget", 0, FALSE, FALSE );
+ moving.clear();
+ if ( l ) {
+ QPtrDictIterator<WidgetSelection> it( usedSelections );
+ WidgetSelection *sel;
+ while ( ( sel = it.current() ) != 0 ) {
+ if ( it.current()->widget() == mainContainer() )
+ continue;
+ ++it;
+ if ( l->find( sel->widget() ) == -1 ) {
+ if ( WidgetFactory::layoutType( w ) == WidgetFactory::NoLayout )
+ sel->setWidget( 0 );
+ } else {
+ if ( WidgetFactory::layoutType( sel->widget()->parentWidget() ) == WidgetFactory::NoLayout ) {
+ moving.insert( sel->widget(), sel->widget()->pos() );
+ sel->widget()->raise();
+ raiseChildSelections( sel->widget() );
+ raiseSelection( sel->widget() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete l;
+ }
+void FormWindow::deleteWidgets()
+ QWidgetList widgets;
+ QPtrDictIterator<WidgetSelection> it( usedSelections );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ QWidget *tb = 0;
+ if ( !( tb = mainWindow()->isAToolBarChild( it.current()->widget() ) ) )
+ widgets.append( it.current()->widget() );
+ else
+ ( (QDesignerToolBar*)tb )->removeWidget( it.current()->widget() );
+ }
+ if ( widgets.isEmpty() )
+ return;
+ DeleteCommand *cmd = new DeleteCommand( i18n( "Delete" ), this, widgets );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
+ cmd->execute();
+void FormWindow::editAdjustSize()
+ QPtrList<Command> commands;
+ QWidgetList widgets = selectedWidgets();
+ if ( widgets.isEmpty() ) {
+ QRect oldr = geometry();
+ mainContainer()->adjustSize();
+ resize( mainContainer()->size() );
+ // check whether our own size constraint hit us
+ if ( size() != mainContainer()->size() )
+ mainContainer()->resize( size() );
+ QRect nr = geometry();
+ if ( oldr != nr ) {
+ ResizeCommand *cmd = new ResizeCommand( i18n( "Adjust Size" ), this, this, oldr, nr );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ for ( QWidget* w = widgets.first(); w; w = ) {
+ if ( w->parentWidget() && WidgetFactory::layoutType( w->parentWidget() ) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout )
+ continue;
+ QRect oldr = w->geometry();
+ w->adjustSize();
+ QRect nr = w->geometry();
+ if ( oldr != nr )
+ commands.append( new ResizeCommand( i18n("Adjust Size"), this, w, oldr, nr ) );
+ }
+ if ( commands.isEmpty() )
+ return;
+ for ( WidgetSelection *s = selections.first(); s; s = )
+ s->updateGeometry();
+ MacroCommand *cmd = new MacroCommand( i18n( "Adjust Size" ), this, commands );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
+QWidgetList FormWindow::selectedWidgets() const
+ QWidgetList widgets;
+ QPtrDictIterator<WidgetSelection> it( usedSelections );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ widgets.append( it.current()->widget() );
+ return widgets;
+void FormWindow::widgetChanged( QObject *w )
+ if ( w->isWidgetType() )
+ updateSelection( (QWidget*)w );
+ // ########## do QObject stuff
+QLabel *FormWindow::sizePreview() const
+ if ( !sizePreviewLabel ) {
+ ( (FormWindow*)this )->sizePreviewLabel = new QLabel( (FormWindow*)this );
+ ( (FormWindow*)this )->sizePreviewLabel->hide();
+ ( (FormWindow*)this )->sizePreviewLabel->setBackgroundColor( QColor( 255, 255, 128 ) );
+ ( (FormWindow*)this )->sizePreviewLabel->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Plain | QFrame::Box );
+ }
+ return sizePreviewLabel;
+void FormWindow::invalidCheckedSelections()
+ checkedSelectionsForMove = FALSE;
+void FormWindow::checkPreviewGeometry( QRect &r )
+ if ( !rect().contains( r ) ) {
+ if ( r.left() < rect().left() )
+ r.moveTopLeft( QPoint( 0, ) );
+ if ( r.right() > rect().right() )
+ r.moveBottomRight( QPoint( rect().right(), r.bottom() ) );
+ if ( < rect().top() )
+ r.moveTopLeft( QPoint( r.left(), rect().top() ) );
+ if ( r.bottom() > rect().bottom() )
+ r.moveBottomRight( QPoint( r.right(), rect().bottom() ) );
+ }
+void FormWindow::focusInEvent( QFocusEvent * ){
+ if (ff)
+ ff->checkTimeStamp();
+void FormWindow::focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent * )
+ if ( propertyWidget && !isMainContainer( propertyWidget ) && !isWidgetSelected( propertyWidget ) ) {
+ QObject *opw = propertyWidget;
+ propertyWidget = mainContainer();
+ if ( opw->isWidgetType() )
+ repaintSelection( (QWidget*)opw );
+ }
+void FormWindow::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e )
+ QWidget::resizeEvent( e );
+ if ( currTool == ORDER_TOOL )
+ repositionOrderIndicators();
+ if ( isVisible() )
+ formFile()->setModified( TRUE, FormFile::WFormWindow );
+#if defined(Q_WS_WIN32)
+ windowsRepaintWorkaroundTimer->start( 100, TRUE );
+void FormWindow::windowsRepaintWorkaroundTimerTimeout()
+#if defined(Q_WS_WIN32)
+ QObjectList *l = queryList( "QWidget" );
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ flickerfree_update( (QWidget*)o );
+ }
+ flickerfree_update( this );
+ delete l;
+QPtrDict<QWidget> *FormWindow::widgets()
+ return &insertedWidgets;
+QWidget *FormWindow::designerWidget( QObject *o ) const
+ if ( !o || !o->isWidgetType() )
+ return 0;
+ QWidget *w = (QWidget*)o;
+ while ( w && !isMainContainer( w ) && !insertedWidgets[ (void*)w ] || isCentralWidget( w ) )
+ w = (QWidget*)w->parent();
+ return w;
+void FormWindow::emitShowProperties( QObject *w )
+ if ( w ) {
+ QObject *opw = propertyWidget;
+ propertyWidget = w;
+ if ( opw->isWidgetType() )
+ repaintSelection( (QWidget*)opw );
+ }
+ showPropertiesTimer->stop();
+// showPropertiesTimer->start( 0, TRUE );
+ showPropertiesTimerDone();
+void FormWindow::emitUpdateProperties( QObject *w )
+ if ( w == propertyWidget ) {
+ updatePropertiesTimer->stop();
+ updatePropertiesTimer->start( 0, TRUE );
+ }
+void FormWindow::emitSelectionChanged()
+ selectionChangedTimer->stop();
+ selectionChangedTimer->start( 0, TRUE );
+void FormWindow::updatePropertiesTimerDone()
+ if ( propertyWidget && mainWindow()->formWindow() == this )
+ emit updateProperties( propertyWidget );
+void FormWindow::showPropertiesTimerDone()
+ if ( propertyWidget && mainWindow()->formWindow() == this )
+ emit showProperties( propertyWidget );
+void FormWindow::selectionChangedTimerDone()
+ emit selectionChanged();
+void FormWindow::currentToolChanged()
+ toolFixed = FALSE;
+ int t = mainwindow->currentTool();
+ if ( currTool == t && t != ORDER_TOOL )
+ return;
+ // tool cleanup
+ switch ( currTool ) {
+ case ORDER_TOOL:
+ hideOrderIndicators();
+ break;
+ case BUDDY_TOOL:
+ restoreConnectionLine();
+ if ( startWidget )
+ restoreRect( QRect( mapToForm( ( (QWidget*)startWidget )->parentWidget(),
+ ( (QWidget*)startWidget )->pos() ),
+ ( (QWidget*)startWidget )->size() ) );
+ if ( endWidget )
+ restoreRect( QRect( mapToForm( ( (QWidget*)endWidget )->parentWidget(),
+ ( (QWidget*)endWidget )->pos() ),
+ ( (QWidget*)endWidget )->size() ) );
+ endUnclippedPainter();
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if ( insertParent )
+ endRectDraw();
+ break;
+ }
+ startWidget = endWidget = 0;
+ widgetPressed = FALSE;
+ drawRubber = FALSE;
+ insertParent = 0;
+ delete buffer;
+ buffer = 0;
+ currTool = t;
+ if ( hasFocus() )
+ clearSelection( FALSE );
+ mainWindow()->statusBar()->clear();
+ // tool setup
+ switch ( currTool ) {
+ if ( propertyWidget && !isMainContainer( propertyWidget ) && !isWidgetSelected( propertyWidget ) )
+ emitShowProperties( mainContainer() );
+ restoreCursors( this, this );
+ break;
+ case ORDER_TOOL:
+ if ( mainWindow()->formWindow() == this ) {
+ mainWindow()->statusMessage( i18n( "Click widgets to change the tab order...") );
+ orderedWidgets.clear();
+ showOrderIndicators();
+ if ( mainWindow()->formWindow() == this )
+ emitShowProperties( mainContainer() );
+ setCursorToAll( ArrowCursor, this );
+ }
+ break;
+ case BUDDY_TOOL:
+ if ( currTool == CONNECT_TOOL )
+ mainWindow()->statusMessage( i18n( "Drag a line to create a connection...") );
+ else
+ mainWindow()->statusMessage( i18n( "Drag a line to set a buddy...") );
+ setCursorToAll( CrossCursor, this );
+ if ( mainWindow()->formWindow() == this )
+ emitShowProperties( mainContainer() );
+ break;
+ default:
+ mainWindow()->statusMessage( i18n( "Click on the form to insert a %1..." ).arg( WidgetDatabase::toolTip( currTool ).lower() ) );
+ setCursorToAll( CrossCursor, this );
+ if ( mainWindow()->formWindow() == this )
+ emitShowProperties( mainContainer() );
+ break;
+ }
+void FormWindow::showOrderIndicators()
+ hideOrderIndicators();
+ orderIndicators.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
+ QObjectList *l = mainContainer()->queryList( "QWidget" );
+ stackedWidgets = MetaDataBase::tabOrder( this );
+ if ( l ) {
+ int order = 1;
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ QWidget* w = (QWidget*) o;
+ if ( w->isShown() &&
+ insertedWidgets[ (void*)w ] &&
+ w->focusPolicy() != NoFocus ) {
+ OrderIndicator* ind = new OrderIndicator( order++, w, this );
+ orderIndicators.append( ind );
+ if ( stackedWidgets.findRef( w ) == -1 )
+ stackedWidgets.append( w );
+ }
+ }
+ delete l;
+ }
+ updateOrderIndicators();
+void FormWindow::hideOrderIndicators()
+ orderIndicators.clear();
+void FormWindow::updateOrderIndicators()
+ int order = 1;
+ for ( QWidget *w = stackedWidgets.first(); w; w = ) {
+ for ( OrderIndicator* i = orderIndicators.first(); i; i = )
+ i->setOrder( order, w );
+ order++;
+ }
+void FormWindow::repositionOrderIndicators()
+ for ( OrderIndicator* i = orderIndicators.first(); i; i = )
+ i->reposition();
+void FormWindow::updateUndoInfo()
+ commandHistory()->emitUndoRedo();
+bool FormWindow::checkCustomWidgets()
+ QStringList missingCustomWidgets;
+ QPtrDictIterator<QWidget> it( insertedWidgets );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ if ( it.current()->isA( "CustomWidget" ) ) {
+ QString className = WidgetFactory::classNameOf( it.current() );
+ if ( !MetaDataBase::hasCustomWidget( className ) )
+ missingCustomWidgets << className;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !missingCustomWidgets.isEmpty() ) {
+ QString txt = i18n( "The following custom widgets are used in '%1',\n"
+ "but are not known to Qt Designer:\n" ).arg( name() );
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator sit = missingCustomWidgets.begin(); sit != missingCustomWidgets.end(); ++sit )
+ txt += " " + *sit + "\n";
+ txt += i18n( "If you save this form and generate code for it using uic, \n"
+ "the generated code will not compile.\n"
+ "Do you want to save this form now?" );
+ if ( QMessageBox::information( mainWindow(), i18n( "Save Form" ), txt ) == 1 )
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+void FormWindow::setPropertyShowingBlocked( bool b )
+ propShowBlocked = b;
+bool FormWindow::isPropertyShowingBlocked() const
+ return propShowBlocked;
+int FormWindow::numSelectedWidgets() const
+ return usedSelections.count();
+QString FormWindow::copy()
+ Resource resource( mainWindow() );
+ resource.setWidget( this );
+ return resource.copy();
+void FormWindow::lowerWidgets()
+ QWidgetList widgets;
+ QPtrDictIterator<WidgetSelection> it( usedSelections );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ widgets.append( it.current()->widget() );
+ LowerCommand *cmd = new LowerCommand( i18n( "Lower" ), this, widgets );
+ cmd->execute();
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
+void find_accel( const QString &txt, QMap<QChar, QWidgetList > &accels, QWidget *w )
+ int i = txt.find( "&" );
+ if ( i == -1 )
+ return;
+ QChar c = txt[ i + 1 ];
+ if ( c.isNull() || c == '&' )
+ return;
+ c = c.lower();
+ QMap<QChar, QWidgetList >::Iterator it = accels.find( c );
+ if ( it == accels.end() ) {
+ QWidgetList wl;
+ wl.append( w );
+ accels.insert( c, wl );
+ } else {
+ QWidgetList *wl = &*it;
+ wl->append( w );
+ }
+void FormWindow::checkAccels()
+ QMap<QChar, QWidgetList > accels;
+ QObjectList *l = mainContainer()->queryList( "QWidget" );
+ if ( l ) {
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ if ( ( (QWidget*)o )->isVisibleTo( this ) &&
+ insertedWidgets[ (void*)o ] ) {
+ QWidget *w = (QWidget*)o;
+ const QMetaProperty* text =
+ w->metaObject()->property( w->metaObject()->findProperty( "text", TRUE ), TRUE );
+ const QMetaProperty* title =
+ w->metaObject()->property( w->metaObject()->findProperty( "title", TRUE ), TRUE );
+ const QMetaProperty* pageTitle =
+ w->metaObject()->property( w->metaObject()->findProperty( "pageTitle", TRUE ), TRUE );
+ if ( text )
+ find_accel( w->property( "text" ).toString(), accels, w );
+ if ( title )
+ find_accel( w->property( "title" ).toString(), accels, w );
+ if ( pageTitle )
+ find_accel( w->property( "pageTitle" ).toString(), accels, w );
+ } else if ( ::qt_cast<MenuBarEditor*>(o) ) {
+ ((MenuBarEditor *)o)->checkAccels( accels );
+ }
+ }
+ delete l;
+ }
+ bool ok = TRUE;
+ QWidget *wid;
+ for ( QMap<QChar, QWidgetList >::Iterator it = accels.begin(); it != accels.end(); ++it ) {
+ if ( (*it).count() > 1 ) {
+ ok = FALSE;
+ switch ( QMessageBox::information( mainWindow(), i18n( "Check Accelerators" ),
+ i18n( "Accelerator '%1' is used once.", "Accelerator '%1' is used %n times.", (*it).count()
+ ).arg( it.key().upper() ),
+ i18n( "&Select" ),
+ i18n( "&Cancel" ), QString::null, 2 ) ) {
+ case 0: // select
+ clearSelection( FALSE );
+ for ( wid = (*it).first(); wid; wid = (*it).next() )
+ selectWidget( wid, TRUE );
+ return;
+ case 1: // cancel
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ok )
+ QMessageBox::information( mainWindow(), i18n( "Check Accelerators" ),
+ i18n( "No accelerator is used more than once." ) );
+void FormWindow::raiseWidgets()
+ QWidgetList widgets;
+ QPtrDictIterator<WidgetSelection> it( usedSelections );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ widgets.append( it.current()->widget() );
+ RaiseCommand *cmd = new RaiseCommand( i18n( "Raise" ), this, widgets );
+ cmd->execute();
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
+void FormWindow::paste( const QString &cb, QWidget *parent )
+ Resource resource( mainWindow() );
+ resource.setWidget( this );
+ resource.paste( cb, parent );
+void FormWindow::selectAll()
+ checkedSelectionsForMove = FALSE;
+ blockSignals( TRUE );
+ QObjectList *l = mainContainer()->queryList( "QWidget" );
+ if ( l ) {
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ if ( ( (QWidget*)o )->isVisibleTo( this ) &&
+ insertedWidgets[ (void*)o ] ) {
+ selectWidget( (QWidget*)o );
+ }
+ }
+ delete l;
+ }
+ blockSignals( FALSE );
+ emitSelectionChanged();
+ if ( propertyWidget )
+ emitShowProperties( propertyWidget );
+ emitSelectionChanged();
+void FormWindow::layoutHorizontal()
+ QWidgetList widgets( selectedWidgets() );
+ LayoutHorizontalCommand *cmd = new LayoutHorizontalCommand( i18n( "Lay Out Horizontally" ),
+ this, mainContainer(), 0, widgets );
+ clearSelection( FALSE );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
+ cmd->execute();
+void FormWindow::layoutVertical()
+ QWidgetList widgets( selectedWidgets() );
+ LayoutVerticalCommand *cmd = new LayoutVerticalCommand( i18n( "Lay Out Vertically" ),
+ this, mainContainer(), 0, widgets );
+ clearSelection( FALSE );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
+ cmd->execute();
+void FormWindow::layoutHorizontalSplit()
+ QWidgetList widgets( selectedWidgets() );
+ LayoutHorizontalSplitCommand *cmd = new LayoutHorizontalSplitCommand( i18n( "Lay Out Horizontally (in splitter)" ),
+ this, mainContainer(), 0, widgets );
+ clearSelection( FALSE );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
+ cmd->execute();
+void FormWindow::layoutVerticalSplit()
+ QWidgetList widgets( selectedWidgets() );
+ LayoutVerticalSplitCommand *cmd = new LayoutVerticalSplitCommand( i18n( "Lay Out Vertically (in splitter)" ),
+ this, mainContainer(), 0, widgets );
+ clearSelection( FALSE );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
+ cmd->execute();
+void FormWindow::layoutGrid()
+ int xres = grid().x();
+ int yres = grid().y();
+ QWidgetList widgets( selectedWidgets() );
+ LayoutGridCommand *cmd = new LayoutGridCommand( i18n( "Lay Out in a Grid" ),
+ this, mainContainer(), 0, widgets, xres, yres );
+ clearSelection( FALSE );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
+ cmd->execute();
+void FormWindow::layoutHorizontalContainer( QWidget *w )
+ if ( w == this )
+ w = mainContainer();
+ QObjectList *l = (QObjectList*)WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget(w)->children();
+ if ( !l )
+ return;
+ QWidgetList widgets;
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ if ( o->isWidgetType() &&
+ ( (QWidget*)o )->isVisibleTo( this ) &&
+ insertedWidgets.find( (QWidget*)o ) )
+ widgets.append( (QWidget*)o );
+ }
+ LayoutHorizontalCommand *cmd = new LayoutHorizontalCommand( i18n( "Lay Out Children Horizontally" ),
+ this, mainContainer(), w, widgets );
+ clearSelection( FALSE );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
+ cmd->execute();
+void FormWindow::layoutVerticalContainer( QWidget *w )
+ if ( w == this )
+ w = mainContainer();
+ QObjectList *l = (QObjectList*)WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget(w)->children();
+ if ( !l )
+ return;
+ QWidgetList widgets;
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ if ( o->isWidgetType() &&
+ ( (QWidget*)o )->isVisibleTo( this ) &&
+ insertedWidgets.find( (QWidget*)o ) )
+ widgets.append( (QWidget*)o );
+ }
+ LayoutVerticalCommand *cmd = new LayoutVerticalCommand( i18n( "Lay Out Children Vertically" ),
+ this, mainContainer(), w, widgets );
+ clearSelection( FALSE );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
+ cmd->execute();
+void FormWindow::layoutGridContainer( QWidget *w )
+ if ( w == this )
+ w = mainContainer();
+ int xres = grid().x();
+ int yres = grid().y();
+ QObjectList *l = (QObjectList*)WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget(w)->children();
+ if ( !l )
+ return;
+ QWidgetList widgets;
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ if ( o->isWidgetType() &&
+ ( (QWidget*)o )->isVisibleTo( this ) &&
+ insertedWidgets.find( (QWidget*)o ) )
+ widgets.append( (QWidget*)o );
+ }
+ LayoutGridCommand *cmd = new LayoutGridCommand( i18n( "Lay Out Children in a Grid" ),
+ this, mainContainer(), w, widgets, xres, yres );
+ clearSelection( FALSE );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
+ cmd->execute();
+void FormWindow::breakLayout( QWidget *w )
+ if ( w == this )
+ w = mainContainer();
+ w = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget( w );
+ QPtrList<Command> commands;
+ for (;;) {
+ if ( !w || w == this )
+ break;
+ if ( WidgetFactory::layoutType( w ) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout &&
+ WidgetDatabase::isContainer( WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName( WidgetFactory::classNameOf( w ) ) ) ) {
+ Command *cmd = breakLayoutCommand( w );
+ if ( cmd )
+ commands.insert( 0, cmd );
+ if ( !::qt_cast<QLayoutWidget*>(w) && !::qt_cast<QSplitter*>(w) )
+ break;
+ }
+ w = w->parentWidget();
+ }
+ if ( commands.isEmpty() )
+ return;
+ clearSelection( FALSE );
+ MacroCommand *cmd = new MacroCommand( i18n( "Break Layout" ), this, commands );
+ commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd );
+ cmd->execute();
+BreakLayoutCommand *FormWindow::breakLayoutCommand( QWidget *w )
+ QObjectList *l = (QObjectList*)w->children();
+ if ( !l )
+ return 0;
+ QWidgetList widgets;
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ if ( o->isWidgetType() &&
+ !mainWindow()->isAToolBarChild( (QWidget*)o ) &&
+ ( (QWidget*)o )->isVisibleTo( this ) &&
+ insertedWidgets.find( (QWidget*)o ) )
+ widgets.append( (QWidget*)o );
+ }
+ return new BreakLayoutCommand( i18n( "Break Layout" ), this, WidgetFactory::widgetOfContainer( w ), widgets );
+int FormWindow::numVisibleWidgets() const
+ QPtrDictIterator<QWidget> it( insertedWidgets );
+ int visible = 0;
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ if ( it.current()->isVisibleTo( (FormWindow*)this ) )
+ visible++;
+ }
+ return visible;
+bool FormWindow::hasInsertedChildren( QWidget *w ) const
+ if ( !w )
+ return FALSE;
+ w = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget( w );
+ if ( !w )
+ return FALSE;
+ QObjectList *l = w->queryList( "QWidget" );
+ if ( !l || !l->first() ) {
+ delete l;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ if ( o->isWidgetType() &&
+ ( (QWidget*)o )->isVisibleTo( (FormWindow*)this ) &&
+ insertedWidgets.find( (QWidget*)o ) ) {
+ delete l;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ delete l;
+ return FALSE;
+bool FormWindow::allowMove( QWidget *w )
+ w = w->parentWidget();
+ while ( w ) {
+ if ( ( isMainContainer( w ) || insertedWidgets.find( w ) ) && WidgetFactory::layoutType( w ) == WidgetFactory::NoLayout )
+ return TRUE;
+ w = w->parentWidget();
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void FormWindow::editConnections()
+ buffer = 0;
+ if ( !startWidget || !endWidget )
+ return;
+ ConnectionDialog dlg( mainwindow );
+ mainWindow()->statusMessage( i18n( "Edit connections...") );
+ dlg.addConnection( startWidget, endWidget, QString::null, QString::null );
+ QTimer::singleShot( 0, &dlg, SLOT(ensureConnectionVisible()) );
+ dlg.exec();
+void FormWindow::saveBackground()
+ if ( buffer )
+ delete buffer;
+ buffer = new QPixmap( width(), height() );
+ *buffer = QPixmap::grabWindow( winId() );
+void FormWindow::restoreConnectionLine()
+ if (!unclippedPainter || !buffer) // designer will occasionally crash if buffer is not tested to be non-zero
+ return;
+ int a =QABS( startPos.x() - currentPos.x() );
+ int b = QABS( startPos.y() - currentPos.y() );
+ QRect r( startPos, currentPos );
+ if ( a < 32 || b < 32 ) { // special case: vertical or horizontal line
+ r = r.normalize();
+ unclippedPainter->drawPixmap( r.x() - 2, r.y() - 2, *buffer,
+ r.x() - 2, r.y() - 2, r.width() + 4, r.height() + 4 );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( a <= 0 )
+ a = 1;
+ if ( b <= 0 )
+ b = 1;
+ int w, h;
+ if ( b > a ) {
+ h = 64;
+ w = ( a * h ) / b;
+ } else {
+ w = 64;
+ h = ( b * w ) / a;
+ }
+ int dx = 2 * w / 3;
+ int dy = 2 * h / 3;
+ QPoint p( startPos );
+ if ( r.x() > r.right() ) {
+ dx = dx * -1;
+ p.setX( p.x() - 64 );
+ r.moveBy( -64, 0 );
+ }
+ if ( r.y() > r.bottom() ) {
+ dy = dy * -1;
+ p.setY( p.y() - 64 );
+ r.moveBy( 0, -64 );
+ }
+ w = h = 64;
+ r = r.normalize();
+ while ( r.contains( p ) ) {
+ unclippedPainter->drawPixmap( p, *buffer, QRect( p, QSize( w, h ) ) );
+ unclippedPainter->setPen( red );
+ p.setX( p.x() + dx );
+ p.setY( p.y() + dy );
+ }
+ unclippedPainter->drawPixmap( startPos.x() - 10, startPos.y() - 10, *buffer,
+ startPos.x() - 10, startPos.y() - 10, 20, 20 );
+void FormWindow::restoreRect( const QRect &rect )
+ if (!unclippedPainter || !buffer)
+ return;
+ QRect r( rect );
+ r = r.normalize();
+ r = QRect( r.x() + 2, r.y() + 2, r.width() - 4, r.height() - 4 );
+ unclippedPainter->drawPixmap( r.x() - 2, r.y() - 2, *buffer, r.x() - 2, r.y() - 2, r.width() + 4, 4 );
+ unclippedPainter->drawPixmap( r.x() - 2, r.y() - 2, *buffer, r.x() - 2, r.y() - 2, 4, r.height() + 4 );
+ unclippedPainter->drawPixmap( r.x() - 2, r.y() + r.height() - 3, *buffer, r.x() - 2, r.y() + r.height() - 3, r.width() + 4, 5 );
+ unclippedPainter->drawPixmap( r.x() + r.width() - 2, r.y(), *buffer, r.x() + r.width() - 2, r.y(), 4, r.height() + 4 );
+void FormWindow::drawConnectionLine()
+ if ( !unclippedPainter )
+ return;
+ unclippedPainter->setPen( QPen( white, 2 ) );
+ unclippedPainter->drawLine( startPos, currentPos );
+ if ( validForBuddy )
+ unclippedPainter->setPen( QPen( darkRed, 1 ) );
+ else
+ unclippedPainter->setPen( QPen( darkCyan, 1 ) );
+ unclippedPainter->drawLine( startPos, currentPos );
+ if ( validForBuddy )
+ unclippedPainter->setPen( QPen( darkGreen, 1 ) );
+ else
+ unclippedPainter->setPen( QPen( magenta, 1 ) );
+ if ( startWidget ) {
+ QWidget *s = (QWidget*)startWidget;
+ QPoint p = mapToForm( s, QPoint(0,0) );
+ unclippedPainter->drawRect( QRect( p + QPoint( 2, 2 ), s->size() - QSize( 4, 4 ) ) );
+ }
+ if ( endWidget ) {
+ QWidget *e = (QWidget*)endWidget;
+ QPoint p = mapToForm( e, QPoint(0,0) );
+ unclippedPainter->drawRect( QRect( p + QPoint( 2, 2 ), e->size() - QSize( 4, 4 ) ) );
+ }
+QString FormWindow::fileName() const
+ return ff->absFileName();
+void FormWindow::setFileName( const QString &fn )
+ ff->setFileName( fn );
+ emit fileNameChanged( ff->fileName(), this );
+void FormWindow::modificationChanged( bool m )
+ emit modificationChanged( m, this );
+ emit modificationChanged( m, ff->fileName() );
+bool FormWindow::unify( QObject *w, QString &s, bool changeIt )
+ bool found = !isMainContainer( w ) && qstrcmp( name(), s.latin1() ) == 0;
+ if ( !found ) {
+ QString orig = s;
+ int num = 1;
+ QPtrDictIterator<QWidget> it( insertedWidgets );
+ for ( ; it.current();) {
+ if ( it.current() != w &&
+ qstrcmp( it.current()->name(), s.latin1() ) == 0 ) {
+ found = TRUE;
+ if ( !changeIt )
+ break;
+ s = orig + "_" + QString::number( ++num );
+ it.toFirst();
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !found ) {
+ QPtrList<QAction> al;
+ QAction *a = 0;
+ for ( a = actions.first(); a; a = ) {
+ QObjectList *l = a->queryList( "QAction" );
+ al.append( a );
+ for ( QObject *ao = l->first(); ao; ao = l->next() )
+ al.append( (QAction*)ao );
+ delete l;
+ }
+ for ( a = al.first(); a; a = ) {
+ if ( a != w &&
+ qstrcmp( a->name(), s.latin1() ) == 0 ) {
+ found = TRUE;
+ if ( !changeIt )
+ break;
+ s = orig + "_" + QString::number( ++num );
+ a = actions.first();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ::qt_cast<QMainWindow*>(mainContainer()) && !found ) {
+ QObjectList *l = mainContainer()->queryList( "PopupMenuEditor" );
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ if ( o != w &&
+ qstrcmp ( o->name(), s.latin1() ) == 0 ) {
+ found = TRUE;
+ if ( !changeIt )
+ break;
+ s = orig + "_" + QString::number( ++num );
+ o = l->first();
+ }
+ }
+ delete l;
+ }
+ if ( ::qt_cast<QMainWindow*>(mainContainer()) ) {
+ if ( !found ) {
+ QObjectList *l = mainContainer()->queryList( "QDockWindow", 0, TRUE );
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) {
+ if ( o != w &&
+ qstrcmp( o->name(), s.latin1() ) == 0 ) {
+ found = TRUE;
+ if ( !changeIt )
+ break;
+ s = orig + "_" + QString::number( ++num );
+ o = l->first();
+ }
+ }
+ delete l;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !found )
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+bool FormWindow::isCustomWidgetUsed( MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w )
+ QPtrDictIterator<QWidget> it( insertedWidgets );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ if ( it.current()->isA( "CustomWidget" ) ) {
+ if ( qstrcmp( WidgetFactory::classNameOf( it.current() ), w->className.utf8() ) == 0 )
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+bool FormWindow::isDatabaseWidgetUsed() const
+#ifndef QT_NO_SQL
+ QStringList dbClasses;
+ dbClasses << "QDataTable"; // add more here
+ QPtrDictIterator<QWidget> it( insertedWidgets );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ QString c( it.current()->className() );
+ if ( dbClasses.contains( c ) > 0 ) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+bool FormWindow::isDatabaseAware() const
+#ifndef QT_NO_SQL
+ if ( QString(mContainer->className()) == "QDesignerDataBrowser" || QString(mContainer->className()) == "QDesignerDataView" )
+ return TRUE;
+ return isDatabaseWidgetUsed();
+ return FALSE;
+void FormWindow::visibilityChanged()
+ if ( currTool != ORDER_TOOL ) {
+ emitUpdateProperties( currentWidget() );
+ } else {
+ updateOrderIndicators();
+ repositionOrderIndicators();
+ }
+ Maps \a pos in \a w's coordinates to the form's coordinate system.
+ This is the equivalent to mapFromGlobal(w->mapToGlobal(pos) ) but
+ avoids the two roundtrips to the X-Server on Unix/X11.
+ */
+QPoint FormWindow::mapToForm( const QWidget* w, const QPoint& pos ) const
+ QPoint p = pos;
+ const QWidget* i = w;
+ while ( i && !i->isTopLevel() && !isMainContainer( (QWidget*)i ) ) {
+ p = i->mapToParent( p );
+ i = i->parentWidget();
+ }
+ return mapFromGlobal( w->mapToGlobal( pos ) );
+static int widgetDepth( QWidget *w )
+ int d = -1;
+ while ( w && !w->isTopLevel() ) {
+ d++;
+ w = w->parentWidget();
+ }
+ return d;
+static bool isChildOf( QWidget *c, QWidget *p )
+ while ( c && !c->isTopLevel() ) {
+ if ( c == p )
+ return TRUE;
+ c = c->parentWidget();
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+QWidget *FormWindow::containerAt( const QPoint &pos, QWidget *notParentOf )
+ QPtrDictIterator<QWidget> it( insertedWidgets );
+ QWidget *container = 0;
+ int depth = -1;
+ QWidgetList selected = selectedWidgets();
+ if ( rect().contains( mapFromGlobal( pos ) ) ) {
+ container = mainContainer();
+ depth = widgetDepth( container );
+ }
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
+ if ( ::qt_cast<QLayoutWidget*>(it.current())
+ || ::qt_cast<QSplitter*>(it.current()) )
+ continue;
+ if ( !it.current()->isVisibleTo( this ) )
+ continue;
+ if ( selected.find( it.current() ) != -1 )
+ continue;
+ if ( !WidgetDatabase::isContainer( WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName( WidgetFactory::classNameOf( it.current() ) ) ) &&
+ it.current() != mainContainer() )
+ continue;
+ // the rectangles of all ancestors of the container must contain the insert position
+ QWidget *w = it.current();
+ while ( w && !w->isTopLevel() ) {
+ if ( !w->rect().contains( ( w->mapFromGlobal( pos ) ) ) )
+ break;
+ w = w->parentWidget();
+ }
+ if ( !( w == 0 || w->isTopLevel() ) ) continue; // we did not get through the full while loop
+ int wd = widgetDepth( it.current() );
+ if ( wd == depth && container ) {
+ if ( ( (QObjectList*)it.current()->parentWidget()->children() )->find( it.current() ) >
+ ( (QObjectList*)container->parentWidget()->children() )->find( container ) )
+ wd++;
+ }
+ if ( wd > depth && !isChildOf( it.current(), notParentOf ) ) {
+ depth = wd;
+ container = it.current();
+ }
+ }
+ return container;
+bool FormWindow::isMainContainer( QObject *w ) const
+ return w && w->isWidgetType() && ( w == (QWidget*)this || w == mainContainer() );
+void FormWindow::setMainContainer( QWidget *w )
+ bool resetPropertyWidget = isMainContainer( propertyWidget );
+ if ( mContainer )
+ insertedWidgets.remove( mContainer );
+ if ( propertyWidget == mContainer )
+ propertyWidget = 0;
+ delete mContainer;
+ mContainer = w;
+ insertedWidgets.insert( mContainer, mContainer );
+ delete layout();
+ QHBoxLayout *l = new QHBoxLayout( this );
+ l->addWidget( w );
+ if ( resetPropertyWidget ) {
+ QObject *opw = propertyWidget;
+ propertyWidget = mContainer;
+ if ( opw && opw->isWidgetType() )
+ repaintSelection( (QWidget*)opw );
+ }
+ if ( project() ) {
+ LanguageInterface *iface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( project()->language() );
+ if ( iface && !project()->isCpp() && !isFake() ) {
+ if ( !MetaDataBase::hasFunction( this, "init()" ) )
+ MetaDataBase::addFunction( this, "init()", "", "private", "function",
+ project()->language(), "void" );
+ if ( !MetaDataBase::hasFunction( this, "destroy()" ) )
+ MetaDataBase::addFunction( this, "destroy()", "", "private", "function",
+ project()->language(), "void" );
+ if ( !MetaDataBase::hasConnection( this, mainContainer(), "shown()", mainContainer(), "init" ) )
+ MetaDataBase::addConnection( this, mainContainer(), "shown()", mainContainer(), "init" );
+ if ( !MetaDataBase::hasConnection( this, mainContainer(), "destroyed()", mainContainer(), "destroy" ) )
+ MetaDataBase::addConnection( this, mainContainer(), "destroyed()",
+ mainContainer(), "destroy" );
+ }
+ }
+bool FormWindow::savePixmapInline() const
+ return pixInline;
+bool FormWindow::savePixmapInProject() const
+ return pixProject;
+QString FormWindow::pixmapLoaderFunction() const
+ return pixLoader;
+void FormWindow::setSavePixmapInline( bool b )
+ pixInline = b;
+ if ( b )
+ pixProject = FALSE;
+void FormWindow::setSavePixmapInProject( bool b )
+ pixProject = b;
+ if ( b )
+ pixInline = FALSE;
+void FormWindow::setPixmapLoaderFunction( const QString &func )
+ pixLoader = func;
+void FormWindow::setActiveObject( QObject *o )
+ emitShowProperties( o );
+ propertyWidget = o;
+void FormWindow::setProject( Project *pro )
+ proj = pro;
+Project *FormWindow::project() const
+ return proj;
+QAction *FormWindow::findAction( const QString &name )
+ for ( QAction *a = actionList().first(); a; a = actionList().next() ) {
+ if ( QString( a->name() ) == name )
+ return a;
+ QAction *ac = (QAction*)a->child( name.latin1(), "QAction" );
+ if ( ac )
+ return ac;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void FormWindow::killAccels( QObject *top )
+ QObjectList *l = top->queryList( "QAccel" );
+ if ( !l )
+ return;
+ for ( QObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() )
+ ( (QAccel*)o )->setEnabled( FALSE );
+ delete l;
+DesignerFormWindow *FormWindow::iFace()
+ if ( !iface )
+ iface = new DesignerFormWindowImpl( this );
+ return iface;
+bool FormWindow::isCentralWidget( QObject *w ) const
+ if ( !::qt_cast<QMainWindow*>(mainContainer()) )
+ return FALSE;
+ return w == ( (QMainWindow*)mainContainer() )->centralWidget();
+int FormWindow::layoutDefaultSpacing() const
+ return defSpacing;
+int FormWindow::layoutDefaultMargin() const
+ return defMargin;
+void FormWindow::setLayoutDefaultSpacing( int s )
+ defSpacing = s;
+void FormWindow::setLayoutDefaultMargin( int s )
+ defMargin = s;
+void FormWindow::setSpacingFunction( const QString &funct )
+ spacFunction = funct;
+QString FormWindow::spacingFunction() const
+ return spacFunction;
+void FormWindow::hasLayoutFunctions( bool b )
+ hasLayoutFunc = b;
+bool FormWindow::hasLayoutFunctions() const
+ return hasLayoutFunc;
+void FormWindow::setMarginFunction( const QString &funct )
+ margFunction = funct;
+QString FormWindow::marginFunction() const
+ return margFunction;
+FormFile *FormWindow::formFile() const
+ return ff;
+void FormWindow::setFormFile( FormFile *f )
+ ff = f;
+ if ( ff )
+ connect( this, SIGNAL( modificationChanged(bool, const QString&) ), ff, SLOT( formWindowChangedSomehow() ) );
+bool FormWindow::canBeBuddy( const QWidget *w ) const
+ return w->focusPolicy() != QWidget::NoFocus;
+bool FormWindow::event( QEvent *e )
+ if (e->type() == QEvent::ShowMaximized)
+ {
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030300
+ if ( isMaximized() )
+ setWindowState( windowState() & ~WindowMaximized | WindowActive);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return QWidget::event(e);