path: root/src/part/radialMap
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/part/radialMap')
12 files changed, 1845 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/part/radialMap/ b/src/part/radialMap/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..989cbe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/part/radialMap/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src/part $(all_includes)
+libradialmap_la_SOURCES = widget.cpp builder.cpp map.cpp widgetEvents.cpp labels.cpp segmentTip.cpp
diff --git a/src/part/radialMap/builder.cpp b/src/part/radialMap/builder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68dc382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/part/radialMap/builder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+//Author: Max Howell <[email protected]>, (C) 2003-4
+//Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include "builder.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "fileTree.h"
+#include <kglobal.h> //locale object
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include "widget.h"
+//**** REMOVE NEED FOR the +1 with MAX_RING_DEPTH uses
+//**** add some angle bounds checking (possibly in Segment ctor? can I delete in a ctor?)
+//**** this class is a mess
+RadialMap::Builder::Builder( RadialMap::Map *m, const Directory* const d, bool fast )
+ : m_map( m )
+ , m_root( d )
+ , m_minSize( static_cast<unsigned int>((d->size() * 3) / (PI * m->height() - m->MAP_2MARGIN )) )
+ , m_depth( &m->m_visibleDepth )
+ m_signature = new Chain<Segment> [*m_depth + 1];
+ if( !fast )//|| *m_depth == 0 ) //depth 0 is special case usability-wise //**** WHY?!
+ {
+ //determine depth rather than use old one
+ findVisibleDepth( d ); //sets m_depth
+ }
+ m_map->setRingBreadth();
+ setLimits( m_map->m_ringBreadth );
+ build( d );
+ m_map->m_signature = m_signature;
+ delete [] m_limits;
+RadialMap::Builder::findVisibleDepth( const Directory* const dir, const unsigned int depth )
+ //**** because I don't use the same minimumSize criteria as in the visual function
+ // this can lead to incorrect visual representation
+ //**** BUT, you can't set those limits until you know m_depth!
+ //**** also this function doesn't check to see if anything is actually visible
+ // it just assumes that when it reaches a new level everything in it is visible
+ // automatically. This isn't right especially as there might be no files in the
+ // dir provided to this function!
+ static uint stopDepth = 0;
+ if( dir == m_root )
+ {
+ stopDepth = *m_depth;
+ *m_depth = 0;
+ }
+ if( *m_depth < depth ) *m_depth = depth;
+ if( *m_depth >= stopDepth ) return;
+ for( ConstIterator<File> it = dir->constIterator(); it != dir->end(); ++it )
+ if( (*it)->isDirectory() && (*it)->size() > m_minSize )
+ findVisibleDepth( (Directory *)*it, depth + 1 ); //if no files greater than min size the depth is still recorded
+RadialMap::Builder::setLimits( const uint &b ) //b = breadth?
+ double size3 = m_root->size() * 3;
+ double pi2B = PI * 2 * b;
+ m_limits = new uint [*m_depth + 1]; //FIXME delete!
+ for( unsigned int d = 0; d <= *m_depth; ++d )
+ m_limits[d] = (uint)(size3 / (double)(pi2B * (d + 1))); //min is angle that gives 3px outer diameter for that depth
+//**** segments currently overlap at edges (i.e. end of first is start of next)
+RadialMap::Builder::build( const Directory* const dir, const unsigned int depth, unsigned int a_start, const unsigned int a_end )
+ //first iteration: dir == m_root
+ if( dir->children() == 0 ) //we do fileCount rather than size to avoid chance of divide by zero later
+ return false;
+ uint hiddenSize = 0, hiddenFileCount = 0;
+ for( ConstIterator<File> it = dir->constIterator(); it != dir->end(); ++it )
+ {
+ if( (*it)->size() > m_limits[depth] )
+ {
+ unsigned int a_len = (unsigned int)(5760 * ((double)(*it)->size() / (double)m_root->size()));
+ Segment *s = new Segment( *it, a_start, a_len );
+ (m_signature + depth)->append( s );
+ if( (*it)->isDirectory() )
+ {
+ if( depth != *m_depth )
+ {
+ //recurse
+ s->m_hasHiddenChildren = build( (Directory*)*it, depth + 1, a_start, a_start + a_len );
+ }
+ else s->m_hasHiddenChildren = true;
+ }
+ a_start += a_len; //**** should we add 1?
+ } else {
+ hiddenSize += (*it)->size();
+ if( (*it)->isDirectory() ) //**** considered virtual, but dir wouldn't count itself!
+ hiddenFileCount += static_cast<const Directory*>(*it)->children(); //need to add one to count the dir as well
+ ++hiddenFileCount;
+ }
+ }
+ if( hiddenFileCount == dir->children() && !Config::showSmallFiles )
+ return true;
+ else if( (Config::showSmallFiles && hiddenSize > m_limits[depth]) || (depth == 0 && (hiddenSize > dir->size()/8)) /*|| > size() * 0.75*/ )
+ {
+ //append a segment for unrepresented space - a "fake" segment
+ // I dunno how to i18n this
+ const QString s = i18n( "There can't ever be only 1 file", "%1 files, each about %2" )
+ .arg( hiddenFileCount )
+ .arg( File::humanReadableSize( hiddenSize/hiddenFileCount ) );
+ (m_signature + depth)->append( new Segment( new File( s.local8Bit(), hiddenSize ), a_start, a_end - a_start, true ) );
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/src/part/radialMap/builder.h b/src/part/radialMap/builder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..819813a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/part/radialMap/builder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+//Author: Max Howell <[email protected]>, (C) 2003-4
+//Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#ifndef BUILDER_H
+#define BUILDER_H
+#include "radialMap.h" //Segment, defines
+template <class T> class Chain;
+class Directory;
+namespace RadialMap
+ class Map;
+ //temporary class that builds the Map signature
+ class Builder
+ {
+ public:
+ Builder( Map*, const Directory* const, bool fast=false );
+ private:
+ void findVisibleDepth( const Directory* const dir, const uint=0 );
+ void setLimits( const uint& );
+ bool build( const Directory* const, const uint=0, uint=0, const uint=5760 );
+ Map *m_map;
+ const Directory* const m_root;
+ const uint m_minSize;
+ uint *m_depth;
+ Chain<Segment> *m_signature;
+ uint *m_limits;
+ };
diff --git a/src/part/radialMap/labels.cpp b/src/part/radialMap/labels.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73a7ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/part/radialMap/labels.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+//Author: Max Howell <[email protected]>, (C) 2003-4
+//Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include <kstringhandler.h>
+#include <qfont.h>
+#include <qfontmetrics.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "fileTree.h"
+#include "radialMap.h"
+#include "sincos.h"
+#include "widget.h"
+namespace RadialMap
+ struct Label
+ {
+ Label( const RadialMap::Segment *s, int l ) : segment( s ), lvl( l ), a( segment->start() + (segment->length() / 2) ) { }
+ bool tooClose( const int &aa ) const { return ( a > aa - LABEL_ANGLE_MARGIN && a < aa + LABEL_ANGLE_MARGIN ); }
+ const RadialMap::Segment *segment;
+ const unsigned int lvl;
+ const int a;
+ int x1, y1, x2, y2, x3;
+ int tx, ty;
+ QString qs;
+ };
+ class LabelList : public QPtrList<Label>
+ {
+ protected:
+ int compareItems( QPtrCollection::Item item1, QPtrCollection::Item item2 )
+ {
+ //you add 1440 to work round the fact that later you want the circle split vertically
+ //and as it is you start at 3 o' clock. It's to do with rightPrevY, stops annoying bug
+ int a1 = ((Label*)item1)->a + 1440;
+ int a2 = ((Label*)item2)->a + 1440;
+ if( a1 == a2 )
+ return 0;
+ if( a1 > 5760 ) a1 -= 5760;
+ if( a2 > 5760 ) a2 -= 5760;
+ if( a1 > a2 )
+ return 1;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ };
+RadialMap::Widget::paintExplodedLabels( QPainter &paint ) const
+ //we are a friend of RadialMap::Map
+ LabelList list; list.setAutoDelete( true );
+ QPtrListIterator<Label> it( list );
+ unsigned int startLevel = 0;
+ //1. Create list of labels sorted in the order they will be rendered
+ if( m_focus && m_focus->file() != m_tree ) //separate behavior for selected vs unselected segments
+ {
+ //don't bother with files
+ if( m_focus->file() && !m_focus->file()->isDirectory() )
+ return;
+ //find the range of levels we will be potentially drawing labels for
+ //startLevel is the level above whatever m_focus is in
+ for( const Directory *p = (const Directory*)m_focus->file(); p != m_tree; ++startLevel )
+ p = p->parent();
+ //range=2 means 2 levels to draw labels for
+ unsigned int a1, a2, minAngle;
+ a1 = m_focus->start();
+ a2 = m_focus->end(); //boundry angles
+ minAngle = int(m_focus->length() * LABEL_MIN_ANGLE_FACTOR);
+ #define segment (*it)
+ #define ring (m_map.m_signature + i)
+ //**** Levels should be on a scale starting with 0
+ //**** range is a useless parameter
+ //**** keep a topblock var which is the lowestLevel OR startLevel for identation purposes
+ for( unsigned int i = startLevel; i <= m_map.m_visibleDepth; ++i )
+ for( Iterator<Segment> it = ring->iterator(); it != ring->end(); ++it )
+ if( segment->start() >= a1 && segment->end() <= a2 )
+ if( segment->length() > minAngle )
+ list.inSort( new Label( segment, i ) );
+ #undef ring
+ #undef segment
+ } else {
+ #define ring m_map.m_signature
+ for( Iterator<Segment> it = ring->iterator(); it != ring->end(); ++it )
+ if( (*it)->length() > 288 )
+ list.inSort( new Label( (*it), 0 ) );
+ #undef ring
+ }
+ //2. Check to see if any adjacent labels are too close together
+ // if so, remove the least significant labels
+ it.toFirst();
+ QPtrListIterator<Label> jt( it );
+ ++jt;
+ while( jt ) //**** no need to check _it_ as jt will be NULL if _it_ was too
+ {
+ //this method is fairly efficient
+ if( (*it)->tooClose( (*jt)->a ) ) {
+ if( (*it)->lvl > (*jt)->lvl ) {
+ list.remove( *it );
+ it = jt;
+ }
+ else
+ list.remove( *jt );
+ }
+ else
+ ++it;
+ jt = it;
+ ++jt;
+ }
+ //used in next two steps
+ bool varySizes;
+ //**** should perhaps use doubles
+ int *sizes = new int [ m_map.m_visibleDepth + 1 ]; //**** make sizes an array of floats I think instead (or doubles)
+ do
+ {
+ //3. Calculate font sizes
+ {
+ //determine current range of levels to draw for
+ uint range = 0;
+ for( it.toFirst(); it != 0; ++it )
+ {
+ uint lvl = (*it)->lvl;
+ if( lvl > range )
+ range = lvl;
+ //**** better way would just be to assign if nothing is range
+ }
+ range -= startLevel; //range 0 means 1 level of labels
+ varySizes = Config::varyLabelFontSizes && (range != 0);
+ if( varySizes )
+ {
+ //create an array of font sizes for various levels
+ //will exceed normal font pitch automatically if necessary, but not minPitch
+ //**** this needs to be checked lots
+ //**** what if this is negative (min size gtr than default size)
+ uint step = (paint.font().pointSize() - Config::minFontPitch) / range;
+ if( step == 0 )
+ step = 1;
+ for( uint x = range + startLevel, y = Config::minFontPitch; x >= startLevel; y += step, --x )
+ sizes[x] = y;
+ }
+ }
+ //4. determine label co-ordinates
+ int x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, tx, ty; //coords
+ double sinra, cosra, ra; //angles
+ int cx = m_map.width() / 2 + m_offset.x(); //centre relative to canvas
+ int cy = m_map.height() / 2 + m_offset.y();
+ int spacer, preSpacer = int(m_map.m_ringBreadth * 0.5) + m_map.m_innerRadius;
+ int fullStrutLength = ( m_map.width() - m_map.MAP_2MARGIN ) / 2 + LABEL_MAP_SPACER; //full length of a strut from map center
+ int prevLeftY = 0;
+ int prevRightY = height();
+ bool rightSide;
+ QFont font;
+ for( it.toFirst(); it != 0; ++it )
+ {
+ //** bear in mind that text is drawn with QPoint param as BOTTOM left corner of text box
+ QString qs = (*it)->segment->file()->name();
+ if( varySizes )
+ font.setPointSize( sizes[(*it)->lvl] );
+ QFontMetrics fm( font );
+ int fmh = fm.height(); //used to ensure label texts don't overlap
+ int fmhD4 = fmh / 4;
+ rightSide = ( (*it)->a < 1440 || (*it)->a > 4320 );
+ ra = M_PI/2880 * (*it)->a; //convert to radians
+ sincos( ra, &sinra, &cosra );
+ spacer = preSpacer + m_map.m_ringBreadth * (*it)->lvl;
+ x1 = cx + (int)(cosra * spacer);
+ y1 = cy - (int)(sinra * spacer);
+ y2 = y1 - (int)(sinra * (fullStrutLength - spacer));
+ if( rightSide ) { //righthand side, going upwards
+ if( y2 > prevRightY /*- fmh*/ ) //then it is too low, needs to be drawn higher
+ y2 = prevRightY /*- fmh*/;
+ }
+ else //lefthand side, going downwards
+ if( y2 < prevLeftY/* + fmh*/ ) //then we're too high, need to be drawn lower
+ y2 = prevLeftY /*+ fmh*/;
+ x2 = x1 - int(double(y2 - y1) / tan( ra ));
+ ty = y2 + fmhD4;
+ if( rightSide ) {
+ if( x2 > width() || ty < fmh || x2 < x1 ) {
+ //skip this strut
+ //**** don't duplicate this code
+ list.remove( *it ); //will delete the label and set it to list.current() which _should_ be the next ptr
+ break;
+ }
+ prevRightY = ty - fmh - fmhD4; //must be after above's "continue"
+ qs = KStringHandler::cPixelSqueeze( qs, fm, width() - x2 );
+ x3 = width() - fm.width( qs )
+ - LABEL_HMARGIN //outer margin
+ - LABEL_TEXT_HMARGIN //margin between strut and text
+ //- ((*it)->lvl - startLevel) * LABEL_HMARGIN; //indentation
+ ;
+ if( x3 < x2 ) x3 = x2;
+ } else {
+ if( x2 < 0 || ty > height() || x2 > x1 )
+ {
+ //skip this strut
+ list.remove( *it ); //will delete the label and set it to list.current() which _should_ be the next ptr
+ break;
+ }
+ prevLeftY = ty + fmh - fmhD4;
+ qs = KStringHandler::cPixelSqueeze( qs, fm, x2 );
+ //**** needs a little tweaking:
+ tx = fm.width( qs ) + LABEL_HMARGIN/* + ((*it)->lvl - startLevel) * LABEL_HMARGIN*/;
+ if( tx > x2 ) { //text is too long
+ tx = LABEL_HMARGIN + x2 - tx; //some text will be lost from sight
+ x3 = x2; //no text margin (right side of text here)
+ } else {
+ tx = LABEL_HMARGIN /*+ ((*it)->lvl - startLevel) * LABEL_HMARGIN*/;
+ }
+ }
+ (*it)->x1 = x1;
+ (*it)->y1 = y1;
+ (*it)->x2 = x2;
+ (*it)->y2 = y2;
+ (*it)->x3 = x3;
+ (*it)->tx = tx;
+ (*it)->ty = ty;
+ (*it)->qs = qs;
+ }
+ //if an element is deleted at this stage, we need to do this whole
+ //iteration again, thus the following loop
+ //**** in rare case that deleted label was last label in top level
+ // and last in labelList too, this will not work as expected (not critical)
+ } while( it != 0 );
+ //5. Render labels
+ paint.setPen( QPen( Qt::black, 1 ) );
+ for( it.toFirst(); it != 0; ++it )
+ {
+ if( varySizes ) {
+ //**** how much overhead in making new QFont each time?
+ // (implicate sharing remember)
+ QFont font = paint.font();
+ font.setPointSize( sizes[(*it)->lvl] );
+ paint.setFont( font );
+ }
+ paint.drawEllipse( (*it)->x1 - 3, (*it)->y1 - 3, 7, 7 ); //**** CPU intensive! better to use a pixmap
+ paint.drawLine( (*it)->x1, (*it)->y1, (*it)->x2, (*it)->y2 );
+ paint.drawLine( (*it)->x2, (*it)->y2, (*it)->x3, (*it)->y2);
+ paint.drawText( (*it)->tx, (*it)->ty, (*it)->qs );
+ }
+ delete [] sizes;
diff --git a/src/part/radialMap/map.cpp b/src/part/radialMap/map.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eb8f02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/part/radialMap/map.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+//Author: Max Howell <[email protected]>, (C) 2003-4
+//Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include <kcursor.h> //make()
+#include <kglobalsettings.h> //kdeColours
+#include <kimageeffect.h> //desaturate()
+#include <qapplication.h> //make()
+#include <qimage.h> //make() & paint()
+#include <qfont.h> //ctor
+#include <qfontmetrics.h> //ctor
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include "builder.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "fileTree.h"
+#include "sincos.h"
+#include "widget.h"
+#define COLOR_GREY QColor( 0, 0, 140, QColor::Hsv )
+ : m_signature( 0 )
+ , m_ringBreadth( MIN_RING_BREADTH )
+ , m_innerRadius( 0 )
+ , m_visibleDepth( DEFAULT_RING_DEPTH )
+ //FIXME this is all broken. No longer is a maximum depth!
+ const int fmh = QFontMetrics( QFont() ).height();
+ const int fmhD4 = fmh / 4;
+ MAP_2MARGIN = 2 * ( fmh - (fmhD4 - LABEL_MAP_SPACER) ); //margin is dependent on fitting in labels at top and bottom
+ delete [] m_signature;
+RadialMap::Map::invalidate( const bool desaturateTheImage )
+ delete [] m_signature;
+ m_signature = 0;
+ if( desaturateTheImage )
+ {
+ QImage img = this->convertToImage();
+ KImageEffect::desaturate( img, 0.7 );
+ KImageEffect::toGray( img, true );
+ this->convertFromImage( img );
+ }
+ m_visibleDepth = Config::defaultRingDepth;
+RadialMap::Map::make( const Directory *tree, bool refresh )
+ //**** determineText seems pointless optimisation
+ // but is it good to keep the text consistent?
+ // even if it makes it a lie?
+ //slow operation so set the wait cursor
+ QApplication::setOverrideCursor( KCursor::waitCursor() );
+ {
+ //build a signature of visible components
+ delete [] m_signature;
+ Builder builder( this, tree, refresh );
+ }
+ //colour the segments
+ colorise();
+ //determine centerText
+ if( !refresh )
+ {
+ int i;
+ for( i = 2; i > 0; --i )
+ if( tree->size() > File::DENOMINATOR[i] )
+ break;
+ m_centerText = tree->humanReadableSize( (File::UnitPrefix)i );
+ }
+ //paint the pixmap
+ aaPaint();
+ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+ //FIXME called too many times on creation
+ m_ringBreadth = (height() - MAP_2MARGIN) / (2 * m_visibleDepth + 4);
+ if( m_ringBreadth < MIN_RING_BREADTH )
+ m_ringBreadth = MIN_RING_BREADTH;
+ else if( m_ringBreadth > MAX_RING_BREADTH )
+ m_ringBreadth = MAX_RING_BREADTH;
+RadialMap::Map::resize( const QRect &rect )
+ //there's a MAP_2MARGIN border
+ #define mw width()
+ #define mh height()
+ #define cw rect.width()
+ #define ch rect.height()
+ if( cw < mw || ch < mh || (cw > mw && ch > mh) )
+ {
+ uint size = (( cw < ch ) ? cw : ch) - MAP_2MARGIN;
+ //this also causes uneven sizes to always resize when resizing but map is small in that dimension
+ //size -= size % 2; //even sizes mean less staggered non-antialiased resizing
+ {
+ const uint minSize = MIN_RING_BREADTH * 2 * (m_visibleDepth + 2);
+ const uint mD2 = MAP_2MARGIN / 2;
+ if( size < minSize ) size = minSize;
+ //this QRect is used by paint()
+ m_rect.setRect( mD2, mD2, size, size );
+ }
+ //resize the pixmap
+ size += MAP_2MARGIN;
+ KPixmap::resize( size, size );
+ // for summary widget this is a good optimisation as it happens
+ if (KPixmap::isNull())
+ return false;
+ if( m_signature != 0 )
+ {
+ setRingBreadth();
+ paint();
+ }
+ else fill(); //FIXME I don't like having to do this..
+ return true;
+ }
+ #undef mw
+ #undef mh
+ #undef cw
+ #undef ch
+ return false;
+ QColor cp, cb;
+ double darkness = 1;
+ double contrast = (double)Config::contrast / (double)100;
+ int h, s1, s2, v1, v2;
+ QColor kdeColour[2] = { KGlobalSettings::inactiveTitleColor(), KGlobalSettings::activeTitleColor() };
+ double deltaRed = (double)(kdeColour[0].red() - kdeColour[1].red()) / 2880; //2880 for semicircle
+ double deltaGreen = (double)(kdeColour[0].green() - kdeColour[1].green()) / 2880;
+ double deltaBlue = (double)(kdeColour[0].blue() - kdeColour[1].blue()) / 2880;
+ for( uint i = 0; i <= m_visibleDepth; ++i, darkness += 0.04 )
+ {
+ for( Iterator<Segment> it = m_signature[i].iterator(); it != m_signature[i].end(); ++it )
+ {
+ switch( Config::scheme )
+ {
+ case 2000: //HACK for summary view
+ if( (*it)->file()->name() == "Used" ) {
+ cb = QApplication::palette().active().color( QColorGroup::Highlight );
+ cb.getHsv( &h, &s1, &v1 );
+ if( s1 > 80 )
+ s1 = 80;
+ v2 = v1 - int(contrast * v1);
+ s2 = s1 + int(contrast * (255 - s1));
+ cb.setHsv( h, s1, v1 );
+ cp.setHsv( h, s2, v2 );
+ }
+ else {
+ cp = Qt::gray;
+ cb = Qt::white;
+ }
+ (*it)->setPalette( cp, cb );
+ continue;
+ case Filelight::KDE:
+ {
+ //gradient will work by figuring out rgb delta values for 360 degrees
+ //then each component is angle*delta
+ int a = (*it)->start();
+ if( a > 2880 ) a = 2880 - (a - 2880);
+ h = (int)(deltaRed * a) + kdeColour[1].red();
+ s1 = (int)(deltaGreen * a) + kdeColour[1].green();
+ v1 = (int)(deltaBlue * a) + kdeColour[1].blue();
+ cb.setRgb( h, s1, v1 );
+ cb.getHsv( &h, &s1, &v1 );
+ break;
+ }
+ case Filelight::HighContrast:
+ cp.setHsv( 0, 0, 0 ); //values of h, s and v are irrelevant
+ cb.setHsv( 180, 0, int(255.0 * contrast) );
+ (*it)->setPalette( cp, cb );
+ continue;
+ default:
+ h = int((*it)->start() / 16);
+ s1 = 160;
+ v1 = (int)(255.0 / darkness); //****doing this more often than once seems daft!
+ }
+ v2 = v1 - int(contrast * v1);
+ s2 = s1 + int(contrast * (255 - s1));
+ if( s1 < 80 ) s1 = 80; //can fall too low and makes contrast between the files hard to discern
+ if( (*it)->isFake() ) //multi-file
+ {
+ cb.setHsv( h, s2, (v2 < 90) ? 90 : v2 ); //too dark if < 100
+ cp.setHsv( h, 17, v1 );
+ }
+ else if( !(*it)->file()->isDirectory() ) //file
+ {
+ cb.setHsv( h, 17, v1 );
+ cp.setHsv( h, 17, v2 );
+ }
+ else //directory
+ {
+ cb.setHsv( h, s1, v1 ); //v was 225
+ cp.setHsv( h, s2, v2 ); //v was 225 - delta
+ }
+ (*it)->setPalette( cp, cb );
+ //**** may be better to store KDE colours as H and S and vary V as others
+ //**** perhaps make saturation difference for s2 dependent on contrast too
+ //**** fake segments don't work with highContrast
+ //**** may work better with cp = cb rather than Qt::white
+ //**** you have to ensure the grey of files is sufficient, currently it works only with rainbow (perhaps use contrast there too)
+ //**** change v1,v2 to vp, vb etc.
+ //**** using percentages is not strictly correct as the eye doesn't work like that
+ //**** darkness factor is not done for kde_colour scheme, and also value for files is incorrect really for files in this scheme as it is not set like rainbow one is
+ }
+ }
+ //paint() is called during continuous processes
+ //aaPaint() is not and is slower so set overidecursor (make sets it too)
+ QApplication::setOverrideCursor( KCursor::waitCursor() );
+ paint( Config::antiAliasFactor );
+ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+RadialMap::Map::paint( unsigned int scaleFactor )
+ if (scaleFactor == 0) //just in case
+ scaleFactor = 1;
+ QPainter paint;
+ QRect rect = m_rect;
+ int step = m_ringBreadth;
+ int excess = -1;
+ //scale the pixmap, or do intelligent distribution of excess to prevent nasty resizing
+ if( scaleFactor > 1 )
+ {
+ int x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ rect.coords( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );
+ x1 *= scaleFactor;
+ y1 *= scaleFactor;
+ x2 *= scaleFactor;
+ y2 *= scaleFactor;
+ rect.setCoords( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
+ step *= scaleFactor;
+ KPixmap::resize( this->size() * (int)scaleFactor );
+ }
+ else if( m_ringBreadth != MAX_RING_BREADTH && m_ringBreadth != MIN_RING_BREADTH ) {
+ excess = rect.width() % m_ringBreadth;
+ ++step;
+ }
+ //**** best option you can think of is to make the circles slightly less perfect,
+ // ** i.e. slightly eliptic when resizing inbetween
+ if (KPixmap::isNull())
+ return;
+ paint.begin( this );
+ fill(); //erase background
+ for( int x = m_visibleDepth; x >= 0; --x )
+ {
+ int width = rect.width() / 2;
+ //clever geometric trick to find largest angle that will give biggest arrow head
+ int a_max = int(acos( (double)width / double((width + 5) * scaleFactor) ) * (180*16 / M_PI));
+ for( ConstIterator<Segment> it = m_signature[x].constIterator(); it != m_signature[x].end(); ++it )
+ {
+ //draw the pie segments, most of this code is concerned with drawing the little
+ //arrows on the ends of segments when they have hidden files
+ paint.setPen( (*it)->pen() );
+ if( (*it)->hasHiddenChildren() )
+ {
+ //draw arrow head to indicate undisplayed files/directories
+ QPointArray pts( 3 );
+ QPoint pos, cpos =;
+ int a[3] = { (*it)->start(), (*it)->length(), 0 };
+ a[2] = a[0] + (a[1] / 2); //assign to halfway between
+ if( a[1] > a_max )
+ {
+ a[1] = a_max;
+ a[0] = a[2] - a_max / 2;
+ }
+ a[1] += a[0];
+ for( int i = 0, radius = width; i < 3; ++i )
+ {
+ double ra = M_PI/(180*16) * a[i], sinra, cosra;
+ if( i == 2 )
+ radius += 5 * scaleFactor;
+ sincos( ra, &sinra, &cosra );
+ pos.rx() = cpos.x() + static_cast<int>(cosra * radius);
+ pos.ry() = cpos.y() - static_cast<int>(sinra * radius);
+ pts.setPoint( i, pos );
+ }
+ paint.setBrush( (*it)->pen() );
+ paint.drawPolygon( pts );
+ }
+ paint.setBrush( (*it)->brush() );
+ paint.drawPie( rect, (*it)->start(), (*it)->length() );
+ if( (*it)->hasHiddenChildren() )
+ {
+ //**** code is bloated!
+ QPen pen = paint.pen();
+ int width = 2 * scaleFactor;
+ pen.setWidth( width );
+ paint.setPen( pen );
+ QRect rect2 = rect;
+ width /= 2;
+ rect2.addCoords( width, width, -width, -width );
+ paint.drawArc( rect2, (*it)->start(), (*it)->length() );
+ paint.restore();
+ }
+ }
+ if( excess >= 0 ) { //excess allows us to resize more smoothly (still crud tho)
+ if( excess < 2 ) //only decrease rect by more if even number of excesses left
+ --step;
+ excess -= 2;
+ }
+ rect.addCoords( step, step, -step, -step );
+ }
+ // if( excess > 0 ) rect.addCoords( excess, excess, 0, 0 ); //ugly
+ paint.setPen( COLOR_GREY );
+ paint.setBrush( Qt::white );
+ paint.drawEllipse( rect );
+ if( scaleFactor > 1 )
+ {
+ //have to end in order to smoothscale()
+ paint.end();
+ int x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ rect.coords( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );
+ x1 /= scaleFactor;
+ y1 /= scaleFactor;
+ x2 /= scaleFactor;
+ y2 /= scaleFactor;
+ rect.setCoords( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
+ QImage img = this->convertToImage();
+ img = img.smoothScale( this->size() / (int)scaleFactor );
+ this->convertFromImage( img );
+ paint.begin( this );
+ paint.setPen( COLOR_GREY );
+ paint.setBrush( Qt::white );
+ }
+ paint.drawText( rect, Qt::AlignCenter, m_centerText );
+ m_innerRadius = rect.width() / 2; //rect.width should be multiple of 2
+ paint.end();
diff --git a/src/part/radialMap/radialMap.h b/src/part/radialMap/radialMap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5023b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/part/radialMap/radialMap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+//Author: Max Howell <[email protected]>, (C) 2003-4
+//Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#ifndef RADIALMAP_H
+#define RADIALMAP_H
+#include <qcolor.h>
+class File;
+namespace RadialMap
+ class Segment //all angles are in 16ths of degrees
+ {
+ public:
+ Segment( const File *f, uint s, uint l, bool isFake = false )
+ : m_angleStart( s )
+ , m_angleSegment( l )
+ , m_file( f )
+ , m_hasHiddenChildren( false )
+ , m_fake( isFake ) {}
+ ~Segment();
+ uint start() const { return m_angleStart; }
+ uint length() const { return m_angleSegment; }
+ uint end() const { return m_angleStart + m_angleSegment; }
+ const File *file() const { return m_file; }
+ const QColor& pen() const { return m_pen; }
+ const QColor& brush() const { return m_brush; }
+ bool isFake() const { return m_fake; }
+ bool hasHiddenChildren() const { return m_hasHiddenChildren; }
+ bool intersects( uint a ) const { return ( ( a >= start() ) && ( a < end() ) ); }
+ friend class Map;
+ friend class Builder;
+ private:
+ void setPalette( const QColor &p, const QColor &b ) { m_pen = p; m_brush = b; }
+ const uint m_angleStart, m_angleSegment;
+ const File* const m_file;
+ QColor m_pen, m_brush;
+ bool m_hasHiddenChildren;
+ const bool m_fake;
+ };
+#ifndef PI
+#define PI 3.141592653589793
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327
+#define MIN_RING_BREADTH 20
+#define MAX_RING_BREADTH 60
+#define DEFAULT_RING_DEPTH 4 //first level = 0
+#define MIN_RING_DEPTH 0
+#define LABEL_HMARGIN 10
+#define LABEL_MAX_CHARS 30
diff --git a/src/part/radialMap/segmentTip.cpp b/src/part/radialMap/segmentTip.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f73e845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/part/radialMap/segmentTip.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+//Author: Max Howell <[email protected]>, (C) 2003-4
+//Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include "fileTree.h"
+#include "segmentTip.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <kapplication.h> //installing eventFilters
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kglobalsettings.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kpixmapeffect.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h> //for its palette
+namespace RadialMap {
+bool isBackingStoreActive()
+ // # xdpyinfo | grep backing
+ // options: backing-store YES, save-unders YES
+ char buffer[4096];
+ FILE *xdpyinfo = popen( "xdpyinfo", "r" );
+ int const N = fread( (void*)buffer, sizeof(char), 4096, xdpyinfo );
+ buffer[ N ] = '\0';
+ pclose( xdpyinfo );
+ return QString::fromLocal8Bit( buffer ).contains( "backing-store YES" );
+SegmentTip::SegmentTip( uint h )
+ : QWidget( 0, 0, WNoAutoErase | WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NoBorder | WStyle_Tool | WStyle_StaysOnTop | WX11BypassWM )
+ , m_cursorHeight( -h )
+ , m_backing_store( isBackingStoreActive() )
+ setBackgroundMode( Qt::NoBackground );
+SegmentTip::moveTo( QPoint p, const QWidget &canvas, bool placeAbove )
+ //**** this function is very slow and seems to be visibly influenced by operations like mapFromGlobal() (who knows why!)
+ // ** so any improvements are much desired
+ //TODO uints could improve the class
+ p.rx() -= rect().center().x();
+ p.ry() -= (placeAbove ? 8 + height() : m_cursorHeight - 8);
+ const QRect screen = KGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry( parentWidget() );
+ const int x = p.x();
+ const int y = p.y();
+ const int x2 = x + width();
+ const int y2 = y + height(); //how's it ever gunna get below screen height?! (well you never know I spose)
+ const int sw = screen.width();
+ const int sh = screen.height();
+ if( x < 0 ) p.setX( 0 );
+ if( y < 0 ) p.setY( 0 );
+ if( x2 > sw ) p.rx() -= x2 - sw;
+ if( y2 > sh ) p.ry() -= y2 - sh;
+ //I'm using this QPoint to determine where to offset the bitBlt in m_pixmap
+ QPoint offset = canvas.mapToGlobal( QPoint() ) - p;
+ if( offset.x() < 0 ) offset.setX( 0 );
+ if( offset.y() < 0 ) offset.setY( 0 );
+ const QRect alphaMaskRect( canvas.mapFromGlobal( p ), size() );
+ const QRect intersection( alphaMaskRect.intersect( canvas.rect() ) );
+ m_pixmap.resize( size() ); //move to updateTip once you are sure it can never be null
+ bitBlt( &m_pixmap, offset, &canvas, intersection, Qt::CopyROP );
+ QColor const c = QToolTip::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Background );
+ if (!m_backing_store)
+ m_pixmap.fill( c );
+ QPainter paint( &m_pixmap );
+ paint.setPen( Qt::black );
+ paint.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
+ paint.drawRect( rect() );
+ paint.end();
+ if (m_backing_store)
+ m_pixmap = KPixmapEffect::fade( m_pixmap, 0.6, c );
+ paint.begin( &m_pixmap );
+ paint.drawText( rect(), AlignCenter, m_text );
+ paint.end();
+ p += screen.topLeft(); //for Xinerama users
+ move( x, y );
+ show();
+ update();
+SegmentTip::updateTip( const File* const file, const Directory* const root )
+ const QString s1 = file->fullPath( root );
+ QString s2 = file->humanReadableSize();
+ KLocale *loc = KGlobal::locale();
+ const uint MARGIN = 3;
+ const uint pc = 100 * file->size() / root->size();
+ uint maxw = 0;
+ uint h = fontMetrics().height()*2 + 2*MARGIN;
+ if( pc > 0 ) s2 += QString( " (%1%)" ).arg( loc->formatNumber( pc, 0 ) );
+ m_text = s1;
+ m_text += '\n';
+ m_text += s2;
+ if( file->isDirectory() )
+ {
+ double files = static_cast<const Directory*>(file)->children();
+ const uint pc = uint((100 * files) / (double)root->children());
+ QString s3 = i18n( "Files: %1" ).arg( loc->formatNumber( files, 0 ) );
+ if( pc > 0 ) s3 += QString( " (%1%)" ).arg( loc->formatNumber( pc, 0 ) );
+ maxw = fontMetrics().width( s3 );
+ h += fontMetrics().height();
+ m_text += '\n';
+ m_text += s3;
+ }
+ uint
+ w = fontMetrics().width( s1 ); if( w > maxw ) maxw = w;
+ w = fontMetrics().width( s2 ); if( w > maxw ) maxw = w;
+ resize( maxw + 2 * MARGIN, h );
+SegmentTip::event( QEvent *e )
+ switch( e->type() )
+ {
+ case QEvent::Show:
+ kapp->installEventFilter( this );
+ break;
+ case QEvent::Hide:
+ kapp->removeEventFilter( this );
+ break;
+ case QEvent::Paint:
+ {
+ //QPainter( this ).drawPixmap( 0, 0, m_pixmap );
+ bitBlt( this, 0, 0, &m_pixmap );
+ return true;
+ }
+ default:
+ ;
+ }
+ return false/*QWidget::event( e )*/;
+SegmentTip::eventFilter( QObject*, QEvent *e )
+ switch ( e->type() )
+ {
+ case QEvent::Leave:
+// case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
+// case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
+ case QEvent::KeyPress:
+ case QEvent::KeyRelease:
+ case QEvent::FocusIn:
+ case QEvent::FocusOut:
+ case QEvent::Wheel:
+ hide(); //FALL THROUGH
+ default:
+ return false; //allow this event to passed to target
+ }
+} //namespace RadialMap
diff --git a/src/part/radialMap/segmentTip.h b/src/part/radialMap/segmentTip.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bc479e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/part/radialMap/segmentTip.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Author: Max Howell <[email protected]>, (C) 2004
+// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include <kpixmap.h>
+#include <qwidget.h>
+class File;
+class Directory;
+namespace RadialMap
+ class SegmentTip : public QWidget
+ {
+ public:
+ SegmentTip( uint );
+ void updateTip( const File*, const Directory* );
+ void moveTo( QPoint, const QWidget&, bool );
+ private:
+ virtual bool eventFilter( QObject*, QEvent* );
+ virtual bool event( QEvent* );
+ uint m_cursorHeight;
+ KPixmap m_pixmap;
+ QString m_text;
+ bool m_backing_store;
+ };
diff --git a/src/part/radialMap/sincos.h b/src/part/radialMap/sincos.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3d8c9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/part/radialMap/sincos.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//Author: Max Howell <[email protected]>, (C) 2003-4
+//Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#ifndef SINCOS_H
+#define SINCOS_H
+#include <math.h>
+#if !defined(__GLIBC__) || (__GLIBC__ < 2) || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 1)
+ void
+ sincos( int angleRadians, double *Sin, double *Cos );
+ void
+ sincos( int angleRadians, double *Sin, double *Cos )
+ {
+ *Sin = sin( angleRadians );
+ *Cos = cos( angleRadians );
+ }
diff --git a/src/part/radialMap/widget.cpp b/src/part/radialMap/widget.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c82c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/part/radialMap/widget.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+//Author: Max Howell <[email protected]>, (C) 2003-4
+//Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include <kcursor.h> //ctor
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+#include <qapplication.h> //sendEvent
+#include <qbitmap.h> //ctor - finding cursor size
+#include <qcursor.h> //slotPostMouseEvent()
+#include <qtimer.h> //member
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "fileTree.h"
+#include "radialMap.h" //constants
+#include "widget.h"
+RadialMap::Widget::Widget( QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+ : QWidget( parent, name, Qt::WNoAutoErase )
+ , m_tree( 0 )
+ , m_focus( 0 )
+ , m_rootSegment( 0 ) //TODO we don't delete it, *shrug*
+ setAcceptDrops( true );
+ setBackgroundColor( Qt::white );
+ const QBitmap *cursor = KCursor::handCursor().bitmap();
+ m_tip = new SegmentTip(cursor ? cursor->height() : 16);
+ connect( this, SIGNAL(created( const Directory* )), SLOT(sendFakeMouseEvent()) );
+ connect( this, SIGNAL(created( const Directory* )), SLOT(update()) );
+ connect( &m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(resizeTimeout()) );
+RadialMap::Widget::path() const
+ return m_tree->fullPath();
+RadialMap::Widget::url( File const * const file ) const
+ return KURL::fromPathOrURL( file ? file->fullPath() : m_tree->fullPath() );
+RadialMap::Widget::invalidate( const bool b )
+ if( isValid() )
+ {
+ //**** have to check that only way to invalidate is this function frankly
+ //**** otherwise you may get bugs..
+ //disable mouse tracking
+ setMouseTracking( false );
+ //ensure this class won't think we have a map still
+ m_tree = 0;
+ m_focus = 0;
+ delete m_rootSegment;
+ m_rootSegment = 0;
+ //FIXME move this disablement thing no?
+ // it is confusing in other areas, like the whole createFromCache() thing
+ m_map.invalidate( b ); //b signifies whether the pixmap is made to look disabled or not
+ if( b )
+ update();
+ //tell rest of Filelight
+ emit invalidated( url() );
+ }
+RadialMap::Widget::create( const Directory *tree )
+ //it is not the responsibility of create() to invalidate first
+ //skip invalidation at your own risk
+ //FIXME make it the responsibility of create to invalidate first
+ if( tree )
+ {
+ //generate the filemap image
+ m_map.make( tree );
+ //this is the inner circle in the center
+ m_rootSegment = new Segment( tree, 0, 16*360 );
+ setMouseTracking( true );
+ }
+ m_tree = tree;
+ //tell rest of Filelight
+ emit created( tree );
+RadialMap::Widget::createFromCache( const Directory *tree )
+ //no scan was necessary, use cached tree, however we MUST still emit invalidate
+ invalidate( false );
+ create( tree );
+RadialMap::Widget::sendFakeMouseEvent() //slot
+ QMouseEvent me( QEvent::MouseMove, mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() ), Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoButton );
+ QApplication::sendEvent( this, &me );
+RadialMap::Widget::resizeTimeout() //slot
+ // the segments are about to erased!
+ // this was a horrid bug, and proves the OO programming should be obeyed always!
+ m_focus = 0;
+ if( m_tree )
+ m_map.make( m_tree, true );
+ update();
+RadialMap::Widget::refresh( int filth )
+ //TODO consider a more direct connection
+ if( !m_map.isNull() )
+ {
+ switch( filth )
+ {
+ case 1:
+ m_map.make( m_tree, true ); //true means refresh only
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ m_map.aaPaint();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ m_map.colorise(); //FALL THROUGH!
+ case 4:
+ m_map.paint();
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ update();
+ }
+RadialMap::Widget::zoomIn() //slot
+ if( m_map.m_visibleDepth > MIN_RING_DEPTH )
+ {
+ --m_map.m_visibleDepth;
+ m_map.make( m_tree );
+ Config::defaultRingDepth = m_map.m_visibleDepth;
+ update();
+ }
+RadialMap::Widget::zoomOut() //slot
+ ++m_map.m_visibleDepth;
+ m_map.make( m_tree );
+ if( m_map.m_visibleDepth > Config::defaultRingDepth )
+ Config::defaultRingDepth = m_map.m_visibleDepth;
+ update();
+ if( isFake() )
+ delete m_file; //created by us in Builder::build()
+#include "widget.moc"
diff --git a/src/part/radialMap/widget.h b/src/part/radialMap/widget.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fdf0e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/part/radialMap/widget.h
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+//Author: Max Howell <[email protected]>, (C) 2004
+//Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#ifndef WIDGET_H
+#define WIDGET_H
+#include <kurl.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include "segmentTip.h"
+template <class T> class Chain;
+class Directory;
+class File;
+namespace KIO { class Job; }
+class KURL;
+namespace RadialMap
+ class Segment;
+ class Map : public KPixmap
+ {
+ public:
+ Map();
+ ~Map();
+ void make( const Directory *, bool = false );
+ bool resize( const QRect& );
+ bool isNull() const { return ( m_signature == 0 ); }
+ void invalidate( const bool );
+ friend class Builder;
+ friend class Widget;
+ private:
+ void paint( uint = 1 );
+ void aaPaint();
+ void colorise();
+ void setRingBreadth();
+ Chain<Segment> *m_signature;
+ QRect m_rect;
+ uint m_ringBreadth; ///ring breadth
+ uint m_innerRadius; ///radius of inner circle
+ uint m_visibleDepth; ///visible level depth of system
+ QString m_centerText;
+ uint MAP_2MARGIN;
+ };
+ class Widget : public QWidget
+ {
+ public:
+ Widget( QWidget* = 0, const char* = 0 );
+ ~Widget() { delete m_tip; }
+ QString path() const;
+ KURL url( File const * const = 0 ) const;
+ bool isValid() const { return m_tree != 0; }
+ friend class Label; //FIXME badness
+ public slots:
+ void zoomIn();
+ void zoomOut();
+ void create( const Directory* );
+ void invalidate( const bool = true );
+ void refresh( int );
+ private slots:
+ void resizeTimeout();
+ void sendFakeMouseEvent();
+ void deleteJobFinished( KIO::Job* );
+ void createFromCache( const Directory* );
+ signals:
+ void activated( const KURL& );
+ void invalidated( const KURL& );
+ void created( const Directory* );
+ void mouseHover( const QString& );
+ void giveMeTreeFor( const KURL& );
+ protected:
+ virtual void paintEvent( QPaintEvent* );
+ virtual void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* );
+ virtual void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* );
+ virtual void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* );
+ virtual void dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent* );
+ virtual void dropEvent( QDropEvent* );
+ protected:
+ const Segment *segmentAt( QPoint& ) const; //FIXME const reference for a library others can use
+ const Segment *rootSegment() const { return m_rootSegment; } ///never == 0
+ const Segment *focusSegment() const { return m_focus; } ///0 == nothing in focus
+ private:
+ void paintExplodedLabels( QPainter& ) const;
+ const Directory *m_tree;
+ const Segment *m_focus;
+ QPoint m_offset;
+ QTimer m_timer;
+ Map m_map;
+ SegmentTip *m_tip;
+ Segment *m_rootSegment;
+ };
diff --git a/src/part/radialMap/widgetEvents.cpp b/src/part/radialMap/widgetEvents.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71db1c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/part/radialMap/widgetEvents.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+//Author: Max Howell <[email protected]>, (C) 2003-4
+//Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include "fileTree.h"
+#include "radialMap.h" //class Segment
+#include "widget.h"
+#include <cmath> //::segmentAt()
+#include <kcursor.h> //::mouseMoveEvent()
+#include <kiconeffect.h> //::mousePressEvent()
+#include <kiconloader.h> //::mousePressEvent()
+#include <kio/job.h> //::mousePressEvent()
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h> //::mousePressEvent()
+#include <kpopupmenu.h> //::mousePressEvent()
+#include <krun.h> //::mousePressEvent()
+#include <kurldrag.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>//QApplication::setOverrideCursor()
+#include <qclipboard.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qtimer.h> //::resizeEvent()
+RadialMap::Widget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* )
+ if( m_map.resize( rect() ) )
+ m_timer.start( 500, true ); //will cause signature to rebuild for new size
+ //always do these as they need to be initialised on creation
+ m_offset.rx() = (width() - m_map.width()) / 2;
+ m_offset.ry() = (height() - m_map.height()) / 2;
+RadialMap::Widget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* )
+ //bltBit for some Qt setups will bitBlt _after_ the labels are painted. Which buggers things up!
+ //shame as bitBlt is faster, possibly Qt bug? Should report the bug? - seems to be race condition
+ //bitBlt( this, m_offset, &m_map );
+ QPainter paint( this );
+ paint.drawPixmap( m_offset, m_map );
+ //vertical strips
+ if( m_map.width() < width() )
+ {
+ paint.eraseRect( 0, 0, m_offset.x(), height() );
+ paint.eraseRect( m_map.width() + m_offset.x(), 0, m_offset.x() + 1, height() );
+ }
+ //horizontal strips
+ if( m_map.height() < height() )
+ {
+ paint.eraseRect( 0, 0, width(), m_offset.y() );
+ paint.eraseRect( 0, m_map.height() + m_offset.y(), width(), m_offset.y() + 1 );
+ }
+ //exploded labels
+ if( !m_map.isNull() && !m_timer.isActive() )
+ paintExplodedLabels( paint );
+const RadialMap::Segment*
+RadialMap::Widget::segmentAt( QPoint &e ) const
+ //determine which segment QPoint e is above
+ e -= m_offset;
+ if( !m_map.m_signature )
+ return 0;
+ if( e.x() <= m_map.width() && e.y() <= m_map.height() )
+ {
+ //transform to cartesian coords
+ e.rx() -= m_map.width() / 2; //should be an int
+ e.ry() = m_map.height() / 2 - e.y();
+ double length = hypot( e.x(), e.y() );
+ if( length >= m_map.m_innerRadius ) //not hovering over inner circle
+ {
+ uint depth = ((int)length - m_map.m_innerRadius) / m_map.m_ringBreadth;
+ if( depth <= m_map.m_visibleDepth ) //**** do earlier since you can //** check not outside of range
+ {
+ //vector calculation, reduces to simple trigonometry
+ //cos angle = (aibi + ajbj) / albl
+ //ai = x, bi=1, aj=y, bj=0
+ //cos angle = x / (length)
+ uint a = (uint)(acos( (double)e.x() / length ) * 916.736); //916.7324722 = #radians in circle * 16
+ //acos only understands 0-180 degrees
+ if( e.y() < 0 ) a = 5760 - a;
+ #define ring (m_map.m_signature + depth)
+ for( ConstIterator<Segment> it = ring->constIterator(); it != ring->end(); ++it )
+ if( (*it)->intersects( a ) )
+ return *it;
+ #undef ring
+ }
+ }
+ else return m_rootSegment; //hovering over inner circle
+ }
+ return 0;
+RadialMap::Widget::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
+ //set m_focus to what we hover over, update UI if it's a new segment
+ Segment const * const oldFocus = m_focus;
+ QPoint p = e->pos();
+ m_focus = segmentAt( p ); //NOTE p is passed by non-const reference
+ if( m_focus && m_focus->file() != m_tree )
+ {
+ if( m_focus != oldFocus ) //if not same as last time
+ {
+ setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() );
+ m_tip->updateTip( m_focus->file(), m_tree );
+ emit mouseHover( m_focus->file()->fullPath() );
+ //repaint required to update labels now before transparency is generated
+ repaint( false );
+ }
+ m_tip->moveTo( e->globalPos(), *this, ( p.y() < 0 ) ); //updates tooltip psuedo-tranparent background
+ }
+ else if( oldFocus && oldFocus->file() != m_tree )
+ {
+ unsetCursor();
+ m_tip->hide();
+ update();
+ emit mouseHover( QString::null );
+ }
+RadialMap::Widget::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e )
+ //m_tip is hidden already by event filter
+ //m_focus is set correctly (I've been strict, I assure you it is correct!)
+ enum { Konqueror, Konsole, Center, Open, Copy, Delete };
+ if (m_focus && !m_focus->isFake())
+ {
+ const KURL url = Widget::url( m_focus->file() );
+ const bool isDir = m_focus->file()->isDirectory();
+ if( e->button() == Qt::RightButton )
+ {
+ KPopupMenu popup;
+ popup.insertTitle( m_focus->file()->fullPath( m_tree ) );
+ if (isDir) {
+ popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "konqueror" ), i18n( "Open &Konqueror Here" ), Konqueror );
+ if( url.protocol() == "file" )
+ popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "konsole" ), i18n( "Open &Konsole Here" ), Konsole );
+ if (m_focus->file() != m_tree) {
+ popup.insertSeparator();
+ popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "viewmag" ), i18n( "&Center Map Here" ), Center );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "fileopen" ), i18n( "&Open" ), Open );
+ popup.insertSeparator();
+ popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "editcopy" ), i18n( "&Copy to clipboard" ), Copy );
+ popup.insertSeparator();
+ popup.insertItem( SmallIconSet( "editdelete" ), i18n( "&Delete" ), Delete );
+ switch (popup.exec( e->globalPos(), 1 )) {
+ case Konqueror:
+ //KRun::runCommand will show an error message if there was trouble
+ KRun::runCommand( QString( "kfmclient openURL \"%1\"" ).arg( url.url() ) );
+ break;
+ case Konsole:
+ // --workdir only works for local file paths
+ KRun::runCommand( QString( "konsole --workdir \"%1\"" ).arg( url.path() ) );
+ break;
+ case Center:
+ case Open:
+ goto section_two;
+ case Copy:
+ QApplication::clipboard()->setData( new KURLDrag( KURL::List( url ) ) );
+ break;
+ case Delete:
+ {
+ const KURL url = Widget::url( m_focus->file() );
+ const QString message = m_focus->file()->isDirectory()
+ ? i18n( "<qt>The directory at <i>'%1'</i> will be <b>recursively</b> and <b>permanently</b> deleted." )
+ : i18n( "<qt><i>'%1'</i> will be <b>permanently</b> deleted." );
+ const int userIntention = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(
+ this, message.arg( url.prettyURL() ),
+ QString::null, KGuiItem( i18n("&Delete"), "editdelete" ) );
+ if (userIntention == KMessageBox::Continue) {
+ KIO::Job *job = KIO::del( url );
+ job->setWindow( this );
+ connect( job, SIGNAL(result( KIO::Job* )), SLOT(deleteJobFinished( KIO::Job* )) );
+ QApplication::setOverrideCursor( KCursor::workingCursor() );
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ //ensure m_focus is set for new mouse position
+ sendFakeMouseEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ else { // not right mouse button
+ section_two:
+ const QRect rect( e->x() - 20, e->y() - 20, 40, 40 );
+ m_tip->hide(); // user expects this
+ if (!isDir || e->button() == Qt::MidButton) {
+ KIconEffect::visualActivate( this, rect );
+ new KRun( url, this, true ); //FIXME see above
+ }
+ else if (m_focus->file() != m_tree) { // is left click
+ KIconEffect::visualActivate( this, rect );
+ emit activated( url ); //activate first, this will cause UI to prepare itself
+ createFromCache( (Directory *)m_focus->file() );
+ }
+ else
+ emit giveMeTreeFor( url.upURL() );
+ }
+ }
+RadialMap::Widget::deleteJobFinished( KIO::Job *job )
+ QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+ if( !job->error() )
+ invalidate();
+ else
+ job->showErrorDialog( this );
+#include "debug.h"
+RadialMap::Widget::dropEvent( QDropEvent *e )
+ KURL::List urls;
+ if (KURLDrag::decode( e, urls ) && urls.count())
+ emit giveMeTreeFor( urls.first() );
+RadialMap::Widget::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent *e )
+ e->accept( KURLDrag::canDecode( e ) );