path: root/src/kernel/tqaccel.cpp
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diff --git a/src/kernel/tqaccel.cpp b/src/kernel/tqaccel.cpp
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+++ b/src/kernel/tqaccel.cpp
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+** Implementation of TQAccel class
+** Created : 950419
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
+** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
+** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
+** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
+** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
+** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
+** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
+** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
+** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
+** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+#include "tqaccel.h"
+#ifndef TQT_NO_ACCEL
+#include "tqsignal.h"
+#include "ntqapplication.h"
+#include "tqwidget.h"
+#include "tqptrlist.h"
+#include "tqwhatsthis.h"
+#include "tqguardedptr.h"
+#include "tqstatusbar.h"
+#include "ntqdockwindow.h"
+#include "tqsignalslotimp.h"
+ \class TQAccel tqaccel.h
+ \brief The TQAccel class handles keyboard accelerator and shortcut keys.
+ \ingroup misc
+ A keyboard accelerator triggers an action when a certain key
+ combination is pressed. The accelerator handles all keyboard
+ activity for all the children of one top-level widget, so it is
+ not affected by the keyboard focus.
+ In most cases, you will not need to use this class directly. Use
+ the TQAction class to create actions with accelerators that can be
+ used in both menus and toolbars. If you're only interested in
+ menus use TQMenuData::insertItem() or TQMenuData::setAccel() to make
+ accelerators for operations that are also available on menus. Many
+ widgets automatically generate accelerators, such as TQButton,
+ TQGroupBox, TQLabel (with TQLabel::setBuddy()), TQMenuBar and TQTabBar.
+ Example:
+ \code
+ TQPushButton p( "&Exit", parent ); // automatic shortcut ALT+Key_E
+ TQPopupMenu *fileMenu = new fileMenu( parent );
+ fileMenu->insertItem( "Undo", parent, TQ_SLOT(undo()), CTRL+Key_Z );
+ \endcode
+ A TQAccel contains a list of accelerator items that can be
+ manipulated using insertItem(), removeItem(), clear(), key() and
+ findKey().
+ Each accelerator item consists of an identifier and a \l
+ TQKeySequence. A single key sequence consists of a keyboard code
+ combined with modifiers (\c SHIFT, \c CTRL, \c ALT or \c
+ UNICODE_ACCEL). For example, \c{CTRL + Key_P} could be a shortcut
+ for printing a document. The key codes are listed in \c
+ ntqnamespace.h. As an alternative, use \c UNICODE_ACCEL with the
+ unicode code point of the character. For example, \c{UNICODE_ACCEL
+ + 'A'} gives the same accelerator as \c Key_A.
+ When an accelerator key is pressed, the accelerator sends out the
+ signal activated() with a number that identifies this particular
+ accelerator item. Accelerator items can also be individually
+ connected, so that two different keys will activate two different
+ slots (see connectItem() and disconnectItem()).
+ The activated() signal is \e not emitted when two or more
+ accelerators match the same key. Instead, the first matching
+ accelerator sends out the activatedAmbiguously() signal. By
+ pressing the key multiple times, users can navigate between all
+ matching accelerators. Some standard controls like TQPushButton and
+ TQCheckBox connect the activatedAmbiguously() signal to the
+ harmless setFocus() slot, whereas activated() is connected to a
+ slot invoking the button's action. Most controls, like TQLabel and
+ TQTabBar, treat activated() and activatedAmbiguously() as
+ equivalent.
+ Use setEnabled() to enable or disable all the items in an
+ accelerator, or setItemEnabled() to enable or disable individual
+ items. An item is active only when both the TQAccel and the item
+ itself are enabled.
+ The function setWhatsThis() specifies a help text that appears
+ when the user presses an accelerator key in What's This mode.
+ The accelerator will be deleted when \e parent is deleted,
+ and will consume relevant key events until then.
+ Please note that the accelerator
+ \code
+ accelerator->insertItem( TQKeySequence("M") );
+ \endcode
+ can be triggered with both the 'M' key, and with Shift+M,
+ unless a second accelerator is defined for the Shift+M
+ combination.
+ Example:
+ \code
+ TQAccel *a = new TQAccel( myWindow ); // create accels for myWindow
+ a->connectItem( a->insertItem(Key_P+CTRL), // adds Ctrl+P accelerator
+ myWindow, // connected to myWindow's
+ TQ_SLOT(printDoc()) ); // printDoc() slot
+ \endcode
+ \sa TQKeyEvent TQWidget::keyPressEvent() TQMenuData::setAccel()
+ TQButton::setAccel() TQLabel::setBuddy() TQKeySequence
+ \link guibooks.html#fowler GUI Design Handbook: Keyboard Shortcuts \endlink.
+struct TQAccelItem { // internal accelerator item
+ TQAccelItem( const TQKeySequence &k, int i )
+ { key=k; id=i; enabled=TRUE; signal=0; }
+ ~TQAccelItem() { delete signal; }
+ int id;
+ TQKeySequence key;
+ bool enabled;
+ TQSignal *signal;
+ TQString whatsthis;
+typedef TQPtrList<TQAccelItem> TQAccelList; // internal accelerator list
+class TQAccelPrivate : public TQt {
+ TQAccelPrivate( TQAccel* p );
+ ~TQAccelPrivate();
+ TQAccelList aitems;
+ bool enabled;
+ TQGuardedPtr<TQWidget> watch;
+ bool ignorewhatsthis;
+ TQAccel* parent;
+ void activate( TQAccelItem* item );
+ void activateAmbiguously( TQAccelItem* item );
+class TQAccelManager : public TQt {
+ static TQAccelManager* self() { return self_ptr ? self_ptr : new TQAccelManager; }
+ void registerAccel( TQAccelPrivate* a ) { accels.append( a ); }
+ void unregisterAccel( TQAccelPrivate* a ) { accels.removeRef( a ); if ( accels.isEmpty() ) delete this; }
+ bool tryAccelEvent( TQWidget* w, TQKeyEvent* e );
+ bool dispatchAccelEvent( TQWidget* w, TQKeyEvent* e );
+ bool tryComposeUnicode( TQWidget* w, TQKeyEvent* e );
+ TQAccelManager():currentState(TQt::NoMatch), clash(-1) { self_ptr = this; }
+ ~TQAccelManager() { self_ptr = 0; }
+ bool correctSubWindow( TQWidget *w, TQAccelPrivate* d );
+ SequenceMatch match( TQKeyEvent* e, TQAccelItem* item, TQKeySequence& temp );
+ int translateModifiers( ButtonState state );
+ TQPtrList<TQAccelPrivate> accels;
+ static TQAccelManager* self_ptr;
+ TQt::SequenceMatch currentState;
+ TQKeySequence intermediate;
+ int clash;
+TQAccelManager* TQAccelManager::self_ptr = 0;
+bool TQ_EXPORT tqt_tryAccelEvent( TQWidget* w, TQKeyEvent* e){
+ return TQAccelManager::self()->tryAccelEvent( w, e );
+bool TQ_EXPORT tqt_dispatchAccelEvent( TQWidget* w, TQKeyEvent* e){
+ return TQAccelManager::self()->dispatchAccelEvent( w, e );
+bool TQ_EXPORT tqt_tryComposeUnicode( TQWidget* w, TQKeyEvent* e){
+ return TQAccelManager::self()->tryComposeUnicode( w, e );
+#ifdef TQ_WS_MAC
+static bool qt_accel_no_shortcuts = TRUE;
+static bool qt_accel_no_shortcuts = FALSE;
+void TQ_EXPORT tqt_setAccelAutoShortcuts(bool b) { qt_accel_no_shortcuts = b; }
+ \internal
+ Returns TRUE if the accel is in the current subwindow, else FALSE.
+bool TQAccelManager::correctSubWindow( TQWidget* w, TQAccelPrivate* d ) {
+#if !defined ( Q_OS_MACX )
+ if ( !d->watch || !d->watch->isVisible() || !d->watch->isEnabled() )
+ if ( !d->watch || (!d->watch->isVisible() && !d->watch->inherits( "TQMenuBar" )) || !d->watch->isEnabled() )
+ return FALSE;
+ TQWidget* tlw = w->topLevelWidget();
+ TQWidget* wtlw = d->watch->topLevelWidget();
+ /* if we live in a floating dock window, keep our parent's
+ * accelerators working */
+ if ( tlw->isDialog() && tlw->parentWidget() && ::tqt_cast<TQDockWindow*>(tlw) )
+ return tlw->parentWidget()->topLevelWidget() == wtlw;
+ if ( wtlw != tlw )
+ return FALSE;
+ /* if we live in a MDI subwindow, ignore the event if we are
+ not the active document window */
+ TQWidget* sw = d->watch;
+ while ( sw && !sw->testWFlags( WSubWindow ) )
+ sw = sw->parentWidget( TRUE );
+ if ( sw ) { // we are in a subwindow indeed
+ TQWidget* fw = w;
+ while ( fw && fw != sw )
+ fw = fw->parentWidget( TRUE );
+ if ( fw != sw ) // focus widget not in our subwindow
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+inline int TQAccelManager::translateModifiers( ButtonState state )
+ int result = 0;
+ if ( state & ShiftButton )
+ result |= SHIFT;
+ if ( state & ControlButton )
+ result |= CTRL;
+ if ( state & MetaButton )
+ result |= META;
+ if ( state & AltButton )
+ result |= ALT;
+ return result;
+ \internal
+ Matches the current intermediate key sequence + the latest
+ keyevent, with and AccelItem. Returns Identical,
+ PartialMatch or NoMatch, and fills \a temp with the
+ resulting key sequence.
+TQt::SequenceMatch TQAccelManager::match( TQKeyEvent *e, TQAccelItem* item, TQKeySequence& temp )
+ SequenceMatch result = TQt::NoMatch;
+ int index = intermediate.count();
+ temp = intermediate;
+ int modifier = translateModifiers( e->state() );
+ if ( e->key() && e->key() != Key_unknown) {
+ int key = e->key() | modifier;
+ if ( e->key() == Key_BackTab ) {
+ /*
+ In TQApplication, we map shift+tab to shift+backtab.
+ This code here reverts the mapping in a way that keeps
+ backtab and shift+tab accelerators working, in that
+ order, meaning backtab has priority.*/
+ key &= ~SHIFT;
+ temp.setKey( key, index );
+ if ( TQt::NoMatch != (result = temp.matches( item->key )) )
+ return result;
+ if ( e->state() & ShiftButton )
+ key |= SHIFT;
+ key = Key_Tab | ( key & MODIFIER_MASK );
+ temp.setKey( key, index );
+ if ( TQt::NoMatch != (result = temp.matches( item->key )) )
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ temp.setKey( key, index );
+ if ( TQt::NoMatch != (result = temp.matches( item->key )) )
+ return result;
+ }
+ if ( key == Key_BackTab ) {
+ if ( e->state() & ShiftButton )
+ key |= SHIFT;
+ temp.setKey( key, index );
+ if ( TQt::NoMatch != (result = temp.matches( item->key )) )
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !e->text().isEmpty() ) {
+ temp.setKey( (int)e->text()[0].unicode() | UNICODE_ACCEL | modifier, index );
+ result = temp.matches( item->key );
+ }
+ return result;
+bool TQAccelManager::tryAccelEvent( TQWidget* w, TQKeyEvent* e )
+ if ( TQt::NoMatch == currentState ) {
+ e->t = TQEvent::AccelOverride;
+ e->ignore();
+ TQApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent( w, e );
+ if ( e->isAccepted() )
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ e->t = TQEvent::Accel;
+ e->ignore();
+ TQApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent( w, e );
+ return e->isAccepted();
+bool TQAccelManager::tryComposeUnicode( TQWidget* w, TQKeyEvent* e )
+ if ( TQApplication::metaComposeUnicode ) {
+ int value = e->key() - Key_0;
+ // Ignore acceloverrides so we don't trigger
+ // accels on keypad when Meta compose is on
+ if ( (e->type() == TQEvent::AccelOverride) &&
+ (e->state() == TQt::Keypad + TQt::MetaButton) ) {
+ e->accept();
+ // Meta compose start/continue
+ } else if ( (e->type() == TQEvent::KeyPress) &&
+ (e->state() == TQt::Keypad + TQt::MetaButton) ) {
+ if ( value >= 0 && value <= 9 ) {
+ TQApplication::composedUnicode *= 10;
+ TQApplication::composedUnicode += value;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ // Composing interrupted, dispatch!
+ if ( TQApplication::composedUnicode ) {
+ TQChar ch( TQApplication::composedUnicode );
+ TQString s( ch );
+ TQKeyEvent kep( TQEvent::KeyPress, 0, ch.row() ? 0 : ch.cell(), 0, s );
+ TQKeyEvent ker( TQEvent::KeyRelease, 0, ch.row() ? 0 : ch.cell(), 0, s );
+ TQApplication::sendEvent( w, &kep );
+ TQApplication::sendEvent( w, &ker );
+ }
+ TQApplication::composedUnicode = 0;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // Meta compose end, dispatch
+ } else if ( (e->type() == TQEvent::KeyRelease) &&
+ (e->key() == Key_Meta) &&
+ (TQApplication::composedUnicode != 0) ) {
+ if ( (TQApplication::composedUnicode > 0) &&
+ (TQApplication::composedUnicode < 0xFFFE) ) {
+ TQChar ch( TQApplication::composedUnicode );
+ TQString s( ch );
+ TQKeyEvent kep( TQEvent::KeyPress, 0, ch.row() ? 0 : ch.cell(), 0, s );
+ TQKeyEvent ker( TQEvent::KeyRelease, 0, ch.row() ? 0 : ch.cell(), 0, s );
+ TQApplication::sendEvent( w, &kep );
+ TQApplication::sendEvent( w, &ker );
+ }
+ TQApplication::composedUnicode = 0;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ \internal
+ Checks for possible accelerators, if no widget
+ ate the keypres, or we are in the middle of a
+ partial key sequence.
+bool TQAccelManager::dispatchAccelEvent( TQWidget* w, TQKeyEvent* e )
+ // Needs to be declared and used here because of "goto doclash"
+ TQStatusBar* mainStatusBar = 0;
+ // Modifiers can NOT be accelerators...
+ if ( e->key() >= Key_Shift &&
+ e->key() <= Key_Alt )
+ return FALSE;
+ SequenceMatch result = TQt::NoMatch;
+ TQKeySequence tocheck, partial;
+ TQAccelPrivate* accel = 0;
+ TQAccelItem* item = 0;
+ TQAccelPrivate* firstaccel = 0;
+ TQAccelItem* firstitem = 0;
+ TQAccelPrivate* lastaccel = 0;
+ TQAccelItem* lastitem = 0;
+ TQKeyEvent pe = *e;
+ int n = -1;
+ int hasShift = (e->state()&TQt::ShiftButton)?1:0;
+ bool identicalDisabled = FALSE;
+ bool matchFound = FALSE;
+ do {
+ accel = accels.first();
+ matchFound = FALSE;
+ while ( accel ) {
+ if ( correctSubWindow( w, accel ) ) {
+ if ( accel->enabled ) {
+ item = accel->aitems.last();
+ while( item ) {
+ if ( TQt::Identical == (result = match( &pe, item, tocheck )) ) {
+ if ( item->enabled ) {
+ if ( !firstaccel ) {
+ firstaccel = accel;
+ firstitem = item;
+ }
+ lastaccel = accel;
+ lastitem = item;
+ n++;
+ matchFound = TRUE;
+ if ( n > TQMAX(clash,0) )
+ goto doclash;
+ } else {
+ identicalDisabled = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( item->enabled && TQt::PartialMatch == result ) {
+ partial = tocheck;
+ matchFound = TRUE;
+ }
+ item = accel->aitems.prev();
+ }
+ } else {
+ item = accel->aitems.last();
+ while( item ) {
+ if ( TQt::Identical == match( &pe, item, tocheck ) )
+ identicalDisabled = TRUE;
+ item = accel->aitems.prev();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ accel =;
+ }
+ pe = TQKeyEvent( TQEvent::Accel, pe.key(), pe.ascii(), pe.state()&~TQt::ShiftButton, pe.text() );
+ } while ( hasShift-- && !matchFound && !identicalDisabled );
+ mainStatusBar = (TQStatusBar*) w->topLevelWidget()->child( 0, "TQStatusBar" );
+ if ( n < 0 ) { // no match found
+ currentState = partial.count() ? PartialMatch : NoMatch;
+ // Only display message if we are, or were, in a partial match
+ if ( mainStatusBar && (PartialMatch == currentState || intermediate.count() ) ) {
+ if ( currentState == TQt::PartialMatch ) {
+ mainStatusBar->message( (TQString)partial + ", ...", 0 );
+ } else if (!identicalDisabled) {
+ TQString message = TQAccel::tr("%1, %2 not defined").
+ arg( (TQString)intermediate ).
+ arg( TQKeySequence::encodeString( e->key() | translateModifiers(e->state()) ) );
+ mainStatusBar->message( message, 2000 );
+ // Since we're a NoMatch, reset the clash count
+ clash = -1;
+ } else {
+ mainStatusBar->clear();
+ }
+ }
+ bool eatKey = (PartialMatch == currentState || intermediate.count() );
+ intermediate = partial;
+ if ( eatKey )
+ e->accept();
+ return eatKey;
+ } else if ( n == 0 ) { // found exactly one match
+ clash = -1; // reset
+ if ( currentState == TQt::PartialMatch && mainStatusBar )
+ mainStatusBar->clear();
+ currentState = TQt::NoMatch; // Free sequence keylock
+ intermediate = TQKeySequence();
+ lastaccel->activate( lastitem );
+ e->accept();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ doclash: // found more than one match
+ if ( !mainStatusBar ) // if "goto doclash", we need to get statusbar again.
+ mainStatusBar = (TQStatusBar*) w->topLevelWidget()->child( 0, "TQStatusBar" );
+ TQString message = TQAccel::tr( "Ambiguous \"%1\" not handled" ).arg( (TQString)tocheck );
+ if ( clash >= 0 && n > clash ) { // pick next match
+ intermediate = TQKeySequence();
+ currentState = TQt::NoMatch; // Free sequence keylock
+ clash++;
+ if ( mainStatusBar &&
+ !lastitem->signal &&
+ !(lastaccel->parent->receivers( "activatedAmbiguously(int)" )) )
+ mainStatusBar->message( message, 2000 );
+ lastaccel->activateAmbiguously( lastitem );
+ } else { // start (or wrap) with the first matching
+ intermediate = TQKeySequence();
+ currentState = TQt::NoMatch; // Free sequence keylock
+ clash = 0;
+ if ( mainStatusBar &&
+ !firstitem->signal &&
+ !(firstaccel->parent->receivers( "activatedAmbiguously(int)" )) )
+ mainStatusBar->message( message, 2000 );
+ firstaccel->activateAmbiguously( firstitem );
+ }
+ e->accept();
+ return TRUE;
+TQAccelPrivate::TQAccelPrivate( TQAccel* p )
+ : parent( p )
+ TQAccelManager::self()->registerAccel( this );
+ aitems.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
+ ignorewhatsthis = FALSE;
+ TQAccelManager::self()->unregisterAccel( this );
+static TQAccelItem *find_id( TQAccelList &list, int id )
+ TQAccelItem *item = list.first();
+ while ( item && item->id != id )
+ item =;
+ return item;
+static TQAccelItem *find_key( TQAccelList &list, const TQKeySequence &key )
+ TQAccelItem *item = list.first();
+ while ( item && !( item->key == key ) )
+ item =;
+ return item;
+ Constructs a TQAccel object called \a name, with parent \a parent.
+ The accelerator operates on \a parent.
+TQAccel::TQAccel( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
+ : TQObject( parent, name )
+ d = new TQAccelPrivate( this );
+ d->enabled = TRUE;
+ d->watch = parent;
+#if defined(QT_CHECK_NULL)
+ if ( !d->watch )
+ tqWarning( "TQAccel: An accelerator must have a parent or a watch widget" );
+ Constructs a TQAccel object called \a name, that operates on \a
+ watch, and is a child of \a parent.
+ This constructor is not needed for normal application programming.
+TQAccel::TQAccel( TQWidget* watch, TQObject *parent, const char *name )
+ : TQObject( parent, name )
+ d = new TQAccelPrivate( this );
+ d->enabled = TRUE;
+ d->watch = watch;
+#if defined(QT_CHECK_NULL)
+ if ( !d->watch )
+ tqWarning( "TQAccel: An accelerator must have a parent or a watch widget" );
+ Destroys the accelerator object and frees all allocated resources.
+ delete d;
+ \fn void TQAccel::activated( int id )
+ This signal is emitted when an accelerator key is pressed. \a id
+ is a number that identifies this particular accelerator item.
+ \sa activatedAmbiguously()
+ \fn void TQAccel::activatedAmbiguously( int id )
+ This signal is emitted when an accelerator key is pressed. \a id
+ is a number that identifies this particular accelerator item.
+ \sa activated()
+ Returns TRUE if the accelerator is enabled; otherwise returns
+ \sa setEnabled(), isItemEnabled()
+bool TQAccel::isEnabled() const
+ return d->enabled;
+ Enables the accelerator if \a enable is TRUE, or disables it if \a
+ enable is FALSE.
+ Individual keys can also be enabled or disabled using
+ setItemEnabled(). To work, a key must be an enabled item in an
+ enabled TQAccel.
+ \sa isEnabled(), setItemEnabled()
+void TQAccel::setEnabled( bool enable )
+ d->enabled = enable;
+ Returns the number of accelerator items in this accelerator.
+uint TQAccel::count() const
+ return d->aitems.count();
+static int get_seq_id()
+ static int seq_no = -2; // -1 is used as return value in findKey()
+ return seq_no--;
+ Inserts an accelerator item and returns the item's identifier.
+ \a key is a key code and an optional combination of SHIFT, CTRL
+ and ALT. \a id is the accelerator item id.
+ If \a id is negative, then the item will be assigned a unique
+ negative identifier less than -1.
+ \code
+ TQAccel *a = new TQAccel( myWindow ); // create accels for myWindow
+ a->insertItem( CTRL + Key_P, 200 ); // Ctrl+P, e.g. to print document
+ a->insertItem( ALT + Key_X, 201 ); // Alt+X, e.g. to quit
+ a->insertItem( UNICODE_ACCEL + 'q', 202 ); // Unicode 'q', e.g. to quit
+ a->insertItem( Key_D ); // gets a unique negative id < -1
+ a->insertItem( CTRL + SHIFT + Key_P ); // gets a unique negative id < -1
+ \endcode
+int TQAccel::insertItem( const TQKeySequence& key, int id )
+ if ( id == -1 )
+ id = get_seq_id();
+ d->aitems.insert( 0, new TQAccelItem(key,id) );
+ return id;
+ Removes the accelerator item with the identifier \a id.
+void TQAccel::removeItem( int id )
+ if ( find_id( d->aitems, id) )
+ d->aitems.remove();
+ Removes all accelerator items.
+void TQAccel::clear()
+ d->aitems.clear();
+ Returns the key sequence of the accelerator item with identifier
+ \a id, or an invalid key sequence (0) if the id cannot be found.
+TQKeySequence TQAccel::key( int id )
+ TQAccelItem *item = find_id( d->aitems, id);
+ return item ? item->key : TQKeySequence( 0 );
+ Returns the identifier of the accelerator item with the key code
+ \a key, or -1 if the item cannot be found.
+int TQAccel::findKey( const TQKeySequence& key ) const
+ TQAccelItem *item = find_key( d->aitems, key );
+ return item ? item->id : -1;
+ Returns TRUE if the accelerator item with the identifier \a id is
+ enabled. Returns FALSE if the item is disabled or cannot be found.
+ \sa setItemEnabled(), isEnabled()
+bool TQAccel::isItemEnabled( int id ) const
+ TQAccelItem *item = find_id( d->aitems, id);
+ return item ? item->enabled : FALSE;
+ Enables the accelerator item with the identifier \a id if \a
+ enable is TRUE, and disables item \a id if \a enable is FALSE.
+ To work, an item must be enabled and be in an enabled TQAccel.
+ \sa isItemEnabled(), isEnabled()
+void TQAccel::setItemEnabled( int id, bool enable )
+ TQAccelItem *item = find_id( d->aitems, id);
+ if ( item )
+ item->enabled = enable;
+ Connects the accelerator item \a id to the slot \a member of \a
+ receiver.
+ \code
+ a->connectItem( 201, mainView, TQ_SLOT(quit()) );
+ \endcode
+ Of course, you can also send a signal as \a member.
+ Normally accelerators are connected to slots which then receive
+ the \c activated(int id) signal with the id of the accelerator
+ item that was activated. If you choose to connect a specific
+ accelerator item using this function, the \c activated() signal is
+ emitted if the associated key sequence is pressed but no \c
+ activated(int id) signal is emitted.
+ \sa disconnectItem()
+bool TQAccel::connectItem( int id, const TQObject *receiver, const char *member )
+ TQAccelItem *item = find_id( d->aitems, id);
+ if ( item ) {
+ if ( !item->signal ) {
+ item->signal = new TQSignal;
+ TQ_CHECK_PTR( item->signal );
+ }
+ return item->signal->connect( receiver, member );
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ Disconnects an accelerator item with id \a id from the function
+ called \a member in the \a receiver object.
+ \sa connectItem()
+bool TQAccel::disconnectItem( int id, const TQObject *receiver,
+ const char *member )
+ TQAccelItem *item = find_id( d->aitems, id);
+ if ( item && item->signal )
+ return item->signal->disconnect( receiver, member );
+ return FALSE;
+void TQAccelPrivate::activate( TQAccelItem* item )
+ if ( TQWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode() && !ignorewhatsthis ) {
+ TQWhatsThis::leaveWhatsThisMode( item->whatsthis );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( item->signal )
+ item->signal->activate();
+ else
+ emit parent->activated( item->id );
+void TQAccelPrivate::activateAmbiguously( TQAccelItem* item )
+ if ( item->signal )
+ item->signal->activate();
+ else
+ emit parent->activatedAmbiguously( item->id );
+ Returns the shortcut key sequence for \a str, or an invalid key
+ sequence (0) if \a str has no shortcut sequence.
+ For example, shortcutKey("E&amp;xit") returns ALT+Key_X,
+ shortcutKey("&amp;Quit") returns ALT+Key_Q and shortcutKey("Quit")
+ returns 0. (In code that does not inherit the TQt namespace class,
+ you must write e.g. TQt::ALT+TQt::Key_Q.)
+ We provide a \link accelerators.html list of common accelerators
+ \endlink in English. At the time of writing, Microsoft and Open
+ Group do not appear to have issued equivalent recommendations for
+ other languages.
+TQKeySequence TQAccel::shortcutKey( const TQString &str )
+ if(qt_accel_no_shortcuts)
+ return TQKeySequence();
+ int p = 0;
+ while ( p >= 0 ) {
+ p = str.find( '&', p ) + 1;
+ if ( p <= 0 || p >= (int)str.length() )
+ return 0;
+ if ( str[p] != '&' ) {
+ TQChar c = str[p];
+ if ( c.isPrint() ) {
+ char ltr = c.upper().latin1();
+ if ( ltr >= (char)Key_A && ltr <= (char)Key_Z )
+ c = ltr;
+ else
+ c = c.lower();
+ return TQKeySequence( c.unicode() + ALT + UNICODE_ACCEL );
+ }
+ }
+ p++;
+ }
+ return TQKeySequence();
+/*! \obsolete
+ Creates an accelerator string for the key \a k.
+ For instance CTRL+Key_O gives "Ctrl+O". The "Ctrl" etc.
+ are translated (using TQObject::tr()) in the "TQAccel" context.
+ The function is superfluous. Cast the TQKeySequence \a k to a
+ TQString for the same effect.
+TQString TQAccel::keyToString( TQKeySequence k )
+ return (TQString) k;
+ Returns an accelerator code for the string \a s. For example
+ "Ctrl+O" gives CTRL+UNICODE_ACCEL+'O'. The strings "Ctrl",
+ "Shift", "Alt" are recognized, as well as their translated
+ equivalents in the "TQAccel" context (using TQObject::tr()). Returns 0
+ if \a s is not recognized.
+ This function is typically used with \link TQObject::tr() tr
+ \endlink(), so that accelerator keys can be replaced in
+ translations:
+ \code
+ TQPopupMenu *file = new TQPopupMenu( this );
+ file->insertItem( p1, tr("&Open..."), this, TQ_SLOT(open()),
+ TQAccel::stringToKey(tr("Ctrl+O", "File|Open")) );
+ \endcode
+ Notice the \c "File|Open" translator comment. It is by no means
+ necessary, but it provides some context for the human translator.
+ The function is superfluous. Construct a TQKeySequence from the
+ string \a s for the same effect.
+ \sa TQObject::tr()
+ \link i18n.html Internationalization with TQt \endlink
+TQKeySequence TQAccel::stringToKey( const TQString & s )
+ return TQKeySequence( s );
+ Sets a What's This help text for the accelerator item \a id to \a
+ text.
+ The text will be shown when the application is in What's This mode
+ and the user hits the accelerator key.
+ To set What's This help on a menu item (with or without an
+ accelerator key), use TQMenuData::setWhatsThis().
+ \sa whatsThis(), TQWhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode(),
+ TQMenuData::setWhatsThis(), TQAction::setWhatsThis()
+void TQAccel::setWhatsThis( int id, const TQString& text )
+ TQAccelItem *item = find_id( d->aitems, id);
+ if ( item )
+ item->whatsthis = text;
+ Returns the What's This help text for the specified item \a id or
+ TQString::null if no text has been specified.
+ \sa setWhatsThis()
+TQString TQAccel::whatsThis( int id ) const
+ TQAccelItem *item = find_id( d->aitems, id);
+ return item? item->whatsthis : TQString::null;
+/*!\internal */
+void TQAccel::setIgnoreWhatsThis( bool b)
+ d->ignorewhatsthis = b;
+/*!\internal */
+bool TQAccel::ignoreWhatsThis() const
+ return d->ignorewhatsthis;
+\page accelerators.html
+\title Standard Accelerator Keys
+Applications invariably need to define accelerator keys for actions.
+TQt fully supports accelerators, for example with \l TQAccel::shortcutKey().
+Here are Microsoft's recommendations for accelerator keys, with
+comments about the Open Group's recommendations where they exist
+and differ. For most commands, the Open Group either has no advice or
+agrees with Microsoft.
+The emboldened letter plus Alt is Microsoft's recommended choice, and
+we recommend supporting it. For an Apply button, for example, we
+recommend TQButton::setText( \link TQWidget::tr() tr \endlink("&amp;Apply") );
+If you have conflicting commands (e.g. About and Apply buttons in the
+same dialog), you must decide for yourself.
+\i <b><u>A</u></b>bout
+\i Always on <b><u>T</u></b>op
+\i <b><u>A</u></b>pply
+\i <b><u>B</u></b>ack
+\i <b><u>B</u></b>rowse
+\i <b><u>C</u></b>lose (CDE: Alt+F4; Alt+F4 is "close window" in Windows)
+\i <b><u>C</u></b>opy (CDE: Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Insert)
+\i <b><u>C</u></b>opy Here
+\i Create <b><u>S</u></b>hortcut
+\i Create <b><u>S</u></b>hortcut Here
+\i Cu<b><u>t</u></b>
+\i <b><u>D</u></b>elete
+\i <b><u>E</u></b>dit
+\i <b><u>E</u></b>xit (CDE: E<b><u>x</u></b>it)
+\i <b><u>E</u></b>xplore
+\i <b><u>F</u></b>ile
+\i <b><u>F</u></b>ind
+\i <b><u>H</u></b>elp
+\i Help <b><u>T</u></b>opics
+\i <b><u>H</u></b>ide
+\i <b><u>I</u></b>nsert
+\i Insert <b><u>O</u></b>bject
+\i <b><u>L</u></b>ink Here
+\i Ma<b><u>x</u></b>imize
+\i Mi<b><u>n</u></b>imize
+\i <b><u>M</u></b>ove
+\i <b><u>M</u></b>ove Here
+\i <b><u>N</u></b>ew
+\i <b><u>N</u></b>ext
+\i <b><u>N</u></b>o
+\i <b><u>O</u></b>pen
+\i Open <b><u>W</u></b>ith
+\i Page Set<b><u>u</u></b>p
+\i <b><u>P</u></b>aste
+\i Paste <b><u>L</u></b>ink
+\i Paste <b><u>S</u></b>hortcut
+\i Paste <b><u>S</u></b>pecial
+\i <b><u>P</u></b>ause
+\i <b><u>P</u></b>lay
+\i <b><u>P</u></b>rint
+\i <b><u>P</u></b>rint Here
+\i P<b><u>r</u></b>operties
+\i <b><u>Q</u></b>uick View
+\i <b><u>R</u></b>edo (CDE: Ctrl+Y, Shift+Alt+Backspace)
+\i <b><u>R</u></b>epeat
+\i <b><u>R</u></b>estore
+\i <b><u>R</u></b>esume
+\i <b><u>R</u></b>etry
+\i <b><u>R</u></b>un
+\i <b><u>S</u></b>ave
+\i Save <b><u>A</u></b>s
+\i Select <b><u>A</u></b>ll
+\i Se<b><u>n</u></b>d To
+\i <b><u>S</u></b>how
+\i <b><u>S</u></b>ize
+\i S<b><u>p</u></b>lit
+\i <b><u>S</u></b>top
+\i <b><u>U</u></b>ndo (CDE: Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace)
+\i <b><u>V</u></b>iew
+\i <b><u>W</u></b>hat's This?
+\i <b><u>W</u></b>indow
+\i <b><u>Y</u></b>es
+There are also a lot of other keys and actions (that use other
+modifier keys than Alt). See the Microsoft and The Open Group
+documentation for details.
+The \link
+Microsoft book \endlink has ISBN 0735605661. The corresponding Open Group
+book is very hard to find, rather expensive and we cannot recommend
+it. However, if you really want it, [email protected] might be able
+to help. Ask them for ISBN 1859121047.
+/*! \obsolete serves no purpose anymore */
+void TQAccel::repairEventFilter() {}
+/*! \obsolete serves no purpose anymore */
+bool TQAccel::eventFilter( TQObject *, TQEvent * ) { return FALSE; }
+#endif // TQT_NO_ACCEL