path: root/quanta/components/framewizard/visualframeeditor.cpp
diff options
authortoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
committertoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
commite9ae80694875f869892f13f4fcaf1170a00dea41 (patch)
treeaa2f8d8a217e2d376224c8d46b7397b68d35de2d /quanta/components/framewizard/visualframeeditor.cpp
Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features.
BUG:215923 git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'quanta/components/framewizard/visualframeeditor.cpp')
1 files changed, 449 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/quanta/components/framewizard/visualframeeditor.cpp b/quanta/components/framewizard/visualframeeditor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3871ac61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quanta/components/framewizard/visualframeeditor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+ visualframeeditor.cpp - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : mar mar 25 2003
+ copyright : (C) 2003 by gulmini luciano
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "visualframeeditor.h"
+#include <qobjectlist.h>
+#include <qsplitter.h>
+//#include <kdebug.h>
+#include "qextfileinfo.h"
+#include "project.h"
+static int cancelledPixels(int n){
+ return (n-1)*6;
+QMap<QString, QValueList< int > > SIZES;
+static int splitterIdNumber = 0;
+VisualFrameEditor::VisualFrameEditor(QWidget * parent, const char * name) : QHBox(parent,name){
+ m_internalTree = new tree;
+ m_internalTree->root()->atts()->setGeometry(QRect(0,0,510,422));
+ m_firstInsertedSA = 0L;
+ m_markupLanguage = HTML;
+ delete m_internalTree;
+ delete m_firstInsertedSA;
+void VisualFrameEditor::setGeometries(const QString &l){
+ int cP = cancelledPixels(m_internalTree->findNode(l)->countChildren());
+ QRect newGeometry(m_internalTree->findNode(l)->atts()->geometry());
+ QPtrList<treeNode> list=m_internalTree->findNode(l)->childrenList();
+ QPtrListIterator<treeNode> it( list );
+ treeNode *node;
+ if(m_internalTree->findNode(l)->splitType() == VERTICAL){
+ int dummyDimension=m_internalTree->findNode(l)->atts()->geometry().width()-cP;
+ while ( (node = it.current()) != 0 ) {
+ ++it;
+ newGeometry.setWidth( int(dummyDimension/m_internalTree->findNode(l)->countChildren()) );
+ m_internalTree->findNode(node->label())->atts()->setGeometry(newGeometry);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if(m_internalTree->findNode(l)->splitType() == HORIZONTAL){
+ int dummyDimension=m_internalTree->findNode(l)->atts()->geometry().height()-cP;
+ while ( (node = it.current()) != 0 ) {
+ ++it;
+ newGeometry.setHeight( int(dummyDimension/m_internalTree->findNode(l)->countChildren()) );
+ m_internalTree->findNode(node->label())->atts()->setGeometry(newGeometry);
+ }
+ }
+void VisualFrameEditor::split(const QString &l, int n, SplitType type) {
+ if(l==m_internalTree->root()->label()){
+ m_internalTree->root()->setSplitType(type);
+ for(int i = 1; i<=n; i++) m_internalTree->addChildNode(l);
+ setGeometries(l);
+ }
+ else {
+ QString parentLabel=m_internalTree->findNode(l)->parentLabel();
+ SplitType parentSplit=m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->splitType();
+ if( parentSplit != type ) {
+ m_internalTree->findNode(l)->setSplitType(type);
+ for(int i = 1; i<=n; i++) m_internalTree->addChildNode(l);
+ setGeometries(l);
+ }
+ else {
+ for(int i = 1; i<=n; i++) m_internalTree->insertChildNode(l);
+ m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->removeChildNode(l,true);
+ setGeometries(m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->label());
+ }
+ }
+void VisualFrameEditor::loadExistingStructure(const QStringList &list){
+ if(!list.isEmpty()) {
+ m_existingStructure = list;
+ m_existingStructure.remove("</frameset>");//closure tag not needed
+ buildInternalTree(m_internalTree->root()->label());
+ }
+QStringList VisualFrameEditor::convertAsterisks(const QString &s,int d){
+ QStringList list=QStringList::split(",",s);
+ int leftPercentage = 100;
+ int leftPercentageDistributedAmongAsterisks=0;
+ int weightAsteriskCounter=0;
+ // This for is used to determine how much percentage must be assign to an asterisk
+ // example cols="40%,5*,*"
+ // then every asterisk must be assigned a percentage of 10% so the real percentage
+ // notation is cols="40%,50%,10%"
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
+ if(!(*it).contains("%") && !(*it).contains("*")) leftPercentage -= ( (*it).toInt()*100 )/d;
+ if((*it).contains("%")) leftPercentage -= (*it).section("%",0,0).toInt();
+ if((*it).contains("*")) {
+ int weight= (*it).section("*",0,0).toInt();
+ if( weight==0 ) weight=1;
+ weightAsteriskCounter += weight;
+ }
+ }
+ if(weightAsteriskCounter!=0) leftPercentageDistributedAmongAsterisks = proxInt(double(leftPercentage)/double(weightAsteriskCounter));
+ // this for changes asterisk notation in percentage notation
+ // This part of the comment is for me:
+ // NB: I valori delle percentuali generati da if .. else possono non corrispondere
+ // a quelli effettivamente generati dal metodo build che opera un'altra normalizzazione.
+ // In genere la differenza �dell' 1%
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
+ if((*it).contains("*")){
+ int weight= (*it).section("*",0,0).toInt();
+ if(weight==0) weight=1;
+ int newPercentage = weight*leftPercentageDistributedAmongAsterisks;
+ (*it)=(QString::number(newPercentage,10)+"%");
+ leftPercentage-=newPercentage;
+ }
+ }
+ return list;
+void VisualFrameEditor::buildInternalTree(const QString &parent){
+ QString line = m_existingStructure.first();
+ if(line.contains("<frameset")) {
+ if(line.contains("rows")) {
+ split(parent,(line.contains(",")+1),HORIZONTAL);
+ QRegExp pattern("rows\\s*=\"([\\s\\d%,\\*]*)\"");
+ QRect dummy=m_internalTree->findNode(parent)->atts()->geometry();
+ QStringList percentages = convertAsterisks(pattern.cap(1),dummy.height());
+ int dummyDimension=dummy.height()-cancelledPixels(line.contains(",")+1);
+ QPtrList<treeNode> list=m_internalTree->findNode(parent)->childrenList();
+ QPtrListIterator<treeNode> it( list );
+ treeNode *node;
+ while ( (node = it.current()) != 0 ) {
+ ++it;
+ QRect newGeometry(dummy);
+ double newDimension;
+ if(percentages.first().contains("%"))
+ newDimension=(dummyDimension*(percentages.first().remove("%").toInt()))/100.0;
+ else newDimension=(double)percentages.first().toInt();
+ newGeometry.setHeight( proxInt(newDimension) );
+ node->atts()->setGeometry(newGeometry);
+ percentages.pop_front();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if(line.contains("cols")) {
+ split(parent,(line.contains(",")+1),VERTICAL);
+ QRegExp pattern("cols\\s*=\"([\\s\\d%,\\*]*)\"");
+ QRect dummy=m_internalTree->findNode(parent)->atts()->geometry();
+ QStringList percentages = convertAsterisks(pattern.cap(1),dummy.width());
+ int dummyDimension=dummy.width()-cancelledPixels(line.contains(",")+1);
+ QPtrList<treeNode> list=m_internalTree->findNode(parent)->childrenList();
+ QPtrListIterator<treeNode> it( list );
+ treeNode *node;
+ while ( (node = it.current()) != 0 ) {
+ ++it;
+ QRect newGeometry(dummy);
+ double newDimension;
+ if(percentages.first().contains("%"))
+ newDimension=(dummyDimension*(percentages.first().remove("%").toInt()))/100.0;
+ else newDimension=(double)percentages.first().toInt();
+ newGeometry.setWidth( proxInt(newDimension) );
+ node->atts()->setGeometry(newGeometry);
+ percentages.pop_front();
+ }
+ }
+ m_existingStructure.pop_front();
+ m_internalTree->findNode(parent)->firstChild();
+ while(m_internalTree->findNode(parent)->currentChild()) {
+ buildInternalTree(m_internalTree->findNode(parent)->currentChild()->label());
+ m_internalTree->findNode(parent)->nextChild();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ QMap<QString,QString> attributeMap;
+ if( line.contains( QRegExp("\\s+noresize") ) ) attributeMap["noresize"] = "noresize";
+ else attributeMap["noresize"] = QString::null;
+ QRegExp srcPattern("\\s+src\\s*=\\s*\"([%-\\w\\s\\./_\\+\\d]*)\""); //search for files
+ if( !=-1 ) {
+ KURL pathToConvert, basePath;
+ pathToConvert.setPath(srcPattern.cap(1));
+ basePath.setPath( Project::ref()->projectBaseURL().path() );
+ attributeMap["src"] = QExtFileInfo::toAbsolute( pathToConvert, basePath ).path();
+ line.remove(srcPattern);//we don't need to operate on this anymore
+ }
+ QRegExp pattern("\\s+(\\w+\\s*=\\s*\"[\\w\\s\\./_\\+\\d]*\")");
+ int pos = 0;
+ while ( pos >= 0 ) {
+ pos = line, pos );
+ attributeMap[ pattern.cap(1).section( QRegExp("=\\s*\"") ,0,0) ] = pattern.cap(1).section(QRegExp("=\\s*\""),1,1).remove("\"");
+ if ( pos >= 0 ) pos += pattern.matchedLength();
+ }
+ m_internalTree->findNode(parent)->atts()->setAllAttributes(attributeMap);
+ m_existingStructure.pop_front();
+ }
+void VisualFrameEditor::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * ){
+ hide();
+ delete m_firstInsertedSA;
+ m_firstInsertedSA = 0L;
+ QObjectList* splitterList = queryList("QSplitter");
+ for (uint i = 0; i < splitterList->count(); i++) {
+ QObject* o = splitterList->at(i);
+ removeChild(o); //this will delete all childr of "o"
+ }
+ delete splitterList;
+ splitterIdNumber = 0;
+ drawGUI( m_internalTree->root(), this);
+ show();
+void VisualFrameEditor::removeNode(const QString &l){
+ if( l == m_internalTree->root()->label() ) m_internalTree->reset();//trying to remove root node is equivalent to reinitialize
+ else {
+ QString parentLabel=m_internalTree->findNode(l)->parentLabel();
+ if(m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->countChildren()>=3)
+ m_internalTree->removeChildNode(parentLabel,l,true);
+ else {
+ m_internalTree->removeChildNode(parentLabel,l,true);
+ if( !m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->firstChild()->hasChildren() ){ //final nodes
+ QMap<QString,QString> map = m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->firstChild()->atts()->attributeMap();
+ m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->removeChildren();
+ m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->atts()->setAllAttributes( map ) ;
+ m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->setSplitType(NONE);
+ }
+ else {
+ QPtrList<treeNode> list = m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->firstChild()->childrenList();
+ if( parentLabel != m_internalTree->root()->label() ) {
+ QString grandParentLabel = m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->parentLabel();
+ m_internalTree->removeChildNode( parentLabel,m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->firstChild()->label(),false );
+ m_internalTree->removeChildNode( grandParentLabel ,parentLabel, true );
+ treeNode *node;
+ for ( node = list.first(); node; node = ) {
+ node->setParentLabel(grandParentLabel);
+ m_internalTree->findNode(grandParentLabel)->addChildNode(node);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->setSplitType( m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->firstChild()->splitType() );
+ m_internalTree->removeChildNode( parentLabel,m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->firstChild()->label(),false );
+ treeNode *node;
+ for ( node = list.first(); node; node = ) {
+ node->setParentLabel(parentLabel);
+ m_internalTree->findNode(parentLabel)->addChildNode(node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void VisualFrameEditor::drawGUI(treeNode *n, QWidget* parent){
+ if(n->hasChildren()) {
+ QString splitterName("splitter"+QString::number(++splitterIdNumber,10));
+ QSplitter *splitter = new QSplitter(parent,splitterName);
+ if(SIZES.contains(splitterName)) splitter->setSizes( SIZES[splitterName] );
+ switch( n->splitType() ){
+ case VERTICAL : splitter->setOrientation(QSplitter::Horizontal);break;
+ case HORIZONTAL : splitter->setOrientation(QSplitter::Vertical);break;
+ default:break;
+ }
+ n->firstChild();
+ while(n->currentChild()) {
+ drawGUI(n->currentChild(),splitter);
+ n->nextChild();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ SelectableArea *sa=new SelectableArea(parent,n->label());
+ if(parent->isA("QSplitter")) dynamic_cast<QSplitter *>(parent)->setResizeMode(sa->view(),QSplitter::KeepSize );
+ else
+ if(!m_firstInsertedSA) m_firstInsertedSA = sa;
+ sa->view()->setGeometry(n->atts()->geometry());
+ sa->setIdLabel( n->label() );
+ sa->setSource( n->atts()->src() );
+ connect(sa, SIGNAL(Resized(QRect)), m_internalTree->findNode(sa->idLabel())->atts(), SLOT(setGeometry(QRect)));
+ connect(sa, SIGNAL(selected(const QString &)),this, SIGNAL(areaSelected(const QString &)));
+ }
+QString VisualFrameEditor::createFrameTag(areaAttribute *a){
+ QString Src(a->attributeValue("src")),
+ Longdesc(a->attributeValue("longdesc")),
+ Name(a->attributeValue("name")),
+ Scrolling(a->attributeValue("scrolling")),
+ Id(a->attributeValue("id")),
+ Style(a->attributeValue("style")),
+ Title(a->attributeValue("title")),
+ Class(a->attributeValue("class")),
+ Noresize(a->attributeValue("noresize")),
+ Frameborder(a->attributeValue("frameborder")),
+ Marginwidth(a->attributeValue("marginwidth")),
+ Marginheight(a->attributeValue("marginheight"));
+ QString tagBegin="<frame",
+ tagEnd,
+ tagMiddle;
+ if( !Src.isEmpty() ) {
+ KURL base;
+ base.setPath( Project::ref()->projectBaseURL().path() );
+ KURL u;
+ u.setPath(Src);
+ tagMiddle+= (" src=\"" + QExtFileInfo::toRelative( u, base).path() + "\"");
+ }
+ if( !Longdesc.isEmpty() )
+ tagMiddle+= (" longdesc=\""+Longdesc+"\"");
+ //if( !Name.isEmpty() )
+ tagMiddle+=(" name=\""+Name+"\"");
+ if( Scrolling!="auto" && !Scrolling.isEmpty() ) tagMiddle+=(" scrolling=\""+Scrolling+"\"");
+ if( !Id.isEmpty() ) tagMiddle+=(" id=\""+Id+"\"");
+ if( !Style.isEmpty() ) tagMiddle+=(" style=\""+Style+"\"");
+ if( !Title.isEmpty() ) tagMiddle+=(" title=\""+Title+"\"");
+ if( !Class.isEmpty() ) tagMiddle+=(" class=\""+Class+"\"");
+ if( Frameborder=="0" ) tagMiddle+=(" frameborder=\""+Frameborder+"\"");
+ if( Marginwidth!="0" && !Marginwidth.isEmpty() ) tagMiddle+=(" marginwidth=\""+Marginwidth+"\"");
+ if( Marginheight!="0" && !Marginheight.isEmpty()) tagMiddle+=(" marginheight=\""+Marginheight+"\"");
+ switch(m_markupLanguage){
+ case HTML: if( Noresize=="noresize" ) tagMiddle+=(" "+Noresize);
+ tagEnd=">\n";break;
+ case XHTML: if( Noresize=="noresize" ) tagMiddle+=(" noresize=\""+Noresize+"\"");
+ tagEnd="/>\n";break;
+ default:;
+ }
+ return tagBegin+tagMiddle+tagEnd;
+QString VisualFrameEditor::RCvalue(treeNode *n) {
+ QString s;
+ QMap<int,int> dimMap;
+ double percentage = 100.0;
+ int remainingPercentage=100;
+ int child_number = n->countChildren();
+ int lostPixels = (6*(child_number-1)); // 6 pixels are lost every time a splitter is drawn
+ switch( n->splitType() ) {
+ case VERTICAL: percentage/=n->atts()->geometry().width();
+ for(int i=1;i<=child_number;++i) dimMap[i]=n->childrenList().at(i-1)->atts()->geometry().width();
+ break;
+ case HORIZONTAL: percentage/=n->atts()->geometry().height();
+ for(int i=1;i<=child_number;++i) dimMap[i]=n->childrenList().at(i-1)->atts()->geometry().height();
+ break;
+ default:break;
+ }
+ while( lostPixels > 0) {
+ for(int i=1;i<=child_number;++i){
+ dimMap[i]+=1;
+ lostPixels--;
+ if(lostPixels == 0) break;
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=1;i<=child_number-1;++i) {
+ remainingPercentage-=proxInt(dimMap[i]*percentage);
+ s+=QString::number(proxInt(dimMap[i]*percentage),10);
+ s+="%,";
+ }
+ return s+=(QString::number(remainingPercentage,10)+"%");
+static QStringList nonFormattedStructure;
+void VisualFrameEditor::createStructure(treeNode* n){
+ if(n==m_internalTree->root() && !n->hasChildren()) return;
+ if(n->hasChildren()) {
+ switch( n->splitType() ){
+ case VERTICAL: nonFormattedStructure.append("<frameset cols=\""+RCvalue(n)+"\">\n");break;
+ case HORIZONTAL: nonFormattedStructure.append("<frameset rows=\""+RCvalue(n)+"\">\n");break;
+ default:break;
+ }
+ n->firstChild();
+ while(n->currentChild()){
+ createStructure(n->currentChild());
+ n->nextChild();
+ }
+ nonFormattedStructure.append("</frameset>\n");
+ }
+ else nonFormattedStructure.append(createFrameTag(n->atts()));
+QString VisualFrameEditor::formatStructure(){
+ QString s;
+ int tabNum = 0;
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = nonFormattedStructure.begin(); it != nonFormattedStructure.end(); ++it ) {
+ if((*it).contains("<frameset")) tabNum++;
+ else
+ if((*it).contains("</frameset>")) {
+ tabNum--;
+ s.truncate(s.length()-1);
+ }
+ s+=*it;
+ for(int i=1;i<=tabNum;i++) s+='\t';
+ }
+ nonFormattedStructure.clear();
+ return s;
+QString VisualFrameEditor::framesetStructure() {
+ m_internalTree->refreshGeometries(m_internalTree->root());
+ createStructure(m_internalTree->root());
+ return formatStructure();
+void VisualFrameEditor::setMarkupLanguage(const QString& s){
+ if( s.contains("xhtml",false)!=0 ) m_markupLanguage = XHTML;
+ else
+ if( s.contains("html",false)!=0 ) m_markupLanguage = HTML;
+#include "visualframeeditor.moc"