path: root/src/field.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/field.h')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/field.h b/src/field.h
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+ copyright : (C) 2001-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "datavectors.h"
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+namespace Tellico {
+ namespace Data {
+ * The Field class encapsulates all the possible properties of a entry.
+ *
+ * A field can be one of eleven types. It has a name, a title, and a category,
+ * along with some flags characterizing certain properties
+ *
+ * @author Robby Stephenson
+ */
+class Field : public KShared {
+ /**
+ * The possible field types. A Line is represented by a KLineEdit,
+ * a Para is a QMultiLineEdit encompassing multiple lines, a Choice is
+ * limited to set values shown in a KComboBox, and a Bool is either true
+ * or not and is thus a QCheckBox. A Number type is an integer, though it used
+ * to be a Year. A ReadOnly is a hidden value. A URL is obvious, too.
+ * A Table looks like a small spreadsheet with one column, and a Table2
+ * type has two columns. An Image points to a QImage. A Dependent field
+ * depends on the values of other attributes. A Date contains a date.
+ *
+ * Don't forget to change Field::typeMap().
+ *
+ * @see KLineEdit
+ * @see QTextEdit
+ * @see KComboBox
+ * @see QCheckBox
+ * @see QTable
+ **/
+ enum Type {
+ Undef = 0,
+ Line = 1,
+ Para = 2,
+ Choice = 3,
+ Bool = 4,
+ ReadOnly = 5,
+ Number = 6,
+ URL = 7,
+ Table = 8,
+ Table2 = 9, // deprecated in favor of property("columns")
+ Image = 10,
+ Dependent = 11,
+ Date = 12,
+ // Michael Zimmermann used 13 for his Keyword field, so go ahead and skip it
+ Rating = 14 // similar to a Choice field, but allowed values are numbers only
+ // if you add your own field type, best to start at a high number
+ // say 100, to ensure uniqueness
+ };
+ typedef QMap<Field::Type, QString> FieldMap;
+ /**
+ * The field flags. The properties should be bit-wise OR'd together.
+ *
+ * @li AllowCompletion - Include a completion object in the lineedit.
+ * @li AllowMultiple - Multiple values are allowed in one field and are
+ * separated by a semi-colon (";").
+ * @li AllowGrouped - Entries may be grouped by this field.
+ * @li NoDelete - The user may not delete this field.
+ */
+ enum FieldFlags {
+ AllowMultiple = 1 << 0, // allow multiple values, separated by a semi-colon
+ AllowGrouped = 1 << 1, // this field can be used to group entries
+ AllowCompletion = 1 << 2, // allow auto-completion
+ NoDelete = 1 << 3 // don't allow user to delete this field
+ };
+ /**
+ * The field formatting flags.
+ *
+ * @li FormatTitle - The field should be formatted as a title
+ * @li FormatName - The field should be formatted as a personal name
+ * @li FormatDate - The field should be formatted as a date.
+ * @li FormatPlain - The field only be formatted with capitalization.
+ * @li FormatNone - The field should not be formatted.
+ */
+ enum FormatFlag {
+ FormatPlain = 0, // format plain, allows capitalization
+ FormatTitle = 1, // format as a title, i.e. shift articles to end
+ FormatName = 2, // format as a personal full name
+ FormatDate = 3, // format as a date
+ FormatNone = 4 // no format, i.e. no capitalization allowed
+ };
+ /**
+ * The constructor for all types except Choice. The default type is Line.
+ * By default, the field category is set to "General", and should be modified
+ * using the @ref setCategory() method.
+ *
+ * @param name The field name
+ * @param title The field title
+ * @param type The field type
+ */
+ Field(const QString& name, const QString& title, Type type = Line);
+ /**
+ * The constructor for Choice types attributes.
+ * By default, the field category is set to "General", and should be modified
+ * using the @ref setCategory() method.
+ *
+ * @param name The field name
+ * @param title The field title
+ * @param allowed The allowed values of the field
+ */
+ Field(const QString& name, const QString& title, const QStringList& allowed);
+ /**
+ * The copy constructor
+ */
+ Field(const Field& field);
+ /**
+ * The assignment operator
+ */
+ Field& operator=(const Field& field);
+ /**
+ * Destructor
+ */
+ ~Field();
+ /**
+ * Returns the id of the field.
+ *
+ * @return The id
+ */
+ long id() const { return m_id; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the name of the field.
+ *
+ * @return The field name
+ */
+ const QString& name() const { return m_name; }
+ /**
+ * Sets the name of the field. This should only be changed before the field is added
+ * to a collection, i.e. before any entries use it, etc.
+ *
+ * @param name The field name
+ */
+ void setName(const QString& name) { m_name = name; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the title of the field.
+ *
+ * @return The field title
+ */
+ const QString& title() const { return m_title; }
+ /**
+ * Sets the title of the field.
+ *
+ * @param title The field title
+ */
+ void setTitle(const QString& title);
+ /**
+ * Returns the category of the field.
+ *
+ * @return The field category
+ */
+ const QString& category() const { return m_category; }
+ /**
+ * Sets the category of the field.
+ *
+ * @param category The field category
+ */
+ void setCategory(const QString& category);
+ /**
+ * Returns the name of the field.
+ *
+ * @return The field name
+ */
+ const QStringList& allowed() const { return m_allowed; }
+ /**
+ * Sets the allowed values of the field.
+ *
+ * @param allowed The allowed values
+ */
+ void setAllowed(const QStringList& allowed) { m_allowed = allowed; }
+ /**
+ * Add a value to the allowed list
+ *
+ * @param value The value to allow
+ */
+ void addAllowed(const QString& value);
+ /**
+ * Returns the type of the field.
+ *
+ * @return The field type
+ */
+ Type type() const { return m_type; }
+ /**
+ * Sets the type of the field. Be careful with this!
+ *
+ * @param type The field type
+ */
+ void setType(Type type);
+ /**
+ * Returns the flags for the field.
+ *
+ * @return The field flags
+ */
+ int flags() const { return m_flags; }
+ /**
+ * Sets the flags of the field. The value is
+ * set to the argument, so old flags are effectively removed.
+ *
+ * @param flags The field flags
+ */
+ void setFlags(int flags);
+ /**
+ * Returns the formatting flag for the field.
+ *
+ * @return The format flag
+ */
+ FormatFlag formatFlag() const { return m_formatFlag; }
+ /**
+ * Sets the formatting flag of the field.
+ *
+ * @param flag The field flag
+ */
+ void setFormatFlag(FormatFlag flag);
+ /**
+ * Returns the description for the field.
+ *
+ * @return The field description
+ */
+ const QString& description() const { return m_desc; }
+ /**
+ * Sets the description of the field.
+ *
+ * @param desc The field description
+ */
+ void setDescription(const QString& desc) { m_desc = desc; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the default value for the field.
+ *
+ * @return The field default value
+ */
+ const QString& defaultValue() const;
+ /**
+ * Sets the default value of the field.
+ *
+ * @param value The field default value
+ */
+ void setDefaultValue(const QString& value);
+ /**
+ * Some attributes are always a category by themselves.
+ *
+ * @return Whether the field is th eonly member of its category
+ */
+ bool isSingleCategory() const;
+ /**
+ * Extends a field with an additional key and value property pair.
+ *
+ * @param key The property key
+ * @param value The property value
+ */
+ void setProperty(const QString& key, const QString& value);
+ /**
+ * Sets all the extended properties. Any existing ones get erased.
+ *
+ * @param properties The property list
+ */
+ void setPropertyList(const StringMap& properties);
+ /**
+ * Return a property value.
+ *
+ * @param key The property key
+ * @returnThe property value
+ */
+ const QString& property(const QString& key) const { return m_properties[key]; }
+ /**
+ * Return the list of properties.
+ *
+ * @return The property list
+ */
+ const StringMap& propertyList() const { return m_properties; }
+ /**
+ * Return a vector of all the fields on which the value of this field depends.
+ * Returns an empty vector for non-Dpendent fields
+ */
+ FieldVec dependsOn(CollPtr coll) const;
+ QStringList dependsOn() const;
+ /*************************** STATIC **********************************/
+ /**
+ * A wrapper method around all the format functions. The flags
+ * determine which is called on the string.
+ */
+ static QString format(const QString& value, FormatFlag flag);
+ /**
+ * A convenience function to format a string as a title.
+ * At the moment, this means that some articles such as "the" are placed
+ * at the end of the title. If autoCapitalize() is true, the title is capitalized.
+ *
+ * @param title The string to be formatted
+ */
+ static QString formatTitle(const QString& title);
+ /**
+ * A convenience function to format a string as a personal name.
+ * At the moment, this means that the name is split at the last white space,
+ * and the last name is moved in front. If multiple=true, then the string
+ * is split using a semi-colon (";"), and each string is formatted and then
+ * joined back together. If autoCapitalize() is true, the names are capitalized.
+ *
+ * @param name The string to be formatted
+ * @param multiple A boolean indicating if the string can contain multiple values
+ */
+ static QString formatName(const QString& name, bool multiple=true);
+ /**
+ * A convenience function to format a string as a date.
+ *
+ * @param date The string to be formatted
+ */
+ static QString formatDate(const QString& date);
+ /**
+ * Helper method to fix capitalization.
+ *
+ * @param str String to fix
+ */
+ static QString capitalize(QString str);
+ /**
+ * Return the key to be used for sorting titles
+ */
+ static QString sortKeyTitle(const QString& title);
+ /**
+ * Returns a mapping of the FieldType enum to translated titles for the types.
+ */
+ static FieldMap typeMap();
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of the titles of the field types.
+ */
+ static QStringList typeTitles();
+ /**
+ * Splits a string into multiple values;
+ *
+ * @param string The string to be split
+ */
+ static QStringList split(const QString& string, bool allowEmpty);
+ /**
+ * Returns the delimiter used to split field values
+ *
+ * @return The delimeter regexp
+ */
+ static const QRegExp& delimiter() { return s_delimiter; }
+ /**
+ * reset if the field is a rating field used for syntax version 7 and earlier */
+ static void convertOldRating(Data::FieldPtr field);
+ static void stripArticles(QString& value);
+ static void articlesUpdated();
+ /*
+ * Gets the preferred ID of the collection. Currently, it just gets incremented as
+ * new collections are created.
+ */
+ static long getID();
+ long m_id;
+ QString m_name;
+ QString m_title;
+ QString m_category;
+ QString m_desc;
+ Type m_type;
+ QStringList m_allowed;
+ int m_flags;
+ FormatFlag m_formatFlag;
+ StringMap m_properties;
+ // need to remember articles with apostrophes for capitalization
+ static QStringList s_articlesApos;
+ static QRegExp s_delimiter;
+ } // end namespace
+} // end namespace