kipi plugins
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Michele Calgaro 6f55a1ea3f
Use tdestandarddirs.h
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <>
admin@4185112a62 Reset submodule main/libraries/kipi-plugins/admin to latest HEAD
doc Removed additional code formatting modelines.
kipi-plugins Use tdestandarddirs.h
po Translated using Weblate (Russian)
.gitmodules Remove cmake submodule since it has now been replaced by cmake-trinity dependency.
AUTHORS Import abandoned KDE3 version of kipi plugins
CMakeL10n.txt Use centralized cmake version
COPYING Import abandoned KDE3 version of kipi plugins
ChangeLog qt -> tqt conversion:
INSTALL Import abandoned KDE3 version of kipi plugins
Mainpage.dox Import abandoned KDE3 version of kipi plugins Import abandoned KDE3 version of kipi plugins
Makefile.cvs Import abandoned KDE3 version of kipi plugins
NEWS Fix a few remaining references to kio_
PACKAGING Import abandoned KDE3 version of kipi plugins
README Fixed references to TDE website.
RELEASE.rev Import abandoned KDE3 version of kipi plugins
TODO Import abandoned KDE3 version of kipi plugins
acinclude.m4 Drop support for discontinued DGUX
aclocal.m4 Remove support for Tru64, OSF and SCO v3.2
bootstrap Import abandoned KDE3 version of kipi plugins Remove support for Tru64, OSF and SCO v3.2
configure.files Import abandoned KDE3 version of kipi plugins Import abandoned KDE3 version of kipi plugins
prepare_libkexiv2.rb Convert remaining references to kde3 (e.g. in paths) to trinity
release_libkexiv2.rb Import abandoned KDE3 version of kipi plugins Import abandoned KDE3 version of kipi plugins
subdirs Import abandoned KDE3 version of kipi plugins



Note: Most of the KipiPlugins have previously been Digikamplugins.

      kipi-plugins is based in part on the work of the Independent
      JPEG Group.

Please visit this url:

Libkipi and kipi-plugins allows image applications to use a plugin architecture for additional functionalities.
Currently implemented plugins are:

 1) RawConverter       : A Raw Image Converter for digital cameras 

 2) SlideShow          : Slideshow with effects ripped out from kslideshow and 3D effect using OpenGL 

 3) MpegEncoder        : An images to MPEG flux encoder for build a video file with many images 

 4) PrintWizard        : Print multiple images/index pages in one page

 5) JpegLossLess       : Batch images processing (rotation/flipping) without
                                     losing meta information embedded in the image
                         and without recompression of the jpeg data.

 6) CdArchiving        : Albums CD archiving via K3b cd burning program 

 7) AcquireImages      : Acquire images interface 
                         This plugin include these parts:
                            ScanImages (scanner management using Kooka).
                            ScreenshotImages (Snap Screen based on KSnapshot and adapted to Digikam).

 8) Calendar           : A Calendar construction plugin using Album images 

 9) SendImages         : A plugin to send images by e-mail, allowing resizing and recompressing 
                         before sending.

10) BatchProcessImages : A batch process images plugin.
                         This plugin includes these parts:
                            RenameImages (Image file names renaming).
                            ConvertImages (Image files format converting).
                            BorderImages (Add border to images).
                            FilterImages (Image enhancements using digital filters).
                            ColorImages (Image color enhancement).
                            EffectImages (Image transformation effects).
                            ResizeImages (Basic and Prepare to print images resizing).
                            RecompressImages (Recompress JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and TGA images).

11) TimeAdjust         : Adjust image file Time and Date.

12) WallPaper          : Image to TDE Desktop.

13) FindImages         : Find duplicate images in albums.

14) GalleryExport      : Plugin to export images to a remote Gallery (and Gallery 2) server

15) FlickrExport       : Plugin to export images to a remote Flickr web service (

16) HTMLExport         : Plugin to export images collections into XHTML page.

17) SimpleViewerExport : Plugin to export images to SimpleViewer

18) GPSSync            : Plugin to geolocalize pictures.

19) IpodExport (beta)  : Plugin to export pictures with an Ipod device.

20) MetadataEdit       : Plugin to edit EXIF and IPTC pictures metadata.

21) PicasaWebExport    : Plugin to export images to a remote Picasa web service (

Remark : "HelloWorld" plugin is just a tutorial plugin implementation for developpers.
       : "ImagesGallery" plugin is obsolete and no more maintained at the moment.

Contact :
If you have questions, comments, suggestions to make do email at :

IRC channel from server: #kde-imaging

IMPORTANT : the bugreports and wishlist are hosted by the TDE bugs report 
system who can be contacted by the standard Tde help menu of plugins dialog. 
A mail will be automaticly sent to the Kipi mailing list.
There is no need to contact directly the Kipi mailing list for a bug report 
or a devel wish.

The current Kipi bugs and devel wish reported to the Tde bugs report can be see 
at this url :

Notes :

- More specific compilation and installation options can be used with the 'configure' script.
Check this with './configure --help' command line.

Dependencies :

AutoConf    >= 2.5.x              
AutoMake    >= 1.7.x              
libtqt       >= 3.3.x              
libkde      >= 3.4.x (>=3.5.x recommended)
libgphoto2  >= 2.x   (>=2.2.x recommended)
libtiff     >= 3.6.x (>=3.8.2 recommended)
libkipi     >= 0.1.5              
libkexiv2   >= 0.1.5              
libkdcraw   >= 0.1.6              
libxslt     >= 1.1                
libgpod     >= 0.4.2              
libkcal     >= 3.4.x              
ImageMagick >= 5.5.4 (runtime dependency)
MJPEGTools  >= 1.6.0 (runtime dependency)
K3b         >= 0.11  (runtime dependency)

Plugin Specific Dependencies (for compiling and for running) :

jpeglossless       : imagemagick (runtime dependency)
slideshow          : OpenGL support for libtqt
batchprocessimages : imagemagick (runtime dependency)
cdarchiving        : k3b (runtime dependency)
kameraklient       : libgphoto2
mpegenconder       : mjpegtools (runtime dependency)
                   : mpg123 (runtime dependency)
                   : vorbis-tools (runtime dependency)
wallpaper          : tdebase (runtime dependency)
rawconverter       : libtiff 
acquireimages      : libtiff
htmlexport         : libxslt
ipodexport         : libgpod
calendar           : libkcal