path: root/doc/html/qmap-h.html
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+<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>qmap.h</h1>
+<p>This is the verbatim text of the qmap.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech.
+** $Id: qt/qmap.h 3.3.8 edited Jan 11 14:38 $
+** Definition of TQMap class
+** Created : 990406
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the tools module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Alternatively you may (at your option) use any
+** later version of the GNU General Public License if such license has
+** been publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing retquirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
+** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
+** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
+** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
+** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
+** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+#ifndef TQMAP_H
+#define TQMAP_H
+#ifndef QT_H
+#include "qglobal.h"
+#include "qshared.h"
+#include "qdatastream.h"
+#include "qpair.h"
+#include "qvaluelist.h"
+#endif // QT_H
+#ifndef QT_NO_STL
+#include &lt;iterator&gt;
+#include &lt;map&gt;
+struct Q_EXPORT TQMapNodeBase
+ enum Color { Red, Black };
+ TQMapNodeBase* left;
+ TQMapNodeBase* right;
+ TQMapNodeBase* parent;
+ Color color;
+ TQMapNodeBase* minimum() {
+ TQMapNodeBase* x = this;
+ while ( x-&gt;left )
+ x = x-&gt;left;
+ return x;
+ }
+ TQMapNodeBase* maximum() {
+ TQMapNodeBase* x = this;
+ while ( x-&gt;right )
+ x = x-&gt;right;
+ return x;
+ }
+template &lt;class K, class T&gt;
+struct TQMapNode : public TQMapNodeBase
+ TQMapNode( const K&amp; _key, const T&amp; _data ) { data = _data; key = _key; }
+ TQMapNode( const K&amp; _key ) { key = _key; }
+ TQMapNode( const TQMapNode&lt;K,T&gt;&amp; _n ) { key = _n.key; data =; }
+ TQMapNode() { }
+ T data;
+ K key;
+template&lt;class K, class T&gt;
+class TQMapIterator
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Typedefs
+ */
+ typedef TQMapNode&lt; K, T &gt;* NodePtr;
+#ifndef QT_NO_STL
+ typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef T value_type;
+#ifndef QT_NO_STL
+ typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef int difference_type;
+ typedef T* pointer;
+ typedef T&amp; reference;
+ /**
+ * Variables
+ */
+ TQMapNode&lt;K,T&gt;* node;
+ /**
+ * Functions
+ */
+ TQMapIterator() : node( 0 ) {}
+ TQMapIterator( TQMapNode&lt;K,T&gt;* p ) : node( p ) {}
+ TQMapIterator( const TQMapIterator&lt;K,T&gt;&amp; it ) : node( it.node ) {}
+ bool operator==( const TQMapIterator&lt;K,T&gt;&amp; it ) const { return node == it.node; }
+ bool operator!=( const TQMapIterator&lt;K,T&gt;&amp; it ) const { return node != it.node; }
+ T&amp; operator*() { return node-&gt;data; }
+ const T&amp; operator*() const { return node-&gt;data; }
+ // UDT for T = x*
+ // T* operator-&gt;() const { return &amp;node-&gt;data; }
+ const K&amp; key() const { return node-&gt;key; }
+ T&amp; data() { return node-&gt;data; }
+ const T&amp; data() const { return node-&gt;data; }
+ int inc();
+ int dec();
+ TQMapIterator&lt;K,T&gt;&amp; operator++() {
+ inc();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TQMapIterator&lt;K,T&gt; operator++(int) {
+ TQMapIterator&lt;K,T&gt; tmp = *this;
+ inc();
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ TQMapIterator&lt;K,T&gt;&amp; operator--() {
+ dec();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TQMapIterator&lt;K,T&gt; operator--(int) {
+ TQMapIterator&lt;K,T&gt; tmp = *this;
+ dec();
+ return tmp;
+ }
+template &lt;class K, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES int TQMapIterator&lt;K,T&gt;::inc()
+ TQMapNodeBase* tmp = node;
+ if ( tmp-&gt;right ) {
+ tmp = tmp-&gt;right;
+ while ( tmp-&gt;left )
+ tmp = tmp-&gt;left;
+ } else {
+ TQMapNodeBase* y = tmp-&gt;parent;
+ while (tmp == y-&gt;right) {
+ tmp = y;
+ y = y-&gt;parent;
+ }
+ if (tmp-&gt;right != y)
+ tmp = y;
+ }
+ node = (NodePtr)tmp;
+ return 0;
+template &lt;class K, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES int TQMapIterator&lt;K,T&gt;::dec()
+ TQMapNodeBase* tmp = node;
+ if (tmp-&gt;color == TQMapNodeBase::Red &amp;&amp;
+ tmp-&gt;parent-&gt;parent == tmp ) {
+ tmp = tmp-&gt;right;
+ } else if (tmp-&gt;left != 0) {
+ TQMapNodeBase* y = tmp-&gt;left;
+ while ( y-&gt;right )
+ y = y-&gt;right;
+ tmp = y;
+ } else {
+ TQMapNodeBase* y = tmp-&gt;parent;
+ while (tmp == y-&gt;left) {
+ tmp = y;
+ y = y-&gt;parent;
+ }
+ tmp = y;
+ }
+ node = (NodePtr)tmp;
+ return 0;
+template&lt;class K, class T&gt;
+class TQMapConstIterator
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Typedefs
+ */
+ typedef TQMapNode&lt; K, T &gt;* NodePtr;
+#ifndef QT_NO_STL
+ typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+ typedef T value_type;
+#ifndef QT_NO_STL
+ typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef int difference_type;
+ typedef const T* pointer;
+ typedef const T&amp; reference;
+ /**
+ * Variables
+ */
+ TQMapNode&lt;K,T&gt;* node;
+ /**
+ * Functions
+ */
+ TQMapConstIterator() : node( 0 ) {}
+ TQMapConstIterator( TQMapNode&lt;K,T&gt;* p ) : node( p ) {}
+ TQMapConstIterator( const TQMapConstIterator&lt;K,T&gt;&amp; it ) : node( it.node ) {}
+ TQMapConstIterator( const TQMapIterator&lt;K,T&gt;&amp; it ) : node( it.node ) {}
+ bool operator==( const TQMapConstIterator&lt;K,T&gt;&amp; it ) const { return node == it.node; }
+ bool operator!=( const TQMapConstIterator&lt;K,T&gt;&amp; it ) const { return node != it.node; }
+ const T&amp; operator*() const { return node-&gt;data; }
+ // UDT for T = x*
+ // const T* operator-&gt;() const { return &amp;node-&gt;data; }
+ const K&amp; key() const { return node-&gt;key; }
+ const T&amp; data() const { return node-&gt;data; }
+ int inc();
+ int dec();
+ TQMapConstIterator&lt;K,T&gt;&amp; operator++() {
+ inc();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TQMapConstIterator&lt;K,T&gt; operator++(int) {
+ TQMapConstIterator&lt;K,T&gt; tmp = *this;
+ inc();
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ TQMapConstIterator&lt;K,T&gt;&amp; operator--() {
+ dec();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ TQMapConstIterator&lt;K,T&gt; operator--(int) {
+ TQMapConstIterator&lt;K,T&gt; tmp = *this;
+ dec();
+ return tmp;
+ }
+template &lt;class K, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES int TQMapConstIterator&lt;K,T&gt;::inc()
+ TQMapNodeBase* tmp = node;
+ if ( tmp-&gt;right ) {
+ tmp = tmp-&gt;right;
+ while ( tmp-&gt;left )
+ tmp = tmp-&gt;left;
+ } else {
+ TQMapNodeBase* y = tmp-&gt;parent;
+ while (tmp == y-&gt;right) {
+ tmp = y;
+ y = y-&gt;parent;
+ }
+ if (tmp-&gt;right != y)
+ tmp = y;
+ }
+ node = (NodePtr)tmp;
+ return 0;
+template &lt;class K, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES int TQMapConstIterator&lt;K,T&gt;::dec()
+ TQMapNodeBase* tmp = node;
+ if (tmp-&gt;color == TQMapNodeBase::Red &amp;&amp;
+ tmp-&gt;parent-&gt;parent == tmp ) {
+ tmp = tmp-&gt;right;
+ } else if (tmp-&gt;left != 0) {
+ TQMapNodeBase* y = tmp-&gt;left;
+ while ( y-&gt;right )
+ y = y-&gt;right;
+ tmp = y;
+ } else {
+ TQMapNodeBase* y = tmp-&gt;parent;
+ while (tmp == y-&gt;left) {
+ tmp = y;
+ y = y-&gt;parent;
+ }
+ tmp = y;
+ }
+ node = (NodePtr)tmp;
+ return 0;
+// ### 4.0: rename to something without Private in it. Not really internal.
+class Q_EXPORT TQMapPrivateBase : public TQShared
+ TQMapPrivateBase() {
+ node_count = 0;
+ }
+ TQMapPrivateBase( const TQMapPrivateBase* _map) {
+ node_count = _map-&gt;node_count;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implementations of basic tree algorithms
+ */
+ void rotateLeft( TQMapNodeBase* x, TQMapNodeBase*&amp; root);
+ void rotateRight( TQMapNodeBase* x, TQMapNodeBase*&amp; root );
+ void rebalance( TQMapNodeBase* x, TQMapNodeBase*&amp; root );
+ TQMapNodeBase* removeAndRebalance( TQMapNodeBase* z, TQMapNodeBase*&amp; root,
+ TQMapNodeBase*&amp; leftmost,
+ TQMapNodeBase*&amp; rightmost );
+ /**
+ * Variables
+ */
+ int node_count;
+template &lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+class TQMapPrivate : public TQMapPrivateBase
+ /**
+ * Typedefs
+ */
+ typedef TQMapIterator&lt; Key, T &gt; Iterator;
+ typedef TQMapConstIterator&lt; Key, T &gt; ConstIterator;
+ typedef TQMapNode&lt; Key, T &gt; Node;
+ typedef TQMapNode&lt; Key, T &gt;* NodePtr;
+ /**
+ * Functions
+ */
+ TQMapPrivate();
+ TQMapPrivate( const TQMapPrivate&lt; Key, T &gt;* _map );
+ ~TQMapPrivate() { clear(); delete header; }
+ NodePtr copy( NodePtr p );
+ void clear();
+ void clear( NodePtr p );
+ Iterator begin() { return Iterator( (NodePtr)(header-&gt;left ) ); }
+ Iterator end() { return Iterator( header ); }
+ ConstIterator begin() const { return ConstIterator( (NodePtr)(header-&gt;left ) ); }
+ ConstIterator end() const { return ConstIterator( header ); }
+ ConstIterator find(const Key&amp; k) const;
+ void remove( Iterator it ) {
+ NodePtr del = (NodePtr) removeAndRebalance( it.node, header-&gt;parent, header-&gt;left, header-&gt;right );
+ delete del;
+ --node_count;
+ }
+ void inorder( TQMapNodeBase* x = 0, int level = 0 ){
+ if ( !x )
+ x = header-&gt;parent;
+ if ( x-&gt;left )
+ inorder( x-&gt;left, level + 1 );
+ //cout &lt;&lt; level &lt;&lt; " Key=" &lt;&lt; key(x) &lt;&lt; " Value=" &lt;&lt; ((NodePtr)x)-&gt;data &lt;&lt; endl;
+ if ( x-&gt;right )
+ inorder( x-&gt;right, level + 1 );
+ }
+#if 0
+ Iterator insertMulti(const Key&amp; v){
+ TQMapNodeBase* y = header;
+ TQMapNodeBase* x = header-&gt;parent;
+ while (x != 0){
+ y = x;
+ x = ( v &lt; key(x) ) ? x-&gt;left : x-&gt;right;
+ }
+ return insert(x, y, v);
+ }
+ Iterator insertSingle( const Key&amp; k );
+ Iterator insert( TQMapNodeBase* x, TQMapNodeBase* y, const Key&amp; k );
+ /**
+ * Helpers
+ */
+ const Key&amp; key( TQMapNodeBase* b ) const { return ((NodePtr)b)-&gt;key; }
+ /**
+ * Variables
+ */
+ NodePtr header;
+template &lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;::TQMapPrivate() {
+ header = new Node;
+ header-&gt;color = TQMapNodeBase::Red; // Mark the header
+ header-&gt;parent = 0;
+ header-&gt;left = header-&gt;right = header;
+template &lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;::TQMapPrivate( const TQMapPrivate&lt; Key, T &gt;* _map ) : TQMapPrivateBase( _map ) {
+ header = new Node;
+ header-&gt;color = TQMapNodeBase::Red; // Mark the header
+ if ( _map-&gt;header-&gt;parent == 0 ) {
+ header-&gt;parent = 0;
+ header-&gt;left = header-&gt;right = header;
+ } else {
+ header-&gt;parent = copy( (NodePtr)(_map-&gt;header-&gt;parent) );
+ header-&gt;parent-&gt;parent = header;
+ header-&gt;left = header-&gt;parent-&gt;minimum();
+ header-&gt;right = header-&gt;parent-&gt;maximum();
+ }
+template &lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES Q_TYPENAME TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;::NodePtr TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;::copy( Q_TYPENAME TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;::NodePtr p )
+ if ( !p )
+ return 0;
+ NodePtr n = new Node( *p );
+ n-&gt;color = p-&gt;color;
+ if ( p-&gt;left ) {
+ n-&gt;left = copy( (NodePtr)(p-&gt;left) );
+ n-&gt;left-&gt;parent = n;
+ } else {
+ n-&gt;left = 0;
+ }
+ if ( p-&gt;right ) {
+ n-&gt;right = copy( (NodePtr)(p-&gt;right) );
+ n-&gt;right-&gt;parent = n;
+ } else {
+ n-&gt;right = 0;
+ }
+ return n;
+template &lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES void TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;::clear()
+ clear( (NodePtr)(header-&gt;parent) );
+ header-&gt;color = TQMapNodeBase::Red;
+ header-&gt;parent = 0;
+ header-&gt;left = header-&gt;right = header;
+ node_count = 0;
+template &lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES void TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;::clear( Q_TYPENAME TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;::NodePtr p )
+ while ( p != 0 ) {
+ clear( (NodePtr)p-&gt;right );
+ NodePtr y = (NodePtr)p-&gt;left;
+ delete p;
+ p = y;
+ }
+template &lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES Q_TYPENAME TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;::ConstIterator TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;::find(const Key&amp; k) const
+ TQMapNodeBase* y = header; // Last node
+ TQMapNodeBase* x = header-&gt;parent; // Root node.
+ while ( x != 0 ) {
+ // If as k &lt;= key(x) go left
+ if ( !( key(x) &lt; k ) ) {
+ y = x;
+ x = x-&gt;left;
+ } else {
+ x = x-&gt;right;
+ }
+ }
+ // Was k bigger/smaller then the biggest/smallest
+ // element of the tree ? Return end()
+ if ( y == header || k &lt; key(y) )
+ return ConstIterator( header );
+ return ConstIterator( (NodePtr)y );
+template &lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES Q_TYPENAME TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;::Iterator TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;::insertSingle( const Key&amp; k )
+ // Search correct position in the tree
+ TQMapNodeBase* y = header;
+ TQMapNodeBase* x = header-&gt;parent;
+ bool result = TRUE;
+ while ( x != 0 ) {
+ result = ( k &lt; key(x) );
+ y = x;
+ x = result ? x-&gt;left : x-&gt;right;
+ }
+ // Get iterator on the last not empty one
+ Iterator j( (NodePtr)y );
+ if ( result ) {
+ // Smaller then the leftmost one ?
+ if ( j == begin() ) {
+ return insert(x, y, k );
+ } else {
+ // Perhaps daddy is the right one ?
+ --j;
+ }
+ }
+ // Really bigger ?
+ if ( (j.node-&gt;key) &lt; k )
+ return insert(x, y, k );
+ // We are going to replace a node
+ return j;
+template &lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES Q_TYPENAME TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;::Iterator TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;::insert( TQMapNodeBase* x, TQMapNodeBase* y, const Key&amp; k )
+ NodePtr z = new Node( k );
+ if (y == header || x != 0 || k &lt; key(y) ) {
+ y-&gt;left = z; // also makes leftmost = z when y == header
+ if ( y == header ) {
+ header-&gt;parent = z;
+ header-&gt;right = z;
+ } else if ( y == header-&gt;left )
+ header-&gt;left = z; // maintain leftmost pointing to min node
+ } else {
+ y-&gt;right = z;
+ if ( y == header-&gt;right )
+ header-&gt;right = z; // maintain rightmost pointing to max node
+ }
+ z-&gt;parent = y;
+ z-&gt;left = 0;
+ z-&gt;right = 0;
+ rebalance( z, header-&gt;parent );
+ ++node_count;
+ return Iterator(z);
+# if !defined( QT_NO_DEBUG ) &amp;&amp; defined( QT_CHECK_MAP_RANGE )
+# define QT_CHECK_INVALID_MAP_ELEMENT if ( empty() ) qWarning( "TQMap: Warning invalid element" )
+# else
+# endif
+template &lt;class T&gt; class TQDeepCopy;
+template&lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+class TQMap
+ /**
+ * Typedefs
+ */
+ typedef Key key_type;
+ typedef T mapped_type;
+ typedef TQPair&lt;const key_type, mapped_type&gt; value_type;
+ typedef value_type* pointer;
+ typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
+ typedef value_type&amp; reference;
+ typedef const value_type&amp; const_reference;
+#ifndef QT_NO_STL
+ typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ typedef int difference_type;
+ typedef size_t size_type;
+ typedef TQMapIterator&lt;Key,T&gt; iterator;
+ typedef TQMapConstIterator&lt;Key,T&gt; const_iterator;
+ typedef TQPair&lt;iterator,bool&gt; insert_pair;
+ typedef TQMapIterator&lt; Key, T &gt; Iterator;
+ typedef TQMapConstIterator&lt; Key, T &gt; ConstIterator;
+ typedef T ValueType;
+ typedef TQMapPrivate&lt; Key, T &gt; Priv;
+ /**
+ * API
+ */
+ TQMap()
+ {
+ sh = new TQMapPrivate&lt; Key, T &gt;;
+ }
+ TQMap( const TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;&amp; m )
+ {
+ sh =; sh-&gt;ref();
+ }
+#ifndef QT_NO_STL
+ TQMap( const std::map&lt;Key,T&gt;&amp; m )
+ {
+ sh = new TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;;
+ Q_TYPENAME std::map&lt;Key,T&gt;::const_iterator it = m.begin();
+ for ( ; it != m.end(); ++it ) {
+ value_type p( (*it).first, (*it).second );
+ insert( p );
+ }
+ }
+ ~TQMap()
+ {
+ if ( sh-&gt;deref() )
+ delete sh;
+ }
+ TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;&amp; operator= ( const TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;&amp; m );
+#ifndef QT_NO_STL
+ TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;&amp; operator= ( const std::map&lt;Key,T&gt;&amp; m )
+ {
+ clear();
+ Q_TYPENAME std::map&lt;Key,T&gt;::const_iterator it = m.begin();
+ for ( ; it != m.end(); ++it ) {
+ value_type p( (*it).first, (*it).second );
+ insert( p );
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ iterator begin() { detach(); return sh-&gt;begin(); }
+ iterator end() { detach(); return sh-&gt;end(); }
+ const_iterator begin() const { return ((const Priv*)sh)-&gt;begin(); }
+ const_iterator end() const { return ((const Priv*)sh)-&gt;end(); }
+ const_iterator constBegin() const { return begin(); }
+ const_iterator constEnd() const { return end(); }
+ iterator replace( const Key&amp; k, const T&amp; v )
+ {
+ remove( k );
+ return insert( k, v );
+ }
+ size_type size() const
+ {
+ return sh-&gt;node_count;
+ }
+ bool empty() const
+ {
+ return sh-&gt;node_count == 0;
+ }
+ TQPair&lt;iterator,bool&gt; insert( const value_type&amp; x );
+ void erase( iterator it )
+ {
+ detach();
+ sh-&gt;remove( it );
+ }
+ void erase( const key_type&amp; k );
+ size_type count( const key_type&amp; k ) const;
+ T&amp; operator[] ( const Key&amp; k );
+ void clear();
+ iterator find ( const Key&amp; k )
+ {
+ detach();
+ return iterator( sh-&gt;find( k ).node );
+ }
+ const_iterator find ( const Key&amp; k ) const { return sh-&gt;find( k ); }
+ const T&amp; operator[] ( const Key&amp; k ) const
+ { QT_CHECK_INVALID_MAP_ELEMENT; return sh-&gt;find( k ).data(); }
+ bool contains ( const Key&amp; k ) const
+ { return find( k ) != end(); }
+ //{ return sh-&gt;find( k ) != ((const Priv*)sh)-&gt;end(); }
+ size_type count() const { return sh-&gt;node_count; }
+ TQValueList&lt;Key&gt; keys() const {
+ TQValueList&lt;Key&gt; r;
+ for (const_iterator i=begin(); i!=end(); ++i)
+ r.append(i.key());
+ return r;
+ }
+ TQValueList&lt;T&gt; values() const {
+ TQValueList&lt;T&gt; r;
+ for (const_iterator i=begin(); i!=end(); ++i)
+ r.append(*i);
+ return r;
+ }
+ bool isEmpty() const { return sh-&gt;node_count == 0; }
+ iterator insert( const Key&amp; key, const T&amp; value, bool overwrite = TRUE );
+ void remove( iterator it ) { detach(); sh-&gt;remove( it ); }
+ void remove( const Key&amp; k );
+ bool operator==( const TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;&amp; ) const { return FALSE; }
+#ifndef QT_NO_STL
+ bool operator==( const std::map&lt;Key,T&gt;&amp; ) const { return FALSE; }
+ /**
+ * Helpers
+ */
+ void detach() { if ( sh-&gt;count &gt; 1 ) detachInternal(); }
+ Priv* sh;
+ void detachInternal();
+ friend class TQDeepCopy&lt; TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt; &gt;;
+template&lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;&amp; TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;::operator= ( const TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;&amp; m )
+ if ( sh-&gt;deref() )
+ delete sh;
+ sh =;
+ return *this;
+template&lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES Q_TYPENAME TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;::insert_pair TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;::insert( const Q_TYPENAME TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;::value_type&amp; x )
+ detach();
+ size_type n = size();
+ iterator it = sh-&gt;insertSingle( x.first );
+ bool inserted = FALSE;
+ if ( n &lt; size() ) {
+ inserted = TRUE;
+ = x.second;
+ }
+ return TQPair&lt;iterator,bool&gt;( it, inserted );
+template&lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES void TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;::erase( const Key&amp; k )
+ detach();
+ iterator it( sh-&gt;find( k ).node );
+ if ( it != end() )
+ sh-&gt;remove( it );
+template&lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES Q_TYPENAME TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;::size_type TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;::count( const Key&amp; k ) const
+ const_iterator it( sh-&gt;find( k ).node );
+ if ( it != end() ) {
+ size_type c = 0;
+ while ( it != end() ) {
+ ++it;
+ ++c;
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ return 0;
+template&lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES T&amp; TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;::operator[] ( const Key&amp; k )
+ detach();
+ TQMapNode&lt;Key,T&gt;* p = sh-&gt;find( k ).node;
+ if ( p != sh-&gt;end().node )
+ return p-&gt;data;
+ return insert( k, T() ).data();
+template&lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES void TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;::clear()
+ if ( sh-&gt;count == 1 )
+ sh-&gt;clear();
+ else {
+ sh-&gt;deref();
+ sh = new TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;;
+ }
+template&lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES Q_TYPENAME TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;::iterator TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;::insert( const Key&amp; key, const T&amp; value, bool overwrite )
+ detach();
+ size_type n = size();
+ iterator it = sh-&gt;insertSingle( key );
+ if ( overwrite || n &lt; size() )
+ = value;
+ return it;
+template&lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES void TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;::remove( const Key&amp; k )
+ detach();
+ iterator it( sh-&gt;find( k ).node );
+ if ( it != end() )
+ sh-&gt;remove( it );
+template&lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES void TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;::detachInternal()
+ sh-&gt;deref(); sh = new TQMapPrivate&lt;Key,T&gt;( sh );
+template&lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES TQDataStream&amp; operator&gt;&gt;( TQDataStream&amp; s, TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;&amp; m ) {
+ m.clear();
+ Q_UINT32 c;
+ s &gt;&gt; c;
+ for( Q_UINT32 i = 0; i &lt; c; ++i ) {
+ Key k; T t;
+ s &gt;&gt; k &gt;&gt; t;
+ m.insert( k, t );
+ if ( s.atEnd() )
+ break;
+ }
+ return s;
+template&lt;class Key, class T&gt;
+Q_INLINE_TEMPLATES TQDataStream&amp; operator&lt;&lt;( TQDataStream&amp; s, const TQMap&lt;Key,T&gt;&amp; m ) {
+ s &lt;&lt; (Q_UINT32)m.size();
+ TQMapConstIterator&lt;Key,T&gt; it = m.begin();
+ for( ; it != m.end(); ++it )
+ s &lt;&lt; it.key() &lt;&lt;;
+ return s;
+#include "qwinexport.h"
+#endif // TQMAP_H
+<!-- eof -->
+<p><address><hr><div align=center>
+<table width=100% cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>
+<td>Copyright &copy; 2007
+<a href="troll.html">Trolltech</a><td align=center><a href="trademarks.html">Trademarks</a>
+<td align=right><div align=right>TQt 3.3.8</div>