path: root/quanta/parsers/parser.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'quanta/parsers/parser.cpp')
1 files changed, 1757 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/quanta/parsers/parser.cpp b/quanta/parsers/parser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7559f1ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quanta/parsers/parser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1757 @@
+ parser.cpp - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Sun Sep 1 2002
+ copyright : (C) 2002, 2003 by Andras Mantia <[email protected]>
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+//qt includes
+#include <qeventloop.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qpoint.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qcstring.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qstrlist.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qtextcodec.h>
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+#include <qvaluestack.h>
+//standard library includes
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+//#include <iostream.h>
+//app includes
+#include "parser.h"
+#include "saparser.h"
+#include "parsercommon.h"
+#include "node.h"
+#include "tag.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+#include "quantaview.h"
+#include "quantacommon.h"
+#include "document.h"
+#include "qextfileinfo.h"
+#include "kafkacommon.h"
+#include "undoredo.h"
+#include "dtds.h"
+#include "structtreetag.h"
+#include "viewmanager.h"
+//kde includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kdirwatch.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/document.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/editinterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/encodinginterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/viewcursorinterface.h>
+extern GroupElementMapList globalGroupMap;
+static const QChar space(' ');
+extern int NN;
+extern QMap<Node*, int> nodes;
+ m_node = 0L;
+ write = 0L;
+ oldMaxLines = 0;
+ m_parsingEnabled = true;
+ m_parsingNeeded = true;
+ m_parseIncludedFiles = true;
+ m_saParser = new SAParser();
+ connect(m_saParser, SIGNAL(rebuildStructureTree(bool)), SIGNAL(rebuildStructureTree(bool)));
+ connect(m_saParser, SIGNAL(cleanGroups()), SLOT(cleanGroups()));
+ ParserCommon::includeWatch = new KDirWatch();
+ connect(ParserCommon::includeWatch, SIGNAL(dirty(const QString&)), SLOT(slotIncludedFileChanged(const QString&)));
+ delete m_saParser;
+/** Parse a string, using as start position sLine, sCol. */
+Node *Parser::parseArea(int startLine, int startCol, int endLine, int endCol, Node **lastNode, Node *a_node)
+ //first parse as an XML document
+ QString textLine;
+ textLine.fill(space, startCol);
+ int line = startLine;
+ int col = 0;
+ int tagStartLine = 0;
+ int tagEndLine, tagEndCol;
+ int tagStartPos, specialStartPos;
+ int lastLineLength;
+ // if (endCol == 0)
+ if (endLine > maxLines)
+ {
+ if (endLine > 0)
+ endLine--;
+ lastLineLength = write->editIf->lineLength(endLine) - 1;
+ endCol = lastLineLength + 1;
+ } else
+ lastLineLength = write->editIf->lineLength(endLine) - 1;
+ int specialAreaCount = m_dtd->specialAreas.count();
+ bool nodeFound = false;
+ bool goUp;
+ Node *rootNode = 0L;
+ Node *parentNode = a_node;
+ Node *currentNode = a_node;
+ if (currentNode && (currentNode->tag->type != Tag::XmlTag ||
+ currentNode->tag->single))
+ parentNode = currentNode->parent;
+ Tag *tag = 0L;
+ QTag *qTag = 0L;
+ textLine.append(write->text(startLine, startCol, startLine, write->editIf->lineLength(startLine)));
+ if (line == endLine)
+ {
+ if (endCol > 0)
+ textLine.truncate(endCol + 1);
+ else
+ textLine = "";
+ }
+ if (m_dtd->family == Xml)
+ {
+ while (line <= endLine)
+ {
+ nodeFound = false;
+ goUp = false;
+ //find the first "<" and the first special area start definition in this line
+ tagStartPos = textLine.find('<', col);
+ specialStartPos = specialAreaCount ? textLine.find(m_dtd->specialAreaStartRx, col): -1;
+ //if the special area start definition is before the first "<" it means
+ //that we have found a special area
+ if ( specialStartPos != -1 &&
+ (specialStartPos <= tagStartPos || tagStartPos == -1) )
+ {
+ currentNode = ParserCommon::createTextNode(write, currentNode, line, specialStartPos, parentNode);
+ if (!rootNode)
+ rootNode = currentNode;
+ QString foundText = m_dtd->specialAreaStartRx.cap();
+ //create a toplevel node for the special area
+ AreaStruct area(line, specialStartPos, line, specialStartPos + foundText.length() - 1);
+ Node *node = ParserCommon::createScriptTagNode(write, area, foundText, m_dtd, parentNode, currentNode);
+ if (node->parent && node->prev == node->parent) //some strange cases, but it's possible, eg.: <a href="<? foo ?>""></a><input size="<? foo ?>" >
+ {
+ node->prev->next = 0L;
+ node->prev = 0L;
+ }
+ if (node->tag->name.lower().startsWith("comment"))
+ node->tag->type = Tag::Comment;
+ if (!rootNode)
+ rootNode = node;
+ area.eLine = endLine;
+ area.eCol = endCol;
+ currentNode = m_saParser->parseArea(area, foundText, "", node, false, true);
+ line = m_saParser->lastParsedLine();
+ textLine = ParserCommon::getLine(write, line, endLine, endCol);
+ col = m_saParser->lastParsedColumn() + 1;
+ continue;
+ } else
+ //if we have found an XML tag start ("<")
+ if ( tagStartPos != -1 /*&&
+ (tagStartPos < specialStartPos || specialStartPos == -1) */)
+ {
+ int openNum = 1;
+ tagStartLine = line;
+ tagEndLine = endLine;
+ tagEndCol = lastLineLength;
+ int sCol = tagStartPos + 1;
+ int firstStartCol = lastLineLength + 1;
+ int firstStartLine = endLine;
+ bool firstOpenFound = false;
+ bool insideSingleQuotes = false;
+ bool insideDoubleQuotes = false;
+ //find the matching ">" in the document
+ while (line <= endLine && openNum > 0 && !firstOpenFound)
+ {
+ textLine = ParserCommon::getLine(write, line, endLine, endCol);
+ uint textLineLen = textLine.length();
+ for (uint i = sCol; i < textLineLen; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == 0 || (i > 0 && textLine[i-1] != '\\'))
+ {
+ if (textLine[i] == '\'' && !insideDoubleQuotes)
+ insideSingleQuotes = !insideSingleQuotes;
+ if (textLine[i] == '"' && !insideSingleQuotes)
+ insideDoubleQuotes = !insideDoubleQuotes;
+ }
+ if (!insideSingleQuotes && !insideDoubleQuotes)
+ {
+ if (textLine[i] == '<')
+ {
+ openNum++;
+ if (!firstOpenFound &&
+ (i < textLineLen -1 && (textLine[i + 1] == '/' || textLine[i + 1].isLetter()) ||
+ i == textLineLen -1)
+ )
+ {
+ firstStartCol = i;
+ firstStartLine = line;
+ firstOpenFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else
+ if (textLine[i] == '>') openNum--;
+ }
+ if (openNum == 0)
+ {
+ tagEndCol = i;
+ tagEndLine = line;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ sCol = 0;
+ if (openNum != 0)
+ line++;
+ }
+ //the matching closing tag was not found
+ if (openNum != 0)
+ {
+ tagEndLine = firstStartLine;
+ tagEndCol = firstStartCol - 1;
+ if (tagEndCol < 0)
+ {
+ tagEndLine--;
+ if (tagEndLine < 0)
+ tagEndLine = 0;
+ tagEndCol = write->editIf->lineLength(tagEndLine);
+ }
+ line = tagEndLine;
+ textLine = ParserCommon::getLine(write, line, endLine, endCol);
+ }
+ col = tagEndCol;
+ nodeFound = true;
+ //build an xml tag node here
+ AreaStruct area(tagStartLine, tagStartPos, tagEndLine, tagEndCol);
+ tag = new Tag(area, write, m_dtd, true);
+ QString tagStr = tag->tagStr();
+ tag->type = Tag::XmlTag;
+ tag->validXMLTag = (openNum == 0);
+ tag->single = QuantaCommon::isSingleTag(m_dtd->name, tag->name);
+ if (tag->isClosingTag())
+ {
+ tag->type = Tag::XmlTagEnd;
+ tag->single = true;
+ }
+ if (tagStr.right(2) == "/>" || tag->name.isEmpty())
+ {
+ tag->single = true;
+ if (tag->name.length() > 1 && tag->name.endsWith("/"))
+ tag->name.truncate(tag->name.length() - 1);
+ }
+ //the tag we found indicates the beginning of a special area, like <script type=... >
+ if (m_dtd->specialTags.contains(tag->name.lower()) && !tag->single)
+ {
+ //TODO: handle goUp here
+ Node *node = new Node(parentNode);
+ nodeNum++;
+ node->tag = tag;
+ node->insideSpecial = true;
+ if (currentNode && currentNode != parentNode)
+ {
+ currentNode->next = node;
+ node->prev = currentNode;
+ } else
+ {
+ if (parentNode)
+ parentNode->child = node;
+ }
+ if (!rootNode)
+ rootNode = node;
+ //find the DTD that needs to be used for the special area
+ QString tmpStr = m_dtd->specialTags[tag->name.lower()];
+ int defPos = tmpStr.find('[');
+ QString defValue;
+ if (defPos != 0)
+ {
+ defValue = tmpStr.mid(defPos+1, tmpStr.findRev(']')-defPos-1).stripWhiteSpace();
+ tmpStr = tmpStr.left(defPos);
+ }
+ QString s = tag->attributeValue(tmpStr);
+ if (s.isEmpty())
+ s = defValue;
+ const DTDStruct *dtd = DTDs::ref()->find(s);
+ if (!dtd)
+ dtd = m_dtd;
+ //a trick here: replace the node's DTD with this one //Note: with the new SAParser, the top level nodes must be Tag::ScriptTag-s!
+ // const DTDStruct *savedDTD = node->tag->dtd;
+ node->tag->setDtd(dtd);
+ node->tag->type = Tag::ScriptTag;
+ //now parse the special area
+ area.bLine = area.eLine;
+ area.bCol = area.eCol + 1;
+ area.eLine = endLine;
+ area.eCol = endCol;
+ currentNode = m_saParser->parseArea(area, "", "</"+tag->name+"\\s*>", node, false, true);
+ //restore & set the new variables
+ // node->tag->dtd = savedDTD;
+ line = m_saParser->lastParsedLine();
+ textLine = ParserCommon::getLine(write, line, endLine, endCol);
+ col = m_saParser->lastParsedColumn();
+ continue;
+ }
+ qTag = 0L;
+ goUp = ( parentNode &&
+ ( (tag->type == Tag::XmlTagEnd && QuantaCommon::closesTag(parentNode->tag, tag)
+ ) ||
+ parentNode->tag->single )
+ );
+ if (parentNode && !goUp)
+ {
+ qTag = QuantaCommon::tagFromDTD(m_dtd, parentNode->tag->name);
+ if ( qTag )
+ {
+ QString searchFor = (m_dtd->caseSensitive)?tag->name:tag->name.upper();
+ searchFor.remove('/');
+ if ( qTag->stoppingTags.contains(searchFor))
+ {
+ parentNode->tag->closingMissing = true; //parent is single...
+ goUp = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ col++;
+ if (nodeFound)
+ {
+ //first create a text/empty node between the current position and the last node
+ Node *savedParentNode = parentNode;
+ currentNode = ParserCommon::createTextNode(write, currentNode, tagStartLine, tagStartPos, parentNode);
+ if (savedParentNode != parentNode)
+ goUp = false;
+ if (!rootNode)
+ rootNode = currentNode;
+ Node *node = 0L;
+ if (goUp)
+ {
+ //handle cases like <ul><li></ul>
+ if (tag->type == Tag::XmlTagEnd && !QuantaCommon::closesTag(parentNode->tag, tag))
+ {
+ while ( parentNode->parent &&
+ QuantaCommon::closesTag(parentNode->parent->tag, tag)
+ )
+ {
+ parentNode = parentNode->parent;
+ }
+ } else
+ if (qTag && tag->type != Tag::XmlTagEnd)
+ {
+ //handle the case when a tag is a stopping tag for parent, and grandparent and so on.
+ Node *n = parentNode;
+ QString searchFor = (m_dtd->caseSensitive)?tag->name:tag->name.upper();
+ while (qTag && n)
+ {
+ qTag = QuantaCommon::tagFromDTD(m_dtd, n->tag->name);
+ if ( qTag )
+ {
+ if ( qTag->stoppingTags.contains(searchFor) )
+ {
+ n->tag->closingMissing = true; //parent is single...
+ if (n->parent)
+ parentNode = n;
+ n = n->parent;
+ } else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node = new Node(parentNode->parent);
+ nodeNum++;
+ node->prev = parentNode;
+ parentNode->next = node;
+ parentNode = parentNode->parent;
+ node->closesPrevious = true;
+ } else
+ {
+ node = new Node(parentNode);
+ nodeNum++;
+ if (currentNode && currentNode != parentNode)
+ {
+ currentNode->next = node;
+ node->prev = currentNode;
+ } else
+ {
+ if (parentNode)
+ {
+ if (!parentNode->child)
+ parentNode->child = node;
+ else
+ {
+ Node *n = parentNode->child;
+ while (n->next)
+ n = n->next;
+ n->next = node;
+ node->prev = n;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!tag->single)
+ parentNode = node;
+ node->tag = tag;
+ if (tag->type == Tag::NeedsParsing)
+ {
+ if (tag->name.lower().startsWith("comment"))
+ {
+ kdDebug(24000) << "COMMENT!" << endl;
+ node->tag->type = Tag::Comment;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tag->type == Tag::XmlTag)
+ {
+ parseForXMLGroup(node);
+ //search for scripts inside the XML tag
+ parseScriptInsideTag(node);
+ }
+ currentNode = node;
+ if (!rootNode)
+ rootNode = node;
+ } else
+ {
+ line++;
+ col = 0;
+ textLine = ParserCommon::getLine(write, line, endLine, endCol);
+ //kdDebug(24000) << "Line " << line << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int el = 0;
+ int ec = -1;
+ if (currentNode)
+ {
+ currentNode->tag->endPos(el, ec);
+ }
+ if (m_dtd->family == Script)
+ {
+ if (ec == -1)
+ ec = 0;
+ AreaStruct area(el, ec, endLine, endCol);
+// kdDebug(24000) << "Calling cleanGroups from Parser::parseArea" << endl;
+ cleanGroups();
+ m_saParser->setParsingEnabled(true);
+ currentNode = m_saParser->parseArea(area, "", "", parentNode, true, true); //TODO: don't parse in detail here
+ m_saParser->setParsingEnabled(false);
+ el = m_saParser->lastParsedLine();
+ ec = m_saParser->lastParsedColumn();
+ } else
+ if (endLine == maxLines && endCol == write->editIf->lineLength(maxLines) - 1)
+ {
+ //create a text node from the last tag until the end of file
+ if (el == endLine && ec == endCol)
+ {
+ el = endLine + 1;
+ ec = 0;
+ } else
+ {
+ el = endLine;
+ ec = endCol + 1;
+ }
+ currentNode = ParserCommon::createTextNode(write, currentNode, el, ec, parentNode);
+ } else
+ if (el != endLine || ec != endCol)
+ {
+ if (currentNode && currentNode->tag->type == Tag::ScriptTag)
+ {
+ parentNode = currentNode;
+ currentNode = 0L;
+ }
+ currentNode = ParserCommon::createTextNode(write, currentNode, endLine, endCol, parentNode);
+ }
+ if (!rootNode)
+ rootNode = currentNode;
+ *lastNode = currentNode;
+ return rootNode;
+/** Parse the whole text from Document w and build the internal structure tree
+ from Nodes */
+Node *Parser::parse(Document *w, bool force)
+ QTime t;
+ t.start();
+ QuantaView *view = ViewManager::ref()->activeView();
+ //If VPL is loaded, there shouldn't be any rebuild
+ if(view && view->hadLastFocus() == QuantaView::VPLFocus && !force)
+ return m_node;
+ if(!m_parsingEnabled && !force)
+ return baseNode;
+ bool saParserEnabled = m_saParser->parsingEnabled();
+ m_saParser->setParsingEnabled(false);
+ m_saParser->init(0L, w);
+ // clearGroups();
+ if (baseNode)
+ {
+ kdDebug(24000) << "Node objects before delete = " << NN << " ; list count = " << nodes.count() << endl;
+ //kdDebug(24000) << "baseNode before delete = " << baseNode << endl;
+ //ParserCommon::coutTree(m_node, 2);
+ Node::deleteNode(baseNode);
+ baseNode = 0L;
+ kdDebug(24000) << "Node objects after delete = " << NN << " ; list count = " << nodes.count() << endl;
+/* QMap<Node*, int> nList = nodes;
+ for (QValueList<Node*>::ConstIterator it = nList.constBegin(); it != nList.constEnd(); ++it)
+ Node::deleteNode(*it);
+ kdDebug(24000) << "Node objects after cleanup = " << NN << " ; list count = " << nodes.count() << endl; */
+ }
+ m_node = 0L;
+ Node *lastNode;
+ write = w;
+ m_dtd = w->defaultDTD();
+ w->resetDTEPs();
+ maxLines = w->editIf->numLines() - 1;
+ parsingEnabled = true;
+ nodeNum = 0;
+ if (maxLines >= 0)
+ m_node = parseArea(0, 0, maxLines, w->editIf->lineLength(maxLines) - 1, &lastNode);
+ kdDebug(24000) << "Parsing time ("<< maxLines << " lines): " << t.elapsed() << " ms\n";
+ if (!m_node)
+ {
+ m_node = ParserCommon::createTextNode(w, 0L, maxLines, w->editIf->lineLength(maxLines), 0L);
+ }
+ m_parsingNeeded = false;
+// treeSize = 0;
+// kdDebug(24000) << "Basenode : " << m_node << endl;
+// ParserCommon::coutTree(m_node, 2);
+// kdDebug(24000) << "Size of tree: " << treeSize << endl;
+//FIXME: What is the use of two pointer to the same Node???
+ baseNode = m_node;
+ kdDebug(24000) << "NN after parse = " << NN << "baseNode : " << baseNode << endl;
+ m_saParser->init(m_node, w);
+ //We need to reload Kafka to refresh the DOM::Node->Node links.
+ //FIXME: make a function which only update the DOM::Node->Node links.
+ if (view)
+ view->reloadVPLView(true);
+ emit nodeTreeChanged();
+ if (saParserEnabled)
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotParseInDetail()));
+ return m_node;
+/** No descriptions */
+const DTDStruct * Parser::currentDTD(int line, int col)
+ const DTDStruct *dtd = m_dtd;
+ Node *node = nodeAt(line, col, false, true);
+ if (node)
+ {
+ dtd = node->tag->dtd();
+ }
+ return dtd;
+/** Returns the node for position (line, column). As more than one node can
+contain the same area, it return the "deepest" node. */
+Node *Parser::nodeAt(int line, int col, bool findDeepest, bool exact)
+ if (!write)
+ return 0L;
+ if (!baseNode)
+ baseNode = parse(write, true); //FIXME: this most likely hides a bug: new documents are not parsed
+ Node *node = m_node;
+ int bl, bc, el, ec;
+ int result;
+ while (node)
+ {
+ node->tag->beginPos(bl, bc);
+ bc++;
+ Node *n = node->nextNotChild();
+ if (n && n->tag)
+ {
+ n->tag->beginPos(el, ec);
+ } else
+ {
+ el = write->editIf->numLines();
+ ec = 0;
+ }
+ result = QuantaCommon::isBetween(line, col, bl, bc, el, ec);
+ if ( result == 0)
+ {
+ if (node->child)
+ {
+ node = node->child;
+ } else
+ {
+ if (node->parent)
+ {
+ int parentEl, parentEc;
+ node->parent->tag->endPos(parentEl, parentEc);
+ if (!exact && QuantaCommon::isBetween(line, col, bl, bc, parentEl, parentEc) == 0)
+ {
+ node = node->parent;
+ }
+ }
+ break; //we found the node
+ }
+ } else
+ if (result == -1)
+ {
+ if (node->parent)
+ node = node->parent;
+ break; //we found the node
+ } else
+ {
+ node = node->next;
+ }
+ }
+ bc = ec = el = bl = 0;
+ if (node)
+ {
+ node->tag->beginPos(bl, bc);
+ node->tag->endPos(el, ec);
+ }
+ if (node && node->tag->type == Tag::Empty &&
+ (findDeepest || (bl == el && ec < bc)) )
+ {
+ if (node->parent)
+ {
+ node = node->parent;
+ } else
+ if (node->prev)
+ {
+ node = node->prev;
+ }
+ } else
+ if (node && (el < line || (el == line && ec + 1 < col)))
+ {
+ Node *n = node->nextSibling();
+ if (n /*&& n->nextSibling()*/) //don't set it to the last, always empty node
+ node = n;
+ }
+ return node;
+void Parser::logReparse(NodeModifsSet *modifs, Document *w)
+ NodeModif *modif;
+ if (baseNode)
+ {
+ Node *n = baseNode;
+ while (n)
+ {
+ n->detachNode();
+ n = n->nextSibling();
+ }
+ modif = new NodeModif();
+ modif->setType(NodeModif::NodeTreeRemoved);
+ modif->setNode(baseNode);
+ modifs->addNodeModif(modif);
+ baseNode = 0L;
+ }
+ modif = new NodeModif();
+ modif->setType(NodeModif::NodeTreeAdded);
+ modifs->addNodeModif(modif);
+ w->docUndoRedo->addNewModifsSet(modifs, undoRedo::SourceModif);
+bool Parser::invalidArea(Document *w, AreaStruct &area, Node **firstNode, Node **lastNode)
+ oldMaxLines = maxLines;
+ maxLines = w->editIf->numLines() - 1;
+ uint line, col;
+ w->viewCursorIf->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
+ Node *node = nodeAt(line, col, false);
+ int bl, bc, el, ec;
+ QString text;
+ QString tagStr;
+ area.bLine = area.bCol = 0;
+ area.eLine = maxLines;
+ area.eCol = w->editIf->lineLength(maxLines) - 1;
+ if (area.eCol < 0)
+ area.eCol = 0;
+ if (node)
+ node->tag->beginPos(area.bLine, area.bCol);
+ Node *startNode = node;
+ //find the first unchanged (non empty) node backwards and store it as firstNode
+ *firstNode = 0L;
+ while (node)
+ {
+ node->tag->beginPos(bl, bc);
+ node->tag->endPos(el, ec);
+ if (node->tag->type != Tag::Empty
+ && !node->insideSpecial && node->tag->validXMLTag //TODO:remove when script reparsing is supported
+ )
+ {
+ text = w->text(bl, bc, el, ec);
+ tagStr = node->tag->tagStr();
+ if (tagStr == text)
+ {
+ *firstNode = node;
+ //firstNode might not be the first unchanged Node e.g. text Nodes
+ while (*firstNode)
+ {
+ if((*firstNode)->tag->type != Tag::Text)
+ break;
+ (*firstNode)->tag->endPos(el, ec);
+ text = w->text(el, ec + 1, el, ec + 1);
+ if (text == "<")
+ break;
+ else// a character has been added at the end of the text : this node is modified
+ *firstNode = (*firstNode)->previousSibling();
+ }
+ break;
+ } else
+ {
+ node = node->previousSibling(); //the tag content is different
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ node = node->previousSibling(); //the tag is empty, ignore it
+ }
+ }
+ //find the first unchanged (non empty) node forward and store it as lastNode
+ //move the nodes if they were shifted
+ bool moveNodes = false; //do we need to move the nodes?
+ int lineDiff = maxLines - oldMaxLines; //lines are shifted with this amount
+ node = startNode;
+ *lastNode = 0L;
+ while (node)
+ {
+ node->tag->beginPos(bl, bc);
+ node->tag->endPos(el, ec);
+ if (!moveNodes)
+ {
+ if (node->tag->type != Tag::Empty
+ && !node->insideSpecial && node->tag->validXMLTag //TODO:remove when script reparsing is supported
+ )
+ {
+ text = w->text(bl + lineDiff, bc, el + lineDiff, ec);
+ tagStr = node->tag->tagStr();
+ if (tagStr == text)
+ {
+ if (!(*lastNode))
+ *lastNode = node;
+ if (lineDiff != 0)
+ {
+ moveNodes = true;
+ node->tag->setTagPosition(bl + lineDiff, bc, el + lineDiff, ec);
+ } else
+ {
+ break; //lastNode found
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ node->tag->setTagPosition(bl + lineDiff, bc, el + lineDiff, ec);
+ }
+ node = node->nextSibling();
+ }
+ if (*firstNode)
+ node = (*firstNode)->nextSibling(); //the first changed node
+ else
+ return false;
+ if (node)
+ node->tag->beginPos(area.bLine, area.bCol);
+ if (*lastNode)
+ {
+ (*lastNode)->tag->beginPos(area.eLine, area.eCol);
+ if (area.eCol > 0)
+ area.eCol--;
+ }
+ return true;
+void Parser::deleteNodes(Node *firstNode, Node *lastNode, NodeModifsSet *modifs)
+ Node *nextNode, *child, *parent, *next, *prev;
+ int i, j;
+ Node *node = firstNode;
+ bool closesPrevious = false;
+ NodeModif *modif;
+ //delete all the nodes between the firstNode and lastNode
+ while (node && node != lastNode )
+ {
+ nextNode = node->nextSibling();
+ node->removeAll = false;
+ child = node->child;
+ parent = node->parent;
+ next = node->next;
+ prev = node->prev;
+ closesPrevious = node->closesPrevious;
+ if (nextNode && nextNode->prev == node)
+ {
+ nextNode->prev = prev;
+ }
+ if (nextNode && nextNode->parent == node)
+ {
+ nextNode->parent = parent;
+ }
+ if (next)
+ next->prev = prev;
+ if (prev && prev->next == node)
+ {
+ prev->next = next;
+ }
+ if (next && next->closesPrevious)
+ next->closesPrevious = false;
+ modif = new NodeModif();
+ modif->setType(NodeModif::NodeRemoved);
+ modif->setLocation(kafkaCommon::getLocation(node));
+ if (prev && prev->next == node)
+ prev->next = 0L;
+ if(parent && parent->child == node)
+ parent->child = 0L;
+ node->parent = 0L;
+ node->next = 0L;
+ node->prev = 0L;
+ //delete node;
+ node->detachNode();
+ modif->setNode(node);
+ node = 0L;
+ i = 0;
+ j = 0;
+ if (!closesPrevious)
+ {
+ //move the children up one level
+ Node *n = child;
+ Node *m = child;
+ while (n)
+ {
+ m = n;
+ n->parent = parent;
+ n = n->next;
+ i++;
+ }
+ //connect the first child to the tree (after prev, or as the first child of the parent)
+ if (prev && child)
+ {
+ prev->next = child;
+ child->prev = prev;
+ if (next) //the last child is just before the next
+ {
+ m->next = next;
+ next->prev = m;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ if (!child) //when there is no child, connect the next as the first child of the parent
+ child = next;
+ else
+ if (next)
+ {
+ n = child;
+ while (n->next)
+ n = n->next;
+ n->next = next;
+ next->prev = n;
+ }
+ if (parent && !parent->child)
+ {
+ parent->child = child;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ //change the parent of children, so the prev will be the new parent
+ if (child)
+ {
+ Node *n = child;
+ Node *m = child;
+ while (n)
+ {
+ m = n;
+ n->parent = prev;
+ n = n->next;
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (prev->child)
+ {
+ n = prev;
+ while (n->child)
+ {
+ n = n->child;
+ while (n->next)
+ n = n->next;
+ }
+ n->next = child;
+ child->prev = n;
+ } else
+ {
+ prev->child = child;
+ }
+ }
+ //move down the nodes starting with next one level and append to the list of children of prev
+ if (next)
+ {
+ if (prev->child) //if the previous node has a child, append the next node after the last child
+ {
+ Node *n = prev;
+ while (n->child)
+ {
+ n = n->child;
+ while (n->next)
+ n = n->next;
+ }
+ next->prev = n;
+ n->next = next;
+ } else // else append it as the first child of the previous
+ {
+ prev->child = next;
+ next->prev = 0L;
+ }
+ //all the nodes after the previous are going UNDER the previous, as the one closing node was deleted
+ //and the tree starting with next is moved under prev (see the above lines)
+ prev->next = 0L;
+ Node *n = next;
+ while (n)
+ {
+ n->parent = prev;
+ n = n->next;
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ modif->setChildrenMovedUp(i);
+ modif->setNeighboursMovedDown(j);
+ modifs->addNodeModif(modif);
+ node = nextNode;
+ // kdDebug(24000)<< "Node removed!" << endl;
+// ParserCommon::coutTree(m_node, 2);
+ }
+// ParserCommon::coutTree(m_node, 2);
+Node *Parser::rebuild(Document *w)
+ kdDebug(24000) << "Rebuild started. " << endl;
+ QTime t;
+ t.start();
+ bool saParserEnabled = m_saParser->parsingEnabled();
+ //If VPL is loaded, there shouldn't be any rebuild
+ if(ViewManager::ref()->activeView()->hadLastFocus() == QuantaView::VPLFocus)
+ return m_node;
+ NodeModifsSet *modifs = new NodeModifsSet();
+ NodeModif *modif;
+// kdDebug(24000)<< "Node *Parser::rebuild()" << endl;
+ modifs->setIsModifiedAfter(w->isModified());
+ //**kdDebug(24000)<< "************* Begin User Modification *****************" << endl;
+ //debug!
+ //ParserCommon::coutTree(m_node, 2);//*/
+ if (w != write || !m_node) //the document has changed or the top node does not exists => parse completely
+ {
+ logReparse(modifs, w);
+ return parse(w);
+ } else
+ {
+ m_saParser->setParsingEnabled(false);
+ m_saParser->init(0L, w);
+ parsingEnabled = true;
+ QString text;
+ QString tagStr;
+ Node *firstNode = 0L;
+ Node *lastNode = 0L;
+ Node *node = 0L;
+ AreaStruct area(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ if ( !invalidArea(w, area, &firstNode, &lastNode) ||
+ (area.eLine < area.bLine || (area.eLine == area.bLine && area.eCol <= area.bCol)) //something strange has happened, like moving text with D&D inside the editor
+ )
+ {
+ logReparse(modifs, w);
+ m_saParser->setParsingEnabled(saParserEnabled);
+ Node *n = parse(w, true);
+ return n;
+ }
+ kdDebug(24000) << QString("Invalid area: %1,%2,%3,%4").arg(area.bLine).arg(area.bCol).arg(area.eLine).arg(area.eCol) << "\n";
+// kdDebug(24000) << "lastNode1: " << lastNode << " " << lastNode->tag << endl;
+ deleteNodes(firstNode->nextSibling(), lastNode, modifs);
+// kdDebug(24000) << "lastNode2: " << lastNode << " " << lastNode->tag << endl;
+ firstNode->child = 0L;
+ Node *lastInserted = 0L;
+ //this makes sure that the first found node it put right after the firstNode
+ if (firstNode->next && firstNode->next == lastNode)
+ {
+ firstNode->next->prev = 0L;
+ firstNode->next = 0L;
+ }
+ node = parseArea(area.bLine, area.bCol, area.eLine, area.eCol, &lastInserted, firstNode);
+ Node *swapNode = firstNode->nextSibling();
+ Node *p = (lastInserted)?lastInserted->nextSibling():lastInserted;
+ while(swapNode != p)
+ {
+ modif = new NodeModif();
+ modif->setType(NodeModif::NodeAdded);
+ modif->setLocation(kafkaCommon::getLocation(swapNode));
+ modifs->addNodeModif(modif);
+ swapNode = swapNode->nextSibling();
+ }
+ //another stange case: the parsed area contains a special area without end
+ if (!node)
+ {
+ if (lastNode)
+ {
+ if (lastNode->prev )
+ lastNode->prev->next = 0L;
+ if (lastNode->parent && lastNode->parent->child == lastNode)
+ lastNode->parent->child = 0L;
+ }
+ Node::deleteNode(lastNode);
+ nodeNum--;
+ lastNode = 0L;
+ logReparse(modifs, w);
+ m_saParser->setParsingEnabled(saParserEnabled);
+ return parse(w);
+ }
+// kdDebug(24000) << "lastNode3: " << lastNode << " " << lastNode->tag << endl;
+ bool goUp;
+ if (lastNode && lastInserted)
+ {
+// kdDebug(24000) << "lastNode4: " << lastNode << " " << lastNode->tag << endl;
+ //merge the nodes if they are both of type Text or Empty
+ if ( (lastInserted->tag->type == Tag::Empty || lastInserted->tag->type == Tag::Text) &&
+ (lastNode->tag->type == Tag::Empty || lastNode->tag->type == Tag::Text))
+ {
+ if (lastNode->prev)
+ lastNode->prev->next = 0L;
+ lastNode->prev = lastInserted->prev;
+ if (lastInserted->prev)
+ lastInserted->prev->next = lastNode;
+ lastNode->parent = lastInserted->parent;
+ lastInserted->tag->beginPos(area.bLine, area.bCol);
+ lastNode->tag->endPos(area.eLine, area.eCol);
+ Tag *_tag = new Tag(*(lastNode->tag));
+ lastNode->tag->setTagPosition(area);
+ QString s = write->text(area);
+ lastNode->tag->setStr(s);
+ if (!s.simplifyWhiteSpace().isEmpty())
+ {
+ lastNode->tag->type = Tag::Text;
+ } else
+ {
+ lastNode->tag->type = Tag::Empty;
+ }
+ if (lastInserted->parent && lastInserted->parent->child == lastInserted)
+ //lastInserted->parent->child = lastInserted->next; lastInserted has no next!
+ lastInserted->parent->child = lastNode;
+ //here, lastNode is at the pos of lastInserted.
+ modif = new NodeModif();
+ modif->setType(NodeModif::NodeRemoved);
+ modif->setLocation(kafkaCommon::getLocation(lastNode));
+ if(lastInserted->prev)
+ lastInserted->prev->next = 0L;
+ if(lastInserted->parent && lastInserted->parent->child == lastInserted)
+ lastInserted->parent->child = 0L;
+ lastInserted->prev = 0L;
+ lastInserted->next = 0L;
+ lastInserted->parent = 0L;
+ lastInserted->child = 0L;
+// delete lastInserted;
+ lastInserted->detachNode();
+ modif->setNode(lastInserted);
+ modifs->addNodeModif(modif);
+ modif = new NodeModif();
+ modif->setType(NodeModif::NodeModified);
+ modif->setLocation(kafkaCommon::getLocation(lastNode));
+ modif->setTag(_tag);
+ modifs->addNodeModif(modif);
+ lastInserted = lastNode;
+ lastNode = lastNode->nextNotChild();
+ }
+ node = lastInserted;
+// kdDebug(24000) << "lastNode5: " << lastNode << " " << lastNode->tag << endl;
+ QTag *qTag = 0L;
+ while (node && lastNode)
+ {
+// kdDebug(24000) << "lastNode6: " << lastNode << " " << lastNode->tag << endl;
+ qTag = 0L;
+ goUp = ( node->parent &&
+ ( (lastNode->tag->type == Tag::XmlTagEnd && QuantaCommon::closesTag(node->parent->tag, lastNode->tag) ) ||
+ node->parent->tag->single )
+ );
+ if (node->parent && !goUp)
+ {
+ qTag = QuantaCommon::tagFromDTD(m_dtd, node->parent->tag->name);
+ if ( qTag )
+ {
+ QString searchFor = (m_dtd->caseSensitive)?lastNode->tag->name:lastNode->tag->name.upper();
+ searchFor.remove('/');
+ if ( qTag->stoppingTags.contains( searchFor ) )
+ {
+ node->parent->tag->closingMissing = true; //parent is single...
+ goUp = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (goUp &&
+ ( (m_dtd->caseSensitive && node->tag->name == node->parent->tag->name) ||
+ (!m_dtd->caseSensitive && node->tag->name.lower() == node->parent->tag->name.lower())) )
+ goUp = false; //it can happen that the tag closes the previous and not the parent
+ if (goUp) //lastnode closes the node->parent
+ {
+ //handle cases like <ul><li></ul>
+ if (lastNode->tag->type == Tag::XmlTagEnd &&
+ !QuantaCommon::closesTag(node->parent->tag, lastNode->tag))
+ {
+ while ( node->parent->parent &&
+ QuantaCommon::closesTag(node->parent->parent->tag, lastNode->tag)
+ )
+ {
+ node = node->parent;
+ }
+ } else
+ if (qTag && lastNode->tag->type != Tag::XmlTagEnd)
+ {
+ //handle the case when a tag is a stopping tag for parent, and grandparent and so on. I'm not sure it's needed here, but anyway...
+ Node *n = node->parent;
+ QString searchFor = (m_dtd->caseSensitive) ? lastNode->tag->name : lastNode->tag->name.upper();
+ while (qTag && n)
+ {
+ qTag = QuantaCommon::tagFromDTD(m_dtd, n->tag->name);
+ if ( qTag )
+ {
+ if ( qTag->stoppingTags.contains(searchFor) )
+ {
+ n->tag->closingMissing = true; //parent is single...
+ if (n->parent)
+ node = n;
+ n = n->parent;
+ } else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (lastNode->prev && lastNode->prev->next == lastNode)
+ lastNode->prev->next = 0L;
+ if (lastNode->parent && lastNode->parent->child == lastNode)
+ lastNode->parent->child = 0L;
+ if (node->parent)
+ node->parent->next = lastNode;
+ lastNode->prev = node->parent;
+ if (node->parent)
+ lastNode->parent = node->parent->parent;
+ else
+ lastNode->parent = 0L;
+ node->next = 0L;
+ lastNode->closesPrevious = true;
+ } else
+ {
+ if (lastNode->prev && lastNode->prev->next == lastNode)
+ lastNode->prev->next = 0L;
+ node->next = lastNode;
+ lastNode->prev = node;
+ lastNode->parent = node->parent;
+// kdDebug(24000) << "lastNode7: " << lastNode << " " << lastNode->tag << endl;
+ }
+ node = lastNode;
+ lastNode = lastNode->nextNotChild();
+ //For some reason this can happen, the lastNode can point to an invalid place.
+ //To avoid crashes, forget the rebuild and do a full parse instead.
+ if (!nodes.contains(lastNode))
+ {
+ kdDebug(24000) << "Lastnode is invalid, do a full reparse!" << endl;
+ logReparse(modifs, w);
+ m_saParser->setParsingEnabled(saParserEnabled);
+ Node *n = parse(w, true);
+ return n;
+ }
+/* if (lastNode)
+ QString s = lastNode->tag->tagStr();*/
+ }
+ }
+/* kdDebug(24000)<< "END"<< endl;
+ ParserCommon::coutTree(baseNode, 2);
+ kdDebug(24000)<< "************* End User Modification *****************" << endl;*/
+ w->docUndoRedo->addNewModifsSet(modifs, undoRedo::SourceModif);
+ }
+ kdDebug(24000) << "Rebuild: " << t.elapsed() << " ms; baseNode=" << baseNode << "\n";
+// ParserCommon::verifyTree(m_node);
+/* treeSize = 0;
+ ParserCommon::coutTree(m_node, 2);
+ kdDebug(24000) << "Size of tree: " << treeSize << endl;*/
+ m_saParser->init(m_node, w);
+ if (saParserEnabled)
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(slotParseInDetail()));
+ emit nodeTreeChanged();
+ m_parsingNeeded = false;
+ return m_node;
+void Parser::clearGroups()
+// kdDebug(24000) << "clearGroups " << endl;
+ GroupElementMapList::Iterator it;
+ GroupElementList::Iterator elementIt;
+ GroupElementList *list;
+ int count = 0;
+ for (it = globalGroupMap.begin(); it != globalGroupMap.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ list = &;
+ //Clear the group element list and also remove the group tag which
+ //was created in parseForXMLGroup/parseForScriptGroup methods.
+ elementIt = list->begin();
+ while (elementIt != list->end())
+ {
+ GroupElement *groupElement = (*elementIt);
+ kdDebug(24001) << "GroupElement deleted: " <<groupElement << " "<< groupElement->tag->area().bLine << " " << groupElement->tag->area().bCol << " "<< groupElement->tag->area().eLine << " "<< groupElement->tag->area().eCol << " " << groupElement->tag->tagStr() << " " << groupElement->type << endl;
+ //kdDebug(24000) << "usertagcount: " << groupElement->tag->write()->userTagList.count() << endl;
+ groupElement->tag->write()->userTagList.remove(groupElement->tag->name.lower());
+ if (!groupElement->deleted)
+ {
+ Node *n = groupElement->node;
+ n->m_groupElements.clear();
+ }
+ groupElement->group = 0L;
+ delete groupElement->tag;
+ groupElement->tag = 0L;
+ elementIt = list->erase(elementIt);
+ delete groupElement;
+ groupElement = 0L;
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+// kdDebug(24000) << count << " GroupElement deleted (clearGroups)." << endl;
+ globalGroupMap.clear();
+ clearIncludedGroupElements();
+ ParserCommon::includedFiles.clear();
+ ParserCommon::includedFilesDTD.clear();
+ delete ParserCommon::includeWatch;
+ ParserCommon::includeWatch = new KDirWatch();
+ connect(ParserCommon::includeWatch, SIGNAL(dirty(const QString&)), SLOT(slotIncludedFileChanged(const QString&)));
+ m_parseIncludedFiles = true;
+void Parser::cleanGroups()
+// kdDebug(24000) << "cleanGroups " << endl;
+ GroupElementMapList::Iterator it;
+ GroupElementList::Iterator elementIt;
+ GroupElementList *list;
+ int count = 0;
+ for (it = globalGroupMap.begin(); it != globalGroupMap.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ list = &;
+ //Clear the group element list and also remove the group tag which
+ //was created in parseForXMLGroup/parseForScriptGroup methods.
+ elementIt = list->begin();
+ while (elementIt != list->end())
+ {
+ GroupElement *groupElement = (*elementIt);
+ if (groupElement->deleted)
+ {
+ kdDebug(24001) << "GroupElement deleted: " <<groupElement << " "<< groupElement->tag->area().bLine << " " << groupElement->tag->area().bCol << " "<< groupElement->tag->area().eLine << " "<< groupElement->tag->area().eCol << " " << groupElement->tag->tagStr() << " " << groupElement->type << endl;
+ groupElement->tag->write()->userTagList.remove(groupElement->tag->name.lower());
+ groupElement->group = 0L;
+ delete groupElement->tag;
+ groupElement->tag = 0L;
+ elementIt = list->erase(elementIt);
+ delete groupElement;
+ groupElement = 0L;
+ count++;
+ } else
+ {
+ ++elementIt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// kdDebug(24000) << count << " GroupElement deleted (cleanGroups)." << endl;
+ if (m_parseIncludedFiles)
+ {
+ delete ParserCommon::includeWatch;
+ ParserCommon::includeWatch = new KDirWatch();
+ connect(ParserCommon::includeWatch, SIGNAL(dirty(const QString&)), SLOT(slotIncludedFileChanged(const QString&)));
+ parseIncludedFiles();
+ }
+void Parser::clearIncludedGroupElements()
+ uint listCount;
+ IncludedGroupElementsMap::Iterator includedMapIt;
+ for (includedMapIt = includedMap.begin(); includedMapIt != includedMap.end(); ++includedMapIt)
+ {
+ IncludedGroupElements::Iterator elementsIt;
+ for (elementsIt =; elementsIt !=; ++elementsIt)
+ {
+ GroupElementMapList::Iterator it;
+ for (it =; it !=; ++it)
+ {
+ listCount =;
+ for (uint i = 0 ; i < listCount; i++)
+ {
+ GroupElement *groupElement =[i];
+ groupElement->node->tag->write()->userTagList.remove(groupElement->node->tag->name.lower());
+ Node::deleteNode([i]->node);
+ delete[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ includedMap.clear();
+void Parser::parseIncludedFiles()
+ kdDebug(24000) << "parseIncludedFiles" << endl;
+ clearIncludedGroupElements();
+ uint listCount;
+ if (write->url().isLocalFile())
+ {
+ listCount = ParserCommon::includedFiles.count();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < listCount; i++)
+ {
+ parseIncludedFile(ParserCommon::includedFiles[i],;
+ }
+ if (listCount > 0)
+ m_parseIncludedFiles = false;
+ }
+ emit rebuildStructureTree(true);
+//structure used to temporary store the position of the groupelements in the searchFor
+//included file as a string
+struct GroupElementPosition{
+ GroupElement *element;
+ int startPos;
+ int endPos;
+void Parser::parseIncludedFile(const QString& fileName, const DTDStruct *dtd)
+ kdDebug(24000) << "parseIncludedFile: " << fileName << endl;
+ StructTreeGroup group;
+ QString content;
+ QFile file(fileName);
+ if (
+ {
+ IncludedGroupElements *elements = &includedMap[fileName];
+ QTextStream str(&file);
+ QString encoding;
+ KTextEditor::EncodingInterface* encodingIf = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::EncodingInterface*>(write->doc());
+ if (encodingIf)
+ encoding = encodingIf->encoding();
+ if (encoding.isEmpty())
+ encoding = "utf8"; //final fallback
+ str.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName(encoding));
+ content =;
+ file.close();
+ if (dtd->specialAreas.count())
+ {
+ int areaPos = 0;
+ int lastAreaPos = 0;
+ QString foundStr;
+ QString specialEndStr;
+ while (areaPos != -1)
+ {
+ areaPos = content.find(dtd->specialAreaStartRx, lastAreaPos);
+ if (areaPos != -1)
+ {
+ foundStr = dtd->specialAreaStartRx.cap();
+ specialEndStr = dtd->specialAreas[foundStr];
+ int areaPos2 = content.find(specialEndStr, areaPos);
+ if (areaPos2 == -1)
+ {
+ areaPos2 = content.length();
+ foundStr = content.mid(areaPos, areaPos2 - areaPos + 1);
+ areaPos = -1;
+ } else
+ {
+ foundStr = content.mid(areaPos, areaPos2 - areaPos + 1);
+ lastAreaPos = areaPos2 + 1;
+ }
+ QuantaCommon::removeCommentsAndQuotes(foundStr, dtd);
+ //gather the starting position of structures
+ QValueList<uint> structPositions;
+ int structPos = 0;
+ while (structPos !=-1)
+ {
+ structPos = foundStr.find(dtd->structBeginStr, structPos);
+ if (structPos != -1)
+ {
+ structPositions.append(structPos);
+ structPos += dtd->structBeginStr.length();
+ }
+ }
+ QValueList<GroupElementPosition> gPositions;
+ //go through the list of found structures and search for groups
+ int structStartPosition = 0; //from where to start the group search. This is before the structure begin position
+ QString savedStr = foundStr;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < structPositions.count(); i++)
+ {
+ foundStr = savedStr;
+ uint structBeginPos = structPositions[i];
+ structPos = structBeginPos;
+ int openNum = 1;
+ int pos = structPos + dtd->structBeginStr.length();
+ //find the corresponding structure closing string
+ while (openNum !=0 && pos != -1)
+ {
+ pos = dtd->, pos);
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ if (dtd->structRx.cap() == dtd->structBeginStr)
+ openNum++;
+ else
+ openNum--;
+ pos++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pos == -1)
+ pos = foundStr.length();
+ int structEndPos = pos;
+ foundStr = foundStr.left(pos);
+ QString spaces;
+ spaces.fill(' ', pos - structPos + 1);
+ foundStr.replace(structPos, pos - structPos + 1, spaces);
+ //FIXME: This code replaces the content between ( ) with
+ //empty spaces. This is quite PHP (or functions) //specific, and it's done in order to not find variables
+ //declared as function arguments. A generic way is needed
+ //to exclude unwanted areas.
+ int openBracketPos = foundStr.findRev(dtd->structKeywordsRx, structPos);
+ openBracketPos = foundStr.find('(', openBracketPos);
+ openNum = 1;
+ if (openBracketPos != -1)
+ {
+ openBracketPos++;
+ int closeBracketPos = openBracketPos;
+ while (closeBracketPos < structPos && openNum !=0)
+ {
+ if (foundStr[closeBracketPos] == '(')
+ openNum++;
+ if (foundStr[closeBracketPos] == ')')
+ openNum--;
+ closeBracketPos++;
+ }
+ closeBracketPos--;
+ spaces.fill(' ', closeBracketPos - openBracketPos);
+ foundStr.replace(openBracketPos, closeBracketPos - openBracketPos, spaces);
+ }
+ //now check which groups are present in this area
+ structPos = pos + 1;
+ QValueList<StructTreeGroup>::ConstIterator it;
+ for (it = dtd->structTreeGroups.begin(); it != dtd->structTreeGroups.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ group = *it;
+ if (!group.hasDefinitionRx)
+ continue;
+ int pos = structStartPosition;
+ while (pos != -1)
+ {
+ pos =, pos);
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ int l;
+ QString ss = group.definitionRx.cap();
+ if (group.definitionRx.pos(1) > pos)
+ {
+ pos = group.definitionRx.pos(1);
+ l = group.definitionRx.cap(1).length();
+ ss = group.definitionRx.cap(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ l = group.definitionRx.cap().length();
+ }
+ QString s = content.mid(areaPos + pos, l);
+ pos += l;
+ if (!(*elements)[].contains(s))
+ {
+ Tag *tag = new Tag();
+ tag->name = s;
+ tag->setDtd(dtd);
+ tag->setWrite(write);
+ QString s2 = content.left(areaPos + pos);
+ int newLineNum = s2.contains('\n');
+ int tmpCol = s2.length() - s2.findRev('\n') - 1;
+ tag->setTagPosition(newLineNum, tmpCol - s.length(), newLineNum, tmpCol);
+ Node *node = new Node(0L);
+ node->tag = tag;
+ node->fileName = fileName;
+ GroupElement *groupElement = new GroupElement;
+ groupElement->node = node;
+ groupElement->parentNode = 0L;
+ int minPos = areaPos + pos + 1;
+ for (QValueList<GroupElementPosition>::Iterator gPosIt = gPositions.begin(); gPosIt != gPositions.end(); ++gPosIt)
+ {
+ GroupElementPosition gPos = (*gPosIt);
+ if ( (areaPos + pos > gPos.startPos) && (areaPos + pos < gPos.endPos) && (gPos.startPos < minPos))
+ {
+ groupElement->parentNode = gPos.element->node;
+ minPos = gPos.startPos;
+ }
+ }
+ GroupElementList *groupElementList = &(*elements)[][s];
+ groupElementList->append(groupElement);
+ GroupElementPosition gPos;
+ gPos.startPos = areaPos + pos;
+ gPos.endPos = structEndPos;
+ gPos.element = groupElement;
+ gPositions.append(gPos);
+ if (group.appendToTags)
+ {
+ QTag *qTag = new QTag();
+ qTag->setName(s.left(s.find('(')));
+ qTag->className = "";
+ if (groupElement->parentNode)
+ qTag->className = groupElement->parentNode->tag->name;
+ write->userTagList.replace(s.lower(), qTag);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } //for
+ structStartPosition = structBeginPos + 1;
+ }
+ } //if (areaPos != -1)
+ }// while (areaPos != -1)
+ }
+ }
+void Parser::slotIncludedFileChanged(const QString& fileName)
+ int pos = ParserCommon::includedFiles.findIndex(fileName);
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ const DTDStruct *dtd =;
+ if (dtd)
+ {
+ IncludedGroupElements::Iterator elementsIt;
+ for (elementsIt = includedMap[fileName].begin(); elementsIt != includedMap[fileName].end(); ++elementsIt)
+ {
+ GroupElementMapList::Iterator it;
+ for (it =; it !=; ++it)
+ {
+ uint listCount =;
+ for (uint i = 0 ; i < listCount; i++)
+ {
+ Node::deleteNode([i]->node);
+ delete[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ includedMap[fileName].clear();
+ parseIncludedFile(fileName, dtd);
+ }
+ }
+void Parser::parseForXMLGroup(Node *node)
+ xmlGroupIt = node->tag->dtd()->xmlStructTreeGroups.find(node->tag->name.lower());
+ if (xmlGroupIt != node->tag->dtd()->xmlStructTreeGroups.end())
+ {
+ XMLStructGroup group =;
+ Tag *newTag = new Tag(*node->tag);
+ QString title = "";
+ QStringList::Iterator it;
+ for (it = group.attributes.begin(); it != group.attributes.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (newTag->hasAttribute(*it))
+ {
+ title.append(newTag->attributeValue(*it).left(100));
+ title.append(" | ");
+ }
+ }
+ title = title.left(title.length()-3);
+ title.remove('\n');
+ newTag->name = title;
+ GroupElement *groupElement = new GroupElement;
+ groupElement->deleted = false;
+ groupElement->tag = newTag;
+ groupElement->node = node;
+ groupElement->parentNode = 0L;
+ groupElement->global = true;
+ groupElement->group = const_cast<XMLStructGroup*>(&(;
+ node->m_groupElements.append(groupElement);
+ GroupElementList* groupElementList = & (globalGroupMap[ + "|" + title]);
+ groupElementList->append(groupElement);
+ }
+bool Parser::parseScriptInsideTag(Node *startNode)
+ bool found = false;
+ const DTDStruct *dtd = startNode->tag->dtd();
+ if (dtd->specialAreas.count())
+ {
+ QString foundText;
+ QString s;
+ QString specialEndStr;
+ QString text = startNode->tag->tagStr();
+ int pos = 0;
+ int col = startNode->tag->structBeginStr.length();
+ int bl, bc, el, ec;
+ int node_bl, node_bc, node_el, node_ec;
+ int n;
+ startNode->tag->beginPos(node_bl, node_bc);
+ startNode->tag->endPos(node_el, node_ec);
+ Node *currentNode = 0L;
+ while (pos != -1)
+ {
+ pos = text.find(dtd->specialAreaStartRx, col);
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ foundText = dtd->specialAreaStartRx.cap();
+ //Calculate the beginning coordinates
+ s = text.left(pos);
+ n = s.contains('\n');
+ bl = node_bl + n;
+ if (n > 0)
+ {
+ bc = pos - s.findRev('\n') - 1;
+ } else
+ {
+ bc = node_bc + pos;
+ }
+ //What is the closing string?
+ specialEndStr = dtd->specialAreas[foundText];
+ el = bl;
+ ec = bc + foundText.length() - 1;
+ AreaStruct area(bl, bc, el, ec);
+ currentNode = ParserCommon::createScriptTagNode(write, area, foundText, dtd, startNode, currentNode);
+ currentNode->specialInsideXml = true;
+ found = true;
+ AreaStruct area2(bl, bc, node_el, node_ec);
+ int lastLine, lastCol;
+ m_saParser->setSpecialInsideXml(true);
+ currentNode = m_saParser->parseArea(area2, foundText, "", currentNode, true, true);
+ m_saParser->setSpecialInsideXml(false);
+ lastLine = m_saParser->lastParsedLine();
+ lastCol = m_saParser->lastParsedColumn();
+ col = write->text(node_bl, node_bc, lastLine, lastCol).length();
+ int firstSpecialAttrIndex = startNode->tag->attributeIndexAtPos(bl, bc);
+ if (firstSpecialAttrIndex != -1)
+ {
+ int lastSpecialAttrIndex = startNode->tag->attributeIndexAtPos(lastLine, lastCol);
+ for (int i = firstSpecialAttrIndex; i <= lastSpecialAttrIndex; i++)
+ {
+ startNode->tag->setAttributeSpecial(i, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return found;
+void Parser::slotParseInDetail()
+ m_saParser->parseInDetail(false);
+void Parser::synchParseInDetail()
+ m_saParser->parseInDetail(true);
+void Parser::setSAParserEnabled(bool enabled)
+ m_saParser->setParsingEnabled(enabled);
+ //kapp->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput | QEventLoop::ExcludeSocketNotifiers); //this makes sure that the parsing is really disabled
+#include "parser.moc"