path: root/lib/cppparser/ast.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/cppparser/ast.h')
1 files changed, 1578 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/cppparser/ast.h b/lib/cppparser/ast.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e877e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cppparser/ast.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1578 @@
+/* This file is part of KDevelop
+ Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Roberto Raggi <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef __ast_h
+#define __ast_h
+#include <memory>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <ksharedptr.h>
+#if defined( Q_OS_WIN32 ) || defined( Q_CC_SUN )
+#ifndef _THROW0
+# define _THROW0()
+template <class _Tp> class AUTO_PTR {
+ _Tp* _M_ptr;
+ typedef _Tp element_type;
+ explicit AUTO_PTR(_Tp* __p = 0) _THROW0() : _M_ptr(__p) {}
+ template <class _Tp1> AUTO_PTR(AUTO_PTR<_Tp1>& __a) _THROW0()
+ : _M_ptr(__a.release()) {}
+ AUTO_PTR(AUTO_PTR& __a) _THROW0() : _M_ptr(__a.release()) {}
+ template <class _Tp1>
+ AUTO_PTR& operator=(AUTO_PTR<_Tp1>& __a) _THROW0() {
+ if (__a.get() != this->get()) {
+ delete _M_ptr;
+ _M_ptr = __a.release();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ AUTO_PTR& operator=(AUTO_PTR& __a) _THROW0() {
+ if (&__a != this) {
+ delete _M_ptr;
+ _M_ptr = __a.release();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ~AUTO_PTR() _THROW0() { delete _M_ptr; }
+ _Tp& operator*() const _THROW0() {
+ return *_M_ptr;
+ }
+ _Tp* operator->() const _THROW0() {
+ return _M_ptr;
+ }
+ _Tp* get() const _THROW0() {
+ return _M_ptr;
+ }
+ _Tp* release() _THROW0() {
+ _Tp* __tmp = _M_ptr;
+ _M_ptr = 0;
+ return __tmp;
+ }
+ void reset(_Tp* __p = 0) _THROW0() {
+ delete _M_ptr;
+ _M_ptr = __p;
+ }
+ // According to the C++ standard, these conversions are required. Most
+ // present-day compilers, however, do not enforce that requirement---and,
+ // in fact, most present-day compilers do not support the language
+ // features that these conversions rely on.
+ template<class _Tp1> struct AUTO_PTR_ref {
+ _Tp1* _M_ptr;
+ AUTO_PTR_ref(_Tp1* __p) : _M_ptr(__p) {}
+ };
+ AUTO_PTR(AUTO_PTR_ref<_Tp> __ref) _THROW0()
+ : _M_ptr(__ref._M_ptr) {}
+ template <class _Tp1> operator AUTO_PTR_ref<_Tp1>() _THROW0()
+ { return AUTO_PTR_ref<_Tp>(this->release()); }
+ template <class _Tp1> operator AUTO_PTR<_Tp1>() _THROW0()
+ { return AUTO_PTR<_Tp1>(this->release()) }
+#define AUTO_PTR std::auto_ptr
+template <class T> typename T::Node CreateNode()
+ typename T::Node node( new T );
+ node->setNodeType( T::Type );
+ return node;
+template <class T> typename T::Node NullNode()
+ typename T::Node node;
+ return node;
+enum NodeType
+ NodeType_Generic = 0,
+ NodeType_TemplateArgumentList = 1000,
+ NodeType_ClassOrNamespaceName,
+ NodeType_Name,
+ NodeType_Declaration,
+ NodeType_TypeSpecifier,
+ NodeType_BaseSpecifier,
+ NodeType_BaseClause,
+ NodeType_ClassSpecifier,
+ NodeType_Enumerator,
+ NodeType_EnumSpecifier,
+ NodeType_ElaboratedTypeSpecifier,
+ NodeType_LinkageBody,
+ NodeType_LinkageSpecification,
+ NodeType_Namespace,
+ NodeType_NamespaceAlias,
+ NodeType_Using,
+ NodeType_UsingDirective,
+ NodeType_InitDeclaratorList,
+ NodeType_Typedef,
+ NodeType_Declarator,
+ NodeType_InitDeclarator,
+ NodeType_TemplateDeclaration,
+ NodeType_SimpleDeclaration,
+ NodeType_Statement,
+ NodeType_StatementList,
+ NodeType_IfStatement,
+ NodeType_WhileStatement,
+ NodeType_DoStatement,
+ NodeType_ForStatement,
+ NodeType_ForEachStatement, // qt4 [erbsland]
+ NodeType_SwitchStatement,
+ NodeType_CatchStatement,
+ NodeType_CatchStatementList,
+ NodeType_TryBlockStatement,
+ NodeType_DeclarationStatement,
+ NodeType_TranslationUnit,
+ NodeType_FunctionDefinition,
+ NodeType_ExpressionStatement,
+ NodeType_ParameterDeclaration,
+ NodeType_ParameterDeclarationList,
+ NodeType_ParameterDeclarationClause,
+ NodeType_Group,
+ NodeType_AccessDeclaration,
+ NodeType_TypeParameter,
+ NodeType_TemplateParameter,
+ NodeType_TemplateParameterList,
+ NodeType_Condition,
+ NodeType_Custom = 2000
+QString nodeTypeToString( int type );
+#include <quick_allocator.h>
+#define DECLARE_ALLOC(tp) \
+ void * operator new(std::size_t) \
+ { \
+ return quick_allocator< tp >::alloc(); \
+ } \
+ \
+ void operator delete(void * p) \
+ { \
+ quick_allocator< tp >::dealloc(p); \
+ }
+#define DECLARE_ALLOC(tp)
+struct Slice
+ QString source;
+ int position;
+ int length;
+ inline Slice()
+ : position(0), length(0) {}
+class CommentAST {
+ QString m_comment;
+ public:
+ void setComment( const QString& comment ) {
+ m_comment = comment;
+ }
+ void addComment( const QString& comment ) {
+ if( !m_comment.isEmpty() ) {
+ m_comment += "\n(" + comment + ")";
+ } else {
+ m_comment = comment;
+ }
+ }
+ QString comment() const {
+ return m_comment;
+ }
+ bool haveComment() const {
+ return !m_comment.isEmpty();
+ }
+class AST : public CommentAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<AST> Node;
+ enum { Type=NodeType_Generic };
+ AST();
+ virtual ~AST();
+ int nodeType() const { return m_nodeType; }
+ void setNodeType( int nodeType ) { m_nodeType = nodeType; }
+ AST* parent() { return m_parent; }
+ void setParent( AST* parent );
+ void setStartPosition( int line, int col );
+ void getStartPosition( int* line, int* col ) const;
+ void setEndPosition( int line, int col );
+ void getEndPosition( int* line, int* col ) const;
+ QPtrList<AST> children() { return m_children; }
+ void appendChild( AST* child );
+ void removeChild( AST* child );
+ virtual inline QString text() const
+ { return m_slice.source.mid(m_slice.position, m_slice.length); }
+ inline void setSlice( const Slice& slice )
+ { m_slice = slice; }
+ inline void setSlice( const QString &text, int position, int length )
+ {
+ CommentAST a;
+ m_slice.source = text;
+ m_slice.position = position;
+ m_slice.length = length;
+ }
+ inline void setText(const QString &text)
+ { setSlice(text, 0, text.length()); }
+ int m_nodeType;
+ AST* m_parent;
+ int m_startLine, m_startColumn;
+ int m_endLine, m_endColumn;
+ Slice m_slice;
+ QPtrList<AST> m_children;
+ AST( const AST& source );
+ void operator = ( const AST& source );
+class GroupAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<GroupAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_Group };
+ GroupAST();
+ QPtrList<AST> nodeList() { return m_nodeList; }
+ void addNode( AST::Node& node );
+ virtual QString text() const;
+ QPtrList<AST> m_nodeList;
+ GroupAST( const GroupAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const GroupAST& source );
+class TemplateArgumentListAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<TemplateArgumentListAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_TemplateArgumentList };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( TemplateArgumentListAST )
+ TemplateArgumentListAST();
+ void addArgument( AST::Node& arg );
+ QPtrList<AST> argumentList() { return m_argumentList; }
+ virtual QString text() const;
+ QPtrList<AST> m_argumentList;
+ TemplateArgumentListAST( const TemplateArgumentListAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const TemplateArgumentListAST& source );
+class ClassOrNamespaceNameAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<ClassOrNamespaceNameAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_ClassOrNamespaceName };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( ClassOrNamespaceNameAST )
+ ClassOrNamespaceNameAST();
+ AST* name() { return m_name.get(); }
+ void setName( AST::Node& name );
+ TemplateArgumentListAST* templateArgumentList() { return m_templateArgumentList.get(); }
+ void setTemplateArgumentList( TemplateArgumentListAST::Node& templateArgumentList );
+ virtual QString text() const;
+ AST::Node m_name;
+ TemplateArgumentListAST::Node m_templateArgumentList;
+ ClassOrNamespaceNameAST( const ClassOrNamespaceNameAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const ClassOrNamespaceNameAST& source );
+class NameAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<NameAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_Name };
+ NameAST();
+ bool isGlobal() const { return m_global; }
+ void setGlobal( bool b );
+ void addClassOrNamespaceName( ClassOrNamespaceNameAST::Node& classOrNamespaceName );
+ QPtrList<ClassOrNamespaceNameAST> classOrNamespaceNameList() { return m_classOrNamespaceNameList; }
+ ClassOrNamespaceNameAST* unqualifiedName() { return m_unqualifiedName.get(); }
+ void setUnqualifiedName( ClassOrNamespaceNameAST::Node& unqualifiedName );
+ virtual QString text() const;
+ bool m_global;
+ ClassOrNamespaceNameAST::Node m_unqualifiedName;
+ QPtrList<ClassOrNamespaceNameAST> m_classOrNamespaceNameList;
+ NameAST( const NameAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const NameAST& source );
+class TypeParameterAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<TypeParameterAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_TypeParameter };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( TypeParameterAST )
+ TypeParameterAST();
+ AST* kind() { return m_kind.get(); }
+ void setKind( AST::Node& kind );
+ class TemplateParameterListAST* templateParameterList() { return m_templateParameterList.get(); }
+ void setTemplateParameterList( AUTO_PTR<class TemplateParameterListAST>& templateParameterList );
+ NameAST* name() { return m_name.get(); }
+ void setName( NameAST::Node& name );
+ AST* typeId() { return m_typeId.get(); }
+ void setTypeId( AST::Node& typeId );
+ AST::Node m_kind;
+ AUTO_PTR<class TemplateParameterListAST> m_templateParameterList;
+ NameAST::Node m_name;
+ AST::Node m_typeId;
+ TypeParameterAST( const TypeParameterAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const TypeParameterAST& source );
+class DeclarationAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<DeclarationAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_Declaration };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( DeclarationAST )
+ DeclarationAST();
+ DeclarationAST( const DeclarationAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const DeclarationAST& source );
+class AccessDeclarationAST: public DeclarationAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<AccessDeclarationAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_AccessDeclaration };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( AccessDeclarationAST )
+ AccessDeclarationAST();
+ QPtrList<AST> accessList() { return m_accessList; }
+ void addAccess( AST::Node& access );
+ virtual QString text() const;
+ QPtrList<AST> m_accessList;
+ AccessDeclarationAST( const AccessDeclarationAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const AccessDeclarationAST& source );
+class TypeSpecifierAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<TypeSpecifierAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_TypeSpecifier };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( TypeSpecifierAST )
+ TypeSpecifierAST();
+ virtual NameAST* name() { return m_name.get(); }
+ virtual void setName( NameAST::Node& name );
+ GroupAST* cvQualify() { return m_cvQualify.get(); }
+ void setCvQualify( GroupAST::Node& cvQualify );
+ GroupAST* cv2Qualify() { return m_cv2Qualify.get(); }
+ void setCv2Qualify( GroupAST::Node& cv2Qualify );
+ virtual QString text() const;
+ NameAST::Node m_name;
+ GroupAST::Node m_cvQualify;
+ GroupAST::Node m_cv2Qualify;
+ TypeSpecifierAST( const TypeSpecifierAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const TypeSpecifierAST& source );
+class BaseSpecifierAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<BaseSpecifierAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_BaseSpecifier };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( BaseSpecifierAST )
+ BaseSpecifierAST();
+ AST* isVirtual() { return m_isVirtual.get(); }
+ void setIsVirtual( AST::Node& isVirtual );
+ AST* access() { return m_access.get(); }
+ void setAccess( AST::Node& access );
+ NameAST* name() { return m_name.get(); }
+ void setName( NameAST::Node& name );
+ AST::Node m_isVirtual;
+ AST::Node m_access;
+ NameAST::Node m_name;
+ BaseSpecifierAST( const BaseSpecifierAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const BaseSpecifierAST& source );
+class BaseClauseAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<BaseClauseAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_BaseClause };
+ BaseClauseAST();
+ void addBaseSpecifier( BaseSpecifierAST::Node& baseSpecifier );
+ QPtrList<BaseSpecifierAST> baseSpecifierList() { return m_baseSpecifierList; }
+ QPtrList<BaseSpecifierAST> m_baseSpecifierList;
+ BaseClauseAST( const BaseClauseAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const BaseClauseAST& source );
+class ClassSpecifierAST: public TypeSpecifierAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<ClassSpecifierAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_ClassSpecifier };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( ClassSpecifierAST )
+ ClassSpecifierAST();
+ GroupAST* winDeclSpec() { return m_winDeclSpec.get(); }
+ void setWinDeclSpec( GroupAST::Node& winDeclSpec );
+ AST* classKey() { return m_classKey.get(); }
+ void setClassKey( AST::Node& classKey );
+ BaseClauseAST* baseClause() { return m_baseClause.get(); }
+ void setBaseClause( BaseClauseAST::Node& baseClause );
+ QPtrList<DeclarationAST> declarationList() { return m_declarationList; }
+ void addDeclaration( DeclarationAST::Node& declaration );
+ GroupAST::Node m_winDeclSpec;
+ AST::Node m_classKey;
+ BaseClauseAST::Node m_baseClause;
+ QPtrList<DeclarationAST> m_declarationList;
+ ClassSpecifierAST( const ClassSpecifierAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const ClassSpecifierAST& source );
+class EnumeratorAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<EnumeratorAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_Enumerator };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( EnumeratorAST )
+ EnumeratorAST();
+ AST* id() { return m_id.get(); }
+ void setId( AST::Node& id );
+ AST* expr() { return m_expr.get(); }
+ void setExpr( AST::Node& expr );
+ AST::Node m_id;
+ AST::Node m_expr;
+ EnumeratorAST( const EnumeratorAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const EnumeratorAST& source );
+class EnumSpecifierAST: public TypeSpecifierAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<EnumSpecifierAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_EnumSpecifier };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( EnumSpecifierAST )
+ EnumSpecifierAST();
+ void addEnumerator( EnumeratorAST::Node& enumerator );
+ QPtrList<EnumeratorAST> enumeratorList() { return m_enumeratorList; }
+ QPtrList<EnumeratorAST> m_enumeratorList;
+ EnumSpecifierAST( const EnumSpecifierAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const EnumSpecifierAST& source );
+class ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST: public TypeSpecifierAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_ElaboratedTypeSpecifier };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST )
+ ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST();
+ AST* kind() { return m_kind.get(); }
+ void setKind( AST::Node& kind );
+ virtual QString text() const;
+ AST::Node m_kind;
+ ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST( const ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const ElaboratedTypeSpecifierAST& source );
+class LinkageBodyAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<LinkageBodyAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_LinkageBody };
+ LinkageBodyAST();
+ void addDeclaration( DeclarationAST::Node& ast );
+ QPtrList<DeclarationAST> declarationList() { return m_declarationList; }
+ QPtrList<DeclarationAST> m_declarationList;
+ LinkageBodyAST( const LinkageBodyAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const LinkageBodyAST& source );
+class LinkageSpecificationAST: public DeclarationAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<LinkageSpecificationAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_LinkageSpecification };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( LinkageSpecificationAST )
+ LinkageSpecificationAST();
+ AST* externType() { return m_externType.get(); }
+ void setExternType( AST::Node& externType );
+ LinkageBodyAST* linkageBody() { return m_linkageBody.get(); }
+ void setLinkageBody( LinkageBodyAST::Node& linkageBody );
+ DeclarationAST* declaration() { return m_declaration.get(); }
+ void setDeclaration( DeclarationAST::Node& decl );
+ AST::Node m_externType;
+ LinkageBodyAST::Node m_linkageBody;
+ DeclarationAST::Node m_declaration;
+ LinkageSpecificationAST( const LinkageSpecificationAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const LinkageSpecificationAST& source );
+class NamespaceAST: public DeclarationAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<NamespaceAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_Namespace };
+ NamespaceAST();
+ AST* namespaceName() { return m_namespaceName.get(); }
+ void setNamespaceName( AST::Node& namespaceName );
+ LinkageBodyAST* linkageBody() { return m_linkageBody.get(); }
+ void setLinkageBody( LinkageBodyAST::Node& linkageBody );
+ AST::Node m_namespaceName;
+ LinkageBodyAST::Node m_linkageBody;
+ NamespaceAST( const NamespaceAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const NamespaceAST& source );
+class NamespaceAliasAST: public DeclarationAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<NamespaceAliasAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_NamespaceAlias };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( NamespaceAliasAST )
+ NamespaceAliasAST();
+ AST* namespaceName() { return m_namespaceName.get(); }
+ void setNamespaceName( AST::Node& name );
+ NameAST* aliasName() { return m_aliasName.get(); }
+ void setAliasName( NameAST::Node& name );
+ AST::Node m_namespaceName;
+ NameAST::Node m_aliasName;
+ NamespaceAliasAST( const NamespaceAliasAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const NamespaceAliasAST& source );
+class UsingAST: public DeclarationAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<UsingAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_Using };
+ UsingAST();
+ AST* typeName() { return m_typeName.get(); }
+ void setTypeName( AST::Node& typeName );
+ NameAST* name() { return m_name.get(); }
+ void setName( NameAST::Node& name );
+ AST::Node m_typeName;
+ NameAST::Node m_name;
+ UsingAST( const UsingAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const UsingAST& source );
+class UsingDirectiveAST: public DeclarationAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<UsingDirectiveAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_UsingDirective };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( UsingDirectiveAST )
+ UsingDirectiveAST();
+ NameAST* name() { return m_name.get(); }
+ void setName( NameAST::Node& name );
+ NameAST::Node m_name;
+ UsingDirectiveAST( const UsingDirectiveAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const UsingDirectiveAST& source );
+class DeclaratorAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<DeclaratorAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_Declarator };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( DeclaratorAST )
+ DeclaratorAST();
+ QPtrList<AST> ptrOpList() { return m_ptrOpList; }
+ void addPtrOp( AST::Node& ptrOp );
+ DeclaratorAST* subDeclarator() { return m_subDeclarator.get(); }
+ void setSubDeclarator( AUTO_PTR<DeclaratorAST>& subDeclarator );
+ NameAST* declaratorId() { return m_declaratorId.get(); }
+ void setDeclaratorId( NameAST::Node& declaratorId );
+ AST* bitfieldInitialization() { return m_bitfieldInitialization.get(); }
+ void setBitfieldInitialization( AST::Node& bitfieldInitialization );
+ QPtrList<AST> arrayDimensionList() { return m_arrayDimensionList; }
+ void addArrayDimension( AST::Node& arrayDimension );
+ class ParameterDeclarationClauseAST* parameterDeclarationClause() { return m_parameterDeclarationClause.get(); }
+ void setParameterDeclarationClause( AUTO_PTR<class ParameterDeclarationClauseAST>& parameterDeclarationClause );
+ // ### replace 'constant' with cvQualify
+ AST* constant() { return m_constant.get(); }
+ void setConstant( AST::Node& constant );
+ GroupAST* exceptionSpecification() { return m_exceptionSpecification.get(); }
+ void setExceptionSpecification( GroupAST::Node& exceptionSpecification );
+ QPtrList<AST> m_ptrOpList;
+ AUTO_PTR<DeclaratorAST> m_subDeclarator;
+ NameAST::Node m_declaratorId;
+ AST::Node m_bitfieldInitialization;
+ QPtrList<AST> m_arrayDimensionList;
+ AUTO_PTR<class ParameterDeclarationClauseAST> m_parameterDeclarationClause;
+ AST::Node m_constant;
+ GroupAST::Node m_exceptionSpecification;
+ DeclaratorAST( const DeclaratorAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const DeclaratorAST& source );
+class ParameterDeclarationAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<ParameterDeclarationAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_ParameterDeclaration };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( ParameterDeclarationAST )
+ ParameterDeclarationAST();
+ TypeSpecifierAST* typeSpec() { return m_typeSpec.get(); }
+ void setTypeSpec( TypeSpecifierAST::Node& typeSpec );
+ DeclaratorAST* declarator() { return m_declarator.get(); }
+ void setDeclarator( DeclaratorAST::Node& declarator );
+ AST* expression() { return m_expression.get(); }
+ void setExpression( AST::Node& expression );
+ virtual QString text() const;
+ TypeSpecifierAST::Node m_typeSpec;
+ DeclaratorAST::Node m_declarator;
+ AST::Node m_expression;
+ ParameterDeclarationAST( const ParameterDeclarationAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const ParameterDeclarationAST& source );
+class ParameterDeclarationListAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<ParameterDeclarationListAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_ParameterDeclarationList };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( ParameterDeclarationListAST )
+ ParameterDeclarationListAST();
+ QPtrList<ParameterDeclarationAST> parameterList() { return m_parameterList; }
+ void addParameter( ParameterDeclarationAST::Node& parameter );
+ virtual QString text() const;
+ QPtrList<ParameterDeclarationAST> m_parameterList;
+ ParameterDeclarationListAST( const ParameterDeclarationListAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const ParameterDeclarationListAST& source );
+class ParameterDeclarationClauseAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<ParameterDeclarationClauseAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_ParameterDeclarationClause };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( ParameterDeclarationClauseAST )
+ ParameterDeclarationClauseAST();
+ ParameterDeclarationListAST* parameterDeclarationList() { return m_parameterDeclarationList.get(); }
+ void setParameterDeclarationList( ParameterDeclarationListAST::Node& parameterDeclarationList );
+ AST* ellipsis() { return m_ellipsis.get(); }
+ void setEllipsis( AST::Node& ellipsis );
+ virtual QString text() const;
+ ParameterDeclarationListAST::Node m_parameterDeclarationList;
+ AST::Node m_ellipsis;
+ ParameterDeclarationClauseAST( const ParameterDeclarationClauseAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const ParameterDeclarationClauseAST& source );
+class InitDeclaratorAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<InitDeclaratorAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_InitDeclarator };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( InitDeclaratorAST )
+ InitDeclaratorAST();
+ DeclaratorAST* declarator() { return m_declarator.get(); }
+ void setDeclarator( DeclaratorAST::Node& declarator );
+ AST* initializer() { return m_initializer.get(); }
+ void setInitializer( AST::Node& initializer );
+ DeclaratorAST::Node m_declarator;
+ AST::Node m_initializer;
+ InitDeclaratorAST( const InitDeclaratorAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const InitDeclaratorAST& source );
+class InitDeclaratorListAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<InitDeclaratorListAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_InitDeclaratorList };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( InitDeclaratorListAST )
+ InitDeclaratorListAST();
+ QPtrList<InitDeclaratorAST> initDeclaratorList() { return m_initDeclaratorList; }
+ void addInitDeclarator( InitDeclaratorAST::Node& decl );
+ QPtrList<InitDeclaratorAST> m_initDeclaratorList;
+ InitDeclaratorListAST( const InitDeclaratorListAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const InitDeclaratorListAST& source );
+class TypedefAST: public DeclarationAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<TypedefAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_Typedef };
+ TypedefAST();
+ TypeSpecifierAST* typeSpec() { return m_typeSpec.get(); }
+ void setTypeSpec( TypeSpecifierAST::Node& typeSpec );
+ InitDeclaratorListAST* initDeclaratorList() { return m_initDeclaratorList.get(); }
+ void setInitDeclaratorList( InitDeclaratorListAST::Node& initDeclaratorList );
+ TypeSpecifierAST::Node m_typeSpec;
+ InitDeclaratorListAST::Node m_initDeclaratorList;
+ TypedefAST( const TypedefAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const TypedefAST& source );
+class TemplateParameterAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<TemplateParameterAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_TemplateParameter };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( TemplateParameterAST )
+ TemplateParameterAST();
+ TypeParameterAST* typeParameter() { return m_typeParameter.get(); }
+ void setTypeParameter( TypeParameterAST::Node& typeParameter );
+ ParameterDeclarationAST* typeValueParameter() { return m_typeValueParameter.get(); }
+ void setTypeValueParameter( ParameterDeclarationAST::Node& typeValueParameter );
+ TypeParameterAST::Node m_typeParameter;
+ ParameterDeclarationAST::Node m_typeValueParameter;
+ TemplateParameterAST( const TemplateParameterAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const TemplateParameterAST& source );
+class TemplateParameterListAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<TemplateParameterListAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_TemplateParameterList };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( TemplateParameterListAST )
+ TemplateParameterListAST();
+ QPtrList<TemplateParameterAST> templateParameterList() { return m_templateParameterList; }
+ void addTemplateParameter( TemplateParameterAST::Node& templateParameter );
+ QPtrList<TemplateParameterAST> m_templateParameterList;
+ TemplateParameterListAST( const TemplateParameterListAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const TemplateParameterListAST& source );
+class TemplateDeclarationAST: public DeclarationAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<TemplateDeclarationAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_TemplateDeclaration };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( TemplateDeclarationAST )
+ TemplateDeclarationAST();
+ AST* exported() { return m_exported.get(); }
+ void setExported( AST::Node& exported );
+ TemplateParameterListAST* templateParameterList() { return m_templateParameterList.get(); }
+ void setTemplateParameterList( TemplateParameterListAST::Node& templateParameterList );
+ DeclarationAST* declaration() { return m_declaration.get(); }
+ void setDeclaration( DeclarationAST::Node& declaration );
+ AST::Node m_exported;
+ TemplateParameterListAST::Node m_templateParameterList;
+ DeclarationAST::Node m_declaration;
+ TemplateDeclarationAST( const TemplateDeclarationAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const TemplateDeclarationAST& source );
+class SimpleDeclarationAST: public DeclarationAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<SimpleDeclarationAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_SimpleDeclaration };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( SimpleDeclarationAST )
+ SimpleDeclarationAST();
+ GroupAST* functionSpecifier() { return m_functionSpecifier.get(); }
+ void setFunctionSpecifier( GroupAST::Node& functionSpecifier );
+ GroupAST* storageSpecifier() { return m_storageSpecifier.get(); }
+ void setStorageSpecifier( GroupAST::Node& storageSpecifier );
+ TypeSpecifierAST* typeSpec() { return m_typeSpec.get(); }
+ void setTypeSpec( TypeSpecifierAST::Node& typeSpec );
+ InitDeclaratorListAST* initDeclaratorList() { return m_initDeclaratorList.get(); }
+ void setInitDeclaratorList( InitDeclaratorListAST::Node& initDeclaratorList );
+ GroupAST* winDeclSpec() { return m_winDeclSpec.get(); }
+ void setWinDeclSpec( GroupAST::Node& winDeclSpec );
+ GroupAST::Node m_functionSpecifier;
+ GroupAST::Node m_storageSpecifier;
+ TypeSpecifierAST::Node m_typeSpec;
+ InitDeclaratorListAST::Node m_initDeclaratorList;
+ GroupAST::Node m_winDeclSpec;
+ SimpleDeclarationAST( const SimpleDeclarationAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const SimpleDeclarationAST& source );
+class StatementAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<StatementAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_Statement };
+ StatementAST();
+ StatementAST( const StatementAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const StatementAST& source );
+class ExpressionStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<ExpressionStatementAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_ExpressionStatement };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( ExpressionStatementAST )
+ ExpressionStatementAST();
+ AST* expression() { return m_expression.get(); }
+ void setExpression( AST::Node& expression );
+ AST::Node m_expression;
+ ExpressionStatementAST( const ExpressionStatementAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const ExpressionStatementAST& source );
+class ConditionAST: public AST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<ConditionAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_Condition };
+ ConditionAST();
+ TypeSpecifierAST* typeSpec() { return m_typeSpec.get(); }
+ void setTypeSpec( TypeSpecifierAST::Node& typeSpec );
+ DeclaratorAST* declarator() { return m_declarator.get(); }
+ void setDeclarator( DeclaratorAST::Node& declarator );
+ AST* expression() { return m_expression.get(); }
+ void setExpression( AST::Node& expression );
+ TypeSpecifierAST::Node m_typeSpec;
+ DeclaratorAST::Node m_declarator;
+ AST::Node m_expression;
+ ConditionAST( const ConditionAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const ConditionAST& source );
+class IfStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<IfStatementAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_IfStatement };
+ IfStatementAST();
+ ConditionAST* condition() const { return m_condition.get(); }
+ void setCondition( ConditionAST::Node& condition );
+ StatementAST* statement() { return m_statement.get(); }
+ void setStatement( StatementAST::Node& statement );
+ StatementAST* elseStatement() { return m_elseStatement.get(); }
+ void setElseStatement( StatementAST::Node& statement );
+ ConditionAST::Node m_condition;
+ StatementAST::Node m_statement;
+ StatementAST::Node m_elseStatement;
+ IfStatementAST( const IfStatementAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const IfStatementAST& source );
+class WhileStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<WhileStatementAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_WhileStatement };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( WhileStatementAST )
+ WhileStatementAST();
+ ConditionAST* condition() const { return m_condition.get(); }
+ void setCondition( ConditionAST::Node& condition );
+ StatementAST* statement() { return m_statement.get(); }
+ void setStatement( StatementAST::Node& statement );
+ ConditionAST::Node m_condition;
+ StatementAST::Node m_statement;
+ WhileStatementAST( const WhileStatementAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const WhileStatementAST& source );
+class DoStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<DoStatementAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_DoStatement };
+ DoStatementAST();
+ ConditionAST* condition() const { return m_condition.get(); }
+ void setCondition( ConditionAST::Node& condition );
+ StatementAST* statement() { return m_statement.get(); }
+ void setStatement( StatementAST::Node& statement );
+ ConditionAST::Node m_condition;
+ StatementAST::Node m_statement;
+ DoStatementAST( const DoStatementAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const DoStatementAST& source );
+class ForStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<ForStatementAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_ForStatement };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( ForStatementAST )
+ ForStatementAST();
+ StatementAST* initStatement() { return m_initStatement.get(); }
+ void setInitStatement( StatementAST::Node& statement );
+ ConditionAST* condition() const { return m_condition.get(); }
+ void setCondition( ConditionAST::Node& condition );
+ AST* expression() const { return m_expression.get(); }
+ void setExpression( AST::Node& expression );
+ StatementAST* statement() { return m_statement.get(); }
+ void setStatement( StatementAST::Node& statement );
+ ConditionAST::Node m_condition;
+ StatementAST::Node m_initStatement;
+ StatementAST::Node m_statement;
+ AST::Node m_expression;
+ ForStatementAST( const ForStatementAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const ForStatementAST& source );
+// qt4 [erbsland]
+class ForEachStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<ForEachStatementAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_ForEachStatement };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( ForEachStatementAST )
+ ForEachStatementAST();
+ StatementAST* initStatement() { return m_initStatement.get(); }
+ void setInitStatement( StatementAST::Node& statement );
+ StatementAST* statement() { return m_statement.get(); }
+ void setStatement( StatementAST::Node& statement );
+ AST* expression() const { return m_expression.get(); }
+ void setExpression( AST::Node& expression );
+ StatementAST::Node m_initStatement;
+ StatementAST::Node m_statement;
+ AST::Node m_expression;
+ ForEachStatementAST( const ForEachStatementAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const ForEachStatementAST& source );
+class SwitchStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<SwitchStatementAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_SwitchStatement };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( SwitchStatementAST )
+ SwitchStatementAST();
+ ConditionAST* condition() const { return m_condition.get(); }
+ void setCondition( ConditionAST::Node& condition );
+ StatementAST* statement() { return m_statement.get(); }
+ void setStatement( StatementAST::Node& statement );
+ ConditionAST::Node m_condition;
+ StatementAST::Node m_statement;
+ SwitchStatementAST( const SwitchStatementAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const SwitchStatementAST& source );
+class StatementListAST: public StatementAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<StatementListAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_StatementList };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( StatementListAST )
+ StatementListAST();
+ QPtrList<StatementAST> statementList() { return m_statementList; }
+ void addStatement( StatementAST::Node& statement );
+ QPtrList<StatementAST> m_statementList;
+ StatementListAST( const StatementListAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const StatementListAST& source );
+class CatchStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<CatchStatementAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_CatchStatement };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( CatchStatementAST )
+ CatchStatementAST();
+ ConditionAST* condition() const { return m_condition.get(); }
+ void setCondition( ConditionAST::Node& condition );
+ StatementAST* statement() { return m_statement.get(); }
+ void setStatement( StatementAST::Node& statement );
+ ConditionAST::Node m_condition;
+ StatementAST::Node m_statement;
+ CatchStatementAST( const CatchStatementAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const CatchStatementAST& source );
+class CatchStatementListAST: public StatementAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<CatchStatementListAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_CatchStatementList };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( CatchStatementListAST )
+ CatchStatementListAST();
+ QPtrList<CatchStatementAST> statementList() { return m_statementList; }
+ void addStatement( CatchStatementAST::Node& statement );
+ QPtrList<CatchStatementAST> m_statementList;
+ CatchStatementListAST( const CatchStatementListAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const CatchStatementListAST& source );
+class TryBlockStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<TryBlockStatementAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_TryBlockStatement };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( TryBlockStatementAST )
+ TryBlockStatementAST();
+ StatementAST* statement() { return m_statement.get(); }
+ void setStatement( StatementAST::Node& statement );
+ CatchStatementListAST* catchStatementList() { return m_catchStatementList.get(); }
+ void setCatchStatementList( CatchStatementListAST::Node& statementList );
+ StatementAST::Node m_statement;
+ CatchStatementListAST::Node m_catchStatementList;
+ TryBlockStatementAST( const TryBlockStatementAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const TryBlockStatementAST& source );
+class DeclarationStatementAST: public StatementAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<DeclarationStatementAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_DeclarationStatement };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( DeclarationStatementAST )
+ DeclarationStatementAST();
+ DeclarationAST* declaration() { return m_declaration.get(); }
+ void setDeclaration( DeclarationAST::Node& declaration );
+ DeclarationAST::Node m_declaration;
+ DeclarationStatementAST( const DeclarationStatementAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const DeclarationStatementAST& source );
+class FunctionDefinitionAST: public DeclarationAST
+ typedef AUTO_PTR<FunctionDefinitionAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_FunctionDefinition };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( FunctionDefinitionAST )
+ FunctionDefinitionAST();
+ GroupAST* functionSpecifier() { return m_functionSpecifier.get(); }
+ void setFunctionSpecifier( GroupAST::Node& functionSpecifier );
+ GroupAST* storageSpecifier() { return m_storageSpecifier.get(); }
+ void setStorageSpecifier( GroupAST::Node& storageSpecifier );
+ TypeSpecifierAST* typeSpec() { return m_typeSpec.get(); }
+ void setTypeSpec( TypeSpecifierAST::Node& typeSpec );
+ InitDeclaratorAST* initDeclarator() { return m_initDeclarator.get(); }
+ void setInitDeclarator( InitDeclaratorAST::Node& initDeclarator );
+ StatementListAST* functionBody() { return m_functionBody.get(); }
+ void setFunctionBody( StatementListAST::Node& functionBody );
+ GroupAST* winDeclSpec() { return m_winDeclSpec.get(); }
+ void setWinDeclSpec( GroupAST::Node& winDeclSpec );
+ GroupAST::Node m_functionSpecifier;
+ GroupAST::Node m_storageSpecifier;
+ TypeSpecifierAST::Node m_typeSpec;
+ InitDeclaratorAST::Node m_initDeclarator;
+ StatementListAST::Node m_functionBody;
+ GroupAST::Node m_winDeclSpec;
+ FunctionDefinitionAST( const FunctionDefinitionAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const FunctionDefinitionAST& source );
+class TranslationUnitAST: public AST, public KShared
+ typedef KSharedPtr<TranslationUnitAST> Node;
+ enum { Type = NodeType_TranslationUnit };
+ DECLARE_ALLOC( TranslationUnitAST )
+ TranslationUnitAST();
+ void addDeclaration( DeclarationAST::Node& ast );
+ QPtrList<DeclarationAST> declarationList() { return m_declarationList; }
+ QPtrList<DeclarationAST> m_declarationList;
+ TranslationUnitAST( const TranslationUnitAST& source );
+ void operator = ( const TranslationUnitAST& source );