path: root/src/kernel/tqabstractlayout.cpp
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+** Implementation of the abstract layout base class
+** Created : 960416
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
+** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
+** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
+** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
+** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
+** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
+** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
+** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
+** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
+** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+#include "tqlayout.h"
+#ifndef TQT_NO_LAYOUT
+#include "ntqapplication.h"
+#include "tqlayoutengine_p.h"
+#include "tqmenubar.h"
+#include "tqtoolbar.h"
+static int menuBarHeightForWidth( TQMenuBar *menubar, int w )
+ if ( menubar && !menubar->isHidden() && !menubar->isTopLevel() )
+ return menubar->heightForWidth( TQMAX(w, menubar->minimumWidth()) );
+ else
+ return 0;
+ \class TQLayoutItem
+ \ingroup appearance
+ \ingroup geomanagement
+ \brief The TQLayoutItem class provides an abstract item that a
+ TQLayout manipulates.
+ This is used by custom layouts.
+ Pure virtual functions are provided to return information about
+ the layout, including, sizeHint(), minimumSize(), maximumSize()
+ and expanding().
+ The layout's geometry can be set and retrieved with setGeometry()
+ and geometry(), and its alignment with setAlignment() and
+ alignment().
+ isEmpty() returns whether the layout is empty. iterator() returns
+ an iterator for the layout's children. If the concrete item is a
+ TQWidget, it can be retrieved using widget(). Similarly for
+ layout() and spacerItem().
+ \sa TQLayout
+ \class TQSpacerItem
+ \ingroup appearance
+ \ingroup geomanagement
+ \brief The TQSpacerItem class provides blank space in a layout.
+ This class is used by custom layouts.
+ \sa TQLayout TQLayout::spacerItem()
+ \class TQWidgetItem
+ \ingroup appearance
+ \ingroup geomanagement
+ \brief The TQWidgetItem class is a layout item that represents a widget.
+ This is used by custom layouts.
+ \sa TQLayout TQLayout::widget()
+ \fn TQLayoutItem::TQLayoutItem( int alignment )
+ Constructs a layout item with an \a alignment that is a bitwise OR
+ of the \l{TQt::AlignmentFlags}. Not all subclasses support
+ alignment.
+ \fn int TQLayoutItem::alignment() const
+ Returns the alignment of this item.
+ Sets the alignment of this item to \a a, which is a bitwise OR of
+ the \l{TQt::AlignmentFlags}. Not all subclasses support alignment.
+void TQLayoutItem::setAlignment( int a )
+ align = a;
+ \fn TQSize TQLayoutItem::maximumSize() const
+ Implemented in subclasses to return the maximum size of this item.
+ \fn TQSize TQLayoutItem::minimumSize() const
+ Implemented in subclasses to return the minimum size of this item.
+ \fn TQSize TQLayoutItem::sizeHint() const
+ Implemented in subclasses to return the preferred size of this item.
+ \fn TQSizePolicy::ExpandData TQLayoutItem::expanding() const
+ Implemented in subclasses to return the direction(s) this item
+ "wants" to expand in (if any).
+ \fn void TQLayoutItem::setGeometry( const TQRect &r )
+ Implemented in subclasses to set this item's geometry to \a r.
+ \fn TQRect TQLayoutItem::geometry() const
+ Returns the rectangle covered by this layout item.
+ \fn virtual bool TQLayoutItem::isEmpty() const
+ Implemented in subclasses to return whether this item is empty,
+ i.e. whether it contains any widgets.
+ \fn TQSpacerItem::TQSpacerItem( int w, int h, TQSizePolicy::SizeType hData, TQSizePolicy::SizeType vData )
+ Constructs a spacer item with preferred width \a w, preferred
+ height \a h, horizontal size policy \a hData and vertical size
+ policy \a vData.
+ The default values provide a gap that is able to stretch if
+ nothing else wants the space.
+ Changes this spacer item to have preferred width \a w, preferred
+ height \a h, horizontal size policy \a hData and vertical size
+ policy \a vData.
+ The default values provide a gap that is able to stretch if
+ nothing else wants the space.
+void TQSpacerItem::changeSize( int w, int h, TQSizePolicy::SizeType hData,
+ TQSizePolicy::SizeType vData )
+ width = w;
+ height = h;
+ sizeP = TQSizePolicy( hData, vData );
+ \fn TQWidgetItem::TQWidgetItem (TQWidget * w)
+ Creates an item containing widget \a w.
+ Destroys the TQLayoutItem.
+ Invalidates any cached information in this layout item.
+void TQLayoutItem::invalidate()
+ If this item is a TQLayout, it is returned as a TQLayout; otherwise
+ 0 is returned. This function provides type-safe casting.
+TQLayout * TQLayoutItem::layout()
+ return 0;
+ If this item is a TQSpacerItem, it is returned as a TQSpacerItem;
+ otherwise 0 is returned. This function provides type-safe casting.
+TQSpacerItem * TQLayoutItem::spacerItem()
+ return 0;
+ \reimp
+TQLayout * TQLayout::layout()
+ return this;
+ \reimp
+TQSpacerItem * TQSpacerItem::spacerItem()
+ return this;
+ If this item is a TQWidget, it is returned as a TQWidget; otherwise
+ 0 is returned. This function provides type-safe casting.
+TQWidget * TQLayoutItem::widget()
+ return 0;
+ Returns the widget managed by this item.
+TQWidget * TQWidgetItem::widget()
+ return wid;
+ Returns TRUE if this layout's preferred height depends on its
+ width; otherwise returns FALSE. The default implementation returns
+ Reimplement this function in layout managers that support height
+ for width.
+ \sa heightForWidth(), TQWidget::heightForWidth()
+bool TQLayoutItem::hasHeightForWidth() const
+ return FALSE;
+ Returns an iterator over this item's TQLayoutItem children. The
+ default implementation returns an empty iterator.
+ Reimplement this function in subclasses that can have children.
+TQLayoutIterator TQLayoutItem::iterator()
+ return TQLayoutIterator( 0 );
+ Returns the preferred height for this layout item, given the width
+ \a w.
+ The default implementation returns -1, indicating that the
+ preferred height is independent of the width of the item. Using
+ the function hasHeightForWidth() will typically be much faster
+ than calling this function and testing for -1.
+ Reimplement this function in layout managers that support height
+ for width. A typical implementation will look like this:
+ \code
+ int MyLayout::heightForWidth( int w ) const
+ {
+ if ( cache_dirty || cached_width != w ) {
+ // not all C++ compilers support "mutable"
+ MyLayout *that = (MyLayout*)this;
+ int h = calculateHeightForWidth( w );
+ that->cached_hfw = h;
+ return h;
+ }
+ return cached_hfw;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Caching is strongly recommended; without it layout will take
+ exponential time.
+ \sa hasHeightForWidth()
+int TQLayoutItem::heightForWidth( int /* w */ ) const
+ return -1;
+ Stores the spacer item's rect \a r so that it can be returned by
+ geometry().
+void TQSpacerItem::setGeometry( const TQRect &r )
+ rect = r;
+ Sets the geometry of this item's widget to be contained within
+ rect \a r, taking alignment and maximum size into account.
+void TQWidgetItem::setGeometry( const TQRect &r )
+ TQSize s = r.size().boundedTo( qSmartMaxSize( this ) );
+ int x = r.x();
+ int y = r.y();
+ if ( align & (TQt::AlignHorizontal_Mask | TQt::AlignVertical_Mask) ) {
+ TQSize pref = wid->sizeHint().expandedTo( wid->minimumSize() ); //###
+ if ( align & TQt::AlignHorizontal_Mask )
+ s.setWidth( TQMIN( s.width(), pref.width() ) );
+ if ( align & TQt::AlignVertical_Mask ) {
+ if ( hasHeightForWidth() )
+ s.setHeight( TQMIN( s.height(), heightForWidth(s.width()) ) );
+ else
+ s.setHeight( TQMIN( s.height(), pref.height() ) );
+ }
+ }
+ int alignHoriz = TQApplication::horizontalAlignment( align );
+ if ( alignHoriz & TQt::AlignRight )
+ x = x + ( r.width() - s.width() );
+ else if ( !(alignHoriz & TQt::AlignLeft) )
+ x = x + ( r.width() - s.width() ) / 2;
+ if ( align & TQt::AlignBottom )
+ y = y + ( r.height() - s.height() );
+ else if ( !(align & TQt::AlignTop) )
+ y = y + ( r.height() - s.height() ) / 2;
+ if ( !isEmpty() )
+ wid->setGeometry( x, y, s.width(), s.height() );
+ \reimp
+TQRect TQSpacerItem::geometry() const
+ return rect;
+ \reimp
+TQRect TQWidgetItem::geometry() const
+ return wid->geometry();
+ \reimp
+TQRect TQLayout::geometry() const
+ return rect;
+ \reimp
+bool TQWidgetItem::hasHeightForWidth() const
+ if ( isEmpty() )
+ return FALSE;
+ if ( wid->layout() )
+ return wid->layout()->hasHeightForWidth();
+ return wid->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth();
+ \reimp
+int TQWidgetItem::heightForWidth( int w ) const
+ if ( isEmpty() )
+ return -1;
+ int hfw;
+ if ( wid->layout() )
+ hfw = wid->layout()->totalHeightForWidth( w );
+ else
+ hfw = wid->heightForWidth( w );
+ if ( hfw > wid->maximumHeight() )
+ hfw = wid->maximumHeight();
+ if ( hfw < wid->minimumHeight() )
+ hfw = wid->minimumHeight();
+ if ( hfw < 1 )
+ hfw = 1;
+ return hfw;
+ Returns the direction in which this spacer item will expand.
+ \sa TQSizePolicy::ExpandData
+TQSizePolicy::ExpandData TQSpacerItem::expanding() const
+ return sizeP.expanding();
+ Returns whether this item's widget can make use of more space than
+ sizeHint(). A value of \c Vertical or \c Horizontal means that it wants
+ to grow in only one dimension, whereas \c BothDirections means that
+ it wants to grow in both dimensions and \c NoDirection means that
+ it doesn't want to grow at all.
+TQSizePolicy::ExpandData TQWidgetItem::expanding() const
+ if ( isEmpty() )
+ return TQSizePolicy::NoDirection;
+ int e = wid->sizePolicy().expanding();
+ /*
+ If the layout is expanding, we make the widget expanding, even if
+ its own size policy isn't expanding. This behavior should be
+ reconsidered in TQt 4.0. (###)
+ */
+ if ( wid->layout() ) {
+ if ( wid->sizePolicy().mayGrowHorizontally()
+ && (wid->layout()->expanding() & TQSizePolicy::Horizontally) )
+ e |= TQSizePolicy::Horizontally;
+ if ( wid->sizePolicy().mayGrowVertically()
+ && (wid->layout()->expanding() & TQSizePolicy::Vertically) )
+ e |= TQSizePolicy::Vertically;
+ }
+ if ( align & TQt::AlignHorizontal_Mask )
+ e &= ~TQSizePolicy::Horizontally;
+ if ( align & TQt::AlignVertical_Mask)
+ e &= ~TQSizePolicy::Vertically;
+ return (TQSizePolicy::ExpandData)e;
+ Returns the minimum size of this spacer item.
+TQSize TQSpacerItem::minimumSize() const
+ return TQSize( sizeP.mayShrinkHorizontally() ? 0 : width,
+ sizeP.mayShrinkVertically() ? 0 : height );
+ Returns the minimum size of this item.
+TQSize TQWidgetItem::minimumSize() const
+ if ( isEmpty() )
+ return TQSize( 0, 0 );
+ return qSmartMinSize( this );
+ Returns the maximum size of this spacer item.
+TQSize TQSpacerItem::maximumSize() const
+ return TQSize( sizeP.mayGrowHorizontally() ? TQLAYOUTSIZE_MAX : width,
+ sizeP.mayGrowVertically() ? TQLAYOUTSIZE_MAX : height );
+ Returns the maximum size of this item.
+TQSize TQWidgetItem::maximumSize() const
+ if ( isEmpty() ) {
+ return TQSize( 0, 0 );
+ } else {
+ return qSmartMaxSize( this, align );
+ }
+ Returns the preferred size of this spacer item.
+TQSize TQSpacerItem::sizeHint() const
+ return TQSize( width, height );
+ Returns the preferred size of this item.
+TQSize TQWidgetItem::sizeHint() const
+ TQSize s;
+ if ( isEmpty() ) {
+ s = TQSize( 0, 0 );
+ } else {
+ s = wid->sizeHint();
+ if ( wid->sizePolicy().horData() == TQSizePolicy::Ignored )
+ s.setWidth( 1 );
+ if ( wid->sizePolicy().verData() == TQSizePolicy::Ignored )
+ s.setHeight( 1 );
+ s = s.boundedTo( wid->maximumSize() )
+ .expandedTo( wid->minimumSize() ).expandedTo( TQSize(1, 1) );
+ }
+ return s;
+ Returns TRUE because a spacer item never contains widgets.
+bool TQSpacerItem::isEmpty() const
+ return TRUE;
+ Returns TRUE if the widget has been hidden; otherwise returns
+bool TQWidgetItem::isEmpty() const
+ return wid->isHidden() || wid->isTopLevel();
+ \class TQLayout
+ \brief The TQLayout class is the base class of geometry managers.
+ \ingroup appearance
+ \ingroup geomanagement
+ This is an abstract base class inherited by the concrete classes,
+ TQBoxLayout and TQGridLayout.
+ For users of TQLayout subclasses or of TQMainWindow there is seldom
+ any need to use the basic functions provided by TQLayout, such as
+ \l setResizeMode() or setMenuBar(). See the \link layout.html layout
+ overview page \endlink for more information.
+ To make your own layout manager, subclass TQGLayoutIterator and
+ implement the functions addItem(), sizeHint(), setGeometry(), and
+ iterator(). You should also implement minimumSize() to ensure your
+ layout isn't resized to zero size if there is too little space. To
+ support children whose heights depend on their widths, implement
+ hasHeightForWidth() and heightForWidth(). See the \link
+ customlayout.html custom layout page \endlink for an in-depth
+ description.
+ Geometry management stops when the layout manager is deleted.
+ Constructs a new top-level TQLayout called \a name, with main
+ widget \a parent. \a parent may not be 0.
+ The \a margin is the number of pixels between the edge of the
+ widget and the managed children. The \a spacing sets the value of
+ spacing(), which gives the spacing between the managed widgets. If
+ \a spacing is -1 (the default), spacing is set to the value of \a
+ margin.
+ There can be only one top-level layout for a widget. It is
+ returned by TQWidget::layout()
+TQLayout::TQLayout( TQWidget *parent, int margin, int spacing, const char *name )
+ : TQObject( parent, name )
+ init();
+ if ( parent ) {
+ if ( parent->layout() ) {
+ tqWarning( "TQLayout \"%s\" added to %s \"%s\", which already has a"
+ " layout", TQObject::name(), parent->className(),
+ parent->name() );
+ parent->removeChild( this );
+ } else {
+ topLevel = TRUE;
+ parent->installEventFilter( this );
+ setWidgetLayout( parent, this );
+ }
+ }
+ outsideBorder = margin;
+ if ( spacing < 0 )
+ insideSpacing = margin;
+ else
+ insideSpacing = spacing;
+void TQLayout::init()
+ insideSpacing = 0;
+ outsideBorder = 0;
+ topLevel = FALSE;
+ enabled = TRUE;
+ autoNewChild = FALSE;
+ frozen = FALSE;
+ activated = FALSE;
+ marginImpl = FALSE;
+ autoMinimum = FALSE;
+ autoResizeMode = TRUE;
+ extraData = 0;
+ menubar = 0;
+ Constructs a new child TQLayout called \a name, and places it
+ inside \a parentLayout by using the default placement defined by
+ addItem().
+ If \a spacing is -1, this TQLayout inherits \a parentLayout's
+ spacing(), otherwise the value of \a spacing is used.
+TQLayout::TQLayout( TQLayout *parentLayout, int spacing, const char *name )
+ : TQObject( parentLayout, name )
+ init();
+ insideSpacing = spacing < 0 ? parentLayout->insideSpacing : spacing;
+ parentLayout->addItem( this );
+ Constructs a new child TQLayout called \a name. If \a spacing is
+ -1, this TQLayout inherits its parent's spacing(); otherwise the
+ value of \a spacing is used.
+ This layout has to be inserted into another layout before geometry
+ management will work.
+TQLayout::TQLayout( int spacing, const char *name )
+ : TQObject( 0, name )
+ init();
+ insideSpacing = spacing;
+ \fn void TQLayout::addItem( TQLayoutItem *item )
+ Implemented in subclasses to add an \a item. How it is added is
+ specific to each subclass.
+ The ownership of \a item is transferred to the layout, and it's
+ the layout's responsibility to delete it.
+ \fn TQLayoutIterator TQLayout::iterator()
+ Implemented in subclasses to return an iterator that iterates over
+ this layout's children.
+ A typical implementation will be:
+ \code
+ TQLayoutIterator MyLayout::iterator()
+ {
+ TQGLayoutIterator *i = new MyLayoutIterator( internal_data );
+ return TQLayoutIterator( i );
+ }
+ \endcode
+ where MyLayoutIterator is a subclass of TQGLayoutIterator.
+ \fn void TQLayout::add( TQWidget *w )
+ Adds widget \a w to this layout in a manner specific to the
+ layout. This function uses addItem().
+ \fn TQMenuBar* TQLayout::menuBar () const
+ Returns the menu bar set for this layout, or 0 if no menu bar is
+ set.
+ \fn bool TQLayout::isTopLevel () const
+ Returns TRUE if this layout is a top-level layout, i.e. not a
+ child of another layout; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ \property TQLayout::margin
+ \brief the width of the outside border of the layout
+ For some layout classes this property has an effect only on
+ top-level layouts; TQBoxLayout and TQGridLayout support margins for
+ child layouts. The default value is 0.
+ \sa spacing
+ \property TQLayout::spacing
+ \brief the spacing between widgets inside the layout
+ The default value is -1, which signifies that the layout's spacing
+ should not override the widget's spacing.
+ \sa margin
+void TQLayout::setMargin( int margin )
+ outsideBorder = margin;
+ invalidate();
+ if ( mainWidget() ) {
+ TQEvent *lh = new TQEvent( TQEvent::LayoutHint );
+ TQApplication::postEvent( mainWidget(), lh );
+ }
+void TQLayout::setSpacing( int spacing )
+ insideSpacing = spacing;
+ if ( spacing >= 0 )
+ propagateSpacing( this );
+ invalidate();
+ if ( mainWidget() ) {
+ TQEvent *lh = new TQEvent( TQEvent::LayoutHint );
+ TQApplication::postEvent( mainWidget(), lh );
+ }
+ Returns the main widget (parent widget) of this layout, or 0 if
+ this layout is a sub-layout that is not yet inserted.
+TQWidget *TQLayout::mainWidget()
+ if ( !topLevel ) {
+ if ( parent() ) {
+ TQLayout *parentLayout = ::tqt_cast<TQLayout*>(parent());
+ Q_ASSERT(parentLayout);
+ return parentLayout->mainWidget();
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Q_ASSERT(parent() && parent()->isWidgetType());
+ return (TQWidget*)parent();
+ }
+ Returns TRUE if this layout is empty. The default implementation
+ returns FALSE.
+bool TQLayout::isEmpty() const
+ return FALSE; //### should check
+ Sets widget \a w's layout to layout \a l.
+void TQLayout::setWidgetLayout( TQWidget *w, TQLayout *l )
+ w->setLayout( l );
+ This function is reimplemented in subclasses to perform layout.
+ The default implementation maintains the geometry() information
+ given by rect \a r. Reimplementors must call this function.
+void TQLayout::setGeometry( const TQRect &r )
+ rect = r;
+ Invalidates cached information. Reimplementations must call this.
+void TQLayout::invalidate()
+ rect = TQRect();
+static bool removeWidgetRecursively( TQLayoutItem *lay, TQWidget *w )
+ bool didSomething = FALSE;
+ TQLayoutIterator it = lay->iterator();
+ TQLayoutItem *child;
+ while ( (child = it.current()) != 0 ) {
+ if ( child->widget() == w ) {
+ it.deleteCurrent();
+ lay->invalidate(); // maybe redundant
+ didSomething = TRUE;
+ } else if ( removeWidgetRecursively(child, w) ) {
+ lay->invalidate(); // maybe redundant
+ didSomething = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ return didSomething;
+ \reimp
+ Performs child widget layout when the parent widget is resized.
+ Also handles removal of widgets and child layouts. \a e is the
+ event the occurred on object \a o.
+bool TQLayout::eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e )
+ if ( !enabled )
+ return FALSE;
+ if ( !o->isWidgetType() )
+ return FALSE;
+ switch ( e->type() ) {
+ case TQEvent::Resize:
+ if ( activated ) {
+ TQResizeEvent *r = (TQResizeEvent *)e;
+ int mbh = 0;
+ mbh = menuBarHeightForWidth( menubar, r->size().width() );
+ int b = marginImpl ? 0 : outsideBorder;
+ setGeometry( TQRect( b, mbh + b, r->size().width() - 2 * b,
+ r->size().height() - mbh - 2 * b ) );
+ } else {
+ activate();
+ }
+ break;
+ case TQEvent::ChildRemoved:
+ {
+ TQChildEvent *c = (TQChildEvent *)e;
+ if ( c->child()->isWidgetType() ) {
+ TQWidget *w = (TQWidget *)c->child();
+ if ( w == menubar )
+ menubar = 0;
+ if ( removeWidgetRecursively( this, w ) ) {
+ TQEvent *lh = new TQEvent( TQEvent::LayoutHint );
+ TQApplication::postEvent( o, lh );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case TQEvent::ChildInserted:
+ if ( topLevel && autoNewChild ) {
+ TQChildEvent *c = (TQChildEvent *)e;
+ if ( c->child()->isWidgetType() ) {
+ TQWidget *w = (TQWidget *)c->child();
+ if ( !w->isTopLevel() ) {
+#if !defined(TQT_NO_MENUBAR) && !defined(TQT_NO_TOOLBAR)
+ if ( ::tqt_cast<TQMenuBar*>(w) && !::tqt_cast<TQToolBar*>(w->parentWidget()) )
+ menubar = (TQMenuBar *)w;
+ else
+ addItem( new TQWidgetItem( w ) );
+ TQEvent *lh = new TQEvent( TQEvent::LayoutHint );
+ TQApplication::postEvent( o, lh );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case TQEvent::LayoutHint:
+ activate();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return TQObject::eventFilter( o, e );
+ \reimp
+void TQLayout::childEvent( TQChildEvent *e )
+ if ( !enabled )
+ return;
+ if ( e->type() == TQEvent::ChildRemoved ) {
+ TQChildEvent *c = (TQChildEvent*)e;
+ TQLayoutIterator it = iterator();
+ TQLayoutItem *item;
+ while ( (item = it.current() ) ) {
+ if ( item == (TQLayout*)c->child() ) {
+ it.takeCurrent();
+ invalidate();
+ break;
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \internal
+ Also takes margin() and menu bar into account.
+int TQLayout::totalHeightForWidth( int w ) const
+ if ( topLevel ) {
+ TQWidget *mw = (TQWidget*)parent();
+ if ( mw && !mw->testWState(WState_Polished) ) {
+ mw->polish();
+ }
+ }
+ int b = ( topLevel && !marginImpl ) ? 2 * outsideBorder : 0;
+ int h = heightForWidth( w - b ) + b;
+ h += menuBarHeightForWidth( menubar, w );
+ return h;
+ \internal
+ Also takes margin() and menu bar into account.
+TQSize TQLayout::totalMinimumSize() const
+ if ( topLevel ) {
+ TQWidget *mw = (TQWidget*)parent();
+ if ( mw && !mw->testWState(WState_Polished) )
+ mw->polish();
+ }
+ int b = ( topLevel && !marginImpl ) ? 2 * outsideBorder : 0;
+ TQSize s = minimumSize();
+ int h = b;
+ h += menuBarHeightForWidth( menubar, s.width() );
+ return s + TQSize( b, h );
+ \internal
+ Also takes margin() and menu bar into account.
+TQSize TQLayout::totalSizeHint() const
+ if ( topLevel ) {
+ TQWidget *mw = (TQWidget*)parent();
+ if ( mw && !mw->testWState(WState_Polished) )
+ mw->polish();
+ }
+ int b = ( topLevel && !marginImpl ) ? 2 * outsideBorder : 0;
+ TQSize s = sizeHint();
+ if ( hasHeightForWidth() )
+ s.setHeight( heightForWidth(s.width()) );
+ int h = b;
+ h += menuBarHeightForWidth( menubar, s.width() );
+ return s + TQSize( b, h );
+ \internal
+ Also takes margin() and menu bar into account.
+TQSize TQLayout::totalMaximumSize() const
+ if ( topLevel ) {
+ TQWidget *mw = (TQWidget*)parent();
+ if ( mw && !mw->testWState(WState_Polished) ) {
+ mw->polish();
+ }
+ }
+ int b = ( topLevel && !marginImpl ) ? 2 * outsideBorder : 0;
+ TQSize s = maximumSize();
+ int h = b;
+ h += menuBarHeightForWidth( menubar, s.width() );
+ if ( isTopLevel() )
+ s = TQSize( TQMIN( s.width() + b, TQLAYOUTSIZE_MAX ),
+ TQMIN( s.height() + h, TQLAYOUTSIZE_MAX ) );
+ return s;
+ \internal
+ Destroys the layout, deleting all child layouts.
+ Geometry management stops when a top-level layout is deleted.
+ The layout classes will probably be fatally confused if you delete
+ a sublayout.
+ /*
+ This function may be called during the TQObject destructor,
+ when the parent no longer is a TQWidget.
+ */
+ if ( isTopLevel() && parent() && parent()->isWidgetType() &&
+ ((TQWidget*)parent())->layout() == this )
+ setWidgetLayout( (TQWidget*)parent(), 0 );
+ Removes and deletes all items in this layout.
+void TQLayout::deleteAllItems()
+ TQLayoutIterator it = iterator();
+ TQLayoutItem *l;
+ while ( (l = it.takeCurrent()) )
+ delete l;
+ This function is called from addLayout() functions in subclasses
+ to add layout \a l as a sub-layout.
+void TQLayout::addChildLayout( TQLayout *l )
+ if ( l->parent() ) {
+#if defined(QT_CHECK_NULL)
+ tqWarning( "TQLayout::addChildLayout: layout already has a parent" );
+ return;
+ }
+ insertChild( l );
+ if ( l->insideSpacing < 0 ) {
+ l->insideSpacing = insideSpacing;
+ propagateSpacing( l );
+ }
+/*! \fn int TQLayout::defaultBorder() const
+ \internal
+/*! \fn void TQLayout::freeze()
+ \internal
+ \internal
+ Fixes the size of the main widget and distributes the available
+ space to the child widgets. For widgets which should not be
+ resizable, but where a TQLayout subclass is used to set up the initial
+ geometry.
+ As a special case, freeze(0, 0) is equivalent to setResizeMode(Fixed).
+void TQLayout::freeze( int w, int h )
+ if ( w <= 0 || h <= 0 ) {
+ setResizeMode( Fixed );
+ } else {
+ setResizeMode( FreeResize ); // layout will not change min/max size
+ mainWidget()->setFixedSize( w, h );
+ }
+ Makes the geometry manager take account of the menu bar \a w. All
+ child widgets are placed below the bottom edge of the menu bar.
+ A menu bar does its own geometry management: never do addWidget()
+ on a TQMenuBar.
+void TQLayout::setMenuBar( TQMenuBar *w )
+ menubar = w;
+ Returns the minimum size of this layout. This is the smallest size
+ that the layout can have while still respecting the
+ specifications. Does not include what's needed by margin() or
+ menuBar().
+ The default implementation allows unlimited resizing.
+TQSize TQLayout::minimumSize() const
+ return TQSize( 0, 0 );
+ Returns the maximum size of this layout. This is the largest size
+ that the layout can have while still respecting the
+ specifications. Does not include what's needed by margin() or
+ menuBar().
+ The default implementation allows unlimited resizing.
+TQSize TQLayout::maximumSize() const
+ Returns whether this layout can make use of more space than
+ sizeHint(). A value of \c Vertical or \c Horizontal means that it wants
+ to grow in only one dimension, whereas \c BothDirections means that
+ it wants to grow in both dimensions.
+ The default implementation returns \c BothDirections.
+TQSizePolicy::ExpandData TQLayout::expanding() const
+ return TQSizePolicy::BothDirections;
+static void invalidateRecursive( TQLayoutItem *lay )
+ lay->invalidate();
+ TQLayoutIterator it = lay->iterator();
+ TQLayoutItem *child;
+ while ( (child = it.current()) != 0 ) {
+ invalidateRecursive( child );
+ ++it;
+ }
+ Redoes the layout for mainWidget(). You should generally not need
+ to call this because it is automatically called at the most
+ appropriate times.
+ However, if you set up a TQLayout for a visible widget without
+ resizing that widget, you will need to call this function in order
+ to lay it out.
+ \sa TQWidget::updateGeometry()
+bool TQLayout::activate()
+ invalidateRecursive( this );
+ if ( !topLevel )
+ return FALSE;
+ TQWidget *mw = mainWidget();
+ if (!mw) {
+#if defined( QT_CHECK_NULL )
+ tqWarning( "TQLayout::activate: %s \"%s\" does not have a main widget",
+ TQObject::className(), TQObject::name() );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ activated = TRUE;
+ TQSize s = mw->size();
+ TQSize ms;
+ int mbh = 0;
+ mbh = menuBarHeightForWidth( menubar, s.width() );
+ int b = marginImpl ? 0 : outsideBorder;
+ setGeometry(TQRect(b, mbh + b, s.width() - 2 * b, s.height() - mbh - 2 * b));
+ if ( frozen ) {
+ // will trigger resize
+ mw->setFixedSize( totalSizeHint() );
+ } else if ( autoMinimum ) {
+ ms = totalMinimumSize();
+ } else if ( autoResizeMode && topLevel && mw->isTopLevel() ) {
+ ms = totalMinimumSize();
+ if ( hasHeightForWidth() ) {
+ int h;
+ int mmbh = menuBarHeightForWidth( menubar, ms.width() );
+ // ### 4.0: remove this 'if' when minimumHeightForWidth() is virtual
+ if ( inherits("TQBoxLayout") ) {
+ h = ((TQBoxLayout *) this)->minimumHeightForWidth( ms.width() );
+ } else if ( inherits("TQGridLayout") ) {
+ h = ((TQGridLayout *) this)->minimumHeightForWidth( ms.width() );
+ } else {
+ h = heightForWidth( ms.width() );
+ }
+ if ( h + mmbh > ms.height() )
+#if 1
+ //old behaviour:
+ ms = TQSize( 0, 0 );
+ //better, but too big a change for a patch release in a stable branch:
+ ms.setHeight( 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ if (ms.isValid())
+ mw->setMinimumSize( ms );
+ // ideally only if sizeHint() or sizePolicy() has changed
+ mw->updateGeometry();
+ return TRUE;
+ \class TQSizePolicy
+ \brief The TQSizePolicy class is a layout attribute describing horizontal
+ and vertical resizing policy.
+ \ingroup appearance
+ \ingroup geomanagement
+ The size policy of a widget is an expression of its willingness to
+ be resized in various ways.
+ Widgets that reimplement TQWidget::sizePolicy() return a TQSizePolicy
+ that describes the horizontal and vertical resizing policy they
+ prefer when being laid out. Only \link #interesting one of the
+ constructors\endlink is of interest in most applications.
+ TQSizePolicy contains two independent SizeType objects; one describes
+ the widgets's horizontal size policy, and the other describes its
+ vertical size policy. It also contains a flag to indicate whether the
+ height and width of its preferred size are related.
+ The horizontal and vertical \l{SizeType}s are set in the usual constructor
+ and can be queried using a variety of functions.
+ The hasHeightForWidth() flag indicates whether the widget's sizeHint()
+ is width-dependent (such as a word-wrapping label) or not.
+ \sa TQSizePolicy::SizeType
+ \enum TQSizePolicy::SizeType
+ The per-dimension sizing types used when constructing a
+ TQSizePolicy are:
+ \value Fixed The TQWidget::sizeHint() is the only acceptable
+ alternative, so the widget can never grow or shrink (e.g. the
+ vertical direction of a push button).
+ \value Minimum The sizeHint() is minimal, and sufficient. The
+ widget can be expanded, but there is no advantage to it being
+ larger (e.g. the horizontal direction of a push button).
+ It cannot be smaller than the size provided by sizeHint().
+ \value Maximum The sizeHint() is a maximum. The widget can be
+ shrunk any amount without detriment if other widgets need the
+ space (e.g. a separator line).
+ It cannot be larger than the size provided by sizeHint().
+ \value Preferred The sizeHint() is best, but the widget can be
+ shrunk and still be useful. The widget can be expanded, but there
+ is no advantage to it being larger than sizeHint() (the default
+ TQWidget policy).
+ \value Expanding The sizeHint() is a sensible size, but the
+ widget can be shrunk and still be useful. The widget can make use
+ of extra space, so it should get as much space as possible (e.g.
+ the horizontal direction of a slider).
+ \value MinimumExpanding The sizeHint() is minimal, and sufficient.
+ The widget can make use of extra space, so it should get as much
+ space as possible (e.g. the horizontal direction of a slider).
+ \value Ignored the sizeHint() is ignored. The widget will get as
+ much space as possible.
+ \enum TQSizePolicy::ExpandData
+ This enum type describes in which directions a widget can make use
+ of extra space. There are four possible values:
+ \value NoDirection the widget cannot make use of extra space in
+ any direction.
+ \value Horizontally the widget can usefully be wider than the
+ sizeHint().
+ \value Vertically the widget can usefully be taller than the
+ sizeHint().
+ \value BothDirections the widget can usefully be both wider and
+ taller than the sizeHint().
+ \fn TQSizePolicy::TQSizePolicy()
+ Constructs a minimally initialized TQSizePolicy.
+ \fn TQSizePolicy::TQSizePolicy( SizeType hor, SizeType ver, bool hfw )
+ \target interesting
+ This is the constructor normally used to return a value in the
+ overridden \l TQWidget::sizePolicy() function of a TQWidget
+ subclass.
+ It constructs a TQSizePolicy with independent horizontal and
+ vertical sizing types, \a hor and \a ver respectively. These \link
+ TQSizePolicy::SizeType sizing types\endlink affect how the widget
+ is treated by the \link TQLayout layout engine\endlink.
+ If \a hfw is TRUE, the preferred height of the widget is dependent
+ on the width of the widget (for example, a TQLabel with line
+ wrapping).
+ \sa horData() verData() hasHeightForWidth()
+ \fn TQSizePolicy::TQSizePolicy( SizeType hor, SizeType ver, uchar horStretch, uchar verStretch, bool hfw )
+ Constructs a TQSizePolicy with independent horizontal and vertical
+ sizing types \a hor and \a ver, and stretch factors \a horStretch
+ and \a verStretch.
+ If \a hfw is TRUE, the preferred height of the widget is dependent on the
+ width of the widget.
+ \sa horStretch() verStretch()
+ \fn TQSizePolicy::SizeType TQSizePolicy::horData() const
+ Returns the horizontal component of the size policy.
+ \sa setHorData() verData() horStretch()
+ \fn TQSizePolicy::SizeType TQSizePolicy::verData() const
+ Returns the vertical component of the size policy.
+ \sa setVerData() horData() verStretch()
+ \fn bool TQSizePolicy::mayShrinkHorizontally() const
+ Returns TRUE if the widget can sensibly be narrower than its
+ sizeHint(); otherwise returns FALSE.
+ \sa mayShrinkVertically() mayGrowHorizontally()
+ \fn bool TQSizePolicy::mayShrinkVertically() const
+ Returns TRUE if the widget can sensibly be shorter than its
+ sizeHint(); otherwise returns FALSE.
+ \sa mayShrinkHorizontally() mayGrowVertically()
+ \fn bool TQSizePolicy::mayGrowHorizontally() const
+ Returns TRUE if the widget can sensibly be wider than its
+ sizeHint(); otherwise returns FALSE.
+ \sa mayGrowVertically() mayShrinkHorizontally()
+ \fn bool TQSizePolicy::mayGrowVertically() const
+ Returns TRUE if the widget can sensibly be taller than its
+ sizeHint(); otherwise returns FALSE.
+ \sa mayGrowHorizontally() mayShrinkVertically()
+ \fn TQSizePolicy::ExpandData TQSizePolicy::expanding() const
+ Returns whether this layout can make use of more space than
+ sizeHint(). A value of \c Vertical or \c Horizontal means that it wants
+ to grow in only one dimension, whereas \c BothDirections means that
+ it wants to grow in both dimensions.
+ \sa mayShrinkHorizontally() mayGrowHorizontally()
+ mayShrinkVertically() mayGrowVertically()
+ \fn void TQSizePolicy::setHorData( SizeType d )
+ Sets the horizontal component of the size policy to size type \a
+ d.
+ \sa horData() setVerData()
+ \fn void TQSizePolicy::setVerData( SizeType d )
+ Sets the vertical component of the size policy to size type \a d.
+ \sa verData() setHorData()
+ \fn bool TQSizePolicy::hasHeightForWidth() const
+ Returns TRUE if the widget's preferred height depends on its
+ width; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ \sa setHeightForWidth()
+ \fn void TQSizePolicy::setHeightForWidth( bool b )
+ Sets the hasHeightForWidth() flag to \a b.
+ \sa hasHeightForWidth()
+ \fn uint TQSizePolicy::horStretch() const
+ Returns the horizontal stretch factor of the size policy.
+ \sa setHorStretch() verStretch()
+ \fn uint TQSizePolicy::verStretch() const
+ Returns the vertical stretch factor of the size policy.
+ \sa setVerStretch() horStretch()
+ \fn void TQSizePolicy::setHorStretch( uchar sf )
+ Sets the horizontal stretch factor of the size policy to \a sf.
+ \sa horStretch() setVerStretch()
+ \fn void TQSizePolicy::setVerStretch( uchar sf )
+ Sets the vertical stretch factor of the size policy to \a sf.
+ \sa verStretch() setHorStretch()
+ \fn void TQSizePolicy::transpose()
+ Swaps the horizontal and vertical policies and stretches.
+ \fn bool TQSizePolicy::operator==( const TQSizePolicy &s ) const
+ Returns TRUE if this policy is equal to \a s; otherwise returns
+ \sa operator!=()
+ \fn bool TQSizePolicy::operator!=( const TQSizePolicy &s ) const
+ Returns TRUE if this policy is different from \a s; otherwise
+ returns FALSE.
+ \sa operator==()
+ \class TQGLayoutIterator
+ \brief The TQGLayoutIterator class is an abstract base class of internal layout iterators.
+ \ingroup appearance
+ \ingroup geomanagement
+ (This class is \e not OpenGL related, it just happens to start with
+ the letters TQGL...)
+ Subclass this class to create a custom layout. The functions that
+ must be implemented are next(), current(), and takeCurrent().
+ The TQGLayoutIterator implements the functionality of
+ TQLayoutIterator. Each subclass of TQLayout needs a
+ TQGLayoutIterator subclass.
+ \fn TQLayoutItem *TQGLayoutIterator::next()
+ Implemented in subclasses to move the iterator to the next item
+ and return that item, or 0 if there is no next item.
+ \fn TQLayoutItem *TQGLayoutIterator::current()
+ Implemented in subclasses to return the current item, or 0 if
+ there is no current item.
+ \fn TQLayoutItem *TQGLayoutIterator::takeCurrent()
+ Implemented in subclasses. The function must remove the current
+ item from the layout without deleting it, move the iterator to the
+ next item and return the removed item, or 0 if no item was
+ removed.
+ Destroys the iterator
+ \class TQLayoutIterator
+ \brief The TQLayoutIterator class provides iterators over TQLayoutItem.
+ \ingroup appearance
+ \ingroup geomanagement
+ Use TQLayoutItem::iterator() to create an iterator over a layout.
+ TQLayoutIterator uses \e explicit sharing with a reference count.
+ If an iterator is copied and one of the copies is modified, both
+ iterators will be modified.
+ A TQLayoutIterator is not protected against changes in its layout. If
+ the layout is modified or deleted the iterator will become invalid.
+ It is not possible to test for validity. It is safe to delete an
+ invalid layout; any other access may lead to an illegal memory
+ reference and the abnormal termination of the program.
+ Calling takeCurrent() or deleteCurrent() leaves the iterator in a
+ valid state, but may invalidate any other iterators that access the
+ same layout.
+ The following code will draw a rectangle for each layout item in
+ the layout structure of the widget.
+ \code
+ static void paintLayout( TQPainter *p, TQLayoutItem *lay )
+ {
+ TQLayoutIterator it = lay->iterator();
+ TQLayoutItem *child;
+ while ( (child = it.current()) != 0 ) {
+ paintLayout( p, child );
+ ++it;
+ }
+ p->drawRect( lay->geometry() );
+ }
+ void ExampleWidget::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * )
+ {
+ TQPainter p( this );
+ if ( layout() )
+ paintLayout( &p, layout() );
+ }
+ \endcode
+ All the functionality of TQLayoutIterator is implemented by
+ subclasses of \l TQGLayoutIterator. TQLayoutIterator itself is not
+ designed to be subclassed.
+ \fn TQLayoutIterator::TQLayoutIterator( TQGLayoutIterator *gi )
+ Constructs an iterator based on \a gi. The constructed iterator
+ takes ownership of \a gi and will delete it.
+ This constructor is provided for layout implementors. Application
+ programmers should use TQLayoutItem::iterator() to create an
+ iterator over a layout.
+ \fn TQLayoutIterator::TQLayoutIterator( const TQLayoutIterator &i )
+ Creates a shallow copy of \a i, i.e. if the copy is modified, then
+ the original will also be modified.
+ \fn TQLayoutIterator::~TQLayoutIterator()
+ Destroys the iterator.
+ \fn TQLayoutIterator &TQLayoutIterator::operator=( const TQLayoutIterator &i )
+ Assigns \a i to this iterator and returns a reference to this
+ iterator.
+ \fn TQLayoutItem *TQLayoutIterator::operator++()
+ Moves the iterator to the next child item and returns that item,
+ or 0 if there is no such item.
+ \fn TQLayoutItem *TQLayoutIterator::current()
+ Returns the current item, or 0 if there is no current item.
+ \fn TQLayoutItem *TQLayoutIterator::takeCurrent()
+ Removes the current child item from the layout without deleting
+ it, and moves the iterator to the next item. Returns the removed
+ item, or 0 if there was no item to be removed. This iterator will
+ still be valid, but any other iterator over the same layout may
+ become invalid.
+ \fn void TQLayoutIterator::deleteCurrent()
+ Removes and deletes the current child item from the layout and
+ moves the iterator to the next item. This iterator will still be
+ valid, but any other iterator over the same layout may become
+ invalid.
+ \enum TQLayout::ResizeMode
+ The possible values are:
+ \value Auto If the main widget is a top-level widget with no
+ height-for-width (hasHeightForWidth()), this is
+ the same as \c Minimium; otherwise, this is the
+ same as \c FreeResize.
+ \value Fixed The main widget's size is set to sizeHint(); it
+ cannot be resized at all.
+ \value Minimum The main widget's minimum size is set to
+ minimumSize(); it cannot be smaller.
+ \value FreeResize The widget is not constrained.
+ \property TQLayout::resizeMode
+ \brief the resize mode of the layout
+ The default mode is \c Auto.
+ \sa TQLayout::ResizeMode
+void TQLayout::setResizeMode( ResizeMode mode )
+ if ( mode == resizeMode() )
+ return;
+ switch ( mode ) {
+ case Auto:
+ frozen = FALSE;
+ autoMinimum = FALSE;
+ autoResizeMode = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case Fixed:
+ frozen = TRUE;
+ autoMinimum = FALSE;
+ autoResizeMode = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case FreeResize:
+ frozen = FALSE;
+ autoMinimum = FALSE;
+ autoResizeMode = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case Minimum:
+ frozen = FALSE;
+ autoMinimum = TRUE;
+ autoResizeMode = FALSE;
+ }
+ if ( mainWidget() && mainWidget()->isVisible() )
+ activate();
+TQLayout::ResizeMode TQLayout::resizeMode() const
+ return ( autoResizeMode ? Auto :
+ (frozen ? Fixed : (autoMinimum ? Minimum : FreeResize)) );
+ \fn bool TQLayout::autoAdd() const
+ Returns TRUE if this layout automatically grabs all new
+ mainWidget()'s new children and adds them as defined by addItem();
+ otherwise returns FALSE. This has effect only for top-level
+ layouts, i.e. layouts that are direct children of their
+ mainWidget().
+ autoAdd() is disabled by default.
+ Note that a top-level layout is not necessarily associated with
+ the top-level widget.
+ \sa setAutoAdd()
+ If \a b is TRUE, auto-add is enabled; otherwise auto-add is
+ disabled.
+ \warning If auto-add is enabled, you cannot set stretch factors
+ on the child widgets until the widgets are actually inserted in
+ the layout (after control returned to the event loop). We
+ therefore recommend that you avoid the auto-add feature in new
+ programs.
+ \sa autoAdd()
+void TQLayout::setAutoAdd( bool b )
+ autoNewChild = b;
+ \fn bool TQLayout::supportsMargin() const
+ Returns TRUE if this layout supports \l TQLayout::margin on
+ non-top-level layouts; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ \sa margin
+ Sets the value returned by supportsMargin(). If \a b is TRUE,
+ margin() handling is implemented by the subclass. If \a b is
+ FALSE (the default), TQLayout will add margin() around top-level
+ layouts.
+ If \a b is TRUE, margin handling needs to be implemented in
+ setGeometry(), maximumSize(), minimumSize(), sizeHint() and
+ heightForWidth().
+ \sa supportsMargin()
+void TQLayout::setSupportsMargin( bool b )
+ marginImpl = b;
+ Returns the rectangle that should be covered when the geometry of
+ this layout is set to \a r, provided that this layout supports
+ setAlignment().
+ The result is derived from sizeHint() and expanding(). It is never
+ larger than \a r.
+TQRect TQLayout::alignmentRect( const TQRect &r ) const
+ TQSize s = sizeHint();
+ int a = alignment();
+ /*
+ This is a hack to obtain the real maximum size, not
+ TQSize(TQLAYOUTSIZE_MAX, TQLAYOUTSIZE_MAX), the value consistently
+ returned by TQLayoutItems that have an alignment.
+ */
+ TQLayout *that = (TQLayout *) this;
+ that->setAlignment( 0 );
+ TQSize ms = maximumSize();
+ that->setAlignment( a );
+ if ( (expanding() & TQSizePolicy::Horizontally) ||
+ !(a & TQt::AlignHorizontal_Mask ) ) {
+ s.setWidth( TQMIN(r.width(), ms.width()) );
+ }
+ if ( (expanding() & TQSizePolicy::Vertically) ||
+ !(a & TQt::AlignVertical_Mask) ) {
+ s.setHeight( TQMIN(r.height(), ms.height()) );
+ } else if ( hasHeightForWidth() ) {
+ int hfw = heightForWidth( s.width() );
+ if ( hfw < s.height() )
+ s.setHeight( TQMIN(hfw, ms.height()) );
+ }
+ int x = r.x();
+ int y = r.y();
+ if ( a & TQt::AlignBottom )
+ y += ( r.height() - s.height() );
+ else if ( !(a & TQt::AlignTop) )
+ y += ( r.height() - s.height() ) / 2;
+ a = TQApplication::horizontalAlignment( a );
+ if ( a & TQt::AlignRight )
+ x += ( r.width() - s.width() );
+ else if ( !(a & TQt::AlignLeft) )
+ x += ( r.width() - s.width() ) / 2;
+ return TQRect( x, y, s.width(), s.height() );
+ Removes the widget \a widget from the layout. After this call, it
+ is the caller's responsibility to give the widget a reasonable
+ geometry or to put the widget back into a layout.
+ \sa removeItem(), TQWidget::setGeometry(), add()
+void TQLayout::remove( TQWidget *widget )
+ TQLayoutIterator it = iterator();
+ TQLayoutItem *child;
+ while ( (child = it.current()) != 0 ) {
+ if ( child->widget() == widget ) {
+ it.deleteCurrent();
+ invalidate(); // maybe redundant
+ TQApplication::postEvent( mainWidget(),
+ new TQEvent(TQEvent::LayoutHint) );
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ Removes the layout item \a item from the layout. It is the
+ caller's responsibility to delete the item.
+ Notice that \a item can be a layout (since TQLayout inherits
+ TQLayoutItem).
+ \sa remove(), addItem()
+void TQLayout::removeItem( TQLayoutItem *item )
+ TQLayoutIterator it = iterator();
+ TQLayoutItem *child;
+ while ( (child = it.current()) != 0 ) {
+ if ( child == item ) {
+ it.takeCurrent();
+ invalidate(); // maybe redundant
+ TQApplication::postEvent( mainWidget(),
+ new TQEvent(TQEvent::LayoutHint) );
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ Enables this layout if \a enable is TRUE, otherwise disables it.
+ An enabled layout adjusts dynamically to changes; a disabled
+ layout acts as if it did not exist.
+ By default all layouts are enabled.
+ \sa isEnabled()
+void TQLayout::setEnabled( bool enable )
+ enabled = enable;
+ Returns TRUE if the layout is enabled; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ \sa setEnabled()
+bool TQLayout::isEnabled() const
+ return enabled;
+void TQLayout::propagateSpacing( TQLayout *parent )
+ TQLayoutIterator it = parent->iterator();
+ TQLayoutItem *child;
+ while ( (child = it.current()) ) {
+ TQLayout *childLayout = child->layout();
+ if ( childLayout && childLayout->insideSpacing < 0 ) {
+ childLayout->insideSpacing = parent->insideSpacing;
+ propagateSpacing( childLayout );
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+#endif // TQT_NO_LAYOUT