path: root/doc/man/man3/tqkeysequence.3qt
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diff --git a/doc/man/man3/tqkeysequence.3qt b/doc/man/man3/tqkeysequence.3qt
index 799fdd12c..d2caaf05d 100644
--- a/doc/man/man3/tqkeysequence.3qt
+++ b/doc/man/man3/tqkeysequence.3qt
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Inherits Qt.
The TQKeySequence class encapsulates a key sequence as used by accelerators.
-A key sequence consists of up to four keyboard codes, each optionally combined with modifiers, e.g. SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, META, or UNICODE_ACCEL. For example, \fCCTRL + Key_P\fR might be a sequence used as a shortcut for printing a document. The key codes are listed in ntqnamespace.h. As an alternative, use UNICODE_ACCEL with the unicode code point of the character. For example, \fCUNICODE_ACCEL + 'A'\fR gives the same key sequence as Key_A.
+A key sequence consists of up to four keyboard codes, each optionally combined with modifiers, e.g. SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, META, or UNICODE_ACCEL. For example, \fCCTRL + Key_P\fR might be a sequence used as a shortcut for printing a document. The key codes are listed in tqnamespace.h. As an alternative, use UNICODE_ACCEL with the unicode code point of the character. For example, \fCUNICODE_ACCEL + 'A'\fR gives the same key sequence as Key_A.
Key sequences can be constructed either from an integer key code, or from a human readable translatable string such as" Ctrl+X,Alt+Space". A key sequence can be cast to a TQString to obtain a human readable translated version of the sequence. Translations are done in the "TQAccel" context.
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ Note the \fC"File|Open"\fR translator comment. It is by no means necessary, but
.SH "TQKeySequence::TQKeySequence ( int key )"
Constructs a key sequence that has a single \fIkey\fR.
-The key codes are listed in ntqnamespace.h and can be combined with modifiers, e.g. with SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, META or UNICODE_ACCEL.
+The key codes are listed in tqnamespace.h and can be combined with modifiers, e.g. with SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, META or UNICODE_ACCEL.
.SH "TQKeySequence::TQKeySequence ( int k1, int k2, int k3 = 0, int k4 = 0 )"
Constructs a key sequence with up to 4 keys \fIk1\fR, \fIk2\fR, \fIk3\fR and \fIk4\fR.
-The key codes are listed in ntqnamespace.h and can be combined with modifiers, e.g. with SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, META or UNICODE_ACCEL.
+The key codes are listed in tqnamespace.h and can be combined with modifiers, e.g. with SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, META or UNICODE_ACCEL.
.SH "TQKeySequence::TQKeySequence ( const TQKeySequence & keysequence )"
Copy constructor. Makes a copy of \fIkeysequence\fR.
.SH "TQKeySequence::~TQKeySequence ()"