path: root/src/entryupdater.cpp
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-03-01 19:17:32 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-03-01 19:17:32 +0000
commite38d2351b83fa65c66ccde443777647ef5cb6cff (patch)
tree1897fc20e9f73a81c520a5b9f76f8ed042124883 /src/entryupdater.cpp
Added KDE3 version of Tellico
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'src/entryupdater.cpp')
1 files changed, 273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/entryupdater.cpp b/src/entryupdater.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c3ba2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/entryupdater.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2005-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "entryupdater.h"
+#include "entry.h"
+#include "collection.h"
+#include "tellico_kernel.h"
+#include "tellico_debug.h"
+#include "progressmanager.h"
+#include "statusbar.h"
+#include "gui/richtextlabel.h"
+#include "document.h"
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <klistview.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+namespace {
+ static const int CHECK_COLLECTION_IMAGES_STEP_SIZE = 10;
+using Tellico::EntryUpdater;
+// for each entry, we loop over all available fetchers
+// then we loop over all entries
+EntryUpdater::EntryUpdater(Data::CollPtr coll_, Data::EntryVec entries_, QObject* parent_)
+ : QObject(parent_), m_coll(coll_), m_entriesToUpdate(entries_), m_cancelled(false) {
+ // for now, we're assuming all entries are same collection type
+ m_fetchers = Fetch::Manager::self()->createUpdateFetchers(m_coll->type());
+ for(Fetch::FetcherVec::Iterator it = m_fetchers.begin(); it != m_fetchers.end(); ++it) {
+ connect(, SIGNAL(signalResultFound(Tellico::Fetch::SearchResult*)),
+ SLOT(slotResult(Tellico::Fetch::SearchResult*)));
+ connect(, SIGNAL(signalDone(Tellico::Fetch::Fetcher::Ptr)),
+ SLOT(slotDone()));
+ }
+ init();
+EntryUpdater::EntryUpdater(const QString& source_, Data::CollPtr coll_, Data::EntryVec entries_, QObject* parent_)
+ : QObject(parent_)
+ , m_coll(coll_)
+ , m_entriesToUpdate(entries_)
+ , m_cancelled(false) {
+ // for now, we're assuming all entries are same collection type
+ Fetch::Fetcher::Ptr f = Fetch::Manager::self()->createUpdateFetcher(m_coll->type(), source_);
+ if(f) {
+ m_fetchers.append(f);
+ connect(f, SIGNAL(signalResultFound(Tellico::Fetch::SearchResult*)),
+ SLOT(slotResult(Tellico::Fetch::SearchResult*)));
+ connect(f, SIGNAL(signalDone(Tellico::Fetch::Fetcher::Ptr)),
+ SLOT(slotDone()));
+ }
+ init();
+EntryUpdater::~EntryUpdater() {
+ for(ResultList::Iterator res = m_results.begin(); res != m_results.end(); ++res) {
+ delete (*res).first;
+ }
+void EntryUpdater::init() {
+ m_fetchIndex = 0;
+ m_origEntryCount = m_entriesToUpdate.count();
+ QString label;
+ if(m_entriesToUpdate.count() == 1) {
+ label = i18n("Updating %1...").arg(m_entriesToUpdate.front()->title());
+ } else {
+ label = i18n("Updating entries...");
+ }
+ Kernel::self()->beginCommandGroup(i18n("Update Entries"));
+ ProgressItem& item = ProgressManager::self()->newProgressItem(this, label, true /*canCancel*/);
+ item.setTotalSteps(m_fetchers.count() * m_origEntryCount);
+ connect(&item, SIGNAL(signalCancelled(ProgressItem*)), SLOT(slotCancel()));
+ // done if no fetchers available
+ if(m_fetchers.isEmpty()) {
+ QTimer::singleShot(500, this, SLOT(slotCleanup()));
+ } else {
+ slotStartNext(); // starts fetching
+ }
+void EntryUpdater::slotStartNext() {
+ StatusBar::self()->setStatus(i18n("Updating <b>%1</b>...").arg(m_entriesToUpdate.front()->title()));
+ ProgressManager::self()->setProgress(this, m_fetchers.count() * (m_origEntryCount - m_entriesToUpdate.count()) + m_fetchIndex);
+ Fetch::Fetcher::Ptr f = m_fetchers[m_fetchIndex];
+// myDebug() << "EntryUpdater::slotDone() - starting " << f->source() << endl;
+ f->updateEntry(m_entriesToUpdate.front());
+void EntryUpdater::slotDone() {
+ if(m_cancelled) {
+ myLog() << "EntryUpdater::slotDone() - cancelled" << endl;
+ QTimer::singleShot(500, this, SLOT(slotCleanup()));
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!m_results.isEmpty()) {
+ handleResults();
+ }
+ m_results.clear();
+ ++m_fetchIndex;
+// myDebug() << "EntryUpdater::slotDone() " << m_fetchIndex << endl;
+ if(m_fetchIndex == static_cast<int>(m_fetchers.count())) {
+ m_fetchIndex = 0;
+ // we've gone through the loop for the first entry in the vector
+ // pop it and move on
+ m_entriesToUpdate.remove(m_entriesToUpdate.begin());
+ // if there are no more entries, and this is the last fetcher, time to delete
+ if(m_entriesToUpdate.isEmpty()) {
+ QTimer::singleShot(500, this, SLOT(slotCleanup()));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ kapp->processEvents();
+ // so the entry updater can clean up a bit
+ QTimer::singleShot(500, this, SLOT(slotStartNext()));
+void EntryUpdater::slotResult(Fetch::SearchResult* result_) {
+ if(!result_ || m_cancelled) {
+ return;
+ }
+// myDebug() << "EntryUpdater::slotResult() - " << result_->title << " [" << result_->fetcher->source() << "]" << endl;
+ m_results.append(UpdateResult(result_, m_fetchers[m_fetchIndex]->updateOverwrite()));
+ Data::EntryPtr e = result_->fetchEntry();
+ if(e) {
+ m_fetchedEntries.append(e);
+ int match = m_coll->sameEntry(m_entriesToUpdate.front(), e);
+ if(match > Data::Collection::ENTRY_PERFECT_MATCH) {
+ result_->fetcher->stop();
+ }
+ }
+ kapp->processEvents();
+void EntryUpdater::slotCancel() {
+// myDebug() << "EntryUpdater::slotCancel()" << endl;
+ m_cancelled = true;
+ Fetch::Fetcher::Ptr f = m_fetchers[m_fetchIndex];
+ if(f) {
+ f->stop(); // ends up calling slotDone();
+ } else {
+ slotDone();
+ }
+void EntryUpdater::handleResults() {
+ Data::EntryPtr entry = m_entriesToUpdate.front();
+ int best = 0;
+ ResultList matches;
+ for(ResultList::Iterator res = m_results.begin(); res != m_results.end(); ++res) {
+ Data::EntryPtr e = (*res).first->fetchEntry();
+ if(!e) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ m_fetchedEntries.append(e);
+ int match = m_coll->sameEntry(entry, e);
+ if(match) {
+// myDebug() << e->title() << " matches by " << match << endl;
+ }
+ if(match > best) {
+ best = match;
+ matches.clear();
+ matches.append(*res);
+ } else if(match == best && best > 0) {
+ matches.append(*res);
+ }
+ }
+ if(best < Data::Collection::ENTRY_GOOD_MATCH) {
+ if(best > 0) {
+ myDebug() << "no good match (score > 10), best match = " << best << " (" << matches.count() << " matches)" << endl;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+// myDebug() << "best match = " << best << " (" << matches.count() << " matches)" << endl;
+ UpdateResult match(0, true);
+ if(matches.count() == 1) {
+ match = matches.front();
+ } else if(matches.count() > 1) {
+ match = askUser(matches);
+ }
+ // askUser() could come back with nil
+ if(match.first) {
+ mergeCurrent(match.first->fetchEntry(), match.second);
+ }
+Tellico::EntryUpdater::UpdateResult EntryUpdater::askUser(ResultList results) {
+ KDialogBase dlg(Kernel::self()->widget(), "entry updater dialog",
+ true, i18n("Select Match"), KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel);
+ QVBox* box = new QVBox(&dlg);
+ box->setSpacing(10);
+ QHBox* hbox = new QHBox(box);
+ hbox->setSpacing(10);
+ QLabel* icon = new QLabel(hbox);
+ icon->setPixmap(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon(QString::fromLatin1("network"), KIcon::Panel, 64));
+ QString s = i18n("<qt><b>%1</b> returned multiple results which could match <b>%2</b>, "
+ "the entry currently in the collection. Please select the correct match.</qt>")
+ .arg(m_fetchers[m_fetchIndex]->source())
+ .arg(m_entriesToUpdate.front()->field(QString::fromLatin1("title")));
+ GUI::RichTextLabel* l = new GUI::RichTextLabel(s, hbox);
+ hbox->setStretchFactor(l, 100);
+ KListView* view = new KListView(box);
+ view->setShowSortIndicator(true);
+ view->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true);
+ view->setResizeMode(QListView::AllColumns);
+ view->setMinimumWidth(640);
+ view->addColumn(i18n("Title"));
+ view->addColumn(i18n("Description"));
+ QMap<KListViewItem*, UpdateResult> map;
+ for(ResultList::Iterator res = results.begin(); res != results.end(); ++res) {
+ map.insert(new KListViewItem(view, (*res).first->fetchEntry()->title(), (*res).first->desc), *res);
+ }
+ dlg.setMainWidget(box);
+ if(dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) {
+ return UpdateResult(0, false);
+ }
+ KListViewItem* item = static_cast<KListViewItem*>(view->selectedItem());
+ if(!item) {
+ return UpdateResult(0, false);
+ }
+ return map[item];
+void EntryUpdater::mergeCurrent(Data::EntryPtr entry_, bool overWrite_) {
+ Data::EntryPtr currEntry = m_entriesToUpdate.front();
+ if(entry_) {
+ m_matchedEntries.append(entry_);
+ Kernel::self()->updateEntry(currEntry, entry_, overWrite_);
+ if(m_entriesToUpdate.count() % CHECK_COLLECTION_IMAGES_STEP_SIZE == 1) {
+ // I don't want to remove any images in the entries that are getting
+ // updated since they'll reference them later and the command isn't
+ // executed until the command history group is finished
+ // so remove pointers to matched entries
+ Data::EntryVec nonUpdatedEntries = m_fetchedEntries;
+ for(Data::EntryVecIt match = m_matchedEntries.begin(); match != m_matchedEntries.end(); ++match) {
+ nonUpdatedEntries.remove(match);
+ }
+ Data::Document::self()->removeImagesNotInCollection(nonUpdatedEntries, m_matchedEntries);
+ }
+ }
+void EntryUpdater::slotCleanup() {
+ StatusBar::self()->clearStatus();
+ ProgressManager::self()->setDone(this);
+ Kernel::self()->endCommandGroup();
+ deleteLater();
+#include "entryupdater.moc"