path: root/src/kernel/tqmetaobject.cpp
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+** Implementation of TQMetaObject class
+** Created : 930419
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
+** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
+** Alternatively you may (at your option) use any later version
+** of the GNU General Public License if such license has been
+** publicly approved by Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any)
+** and the KDE Free TQt Foundation.
+** Please review the following information to ensure GNU General
+** Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** review the following information:
+** or contact the sales department at [email protected].
+** This file may be used under the terms of the Q Public License as
+** defined by Trolltech ASA and appearing in the file LICENSE.TQPL
+** included in the packaging of this file. Licensees holding valid TQt
+** Commercial licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt
+** Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided "AS IS" with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
+** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Trolltech reserves all rights not granted
+** herein.
+#include "tqmetaobject.h"
+#include "tqasciidict.h"
+#include <private/tqmutexpool_p.h>
+ \class TQMetaData tqmetaobject.h
+ \reentrant
+ \brief The TQMetaData class provides information about a member function that is known to the meta object system.
+ \internal
+ The struct consists of three members, \e name, \e method and \e access:
+ \code
+ const char *name; // - member name
+ const TQUMethod* method; // - detailed method description
+ enum Access { Private, Protected, Public };
+ Access access; // - access permission
+ \endcode
+ */
+ \class TQClassInfo tqmetaobject.h
+ \brief The TQClassInfo class provides a struct that stores some basic information about a single class.
+ \internal
+ The class information is a simple \e name - \e value pair:
+ \code
+ const char* name;
+ const char* value;
+ \endcode
+ */
+ \class TQMetaObject tqmetaobject.h
+ \brief The TQMetaObject class contains meta information about TQt objects.
+ \ingroup objectmodel
+ The Meta Object System in TQt is responsible for the signals and
+ slots inter-object communication mechanism, runtime type
+ information and the property system. All meta information in TQt is
+ kept in a single instance of TQMetaObject per class.
+ This class is not normally required for application programming.
+ But if you write meta applications, such as scripting engines or
+ GUI builders, you might find these functions useful:
+ \list
+ \i className() to get the name of a class.
+ \i superClassName() to get the name of the superclass.
+ \i inherits(), the function called by TQObject::inherits().
+ \i superClass() to access the superclass's meta object.
+ \i numSlots(), numSignals(), slotNames(), and signalNames() to get
+ information about a class's signals and slots.
+ \i property() and propertyNames() to obtain information about a
+ class's properties.
+ \endlist
+ Classes may have a list of name-value pairs of class information.
+ The number of pairs is returned by numClassInfo(), and values are
+ returned by classInfo().
+ \sa \link moc.html moc (Meta Object Compiler)\endlink
+ The private object.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+// extra flags from moc.y
+enum Flags {
+ Invalid = 0x00000000,
+ Readable = 0x00000001,
+ Writable = 0x00000002,
+ EnumOrSet = 0x00000004,
+ UnresolvedEnum = 0x00000008,
+ StdSet = 0x00000100,
+ Override = 0x00000200,
+ NotDesignable = 0x00001000,
+ DesignableOverride = 0x00002000,
+ NotScriptable = 0x00004000,
+ ScriptableOverride = 0x00008000,
+ NotStored = 0x00010000,
+ StoredOverride = 0x00020000
+static TQAsciiDict<void> *qt_metaobjects = 0;
+static int qt_metaobjects_count = 0;
+class TQMetaObjectPrivate
+ TQMetaObjectPrivate() :
+ enumData(0), numEnumData(0),
+ propData(0),numPropData(0),
+ tqt_static_property(0),
+ classInfo(0), numClassInfo(0) {}
+ const TQMetaEnum *enumData;
+ int numEnumData;
+ const TQMetaProperty *propData;
+ int numPropData;
+ bool (*tqt_static_property)(TQObject*, int, int, TQVariant*);
+ const TQClassInfo *classInfo;
+ int numClassInfo;
+ Internal dictionary for fast access to class members
+ *****************************************************************************/
+typedef TQMetaData TQConstMetaData;
+typedef const TQMetaData TQConstMetaData;
+class TQ_EXPORT TQMemberDict : public TQAsciiDict<TQConstMetaData>
+ TQMemberDict( int size = 17, bool cs = TRUE, bool ck = TRUE ) :
+ TQAsciiDict<TQConstMetaData>(size,cs,ck) {}
+ TQMemberDict( const TQMemberDict &dict ) : TQAsciiDict<TQConstMetaData>(dict) {}
+ ~TQMemberDict() { clear(); }
+ TQMemberDict &operator=(const TQMemberDict &dict)
+ { return (TQMemberDict&)TQAsciiDict<TQConstMetaData>::operator=(dict); }
+ Calculate optimal dictionary size for n entries using prime numbers,
+ and assuming there are no more than 40 entries.
+static int optDictSize( int n )
+ if ( n < 6 )
+ n = 5;
+ else if ( n < 10 )
+ n = 11;
+ else if ( n < 14 )
+ n = 17;
+ else
+ n = 23;
+ return n;
+ TQMetaObject member functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ */
+TQMetaObject::TQMetaObject( const char *const class_name, TQMetaObject *super_class,
+ const TQMetaData *const slot_data, int n_slots,
+ const TQMetaData *const signal_data, int n_signals,
+ const TQMetaProperty *const prop_data, int n_props,
+ const TQMetaEnum *const enum_data, int n_enums,
+ const TQClassInfo *const class_info, int n_info )
+ classname = class_name; // set meta data
+ superclass = super_class;
+ superclassname = superclass ? superclass->className() : 0;
+ slotDict = init( slotData = slot_data, n_slots );
+ signalDict = init( signalData = signal_data, n_signals );
+ d = new TQMetaObjectPrivate;
+ reserved = 0;
+ d->propData = prop_data;
+ d->numPropData = n_props;
+ d->enumData = enum_data;
+ d->numEnumData = n_enums;
+ d->classInfo = class_info;
+ d->numClassInfo = n_info;
+ signaloffset = superclass ? ( superclass->signalOffset() + superclass->numSignals() ) : 0;
+ slotoffset = superclass ? ( superclass->slotOffset() + superclass->numSlots() ) : 0;
+ propertyoffset = superclass ? ( superclass->propertyOffset() + superclass->numProperties() ) : 0;
+ */
+TQMetaObject::TQMetaObject( const char *const class_name, TQMetaObject *super_class,
+ const TQMetaData *const slot_data, int n_slots,
+ const TQMetaData *const signal_data, int n_signals,
+ const TQMetaProperty *const prop_data, int n_props,
+ const TQMetaEnum *const enum_data, int n_enums,
+ bool (*tqt_static_property)(TQObject*, int, int, TQVariant*),
+ const TQClassInfo *const class_info, int n_info )
+ classname = class_name; // set meta data
+ superclass = super_class;
+ superclassname = superclass ? superclass->className() : 0;
+ slotDict = init( slotData = slot_data, n_slots );
+ signalDict = init( signalData = signal_data, n_signals );
+ d = new TQMetaObjectPrivate;
+ reserved = 0;
+ d->propData = prop_data;
+ d->numPropData = n_props;
+ d->enumData = enum_data;
+ d->numEnumData = n_enums;
+ d->tqt_static_property = tqt_static_property;
+ d->classInfo = class_info;
+ d->numClassInfo = n_info;
+ signaloffset = superclass ? ( superclass->signalOffset() + superclass->numSignals() ) : 0;
+ slotoffset = superclass ? ( superclass->slotOffset() + superclass->numSlots() ) : 0;
+ propertyoffset = superclass ? ( superclass->propertyOffset() + superclass->numProperties() ) : 0;
+ */
+ delete slotDict; // delete dicts
+ delete signalDict;
+ delete d;
+ TQMutexLocker( tqt_global_mutexpool ?
+ tqt_global_mutexpool->get( &qt_metaobjects ) : 0 );
+ if ( qt_metaobjects ) {
+ qt_metaobjects->remove( classname );
+ if ( qt_metaobjects->isEmpty() ) {
+ delete qt_metaobjects;
+ qt_metaobjects = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // delete reserved; // Unused void*
+ \fn const char *TQMetaObject::className() const
+ Returns the class name.
+ \sa TQObject::className(), superClassName()
+ \fn const char *TQMetaObject::superClassName() const
+ Returns the class name of the superclass or 0 if there is no
+ superclass in the TQObject hierachy.
+ \sa className()
+ \fn TQMetaObject *TQMetaObject::superClass() const
+ Returns the meta object of the super class or 0 if there is no
+ such object.
+ Returns the number of slots for this class.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited slots are included.
+ \sa slotNames()
+int TQMetaObject::numSlots( bool super ) const // number of slots
+ int n = slotDict ? slotDict->count() : 0;
+ if ( !super || !superclass )
+ return n;
+ return n + superclass->numSlots( super );
+ Returns the number of signals for this class.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited signals are included.
+ \sa signalNames()
+int TQMetaObject::numSignals( bool super ) const // number of signals
+ int n = signalDict ? signalDict->count() : 0;
+ if ( !super || !superclass )
+ return n;
+ return n + superclass->numSignals( super );
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the meta data of the slot with the name \a n or 0 if no
+ such slot exists.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited slots are included.
+ */
+const TQMetaData* TQMetaObject::slot( int index, bool super ) const
+ int idx = index - ( super ? slotOffset() : 0 );
+ if ( slotDict && idx >= 0 && idx < (int) slotDict->count() ) {
+ return slotData + idx;
+ }
+ if ( !super || !superclass )
+ return 0;
+ return superclass->slot( index, super );
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the meta data of the signal with the name \a n or 0 if no
+ such signal exists.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited signals are included.
+ */
+const TQMetaData* TQMetaObject::signal( int index, bool super ) const
+ int idx = index - ( super ? signalOffset() : 0 );
+ if ( signalDict && idx >= 0 && idx < (int) signalDict->count() ) {
+ return signalData + idx;
+ }
+ if ( !super || !superclass )
+ return 0;
+ return superclass->signal( index, super );
+ \fn int TQMetaObject::signalOffset() const
+ \internal
+ Returns the signal offset for this metaobject.
+ \fn int TQMetaObject::propertyOffset() const
+ \internal
+ Returns the property offset for this metaobject.
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the index of the signal with name \n or -1 if no such signal exists.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited signals are included.
+int TQMetaObject::findSignal( const char* n, bool super ) const
+ const TQMetaObject *mo = this;
+ int offset = -1;
+ do {
+ const TQMetaData *md = mo->signalDict ? mo->signalDict->find( n ) : 0;
+ if ( md ) {
+#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
+ if ( offset != -1 ) {
+ tqWarning( "TQMetaObject::findSignal:%s: Conflict with %s::%s",
+ className(), mo->className(), n );
+ return offset;
+ }
+ offset = mo->signalOffset() + ( md - mo->signalData );
+#if !defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
+ return offset;
+ }
+ } while ( super && (mo = mo->superclass) );
+ return offset;
+ \fn int TQMetaObject::slotOffset() const
+ \internal
+ Returns the slot offset for this metaobject.
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the index of the slot with name \n or -1 if no such slot exists.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited slots are included.
+ */
+int TQMetaObject::findSlot( const char* n, bool super ) const
+ const TQMetaData *md = slotDict ? slotDict->find( n ) : 0;
+ if ( md )
+ return slotOffset() + ( md - slotData );
+ if ( !super || !superclass)
+ return -1;
+ return superclass->findSlot( n, super );
+ */
+TQMetaObject *TQMetaObject::new_metaobject( const char *classname,
+ TQMetaObject *superclassobject,
+ const TQMetaData * const slot_data, int n_slots,
+ const TQMetaData * const signal_data, int n_signals,
+ const TQMetaProperty * const prop_data, int n_props,
+ const TQMetaEnum * const enum_data, int n_enums,
+ const TQClassInfo * const class_info, int n_info )
+ return new TQMetaObject( classname, superclassobject, slot_data, n_slots,
+ signal_data, n_signals,
+ prop_data, n_props,
+ enum_data, n_enums,
+ class_info, n_info );
+ */
+TQMetaObject *TQMetaObject::new_metaobject( const char *classname,
+ TQMetaObject *superclassobject,
+ const TQMetaData * const slot_data, int n_slots,
+ const TQMetaData * const signal_data, int n_signals,
+ const TQMetaProperty * const prop_data, int n_props,
+ const TQMetaEnum * const enum_data, int n_enums,
+ bool (*tqt_static_property)(TQObject*, int, int, TQVariant*),
+ const TQClassInfo * const class_info, int n_info )
+ return new TQMetaObject( classname, superclassobject, slot_data, n_slots,
+ signal_data, n_signals,
+ prop_data, n_props,
+ enum_data, n_enums,
+ tqt_static_property,
+ class_info, n_info );
+ */
+TQMemberDict *TQMetaObject::init( const TQMetaData * data, int n )
+ if ( n == 0 ) // nothing, then make no dict
+ return 0;
+ TQMemberDict *dict = new TQMemberDict( optDictSize(n), TRUE, FALSE );
+ TQ_CHECK_PTR( dict );
+ while ( n-- ) { // put all members into dict
+ dict->insert( data->name, data );
+ data++;
+ }
+ return dict;
+ Returns the number of items of class information available for
+ this class.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited class information is included.
+int TQMetaObject::numClassInfo( bool super ) const
+ return d->numClassInfo + ((super && superclass)?superclass->numClassInfo(super):0);
+ Returns the class information with index \a index or 0 if no such
+ information exists.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited class information is included.
+const TQClassInfo* TQMetaObject::classInfo( int index, bool super ) const
+ if ( index < 0 )
+ return 0;
+ if ( index < d->numClassInfo )
+ return &(d->classInfo[ index ]);
+ if ( !super || !superclass )
+ return 0;
+ return superclass->classInfo( index - d->numClassInfo, super );
+ \overload
+ Returns the class information with name \a name or 0 if no such
+ information exists.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited class information is included.
+const char* TQMetaObject::classInfo( const char* name, bool super ) const
+ for( int i = 0; i < d->numClassInfo; ++i ) {
+ if ( qstrcmp( d->classInfo[i].name, name ) == 0 )
+ return d->classInfo[i].value;
+ }
+ if ( !super || !superclass )
+ return 0;
+ return superclass->classInfo( name, super );
+ Returns the number of properties for this class.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited properties are included.
+ \sa propertyNames()
+ */
+int TQMetaObject::numProperties( bool super ) const // number of signals
+ int n = d->numPropData;
+ if ( !super || !superclass )
+ return n;
+ return n + superclass->numProperties( super );
+ Returns the property meta data for the property at index \a index
+ or 0 if no such property exists.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited properties are included.
+ \sa propertyNames()
+ */
+const TQMetaProperty* TQMetaObject::property( int index, bool super ) const
+ int idx = index - ( super ? propertyOffset() : 0 );
+ if ( d->propData && idx >= 0 && idx < (int)d->numPropData )
+ return d->propData + idx;
+ if ( !super || !superclass )
+ return 0;
+ return superclass->property( index, super );
+ Returns the index for the property with name \a name or -1 if no
+ such property exists.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited properties are included.
+ \sa property(), propertyNames()
+int TQMetaObject::findProperty( const char *name, bool super ) const
+ for( int i = 0; i < d->numPropData; ++i ) {
+ if ( d->propData[i].isValid() && qstrcmp( d->propData[i].name(), name ) == 0 ) {
+ return ( super ? propertyOffset() : 0 ) + i;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !super || !superclass )
+ return -1;
+ return superclass->findProperty( name, super );
+/*! \internal
+ Returns the index for the property \a prop
+ or -1 if the property can not be found.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited properties are included.
+ \sa property(), propertyNames()
+int TQMetaObject::indexOfProperty( const TQMetaProperty* prop, bool super ) const
+ if ( *prop->meta == this )
+ return ( super ? propertyOffset() : 0 ) + ( prop - d->propData);
+ if ( !super || !superclass )
+ return -1;
+ return superclass->indexOfProperty( prop, super );
+ Returns the parent property of property \a p or 0, if the property
+ cannot be resolved.
+ \a p has to be contained in this meta object
+const TQMetaProperty* TQMetaObject::resolveProperty( const TQMetaProperty* p ) const
+ if ( !superclass )
+ return 0;
+ return superclass->property( superclass->findProperty( p->n, TRUE ), TRUE );
+ \overload
+ The version of resolveProperty that is used by moc generated code
+int TQMetaObject::resolveProperty( int index ) const
+ if ( !superclass )
+ return -1;
+ const TQMetaProperty* p = d->propData + ( index - propertyOffset() );
+ return superclass->findProperty( p->n, TRUE );
+ Returns a list with the names of all this class's properties.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited properties are included.
+ \sa property()
+TQStrList TQMetaObject::propertyNames( bool super ) const
+ TQStrList l( FALSE );
+ if ( superclass && super ) {
+ TQStrList sl = superclass->propertyNames( super );
+ for ( TQStrListIterator slit( sl ); slit.current(); ++slit )
+ l.append( slit.current() );
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < d->numPropData; ++i ) {
+ if ( d->propData[i].isValid() )
+ l.append( d->propData[i].name() );
+ }
+ return l;
+ Returns a list with the names of all this class's signals.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited signals are included.
+TQStrList TQMetaObject::signalNames( bool super ) const
+ TQStrList l( FALSE );
+ int n = numSignals( super );
+ for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
+ l.append( signal(i, super)->name );
+ }
+ return l;
+ Returns a list with the names of all this class's slots.
+ If \a super is TRUE, inherited slots are included.
+ \sa numSlots()
+TQStrList TQMetaObject::slotNames( bool super ) const
+ TQStrList l( FALSE );
+ int n = numSlots( super );
+ for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
+ l.append( slot( i, super)->name );
+ return l;
+ */
+int TQMetaObject::numEnumerators( bool super ) const
+ int n = 0;
+ if ( superclass && super )
+ n += superclass->numEnumerators( super );
+ return n + d->numEnumData;
+ */
+TQStrList TQMetaObject::enumeratorNames( bool super ) const
+ TQStrList l( FALSE );
+ if ( superclass && super ) {
+ TQStrList sl = superclass->enumeratorNames( super );
+ for ( TQStrListIterator slit( sl ); slit.current(); ++slit )
+ l.append( slit.current() );
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < d->numEnumData; ++i ) {
+ if ( d->enumData[i].items )
+ l.append( d->enumData[i].name );
+ }
+ return l;
+ */
+const TQMetaEnum* TQMetaObject::enumerator( const char* name, bool super ) const
+ for( int i = 0; i < d->numEnumData; ++i )
+ if ( qstrcmp( d->enumData[i].name, name ) == 0 )
+ return &(d->enumData[i]);
+ if ( !super || !superclass )
+ return 0;
+ return superclass->enumerator( name, super );
+ Returns TRUE if this class inherits \a clname within the meta
+ object inheritance chain; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ (A class is considered to inherit itself.)
+bool TQMetaObject::inherits( const char* clname ) const
+ const TQMetaObject *meta = this;
+ while ( meta ) {
+ if ( qstrcmp(clname, meta->className()) == 0 )
+ return TRUE;
+ meta = meta->superclass;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+/*! \internal */
+TQMetaObject *TQMetaObject::metaObject( const char *class_name )
+ if ( !qt_metaobjects )
+ return 0;
+ TQMutexLocker( tqt_global_mutexpool ?
+ tqt_global_mutexpool->get( &qt_metaobjects ) : 0 );
+ TQtStaticMetaObjectFunction func = (TQtStaticMetaObjectFunction)qt_metaobjects->find( class_name );
+ if ( func )
+ return func();
+ return 0;
+/*! \internal */
+bool TQMetaObject::hasMetaObject( const char *class_name )
+ if ( !qt_metaobjects )
+ return FALSE;
+ TQMutexLocker( tqt_global_mutexpool ?
+ tqt_global_mutexpool->get( &qt_metaobjects ) : 0 );
+ return !!qt_metaobjects->find( class_name );
+/*! \internal
+### this functions will go away. It exists purely for the sake of meta
+### object code generated with TQt 3.1.0
+bool TQMetaObject::tqt_static_property( TQObject* o, int id, int f, TQVariant* v)
+ if ( d->tqt_static_property )
+ return d->tqt_static_property( o, id, f, v );
+ else if ( o ) // compatibility
+ return o->tqt_property( id, f, v );
+ else if ( superclass )
+ return superclass->tqt_static_property( o, id, f, v );
+ switch ( f ) {
+ case 3: case 4: case 5:
+ return TRUE;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ \class TQMetaProperty tqmetaobject.h
+ \brief The TQMetaProperty class stores meta data about a property.
+ \ingroup objectmodel
+ Property meta data includes type(), name(), and whether a property
+ is writable(), designable() and stored().
+ The functions isSetType(), isEnumType() and enumKeys() provide
+ further information about a property's type. The conversion
+ functions keyToValue(), valueToKey(), keysToValue() and
+ valueToKeys() allow conversion between the integer representation
+ of an enumeration or set value and its literal representation.
+ Actual property values are set and received through TQObject's set
+ and get functions. See TQObject::setProperty() and
+ TQObject::property() for details.
+ You receive meta property data through an object's meta object.
+ See TQMetaObject::property() and TQMetaObject::propertyNames() for
+ details.
+ Returns the possible enumeration keys if this property is an
+ enumeration type (or a set type).
+ \sa isEnumType()
+TQStrList TQMetaProperty::enumKeys() const
+ TQStrList l( FALSE );
+ const TQMetaEnum* ed = enumData;
+ if ( !enumData && meta )
+ ed = (*meta)->enumerator( t, TRUE );
+ if ( !ed )
+ return l;
+ if ( ed != 0 ) {
+ for( uint i = 0; i < ed->count; ++i ) {
+ uint j = 0;
+ while ( j < i &&
+ ed->items[j].value != ed->items[i].value )
+ ++j;
+ if ( i == j )
+ l.append( ed->items[i].key );
+ }
+ }
+ return l;
+ Converts the enumeration key \a key to its integer value.
+ For set types, use keysToValue().
+ \sa valueToKey(), isSetType(), keysToValue()
+int TQMetaProperty::keyToValue( const char* key ) const
+ const TQMetaEnum* ed = enumData;
+ if ( !enumData && meta )
+ ed = (*meta)->enumerator( t, TRUE );
+ if ( !ed )
+ return -1;
+ for ( uint i = 0; i < ed->count; ++i ) {
+ if ( !qstrcmp( key, ed->items[i].key) )
+ return ed->items[i].value;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ Converts the enumeration value \a value to its literal key.
+ For set types, use valueToKeys().
+ \sa valueToKey(), isSetType(), valueToKeys()
+const char* TQMetaProperty::valueToKey( int value ) const
+ const TQMetaEnum* ed = enumData;
+ if ( !enumData && meta )
+ ed = (*meta)->enumerator( t, TRUE );
+ if ( !ed )
+ return 0;
+ for ( uint i = 0; i < ed->count; ++i ) {
+ if ( value == ed->items[i].value )
+ return ed->items[i].key ;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ Converts the list of keys \a keys to their combined (OR-ed)
+ integer value.
+ \sa isSetType(), valueToKey(), keysToValue()
+int TQMetaProperty::keysToValue( const TQStrList& keys ) const
+ const TQMetaEnum* ed = enumData;
+ if ( !enumData && meta )
+ ed = (*meta)->enumerator( t, TRUE );
+ if ( !ed )
+ return -1;
+ int value = 0;
+ for ( TQStrListIterator it( keys ); it.current(); ++it ) {
+ uint i;
+ for( i = ed->count; i > 0; --i ) {
+ if ( !qstrcmp( it.current(), ed->items[i-1].key) ) {
+ value |= ed->items[i-1].value;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( i == 0 )
+ value |= -1;
+ }
+ return value;
+ Converts the set value \a value to a list of keys.
+ \sa isSetType(), valueToKey(), valueToKeys()
+TQStrList TQMetaProperty::valueToKeys( int value ) const
+ TQStrList keys;
+ const TQMetaEnum* ed = enumData;
+ if ( !enumData && meta )
+ ed = (*meta)->enumerator( t, TRUE );
+ if ( !ed )
+ return keys;
+ int v = value;
+ for( uint i = ed->count; i > 0; --i ) {
+ int k = ed->items[i-1].value;
+ if ( ( k != 0 && (v & k) == k ) || ( k == value) ) {
+ v = v & ~k;
+ keys.append( ed->items[i-1].key );
+ }
+ }
+ return keys;
+bool TQMetaProperty::writable() const
+ if ( !testFlags( Override ) || testFlags( Writable ) )
+ return testFlags( Writable );
+ const TQMetaObject* mo = (*meta);
+ const TQMetaProperty* parent = mo->resolveProperty( this );
+ return parent ? parent->writable() : FALSE;
+ */
+bool TQMetaProperty::stdSet() const
+ if ( !testFlags( Override ) || testFlags( Writable ) )
+ return testFlags( StdSet );
+ const TQMetaObject* mo = (*meta);
+ const TQMetaProperty* parent = mo->resolveProperty( this );
+ return parent ? parent->stdSet() : FALSE;
+ */
+int TQMetaProperty::id() const
+ return _id < 0 ? (*meta)->indexOfProperty( this, TRUE ) : _id;
+/*! \internal
+void TQMetaProperty::clear()
+ t = n = 0;
+ meta = 0;
+ enumData = 0;
+ _id = -1;
+ flags = 0;
+bool TQMetaProperty::isValid() const
+ if ( testFlags( UnresolvedEnum ) ) {
+ if ( !enumData && (!meta || !(*meta)->enumerator( t, TRUE ) ) )
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if ( !testFlags( Override ) || testFlags( Readable ) )
+ return testFlags( Readable );
+ const TQMetaObject* mo = (*meta);
+ const TQMetaProperty* parent = mo->resolveProperty( this );
+ return parent ? parent->isValid() : FALSE;
+bool TQMetaProperty::isSetType() const
+ const TQMetaEnum* ed = enumData;
+ if ( !enumData && meta )
+ ed = (*meta)->enumerator( t, TRUE );
+ return ( ed != 0 && ed->set );
+bool TQMetaProperty::isEnumType() const
+ return testFlags( EnumOrSet );
+ \fn const char* TQMetaProperty::type() const
+ Returns the type of the property.
+ \fn const char* TQMetaProperty::name() const
+ Returns the name of the property.
+ \fn bool TQMetaProperty::writable() const
+ Returns TRUE if the property is writable; otherwise returns FALSE.
+/*! \fn bool TQMetaProperty::isValid() const
+ \internal
+ Returns whether the property is valid.
+ \fn bool TQMetaProperty::isEnumType() const
+ Returns TRUE if the property's type is an enumeration value;
+ otherwise returns FALSE.
+ \sa isSetType(), enumKeys()
+ \fn bool TQMetaProperty::isSetType() const
+ Returns TRUE if the property's type is an enumeration value that
+ is used as set, i.e. if the enumeration values can be OR-ed
+ together; otherwise returns FALSE. A set type is implicitly also
+ an enum type.
+ \sa isEnumType(), enumKeys()
+/*! Returns TRUE if the property is designable for object \a o;
+ otherwise returns FALSE.
+ If no object \a o is given, the function returns a static
+ approximation.
+ */
+bool TQMetaProperty::designable( TQObject* o ) const
+ if ( !isValid() || !writable() )
+ return FALSE;
+ if ( o ) {
+ int idx = _id >= 0 ? _id : (*meta)->indexOfProperty( this, TRUE );
+ return idx >= 0 && o->tqt_property( idx, 3, 0 );
+ }
+ if ( testFlags( DesignableOverride ) ) {
+ const TQMetaObject* mo = (*meta);
+ const TQMetaProperty* parent = mo->resolveProperty( this );
+ return parent ? parent->designable() : FALSE;
+ }
+ return !testFlags( NotDesignable );
+ Returns TRUE if the property is scriptable for object \a o;
+ otherwise returns FALSE.
+ If no object \a o is given, the function returns a static
+ approximation.
+ */
+bool TQMetaProperty::scriptable( TQObject* o ) const
+ if ( o ) {
+ int idx = _id >= 0 ? _id : (*meta)->indexOfProperty( this, TRUE );
+ return idx >= 0 && o->tqt_property( idx, 4, 0 );
+ }
+ if ( testFlags( ScriptableOverride ) ) {
+ const TQMetaObject* mo = (*meta);
+ const TQMetaProperty* parent = mo->resolveProperty( this );
+ return parent ? parent->scriptable() : FALSE;
+ }
+ return !testFlags( NotScriptable );
+ Returns TRUE if the property shall be stored for object \a o;
+ otherwise returns FALSE.
+ If no object \a o is given, the function returns a static
+ approximation.
+ */
+bool TQMetaProperty::stored( TQObject* o ) const
+ if ( !isValid() || !writable() )
+ return FALSE;
+ if ( o ) {
+ int idx = _id >= 0 ? _id : (*meta)->indexOfProperty( this, TRUE );
+ return idx >= 0 && o->tqt_property( idx, 5, 0 );
+ }
+ if ( testFlags( StoredOverride ) ) {
+ const TQMetaObject* mo = (*meta);
+ const TQMetaProperty* parent = mo->resolveProperty( this );
+ return parent ? parent->stored() : FALSE;
+ }
+ return !testFlags( NotStored );
+ Tries to reset the property for object \a o with a reset method.
+ On success, returns TRUE; otherwise returns FALSE.
+ Reset methods are optional, usually only a few properties support
+ them.
+bool TQMetaProperty::reset( TQObject* o ) const
+ if ( !o )
+ return FALSE;
+ int idx = _id >= 0 ? _id : (*meta)->indexOfProperty( this, TRUE );
+ if ( idx < 0 )
+ return 0;
+ return o->tqt_property( idx, 2, 0 );
+/*! \enum TQMetaProperty::Flags
+ \internal
+ * TQMetaObjectCleanUp is used as static global object in the moc-generated cpp
+ * files and deletes the TQMetaObject provided with setMetaObject. It sets the
+ * TQObject reference to the metaObj to NULL when it is destroyed.
+ */
+TQMetaObjectCleanUp::TQMetaObjectCleanUp( const char *mo_name, TQtStaticMetaObjectFunction func )
+ : metaObject( 0 )
+ TQMutexLocker( tqt_global_mutexpool ?
+ tqt_global_mutexpool->get( &qt_metaobjects ) : 0 );
+ if ( !qt_metaobjects )
+ qt_metaobjects = new TQAsciiDict<void>( 257 );
+ qt_metaobjects->insert( mo_name, (void*)func );
+ qt_metaobjects_count++;
+ : metaObject( 0 )
+/*! \fn bool TQMetaProperty::testFlags( uint f ) const
+ \internal
+ TQMutexLocker( tqt_global_mutexpool ?
+ tqt_global_mutexpool->get( &qt_metaobjects ) : 0 );
+ if ( !--qt_metaobjects_count ) {
+ delete qt_metaobjects;
+ qt_metaobjects = 0;
+ }
+ if ( metaObject ) {
+ delete *metaObject;
+ *metaObject = 0;
+ metaObject = 0;
+ }
+void TQMetaObjectCleanUp::setMetaObject( TQMetaObject *&mo )
+#if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE)
+ if (metaObject && metaObject != &mo)
+ tqWarning( "TQMetaObjectCleanUp::setMetaObject: Double use of TQMetaObjectCleanUp!" );
+ metaObject = &mo;