path: root/tde-head-and-foot.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tde-head-and-foot.php')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/tde-head-and-foot.php b/tde-head-and-foot.php
index e344bf9..559fd9a 100644
--- a/tde-head-and-foot.php
+++ b/tde-head-and-foot.php
@@ -3,6 +3,144 @@
// All Rights Reserved
// Authors: Elizabeth Liddell, Timothy Pearson, and Calvin Morrison
- include("header.php");
- include("footer.php");
+ $GLOBALS['permnavcat'] = "";
+ $GLOBALS['permnavitem'] = "";
+ $GLOBALS['maindir'] = "";
+ # Outputs the Trinity page header, sidebar, and prefatory matter. $pageTitle is the title of the
+ # page as it will appear in both the top banner and the browser's title bar, and $navCategory
+ # and $navItem point at the sidebar navigation item that are to be highlighted for this page.
+ # If the string "_" is passed for $navItem, the top-level navigation category will be highlighted.
+ # $maindir is the path to the top level site directory. By default, it is empty.
+ function doHeader($pageTitle, $navCategory, $navItem, $maindir = "/") {
+ header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
+ echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"\">";
+ echo "<HTML>\n";
+ echo "<HEAD>\n";
+ echo " <TITLE>$pageTitle</TITLE>\n";
+ echo " <LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF=\"" . $maindir . "mainstyle.css\" TYPE=\"text/css\" MEDIA=\"screen,print\">\n";
+ if ($navItem == "Screenshots") {
+ echo " <LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF=\"" . $maindir . "screenshots.css\" TYPE=\"text/css\" MEDIA=\"screen,print\">\n";
+ echo " <LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF=\"" . $maindir . "highslide/highslide.css\" TYPE=\"text/css\" MEDIA=\"screen,print\">\n";
+ }
+ echo " <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\">\n";
+ echo "</HEAD>\n";
+ <DIV ID="all-wrapper">
+ <DIV ID="banner">
+ <IMG ALT="" ID="bannerimg" SRC=<?php echo('"' . $maindir . 'media/bannerswoosh.png"')?>>
+ <DIV ID="logowrap">
+ <A HREF="index.php"><IMG ALT="" ID="logo" SRC=<?php echo('"' . $maindir . 'media/tde-logo.png"')?>></A>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV ID="titlewrap">
+ <DIV ID="titlecenter">
+ <H1 ID="title"><?php echo($pageTitle) ?></H1>
+ </DIV>
+ </DIV>
+ if ($navItem != "Donations") {
+ echo "<DIV ID=\"titlenotif\">\n";
+ echo " <P CLASS=\"notifhead\"><A HREF=\"" . $maindir . "donate.php\">Help Keep TDE Alive - Donate Now!</A>\n";
+ echo "</DIV>\n";
+ }
+ $GLOBALS['permnavcat'] = $navCategory;
+ $GLOBALS['permnavitem'] = $navItem;
+ $GLOBALS['maindir'] = $maindir;
+ </DIV>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV ID="intermediate">
+ <DIV ID="textblock">
+ <!--Content goes here-->
+ } #end of doHeader
+ function doFooter(){
+ $navset = array( #change this array to alter the navigation scheme
+ "Home" => array("_" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "index.php",
+ "News" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "news.php",
+ "About" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "about.php",
+ "Features" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "features.php",
+ "Screenshots" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "screenshots.php",
+ "Get Involved" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "helpwanted.php",
+ "Donations" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "donate.php",
+ ),
+ "Get Trinity" => array("_" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "releases.php",
+ "Packages" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "releases.php",
+ "LiveCDs" => "",
+ ),
+ "Documentation" => array("_" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "docs/index.php",
+ "Wiki" => "",
+ "Installation" => "",
+ "Applications" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "applications.php",
+ "FAQ" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "faq/index.php",
+ ),
+ "Support" => array("_" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "support.php",
+ "Bugs" => "",
+ "Mailing Lists" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "mailinglist.php",
+ "Service Alerts" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "servicealerts/",
+ "Contact" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "support.php",
+ ),
+ "Development" => array("_" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "development.php",
+ "GIT" => "",
+ "Translations" => "",
+ "Commit History" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "patches",
+ "Resources" => $GLOBALS['maindir'] . "devresources.php",
+ ),
+ );
+ echo(' <!--end content-->'."\n");
+ date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); #else the interpreter whines
+ echo(' <P ID="copyright">&copy; 2010-' . date('Y') . ' Trinity Desktop Project</P>'."\n");
+ </DIV>
+ </DIV>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="equal" ID="main">
+ <DIV CLASS="row">
+ <DIV ID="sidebar">
+ <DIV ID="sidetext">
+ foreach ($navset as $navsectname => $urls){
+ if ($navsectname != "Documentation") {
+ echo(" <DIV CLASS=\"navblock\">\n");
+ }
+ if (($GLOBALS['permnavitem'] == "_") && ($navsectname == $GLOBALS['permnavcat'])) {
+ echo(" <P CLASS=\"navhead\" ID=\"curpage\"><A HREF=\"" . $urls["_"] . "\">$navsectname</A>\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ echo(" <P CLASS=\"navhead\"><A HREF=\"" . $urls["_"] . "\">$navsectname</A>\n");
+ }
+ foreach ($urls as $navname => $url){
+ if (!($navname == "_")) {
+ if ($GLOBALS['permnavitem'] == $navname) {
+ echo(" <P CLASS='nav' ID='curpage'><A HREF=\"$url\">$navname</A>\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ echo(" <P CLASS='nav'><A HREF=\"$url\">$navname</A>\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($navsectname != "Get Trinity") {
+ echo(" </DIV>\n");
+ }
+ }
+ </DIV>
+ </DIV>
+ </DIV>
+ } #end of doFooter