path: root/src/collections
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-03-01 19:17:32 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2010-03-01 19:17:32 +0000
commite38d2351b83fa65c66ccde443777647ef5cb6cff (patch)
tree1897fc20e9f73a81c520a5b9f76f8ed042124883 /src/collections
Added KDE3 version of Tellico
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'src/collections')
25 files changed, 2656 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/collections/ b/src/collections/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21543d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (begin)##########
+noinst_LIBRARIES = libcollections.a
+AM_CPPFLAGS = $(all_includes)
+libcollections_a_METASOURCES = AUTO
+libcollections_a_SOURCES = winecollection.cpp stampcollection.cpp \
+ comicbookcollection.cpp cardcollection.cpp coincollection.cpp \
+ bibtexcollection.cpp musiccollection.cpp videocollection.cpp \
+ bookcollection.cpp gamecollection.cpp filecatalog.cpp \
+ boardgamecollection.cpp
+####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (end)############
+KDE_OPTIONS = noautodist
+CLEANFILES = *~ *.loT
+bookcollection.cpp bookcollection.h \
+videocollection.cpp videocollection.h \
+musiccollection.cpp musiccollection.h \
+bibtexcollection.cpp bibtexcollection.h \
+coincollection.cpp coincollection.h \
+cardcollection.cpp cardcollection.h \
+comicbookcollection.cpp comicbookcollection.h \
+stampcollection.cpp stampcollection.h \
+winecollection.cpp winecollection.h \
+gamecollection.h gamecollection.cpp \
+filecatalog.h filecatalog.cpp \
+boardgamecollection.h boardgamecollection.cpp
diff --git a/src/collections/bibtexcollection.cpp b/src/collections/bibtexcollection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f069cc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/bibtexcollection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "bibtexcollection.h"
+#include "../latin1literal.h"
+#include "../document.h"
+#include "../tellico_debug.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+using Tellico::Data::BibtexCollection;
+namespace {
+ static const char* bibtex_general = I18N_NOOP("General");
+ static const char* bibtex_publishing = I18N_NOOP("Publishing");
+ static const char* bibtex_misc = I18N_NOOP("Miscellaneous");
+BibtexCollection::BibtexCollection(bool addFields_, const QString& title_ /*=null*/)
+ : Collection(title_.isEmpty() ? i18n("Bibliography") : title_) {
+ if(addFields_) {
+ addFields(defaultFields());
+ }
+ setDefaultGroupField(QString::fromLatin1("author"));
+ // Bibtex has some default macros for the months
+ addMacro(QString::fromLatin1("jan"), QString::null);
+ addMacro(QString::fromLatin1("feb"), QString::null);
+ addMacro(QString::fromLatin1("mar"), QString::null);
+ addMacro(QString::fromLatin1("apr"), QString::null);
+ addMacro(QString::fromLatin1("may"), QString::null);
+ addMacro(QString::fromLatin1("jun"), QString::null);
+ addMacro(QString::fromLatin1("jul"), QString::null);
+ addMacro(QString::fromLatin1("aug"), QString::null);
+ addMacro(QString::fromLatin1("sep"), QString::null);
+ addMacro(QString::fromLatin1("oct"), QString::null);
+ addMacro(QString::fromLatin1("nov"), QString::null);
+ addMacro(QString::fromLatin1("dec"), QString::null);
+Tellico::Data::FieldVec BibtexCollection::defaultFields() {
+ FieldVec list;
+ FieldPtr field;
+/******************* General ****************************/
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("title"), i18n("Title"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("title"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n("General"));
+ field->setFlags(Field::NoDelete);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList types;
+ types << QString::fromLatin1("article") << QString::fromLatin1("book")
+ << QString::fromLatin1("booklet") << QString::fromLatin1("inbook")
+ << QString::fromLatin1("incollection") << QString::fromLatin1("inproceedings")
+ << QString::fromLatin1("manual") << QString::fromLatin1("mastersthesis")
+ << QString::fromLatin1("misc") << QString::fromLatin1("phdthesis")
+ << QString::fromLatin1("proceedings") << QString::fromLatin1("techreport")
+ << QString::fromLatin1("unpublished") << QString::fromLatin1("periodical")
+ << QString::fromLatin1("conference");
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("entry-type"), i18n("Entry Type"), types);
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("entry-type"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped | Field::NoDelete);
+ field->setDescription(i18n("These entry types are specific to bibtex. See the bibtex documentation."));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("author"), i18n("Author"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("author"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatName);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex-key"), i18n("Bibtex Key"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("key"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n("General"));
+ field->setFlags(Field::NoDelete);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("booktitle"), i18n("Book Title"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("booktitle"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_general));
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("editor"), i18n("Editor"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("editor"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatName);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("organization"), i18n("Organization"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("organization"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+// field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("institution"), i18n("Institution"));
+// field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("institution"));
+// field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_general));
+// field->setFlags(Field::AllowDelete);
+// field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+// list.append(field);
+/******************* Publishing ****************************/
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("publisher"), i18n("Publisher"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("publisher"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("address"), i18n("Address"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("address"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("edition"), i18n("Edition"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("edition"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion);
+ list.append(field);
+ // don't make it a nuumber, it could have latex processing commands in it
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pages"), i18n("Pages"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("pages"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_publishing));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("year"), i18n("Year"), Field::Number);
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("year"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("isbn"), i18n("ISBN#"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("isbn"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_publishing));
+ field->setDescription(i18n("International Standard Book Number"));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("journal"), i18n("Journal"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("journal"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("doi"), i18n("DOI"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("doi"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_publishing));
+ field->setDescription(i18n("Digital Object Identifier"));
+ list.append(field);
+ // could make this a string list, but since bibtex import could have funky values
+ // keep it an editbox
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("month"), i18n("Month"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("month"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("number"), i18n("Number"), Field::Number);
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("number"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_publishing));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("howpublished"), i18n("How Published"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("howpublished"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_publishing));
+ list.append(field);
+// field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("school"), i18n("School"));
+// field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("school"));
+// field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_publishing));
+// field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+// list.append(field);
+/******************* Classification ****************************/
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("chapter"), i18n("Chapter"), Field::Number);
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("chapter"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_misc));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("series"), i18n("Series"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("series"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_misc));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("volume"), i18n("Volume"), Field::Number);
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("volume"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_misc));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("crossref"), i18n("Cross-Reference"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("crossref"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_misc));
+ list.append(field);
+// field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("annote"), i18n("Annotation"));
+// field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("annote"));
+// field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_misc));
+// list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("keyword"), i18n("Keywords"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("keywords"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_misc));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("url"), i18n("URL"), Field::URL);
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("url"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(bibtex_misc));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("abstract"), i18n("Abstract"), Data::Field::Para);
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("abstract"));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("note"), i18n("Notes"), Field::Para);
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), QString::fromLatin1("note"));
+ list.append(field);
+ return list;
+bool BibtexCollection::addField(FieldPtr field_) {
+ if(!field_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+// myDebug() << "BibtexCollection::addField()" << endl;
+ bool success = Collection::addField(field_);
+ if(success) {
+ QString bibtex = field_->property(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"));
+ if(!bibtex.isEmpty()) {
+ m_bibtexFieldDict.insert(bibtex, field_);
+ }
+ }
+ return success;
+bool BibtexCollection::modifyField(FieldPtr newField_) {
+ if(!newField_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+// myDebug() << "BibtexCollection::modifyField()" << endl;
+ bool success = Collection::modifyField(newField_);
+ FieldPtr oldField = fieldByName(newField_->name());
+ QString oldBibtex = oldField->property(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"));
+ QString newBibtex = newField_->property(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"));
+ if(!oldBibtex.isEmpty()) {
+ success &= m_bibtexFieldDict.remove(oldBibtex);
+ }
+ if(!newBibtex.isEmpty()) {
+ oldField->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"), newBibtex);
+ m_bibtexFieldDict.insert(newBibtex, oldField);
+ }
+ return success;
+bool BibtexCollection::deleteField(FieldPtr field_, bool force_) {
+ if(!field_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+// myDebug() << "BibtexCollection::deleteField()" << endl;
+ bool success = true;
+ QString bibtex = field_->property(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex"));
+ if(!bibtex.isEmpty()) {
+ success &= m_bibtexFieldDict.remove(bibtex);
+ }
+ return success && Collection::removeField(field_, force_);
+Tellico::Data::FieldPtr BibtexCollection::fieldByBibtexName(const QString& bibtex_) const {
+ return m_bibtexFieldDict.isEmpty() ? 0 : m_bibtexFieldDict.find(bibtex_);
+// same as BookCollection::sameEntry()
+int BibtexCollection::sameEntry(Data::EntryPtr entry1_, Data::EntryPtr entry2_) const {
+ // equal isbn's or lccn's are easy, give it a weight of 100
+ if(Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("isbn"), this) > 0 ||
+ Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("lccn"), this) > 0 ||
+ Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("doi"), this) > 0 ||
+ Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("pmid"), this) > 0 ||
+ Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("arxiv"), this) > 0) {
+ return 100; // good match
+ }
+ int res = 3*Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("title"), this);
+// if(res == 0) {
+// myDebug() << "BookCollection::sameEntry() - different titles for " << entry1_->title() << " vs. "
+// << entry2_->title() << endl;
+// }
+ res += Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("author"), this);
+ res += Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("cr_year"), this);
+ res += Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("pub_year"), this);
+ res += Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("binding"), this);
+ return res;
+// static
+Tellico::Data::CollPtr BibtexCollection::convertBookCollection(CollPtr coll_) {
+ const QString bibtex = QString::fromLatin1("bibtex");
+ KSharedPtr<BibtexCollection> coll = new BibtexCollection(false, coll_->title());
+ FieldVec fields = coll_->fields();
+ for(FieldVec::Iterator fIt = fields.begin(); fIt != fields.end(); ++fIt) {
+ FieldPtr field = new Data::Field(*fIt);
+ // if it already has a bibtex property, skip it
+ if(!field->property(bibtex).isEmpty()) {
+ coll->addField(field);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // be sure to set bibtex property before adding it though
+ QString name = field->name();
+ // this first group has bibtex field names the same as their own field name
+ if(name == Latin1Literal("title")
+ || name == Latin1Literal("author")
+ || name == Latin1Literal("editor")
+ || name == Latin1Literal("edition")
+ || name == Latin1Literal("publisher")
+ || name == Latin1Literal("isbn")
+ || name == Latin1Literal("lccn")
+ || name == Latin1Literal("url")
+ || name == Latin1Literal("language")
+ || name == Latin1Literal("pages")
+ || name == Latin1Literal("series")) {
+ field->setProperty(bibtex, name);
+ } else if(name == Latin1Literal("series_num")) {
+ field->setProperty(bibtex, QString::fromLatin1("number"));
+ } else if(name == Latin1Literal("pur_price")) {
+ field->setProperty(bibtex, QString::fromLatin1("price"));
+ } else if(name == Latin1Literal("cr_year")) {
+ field->setProperty(bibtex, QString::fromLatin1("year"));
+ } else if(name == Latin1Literal("bibtex-id")) {
+ field->setProperty(bibtex, QString::fromLatin1("key"));
+ } else if(name == Latin1Literal("keyword")) {
+ field->setProperty(bibtex, QString::fromLatin1("keywords"));
+ } else if(name == Latin1Literal("comments")) {
+ field->setProperty(bibtex, QString::fromLatin1("note"));
+ }
+ coll->addField(field);
+ }
+ // also need to add required fields
+ FieldVec vec = defaultFields();
+ for(FieldVec::Iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) {
+ if(!coll->hasField(it->name()) && (it->flags() & Field::NoDelete)) {
+ // but don't add a Bibtex Key if there's already a bibtex-id
+ if(it->property(bibtex) != Latin1Literal("key")
+ || !coll->hasField(QString::fromLatin1("bibtex-id"))) {
+ coll->addField(it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // set the entry-type to book
+ FieldPtr field = coll->fieldByBibtexName(QString::fromLatin1("entry-type"));
+ QString entryTypeName;
+ if(field) {
+ entryTypeName = field->name();
+ } else {
+ kdWarning() << "BibtexCollection::convertBookCollection() - there must be an entry type field" << endl;
+ }
+ EntryVec newEntries;
+ for(EntryVec::ConstIterator entryIt = coll_->entries().begin(); entryIt != coll_->entries().end(); ++entryIt) {
+ Data::EntryPtr entry = new Entry(*entryIt);
+ entry->setCollection(;
+ if(!entryTypeName.isEmpty()) {
+ entry->setField(entryTypeName, QString::fromLatin1("book"));
+ }
+ newEntries.append(entry);
+ }
+ coll->addEntries(newEntries);
+ // now need to make sure all images are transferred
+ Document::self()->loadAllImagesNow();
+ return;
+#include "bibtexcollection.moc"
diff --git a/src/collections/bibtexcollection.h b/src/collections/bibtexcollection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..628cc37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/bibtexcollection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "../collection.h"
+namespace Tellico {
+ namespace Data {
+ * A collection specifically for bibliographies, in Bibtex format.
+ *
+ * It has the following standard attributes:
+ * @li Title
+ *
+ * @author Robby Stephenson
+ */
+class BibtexCollection : public Collection {
+ /**
+ * The constructor
+ *
+ * @param addFields A boolean indicating whether the default attributes should be added
+ * @param title The title of the collection
+ */
+ BibtexCollection(bool addFields, const QString& title = QString::null);
+ /**
+ */
+ virtual ~BibtexCollection() {}
+ virtual Type type() const { return Bibtex; }
+ virtual bool addField(FieldPtr field);
+ virtual bool modifyField(FieldPtr field);
+ virtual bool deleteField(FieldPtr field, bool force=false);
+ FieldPtr fieldByBibtexName(const QString& name) const;
+ const QString& preamble() const { return m_preamble; }
+ void setPreamble(const QString& preamble) { m_preamble = preamble; }
+ const StringMap& macroList() const { return m_macros; }
+ void setMacroList(StringMap map) { m_macros = map; }
+ void addMacro(const QString& key, const QString& value) { m_macros.insert(key, value); }
+ virtual int sameEntry(Data::EntryPtr entry1, Data::EntryPtr entry2) const;
+ static FieldVec defaultFields();
+ static CollPtr convertBookCollection(CollPtr coll);
+ QDict<Field> m_bibtexFieldDict;
+ QString m_preamble;
+ StringMap m_macros;
+ } // end namespace
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/src/collections/boardgamecollection.cpp b/src/collections/boardgamecollection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4899e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/boardgamecollection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2005-2006 by Robby Stephenson, Steve Beattie
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "boardgamecollection.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+namespace {
+ static const char* boardgame_general = I18N_NOOP("General");
+ static const char* boardgame_personal = I18N_NOOP("Personal");
+using Tellico::Data::BoardGameCollection;
+BoardGameCollection::BoardGameCollection(bool addFields_, const QString& title_ /*=null*/)
+ : Collection(title_.isEmpty() ? i18n("My Board Games") : title_) {
+ if(addFields_) {
+ addFields(defaultFields());
+ }
+ setDefaultGroupField(QString::fromLatin1("genre"));
+Tellico::Data::FieldVec BoardGameCollection::defaultFields() {
+ FieldVec list;
+ FieldPtr field;
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("title"), i18n("Title"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(boardgame_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::NoDelete);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("genre"), i18n("Genre"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(boardgame_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("mechanism"), i18n("Mechanism"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(boardgame_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("year"), i18n("Release Year"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(boardgame_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("publisher"), i18n("Publisher"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(boardgame_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("designer"), i18n("Designer"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(boardgame_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("num-player"), i18n("Number of Players"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(boardgame_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("description"), i18n("Description"), Field::Para);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("rating"), i18n("Rating"), Field::Rating);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(boardgame_personal));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_date"), i18n("Purchase Date"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(boardgame_personal));
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatDate);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("gift"), i18n("Gift"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(boardgame_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_price"), i18n("Purchase Price"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(boardgame_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("loaned"), i18n("Loaned"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(boardgame_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("cover"), i18n("Cover"), Field::Image);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("comments"), i18n("Comments"), Field::Para);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(boardgame_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ return list;
+#include "boardgamecollection.moc"
diff --git a/src/collections/boardgamecollection.h b/src/collections/boardgamecollection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..642fc31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/boardgamecollection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2005-2006 by Robby Stephenson, Steve Beattie
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "../collection.h"
+namespace Tellico {
+ namespace Data {
+ * A collection for board (not bored) games.
+ */
+class BoardGameCollection : public Collection {
+ /**
+ * The constructor
+ *
+ * @param addFields Whether to add the default attributes
+ * @param title The title of the collection
+ */
+ BoardGameCollection(bool addFields, const QString& title = QString::null);
+ virtual Type type() const { return BoardGame; }
+ static FieldVec defaultFields();
+ } // end namespace
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/src/collections/bookcollection.cpp b/src/collections/bookcollection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0137156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/bookcollection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "bookcollection.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+namespace {
+ static const char* book_general = I18N_NOOP("General");
+ static const char* book_publishing = I18N_NOOP("Publishing");
+ static const char* book_classification = I18N_NOOP("Classification");
+ static const char* book_personal = I18N_NOOP("Personal");
+using Tellico::Data::BookCollection;
+BookCollection::BookCollection(bool addFields_, const QString& title_ /*=null*/)
+ : Collection(title_.isEmpty() ? i18n("My Books") : title_) {
+ if(addFields_) {
+ addFields(defaultFields());
+ }
+ setDefaultGroupField(QString::fromLatin1("author"));
+Tellico::Data::FieldVec BookCollection::defaultFields() {
+ FieldVec list;
+ FieldPtr field;
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("title"), i18n("Title"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n("General"));
+ field->setFlags(Field::NoDelete);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("subtitle"), i18n("Subtitle"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_general));
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("author"), i18n("Author"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatName);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("editor"), i18n("Editor"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatName);
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList binding;
+ binding << i18n("Hardback") << i18n("Paperback") << i18n("Trade Paperback")
+ << i18n("E-Book") << i18n("Magazine") << i18n("Journal");
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("binding"), i18n("Binding"), binding);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_date"), i18n("Purchase Date"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_general));
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatDate);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_price"), i18n("Purchase Price"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_general));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("publisher"), i18n("Publisher"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("edition"), i18n("Edition"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("cr_year"), i18n("Copyright Year"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped | Field::AllowMultiple);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pub_year"), i18n("Publication Year"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("isbn"), i18n("ISBN#"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_publishing));
+ field->setDescription(i18n("International Standard Book Number"));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("lccn"), i18n("LCCN#"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_publishing));
+ field->setDescription(i18n("Library of Congress Control Number"));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pages"), i18n("Pages"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_publishing));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("translator"), i18n("Translator"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatName);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("language"), i18n("Language"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped | Field::AllowMultiple);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("genre"), i18n("Genre"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_classification));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ // in document versions < 3, this was "keywords" and not "keyword"
+ // but the title didn't change, only the name
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("keyword"), i18n("Keywords"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_classification));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("series"), i18n("Series"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_classification));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("series_num"), i18n("Series Number"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_classification));
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList cond;
+ cond << i18n("New") << i18n("Used");
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("condition"), i18n("Condition"), cond);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_classification));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("signed"), i18n("Signed"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("read"), i18n("Read"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("gift"), i18n("Gift"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("loaned"), i18n("Loaned"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("rating"), i18n("Rating"), Field::Rating);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_personal));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("cover"), i18n("Front Cover"), Field::Image);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("comments"), i18n("Comments"), Field::Para);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(book_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ return list;
+int BookCollection::sameEntry(Data::EntryPtr entry1_, Data::EntryPtr entry2_) const {
+ // equal isbn's or lccn's are easy, give it a weight of 100
+ if(Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("isbn"), this) > 0 ||
+ Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("lccn"), this) > 0) {
+ return 100; // good match
+ }
+ int res = 3*Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("title"), this);
+// if(res == 0) {
+// myDebug() << "BookCollection::sameEntry() - different titles for " << entry1_->title() << " vs. "
+// << entry2_->title() << endl;
+// }
+ res += 2*Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("author"), this);
+ res += Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("cr_year"), this);
+ res += Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("pub_year"), this);
+ res += Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("binding"), this);
+ return res;
+#include "bookcollection.moc"
diff --git a/src/collections/bookcollection.h b/src/collections/bookcollection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0236dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/bookcollection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "../collection.h"
+namespace Tellico {
+ namespace Data {
+ * A collection for books.
+ *
+ * It has the following standard attributes:
+ * @li Title
+ * @li Subtitle
+ * @li Author
+ * @li Binding
+ * @li Purchase Date
+ * @li Purchase Price
+ * @li Publisher
+ * @li Edition
+ * @li Copyright Year
+ * @li Publication Year
+ * @li ISBN Number
+ * @li Library of Congress Catalog Number
+ * @li Pages
+ * @li Language
+ * @li Genre
+ * @li Keywords
+ * @li Series
+ * @li Series Number
+ * @li Condition
+ * @li Signed
+ * @li Read
+ * @li Gift
+ * @li Loaned
+ * @li Rating
+ * @li Comments
+ *
+ * @author Robby Stephenson
+ */
+class BookCollection : public Collection {
+ /**
+ * The constructor
+ *
+ * @param addFields Whether to add the default attributes
+ * @param title The title of the collection
+ */
+ BookCollection(bool addFields, const QString& title = QString::null);
+ virtual Type type() const { return Book; }
+ virtual int sameEntry(Data::EntryPtr entry1, Data::EntryPtr entry2) const;
+ static FieldVec defaultFields();
+ } // end namespace
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/src/collections/cardcollection.cpp b/src/collections/cardcollection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c29ad7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/cardcollection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "cardcollection.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+namespace {
+ static const char* card_general = I18N_NOOP("General");
+ static const char* card_personal = I18N_NOOP("Personal");
+using Tellico::Data::CardCollection;
+CardCollection::CardCollection(bool addFields_, const QString& title_ /*=null*/)
+ : Collection(title_.isEmpty() ? i18n("My Cards") : title_) {
+ if(addFields_) {
+ addFields(defaultFields());
+ }
+ setDefaultGroupField(QString::fromLatin1("series"));
+Tellico::Data::FieldVec CardCollection::defaultFields() {
+ FieldVec list;
+ FieldPtr field;
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("title"), i18n("Title"), Field::Dependent);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(card_general));
+ field->setDescription(QString::fromLatin1("%{year} %{brand} %{player}"));
+ field->setFlags(Field::NoDelete);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("player"), i18n("Player"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(card_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatName);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("team"), i18n("Team"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(card_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("brand"), i18n("Brand"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(card_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ // might not be totally numeric!
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("number"), i18n("Card Number"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(card_general));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("year"), i18n("Year"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(card_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("series"), i18n("Series"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(card_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("type"), i18n("Card Type"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(card_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_date"), i18n("Purchase Date"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(card_personal));
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatDate);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_price"), i18n("Purchase Price"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(card_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("location"), i18n("Location"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(card_personal));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("gift"), i18n("Gift"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(card_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("keyword"), i18n("Keywords"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(card_personal));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("quantity"), i18n("Quantity"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(card_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("front"), i18n("Front Image"), Field::Image);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("back"), i18n("Back Image"), Field::Image);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("comments"), i18n("Comments"), Field::Para);
+ list.append(field);
+ return list;
+#include "cardcollection.moc"
diff --git a/src/collections/cardcollection.h b/src/collections/cardcollection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61fd2b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/cardcollection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "../collection.h"
+namespace Tellico {
+ namespace Data {
+ * A collection for sports cards.
+ *
+ * It has the following standard attributes:
+ * @li Title
+ *
+ * @author Robby Stephenson
+ */
+class CardCollection : public Collection {
+ /**
+ * The constructor
+ *
+ * @param addFields A boolean indicating whether the default attributes should be added
+ * @param title The title of the collection
+ */
+ CardCollection(bool addFields, const QString& title = QString::null);
+ virtual Type type() const { return Card; }
+ static FieldVec defaultFields();
+ } // end namespace
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/src/collections/coincollection.cpp b/src/collections/coincollection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cd2ec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/coincollection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "coincollection.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+namespace {
+ static const char* coin_general = I18N_NOOP("General");
+ static const char* coin_personal = I18N_NOOP("Personal");
+using Tellico::Data::CoinCollection;
+CoinCollection::CoinCollection(bool addFields_, const QString& title_ /*=null*/)
+ : Collection(title_.isEmpty() ? i18n("My Coins") : title_) {
+ if(addFields_) {
+ addFields(defaultFields());
+ }
+ setDefaultGroupField(QString::fromLatin1("denomination"));
+Tellico::Data::FieldVec CoinCollection::defaultFields() {
+ FieldVec list;
+ FieldPtr field;
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("title"), i18n("Title"), Field::Dependent);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(coin_general));
+ // not i18n()
+ field->setDescription(QString::fromLatin1("%{year}%{mintmark} %{type} %{denomination}"));
+ field->setFlags(Field::NoDelete);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("type"), i18n("Type"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(coin_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ /* TRANSLATORS: denomination refers to the monetary value. */
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("denomination"), i18n("Denomination"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(coin_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("year"), i18n("Year"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(coin_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("mintmark"), i18n("Mint Mark"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(coin_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("country"), i18n("Country"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(coin_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("set"), i18n("Coin Set"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(coin_general));
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList grade = QStringList::split(QRegExp(QString::fromLatin1("\\s*,\\s*")),
+ i18n("Coin grade levels - "
+ "Proof-65,Proof-60,Mint State-65,Mint State-60,"
+ "Almost Uncirculated-55,Almost Uncirculated-50,"
+ "Extremely Fine-40,Very Fine-30,Very Fine-20,Fine-12,"
+ "Very Good-8,Good-4,Fair",
+ "Proof-65,Proof-60,Mint State-65,Mint State-60,"
+ "Almost Uncirculated-55,Almost Uncirculated-50,"
+ "Extremely Fine-40,Very Fine-30,Very Fine-20,Fine-12,"
+ "Very Good-8,Good-4,Fair"),
+ false);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("grade"), i18n("Grade"), grade);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(coin_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList service = QStringList::split(QRegExp(QString::fromLatin1("\\s*,\\s*")),
+ i18n("Coin grading services - "
+ false);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("service"), i18n("Grading Service"), service);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(coin_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_date"), i18n("Purchase Date"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(coin_personal));
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatDate);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_price"), i18n("Purchase Price"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(coin_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("location"), i18n("Location"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(coin_personal));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("gift"), i18n("Gift"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(coin_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("obverse"), i18n("Obverse"), Field::Image);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("reverse"), i18n("Reverse"), Field::Image);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("comments"), i18n("Comments"), Field::Para);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(coin_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ return list;
+#include "coincollection.moc"
diff --git a/src/collections/coincollection.h b/src/collections/coincollection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d22937d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/coincollection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "../collection.h"
+namespace Tellico {
+ namespace Data {
+ * A collection for coins.
+ *
+ * It has the following standard attributes:
+ * @li Title
+ *
+ * @author Robby Stephenson
+ */
+class CoinCollection : public Collection {
+ /**
+ * The constructor
+ *
+ * @param addFields Whether to add the default attributes
+ * @param title The title of the collection
+ */
+ CoinCollection(bool addFields, const QString& title = QString::null);
+ virtual Type type() const { return Coin; }
+ static FieldVec defaultFields();
+ } // end namespace
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/src/collections/comicbookcollection.cpp b/src/collections/comicbookcollection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30e1ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/comicbookcollection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "comicbookcollection.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+namespace {
+ static const char* comic_general = I18N_NOOP("General");
+ static const char* comic_publishing = I18N_NOOP("Publishing");
+ static const char* comic_classification = I18N_NOOP("Classification");
+ static const char* comic_personal = I18N_NOOP("Personal");
+using Tellico::Data::ComicBookCollection;
+ComicBookCollection::ComicBookCollection(bool addFields_, const QString& title_ /*=null*/)
+ : Collection(title_.isEmpty() ? i18n("My Comic Books") : title_) {
+ if(addFields_) {
+ addFields(defaultFields());
+ }
+ setDefaultGroupField(QString::fromLatin1("series"));
+Tellico::Data::FieldVec ComicBookCollection::defaultFields() {
+ FieldVec list;
+ FieldPtr field;
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("title"), i18n("Title"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::NoDelete);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("subtitle"), i18n("Subtitle"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_general));
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("writer"), i18n("Writer"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatName);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("artist"), i18n("Comic Book Illustrator", "Artist"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatName);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("series"), i18n("Series"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("issue"), i18n("Issue"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowMultiple);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("publisher"), i18n("Publisher"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("edition"), i18n("Edition"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pub_year"), i18n("Publication Year"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pages"), i18n("Pages"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_publishing));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("country"), i18n("Country"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped | Field::AllowMultiple);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("language"), i18n("Language"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_publishing));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped | Field::AllowMultiple);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("genre"), i18n("Genre"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_classification));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("keyword"), i18n("Keywords"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_classification));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList cond = QStringList::split(QRegExp(QString::fromLatin1("\\s*,\\s*")),
+ i18n("Comic book grade levels - "
+ "Mint,Near Mint,Very Fine,Fine,Very Good,Good,Fair,Poor",
+ "Mint,Near Mint,Very Fine,Fine,Very Good,Good,Fair,Poor"),
+ false);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("condition"), i18n("Condition"), cond);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_classification));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_date"), i18n("Purchase Date"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_personal));
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatDate);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_price"), i18n("Purchase Price"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("signed"), i18n("Signed"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("gift"), i18n("Gift"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("loaned"), i18n("Loaned"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("cover"), i18n("Front Cover"), Field::Image);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("comments"), i18n("Comments"), Field::Para);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(comic_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ return list;
+#include "comicbookcollection.moc"
diff --git a/src/collections/comicbookcollection.h b/src/collections/comicbookcollection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36302c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/comicbookcollection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "../collection.h"
+namespace Tellico {
+ namespace Data {
+ * A collection for comic books.
+ *
+ * It has the following standard attributes:
+ * @li Title
+ *
+ * @author Robby Stephenson
+ */
+class ComicBookCollection : public Collection {
+ /**
+ * The constructor
+ *
+ * @param title The title of the collection
+ */
+ ComicBookCollection(bool addFields, const QString& title = QString::null);
+ virtual Type type() const { return ComicBook; }
+ static FieldVec defaultFields();
+ } // end namespace
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/src/collections/filecatalog.cpp b/src/collections/filecatalog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d375be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/filecatalog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2005-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "filecatalog.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+namespace {
+ static const char* file_general = I18N_NOOP("General");
+using Tellico::Data::FileCatalog;
+FileCatalog::FileCatalog(bool addFields_, const QString& title_ /*=null*/)
+ : Collection(title_.isEmpty() ? i18n("My Files") : title_) {
+ if(addFields_) {
+ addFields(defaultFields());
+ }
+ setDefaultGroupField(QString::fromLatin1("volume"));
+Tellico::Data::FieldVec FileCatalog::defaultFields() {
+ FieldVec list;
+ FieldPtr field;
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("title"), i18n("Name"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(file_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::NoDelete);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("url"), i18n("URL"), Field::URL);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(file_general));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("description"), i18n("Description"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(file_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("volume"), i18n("Volume"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(file_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("folder"), i18n("Folder"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(file_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("mimetype"), i18n("Mimetype"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(file_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("size"), i18n("Size"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(file_general));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("permissions"), i18n("Permissions"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(file_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("owner"), i18n("Owner"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(file_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("group"), i18n("Group"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(file_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ // these dates are string fields, not dates, since the time is included
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("created"), i18n("Created"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(file_general));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("modified"), i18n("Modified"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(file_general));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("metainfo"), i18n("Meta Info"), Field::Table);
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("columns"), QChar('2'));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("column1"), i18n("Property"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("column2"), i18n("Value"));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("icon"), i18n("Icon"), Field::Image);
+ list.append(field);
+ return list;
+#include "filecatalog.moc"
diff --git a/src/collections/filecatalog.h b/src/collections/filecatalog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa7a82c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/filecatalog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2005-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "../collection.h"
+namespace Tellico {
+ namespace Data {
+ * @author Robby Stephenson
+ */
+class FileCatalog : public Collection {
+ FileCatalog(bool addFields, const QString& title = QString::null);
+ virtual Type type() const { return File; }
+ static FieldVec defaultFields();
+ } // end namespace
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/src/collections/gamecollection.cpp b/src/collections/gamecollection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b93176f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/gamecollection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2005-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "gamecollection.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+namespace {
+ static const char* game_general = I18N_NOOP("General");
+ static const char* game_personal = I18N_NOOP("Personal");
+using Tellico::Data::GameCollection;
+GameCollection::GameCollection(bool addFields_, const QString& title_ /*=null*/)
+ : Collection(title_.isEmpty() ? i18n("My Games") : title_) {
+ if(addFields_) {
+ addFields(defaultFields());
+ }
+ setDefaultGroupField(QString::fromLatin1("platform"));
+Tellico::Data::FieldVec GameCollection::defaultFields() {
+ FieldVec list;
+ FieldPtr field;
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("title"), i18n("Title"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(game_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::NoDelete);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList platform;
+ platform << i18n("Xbox 360") << i18n("Xbox")
+ << i18n("PlayStation3") << i18n("PlayStation2") << i18n("PlayStation") << i18n("PlayStation Portable", "PSP")
+ << i18n("Nintendo Wii") << i18n("Nintendo DS") << i18n("GameCube") << i18n("Dreamcast")
+ << i18n("Game Boy Advance") << i18n("Game Boy Color") << i18n("Game Boy")
+ << i18n("Windows Platform", "Windows") << i18n("Mac OS") << i18n("Linux");
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("platform"), i18n("Platform"), platform);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(game_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("genre"), i18n("Genre"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(game_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("year"), i18n("Release Year"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(game_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("publisher"), i18n("Games - Publisher", "Publisher"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(game_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("developer"), i18n("Developer"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(game_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList cert = QStringList::split(QRegExp(QString::fromLatin1("\\s*,\\s*")),
+ i18n("Video game ratings - "
+ "Unrated, Adults Only, Mature, Teen, Everyone, Early Childhood, Pending",
+ "Unrated, Adults Only, Mature, Teen, Everyone, Early Childhood, Pending"),
+ false);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("certification"), i18n("ESRB Rating"), cert);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(game_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("description"), i18n("Description"), Field::Para);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("rating"), i18n("Personal Rating"), Field::Rating);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(game_personal));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("completed"), i18n("Completed"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(game_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_date"), i18n("Purchase Date"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(game_personal));
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatDate);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("gift"), i18n("Gift"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(game_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_price"), i18n("Purchase Price"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(game_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("loaned"), i18n("Loaned"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(game_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("cover"), i18n("Cover"), Field::Image);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("comments"), i18n("Comments"), Field::Para);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(game_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ return list;
+#include "gamecollection.moc"
diff --git a/src/collections/gamecollection.h b/src/collections/gamecollection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d6ce92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/gamecollection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2005-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "../collection.h"
+namespace Tellico {
+ namespace Data {
+ * A collection for games.
+ */
+class GameCollection : public Collection {
+ /**
+ * The constructor
+ *
+ * @param addFields Whether to add the default attributes
+ * @param title The title of the collection
+ */
+ GameCollection(bool addFields, const QString& title = QString::null);
+ virtual Type type() const { return Game; }
+ static FieldVec defaultFields();
+ } // end namespace
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/src/collections/musiccollection.cpp b/src/collections/musiccollection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3c0445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/musiccollection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "musiccollection.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+namespace {
+ static const char* music_general = I18N_NOOP("General");
+ static const char* music_personal = I18N_NOOP("Personal");
+using Tellico::Data::MusicCollection;
+MusicCollection::MusicCollection(bool addFields_, const QString& title_ /*=null*/)
+ : Collection(title_.isEmpty() ? i18n("My Music") : title_) {
+ if(addFields_) {
+ addFields(defaultFields());
+ }
+ setDefaultGroupField(QString::fromLatin1("artist"));
+Tellico::Data::FieldVec MusicCollection::defaultFields() {
+ FieldVec list;
+ FieldPtr field;
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("title"), i18n("Album"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(music_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::NoDelete | Field::AllowCompletion);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList media;
+ media << i18n("Compact Disc") << i18n("DVD") << i18n("Cassette") << i18n("Vinyl");
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("medium"), i18n("Medium"), media);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(music_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("artist"), i18n("Artist"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(music_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped | Field::AllowMultiple);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle); // don't use FormatName
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("label"), i18n("Label"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(music_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped | Field::AllowMultiple);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("year"), i18n("Year"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(music_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("genre"), i18n("Genre"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(music_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("track"), i18n("Tracks"), Field::Table);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("columns"), QChar('3'));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("column1"), i18n("Title"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("column2"), i18n("Artist"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("column3"), i18n("Length"));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("rating"), i18n("Rating"), Field::Rating);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(music_personal));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_date"), i18n("Purchase Date"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(music_personal));
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatDate);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("gift"), i18n("Gift"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(music_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_price"), i18n("Purchase Price"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(music_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("loaned"), i18n("Loaned"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(music_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("keyword"), i18n("Keywords"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(music_personal));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("cover"), i18n("Cover"), Field::Image);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("comments"), i18n("Comments"), Field::Para);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(music_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ return list;
+int MusicCollection::sameEntry(Data::EntryPtr entry1_, Data::EntryPtr entry2_) const {
+ // not enough for title to be equal, must also have another field
+ int res = 2*Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("title"), this);
+// if(res == 0) {
+// myDebug() << "MusicCollection::sameEntry() - different titles for " << entry1_->title() << " vs. "
+// << entry2_->title() << endl;
+// }
+ res += 2*Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("artist"), this);
+ res += Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("year"), this);
+ res += Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("label"), this);
+ res += Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("medium"), this);
+ return res;
+#include "musiccollection.moc"
diff --git a/src/collections/musiccollection.h b/src/collections/musiccollection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddada5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/musiccollection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "../collection.h"
+namespace Tellico {
+ namespace Data {
+ * A collection for music, like CD's and cassettes.
+ *
+ * It has the following standard attributes:
+ * @li Title
+ * @li Artist
+ * @li Album
+ * @li Year
+ * @li Genre
+ * @li Comments
+ *
+ * @author Robby Stephenson
+ */
+class MusicCollection : public Collection {
+ /**
+ * The constructor
+ *
+ * @param addFields Whether to add the default attributes
+ * @param title The title of the collection
+ */
+ MusicCollection(bool addFields, const QString& title = QString::null);
+ virtual Type type() const { return Album; }
+ virtual int sameEntry(Data::EntryPtr, Data::EntryPtr) const;
+ static FieldVec defaultFields();
+ } // end namespace
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/src/collections/stampcollection.cpp b/src/collections/stampcollection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c26da9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/stampcollection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "stampcollection.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+namespace {
+ static const char* stamp_general = I18N_NOOP("General");
+ static const char* stamp_condition = I18N_NOOP("Condition");
+ static const char* stamp_personal = I18N_NOOP("Personal");
+using Tellico::Data::StampCollection;
+StampCollection::StampCollection(bool addFields_, const QString& title_ /*=null*/)
+ : Collection(title_.isEmpty() ? i18n("My Stamps") : title_) {
+ if(addFields_) {
+ addFields(defaultFields());
+ }
+ setDefaultGroupField(QString::fromLatin1("denomination"));
+Tellico::Data::FieldVec StampCollection::defaultFields() {
+ FieldVec list;
+ FieldPtr field;
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("title"), i18n("Title"), Field::Dependent);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_general));
+ field->setDescription(QString::fromLatin1("%{year} %{description} %{denomination}"));
+ field->setFlags(Field::NoDelete);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("description"), i18n("Description"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("denomination"), i18n("Denomination"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("country"), i18n("Country"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_general));
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("year"), i18n("Issue Year"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("color"), i18n("Color"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("scott"), i18n("Scott#"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_general));
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList grade = QStringList::split(QRegExp(QString::fromLatin1("\\s*,\\s*")),
+ i18n("Stamp grade levels - "
+ "Superb,Extremely Fine,Very Fine,Fine,Average,Poor",
+ "Superb,Extremely Fine,Very Fine,Fine,Average,Poor"),
+ false);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("grade"), i18n("Grade"), grade);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_condition));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("cancelled"), i18n("Cancelled"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_condition));
+ list.append(field);
+ /* TRANSLATORS: See */
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("hinged"), i18n("Hinged"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_condition));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("centering"), i18n("Centering"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_condition));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("gummed"), i18n("Gummed"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_condition));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_date"), i18n("Purchase Date"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_personal));
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatDate);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_price"), i18n("Purchase Price"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("location"), i18n("Location"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_personal));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("gift"), i18n("Gift"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(stamp_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("image"), i18n("Image"), Field::Image);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("comments"), i18n("Comments"), Field::Para);
+ list.append(field);
+ return list;
+#include "stampcollection.moc"
diff --git a/src/collections/stampcollection.h b/src/collections/stampcollection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b81623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/stampcollection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "../collection.h"
+namespace Tellico {
+ namespace Data {
+ * A stamp collection.
+ *
+ * It has the following standard attributes:
+ * @li Title
+ * @li Description
+ * @li Denomination
+ * @li Country
+ * @li Year
+ * @li Color
+ * @li Scott
+ * @li Grade
+ * @li Cancelled
+ * @li Hinged
+ * @li Centering
+ * @li Gummed
+ * @li Pur_date
+ * @li Pur_price
+ * @li Location
+ * @li Gift
+ * @li Image
+ * @li Comments
+ *
+ * @author Robby Stephenson
+ */
+class StampCollection : public Collection {
+ /**
+ * The constructor
+ *
+ * @param addFields A boolean indicating whether the default attributes should be added
+ * @param title The title of the collection
+ */
+ StampCollection(bool addFields, const QString& title = QString::null);
+ virtual Type type() const { return Stamp; }
+ static FieldVec defaultFields();
+ } // end namespace
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/src/collections/videocollection.cpp b/src/collections/videocollection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad83b5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/videocollection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "videocollection.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+namespace {
+ static const char* video_general = I18N_NOOP("General");
+ static const char* video_people = I18N_NOOP("Other People");
+ static const char* video_features = I18N_NOOP("Features");
+ static const char* video_personal = I18N_NOOP("Personal");
+using Tellico::Data::VideoCollection;
+VideoCollection::VideoCollection(bool addFields_, const QString& title_ /*=null*/)
+ : Collection(title_.isEmpty() ? i18n("My Videos") : title_) {
+ if(addFields_) {
+ addFields(defaultFields());
+ }
+ setDefaultGroupField(QString::fromLatin1("genre"));
+Tellico::Data::FieldVec VideoCollection::defaultFields() {
+ FieldVec list;
+ FieldPtr field;
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("title"), i18n("Title"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n("General"));
+ field->setFlags(Field::NoDelete);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatTitle);
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList media;
+ media << i18n("DVD") << i18n("VHS") << i18n("VCD") << i18n("DivX") << i18n("Blu-ray") << i18n("HD DVD");
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("medium"), i18n("Medium"), media);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("year"), i18n("Production Year"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList cert = QStringList::split(QRegExp(QString::fromLatin1("\\s*,\\s*")),
+ i18n("Movie ratings - "
+ "G (USA),PG (USA),PG-13 (USA),R (USA), U (USA)",
+ "G (USA),PG (USA),PG-13 (USA),R (USA), U (USA)"),
+ false);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("certification"), i18n("Certification"), cert);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("genre"), i18n("Genre"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList region;
+ region << i18n("Region 1")
+ << i18n("Region 2")
+ << i18n("Region 3")
+ << i18n("Region 4")
+ << i18n("Region 5")
+ << i18n("Region 6")
+ << i18n("Region 7")
+ << i18n("Region 8");
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("region"), i18n("Region"), region);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("nationality"), i18n("Nationality"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList format;
+ format << i18n("NTSC") << i18n("PAL") << i18n("SECAM");
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("format"), i18n("Format"), format);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("cast"), i18n("Cast"), Field::Table);
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("columns"), QChar('2'));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("column1"), i18n("Actor/Actress"));
+ field->setProperty(QString::fromLatin1("column2"), i18n("Role"));
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatName);
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setDescription(i18n("A table for the cast members, along with the roles they play"));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("director"), i18n("Director"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_people));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatName);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("producer"), i18n("Producer"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_people));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatName);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("writer"), i18n("Writer"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_people));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatName);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("composer"), i18n("Composer"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_people));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatName);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("studio"), i18n("Studio"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_people));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("language"), i18n("Language Tracks"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_features));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("subtitle"), i18n("Subtitle Languages"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_features));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("audio-track"), i18n("Audio Tracks"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_features));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("running-time"), i18n("Running Time"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_features));
+ field->setDescription(i18n("The running time of the video (in minutes)"));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("aspect-ratio"), i18n("Aspect Ratio"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_features));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("widescreen"), i18n("Widescreen"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_features));
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList color;
+ color << i18n("Color") << i18n("Black & White");
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("color"), i18n("Color Mode"), color);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_features));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("directors-cut"), i18n("Director's Cut"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_features));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("plot"), i18n("Plot Summary"), Field::Para);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("rating"), i18n("Personal Rating"), Field::Rating);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_personal));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_date"), i18n("Purchase Date"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_personal));
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatDate);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("gift"), i18n("Gift"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_price"), i18n("Purchase Price"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("loaned"), i18n("Loaned"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("keyword"), i18n("Keywords"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(video_personal));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowMultiple | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("cover"), i18n("Cover"), Field::Image);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("comments"), i18n("Comments"), Field::Para);
+ list.append(field);
+ return list;
+int VideoCollection::sameEntry(Data::EntryPtr entry1_, Data::EntryPtr entry2_) const {
+ // not enough for title to be equal, must also have another field
+ // ever possible for a studio to do two movies with identical titles?
+ int res = 3*Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("title"), this);
+// if(res == 0) {
+// myDebug() << "VideoCollection::sameEntry() - different titles for " << entry1_->title() << " vs. "
+// << entry2_->title() << endl;
+// }
+ res += Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("year"), this);
+ res += Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("director"), this);
+ res += Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("studio"), this);
+ res += Entry::compareValues(entry1_, entry2_, QString::fromLatin1("medium"), this);
+ return res;
+#include "videocollection.moc"
diff --git a/src/collections/videocollection.h b/src/collections/videocollection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58f729c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/videocollection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "../collection.h"
+namespace Tellico {
+ namespace Data {
+ * A collection for videos.
+ *
+ * It has the following standard attributes:
+ * @li Title
+ * @li Year
+ * @li Genre
+ * @li Medium
+ * @li Comments
+ *
+ * @author Robby Stephenson
+ */
+class VideoCollection : public Collection {
+ /**
+ * The constructor
+ *
+ * @param addFields Whether to add the default attributes
+ * @param title The title of the collection
+ */
+ VideoCollection(bool addFields, const QString& title = QString::null);
+ virtual Type type() const { return Video; }
+ virtual int sameEntry(Data::EntryPtr, Data::EntryPtr) const;
+ static FieldVec defaultFields();
+ } // end namespace
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/src/collections/winecollection.cpp b/src/collections/winecollection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31bc5d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/winecollection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "winecollection.h"
+#include <klocale.h>
+namespace {
+ static const char* wine_general = I18N_NOOP("General");
+ static const char* wine_personal = I18N_NOOP("Personal");
+using Tellico::Data::WineCollection;
+WineCollection::WineCollection(bool addFields_, const QString& title_ /*=null*/)
+ : Collection(title_.isEmpty() ? i18n("My Wines") : title_) {
+ if(addFields_) {
+ addFields(defaultFields());
+ }
+ setDefaultGroupField(QString::fromLatin1("type"));
+Tellico::Data::FieldVec WineCollection::defaultFields() {
+ FieldVec list;
+ FieldPtr field;
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("title"), i18n("Title"), Field::Dependent);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(wine_general));
+ field->setDescription(QString::fromLatin1("%{vintage} %{producer} %{varietal}"));
+ field->setFlags(Field::NoDelete);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("producer"), i18n("Producer"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(wine_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("appellation"), i18n("Appellation"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(wine_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("varietal"), i18n("Varietal"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(wine_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("vintage"), i18n("Vintage"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(wine_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ QStringList type;
+ type << i18n("Red Wine") << i18n("White Wine") << i18n("Sparkling Wine");
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("type"), i18n("Type"), type);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(wine_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("country"), i18n("Country"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(wine_general));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatPlain);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_date"), i18n("Purchase Date"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(wine_personal));
+ field->setFormatFlag(Field::FormatDate);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("pur_price"), i18n("Purchase Price"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(wine_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("location"), i18n("Location"));
+ field->setCategory(i18n(wine_personal));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowCompletion | Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("quantity"), i18n("Quantity"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(wine_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("drink-by"), i18n("Drink By"), Field::Number);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(wine_personal));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("rating"), i18n("Rating"), Field::Rating);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(wine_personal));
+ field->setFlags(Field::AllowGrouped);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("gift"), i18n("Gift"), Field::Bool);
+ field->setCategory(i18n(wine_personal));
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("label"), i18n("Label Image"), Field::Image);
+ list.append(field);
+ field = new Field(QString::fromLatin1("comments"), i18n("Comments"), Field::Para);
+ list.append(field);
+ return list;
+#include "winecollection.moc"
diff --git a/src/collections/winecollection.h b/src/collections/winecollection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..236a9cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/collections/winecollection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ copyright : (C) 2003-2006 by Robby Stephenson
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "../collection.h"
+namespace Tellico {
+ namespace Data {
+ * A wine collection.
+ *
+ * It has the following standard attributes:
+ * @li Title
+ * @li Artist
+ * @li Album
+ * @li Year
+ * @li Genre
+ * @li Comments
+ *
+ * @author Robby Stephenson
+ */
+class WineCollection : public Collection {
+ /**
+ * The constructor
+ *
+ * @param addFields A boolean indicating whether the default attributes should be added
+ * @param title The title of the collection
+ */
+ WineCollection(bool addFields, const QString& title = QString::null);
+ virtual Type type() const { return Wine; }
+ static FieldVec defaultFields();
+ } // end namespace
+} // end namespace