path: root/src/kernel/tqasyncio.cpp
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diff --git a/src/kernel/tqasyncio.cpp b/src/kernel/tqasyncio.cpp
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index 000000000..c8fe10ce4
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+++ b/src/kernel/tqasyncio.cpp
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+** Implementation of asynchronous I/O classes
+** Created : 970617
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
+** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
+** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
+** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
+** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
+** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
+** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
+** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
+** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
+** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+#include "tqasyncio.h"
+#include "tqiodevice.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifndef TQT_NO_ASYNC_IO
+ \class TQAsyncIO tqasyncio.h
+ \obsolete
+ \brief The TQAsyncIO class encapsulates I/O asynchronicity.
+ The TQt classes for asynchronous input/output provide a simple
+ mechanism to allow large files or slow data sources to be processed
+ without using large amounts of memory or blocking the user interface.
+ This facility is used in TQt to drive animated images. See TQImageConsumer.
+ Destroys the async IO object.
+ Ensures that only one object, \a obj and function, \a member, can
+ respond to changes in readiness.
+void TQAsyncIO::connect(TQObject* obj, const char *member)
+ signal.disconnect(0, 0);
+ signal.connect(obj, member);
+ Derived classes should call this when they change from being
+ unready to ready.
+void TQAsyncIO::ready()
+ signal.activate();
+ \class TQDataSink tqasyncio.h
+ \obsolete
+ \brief The TQDataSink class is an asynchronous consumer of data.
+ A data sink is an object which receives data from some source in an
+ asynchronous manner. This means that at some time not determined by
+ the data sink, blocks of data are given to it from processing. The
+ data sink is able to limit the maximum size of such blocks which it
+ is currently able to process.
+ \sa TQAsyncIO, TQDataSource, TQDataPump
+ \fn int TQDataSink::readyToReceive()
+ The data sink should return a value indicating how much data it is ready
+ to consume. This may be 0.
+ This should be called whenever readyToReceive() might have become non-zero.
+ It is merely calls TQAsyncIO::ready() if readyToReceive() is non-zero.
+void TQDataSink::maybeReady()
+ if (readyToReceive()) ready();
+ \fn void TQDataSink::receive(const uchar*, int count)
+ This function is called to provide data for the data sink. The \a count
+ will be no more than the amount indicated by the most recent call to
+ readyToReceive(). The sink must use all the provided data.
+ \fn void TQDataSink::eof()
+ This function will be called when no more data is available for
+ processing.
+ \class TQDataSource tqasyncio.h
+ \obsolete
+ \brief The TQDataSource class is an asynchronous producer of data.
+ A data source is an object which provides data from some source in an
+ asynchronous manner. This means that at some time not determined by
+ the data source, blocks of data will be taken from it for processing.
+ The data source is able to limit the maximum size of such blocks which
+ it is currently able to provide.
+ \sa TQAsyncIO, TQDataSink, TQDataPump
+ \fn int TQDataSource::readyToSend()
+ The data source should return a value indicating how much data it is ready
+ to provide. This may be 0. If the data source knows it will never be
+ able to provide any more data (until after a rewind()), it may return -1.
+ This should be called whenever readyToSend() might have become non-zero.
+ It is merely calls TQAsyncIO::ready() if readyToSend() is non-zero.
+void TQDataSource::maybeReady()
+ if (readyToSend()) ready();
+ \fn void TQDataSource::sendTo(TQDataSink*, int count)
+ This function is called to extract data from the source, by sending
+ it to the given data sink. The \a count will be no more than the amount
+ indicated by the most recent call to readyToSend(). The source must
+ use all the provided data, and the sink will be prepared to accept at
+ least this much data.
+ This function should return TRUE if the data source can be rewound.
+ The default returns FALSE.
+bool TQDataSource::rewindable() const
+ return FALSE;
+ If this function is called with \a on set to TRUE, and rewindable()
+ is TRUE, then the data source must take measures to allow the rewind()
+ function to subsequently operate as described. If rewindable() is FALSE,
+ the function should call TQDataSource::enableRewind(), which aborts with
+ a tqFatal() error.
+ For example, a network connection may choose to use a disk cache
+ of input only if rewinding is enabled before the first buffer-full of
+ data is discarded, returning FALSE in rewindable() if that first buffer
+ is discarded.
+void TQDataSource::enableRewind( bool /* on */ )
+ tqFatal( "Attempted to make unrewindable TQDataSource rewindable" );
+ This function rewinds the data source. This may only be called if
+ enableRewind(TRUE) has been previously called.
+void TQDataSource::rewind()
+ tqFatal("Attempted to rewind unrewindable TQDataSource");
+ \class TQIODeviceSource tqasyncio.h
+ \obsolete
+ \brief The TQIODeviceSource class is a TQDataSource that draws data from a TQIODevice.
+ This class encapsulates retrieving data from a TQIODevice (such as a TQFile).
+ Constructs a TQIODeviceSource from the TQIODevice \a device. The TQIODevice
+ \e must be dynamically allocated, becomes owned by the TQIODeviceSource,
+ and will be deleted when the TQIODeviceSource is destroyed. \a buffer_size
+ determines the size of buffering to use between asynchronous operations.
+ The higher the \a buffer_size, the more efficient, but the less interleaved
+ the operation will be with other processing.
+TQIODeviceSource::TQIODeviceSource(TQIODevice* device, int buffer_size) :
+ buf_size(buffer_size),
+ buffer(new uchar[buf_size]),
+ iod(device),
+ rew(FALSE)
+ Destroys the TQIODeviceSource, deleting the TQIODevice from which it was
+ constructed.
+ delete iod;
+ delete [] buffer;
+ Ready until end-of-file.
+int TQIODeviceSource::readyToSend()
+ if ( iod->status() != IO_Ok || !(iod->state() & IO_Open) )
+ return -1;
+ int n = TQMIN((uint)buf_size, iod->size()-iod->at()); // ### not 64-bit safe
+ // ### not large file safe
+ return n ? n : -1;
+ Reads a block of data and sends up to \a n bytes to the \a sink.
+void TQIODeviceSource::sendTo(TQDataSink* sink, int n)
+ iod->readBlock((char*)buffer, n);
+ sink->receive(buffer, n);
+ All TQIODeviceSource's are rewindable.
+bool TQIODeviceSource::rewindable() const
+ return TRUE;
+ If \a on is set to TRUE then rewinding is enabled.
+ No special action is taken. If \a on is set to
+ FALSE then rewinding is disabled.
+void TQIODeviceSource::enableRewind(bool on)
+ rew = on;
+ Calls reset() on the TQIODevice.
+void TQIODeviceSource::rewind()
+ if (!rew) {
+ TQDataSource::rewind();
+ } else {
+ iod->reset();
+ ready();
+ }
+ \class TQDataPump tqasyncio.h
+ \obsolete
+ \brief The TQDataPump class moves data from a TQDataSource to a TQDataSink during event processing.
+ For a TQDataSource to provide data to a TQDataSink, a controller must exist
+ to examine the TQDataSource::readyToSend() and TQDataSink::readyToReceive()
+ methods and respond to the TQASyncIO::activate() signal of the source and
+ sink. One very useful way to do this is interleaved with other event
+ processing. TQDataPump provides this - create a pipe between a source
+ and a sink, and data will be moved during subsequent event processing.
+ Note that each source can only provide data to one sink and each sink
+ can only receive data from one source (although it is quite possible
+ to write a multiplexing sink that is multiple sources).
+ Constructs a TQDataPump to move data from a given \a data_source
+ to a given \a data_sink.
+TQDataPump::TQDataPump(TQDataSource* data_source, TQDataSink* data_sink) :
+ source(data_source), sink(data_sink)
+ source->connect(this, TQ_SLOT(kickStart()));
+ sink->connect(this, TQ_SLOT(kickStart()));
+ connect(&timer, TQ_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQ_SLOT(tryToPump()));
+ timer.start(0, TRUE);
+void TQDataPump::kickStart()
+ if (!timer.isActive()) {
+ interval = 0;
+ timer.start(0, TRUE);
+ }
+void TQDataPump::tryToPump()
+ int supply, demand;
+ supply = source->readyToSend();
+ demand = sink->readyToReceive();
+ if (demand <= 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ interval = 0;
+ if (supply < 0) {
+ // All done (until source signals change in readiness)
+ sink->eof();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!supply)
+ return;
+ source->sendTo(sink, TQMIN(supply, demand));
+ timer.start(0, TRUE);
+#endif // TQT_NO_ASYNC_IO